
Vols.II and III. Miscellaneous papers on chronology arranged in no particular order, unless otherwise stated in the proper place.


Mention has already been made of a previous attempt by the Ekins at clarification regarding many of the papers as correspondence, but as Newton used it - old correspondence are of used scrap-paper for his notes.

The following list of letters thus extracted is preserved as some guide to the letters which may be found among the papers.


Letter from Sir Isaac concerning weights kept at the Mint, dated Aug. 14. 1712. ætat. 70.

Letter from Sir Isaac to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury dated in his office Iune 26. 1722.ætat. 80.

Letter to Sir Isaac Newton with calculations & remarks written on the back

Letter from Calverley Pinkney dated Sept.5 - 1719. ætat. 77.

Letter from M. Pilkington of thanks for money received dated Oct.30. 1712 ætat. 80.

Letter from Augustus Tampynn dated April 3d. 1723. ætat 81.

Letter from Newton Chapman dated Oct. 23. 1725 ætat. 83.

Letter from J. Bayner - Jan. 21. 1722/ ætat. 80.

Letter from H. Smithson - May 26. 1717. ætat. 75.

Letter from Richard Hindon - June 9. 1725. ætat. 89.

– From H. Jackson with astronomical calculations on the back dated June 8. 1726. ætat. 84.

– From Littleton Powys - dated Dec. 14. 1721. ætat. 79.


Letter from Cha. Kewson with Grecian Chronology on the back - dated Dec. 31. 1723 –

A receipt for money received from Sir Isaac      dated 1722.

Letter from Iohn Corkor - June 21. 1717.

Letter from Amb. Warren with mathematical calculations in Latin - Dec. 19. 1721.

Reverend J. Ekins Mor{fe}th


Loose papers relating to the Chronology which d{illeg} follow m{illeg} of them with C{illeg}ly – In one there is a computation {illeg}the reigns in England for w{illeg} he reckons - Cromwell's o{illeg} Examined by J C –May - 1729


Loose papers relating to the Astronomical proofs of the Chronology Examined - May 1729


– through the middle of those constellations

For Hipparchus tells us that Eudoxus drew the Colure of the Solstices through the middle of the great Bear & the middle of Cancer & the neck of Hydrus, & the star between the Poop & Mast of Argo & the tail of the south fish & through the middle of Capricorn & of Sagitta & through the neck & right wing of the Swan & left hand of Cepheus – – – & within 9'.50'' of the third. To make it pass as near as can be in the middle of these three stars, it should cut the Ecliptic in 5. 45.37, & 5. 54. 37. And if it be drawn in the middle between the two places 5. 50. 36 & 5. 54. 37 it will cut the Ecliptic in 5. 52. 36 & 5. 52. 36. This Colure passes also through the middle of the great Bear – – – – described by Eudoxus.

The back of Aries through which the Equinoxical Colure should pass is a star of the sixt magnitude marked η by Bayer. Its longitude in the end of the year 1660 was 9°.22'. 57'' & north latitude 6°.7'. 20''. And the colure drawn through this star to the Ecliptick in an Angle of 66gr 30' the complement of the angle in which the Ecliptick cuts the Equator did then cut the Ecliptic in 6. 41. 34.

The back of Aries through which the Equinoctial Colure should pass is a star of the sixt magnitude marked η by Bayer Its longitude in the beginning of the year 1690 was 9gr.48'.35'' & north Latitude 6gr. 7'. 56''. And the Colure drawn through this star to the Ecliptic in an Angle of 66gr. 30' (the complement of the angle in which the Ecliptic cuts the Equator) did then cut the Ecliptic in 7gr. 7'. 55''. So then the Æquinox between the Argonautic expedition & the beginning of the year 1690 moved backwards 37gr 7'. 55'' which after the rate of 72 years to a degree produces an interval of 2673 years which counted backwars from the end of the year 1689 places the Argonautick expedition in the 36th year of Solomons reign.


To Collonel Armstrong surveyor of the Ordnance
at his house in the Tower of London.

Sr The other day, I signed a Letter to you without duly considering it being sick at Kensington. I hope in a few days to be well enough to come abroad & as soon as I am able I intend to wait upon you at your house & explain the Letter with the business it concerns. I am

Chap. I

The ancient luni-solar year, & the reduction of it to the solar year by the Egyptians. The Asterisms & ancient sphere of the Greeks formed by Chiron & Musæus for the Argonauts, The places of the Equinoxes & Solstices in that sphere at the time of that expedition, & of The time of that expedition collected from thence. The time when the Egyptian solar year began at the vernal Equinox. The age of Memnon & the Trojan war collected from thence The uncertainty of the chronology of the ancient Greeks & the general error upon which is was founded videlicet by taking the reigns of kings for generations. Kings reign one with another about 18 or 20 years a piece, & according to this recconing the return of the Heraclides into Peloponnesus was about 180 years before the end of the first Messenian war, & by consequence the taking of Troy was about 75 years & the Argonautic expedition about 44 years after the death of Solomon as was above stated by the Astronomy. The beginning of the Olympiads, & the ages of Iphitus, Lycurgus the legislator, Phidon Caranus & some others.

Chap. II.

Of the affairs of Greece contemporary to those mentioned in scripture. That Sesostris invaded Thrace one generation before the Argonautic expedition & was Sesac. The Edomites being vanquished by David fled some of them with their young king Hadad into Egypt, others to the Philistims the enemies of David, & others to Chaldea & other places, & carried with them letters, & their skill in building of ships & navigating by the stars which they had learnt upon the red sea. These fugitives assisted the Philistims in fortifying Azot & building of ships upon the Mediterranean, & taking of Zidon. The Zidonians when their city was taken fled some to Tyre under Abibalus the father of Hiram & others to Aradus Arvad or Arpad & others to other hævens in Asia minor Greece & Libya under the conduct of Cadmus, Cilix, Thasus, Membliarius Atymnus & other captains. The Tyrians being friends to David traded upon the red sea with Solomon & the kings of Iudah by assistance of the fugitive Edomites untill the reign of Iehoram the successor of Iehosaphat & then upon the revolting of the Edomites from Iudah, being driven from the red sea, built ships upon the mediterranean & began long voyages upon that sea to places not yet frequented by the Zidonians, such as were Carteia Gades Tartessus & celebrated their first Admiral by the name of the Tyrian Hercules. This retiring of the Tyrians from the red sea (together with the flight of the Edomites from David) gave occasion to the tradition of the Phenicians & Persians mentioned by Herodotus, videlicet that the Phenicians came originally from the red sea & presently undertook long voiages.

Chap. III

Of the ancient affairs of the Greeks contemporary to those already described, & of the state of Greece before the coming of Cadmus & Europa from Sidon.

Chap. III.

The ancient affairs of the Greeks between the return of the Heraclides & the Empire of Persia & particularly the beginning of the Olympiads, the kingdome of Corinth & the ages of Iphitus, Lycurgus the Legislator, Phidon Caranus Alcmæon, Clisthenes Draco, Solon, Pisistratus.


855. 42,75, And the first twenty kings of Sicyon about 855 years which is above 42 years a piece | 529 (44. The first twelve kings of Sicyon 529 years which is 44 years a piece. amount to 140 years. Count backwards therefore 140 years from the invasion of Greece by Xerxes to the end of the first Messenian war, & 190 years more to the return of the Heraclides into Peloponesus & that return will be 330 years before the sixt year of Xerxes that is 34 years before the first Olympiad. – & this return will be about 298 years before the death of Cyrus – by consequence about 51 years before the first Olympiad. But the followers of Timæus – – – of the Greeks. Damaus was also called Armais & Armais was the brother of Sethosis.

The upper & lower Ægypt were never united into one kingdom before the expulsion of the shepherds. For they

The shepherds reigned only over the lower part of Egypt & until their expulsion the upper part of Egypt was under other kings & Manetho places their expulsion but a little before the building of the Temple, saying that that they went from Egypt into Iudea & built Ierusalem & the Temple. And before their expulsion there is no roome for any Sesostris who might reign over all Egypt Libya & Troglodytica & come out thence with a great army to invade the nations.

While Egypt was divided into several kingdoms & the shepherds reigned in the lower part thereof there was no room for any such great king of Egypt as Sesostris; & Manetho places the expulsion of the shepherds just before the reign of David & Solo. saying that they went out of Egypt into Iudea & built Ierusalem & the temple: & no historian makes Sesostris later than Sesac. And therefore they are one & the same king of Egypt. This is no new opinion.

No historian make Sesostris later then Sesac.

While Egypt co

The shepherds reigned long in the lower part of Egypt & were expelled thence just before the building of Ierusalem & the Temple according to Manetho; & while Egypt was divided into several kingdoms there was no room for any such great king of Egypt as Sesostris: & no historian makes him later then Sesac. And therefore he was one & the same king of Egypt with Sesac. This is no new opinion – –

His Amazons whom he carried from Thrace & left at the river Thermoodon called him by the same name in calling themselves the daughters of Mars.

Pag. 9. The Europeans had no chronology – – – – And this is the fundamental error of the chronology of the Greeks. p.13. Hence also it may in general be understood that if the durations of the kingdoms of ancient Greece be shortned in the proportion of about four to seven the chronology of the Greeks will be mended thereby.

P.15. The artificial chronologers have made Lycurgus – – – – p.17. before the Olympiads, as above. [P.17 B. Dele, as was determined above by arguments taken from Astronomy. And at the end of this section after the words till the return of the Heraclides add: The taking of Troy I place one generation later then the Argonautic expedition because many sons of the Argonauts were in the Argonautic expedition.] – – – – – death of Solomon as above. p.18.

P.20. The expedition of Sesostris – – – – or 44 years after the death of Solomon. p. 21.

P.1. All nations – – – – – monument above mentioned in memory thereof. p.9.

P.21. Rehoboam was born – – – conformable to it self. p.26.

P.13. The kingdom of Macedon was founded – – – – & therefore not to be admitted. p.15.

P.17. Pausanias represents – – – – – – originally any further p.20.

P.26. When Sesostris – – – – – to the end p.44.

P.17. lin 31 In this interval of – – reign 517 years p.17. lin 49.

P.18. Thucydides tells us that the Corinthians – then the days of Solomon & Rehoboam p.19.

And for this reason the sumptuous temple of Vailean built by Menes at Memphis was not older then the days of Solomon. And such was the temple of Vulcan at Memphis built by Menes

Argos the father of Iasus, Piranthus, Epidaurus & Criasus, was succeeded by Criasus. Iasus was the the father of Agenor the father of Crotopus, the father of Sthenelus, the father of Gelanor Peranthus or Phorbas the father of Triopas the father of Iasus see pag. 22 & 24


Heraclides Ponticus (in Lycurgus) & Plutarch tell us that Lycurgus brought Homers poems out of Asia & published them. Timæus & Apollodorus & say that Lycurgus converst with Homer Cicero that Homer lived in the time of Lycurgus & Strabo that Lycurgus converst with Homer in Chius . [Now Aristotel by an Olympic Discus in which the name of Lycurgus was written gathers that Lycurgus was the companion of Iphitus in restoring the Olympiads & Phlegon & Pausanias writes that Lycurgus Iphitus & Cleosthenes restored the Olympic games. And Callimachus that y 13 first Olympiads of Iphitus were omitted before the vulgar Æra of the Olympiads began: Lycurgus therefore flouris{h}ed about 13 Olympiads or 52 years before the vulgar Æra of the Olympiads began, that is 154 years after the death of Solomon, or about 80 years after the taking of Troy. Which is a competent space of Time for Homer to flourish in & converse with Lycurgus. But if the taking of Troy be made above 260 years older, as in the vulgar account, the interval will be much too great & between Homer & the next Greek Poets there will be above 400 years which is also too great a chasm .] Thucydides saith that there were 400 years & a little above to the end of the Peloponnesian war since the Lacedemonians had continued in the same form of government, that is since the making of their laws by Lycurgus. The last year of that war was an. 1. Olymp. 94. Count backwards 400 years & the Laws of Lycurgus will be made something above 27 years before the vulgar Æra of the Olympiads, that is within less then 178 years after the death of Solomon & within less then 1 108 years after the destruction of Troy.

Collonel Parsons – place. But Mr Le Clerk is a skilful & expeditious Graver, very fit to be received into the Mint., – House. And that Mr Le Clerc be taken into the third place with a salary also of 80£ pr an̄ & be allowed two Rooms to lodge & work in over the great Press room & over Mr Crokers shop. And that the salaries of Mr Croker & Mr Bull commence from the death of Mr Harris, but by reason of the charges which the Mint has been at by the dammages done by the great winds last Autumn, we are humbly of opinion that for saving money to defray those charges the salary of Mr Le Clerc do not commence till next Midsummer.


Sir Isaac Newton
in Germane Street
near St Iames is Church

The conquests of Sesostris are described with by authors with some confusion but considering that he had forces by sea & land. he seems to have guided the course of his conquests by the course of the sea, conquering first the regions between Egypt & the red sea then the regions of Afric along the Mediterranean westward as far as the Ocean, then the regions of Ethiopia along the red sea southwardas far as the promontory Mossylites, then the crossing the red sea at Dira he went eastward as far as India conquering Arabia felix & the southern parts of Persia & India as far as Ganges & beyond, & then returning to the Mediterranean he conquered the regions thereof easward & nortward that is Phenicia, &, the regions upon Tigris & Eufrates, & Asia minor, & Thrace & part of Greece.


0937 17′ 40″ in 100 years. 1701 2638 00105520″(1758′.40 02638 00879333 018466 1758∟666 001758∟6666 466′∟046666 07°.46′.28″ 0000000000 07.°44.′ 30 Apog. ☉ in ♊ 29. 58.′0.2 temp. Exped. Argon 00010. 36000011. 8. 20 0000000000 0.0.08. 380000000.4. 14.3536 000000000000000000 700.4 000000.Decl. 11. 13. 41. 40 00000000000.26056. 55. 00000000000000.11. 26. 48 00000000000000000.1900.9 000.Ascen. r. 27.008. 40. 57 00005)53′(10′. 36″ 1060″ in 100 years 0636″ in 60 years =10′.36″ 000. 47. 40. 00029. 12. 20, long. 00027.008. 41. Ascen. rect 00011. 12. 42  Declin.


Sir Mr Bull the second ingraver in the Mint is dead & & upon inquiring after another who upon the death of the first engraver Mr Croker, may be fit to succeed him, I can hear of no better artist then Mr Rollos the kings del>engraver of Seales . The place in the mint is 80£ per an̄ with a house & the prospect of succeeding the principal graver when he dyes. And Mr Rollos is willing to accept of it & to live & work in the Mint. And as he is the fittest person that I can hear of I take the liberty to recommend him to your consideration. I am Yoe


The Dr acknowledging that the reason why he made so little mention of the Differential method was because he took that method to be the same with mine & did not know the Improvements made to it by Mr Leibnits after I had explained it to him : Mr Leibnitz fully acquiesced in this acknowledgement without making the least complaint against the Doctor for saing that by my Letters in the year 1676 I had explained to him the method which was common to us both & which was found by me ten years before that time or above, that is, in the year 1666 or before. And thus the

And if after such a concession as Mr Leibnitz made in these his Letters now recited, & printed 17 years ago men may be allowed to go back upon any pretence whatever, even printing it self will be no security after witnesses are dead.

MOERIS MOERIS. the first letter M being in some old decayed Manuscript taken for VC VC & an{illeg} Conqueror by the name of Salman. And perhaps Sahma might be the first part of the name of Salmanasser, & Iarib the last part of the name of his successor Sennacherib. But whoever these Princes were it appears not they reigned before Salmanasser. Put seems to be the first
1041 Deucalions flood {1040 Xuthus nuptus Creusæ Erechthei fili Hellen - Æolus - Sisyphus Amphictyon Cranai Socius.
               Protogenia - Aëthlius - Endymion
                1014 986 960
Endymion & Sisyphus later & Hellen sooner
1060 Samuel dies Deucalion floret. 1039 Hellen regnat. 1040 Amphictyon Crani socius. 1017 Æolus floret. Xuthus nuptus Creusæ. Aethlius floret. 993 Sisyphus 1020 Ætolus Endymionis filius occiso Api in curetidem terram aufugit & suo de nomine Endymion terram. Ætoliam vocavit. Ex Pronoe Phorbi filia Pleuronem & Calydonem genuit a quibus urbes in Ætolia Pleuron & Calydon denominatæ. 1046 Endymion builds the city Elis For reconciling such & Queens & thereby made their antiquities still more perlexing then they had repugnances they have sometimes feigned new kings. So in the kingdom of Crete, of one Minos & one Ariadne his daughter they have made two Minoses & two Ariadnes feigning that Bo{illeg}us loved the first Ariadne & Theseus the other In that of Athens, of one Erectheus & one Pandion his son they have made two, given the name of Erechthonius to the first Erechtheus so called homer . In that of Argos of one Inachus & one Io his daughter they have made two calling the last Inachus by the name of Iasus. So when thePoets had feigned that Io the daughter of Inachus became the egyptian Isis the wife of Osiris or Bacchus & thereby made the great Bacchus too ancient in the kingdom of Crete they have made two Minoses & two Ariadnes their daug{h}ters the first the mistress of Bacchus, the last the mistress of Theseus. In the

when they had made the Egyptian Isis as old as Io the daughter of Inachus, they made her husband Osiris or Bacchus & his mistres Ariadne as old: & feigned that there were two Ariadnes one the mistress of Bacchus the other the mistress of Theseus & two Minoses their fathers, & a younger Io the daughter of Iasus writing Iasus corruptly for Inachus, & two Pandions contemporary to the two Ariadnes & two Erectheuses the fathers of the two Pandions, gaving the name of Erechthonius to the first who Homer calls Erechtheus. And by such corrections they have exceedingly perplexed ancient history.

  • – Rober Ball
  • – Tho Lord Foley
  • – Edm. Halley
  • – Rich Mead
  • Tho. Pellet
  • – Alexander Pilfield
  • – Sir Hans Sloan
  • John Harwood
  • – Abraham Hill
  • – Francis Robarts
  • Brook Taylor
  • Lord
  • James Douglass
  • James Pound
  • William Stanley
  • William Cockburn
  • Tho Jett
  • John Englis
  • John Keill
  • Edwd Laney D.D.
  • John Machin
  • Sir Geo. Markham
  • Peter Le Neve
  • Lord Paisley
  • Edw. Southwell
  • Mr Wrenn
  • Robt Keck
  • Sam Morland

4800 0960 57600(140∟488 166 0020 000360 000032

To 699
Sir Isaac Newton
at his house in
St martans Street
near Leicester Fields


As Babylon & Rome were adorned in the height of their Empire so doubtless it was in the reign of Sesostris & his successors that That Thebes grew so great & splendid & that Egypt was adorned with those magnificent works of Temples, Obelisks, Pyramids, Labyrinths & the like the spoiles & Tribute of the nations being employed on these things. For Sesostris returning home with a great multitude of captives imployed them in building new Temples in all the cities of Egypt & cutting ditches from Nile all over Egypt for watering the cities. He erected also in Heliopolis two Obelisks of 120 cubits inscribing on them the greatnes of his dominion & tribute with the number of the nations conquered: one of which Obelisks Augustus Cæsar translated to Rome placing it in the Campus Martius. Rhampses enlarged the Temple of Vulcan with a Portico on the west. Memnon erected the speaking statue & a wonderful Palace in Abydus. And Am & ( Imandes) the Labyrinth. Herodotus refers the Pyramids to kings who reigned a little after. Sesostris & with good reason since the kings who preceded had not wealth sufficient for such great works. The Labyrinth is attributed to one of the successors of Sesostris called Lachares by Manetho, Labaris by Eusebius. Imandes & Isimandes by Strabo & Mandes & Marrus by Diodorus that is Amenemes & Ameres the two successors of Lachares in Manetho. For Herodotus calls it the work of kings as if made by more then one & not finished till the reign of Psammiticus. And tho he places Mæris almost 900 years before his own age, yet the vast Lake which Mæris built of 3600 stadia in compass & 50 paces depth where deepest, with two Pyramids in the midst of 50 paces height above the water & upon each a Colossus on a throne representing him & his wife, are works which agree far better with this magnificent age then with that difficult one when the Shepherds reigned over the lower Egypt. And therefore I had rather attribute it to that Marrus whom Diodorus makes the author of the Labyrinth & Manetho seems to call Ammeres. For Mæris who made this Lake a[1] built also the memorable north Portico of that famous Temple of Vulcan whose foundation was doubteles laid by Sesostris when he renewed all the Temples in Egypt, & Lycias in b[2] Pliny makes the Labyrinth to be the sepulcher of Mæris. This Mæris also wrote the Elements of Geometry & Geometry is thought to have had its rise from the division of Egypt by Sesostris amongst his soldiers & probably Siphocas who succeeded Maris is that Suphis who according to Manetho erected the greatest Pyramid & whom Herodotus calls Cheops. For that Suphis wrote a sacred book & Siphoas for writing sacred books was accounted the second Mercury.

In the sepulcher of Osimandes was a ring of Gold 365 cubits in compass & a cubit thick divided into 365 equal parts with the days of the year inscribed on each & the rising & setting of the stars & their significations according to the Egyptian Astrology. Diodorus C. 1 p. 32.

[3]Successorem Sesostris qui Labyrinthum sibi sepulchrum fecit Manetho Lacharem Eusebius Labærem vocat. Et Lacharis successor apud Manethonem est Ammeres. Forte hic est Marrus vel Mœris cui Diodorus & Lysias Labyrinthum tribuunt. For Mæris b[4] built the stately nothern Portico of the Temple of Vulcan & a[5] found out the Elements of Geometry & by both those characters was one of the successors of Sesostris. For Sesostris c[6] began this structure & divided Egypt equally by measure amongst all the Egyptians which gave occasion to geometry. This MÆris


Strabo an eye witness tells as the above the speaking statue of Monnuon in Thebais were the sepulchers of 40 kings of Egypt in caves cut in stone & by them in certain Obelisks inscriptions declaring the riches & power of those kings & the dominion [of some of them] propagated to Scythia & Bactriana & India & Ionia with the greatness of their tribute & their army of about a thousand thousand men.

Among the successors of Sesotris are recconned Rhampses & Amenophis Rhampses (called Remphis by Diodorus & Rhampsinitus by Herodotus & by Manetho said to be the son of Sethos or Sesostris) a[7] did nothing glorious but spent his whole age in heaping up riches & was the richest of all the kings of Egypt gathering together 400000 Talents an Egyptian talent conteining two Attic Talents that is 120 Attic pounds Tacitus[8] tells us that Germanicus Cæsar visited Egypt to know its Antiquities & & saw the great ruins of old Thebes where some structures remained with Egyptian letters expressing its ancient wealth. And the ancienter of the Priests being commanded to interpret them related that there once dwelt in it seven hundred thousand of military age, & that king Rhampses with that army reigned over Libya, Æthiopia, the Medes, Persians, Bactrians & Scythia & the territories of the Syrians, Armenians Cappadocians & Bithynia & Lycia from sea to sea. The tributes & gifts of every nation (gold & silver & armour & horses & ivory & odours for the temples & corn & all utensils) were also read being scarce less magnificent than what the Parthians or the Roman Empire exacted.

Amenophes (called Ammenephthes by Eusebius & Imandes Ismandes & Memnon by the Greeks & Mendes & Osymandes by Strabo) visited the conquests of Sesostris, marched through Ismia & Phyrygia staid long in Susiana & left monuments of his stay there & subdued therebelling Bactrians Strabo an eye witness tells us that in Thebais above the vocal statue of Memnon – – – – a thousand thousand men. These {illeg} Obelisks being among the ruins of Thebes its probable that the inscription above mentioned which Germanicus caused to be interpreted, was on that Obelisk which was dedicated to Rhampses.

Mr Sawyer had 40 lb by a bill at London paid to his order.In money left in his hand either 6 or 11 lb when they returned to Brigstock. My sister thinks 6 lb.
To the Apothecary at two payments between 4 & 5 lb. To Mr Sawyer for two journeys to Brigstock 30s at one time & 30 or 40 at the other if there was another.
To his man 40s for attendance.

At Mr Tindalls an Apothecary in Bridges Street at ה signe of the Pestell & Mortar neare the play house.
Mr                 at the Bell & Dragon on Newgate Market.


years of Nabonassar 586 & 618. The middle year is 602 which is 286 years after the aforesaid observation of Meton & Euctemon. And in these years the equinox must have gone backward about four degrees & So have been in the fourth degree of Aries in the days of Hipparchus & by consequence have then gone backward elven degrees since the Argonautic expedition, that is in 1090 year{s a}ccording to the chronology of the ancient Greeks then in use. And this is after the rate of about 99 years, or in the next round numbers an hundred years to a degree, as was then stated by Hyparchus. But it really {w}ent back a degree in seventy & two years & 11 degrees in 792 years. Count these 792 years backwards from the year of Nabonassar 602 (the year from which we counted the 286 years) & the recconing will place the Argonautic expedition about 43 years after the death of Solomon. 43 years after the death of Solomon.The Greeks – – – a degree in an hundred years.

– After the great victory of Asa over Zerah & the following revolt of the lower Egypt from Zerah to Osarsiphus, Amenophis (his father being slain) might presently fly from Osarsiphus with the remainder of his father's army the Ethiopians to Memphis & spend about two years in building & fortifying that city & thirteen years more in Æthiopia, & then return from Æthiopia with a great army to conquer the lower Egypt about sixteen years after the victory of Asa over Zera or 51 years after the death of Solomon, & having spent three or four years in conquering Osarsiphus & setling the affairs of the lower Egypt he might then leave Proteus his viceroy at Memphys, & go with his army into Persia to secure his dominions {in} in those parts & build the Memnonia at Susa fortifying that city as the Metropolis of his dominions in the east, & after the taking of Troy return into Egypt & erect the speaking statue & the Temple

Africanus calls Boceharis a Saite, but Sais at this time had other kings.

9 to 5 - nine to five 19 to 33 1/3. 57 to 102. 19 to 34. nine to five – become 30 years – ann 2 Olymp 53

All paid till Mich 1722

Paid more in money ten pounds & taxes two pounds 12. 0. 0
Paid more Novem 16th 17248. 0. 0.
Paid more Aug. 3, 172512. 0. 0.
Paid more Iuly 24, 1726 in money 20th, in taxes for two years 4£ 24. 0. 0.
56. 0. 0

And this summ together with 12£ received Aug. 3d 1725 & 8£ received November 16th 1724 & ten pounds in money & two pounds in taxes received March 24 172 3/4 makes up the summ of 56 pounds, the same being his rent for two years ending at Michaelmas 1724 besides eight pounds towards his rent for the half year ending at Lady day 1725.

Pag.7. The expedition of Sesostris – death of Solomon pag.8.

Pag. 9. At length the Egyptians – minded not arts and sciences. p.10.

Pag. 13. The Trojan war was one gen – dominions in those parts. p.14.

seven Weeks of years or seven sabbats of years = a Iubilee. Levit. 25.8.


lbozdwtgrlbozdwtg{r} Aug. 31.Tho. Woodward Sep. 28th Silver. Ed. Wright95.8.12.1{} Sep. 1De Gols — Sept. 8Tho Woodward57.1.11.7 John Blachford13.10.16.21 326.11.3.21 Sep. 13Tho Woodward77.5.0.7 Tho Woodward & Comp. Sept. 14Tho Woodward114.6.6.17 Tho Woodward & Comp. Iosiah Wordsworth28.8.11.12 1003.3.16.18 Sept. 16Conrade de Gols224.4.13.12 1227.8.10.6 Sept. 17.Tho Woodward – Edw. Ironside — Sept. 20.Conrade de Gols — John Cook — Tho Woodward267.4.1.9 1943.6.10.6 Sept. 21.Tho Woodward — Sept. 22Tho Woodward — Tho Woodward & comp. 26128.12.1 Sep. 27Conrade de Gols224.1.18.4 2836.10.10.5 Sept. 28Coyned —1350.0.0.0

ioul lat 793. 8. 99.3 297. 8. 297.9 1091.


There are now come into the Mint since the last delivery 2612 pounds weight of Gold which when coyned will make above 120 thousand p


The building of Babylon by Pul seems

Quintus Curtias tells us that Semirramis built Babylon or, as many beleive Belus, whose Palace is there shewn. The occasion of ascribing it to Semiramis seems that she (as Herodotus tells us) built great banks throughout the plane of Babylonia which before were overflowed by the River. And this was done about the time of the reign of Pul For Herodotus places Semiramis five ages generations before the mother of Labynitus King of Babylon whom Cyrus conquered

Babylon was therefore founded by a king of Assyria & by consequence by Pul Belus the first king we read of who began to erect that monarchy. For the Æra of Nabonassar shews that it was founded about the time of his reigne. Hence Dorotheus Sidonius an old Poet [apud Iulian Firmicum


The ancient

And so Diodorus tells us – – – – – – The Phenicians would have the founder of Babylon to be a Phœnician & the Egyptians an Egyptian but both agree in his name Belus. Quintus Curtius tells us – – – Cyrus conquered. And Abydenus out of Megasthenes – – – – Empire of Macedon. So Berosus [apud Ioseph. cont. App. 1. p 1045 a] ascribes the building of the walls palace Pensil gardens & temple of Belus in this city to Nebuchadnezzar & blames the Greeks for ascribing them to Semiramis the Assyrian. And Nebuchadnezzar himself boasted Is not this great Babylon which I have built? Dan 4.30


When Belus had assigned to everyone his portion of the watry; Semiramis an Assyrian Lady assisted him in draining them. For Herodotus tells us that he built great banks throughout the plane which was before overflowed by the river & that she lived but 5 generations before the Mother of Labyrintus the last King of Babylon whom Cyrus conquered. She lived therefore about the age of Pul & thence I reccon him to be the Belus who founded Babylon. Porphyry places Semiramis a little earlier telling us that Sanchoniathon a writer of Berytus lived under Semiramis a Queen of the Assyrians who is said to have been before or about the times of the Trojan war. But its's more probable that Sanchoniathon was a later writer because he mentions the Theology of the Greeks

For Ctesias & those that follow him make semiramis the author of the walls Pensil gardens & other great works in Babylon But Berosus

They lived


I have lookt into De Omerique's Analysis Geometrica & find it a judicious & valuable piece answering to the Title. For therin is laid a foundation for restoring the Analysis of the Ancients which is more simple more ingenious & more fit for a Geometer then the Algebra of the Moderns. For it leads him more easily & readily to the composition of Problems & the Composition which it leads him to is usually more simple & elegant then that which is forct from Algebra.


Which reigns according to Chronologers took up 244 years, which is much too long for the course of nature being after the rate of 35 years to a reign At 20 years a piece one with another they amount to no more then 140 years that is 90 years to the death of Cyrus & 50 years to the invasion of Greece by Xerxes. Anaxandrides & Ariston Kings of Sparta were contemporary to Cræsus (Herod l. 1. c. 6) & therefore between the end of the first Messenian war & the death of Cyrus there were about five reigns of the Spartan kings which at 20 years to a reign make about 100 years. This intervall was therefore about 90 or 100 or at a medium 95 years: which added to the 200 years between the return of the Heraclides & the end of the first Messenian war places the said return about 295 years before the death of Cyrus. This invervall according to recconing of Ephorus &

The making of the Puncheons a month barring accidents or six weeks if a Puncheon breaks.

The making the Dies & coyning 1400 medals by the Mill & Press 4 days                                    by a ring – 9 days.


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& his followers was about 5602 & according to later Chronologers 573 years which is 278 years too long. Subduct the Olympiads & >there will remain but about 47 years between the said return of the Heraclides & the first Oly{m}piad. Which intervall according to the followers of Ephoru{s I} was about 320 years. And this is the fundamental error of the artificial Chronology of the Greeks

1200 Silver medalls coyned by the mill & press will cost


p.22. Cadmus came first to Rhodes {illeg} & left there a colony of Phenicians who sacrifice men to Saturn. Phobas carried a colony of Telchines to Rhodes from Argos, & Triopas the son of Phorbas carried a colony from Rhodes to Caria & from this & such like colonies Caria was anciently called Phœnice.

P.32. Triopas led a Colony from Rhodes into Caria & Agenor the son of Triopas invaded Argos with a great multitude

For Cadmus in coming to Greece arrived first at Rhodes an island bordering upon Caria & left there a colony of Phenicians who sacrificed men to Saturn; & the Telchines being repulsed by Phoroneus retired from Argos to Rhodes with Phorbas who purged the island of serpents: & Triopas the son of Phorbas carried a Colony from Rhodes to Caria. And from this & such like colonies Caria was anciently furnished with shipping & called Phœnice.

p.31. From Cecrops to Codrus inclusively were 14 kings of Athens which at 18 years a piece one with another take up about 252 years. And these years counted back from the death of Codrus place the reign of Cecrops in the days of Samuel.

14. & the death of Codrus [& beginning of the Archons for life & Ionic migration under his sons 190 or 200 years before the decennial Archons, or about 100 or 105 years after the taking of Troy.

14 & the death of Codrus & Ionic Migration under his sons, & the beginning of the Archons for life about 18 or 190 years before the decennial Archons or 100 years after the taking of Troy.

an. 2 Olymp. 65; the first annual Archon of Athens an 1. Olymp. 49; the first decennial Archon about 40 or 50 years before, some of the seven decennial Archons dying in their regency : & the death of Codrus & Ionic migration under his sons, [& the beginning of the Archons for life] about ninety or an hundred years after the taking of Troy, that interval being taken up with the reigns of six kings of Athens, Demophoon, Oxyntes, Aphidas, Thymætes, Melanteus & Codrus, & Aphidas reigning but one year; & the interval between the death of Codrus & the decennial archons being taken up by twelve Archons for life

The time between the taking of Troy & the return of the Heraclides was taken up by the successive reigns of these three kings of the Mycenæ Ægystus Orestes & Tisamenus. And that between the taking of Troy & the death of Codrus by the successive reigns of these six kings of Athens Demophoon, Oxyntes, Aphidas, Thymætes, Melanthus & Codrus, the third & fourth of which according to chronologers took up but 9 years.

Historians tell us that Sardus the son of the Libyan Hercules went with a colony from Libya to Sardinia & gave his name to that Island. {illeg} . The Libyan Hercules was he who contended with Antæus. He was one of the brothers of Sesostris & was by him left governour of Thebais & Æthiopia & came down from thence to the assistance of the God's against the Giants. Which makes it probable that Zerah was the same man with Sardus, & fled from Osarsiphus into Libya & thence into Sardinia about the same time that Amenophis retired into the upper Egypt & fortified Memphis [& went thence into Æthiopia to recover strength.] against the same Osarsiphus.

     I received your kind present of a collar of very good brawn, &return my hearty thanks for it. I hope you have your health well & wish you a happy new year.


Deni Iudicium prædictum subjunxi, unam notis quibus pateat eidem in Recensione illa vivente Leibnitio Respondum fuisse & Sespum eites esse tantum ut ut Commercium epistolicum sine Resposo dimitteret.

Reges Arcadiæ post Argioos

  • 1 Pelasgus qui gentem rudem & feram in ordinem redegit & Deos coleve docuit, quod hinc in alios universim populos transit
  • 2 Lycaon Cecropi synchronus
  • 3 Nyclimus f sub quo Diluvium Deucalionis
  • 4 Arcas n.agriculturam a Triptonelo doctus
  • 5 Azan. f
  • 6 Clitor f
  • 7 Æpytus
  • 8 Aleus Argonauta
  • 9 Lycurgus
  • 10 Echemus qui Hyllum occidit
  • 11 Agapenor Anaæphilius Lycurgi nepos, qui inter Helenes procos fuit & ad Trojanum bellum profectus est
  • 12 Hippothous quo imperium tenente Anchises in Arcadia mortus est
  • 13 Epytus f. Orestes in Arcadiam venit.
  • 14 Cypselus. Heraclidæ in Peloponesum redeunt.
  • 15 Olæus.f.
  • 16 Bucolion f
  • 17 Phialus f
  • 18 Simus f
  • 19 Pompus f
  • 20 Æginetes f
  • 21 Polymestor f
  • 22 Æchmis {eu}frate nepos
  • 23 Aristocrates f. occisus.
  • 24 Hecetas f
  • 25 Aristocrates f. an. 1 Olymp 28 occisus.

it please your Lordship
I do not know of any book of Letters in which Robert Stevens saith what Manuscripts had & what had not the Epistles. I am My Lord.


Demetrius Magnes in his book de Homonymis, says that there were several men called Thales, one of which was very ancient, being contemporary to Hesiod & Homer & Lycurgus. Apud Diog. Laert in Thalete p 9 f.

Thales Mylesius was born an 1 Olymp. 35. Obit Olymp 58 annos natus 78, or 90.

Cleobulus (unus e 7 sapientibus Minervæ templum a Danao ædificatum instaravit Diog. Laert in Cleob.

Epimenibes qui geneologias scripsit. Diog Laert in Epimen.

Neptune = Briareus = [Enceladus=] Ægeon = Typhæus = Typhon. Callinachus vol.1 p 239. Vol 2 p 425.

Amymone Danai filia Neptuno Nauplium edidit Callim vol. 1. Notis p 443

Hyagris Phyx tibias invenit regnante Athenis Erechhthonio qui currum junxit Callin. Not. Vol 2 p 296.

Tridens est trifide hasta & tridentem habere est imperium maris obtinere. Callim vol 2 p 347.


Mr Hunt
I desire you to summon a Council to meet at twelve of the clock on wednesday next. A


Ægypt was at first divided into many kingdoms like other nations & grew into one Monarchy by degrees Sesac in the fift year of Rehoboam came out of Egypt with an army of Libyans, Troglodites & Ethiopians (2 Chron. 12.3) & therefore was then king & we do not read in scriptu{re} that any former king of Egpt who reigned over all those nations , came out of Egypt with a great army to conquer his neighbours. The sacred history of the Israelites from the days of Abraham to the days of Solomon admits of no such conqueror. Sesostris reigned over all the same nations of the Libyans, Troglodites & Ethiopians, & in prophane history we do not read of any later king of Egypt who reigned over all those nations & came out of Egypt with a great army against Phenicia Syria & the nations round about. And therefore Sesostris & Sesac must be one & the same king of Egypt. This is no new opinion. Iosephus perceived it when he affirmed that Herodotus erred in ascribing the actions of Sesac to Sesostris & the error was only in the name of the king. For in this is as much as to say that the true name of Sesostris was Sesac & that Herodotus erred only in calling him Sesostris Our great Chronologer Sir Iohn Marsham is also of opinion that Sesostris was Sesac And if this be granted, it is then most certain that Sesostris came out of Egypt in the fift year of Rehoboam to invade the nations & after an expedition of nine years returned backinto Egypt in 14th year of Rehoboam: & his brother Danaus fled from him in a long ship after the pattern of which the Ship Argo was built by Argus the grandson of Danaus

I have now carried up the chronology of the Greeks as high as to the Trojan war the Argonautic Expedition & the invasion of the nations of Asia India & Europe by Sesostris & fixed the times by the coincidence of Sesostris with Sesac: For these are the ages reputed dark & fabulous by the ancient Greek Historians & there is no way of settling their chronology other in the times ~ before the Argonautic Exped genealogies & then comparing the Greek histories with those of other nations. It remains now that I try whether by the same {and} method their chronology can be carried up any higher.

Tatian in his book – – – Abia & Asa.

Rehoboam was born – – – & some years longer.

Herodotus tells us – – – & Ion be grown up before his death

I have now carried up – – – to be further examined.

Before the Phœnicians introduced – – – – older then is represented in scripture.

The Latines had no chronology of their own till they began to reccon by the years of their city which was not till after the days of Ennius. The Greeks had none till sixty years after the death of Alexander the great. but the Eclipses of the set down by Thucydides since the times of the Peloponnesian War. The Chronology of the kings of the Chaldeans Medes & Persians are setled by the Canon of Ptolomy. There by the times of the invasions of Greece by Darius Hystaspis & Xerxes are setled. The times of Pygmalion & Dido were recorded in the Archives of of Tyre & Carthage & the Trojan War was in the days of their father. And The time of the invation of Greece by Sesostris is setled by his being the same king of Egypt with Sesac mentioned in Scripture, And the time of the coming of colonies of Phœnicians from Sidon into Crete & Greece under Cadmus & Alymaus, Phœnix & other captains if fixed by the

P.14.6. The first annual Archon of Athens in the 48 or 49th Olympiad. & the first decennial Archon 40 or 50 years before, some of the seven decennial Archons dying in their regency.

05505 1101 016515 072565 00 1101000 55050 0016515 1172565


May it please your Lordship           I have procured an assay to be made of the Oar which your Lordship sent to me, & send you inclosed the Report of the Assayer. He found neither silver nor Lead nor any other metal in the Oar: but in assaying it some part of it evaporated in a sulphureous fume & the rest became a cinder without yeilding any metall. He tells me that if he had had a sufficient quantity of Oar he would have made two or more assays. For a single Assay is scarce sufficient to ground a report upon by reason of unforeseen accidents. & the different natures of Oares. He tells me also that the Oare which I gave him was scarce sufficient to make a single assay: & that to enable him to make a Report with assurance, there should have been a pound of oar or at the least half a pound, & that if I can help him to any more of the Oar he will repeat the Assay. I am
My Lord
                         your Lordships most humble & most obedient Servant

And we do not read in scripture that any king of Egypt came came ino Phœnicia out of Egypt with an army before the father of Solomons Queen. He took Gezer & gave it to his daughter, & proceeded no fu

And The father of Solomons Queen was the first king of Egypt who came into Phenicia which an army. But he only took Gezer & gave it to his daughter.

him whom by way of submission to the conqueror they called Melcartus, king of the city, because he assumed the title of king of kings & Lord of Lords. [And this Temple they adorned with – – ] that Hercules of whom Pomponius writes (lib. 3. cap. 6) Temptum Ægyptij Herculis, conditoribus, religione, vetustate, opibus illustre, Tyrij condindere.

The Poets place the flood of Deucalion in the reign of Cranaus & just after the reign of Lycaon , & therefore the reign of Amphictyon at Thermopylæ, that of Hellan in Thessaly, & that of the sons of Lycaon in Pelopennesus, began a few years (suppose about 8 or 12) before the reign of Erechtheus in Attica or about the time that the Phœnicians came into Greece under the conduct of Cadmus, & that reign of Abibalus began at Tyre & that of Astesius in Crete.

Lycurcus –

–Erechtheus {illeg} & Minos. And Chiron was begot – – – – – And unless Chiron was above 84 years old in the time of the Argonautic Expedition – – – –will not begin before the reign of Solomon. Mythologists say – when Alcmena was with child by Heracles who was born about the 8th or 10th year of Rehoboam as above. And Niobe the daughter of Phoroneus – – – of Argus the son of Iupiter & Niobe & king of Argus next after his grandfather Phoroneus. Io the daughter of Inachus & sister of Phoroneus was one generation older then Niobe – – – – – – answers to the golden age. Hesiod tells us that he himself lived in the fift age & calls that the iron; for the present age is always the iron age. Hesiod therefore flourished in the fift age the age next after the taking of Troy. This fable of the four ages seems to have been made by the Curetes in the fourth age, in honour of their country-woman Europa & her posterity kings of Crete & in memory of the first four ages of their coming into Europe as into a new world. In the first age reigned Asterius the husband of Europa & the Saturn of the Latines. This age began about the 16th or 18 year of Davids reign when the Phœnicicans came first into Europe under Cadmus & Atymnus, In the second reigned Minos the son of Europa a king celebrated for dominion & justice, the Iupiter nursed up by the Curetes in whose reign the Greeks began to plow & sow & on whose sepulchre was inscribed ΤΟΥ ΔΙΟΣ. In the beginning of his reign he begat Apis of Niobe suppose in the th year of Solomon: & his reign ended when Alcmenas was with child of Hercules suppose in the 8th year of Rehoboam. Then reigned Deucalion the son of Minos till the Argonautic Expedition, & Idomeneus his grandson who warred at Troy.] – into a new world, & in honour of their country-woman Europa & her husband Asterius the Saturn of the Latines, & of their son Minos the Cretan & grandson Deucalion who reigned till the Argonautic expedition & great grandson Idomeneus who warred at Troy. Hesiod tells us that he himself lived in the fift age, the age next after the taking of Troy, &

as old as Inachus the father of Phoroneus. And Acusilaus & his followers making them almost 700 years older than the truth, to make out this recconing Chronologers have lengthed the races of the kings of Argos & Sicyon, & changed several – Kings of Sicyon.


The first men would be apt to reccon by days & nights new moons & full moons summers & winters & thence came the Lunisolar years. For these years seem to have been generally received in the first ages being the oldest years of the Iews Egyptians Assyrians Greeks Latins &c. So Moses tells us that at the Creation God appointed the sun & moon for signs & for seasons & for days & for years: which is as much as to say that the first ages numbred their Months by the revolutions of the moons & their years & seasons of summer & winter seed time & harvest by the revolutions of the sun. For before the invention of Astronomical rules they could have no other way recconning them by the visible returns of the sun & moon & seasons of the year. But at length finding that a Moon conteined almost 30 30 days & that there were something more then 12 moons – 1260 days. And As oft as they had occasion to reccon times past or to come, because they could not be assisted in such recconings by the visible revolutions of the Sun & M oon & knew not the exact length of the year, they would be apt to make their recconnings in the nearest round numbers of 30 days to a month & 12 months to a year, while at the same time they used the Luni-solar year in civil affairs & determined it by the visible revolutions of the sun & moon & returns of the annual seasons. For I do not find that any nation ever kept account in civil affairs by 30 days to a month & 12 months to a year. In all antiquity there is no mention of any Æra of such years nor is it probable that such an Æra could have been lasting because in the space of 35 years it would turn winter into summer & summer into winter.

The months of the years of ancient Ægyptians kept to certain seasons for Ioseph interprets seven kine fat or lean & seven ears &c – aristas. So also The months of the years which the Iews brought out of Egypt kept to certain seasons of the year For the first month they called Abib that is an ear of corn because in this month the corn began to be in the ear, & in the feast of this month they began to put the siccle into the corn & offered the first fruits thereof. . From that time they counted 7 weeks & then kept the of harvest & in the seventh month they kept the feast of ingathering after they had gathered their corn & wine & fruit Exod 23.16 Levit. 23.15, 39. Deut. 9.13. And hence its manifest that their year consisted not of 360 or 365 or any other certain number of days but was regulated by the visible revolutions of the sun & seasons of the year. For Their months began on the New moons Psal 81.3. Num 10.10 & 28.11, & therefor their years were Luni-solar. And tho Solomon had 12 officers which provided victuals each man his month in the year 1 King 4.7 & David had 12 Captains which came in & went out month by month throughout all the months of the year. 1 Chron 27 yet it is not said that the turn of every Officer & captain fell always upon the same season & month of the year. The months might be Lunar & thirteen of them sometimes go to the year notwithstanding these institutions. For the like courses of the Priests were observed after the captivity (Luke 1) when the year (as all allow) was Lunisolar. F Ioseph interprets seven kine far or lean & seven ears of corn to signify seven Egyptian years fat kine being put for plentiful years of grass & ears of corn for harvests according to the language of the poet, Post septem aristas.] And this shews that the months of the old Egyptian year kept to the same seasons of the year like that of the Iews]. The year of the Iews had two beginnings, the one in spring in the month Abib, by the institution of Moses & the other in autumn in the month Tisri according to their old recconing before they came out of Egypt. And no doubt they then used the year of the Egyptians their Lords &therefore the old Egyptian year was Lunisolar & began in Autum. So the ancient years of the Chaldeans Arabians Syrians & of the several Greek nations were Lunisolar & began at certain seasons as the Chaldean & Arabian with that Lunar month which happened in the autumnal Equinox the Olympic years & the Macedonic years with that Lunar month which happened in or next after the summer solstice, the Attic, Bœtic Laconic & Syracusan years with that Lunar month which happened in the winter solstice. And so in Italy (as [9]Cen <19v> Censorinus tells us, alium, Ferentini, aluim Lavinij, itemque Albani vel Romani habuerent annum; ita et aliæ gentes. Omnibus tamen fuit propositum suos civiles annos, gravie intercalendis mensibus, ad unum verum illum natualemque corrigere.


Again, after Tisamenes reigned Temenus & five others in Argos untill Phidon who was the tenth from Hercules & the sixt from Temensus . He introduced weights & measures & was the first who coyned money in Greece. His brother was Caranus the founder of the kingdom of Macedon & between Caranus & that Alexander who was contemporary to Xerxes were nine kings. So that between Temenus & the 19th year of Darius Hystaspis when Alexander (according to          ) began his reign there were the reigns of 15 Kings which recconning 21 year a piece to a reign make 315 Kings.

Anno post captam Trojan 80mo Heraclidæ in Pelopponnesum redierunt ducibus Aristodemo Temeno & Cresphonte filijs Aristomachi qui fuit tertuis ab Hercule. Temenus & posteri regnarunt in Argo Exinde Temenus Argos, Cresphontes Messenian, & Aristodemi filij Lacedæmo obtinuerunt. Sextus a Temeno, decimus ab Hercule fuit Phidon who introduced weights & measures & was the first who coyned money in Greece. He was brother to Caranus the founder of the kingdom of Macedon & between Caranus & Alexander who according to Eusebius began his reign in the 19 year of Darius Hystaspis, there were nine successive king, so that from the return of the Heraclidæ to the 19th year of Darius there were 16 15 reigns of kings which at 21 years to a reign make 315 years. And by this recconing the return of the Heraclidæ into Peloponnesus will be (I.P. 3896) 163 years after the death of Solomon.

& seven others reigned successively in Messene till the beginning of the first Messenian warr, so that recconing 21 years to a reign there were 168 years between the return of the Heraclidæ & beginning of that warr. The war lasted 20 years & ended an. 1. Olymp. 14 (            ) & counting backwards 188 years the return of the Heraclidæ will be (I.P. 3842) 69 years after ye death of Solomon

And at Argos after Orestes & Tisamenes reigned Temenus & six othes successively the last of which was Phidon who introduced weights & measures & was the first who coyned money in Greece. He was brother to Caranus the founder of the Kingdom of Macedon & between Caranus & Alexander K. of Macedon who (that king who (according to Euseb.    ) began his reign in the 19 year of Darius Hystaspis there were 9 successive Kings so that there were in all 18 successive reigns between the death of Ægystus & the 19th year of Darius which at 21 years to a reign make 378 years & these years counted bacward place the beginning of the reign of Orestes 100 years after the death of Solomon at which rate the destruction of Troy will be 90 years later then the death of Solomon.

Now Eteocles & Polynices the sons of Oedipus the son of Laius, the son of Labdacus, the son of Polydorus, the son of Cadmus & Harmonia were slew one another in the war of the seven Captains at Thebes & ten years after Thersander the son of Polynices took Thebes & was soon after slain by Telephus in going to the war at Troy (Pausan Boeot. c 5 p. 722.) These six generations by the eldest sons between the coming of Cadmus & the warr of Troy could scarce take up less time then 130 or 140 years which with the ten years duration of that warr being counted from the middle of Davids reign will place the taking of Troy about 80 or 90 years later then the death of Solomon as above.


This recconing is still confirmed by considering that the warr of Troy by the consent of all antiquity was later then the reign of Sesostris & fell in with the latter end of the reign of Memnon. For Sesostris was Sesach & Memnon died about 85 or 90 years after the death of Solomon as we shall shew hereafter. – as Arcadia from Arcas.

Plutarch {nexi.} 189 represents great uncertainty in the Originals of Rome. The old Records of the Latins were burnt by the Gauls 64 years before Alexanders death. and Q. Fabius Pictor, the oldest Historian of the Latins, lived 100 years later then that King.

For Belus & his son Pygmalion reigned over Cyprus or some part thereof & built there the cities Citium Lapethus & Carpatia. And After the destruction of Troy Teucer being barred by his father Telamon from returning home into the Island Salamis sailed to Cyprus & there built Salamis & he & his posterity reigned there till till Evagoras the last of these was invaded by the King of Persia in the days of Isocrates the Poet. Also Agapenor the Captain of the Arcadians after the destruction of Troy sailed to Cyprus & built there a new Paphus & Temple of Venus about 60 furlongs from the old Paphus built by Cinyras And Theopompus tells us that the Greeks who followed Agamemnon (meaning Teucer Agapenor & their companions &c Now Virgil tells us that these things were done in the reign of Belus the father of Dido before she fled from her brother. For he introduces Dido speaking thus

Atque equidem Teuerum memini Sidona venire

Finibus expulsum patrijs nova regna petentem

Auxilio Beli: genitor tum Belus opinam

Vastabal Cyprum & victor ditione tenebat.

Tempore jam ex illo casus mihi cognitus urbis

Trojanæ, nomenque tuum, regesque Pelasgi.

Belus therefore took Cyprus from Cinyras ~ ~ ~ & there gave seats to the Greeks who assisted him. Cyprum Subactam, saith Servius, concessiti Teucro ut in ea collocaret imperium. Theopompus [l. 12 apud {illeg} saith that the Greeks who followed Agamemnon (meaning Euc & Agapenor & their followers) seized Cyprus & ejected Cinyras. It seems they did it by the assistance of Belus Servius tells us that this Belus was called Methres & Iosephus calls him Matgenus. According to the Tyrian Annals he reigned 9 years & died 83 years after Solomon. Whence it follows that Troy was taken about 75 or 80 years after Solomons death.

Till then the Greeks lived either without houses or in huts very meanly built & fed upon the spontaneus fruits of the earth without planting of trees without plowing & sowing without wine or beer without commerce or money, without laws, or letters & without fixed seats being in perpetual arms & often changing their seats as they drove out one another by force or sought a better soile until at length the villages combined to wall in some towns to which they might fly in case of danger & these towns united under common councils & kings: which came first to pass in the days of Saul & David & their successors. And this is the reason why Greece was at first so very much divided & did nothing in common before the war of Troy. How mean the towns & cities were in those days may be understood by Ovids description of old Rome. / How the several kingdoms We have shewn how the cities of Egypt united very early into several small kingdoms & how those kingdoms grew at length into one Monarchy seated at Thebes remains now to be explained.


Anno XVIII Car II Cap. 5.
An act for encouraging of Coynage.

And it is hereby further enacted that no monies leviable & payable by this Act, shall be applied or converted to any use or uses whatsoever other then to the defraying the charge.

May it please your Lordships

     del>We have further considered the proposal of erecting an Irish mint with my Lord Chancellors thoughts upon the Report of the late Warden & Master about it & waving all the interest that I or others of the Mint in the Tower may have in the coynage I humbly represent that the effect which a new Mint may have upon ye minds of the people of Ireland is a political consideration not before us, & should have been waved in that report, We do not know what apprehension the people of England may have of losing any part of their bullion or trade by such a Mint [may deserve your Lordships consideration] but we beleive that a Mint of equal advantages with ours to Merchants & others Importing & is more like to derive Bullion from England then if the advantages were less.

the Question about a new Mint depends so much upon political considerations which are above us that we still think it safest to be cautious as our Predecessors have been. A Mint which gives equal advantages to the Merchant & other importers of bullion is more like to draw Bullion from England then one which makes them pay a seigniorage. And how the people of England may relish it or what effect it may have upon the minds of the people of Ireland we are not able to foresee. All eyes will be upon it & We think it safer to have the sense of a Parliament about it before it be erected then afterwards.

Herodotus (lib.7) makes Leutichides who commanded the Navy of the Greeks against Xerxes) to be the 20th from Hercules & tells us that all the men in this succession were kings of Sparta except two. If to the 18 kings be allotted 21 years a piece & to the two private generations 33 years a piece the whole succession will take up 446 years which counted back from the 6t year of Xerxes when Leonidas was slain at Thermopylæ, will place Hercules about 56 years after the death of Solomon agreably to the computations above.


To the Rt Honourable Sidney Lord Godolphin Lord High Treasurer
of England

May it please your Lordship
The Petition of Mr Cha. Fryth for an allowance in his Accounts now depending of 370.8.9 upon two Tickets of the Master & Warden of Chester Mint with the Report of the Commissioners of Excise upon it we received 30 March 1702 & in obedience to the Order of the then Lords Commissioners of the Treasury upon them we have examined into the matter & humbly conceive the true state of it to be as follows

Mr Fryth imported into Chester Mint several parcels of hammered money before Lady day 1697 for all which he received back 5s pr oz in new monies & endorsed all the Tickets before the end of Iuly following. In May he imported two other parcells for which at 5s pr oz he was to receive back 807£. 10s & in part thereof received in August of Williams (Mr Neales Clerk 400£ & afterwards of Lewis another Clerk 300£ more & then recconing with Lewis concealed the 400£ paid by Williams & deducted only the 300£ & took Lewises Note for the remaining 507£. 10s & endorsed the Tickets: whereas he should have deducted also the 400£ & taken a Note only for 107£. 10s the true deficiency.. And this misreconning is the grownd of the Petition.

After these Importations there were two others in Iuly & August for which at 5s pr oz Mr Fryth was to receive back 370£ 8s. 9d. And in October November & December following he did receive of Lewis at 4 payments 500£, which makes up the aforesaid deficiency of 107£ 10s & pays of the 370.8.9. due upon these last two Tickets for which an allowance is now petitioned & leaves 22£ .1s .3d in his hands in part of the 8d pr oz whichhe was further to be allowed . For the 500£ was paid out of the Treasury of the Mint in satisfaction for silver imported by Mr Fryth & therefore ought to be deducted in his Accounts from the allowance of 5s 8d pr oz according to the words of the Act of Parliament which run thus. And all & every such Receivers Geveral " & Collectors in their respective Accounts to his Majesty shall be allowed the deficiency " occassioned by the recoyning of the said hammered money that is to say the differ" ence between the summ of the hammered money brought into the Mint computed at " 5s 8d an ounce & the summ in tail of the new money which he or they do receive " back from the Mint for the same.

Therefore instead of granting the Petition we are humble of opinion that Mr Fryth be further charged to her Majesty with 22.1.3 in his Accounts now depending.All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great wisdome.


Ctesias & his followers making Nineve to be ruined a little before the reign of Tigtata Pulasser this king, have given occasion to Castor & some others to speak of a Ninus reigning over Assyria presently after Sardanaplaus the last king And thence Vsser in his Annals calls Tiglathpulasser by the name of Ninus junior. Its probable therefore that this king was the Ninus who built Nineve that is fortified it & built it magnificently & that his wife was the Semiramis of Herodotus.

For Sardanapalus was not the same King with Nabopolassar the father of Nebuchadnezzar as Polysstor affirms but contemporary to him.

Diodorus here places Moses in a wrong age but thereby lets us know that the Shepherds were expelled Egypt just before the building of Ierusalem & the Temple & after several hardships some of them came in to Greece & other places under the Conduct of Cadmus & other Captains but the most of them settled in Phenicia next Egypt. We may reccon therefore that the warrs between the Egyptians & the Shepherds were the occassion that in those days so many men came with colonies out of Egypt & Phenicia into Greece, as Cecrops, Lelex Cadmus, Erechteus, Peteos, Danaus, tho Danaus seems rather to have fled from Sesostris long after the expulsion of the Shepherds because he fled in a long ship not in use before the days of Sesostris.

The expulsion of these shepherds Polemo places in the time of Apis the son of Phoroneus, as above, But this Apis was a little later being taken by the Greeks for the Egyptian Osiris who was Sesostris as we shall shew hereafter & Appion the Grammarian relates out of Ptolomy the Mendesian an Egyptian Priest that Amosis who expelled the shepherds & ruined Avaris was contemporary to Inachus king of Argos. And this is confirmed by the rapture of Io the daughter of Inachus which Herodotus places a little before the rapture < insertion from f 22r > of Europa & which was consequent to the trafic of the Phenicians in Grece occasioned by the expulsion of the shepherds & victories of David over Edom. < text from f 21v resumes > So that there is scarce any memory of things done in Europe older then the expulsion of these shepherds For For the Greeks know nothing older then Inachus & before Cadmus brought letters into Europe nothing could be long remembered.

After the Egyptians had expelled these strangers they seem for some time to have treated with severity such strangers as remained in Egypt or endeavoured to enter it. And hence came the story of Busiris For Busiris reigned in Egypt in the days of Cadmus or immediately before when Proteus fled from him into Phœnicia as you heard above. His sacrificing strangers seems a story <22r> feigned by the shepherds & Isocates absolves him from the crime.

Cecrops is recconed the first Egyptian who came into Greece & the Arundelian Marbles place his coming thither 64 years before the coming of Cadmus, & 72 years before the coming of Danaus. So that he seems to have fled fled from Egypt upon the very first expulsion of the Shepherds suppose in the days of Samuel For I take him to be one of the Shepherds because he brought into Cyprus the sacrifices of men an impiety the Egyptians were free from. 'For there a man was yearly sacrificed to Agraulos the daughter of Cecrops By the Colonies which came with him & others from Egypt & Phenicia, the sacrificing of men seems also to have been brought into Europe. But we do not read that any of them attempted to bring circumcision into Grece as it's probable some of them would have done had they been true Egyptians.


a[10] Castor & some others speak of a Ninus King of Assyria after the time wherein Ctesias & his followers place the reign of Sardanapalus that is about the days of Tiglathpilasser & Vsser calls him Ninus junior & takes him for the same king with Tiglathpileser Whence I reccon that Tiglathpilasser was the Ninus who built Nineveh that is fortified it & built it magnificently & suitable to his conquests & that the Semiramis of Herodotus was the wife of this king.

Alexander Polyistor (Apud Euseb Chron. Gr)takes Sardanapalus for Nabopolasser {the k}ing of B.who sent his son Nebuchadnezzar against Nineve, & gives the name of Saracus to the king of Nineve. He places Sardanapalus in the right age but shoud have make him king of Nineve.

a[11] Africanus relates that Polemo, in libro Græcarum Historiarum primo, said expresly that in the time of Apis the son of Phoroneus part of the Egyptian army withdrew it self from Egypt & seated it self in Palestine not far from Arabia. And Africanus takes these for the Israelites led out of Egypt by Moses. And Appion the Grammarian relates out of Ptolemy Priest of maedes saith that Amosis a king of Egypt who was contemporary to Inachus king of Argos ruined Avaris & in his reign the Iews came out of Egypt under Moses. By Amosis he means Thummosis the son of Misphragmuthosis.

Diodorus in his 40th book (p. 736) saith that In Egypt there were formerly multitudes of strangers of several nations who used forreign rites & ceremonies in worshipping the Gods for which they were expelled Egypt & under Danaus, Cadmus & other skilful commanders after great hardships came into Grece & other places, but the greatest part of them came into Iudea not far from Egypt a country then Desart & uninhabited, being conducted thither by one Moses a wise & valiant man who after he had possessed himself of the country among other cities built Ierusalem & the Temple,

Busiris, the king or viceroy who reigned in Egypt next after the expulsion of the shepherds, & was cruel to all strangers on their account.



A Monsieur

Monsieur Iohn Bernoulli Professeur des Mathematiques a Basle en la uisse.

184o.0029) 64767 34 (22 13

64632100 02564000 153840 56

9.649000 2564000 2307600 153840 10256 0002307 2474000 00 0000000000000 736000, 0006913,0 2453,33 66240,00 44160000, 510293130, 7360,00 9000,00 52665,00 579318,00 28966.000 00 0000000 5266,53. 21066.

5,8400 = 40400 = 110

0 3250.006,463210 26000.00002875000 129264200 51705680 4524250 000323160 185817300 h   l   y 1460.46::5049:112. 349∟025 0 10′.58″12. 10∟975 00 00146000 00013140 1022(459. 0000073 349025)160235 139610 30625 17451 3174


In obedience to your Lordships Order

Confirm the beginning of this intervall count backwards 190 or 200 years to the return of the Heraclides into Peloponnesus & from the end thereof count forwards 139 years to the 20th year of Philip An. 4 Olymp 109; & the whole recconing will make almost 480 years from the return of the Heraclides unto the 20th year of Philip: whereas Ephorus &c

13,560000 168000 728000 145600d 10192000(84933.30.0 0511200042466.13.4 400029726.6.13.4 13:4.0 424666.13.4224000 60666.13.4448000 896000(74666.0.8.0 560003733. 8000


To the RtReverent Honourable the Earl of Godolphin Lord High Treasurer of great Britain.

May it please your Lordship
In obedience to your Lordships order of the Reference of May 6th upon the annexed Proposal of Mr William Morgan & others brought to us by the Proposer Iune 30th for taking in the old copper money & coyning a thousand Tunns of better copper money in its stead within the term of seven years, provided the loss which they may sustain by changing the old money for the new & the interest of forty thousand pounds dead stock may be allowed them over & above the price of the new metal & charges of coynage: We have considered the same & are humbly of the opinion that the loss which would be sustein by melting down the old copper money & the interest of the dead stock would amount to above eighty thousand pounds & are an unnecessary charge, & that the coynage of a thousand Tunns would make a very great clamour, six hundred Tunns being sufficient to stock the nation. And we further humbly represent that a constant coynage of about eight or ten Tunns per annum may be sufficient to supply the yearly wast of the present copper money, that such a small coynage is safest but not yet wanting, that it may be above ten or twelve years before the coynage of an hundred Tunns shall be wanting & that a greater coinage will not be advisable untill there be a great & general complaint of the want of copper money.

All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great wisdome


In deifying the dead it was usual to give them new names, as by calling Sesak Sirius, Ino Leucothea, Melicerta Palæmon Alcæus Hercules &c & the Greeks deified several of their nation by the names of the Gods of Egypt as the son of Semele by the name of Bacchus, the son of Penelope by the name of Pan the son of Alcmena by the name of Hercules, the mother of Achilles by the name of Thetis, the son of Maia by the name of Mercury, Erechtheus & Æolus by the name of Neptune, the father of Alcippe by the name of Mars, & Minos by the name of Iupiter . And thus by worshipping their own people by the names & with the ceremonies of the Gods of Egypt the Greeks introduced the Idolatry of the Egyptians into Europe. [And after the exam- of the Oracle of Iupiter Ammon set up in Libya upon the conquest of that country by Ammon, the people who came from Egypt & Libya into Greece set up Oracles at Dodona, Delphos,]

. These are the famous wars between Iupiter & the Titans of which the Scholiast upon Æschylus (in Prometheo v. 351) saith that they lasted ten years. Sesostris therefore.

In the end of the reigns of Orus the Ethiopians under Hercules se

The Ethiopians under Hercules, after they had rescued Egypt from the invasion of Typhon & retired into their own seats, seem to have come down into Egypt, drowned Orus & invaded his kingdom.

The Titans who drowned Orus, seem to be Hercules & his associates who after they had rescued Egypt from Typhon, retired into their own seats for a time, but after a while returned & invaded Egypt For Pliny tells us


Thoas lay with his own daughter Smyrna & of her begot Adonis. He is promiscuously {called} Thoas Theias & Cinyras He left his daughter Hypsipyla in Lemnos & gave her a purple cloak which he had received of Bacchus & when the weomen of Lemnos slew their husbands, she became Queen of the Island. ✝ Apollodorus represents him contemporary to Pigmaleon king of Cyprus. & therefore the Trojan war & the building of Carthage was in one & the same age as above By his skill in metalls & his being placed in Lemnos by Rhadamanthus he seems to have been a Cretan & most probably he & his workmen were some of the Curetes. For the sacred rites & ceremonies institutes in Lemnos were like those instituted by the Curetes in Samothrace & other places                      & enterteined the Argonauts.

✝ He was so much favoured by Bacchus as to be reputed his son by Ariadne. Antonius Liberalis saith that Theias the father of Smyrna was the son of Belus & Apollonius that Thoas the father of Hypsipyla was the son of Bacchus. & Panyasis that Thoas the father of Smyrna was king of the Assyrians & Hyginus that Cinyras the father of Smyrna was king of the Assyrians. So that Thoas the father of Smyrna Theias the father of Smyrna Cynyras the father of Smyrna & Thoas the father of Hypsipyla are one & the same man. And to the same purpose it is that the Poets call Vulcan the son of Iupiter, that is of Iupiter Belus or Bacchus. . The Phenicians called him Baal Michius & from his great age the Latines might call him old Baal, Baal canus, Volcan, Apollodorus represents him contemporary to Pigmaleon king of Cyprus & therefore the Trojan war was in one & the same age with the building of Carthage, as above.

. The names of the great men of Phenicia were frequently compounded of Baal, & from the great age of Cinyras the Latines

Altars might begin to be erected before the days of Cadmus, & Temples began a little after. for Æacus who was two generations older then the Trojan wars is recconed the first or one of the first who built a Temple in Greece

This is that Thoas of whom Pliny saith Argentum invenit Erechthonius Atheniensis, ut alij Æacus: auri metalla et conflaturam Cadmus Phœnix ad Pangæum montem, ut alij Thoas et Æacus.



The Babylonians had a feast which {they cal}led Sacea & began upon the 16 day of the month Lous & lasted 5 days In which this feast the servants ruled & the masters served as in the Saturnalia. The ceremony imports that it was instituted in memory of a conquest & the name may relate to the conqueror to whom as a God this feast was dedicated by the Babylonians. And from this God a[12] some think that Babylon was called Sesach Ier. 25.26 & 51.41.

Hypsiphila the Queen of Lemnos who entertained the Argonauts was the daughter of Thoas & this Thoas was the favorite of Bacchus For Apollonius tells us that Bacchus left his purple cloak to his son Thoas & he left it to his daughter Hypsipyla. [Argonaut l. 4 v. 426] [As Thoas the father of Hypsiphyla is here called the son of Bacchus, so Theias the father of Smyrna that is Cinyras is by Antonius Liberalis said to be the son of Belus. Because he was the favorite of Bacchus or Belus the called him his son] By the age of Hypsipyla & the friendship of Bac you may know that her father Thoas reigned in Lemnos when Bacchus invaded Greece & lay with Venus & by consequence that Venus was his wife. Because he was the favorite of Bacchus his is feigned to be his son & in the same Theyas the father of Smyrna, that is Cinyras, was called the son of Belus.

Cinyras is by Panyasis called Thoas king of the Assyrians, that is is, of the Syrians. Antonius Liberalis calls him Theias the son of Belus [& father of Smyrna, & saith that Smyria was born in Libanus. Hyginus calls him the son of Phapus & saith that he built the city Smyrna so called from his daughter. Whence it should seem that Smyrna was born before he left Lemnus: for Smyrna was a city of Lemnus.] Apollodorus saith that he was born in Cilicia & went from thence to Cyprus & there bult Paphus.

Apollodorus saith that Cynyras was born in Cilicia, & went from thence to Cyprus & there built Paphos & that he maried Metharne the daughter of Pygmaleon king of Cyprus by whom he had Adonis & three daughters who flying from the anger of Venus married forreigners & died in Egypt. By his being contemporary to Pygmaleon may be gathered that the Trojan war was in the same age with the building of Carthage by Dido, but that Adonis was the grandchild of Pygmaleon is not certain He is reputed the son of the son of Smyrna the daughter of Cinyras. Panyasis saith that he was the son of Thoas king of the Assyrians & of Smyrna the daughter of Thoas, And Higynus that he was the son of Cinyras king of the Assyrians & of Smyrna, the daughter of Cnyras, By the Assyrans they meant the Syrians. Antonius Liberalis, saith that Smyrna the mother of Adonis was the daughter of Theias the son of Belus. This is that Thoas who was succeeded in Lemnos by his daughter Hypsipyla. For by her [ reigning there in the time of the Argonautic expedition you may know that her father reigned there one generation earlier that is in the days of Sesostris Bacchus & Apollonius lets us know that he was the great favorite of Sesostris telling us that Bacchus left his purple cloak to his son Thoas & Thoas left it to his daughter Hypsipyla. But tho he is sometimes b called the son of Belus or Bacchus yet since he was placed in Lemnos by Rhadamanthus before Bacchus took the Islands of the Hellespont from the Cretans, its more probable that he was a Cretan & by his skill in metals that he & his workmen were some of the Curetes. For the sacred rites & religious institutions of Lemnus were of the same kind with those instituted by the Curetes in Samothrace & other places.


00a.0+ae+aee+ae3+ae4+ae5+ae6+ae7+ae8+ae9+ae10+ae11+ae12&c=B aa ae a en+1 ae =B. 00 ae a XB=a e n+1 a+eXB+aa ae = en = Ba Be + ae . a=25000.   e=1∟0125.   B=11000000.   Ba = 440.   Be = 8.80000008∟1 ae = 2000008∟1 aa+aaen+1 aea = B. 0 eBaB+aa ae = en = Ba Bae + 1e . a+aen1 e1 = B. 0 eBB+a e = a en1 . 0 eBB+a ae = en = Ba Bae + 1e . Ba = 440. 0 Bae = 3520081 . 0 1e = 8081 . 0 en = 440 3512081 = 4404 3902.020202029 = 440433∟5578002244669 = 6∟4421997755331 log. 0 e = 0.0053950. 00 en = 0.8090342. 0 n = 150. 0 n = 3712  years. 000000000000000000000 0.53950 0.26953 0.26975 a = 250000. 0 e = 1∟0125. 0 B = 35,000000. 0 Ba = 140. 0 Bae = 1120081. 0 1e = 8081 260. 1134081 = Ba . 0 114201120081 = 22081 = en = 24∟444449 = 2∟7160493777. 0 0.4339377 0.0053950.) 0.4339377 (80.4 0.43160 020∟0years & 18th half a quarter. 0.00233

AAAA. =nA 1+o=e. AeA. 9.0225 A +oA +20A +3oA +n1xoA 10 AA..   +ooA +3 ooA +n2xooA AAA...    +o3A +n3xo3A +n4xo4A

a = 25000 225000. 0 e = 1∟0125. 0 B = 35m 0,000000. 0 Ba = 35000225 = 700045 = 14009 = 155∟555 = 1260081. 0 Bae = Ba × 8081 = 12444∟44481. 0 12 = 8081. 0 1268012444∟4444481 = 235∟5555581 = en =15.061616169=1∟673515151515 26∟17283959 = 2,9080932 0.4635944 134 4 0.4636082 (86,00000 4316000 7000 320080 2112 years. 323700 3620

The 11,000000l will be paid off by 100000 pr an in 37 12 years. The 35∟000000 by 900000 pr an in 21 12 years & by 1000000 per an in 20 years & half a quarter. And the 13500000l by 75000l per an in 46 years.

a = 18750. 0 e = 1∟0125. 0 B = 13500000l . 0 Ba = 13500001875 = 1080015 = 21603 = 720 = 1944027 = 5832981 Bae = 5760081 = 64009. 0 1e = 8081. 0 584005760081 = 80081 = 9∟87654321. Log.  0.9946046 0.005395) 0.994604600 (184∟35 0535500000 3550.0000 455100000 46.000 431600146 .4272.21 35500000 1021.4.34. 23500000 7100000 106500000 21580000 355000 7455000000 (1021∟23289 1924600 155000000 4,6578 1618500 9000000 001315 306100 1700000 7893 240000 21000 6400 5840 560 00 742 324 2120 720 2862 1044 0720 3582

242dwt = 62s. 0 111 = 31s = 1243 00 111) 124(1∟117117 00 8dwt = 2s 2d ∟81. 0130 1903d∟351351=1dwt 000026 0790810808 00130

A pound weight new Plate is better then a pound weight old plate by 8dwt fine silver that is 2s. 2d∟8108. And 1dwt of fine silver is worth 3720

And a pound of new plate is worth 3l. 4s. 2d∟8108. And an ounce of new plate is worth 5s. 4d∟23423 or 5s. 4d14.

3∟351351=3d. or 3d13 or 372ad 00010135 00004010 000030625 000009475

Phrixus & Helle were the children of Athamas the brother of Peneres Sisyphus & Magnes And these three were the sons of Æolus the son of Hellen
[ took Ætolia from the Curetes & was expelled by Pelops.] Endymion took Ætolia from the Curetes & left it to his son Æetolus] & took Ætolia from Ætolus the younger son of Endymion


1. v Celeus king of Eleusis was the son of Rharus the son of Cranaus the successor of Cecrops an Egyptian who married Agraulos the daughter of Actæus. And therefore Cecrops came into Greece about three generation of 90 years before Ceres, & by consequence in the High-priesthood of Eli.

2. v Car the son of Phoroneus the son of Inachus built a Temple to Cerus in Megara & this was in imitation of the Temple of Ceres in Eleusis, & therefore Inachus who gave his name to the river Inachus was contemporary to Cecrops & might come into Greece at the same time.

4 v Areas the son of Callisto the daughter of Lycaon the son of Æzeus, or as some say of Pelasgus, received corn from Triptolemus & taught his people to make bread of it & so did Eumelus the first king of Achaia: & therefore Areas & Eumelus were contemporary to Triptolemus, & Lycaon to Cranaus & Ezeus & Pelasgus to Cecrops.

4Endymion was the son of Aëthlius the son of Protogenia the sister of Hellen & daughter of Deucalion. 2 Phrixus & Helle the children of Athamas the brother of Sisyphus & son of Hellen fled from their stepmother Ino the daughter of Cadmus to Ætes at Colchos presently after the return of Sesostris into Ægypt. And Iason the Argonaut was the son of Æson the son of Critheus the son of Æolus the son of Hellen. And by these circumstances Hellen was about one & Deucalion about two generations older then Erechtheus. They could not be much older because Xuthes the youngest son of Hellen married Creusa the daughter of Erechtheus & their younger son Ion upon the death of Ceres commended the army of the Athenians against the Eleusinians; nor much younger because Cephalus the son of Deioneus the son of Ælus the son of Hellen married Procris the {illeg} daughter of Erechtheus & Procris fled from her husband to Minos.

5 v Acrisius & Pretus were the sons of Abas the son of Lynceus. But this Lynceus was not the same with the son of Ægyptus the brother of Danaus but an Æyptian as old as Inachus & Cecrops. Abas built Abæ in Phocis.

3 v Eurydice & her brother Amyclas were the children of Lacedæmon & Sparta & Lacedæmon was the son of Tayyeta & Sparta the daughter of Eurotas the son or brother of Myles the older brother of Polycaon & son of Lelex.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Myles succeeded his father Lelex in in Elis & Polycaon married Messene the daughter of Triopas the son of Phorbas the brother Pirasus & invaded Messene then peopled only by villaes & built cities therein & called it Messene after the name of his wife. Myles set up a Quern or hand mill to grind corn & is reputed the first who did so in Greece; but he seems to have had his corn from Egypt.

6 v Aegialeus the first King of Sicyon was the brother of Phoroneus & son of Inachus. He died without issue & after him After him reigned Europs, Telchim Apis, Lamedon, Sicyon &c. successively Apis was the son of Niobe the daughter of Phoroneus. The Poets say that he was the son of Iupiter & Niobe the first woman with whom Iupiter lay. The Greeks feign that Apis went into Egypt & there became the God whom the God whom the Egyptians {know as} Serapis & Osiris. And therefore in the opinion of the ancient Greek the Symbol (double legged cross) in text Symbol (double legged cross) in textthe reign of Apis in Greece preceded that of Apis in Egypt, Apis Epaphus & Epopeus are one & the same man we have placed his death upon the 10 year of Solomon. And {so} Inachus who was three generations older might flourish in the days of Eli as above. Apis Epaphus & Epopeus are one & the same king. Epopeus was slain about the 10th year of Solomon as above & Inachus who was three generations older might flourish in the days of Eli, as above


2A Erechtheus succeeded Cranaus about the middle of Davids reign & e Varro[13] the marbles place the flood of Deucalion in the reign of Cranaus. Between Cranallus & Erechtheus by the service of the King of Athens Chronologers place Amphictyon Erechthonius & Pandion. By Ampictyon I suppose they mean the son of Deucalion. For the Marbles say that Deucalion fled from the flood to Athens in the reign of Cranaus & place the reign of Amyphatyon at Thermopylæ seven years after the coming of Cadmus into Greece thre years after that. Deucalion might fly to Athens & his son Amphityon succeeded him at Thermopylæ & Hellen in Phthiotis without interrupting putting an endthe reign of Cranaus. And as for Erecthonius & his son Pandion I take them to be the same kings with Erechtheus & his son Pandion the names being only respected with a little variation. For Erecthonius (he that was the son of the earth nursed up by Minerva) is by Homer called Erechtheus. And Themistuis (Orat.XIX) tells us that it was Erectheus who first joyned chariot to horses. . And Plato alluding to Erechthenius in a basket saith, the people of magnanimous Erechtheus is beautiful, but it behoves us to behold him taken out

7 rOgyges according2[14]Acusilaus flourished in the reign of Phoroneus 1020 years before the first Olympiad: But they were both much later. To call things Ogygian has been a phrase among the Greeks to signify that they are as old as the first memory of things: & therefore we may reccon Ogyges as old at least as Inachus, Lelex, Æzeus, Pelasgus, Actæus, Lynceus, & their contemporaries, & so place the flood of Ogyges in their days & in the days of Eli the High Priest and Iudge of Israel. Eleusina the son of Ogyges is said to have built the city Eleusine in Attica. He might begin to build a few houses of clay which in time might grow into a city.

Upon the death of Hellen his youngest son Xuthus was expelled Thessaly by his brothers Æolus & Dorus & fled to Theseus & married Creusa the daughter of Amchtheus & their younger son Ion grew up before the death of Erectheus. And therefore Hellen died about one generation before Erechtheus,

Celeus king of Eleusis who was contemporary to Erechtheus was the son of Rharus the son of Cranaus, & in the reign of Cranaus, Deucalion & his sons Hellen & Amphictyon fled from the flood into Attica & there, obteined seats, & Amphictyon married the daughter of Cranaus & therefore was contemporary to Rharus & one generation older then Celeus & Erechtheus. By him and Acrisius the Amphictyonic council was erected & this seems to have been done into & it seems to have been done about the middle of Davids reign. Not much earlier because it was erected by ancient men & for the safety of Greece aginst forreign invasions. Nor much later because the reign of Amphictyon ended before that of Erechtheus began.

Between the reign of Amphictyon & Erechtheus Chronologers place Erechthonius & Pædion, & so make Amphictyon older then is here represented. But I take Erechthonius & his son Pandion to be the same men with Erectheus & his son Pandion, the names being only repeated with a little variation. For Erechthonius (he that was - - - him taken out. Erechtheus therefore immediately succeeded Amphictyon. Some say that Amphictyon deposed Cranaus & was deposed by Erechthonius, that is by Erechtheus He deposed Cranaus therefore a little after the flood of Deucalion & was deposed by Erechtheus a little after the institution of the Amphictionic Council.

3A Lycurgus Cepheus & Augeo were the children of Aleus the son of Aphidamus the son of Areas the son of Callisto the daughter of Lycaon. Auge lay with Hercules & Anceaus the son of Lycurgus was an Argonaut & Cephus was his governour during that expedition, & Creuraus staid at home to look after his {aged} father Aleus & toas therefore at that time an old man suppose of {about} 65 or 70 years of age. Areas being two generations older then Aleus, might be born about the beginning of Davids reign. He received corn from Tripolemus & this might & before the middle of Solomons reign. His grandfather Lycaon had many children & therefore lived long & so mighty see some of his grandchildren grow up & the Poets place the flood of Deucalion immediately after his death,


theus could not be much older. For Calais & Zetes – – – – Argonauts. Erectheus being an Egyptian sent for corn from Egypt & for that benefaction was at length made king of Athens. Whether Ceres came then from Egypt to take care of the corn & prepare it for food or was a woman of Libya or Sicily is uncertain. She pretended to come in quest of her daughter, & her coming may be placed upon the 25th or 30th of David & her death upon

Erectheus could not be much older because his daughter Procris conversed with Minos king of Crete & his grandson Thespis had fifty daughters who lay with Hercules & his daughter Orithya was the mother of Calais & Zetes two of the Argonauts, & his son Orneus was the father of Peteos the father of Menestheus who warred at Troy: nor much younger because his second son Pandion who deposed his elder brother Cecrops was the father of Ægeus the father of Theseus; & his son Metion was the father of Eupalamus the father of Dædalus who was older then Theseus; & his daughter Creusa married Xuthus the son of Hellen, & was the mother of Achæus the father of Archander & Archilites who married two of the daughters of Danaus & had warrs with Lamedon above about ten years after the death of Solomon. Erechtheus being an Egyptian procured corn from Egypt & for that benefaction was at length made king of Athens. Whether Ceres was an Egyptian or came from Sicily may be doubted. She pretended to come in quest of her daughter but might come from Egypt to take care of the corn & prepare it for food. We cannot err much if we place her coming about the 25th of Davids reign & the dispersion of corn by Triptolemus about ten years after & the death of Erechtheus & institution of the Eleusinia sacra about the 10th year of Solomon.

Apis the third or fourth king of Sicyon was the great grandson of Ægialeus by the fathers side & the grandson of

Cecrops at Athens contemporary to Lycaon the son of Pelasgus Pausan l. 8. c. 2.

In ludis Olympicis Iupiter cum Saturno luctatus est Pausan ib.

Pelasgus, Lycnon, Nyctenus, Arcas, Azan, Clitor, Æpytus, Athens the father of Auge, Lycurgus, Echemus, Agapenor reigned successivly in Arcadia Pausan ib.

Lelex came from Ægypt, the father of Cleson the father of Pylas, the father of Scyron who married          the daughter of Pandion & contended with Nisus the son of Pandion for the kingdom & Agaius adjudged it to Nisus. Pausan l. 1. c. 8.

Eadem {illeg} ætate Cecrops Athenis & Lyceaon in Arcadia regnarunt Pausan l. 8. c. 2.

A+eA+eeA + e3A + e4A + e5A + e6A + e7A + e8A + e9A + e10A &c + enA = B. in  e1 e1 = A+en+1A e1 = B . 0 eBB+A oA = e n+1 = em = e1XB+A A = 1+3 e = 1∟0125 e1= 0∟0125 = 180 First 0 A = 100000l. 0 B = 11,000000l. 00 ABe1 = 180 . 0 e1XB A = 100000880000000 = 188 e1XB A = 11,0000008000000 = B 80A . 0 em = 1+ B 80A = 2+ 38 A = 25000. 0 B = 11000000. 0 e1 = 180 . em = 110000002000000 +1 = 6 12 .0 Log. e m = 0.8129133. 0 Log.  e = 0.00539506 .0053951. 0.8129133 000.8129133 (150.680 00053951 5395100 37.2∟68 0.8075182 2734033 2697543 36490 32370 4120 A = 225000. 0 B = 35000000. 0 B 80A +1 = em = 3500000018000000 +1 = 5318 = 2∟9444444 Log. em=0.4689968+62= 0.46901300 .0(870 431604800 3740820 2134 3776542

A = 250000. 0 B = 35000000. 0 B 80A = 35 20 = 1 3 4 . 0 em = 2 34 . 0 Log.  em = 0.4393326 (81∟32 04316048 00077278 20y1∟435Qr A = 0 18750 . . 0 B = 13500000. 0 B 80A = 13515 = 273 = 910 . 0 em = 10. 00053951 Log  em = 1. 0 0.00539506 ) 1∟00000000 ( 185∟3548 00023327 0000000000000000000000 53950600 00021580 0000000000000000000000 46049400 00 46 year 0 1∟3548Qr 0000 1747 0000000000000000000000 4316048 0000 16185 00000000000000000000000 288892 000001285 00000000000000000000000 269753 000000000000000000000000 19141 000000000000000000000000 16185 0000000000000000000000000 2956 0000000000000000000000000 2698 00000000000000000000000000 258


Jews b{e}gan their year in with the near Moon w {Equin}ox or within 15 days before or after it. This year they being the beginning thereof from the autumnal equinox to the vernal {so to make}, & {t}heir sphere & the Greeks in theirs might place the Equinox & y signes For the masters of Palamedes were Egyptians, & For the Greeks h{illeg} {Egy}pt. & began the Olympic year {in} {illeg} summer solstice


Eudoxus travelled into Egypt & having conversed with Astronomers of {illeg} wrote a book of the Constellations wherein Coluri Æquinoctiorum & Solstiorum as his Commentator Hipparchus Bithynus tells us pass through the middles of the asteri{sms} Arius, Cancer, Chela & Capricorn, following therein the doctrine of the the first Astro{nomers} ={illeg}t formed the Celestial sphere. But the Zodiac being unequally divid{ed} Asterisms, its now very difficult to assigne exactly the middles of the asterism{s} {ed form thence]} the Equinoxes & Solstices were then placed, & it may be sufficient to truth. For which end let us in every Asterism of the Zodiac (except {Li}bra & S{corpio} {which ori}ginally were but one Asterism) [& Cor Scorpio (a star of the {{illeg}th magnitude} {in the mi}ddle of Scorpio,] & the middle between the middles of Cancer & Capricorn {bet}ween this middle & the middle of Sagittary for the middle of Scorpio And let the Ecliptic be divided into 12 equal parts or signes so division may fall as neare as can be upon the middles of the Aster{isms} 8 years one way may equal the summ of the erro {division} which fall {in} or neare the middles of Aries C in the sph{ere}

<29r> <29v>

The Case between the Queen & Mr Frith is in my
opinion as follows

Mr Frith imported into the Mint at Chester 19 parcels of hammered money for which the Master & Worker of that Mint gave him 19 Receipts or Tickets expressing the weight of each parcel.

The first 15 Tickets were paid off after the rate of s pr oz & endorsed before the 26t of Iuly      1697. And the last payment was made the following occasion. Mr Lewis making up his Accounts to Mr Halley Comptroller of that Mint delivered in account of money in his hands for paying off part of the last of those Tickets whereupon Mr Halley stopt accounting till that arrear was paid off that the Account might run clear to that time & then Mr Lewis paid off that Ticket & brought it to Mr Halley endorsed.

Soon afterwards Mr Lewis for throwing a leaden standish at the Wardens Head was removed from his buisiness, & Mr Williams took the cash into his hands and paid Mr Fryth 400£ in part of the 16th Ticket No 149. videlicet 18th Aug 300£ & 21th Aug 100£ videlicet 18. August £ 300... 24 th {illeg}{do} £ 100 – upon two Notes drawn by Mr Frith on the officers of the Mint.

Aug the 24th. Mr Lewis returning to his busines in the Mint took the Cash out of William's hands, & paid Mr frith August 31{st}. £ 100.– & September 7th. £ 200.– & then Octob 25 accounting with Mr Fryth delivered back the two receipts of that 100£ & 200£ & gave him also a Note upon Mr Clark for 507£ 10s more & in lieu thereof took upon the back of the 15th & 16th Tickets Mr Fryths Receipts of 807£ 10s by way of discharge of those Tickets which amounted just to that summ: 400£ but Mr Fryth notes upon which he had rd 400 £ of Williams remained still in the Mint Mr Fryth forgetting to account for that Money & Mr Lewis not knowing that Williams had paid it.

Afterwards Vpon the Note for 507£ 10s Mr Fryth received 500 by three notes he drew on the Mint. videlicet octob. 26.th £ 150... November 19th £300... & December 4th£ 50.– which with 700£ received before makes up 1200£ paid him in money out of that Mint since the discharge of his first 15 Tickets & then Mr Halley discovered that the first 400£ of this money paid by Williams had been pocketed by Fryth without accounting for it, or endorsing it on the Tickets, & when Fryth demanded more money upon the two lost Tickets he was answered that he had already received more then was due to him.

At length Mr Fryth petitioning the late Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for an allowance in his Accounts upon the 2 last Tickets not yet endorsed & & the matter being referred [first to the Commissioners of Excise & then to the Officers of the Mint,] Mr Fryth pretended that the 400£ which he reconned of Williams was paid not upon any of the four last Tickets but upon an old Note: Whence also it appears that this summ of 400£ was no part of the 307£ 10s endorsed upon the 16 & 17th Tickets but still remains to be accounted for


Mr Fryth therefore stands charged under his own hand by his Notes with the receipt of 400£ of Williams & by his receipts endorsed on the the 16th & 17th Tickets which the receipt of 807£. 10s of Lewis & m

Seing therefore Mr Fryth avoyds being examined & alows nothing but what is under his hand. I beleive he should be charged in his Accounts now depending . 1st with the receipt of the moneys endorsed on the backside of his first 15 Tickets, then with the receipt of 400£ of Williams by two Notes still standing out against him & lastly with the receipt of 807£. 10s endorsed on the back side of the 16th & 17th Tickets, & that he discharge himself by his 19 Tickets or otherwise as he can.

The first ages counting their years by returns of Summer & winter seedtime & harvest, & minding the yearly products of the earch, they would be apt to end their year with the ingathering of the ripe fruits of the earth & begin the next year with gardening till age setting pruning & sowing in order to a new harvest & ingathering, referring to one & the same year the whole growth of all the fruits of that year. Hence the oldest years of the Greeks began in winter & the year which the Hebrews brought out of Egypt began in autumn & so did the Æra Seleucidarum Alexandræ & Antiochena & Arabica. But upon new occasions the Epocha has now been changed from winter to summer & from autumn to spring. So Moses changed the beginning of Iewish year And so the Egyp tians might change the beginning of theirs. And if the Egyptians began their 365 days at either of the Equinoxes at its first institution it was either instituted by Memnon or was older then Moses

By the constant & unanimous tradition of the Greeks Memnon was contempory to the childrē of Priam. They tell us that he was the son of Tithonus the brother of Priam & came to the war of Troy Homer Pindar Pausanias Diodorus & others say that he was slain at Troy by Achilles. If about the time of that war or immediately after he came into Phrygia not to assist the Trojans but in carrying on his conquests this might give occasion to the Greeks to report him slain by their Hero: but if he had not lived in that age there could haven been no pretense for the story. Pausanias – – – weapons. If we may suppose Memnon born a year or two after Tithonus went captive into Thebais & theforee feigned by the Greeks to be the son of Tithonus: he might be about 26 years old when he retired from Memphys into Ethiopia, 40 when he drave the Iews out of Egypt 50 when he came from Susa into Asia minor conquering all the nations before him & 74 when he constituted the new year of 365 days.

Between Memnon & Mæris Diodorus places one Vchoreus & says that he built Memphis & fortified it to admiration with a mighty rampart of earth & a broad & deep trench which was filled with the water of the Nile & built Palaces in it: & that this place was so commodiously pitched upon by the builder that most of the kings who reigned after him preferred it before Thebes & removed the Court thence to this place, so that the magnificence of Thebes from that time began to decrease & Memphys to increase till Alexander kind of Macedon built Alexandria. By these works I take Vchoreus to be either Memnon himself or one of his Princes. For the Deputy Govern{ors} of Egypt are sometimes recconed amongst the kings.


Proposals for co{yning} {illeg} farthings for {illeg}the {illeg} Plantations {illeg}

That copper half pence & farthings be coyned in the Tower for the Plantations in America according to the intrinsic value of Copper in the several Plantations & charge of coynage, which charge will be about 6d per pound weight.

That the forthings be stamped on the reverse with such a stamp as shall be agreed upon by the Governours & Councels of the several Plantations with the approbation of the Council of Trade .

That they be sent in her Majestys men of War & convoys in such quantitys only as the Governours of the several Plantations or their Order shall from time to desire by their letters so that the Planatations may neither want nor be overstocked.

That a premium be allowed suppose of 2 or 3 per cent if her Majesty pleases to those men who shal receive them [out of the ship & pay the or Captain of the ship for them.] from the Captain of the Ship & pay the Captain for them

When Sabacon invaded Egypt, the Egyptians were divided into several kingdoms one at Memphys another at Tanis or Zoan a third at Sais. Two of these are thus mentioned by Isaias.

At Memphys reigned Gnephachthus & his son Boccharis successively – – – – Egyptians hated him. In his days Sabacon invaded Egypt & took him & burnt him alive.

At Tarris reigned Anysis & he fled from Sabacon into the fenny places of Egypt weare Pelusium & there lay hid for some time in the Isle Elbo.

At Sais reigned Stephanates Necepsos & Nechus successively. Necepsos with one Petosiris is reputed the inventor of Iudicial Astrology & the first that wrote the art of predicting by the stars. Sabacon or one of his successors slew Nechus & made his son Psammiticus fly into Syria

So then the Monarchy of Egypt in the reign of those kings who built the Pyramids – – – – & afterwards by the Assyrians.

When Sabacon invaded Egypt a body of Egyptians fled into Babylonia a[15] Hestiæus thus mentions this transmigration: The Priests who escaped (that is who escaped the the inundation of Egypt     ) taking the sacra of Iupiter Enyalius came into Senaar a field of Babylonia. Iupiter Enyalius is Ammon or Belus Martius. Diodorus describes this transmigration more fully saying that Belus the son of Neptune & Libya led a colony into Babylon, & placing his seat at Euphrates instituted Priests after the manner of the Egyptians exempt from taxes & public duties which the Babylonians call Chaldeans, who observe the stars after the example of the Priests & Philosophers & Astrologers of Egypt. This colony carried


Mr Lewis entered in his Cash book]

Aug 24 97 Received the ballance of Williams Acc 136. 14. 10 Aug. 31 Paid Cha Fryth in part 100.00.00 Sept 7 Paid Cha. Fryth in part 200.00.00

The Iews say that Manasseh was captivated {illeg} reign which is the 70th year of Nabonassar. be presumed that & Egypt lying beyon Iudea may may be presumed to be conquered afterward: so that the Ethiopians reigned over Egypt about 70 or 75 years before they were conquered by the Assyrians.

with them the year of the Egyptians & founded the Æra of Nabonassar whose years have the very same Thoth with the years of Egypt. Whence we may reccon that Sabacon invaded Egypt about the time that the æra of Nabonassar began.

The reign of the Ethiopians according to Herodotus lasted 50 years – – – in behalf of Hezekiah (2 King 18.21, 24 & 19.9) And therefore Tirhakah succeeded Sua between the 4 & 14 year of Hezekiah, that is between the 24th & 34th year of Nabonassar. Count backwards the 14 years reign of Sua & 12 years reign of Sabacon & the recconing will place Sabacons invasion of Egypt about the beginning of the Æra of Nabonassar as above.

Herodotus giving an account of the war of Senachenis saith, that saith that Setho

With respect to this war Diodorus tells us of a tradition that the inhabitants of interior Africa once making an impression upon Egypt caused a great part of the land to become void of inhabitants. And Higynus:[16] Afri et Ægyptij primum fustibus dimicaverunt: postea Belus Neptuni filius gladio belligeratus est unde bellum dictum. The              Ethiopians used clubs till the time of the Roman Empire, & its probale that the rest of the Ethiopians used them till Belus that is Amenoph whom the Greeks call Memnon taught them the use of swords. Hence Hercules who reigned over Chus is painted with a club.

In this war

The Ethiopians being checkt in their progress eastward.

Considering that Zerah had Libyans in his army, it seems to me that he conquered Libya before he led his army against the Iews & by this character he should be the Egyptian Hercules whom the Atlantides call Saturn For Hercules first slew Antæus in Libya & then went into Egypt & slew Busiris, & therefore he invaded the Kingdō of Antæus & conquered him before he invaded Egypt. But being repulsed in Iudea he turned his arms westward & fitting out a fleet invaded Sicily Italy, & the western coasts on both sides the mediterranean, going as far as the mouth of that sea where he set up pillars as Sesostris had done in the east. Pausanias tells us that the first who passed in ships into the Island Sardinia were the Libyans under the command of Sardus the son of Maceris, & that Sardus was by the, Egyptians & Libyans called Hercules, & carried into Sardinia a colony of Libyans who did not drive out the old inhabitants but mixed with them. The Egyptian Hercules therefore became Lord of Libya & thence invaded the coasts of the mediterranean. They tell us that Hercules first slew Antæus in Libya & then went into Egypt & slew Busiris. After these conquests I reccon th the Ethiopians invaded Iudea becaus there were Libyans as well as Ethiopians in the army of Zerah. But this army being repulsed Hercules turned his arms westward & from the coasts of Libya invaded Sardinia, Sicily, Italy & the western regions on both sides the Mediterranean going as far as the mouth of that Sea where he set up pillars as Sesostris had done in the east.


Let Mephibosheth & Solomon be supposed 20 years old at the birth of their eldest sons (for if either of them was older the other must be younger) & the victory of David over the Ammonites & Syrians will fall upon the 16th year of his reign.

May it please yoe Lordship

If W desists, N will gain about 17 votes in Trin. Coll & 4 or 5 in other Colleges, & A will lose 4 or 5 votes or above in T.C. & gain 2, or 3 in other colleges: So that A & N will be about equal. And G will gain 18 20 votes in T.C. & 12 or 15 or perhaps 20 in other Colleges, & therefore will be able to spare 10 or 15 votes, which would secure N. But while the vogue is against N his interest decreases.

A & W depend more upon uncertain votes then G & N

Mephibosheth was 5 years old at the death of Saul & had a young son when David sent for him to eat at his Table & after that Nahash the king of Ammon died & {th}e next year David made war upon his son Hanun the son of Nahash & beat the Ammonites & Syrians & the third year destroyed the Ammonites & beseiged Rabbah their capital city & lay with Bathsheba & the 4th year Bathsheba had a son who died & the 5t year Solomon was born & after his birth Rabbah was taken, & a year before the death of David Rehoboam was born.

Mr Lord

I have inclosed an account of the votes for Burgesses of the University as I stated it for my self when last at Cambridge. [About a month or 5 weeks ago I had a prospect of some more votes which are since gone off to Mr Annesly by reason the vogue is against me & since the making] Since the stating of this Account two or 3 votes are gone off from me to A, so that A is now about 26 or 28 votes above me, but this interest depends more upon out-lyers then mine.

If W should desist I should gain about 17 votes in Trin. Coll. & 4 or 5 in other colleges & A might lose 4 or 5 votes or above in Trin College & gain 2 or 3 in other Colleges, . And Mr G would gain about 24 votes in Trin. College & about 12 or 15 or perhaps 20 in other Colleges & so would be able to spare 10 or 15 votes which would secure me. I should scarce have wanted this last assistance had W desisted before the rising of the Parliament


For the opposition of W & of the vogue of lateagainst me of late my friends & checkt have disso{}lved diminished my interest & inclined indifferent persons against me.

I do not expect that W. will desist, he declares he will not, & they reccon at Cambridge that he is under very firm obligations to A. But I have stated this matter to your Lordship, being better preparedto do it now I have looked over my papers then on Wednesday when your Lordship last askt me about it I am

This history of Carthage the Romans without doubt had from the Carthaginians whom they conquered. Elissa was the original genuine name of Dido. Carthage was – – 16th year of Pigmaleon. [Dido laid the foundation in the 7th year of Pigmaleon & celebrated the dedication Encænia 9 years after.] The foundation of the city was laid in the 7th year of Pigmalion but the Æra thereof commenced with the Dedication.



Pausanias tells us that the Eleans called in Phidon & together with him celebrated the 8th Olympiad, but Herodotus that Phidon removed the Elians. And if Phidon was their enemy its more likely that he assisted assisted the Pisæans & celebrated the 49th Olympiad, that being the time where Herodotus places him.

It's probable that they were kings of several cities in the territory of Agos or perhaps of several cities called Argos, for there were many cities called by this name. They could not be successive kings of one & the same Argos reigning between Phoroneus & Acisius ‡ < insertion from f 33r > ‡ for some of them as Sthenelus, Danaus & Lyn were later then Perseus the grandson of Acrisius & others as Pirasus, Phorbas & Triopas were contempoary to Inachus & Phoroneus. For Polycaon the younger son of Lelex married Messene the daughter of Triopas the son of Phorbas & therefore Phorbas & his brother Pirasus were as old as Lelex who was older then Inachus. Argus was reputed the granchild of Phoroneus & for that reason flourished after Acrisius if there was such a man the Epaphus or Epopeus mention above. Iasus was the father of that Io who was carried into Egypt & therefore is written corruptly for Inachus, ] as is evident also from Hyginus (Fab 145) who writes it not Iasus but Inachus as if there were an Inachus & Io much later then the father & sister of Phoroneus. Apis is the Epaphus or Epopeus mentioned above & whether he was king of Argos may be doubted for if he was two generations younger then Phoroneus he was younger then Acrisius. < text from f 32v resumes > for some of them as Pirasus Phorbas & Treopas were contermporary to Inachus & Phoroneus & others as Danaus & Lynceus were later then Perseus the grandson of Acrisius, & Sthenelus who proceeded Danaus seems to be the son of Perseus Polycaon the younger son of Lelex married Messene the daughter of Triopas the son of Phorbas & therefore Phorbas & his brother Pirasus were as old as Lelex who was older then Inachus. < insertion from f 33r > < text from f 32v resumes > Iasus was the father of that Io who was carried into Egypt & therefore was written corruptly for Inachus. For Hyginus (Fab 145) instead of Triopas Iasus writes Triopas Inachus Io <33r> ,

Hiramvixit 53regnavit 34
Belearstat fil437
Abdarstat fil209
Nutricis filius12
Astartus f. Abd.4412
Astarineus frat549
Badezor fil456
Mettin fil329
Pigmaleon fil5640
41 1/2
6 1/2

And from the 12t year of Hiram exclusively in which he saith the Temple was built to the

And from the founding of the Temple in the 12th year of Hiram & 4th year of Solomon to the building of Tyre in the 7th year of Pigmaleon exclusively he reccons 143 years 8 months counting by mistake the 53 years of Hirams life in lieu of the 34 years of his reign. If that mistake be corrected there were 124 years 8 months from the founding of the Temple in the 4th year of Solomon to the building of Tyre in the 7th year of Pigmaleon, & therefore Pygmaleon began his reign 118 years after the founding of the Temple 96 years 8 months after Hiram who reigned 34 years & in whose the end of eleventh or beginning of his twelft year the Temple of Solomon was founded. Iosephus indeed reccons 143 years 8 months from the founding of the Temple to the founding of Carthage But in this recconing he counts the 53 years of the life of Hiram instead of the 34 years of his reign & if the recconning be duly corrected there will be but 124 y 8m from the founding of the Temple to the founding of Carthage or 7th year of Hiram exclusively, so that Matgenus died 118y 8m after the founding of the Temple

Iosephus s reccons that Hiram & his successors reigned 155 y 8m till the beginning of the 7th year of Pigmaleon in which Carthage was built. And deducting the first eleven years of Hiram which preceded the building of Solomons Temple he sayth that from the building ofthe Temple in the 2d month of the fourth year of Solomon to the building of Carthage in the 7th y of P there were 143y 8th but in this calculation Iosephus reccons the 53y of Hirams life in lieu of the 34 years of his reign, which is 19 years too much. Let these 19 years be subducted & the 7th year of Pigmaleon & building of Carthage will begin 124y 8m after the founding of the Temple that is 87y 10m after Solomons death. And therefore Matgenus died 81 years 10 months or in round numbers 82y after Solomon & began his reign 73 years after it. Whence we may conclude that Troy was taken about 75 years after Solomons death or not above 4 or 5 yeares sooner or later.

& The Temple founded in the end of the 11th or beginning of the 12th year of Hirā And setting down the reigns of the severall kings of Tyre he reccons from the reign of Hiram (meaning from his birth) to the building of Tyre 155y 8m. Let the first 19 years of Hirās life which preceded his reign & the first 11 years of his reign which preceded the founding of the Temple be deducted & there will be 125y 8m from the founding of the T [in the 4th year of Solom̄ in the 2d month of the year] to the founding of Carthage 125y 8m as may be also gathered by summing up the years of the Kings of Tyre. Now the Temple being founded in the 4th year of Solomon in the 2d month of the year that is 36y 10m before his death, deduct those 36y 10m & Carthage will be founded 89 years after the death of Solomō & therefore Matgenus began his reign 74 years after the d of S. ended his r. 83 y. after it.


also called Sithonis from the city Sidon where the c{illeg} {illeg} for Libya Nonnus saith that they built an hundred walled cities on the coast of Libya; And that out of these cities many Libyans followed Bacchus in his wars. And thence it appears that the great Bacchus was later then Cadmus. There were a people in Thrace called Edones & Edomantes that is Edomites for Aristophanes tells us they were circumcised & loved leeks as the Iews & their neighbours did & its probable that these came with Cadmus


I understand that Mr Patrick is putting in to be you Representative in the next Parliament, & beleive that Mr Godolphin my Lord High Treasurers son will also stand. I do not intend to oppose either of them they being my friends, but being moved by some friends of very good note to write for my self. I beg the favour of you & the rest of my friends in the University to reserve a vote for me till I either write to you again or make you a visit, which will be in a short time, & you will thereby very much oblige

& Pelops the father of Pittheus the
And Pelops was born about the 10th year of David: not much later because he was the father of Pittheus the father of Æthra, the father of Theseus, nor much sooner because he was the father of

Your most humble

and most obedient servant

Is. Newton. 2.

Mr Pain in the Temple in the furthest Square (a large square) next door to the golden ball up two pair of stairs. He is seal keeper to the Exchequer.


that is who dwelt in the mountain & valleys of Libanus, called Libanus & Antilibanus by the Greeks . For mount Hermon was in the eastern part of the Holy-land next Antilibanus & Hamath lay beyond Libanus. All this country to the entring of Hamath was conquered by David that is all Syro-Phœnicia or Cœlosyria. But Hamath was not conquered For Toy king of Hamath had wars with Hadadezar king of Zobah & congratulated David upon his victory over Hadadezar. Now the conquest of all this country

In this expedition of Cadmus it is to be conceived that there was a mixture of all the nations whom David had conquered & driven out, as of the children of Ammon who were confedarate with the Syrians, & of the Moabites & Amalekites & Edomites & Philistims, who were conquered before. For David destroyed the children of Ammon (2 Sam 11.1) & slew two thirds of Moab (2 Sam. 10.2) & every male in Edom those only excepted who fled to Egypt & other places (1 King 11.15, 16) & took Gath & her towns from the Philistims. And hence it is that {soon} the Phœnicians who came with Cadmus we meet with Arabians (Strabo l 10 p 447 & l 9 p 401) Erythræans or inhabitants of the red sea, that is Edomites. [Herodotus tells us that the Gephyreans as they themselves reported came originally from Erythræa. But, saith he, by inquiring I find that they were Phœnicians who came with Cadmus into Bœtia – – but were distinct They came therefore originally from Erythræa upon the red Sea & built Erythra in Bœtia. Herodotus adds that the Phœnicians who came with Cadmus of whom the Gephyreans were a part brought many doctrines into Greece & particularly letters. In Thrace there were a people called Edones & Odomantes that is Edomites, for Aristophanes tells us that they were circumcised whether these came with Cadmus may be enquired.] And the nations conquered & driven out by David, fled in great multitudes to seek new seats not only in Asia minor & Greece but also ion the sea coasts of Libya neare the Syrtes.

Iosephus mentions the League between Solomon & Hyram as entered in the Annals of Tyre & the expedition of Cadmus in quest of Europa was more memorable but voiage of Menelaus to Sidon was of so little consequence to the Tyrians that it may be doubted whether they entered it in their Annals. The Phenician Histori <34av> ans might note it from the Greeks histories as a thing done soon after the expedition of Cadmus. By this record of the Phœnicians, the rapture of Europa could not happen above 250 years before the building of Solomons Temple as the Greeks reccon, but it might happen very well in the reign of David where we have placed it, & is limit

{No}w this record of the three Phenicians Historians conjoyning the rapture of Europa & League of Solomon & Hiram within the compass on a Kings reign, is wholy inconsistent with the opinion of the Greeks who make the rapture of Europa about 260 years ancienter then that league but it suits perfectly well with our opinion that it was but about 25 years ancienter. So then we have the oldest & most authentic Chronologers on our side.

The building of Solomons Temple & Hirams assistance therein is mentioned.

Hirams friendship to David & the assistance he gave him in building the Temple of Ierusalem was recorded in the Annals of Tyre as Iosephus mentions & the expedition of Cadmus in quest of Europa was more memorable. But the voiage of

For the war was composed on these conditions that the Eleusinans in other things should be subject to the Athenians but should retain the initia to themselves & Eumolpus & the daughters of Celeus perform the sacrifices to the Goddesses Ceres & Proserpina. Pausan Attea p. 71. Ceres & Iris are by by Herodotus & others taken the same Goddes (Herod l. 2. c 59) which argues that in the opinion of the ancient Greeks they flourished about the same time.

& therefore Arcas reigned in Aradia in the latter part of Davids reign & Pelasgus in Peloponnesus three generations or about 80 years before, that is in the latter part of the highpriesthood of Eli. From Pelasgus & lycaon & Arca the people over whom they reigned were named Pelageans Lycaonians & Arcadians.

{illeg} Amphion & Niobe were therefore about two generations older then the Argonauts. If Laius when he fled from them may be supposed about 10 years old the birth of Amphion & Zethus & death of Nicteus & Epopeus will fall upon the 35th of Davids reign or thereabouts. For Laius was born about the 5th yeare of Solomon as above. Amphion with almost all – born at Thebes. And therefore if Oedipus may be supposed about 20 years old when he slew his father, the birth of Hercules will be about 12 years after the death of Solomon.


The Ivites were one of the nations whom the Israelites were to drive out. They were confederate with the Ammonites & David destroyed the Ammonites & made them pass unde axes & saws & hammers & those of the conquered nations who escaped destruction he & Solomon imployed as slaves for drawing of water & hewing of wood & doing all the drudgery in building Ierusalem & the Temple & the houses of the king. / For they were one of the ten nations whichthe Israelites were to drive out being sometimes called Ivites & sometimes Cadmonites that is Orientals Gen 15.19. & mount Hermon on which they bordered being put for the east in opposition to Tabor on the west Psal      From the names Cadmonites, Hermonites, & Hivites or Hevæans came the names of Cadmus & his wife Hermione or Harmonia & the fable of their being transformed into serpents as Bochart well observes. For הוιא Hevæus or Hivæus in the Syriæ signifies a serpent. If their flight from Sidon under the conduct of Cadmus may be pleased within a year after the conquest of their country by David it will have happened upon the 15th year of Davids reign or thereabouts In this expedition of Cadmus it is to be understood that their confederates the Ammonites & Syrians of Sobah were mixt with them. For the Phœnicians which came with Cadmus were mixt with Arabians. They had also among them Erithræans or inhabitants of the red sea that is Edomites. For David conquered the Edomites & drove them from their seats a little before he conquered the Cadmonites & Ammonites. And the nations thus vanquished & driven out by David fled in great multitudes to seek new seats not only in Asia minor & Europe but also upon the sea coasts of Libya neare the two Syrtes & there also the people gave the names of Cadmus & Harmonia to their Leader & his wife & her they


To the Lord High Treasurer of

Diodorus in the beginning of his History tells us that he did not by no certain space the times preceding the Trojan war , because he had no certain foundation to rely upon. But from the Trojan war according to the recconing of Apollodorus Atheniensis whom he followed, there were 80 years to the Return of the Heraclidæ, & from that period to the first Olympiad there were 328 years, computing the times from the Kings of the Lacedemonians. Apollodorus wrote his Chronology about 200 years after the death of Alexander & Diodorus his history about 60 years after that, & yet in all this time Chronologers could frame nothing certain about the times before the Trojan war, nothing more certain about the times between that war & the Olympiads then by computing from the Kings of the Lacedemonians, that is from their numbers & making a reaonable allowance for the length of so many reigns.

Aristotle from the Olympic Discus in which the name of Lycurgus was written gathered that Lycurgus king of Sparta was the companion of Iphitus in restoring the Olympiads & & this recconing was followed by chronologers for Phlegon tells us that the Olympiads were restored by Lycurgus Iphitus & Cleosthenes together. But when Lycurgus Iphitus & Cleosthenes restored the Olympiads they knew not. For Phlegon reccons the space of 28 Olympiads from Iphitus the restorer of the Olympiads to Coræbus the Victor in the first Olympiad of the Vulgar Æra & Eratosthenes reccons 508 years from the Tuition of Lycurgus to the same first Olympiad & Plutarch tells us in general that they who collected the times from the successions of the kings of Sparta as Eratosthnes & Apollodorus shewed that Lycugus was many years older then the first Olympiad, that is they shewed by the succession of kings of Sparta that Lycurgus & his companion Iphitus who celebrated the first Olympiad was many years older then the first Olympiad gathered from the Olympionic victors. And to reconcile this difference they supposed that before Coræbus the first Olympionic victor there might be many others whose names were forgotten. Thus they lengthened the times of the Olympiads to make them agre with the times of the kings of Sparta which they had stated before whereas they should have shortened the times of the kings of Sparta to make them agree with the Olympiads.

For all nations, before they began to keep exact accounts of time – – especially in elective & turbulent kingdoms.

Now the Spartans from the time of the return of the Heraclidæ & beginning of the reigns of Eurystheus & Procles who were brothers & twins & began their reign together had two races of Kings whose names are conserved by Pausanias lib    & Herod l. One race was [Orestes Tisamenes] Euristhenes, Agis, Echestratus, Labotas, Dorissus, Agesilaus, Archelaus, Teleclus, Alcamenes, Polydorus, Euricratus, Anaxander, Euricrates, Leon, Anaxandrides, Cleomenes Dorieus Leonidas. Cleomenes was the brother of Dorieus & Leonidas & both were contemporary to Darius Hystaspis, <35v>

The other race of the Spartan kings were Orestes Tisamenes P{rocles} Sous Eurypion Prytanis Eunomus Polydectes Lycurgus, Charillus, Nican{der} Theopompus Zeuxidamus, Anaxidamus, Archidamus, Agasiches, Aristo, Demaratus, Leotychides.

Now the Spartans had two races of kings on whose succession the Greeks seem to have founded their Chronology. These two races are thus set down by Pausanias.

1 Orestes 2 Tisamenus Pausan p. 206, 207, 8, 9 et p. 288. 3 Eunstheues 3 Procles Pausan p. 219 Pausan. p. 382, 383. 4 Agis 4 Sous Thoas bello Trojano interfuit 5 Echestratus 5 Euripon Hæmon f 6 Labotas 6 Prytanis Oxylus f Aristomachi lib. sinctr 7 Dorissus 7 Eunomus Ætolus 8 Agerilaus 8 Polydectes Laias 9 Archelaus 9 Charillus Iphitus 10 Teleclus 10 Nicander 11 Alcamenes 11 Theopompus Pausan p 234 12 Polydorus 12 Zeuxidamus 13 Euricrates 13 Anaxidamus 14 Anaxander 14 Archidamus Pausan p 210 15 Eurycrates II 15 Agasicles 16 Leon 16 Aristo 17 Anaxandrides 17 Demaratus Pausan p 211 18 Cleomenes 18 Leolychides Leonidas frat

And thus by Herodotus

Hercules Pausan p 152 Hercules Hyllus Ctesippus Cleonideus or Cleodeus. Pausan p. 246 Thrasianor Corinthij Reges Messenij Reges Aristomachus Antiomachus Temenus Cresphontes Messiniæ Rex. Aristodenies Deiphon Temini gener socius consiliarius Cisus Æpytus Glaucus Istmius Euristhenes Procles Dotadas Hegesis Euriphon Sybotas Echestratus Prytanis Medon Phyntas Leobotis Polydectes Pausan p 206 Lacidaus Antiochus & Androcles Doriagus Eunomus Orestes Meltas Euphaes Aristodemus Ægesilaus Charilus Penthilus Interregnum Archelaus Nicander Grais, Agidi synchronus Aristomene Teleclus Theopompus Alcamenes Anaxandrides Polydorus[17] Archidemus Oedipus Pausan p. 285, 296 Eurycrates Anaxileus Polynices Anaxander Leutichides Thersander. Euricratides Hippocratides Tisamenus Autesion Leon Gesileus Theras (Eurysthenis & Proclisti Futor) Anaxandrides Menaris Oyolycus, Ægeus, Hyræus, ✱ Ægeus, Euryleon Leonides Leutichides Araia Autesionis fila Aristodemi uxor. Pausan p. 285, 245


{illeg} & both of them were contemporary to Darius Hystaspis. So that from the return of the Heraclides & the beginning of the the reign of Darius Hystaspis there were 15 successive kings which at 21 years a piece one with another take up 315 years.

The other race of Spartan kings according to Pausanias were Procles Sous Euripon Prytanis Eunomus Polydectes, Charillus, Nicander, Theopompus, Zeuxidamus Anaxidanus, Archidamus, Agasicles, Ariston, Demaratus Leotychides. And according to Herodotus, Proctes, Euriphon, Prytanis, Polydectes, Eunomus, Chrilus, Alexander Theopompus Anaxandrides Archidemus Anaxileus Leutychides Hippocratides, Ariston Demaratus Leutychides, & between Procles & Eurypon Pausanius & Plutarch place Sous Herodotus differs from Pausanias in some of the names but both agree in the number of the kings, which are 14 before Demaratus who was contemporary to Darius Hystaspis, or 15 if the short reign of Lycurgus be inserted. And the reign of these kings recconed one with another at about 21 years a piece take up 315 years.

Now Eurysthenes & Procles were twins & the Poets represented that the Heraclides returned into Peloponnesus under them , but the Spartans themselves placed that return under Aristodemus their father : whence its probable that they returned under all three, the sons commanding under their father . And if the return was under their father we are to reccon a succession of sixteen kings between the return of the Heraclides & the reign of Darius Hystaspis whichone with another at 21 years a piece will take up 336 years. But because the Poets did not reccon the reign of Aristodemus, it's probable that it was but a short one And there if we reccon it at about 5 or 10 years & the following 15 reigns of both families at 315 reigns, the return of the Heraclides will be about 320 or 325 years before the reign of Darius Hystaspis that is about 135 or 140 years after the death of Solomon.

So then in both these races of the Spartans kings from the common beginning of the reign of Eurysthenes & Procles to the beginning of the reign of Darius Hystaspis there were 15 successive reigns of kings which one with another recconned at about 21 years apiece take up the space of about 315 years & therefore Eurythenes & Procles began their reign about 315 years before Darius Hystaspis that is about 60 years before the Olympiads, or 145 years after the death of Solomon whereas according to the recconing of the Greek Chronologers their reign took up 581 years, that is one with another about 38 years 9m a piece which is certainly much too long for the course of nature.


And Numa who was a Pythagorean is by the Chronology of the Latines made mu{ch} {illeg} then Pythagoras.

Mint Office. 24 Nov. 1704

Orestes, Tisamenes, Aristodemi filius Procles, Sous f. Eurypon f. Prytanis f. Eunomus f. Polydectes f. Charillus f. Nicander f. Theopompus f. Zeuxidamus f. Anexidamus f. Archidamus f Agasicles f. Aristo f. Demaratus f. Leotychides

My Lord

Orestes Tisamenes Aristodemi filius Eurysthenes, Agis f, Echestratus f. Labotas f. Dorissus. Agesilaus f: Archelaus f. Teleclus f. Alcmenes f. Polydorus f. Euricrates f. Anaxander f. Euricrates f Leon f. Anaxandrides f. Cleomenes fil. Dario Histaspi synchronus. Leonidas frat Anaxandridæ filius

Nicandra regnant{illeg} Teleclus assiditus
Archelaus & Charilaus synchroni. Pausan p.208. Polydorus Theopompus & 1 Bellū Messen. Sync. p 209 Agesilao regnante Lycurgus leges tubit. Pausan. p 207. Dorissus & Agesileus cito moriuntur. Labotas in Tutela Lycurgi Legislaoris Herod. apud Pausan. p.207. et Charitus ib Sub Ti{a}mene Theras coloniam in Theram ducit. Pausan p. 206.

Since designs for Medals having been communicated to your Lordship by others I humbly beg leav{e} to present the enclosed Her Majesties Effigies may be on one side with the {illeg} by {in}scription & this designe on the other, & instead of Britannica sitting on a globe {the Queen} may be placed in a chair.

I have enclosed a design for a Medal which I take to be proper, especially if the Queen be put in the place of Britannia. Her Majesties Effigies may be on one side with the usual inscription & this design on the other. And if for saving her Majesty & your Lordship the trouble of approving Medals your Lordship shall the Gravers be empowered to make such medals , as I or the Officers of the Mint shall approve of I am ready to act in this or any other manner as your Lordship shall being

My Lord

as I shall approve of under any hand in writing, I am ready to undertake this trust or to act in any other manner as your Lordp shall direct, being

My Lord

Your Lordships most humble

& most obedient Servant

Is. Newton

I attend without if Your Lordship has occasion to speak with me


It is to be conceived therefore the {illeg} the Assyrians {illeg} the Medes & Babylonians were small & inconsiderate kingdoms; that Phraortes began to raise the Medes but was soon opprest & Media subdued by the Scythians; that Cyaneres in the beginning of his reign freed the Medes from servitude by slaughtering the Scythians & conspiring with Nebuchadnezzar subverted the monarchy of the Assyrians that they divided this Monarchy between them & being Allies assisted one another in their conquests, the Medes helping Nebuchadnezzar to conquer the nations of Syria & the Babylonians mutually helping the Medes to conquer the nations of Persia & the eastern provinces of Assyria &; That as these Monarchies rose at one & the same time by the ruin of Nineveh so they fell together by the conquest of Cyrus & were both very potent while they stood, the Babylonians reigning over Susia Adiabene Mesopotamia Arabia Syria Edom & Egypt & the Medes over all the rest of Persia & over Armenia & Asia minor as far as the river Halys; & that the Medic kingdom was greater then the Babylon For the ancient Greeks & Latines in recconing up the successive general Monarchies make the Assyrian the first the Medic the second the Persian the third the Greecian the fourth the Roman the fift & omit the Babylonian as less considerable, tho Daniel begins with this as more considerable then the Medie in respect of the Iews

that as Susiana Sittacene Adiabene Mesopotamia & the regions westward fell to the lot of Babylon so Elymais, Parætacine, Armenia, Cappadocia & what they could further conquer in Persia & Asia minor fell to the lots of the Medes; & that as these Monarchies arose at one & the same time by the ruin of Nineveh so they fell together by the victories of Cyrus, & were both very potent while they stood & the Medie more potent then the Babylonian. For

So Iustin: Arbactus [ i.e. Cyaxares] qui præfectus Medorum fuerat imperium ab Assyrijs ad Medos transfert. – In 96 prœlio Astyages [i. e. Darius Medus] capiter cui Cyrus nihil aliud quam regnum abstulit – eumqque maximæ genti Hyrcanorum præposuit Nam in Medos reverti noluit. Hic finis Medorum Imperij fuit. Regnaverunt annis 350. And so Æmilius Sura & Velleius Paterculus: Assyrij principes ommium gentium rerum potiti sunt, deinde Medi, postea Persæ, deinde Macedones: exinde duobus regibus Philippo et Antiocho qui e Macedonibus oriundi erant, haud multo post Carthaginem subactam, devictis, summa Imperij ad populum Romanum pervenit.

Regnaverunt annis 350. This long reign he has from the fables of Ctesias Dionysius Halycarnassæus represents their reign a short one & Æschylus ✝ allows them only two kings reigns before Cyrus.


who was years old at the death of Cyrus born in the reign of Daniels The Mede, tells us that the Empire of the Medes lasted only during the reign of two kings before Cyrus.

Median anti regnum Cyri superioris et incrementa Persidos leginus Asiæ reginam totius, Assyrijs domitis. Ammianus l. 23 post med.

This skill in Astronomy shews that he had been instructed by the Chaldeans but Hystaspes travelled into India to be instructed by the Gymnosophists & then conjoyning their skill they instituted & instructed a new set of Magi or Priests & instructed them in matters of religion & Philosophy & these instructed others till from a small number they grew to a great multitude. For suidas tells us with Zoraster gave a beginning to the name of the Magi & Elmacinus that he reformed the religion of the Persians which before was divided into many sects & Agathias that he introduced the religion of the Magi among the Persians changing their ancient sacred rites & bringing in several opinions & Amminianus tells us that Hystaspes, Darij pater, cum &c

Sir Theodore

My Lord Treasurer has referred your Proposal to the Officers of the Mint & we humbly beg the favour of you to meet us on Thursday morning at ten a clock at Sir John Stanleys Office in the Cockpit to discourse the buisiness in order to our making a Report. I am

            Your most humble Servant                     Is. Newton. 1.


Niobe the daughter of Phoroneus is said to be the first women with whom Iupiter lay & Alcmena the last. This I understand of the mortal Iupiter of the Greeks during his reign amongst men in the silver age & therefore I begin that age the year before the birth of Argus the son of Iupiter & Niobe & successor of Phoroneus in the kingdom of Argos & end it the year before the birth of Hercules the son of Iupiter & Alcmena. Io the sister of Phoroneus was stole by the Phenicias when they first began to sail from Sidon as far as Greece that is presently after the Edomites fled David & mixed with the Philistims & for the sake of trade took Zidon: which was about the 16th or 18th year of David as above. And Niobe was one generation younger & therefore might beare Argus about 30 or 35 years later.

Niobe the daughter of Phoroneus is said to be the first woman with whom Iupiter lay & therefore this age comenced the year before the birth of Argus the son of Iupiter & Niobe. Io the daughter of Inachus & sister of Phoroneus was one generation older then Niobe. She was carried away from Greece by the Phenician Merchants when they began first to extend their trade as far as Greece that is presently after the flight of the merchants of the Red Sea from David & their mixture with the Philistims & taking of Sidon for the sake of trade. This was about the 16 or 18th year of David as above & Niobe being one generation younger then Io, the birth of Argus & beginning of the silver age was was about 30 or 35 years later or about the 8th year of Solomon. And the age or generation between the rapture of Io & birth of Argus answers to the golden age.

– & therefore Asterius reigned in Crete in the golden age, & the silver age began when Chiron was a child. And unless {sus} Chiron was about 85 years old in the time of the Argonautic Expedition, the silver age will not begin before the reign of Solomon.

After the taking of Troy there reigned six kings at Athens, one of them but one year The other five at about 17 years a piece one with another will take up about 85 years & so place the death of Codrus & Ionic migration under his sons about 86 years after the takin of Troy. Then reigned 13 Archons for life, the last of them only two years. The other 12 (of there were so many) at about 16 years a piece one with another take up about 192 years. Then reigned seven decennial Archons which if two or three of them died in the time of their government might take up 40 or 50 years. All these years place the end of the decennial Archons about 320 or 330 years after the taking of Troy, that is in the 48th or 50th Olympiad. Then reigned annual Archons amongst whome were two law - makers, Draco about the 50th Olympiad, & Solon about the 54th .

513Harmodius & Aristogiton slay Hipparchus the son of Pisistratus. tyrant of the {Aths}
550Pisistratus becomes tyrant of the Athenians.
553The conference between Cræsus & Solon.
- 557Periander dyes. Corinth becomes free from Tyrants.
- 563Solon Archon of Athens.
- 575The Amphctyins make war upon Cyrrha by the advice of Solon in the days of Phidon.
- 580Phidon overthrown. Draco Archon.
- 584Phidon presides in the 49th Olymp. 632 The first sea fight.
633Bathus builds Cyrene.
640Rome built.
655Psammiticus king of all Egypt. And henceforwards the Ionians had access into Egypt & brought from thence the Ionian Philosophy Astronomy & Geometry.
- 697.The first building of Triremes.
- 708Lycurgus tutor to Charillus.
- 730Archias builds Syracuse.
- 776Iphitus restores the Olympiads
- 804Codrus slain
- 825The return of the Heraclides.
844The Æolic migration into Bœotia.

- Nabonassar & that the Assyrians in her reign might build Babylon For Diodorus (lib. 2. c. 1) tells us that the king who built Nineve & whom he calls Ninus, made a league with Arieus a king of the wandering Arabians, & by their assistance conquered the Babylonians & that Semiramis who built Babylon was his widdow: & therefore the Assyrians might build it in her reign for the Arabians who assisted her husband in conquering it

& probably she might reign Chaldea & Chalonitis after the death of Pul, & build Babylon & people it with a conflux of Assyrians & Arabians & be succeeded by Nabonasser. For Diodorus tells us (lib. 2. c. 1) that the Assyrians in the beginning of their Empire in conquering Chaldea, were assisted by the Arabians & people Babylon with a conflux of Assyrians & Arabians

For the towers & Palaces of Babylon were built & the city peopled with a mixture of Assyrians & Arabians in the days of Isaiah or not long before & For Chaldea was scarce subject to the Assyrians before Pul subdued Chalonitis & the towers - - - of Isaiah or not long before, that is, in the days of Pul & Tiglath Pileser. But the story of Semiramis as told by the Greeks is full of fables.

For the towers & palaces of Babylon (in which Nabonassar reigned) were built by the Assyrians in the days of Isaiah or not long before, that is in or soon after the days of Pul For he began to extend the domi{nion} of the Assyrians southwards conquering Calneh & Thalasser & thereby [began to extend the dominion of the Assyrians southwards] & thereby the Assyrian was enabled to found the kingdom of Babylon for them that dwelt in the wilderness. And Semiramis might reign there after him. But her history as told by the Greeks is full of fables

This city is said (by the followers of Ctesias) to have been built by Semiramis, & According to Herodotus she was five generations older then Nitocris the mother of Labynitus or Nabonnedus the last king of Babylon, & by the recconing she was contemporary to Tighlathpiliser. She might be the widow of one of the kings of Babylon & govern the kingdom during the mino minority of her son. But her story is full of fables. Other authors ascribe the building of Babylon to Belus that is, to Pul. So Dorotheus, an ancient Port of Sidon             [apud Iulium Firmicum]

Αρχαίη Βαβυλῶν Τυριου Βήλοιο πόλισμα

The ancient city Babylon built by the Tyrian Belus, that is by the Syrian or Assyrian Belus; the words Tyrian Syrian & Assyrian being all of them derived from Tzor the Phenician name of the city Tyre. Herennius [apud Steph. in Βαβ.] tells us that it was built by the son of Belus; & this son might be Nabonassar. The father After the conquest of Calneh, Thalasser & Sipparæ might begin to build Babylon & leave it to his younger son. or other kings. And Nabonassar might erect the Temple of Iupiter Belus to his father or Vnkle For all the kings of Babylon in the Canon of Ptolomy are called Assyrians, & Nabonassar is the first of them


     I received your Letter by which I understand that you want a few more Bibles to be disposed of to poor people, & I have therefore delivered thirty to Mr Auditor Foleys Clerk who will send them to you. And I pray you to accept of them & dispose of them to poor people as you shall find occasion.. I am glad to heare of your good health, & wishing it may long continue, I remain

In the end of the marriage settlement of Mr Low, the three sisters severally & not joynthly covenant with Newton Chapman that upon his paying to them one hundred pounds a piece with interest for the same after the death of their grandmother Ione Chapman, & after their attaining to their several ages of 21 years, they shall give discharges &c. And the reason I take to be this.

No interest could become due upon the Principal before the Principal became due. And the Principal did not become due to any of the sisters before the death of their grandmother Ione Chapman. For the land out of the profits of which the Principal was to be raised by the Trustees was setled upon the said Grandmother in joynture without impeachment during her life; & no part of the profits of the land could become due to any of the sisters while the whole profits thereof were due to the Grandmother. She was to have the use of the Principal till her death without paying interest for the same & Chapman Lowe began to have the use of it from the time of her death & was not to pay interest for the same before he began to have the use of it.


To the Reverent Honourable the Lords Commissioners
of his Majesties Treasury.

May it please your Lordships

The salaries of the Clerks of the Mint which were setled about sixty years ago, being now not sufficient for their maintenance, I humbly pray that they may be augmented by about a quarter; so that the salaries of the Warden's Clerk, of my three Clerks & of the Comptrollers Clerk, which are forty pounds per annum each, may become 50£ each; & that those of the Assaymasters Clerk & of the Purveyer to the Mint which are twenty pounds each per annum, may become twenty & five pounds per annum each: & those of the Clerk of the Weigher & Teller & of the Clerk of the Surveyor of the meltings which are ten pounds each per annum may becom twelve pounds ten shillings each. All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great wisdome     Mint Office.
Iune 26th 1722.                    Isaac Newton. 4.


Rhampses built the western Portico, Mæris the northern, Asychis the eastern & Psammiticus the southern

The kings of the Thebans in the reign of their kings Mephramathosis & Amosis drave them out.

Rhapses Rameses or Rhampsinitus the successor of Memnon built the western Portico of the Temple, Mæris the Northern Portico & the Labyrinth & made the great lake of Mæris with two Pyramids in it. Some other kings built other Pyramids & Asychis built the stately eastern portico. Then Egypt brake into three or four kingdoms, [seated at meph or Memphys, Zoan or Tanis & Sais] & Gnephactus called also Neochabis Nectabis & Technatis) & his son Bocchoris reigned successily at Memphis, Stephinates Nichepsos & Nechus successively at Sais & some others in other places, & in the time of these kingdoms Ægypt was again subdued by the Ethiopians under Sabbacon. And about that time some Egyptians

....... reduced to a Monarchy. Psammiticus built the southern Portico of the Temple of Vulcan, The Priests of Egypt tell us that Memphis & this temple were founded by Menes the king of Egypt who reigned next after the age of the Gods. Whence Menes was scarce so old as Ammon & Sesak who built Thebes. For it is not likely that the Temple of Vulcan could be above two or three hundred years in building. The heathens in those days worshipped their kings, & their greatest Gods were their greatest potentates & founders of new dominions.

{} In his reign they also built long ships with sails upon the Red Sea & upon the coasts of Libya & for the sake of navigation began to study Astronomy, & in the reign of his son Sesak ...... beaten by Asa. And the people of the lowere Egypt revolting called in the Iews. But Amenoph, Amenophis or Memnon after a few years drave them out again & this is by Manetho called the second expulsion of the shepherds. This king built Memphys from him called Menoph, & by contraction Moph & Noph, & there founded the magnificent temple of Vulcan, & his successors...... labyrinth. Rhampses, Rameses or Rhampsinitus built the western Portico of this temple Mæris built the northern Portico & the Labyrinth & the lake of Mæris with two Pyramids in it. This Labyrinth was standing almos{t} entire in Plinies days when the Cretan Labyrinth was gone. Some following kings built other Pyramids & then Asychis built the stately eastern portico, & Ægypt soon after brake into three or four kingdoms Gnephactus (called also Neochabis Nectabis & Technatis) & his son Boccharis reigned successively at Memphys, Stephanatus, Nichepsos & Nechus successively at Sais & Ansysis & some others in other places. And in the time of these


31.0003100108 36 310116

300108. 72 2800. to 1

kingdoms. Egypt was again subdued by the Ethiopians under Sabbacon who slew Boccharis & Nechus & put Anysis to flight. About that time some Egyptians........ to a monarchy. Psammiticus built the southern Portico of the Temple of Vulcā & it is not likely that this Temple could be above two or three hundred years in building. Between the reign of the Ethiopians & the twelve Princes Diodorus {puts an} anarchy of two years, & this anarchy I take to be the reign of the Assyrians over Egypt, the Egyptians being.... Isa 20.

In the reign of Asarhadon .....


Tower of London Aug 14 1712 The weights conteined in this Box I have examined by the standard weights of her Majesties Mint in the Tower & found them just. The pile of weights with a Harp graved on them is the standard for sizing & examining the penny weights & grains & the small round weights made for forreign pieces of money current in Ireland. I presume they will agree with the weights formerly sent from hence & established by Proclamation & so will need no new authority to make them usefull.
                              Is. Newton 3.

5.°16′.13″ 18.4 11.29.4848 − 1.1.13. 1.1.32 32.d8h 000032d in 132y. 133 or 134 y.000 5.34.17. 01.48 0016.8 5.52.13 00 13.5h12


To The Honrable
Sir Isaac Newton
at his house in St Martin
Street London

the Temple of Belus with the old Palace between that temple & the river. This was that Belus who founded the city & set on foot the study of the stars. He was recconned the progenitor of Nebuchadnezzar & might be Pul the founder of the Assyrian Empire or perhaps Sesac. For Babylon is sometimes called Sesac, & its first king mentioned by heathen writers is by Eusebius called Euechous (perhaps from the exclamation ἐυοι) & the Iupiter whom the Arabians called Dionysus & Bacchus the Chaldeans called Belus. And Pausanias tells us that the Belus of the Babylonians had his name from Belus an Egyptian the son of Libye. Its probable therefore that Sesac left a colony at Babylon which set up his worship & erected his temple to him.

This is that Belus who first made war with the sword & from whom war was called bellum, as above. For Hyginus calls him the son of Neptune & Libye.

Pausanias [l. 4. c. 23.] tells us that the Belus of the Babylonians had his name derived from Belus an Egyptian the son of Libye & Hyginus that the Africans & Egyptians fought at first with swords & then Belus the son of Neptune & Libye made war with swords, whence war was called bellum. Its probable therefore that Sesac left a Colony at Babylon which after his death set up his worship under the name of Belus & erected to him the temple of Belus on the east side of the river, whose foundation is still remaining. And this is confirmed by the name of Sesac sometimes given to Babylon [Ier 25. 26 & 51.41.] & by this kings setting on foot the study of the stars at Babylon (Plin l. 6. c. 26.) a study which began in Egypt in the days of his father Ammon & by consequence was quickly propagated from thence into Libya, Greece & Chaldea: the sphere of the Greeks was formed by Chiron a little before the Argonautic expedition & that of the Libyans by Atlas his contemporary. This Temple of Belus was a square building of two furlongs on each side encompassing a square court & had in the middle of the court a solid Tower or Pyramid a furlong square & a furlong high with seven retractions which made it appear like eight towers standing upon one another; & in the eighth Tower was a Temple with a Bed & a golden Table kept by a woman after the manner of the Egyptians in the Temple of Iupiter Ammon in Thebes. They went up to the top of it by steps on the outside & there observed the stars. The Babylonians imitated the Egyptians also in their sacred rites & mysteries & immunity of their Priests from Taxes & in the form of their Astronomical year. [But some of these things might be introduced afterwards by those Egyptians who fled from Sabacon & carryed Astrology with them to Babylon.] And Eusebius (out of         ) has set down a race of kings of the Chaldeans the first of which he calls Euechous, & takes him to be Nimrod; but its mo] all which were remains of an Egyptian dominion in Chaldea.

This is that Herculus who (according to Eudoxus) was slain by Typhon & (according to Ptolomæus Hephæstion lib. 2) was called Nilus, & who conquered Gerion with he three sons in Spain & set up the famous pillars at the straits mouth called Hercules's pillars. For Diodorus l 3 pag 145 mentioning three Hercules the Egyptian the Tyrian & the son of Alcmena, saith that the oldest flourished among the Egyptians & having conquered a great part of the world set up the Pillar in Afric. And Vasæus (in his Chron. Hispan. chap. 10) that Osiris who is called also Dionysius came from Ægypt into Spain & conquered Gerion & was the first who brought Idolatry into Spain.


And since Christ set on foot the Christian religion by ~ explaining to his Apostles the prophesies concerning himself in Moses & Prophets & Psalms & sending them to teach his interpretations to others: if any question at any time arise concerning his interpretations We are to beware of Philosophy & vain deceipt & oppositions of science falsely so called & to have recourse to the old Testament & compare the places explained with the explanations thereof in the new. As for instance if we would know what it is to be understood by calling Iesus a[18] the Christ or Messiah, b[19] the son of Man, c[20] the Son of God, the d[21] Lamb of God, the e[22] Word of God, f[23] the God who was in the beginning with God & g[24] Michael or by interpretation Quis-est-sicut-Deus.

p. 5. l. {illeg} salt Larynx & p. 6. l 22.
Par 3 pag 1 lin 6 for Constellation write Body.


Vir celeberrime

Epistolam tuam & chartas Italic{h} scrip{tas} quas unà misisti communicavi cum Societate Regia quæ rem retulit ad quendam e Socijs Italica at mathematice doctum. Ipsa enim opinionem propriam de rebus dubijs nunquam profert. Socius autem ille lectis chartis observationes suas in Schediasmate composuit quod una cum hac epistola accipies

Your letter I received together with the Papers which accompanied it concerning the letting of the Rheno into the Po, & I communicated them to the R. Society. But I should acquaint you that the Society make it a general Rule never to give their opinion in doubtful matters They can give their testimony in matters of fact which appear to them, but few of them are Mathematicians. They also avoid medling with civil affairs which have no relation to natural Philosophy. However, they desired one of their fellows who is skilled in Mathematicks & understands the Italian tongue to peruse the same & upon considering them he drew up his observations upon them in a Paper which you will receive from Mr Burnet. I am     Sir

A Monsieur


This Council did not use to trifle. They always met upon state affairs for the welfare of Greece & therefore sent the Argonauts upon an Embassy to the said Princes & coloured over their designe with the fable of the golden fleece. And probably their designe was to notify the distraction of Egypt & perswade the Princes to take that opportunity to revolt & set up for themselves. And thus ended the great Empire of Egypt.



My misforton is so great which makes me trouble you at this Time is that I been out of Bisness So Long and all my mony Spent by Resonn that my famaly fell ill when they Came to Town and then my Wife Dying; my Doughter falling ill of the Small Pox and not fitt for Seruis yoatwherfora – I humbly Craue your pardon in Takeing this freedom with you Sir as Latting my Case be known to you and Dew humbly Craue your – Asisdance in this my afares which is all at present from who was and is and Remeaines your Most – Dewty full Servant to Command London
June: 21: 1717 John Corker

Sir Tould you three Month agoe that my Wife was Dead and I wooda been willing to aworne your Leuerrey if you had – tould me that you wanted a footman When your man went away and I humbly Cray your one –            anser for my Case is uery hard


Symbol (triple-barred cross) in textFor Pliny tells us that Thales de{illeg} the Occasus matutinus of the Pleiades to be upon the 25t day after the autumnal Equinox & thence Petavius computes the longitude of the Pleiades {illeg} in _ 23. 53' Symbol (tilted double-barred cross) in text. which being their Longitude not before the Trojan war began but in the {39th or} 40th year of Thales (as I find by computation) shews that ] Thales did not retain the places of the Equinox determined by the Astronomers who lived before the Trojan war but placed it where he found it by his own observations, transferring the equinox & solstices from the end of the 15th to the beginning of the 12t degree of the Asterisms of the Zodiac. For Symbol (tilted hashtag) in text Lucida Pleiadum in the end of the year 1660 was in 25.15.51 & thence recconing backward a degree for every 72 years the Lucida Pleiadum will be found in 25° 53' in the 40th year of Thales, & therefore Thales did not retain the place – own observations [& therefore considering that he was of authority sufficient to propagate any opinion we may reccon him the man who first laid aside the opinion of the Equinoxes & Solstices being in the 15 degrees of the signes placed them in the 12t.

21600 31.22′. 53″00720 1. 21. 7. 7200 97∟35 00225713 00240 2415 59713 00024 120 11 22595

After the times of the Argonautic expedition & Trojan war, Astronomy lay neglected till the days of Thales. He

Hesiod flourished in the mountain Helicon neare Athens in the latitude of about 37°.45s & He tells us that when sixty days after the winter solstice are past Arcturus has his ortus vespertinus, that is, as authors interpret he rises at sunset, sixty days after the day of the winter solstice. How many hours till the solstice happens before sunset is uncertain. If at a middle recconing we take 12, there will be 60 1/2 days from the solstice to the ortus vespertinus of Arcturus. The Apoge of the sun was the in 25° or thereabouts & in 60 1/2 days the sun moved 62°.

Of the Astronomers who flourished after the times of the Trojan war Thales is recconed the oldest. He revived Astronomy, observed the stars was the first who could predict Eclipses & wrote a book of the Tropics & Equinoxes.. Pliny tells us that he determined the Occasus matutinus of the Pleiades to be upon the 25t day after the Autumnal Equinox, & thence Petavius computes the longitude of the Pleiades in 23deg 53'. Now Ludica Pleiadum in the end of the year 1660 was in 25.15:51 & thence recconing backwards a degree for every 72 years (which is the motion of the Equinox according to the opinion of Astronomers of this age) Lucida Pleianum will be found in 23 57 in the 59{9}th year before Christ that is in the 42th year of Thales. And therefore Thales did not retain the place of the Equinox determined by Astronomers who lived before the Trojan war but placed it where he found it by his own Observations. For his publishing a book about the Tropics & Equinoxes shews that he receded from the opinions of former Astronomers , [& by consequence he was the first who removed the Equinoxes from the 15th degree of the signes & placed them in the 12th. & if he was the first who removed the Equinoxes & Solstices from the 15th degrees of the signes (For his authority to do this was greater then any man's) we have reason to reccon him the author of the opinion that they were in the 12t degrees.

Eudoxus according to Eusebius was contemporary to Meton, but according to Diogenes he lived a little later. He travelled into Egypt & having conversed with Astronomers of both nations published a new Octaeteris & wrote a book of the Constellations – – sphere


72 21600 003000 5gr 0 25200y 00648 25850

Elizabeth Lucas being committed to the Poultry Counter on suspicion of stealing Plate from Mr Secretary Harley & being cleared from the suspicion but not yet set a liberty discovered that she had received counterfeit money of one Ms Bayly who made the same, & shewed a half crown & a six pence of the money & said that Ms Bayly imployed also one Ms Salt to put of such money. Afterwards one Ms Miller hearing that search was made for weomen, who had stole the plate , disco-vered to (Mr Secretarys Mr William Hegley Butler) where he might search & thereupon the Butler & one Cole a Constable apprehended thee weomenwho proved to be Mrs Bayly alias Labree & Mrs Salt, In apprehending them the constable found in the house some spand & ten shillings of conterfeit money, Ms Miller found about three or four pounds of counterfeit money & the Butler found some filings of silver. All which things were produced before Mr Secretary & at the triall, & by the evidence of the said Ms Lucas, Ms Labree was committed to Newgate & convicted of High Treason. Mr Hegley has in this service expended about 30s & desires nothing further of the reward then his charges.

Afterwards one Mary Sistern watching Ms Salt & seing her go into a house in Trinity Lane told Mr William Hegley (Mr Secretaries Butler) where she might be taken & the houses on both sides that house were searched without finding her. Then one Ms Miller who lived over against the right house discovered to the Said MrHegley that two suspicious weomen lodge{d} in the house over against her, & the said MrHegley & one Cole a Constable there apprehended –

I find by examining MrHegley, Mr Lucas, Mr Sistern, Mrs Mill & the Constable that the matter of fact above related is true.
 Is. Newton

Meton & Euctemon observed the summer solstice in the year of Nabonassar 316 on the 21th day of Phamenoth in the morning, that is in the year of the Iulian Period 4282 Iune 27th about six in the morning as Petavius collects out of Ptolemy.

Meton & Euctemon, in order to publish the Lunar Cycle of 19 years, observed the solstice & {in} the year of Nabonassar 316 & Columella tells us that they placed it in the 8th degree of Cancer: which opinion being published to the people in the Tables of that Cycle became generally received & continued long in vogue. [Petavius collects out of Ptolemy that they observed the Solstice in the year of Nabonassar 316 on the 21th day of Phamenoth in the morning that is in the year of the Iulian Period 4282, Iune 27, about six in the morning.] This obse] From the 21th year of Thales to (at which time he might begin to make observations) to the year of Nabonassar 316 there are but 187 years] Now recconing with Astronomers that the Equinox goes backwards one degree in about 72 years & by consequence three degrees in 216 years & seven degrees in 504 years & considering that Thales was born an. 1 Olymp 35 according to Laertius & that from the 24th year of his age ( about which time he might make his first Observations) to the year which Meton & Euctemon observed the solstice there were but 184 years which time is too short by 32 years for the pasing of the solstice between the 12t degree of Cancer. Let the error be ascribed to the observations (which in these days were but coarse) & let it be equally divided between the Observations of Thales & those of Meton by saying that the solstice was in the beginning of the 12t degree about 16 years before the Observations of Thales & in the end of the 8th about 16 years after the Observations of Meton, that is Anno Nabonass. 1332 & from this last period count backwards 504 years (the time in which the solstice moves 7 degrees backwards from the 15th to the 8th degree of Cancer & the recconing will end 61 years after the death of Solomon.


But considering that the first kings of Rome were elective & all of them except Numa either died a violent death or were dethroned I had rather allow but 15 or 16 years a piece to those kings reigns one with another & so make the building of Rome & destruction of Troy 20 or 40 years later. And this Numa who was a Philosopher may have lived after Pharecides Thales & Pythagoras began to bring Philosophy into Europe.

But for understanding the grownd of these recconings & removing Objections it is to be observed / & the epocha of Iehojakins captivity will fall upon the year the beginning of the year of Nabonassar 149 & the year of the captivity accordingly as it is recconed inclusively or exclusively will be either this year 149 or the year before. For the captivity of Iehojakin was after the return of the year that is in the Summer half year (2 Chron. 36.10,

For Iehojakim dying in the 11th year of his reign was buried dishonourably without the city & Iehojakin his son succeeded him & reigned 3 months & 10 days in spring. For in the return of the year (2 Chron     ) that is in spring when kings go out to battel Nebuchadnezzar {in} the 8th year of his reign sent & beseiged Ierusalem & Iehojakin surrendered & was carried to Babylon with his Princes & craftsmen & Smiths & all that were fit for war & the Vessels of the Temple & when none remained but the poorest sort of the people Nebuchadnezzar made Zedekiah their king. who reigned full ( Ier. 1.3) eleven years & ended his reign in summer in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar. In the ninth year of Zedekiah in the 10th month Nebuchanezzar laid siege to Ierusalem. In the 10th year Pharaoh came out of Egypt with an army to raise the siege & the Chaldeans went up to meet him (            ) & then the Iews being freed from their fear brought back into servitude their manservants & maid servants which they had in their distress in the autumn before set at liberty according to the law of the sabbatical year. for the observation of which they had then entered into a solemn covenant in the Temple. Ieremias therefore being hitherto at liberty (          ) reproved them for this transgression but was imprisoned before the end of the 10th year & continued in prison till the end of the siege, & after his imprisonment the Chaldeans returned in the same tenth year & continued the siege took the city in the 11th year in the 4th month & but it & the Temple the month following. So then the city was taken in the year next after the sabbatical year & by consequence in the year of Nabonassar 159

167.00105.272. 000 1353.16.3 0413.07.6 1767.03.9 000 02158.6.312 1886.6.312

Novlint vnivlsi &c

The Condicon of this Obligation is such that Whereas the Queens Majesty by her Letters Patents under the Great Seale of England bearing Date the 11th day of Iune in the first yeare of her Reign hath given & granted & by these p

& make gree to the Merchants of that which to them belongeth of Gold & silver which the said Isaac Newton shall receive by vertue of his Office in manner appointed or to be appointed by her Majesty.

Mr Neales Ballance – 2158. 6. 3 1/2
Provosts house –167. – –
M Weddells salary –105. – –
Remainder1886. 6. 3 1/2

Paid on account of the Country Mints

To Mr Fendall –1277. 16. 3
To Mr Birdikin –076. 0. 0
To Mr Walford –190. 0. 0
To Mr Leake –223. 7. 6
1767. 3. 9

& upon notice that the children of Israel fled, Pharaoh speedily took all the chariots & horses of Egypt being 600 chariots & pursued after them & overtook them at Pihahiroth their third encampment that is in the end of the third day. This smal number of chariots & quick pusuit by land makes it probable that Pharaohs kingdom lay only on the eastern side of the Bubastic river.
Yet Zoan a city on the other side of the river becoming afterwards the royal city of the lower Egypt (Isa 19.11 & 30.4) Moses is said to have done his wonders in the field or territory of that city Psal. 78.

Its said indeed that while the Israelites were in Egypt there rose up a new king who knew not Ioseph, Exod. 1.8 but least you should take this king for the new kingdom of the Shepherds its added soon after that in process of time the king of Egypt died Exod. 2.23. A new king who knew not Ioseph is a king born after Ioseph was dead & began to be forgotten.

And when the children of Israel fled Pharaoh speedily pursued after them with all his army of 600 chariots & overtook them at their third encampment or on the third day, which could not have been done had his army lain scattered through any large tract of land or any part of it been

If we may suppose that Pharaoh Necho came out Egypt & slew Iosiah in Spring & 3 months after deposed Ioahaz & made Iojakim king, that Iehojakim in the 3d year of his reign was bound in chains by Nebuchadnezzar reigned 11 years incomplete & died & was succeeded by his son Iehojakin about the end of the Iewish year & o after 3 months & 10 days Nebuchadnezzar sent & captivated Iehojakin & after a months or two more in which he spoiled the temple & carried away all the men of valour & smiths & all that were fit for war so that none remained but the poor of the land he made Zedekiah king, who reigned full eleven years: & if

Or if you reccon the 37 years of Ieha

married Amyite the daughter of his son Astyages to Nebuchadnezzar the son of Nabopolasser, returned to the war against Nineve & together with Nebuchadnezzar who commanded the army of his father took & demolished the city, Saracus the last king thereof burning himself with his Palace, by which circumstances Saracus & Sardanapalus are one & the same king: Polyistor gives the name of Sardanapalus to the father of Nebuchadnezzar & thereby makes Sardanapalus contemporary to Saracus, whereas Sardanapalus was king of Assyria & the king of Babylons name was Nabopolasser. The destructiō of Nineveh the Greeks usually ascribe to the Medes, the Iews to the Babylonians, Tobit Iosephus & Ctesias to both together.


Pag. 3. lin ult. Ad verba [accurata si possibile sit] notetur in ima pag Annon Proposito quinta libra de Quadraturis Newtono innotuit anno 1666.

In the Dynasties of Manetho some kings are said to have reigned at This, others at Memphis, others at Thebes, others at Elephantis, others at Heracleopolis, others at Xois, others at Tanis, others at Bubastis, others at Sais, others at Mendes others at Sebennis. Which makes it probable that a great part of Manethos kings reigned in several parts before the days of Ammon & Sesac when Egypt was divided into several small kingdoms, : & that the Priests of Egypt out of the Records of their several cities collected the kings of all these kingdoms into one continual successiō to make the ages of their Gods look ancient. One of the ancient kings is said (in the Dynasties of Manetho & Erastosthenes) to have reigned an hundred years & is called Aphiops, Phiops, Phios & Apappus maximus, that is Epaphus maximus or Apis. And perhaps this was the king from whom the old Egyptian month Epiphi had its name & in whom the Egyptians worshipped the Ox or Calf before the days of Moses; unless you had rather say that the name & worship of the Ox Apis was afterwards translated to Osiris.

Scaliger observes that the            of Manetho was composed of king

03. 12. 212 04.009. 412 04.006. 2 12.007. 9 0000.905 0 16. 18. 712

Sir Theodore

I humbly begg the favour of you to get leave that Mr Charles Gregory may be admitted to subscribe 500l or 1000l in the next subscriptio{n} in the south sea

Parisios se contulit et ad usque mensem Iunium sequentem commercium cum Oldenburgio habuit, deinde Algebram et Geometriam sublimiorum didicit, et mense. Iulio anni sequentis Commercium cum Oldenburgio renova{ri} sribens se mirificum habere Theorema

p. 48. lin 22 – in lucem edidit. Inde Gregorius methodum tangentium hausit absque computatione, eamque Collinio notam fecit per Epistolam 5 Novem 1670. Newtonus autem suam –


The Dynasties of Eratosthenes & Manetho, seem too confused to be reduced into good order. At the command of the Kin

Scaliger complains that by the Dynasty of the Eratosthenes it appears that several kings reigned in several parts of Egypt at once . And Manetho tells us that some of his kings reigned at This, others at Memphys, others at Thebes, others at Heracleopolis, others at Xous, others at Tanis, others at Bubastis, others at Mendes, others at Sebennis. Which makes it probable that many of those kings reigned in several parts of Egypt at once before Egypt was reduced into a Monarchy, & that after Cambyses had carried away the Records of Egypt the Priests of Egypt collected their Kings from the Records of several cities & summed up their reigns to make the ages of their Gods look ancient. And perhaps some who are recconed amongst the kings reigned not but were only eminent as Athothes or Thoth, & Thuor the husband of Alexandra.


Sir Isaac Newton

  • a Huic respo{ns}etur supra pag. 204, 205.
  • b Principia naturæ mathematica inventa sunt quidem per Analysum scripsa vero per syntheticaæ more Veterum, ut oportuit. Et Methodus Synthetica calculis Analyticus vacare debet. Vide supra, pag 206
  • c Literæ punctatæ comparuerunt in secundo Volumine Operum Wallisij anno 1693 cum calculus differentialis nondū involuisset Vide supra pag. 207, 208
  • d His respondetur supra pag. 204, 205, 180.
  • e Rectā methodum differentiandi differentialia Newtono prius innotui{illeg}e quam Leibnitio ostenditur supra pag 180.

NB. Hæc refutantur supra, a pag 204, 205; b pag. 206; c pag. 207, 208. d pag. 180, 204, 205. e pag. 180. Methodus non consistit in forma symbolorum. Principia Philosophiæ Mathematica inventæ sunt per Analysin, edita vero per synthesin more veterum. Volumen tertium Wallisij prodijt anno 1699 literæ punctatæ prodierunt in secundo ejus volumine anno 1693. Incrementare consta {iperius} x Newtonus etium nunc notare solet per o. Newtoni methodus differentiandi differentialia habetur in Prop. 1 Libri de quadraturis & edita fuit a Wallisio in secundo Volumine operū ejus anno 1693, tribus annis antequam Methodus Leibnitij lucem vidit, estque verissima, ac demonstrate, fuit synthetice in Lem. 2. Lib. 2 Princip. anno 1686, & posita fundamentum methodi fluxionum in Tractatu quem de his rebus scripsit anno 1669 uti patet ex ejus Epistola ad Oldenburgum 24 Octob. 1676.


Hæ omnia refutantur supra, pag 9, 10, 12, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 52. [Et huic judicio opponitur judicium antiquius Wallisij cui per ea tempora Leibnitius minime cotradixit Vide p. 32, 33, 34.

Figmantis utique inititur hoc judicium 1ma Quod methodus fundatur in literis punctatis, 2do quod in Principijs Mathematicus Newtonus calculo suo utendi frequentem habuit occasionem. 3o quod literæ punctatæ prima vice comparuerunt in tertio volumine operum Wallisij, 4to quod symbolum o calculi differentialis commodo destruit, 5to.

Affirmationes utique a, b, c, d, e     finguntur, et huic Iudicio opponitur judiciū antiquius Wallisij cui per ea tempora Leibnitius minime contradixit.

a Newtonus in Introductione ad Librum de Quadraturis methodum docuit & exemplis illustravit & in Lem 2 Lib. 2 Princip. demonstravit absque literis punctatis. b, c, d, e, f Hæ affirmationes finguntur.

Sir You are desired to meet the Rector & the rest of the Trustees & of His late Grace of Canterburys Charity to the parish of St Iames, At the Chapel Vestry room, by ten of the clock in the morning, On Thursday next the 21 Instant, To Choos a Morning Preacher in the room of the Lord Bishop of Glocester, And 4 new Members to be Trustees, in the places of the 4 deceased, And you are desired not to fail the surviving Trustees being very few. I am                      December 19.            Sir. Your most duty full Servant       1721.                 A{illeg}i{P.} Warren

000 2Ζr2r2+Ζ2 × 4r3Ζβ r2+Ζ22 8r5Ζ2β r2+Ζ23



  • Sam. Bocharti Hierozoicon 2 Vol. lig. Gall. Lond. 1663 fol.
  • – Spencer de Ligibus Hebræorum.
  • – Vssrij annalis vet. Test. 2 Vol. Lond. 1650.
  • – Sexti Empirici opera gr. lat. ex interp. G Herveti Geneva 1621.
  • – Pausanias gr. lat, Lipsiæ 1696.
  • – Ptomolomæi Geogr. gr. lat. cum tabl. et notis Mercatoris & Ortelij lig. Gal. Lugd. Bat. 1618
  • – Stephanus de urbibus Gr. lat. Amst 1678
  • Hygini Fabula & Astronomicon cum lib. similis argumenti Palæpheti Placiadis, Phurnuti, Albrici, Arati, Procli. Basil. 1543
  • Fred. H. Noris de anno et Epochi Syromacedonum in antiquis Syriæ urbium nummis, expositis, Florent 1689.
  • Prosperi Paritij variora magnæ Græciæ numismata 1683.
  • – Catalogus librorum MSS Angliæ et Hiberniæ Oxon 1697
  • – Catalogus Bibliothecæ Oxoniensis librorum impressorum per T. Hyde 1674


  • – H. tribi Ægyptiaca et de X Trib. Israelis Amst. 1683.
  •      – Miscellanea sacra 1692 Vltraj.
  • – Borrichii de ortu & progressu Chemiæ. Hafniæ 1668.
  • Appianus Alexandrinus a P. Candido in Latinum traduitis Veneti 1457
  • – Philogorti quæ extant Gr. Lat. cum Notis Meursij Lugd. Bat 1620.
  • – Pomponius Mela de situ Orbis & &c Antw. 1582
  • De priscis Anglorum legibus Anglo-saxonicē conscriptis & in Latin. translatis, a G Lamberdo Lond. 1558
  • – Orphei Argonautica Gr. Lat 1523.
  • – Apollonij Rhodij Argonautica Gr. 1574
  • Demetrij Moschi de Helena & Alexandro poema Gr. Lat.

In Octavo

  • – Dictis cretensis & Daretis Phrygij Hist. de bello Trojano Argent {illeg}
  • – Quinti Calabri derelictorum ab Homero lib 14. Item Tryphiodo{illeg} Ægyptij Grammatici Trojæ expugnatio &c Gr. Lat. Franc.. 1604.
  • Apollonij Rhodij Argonautica Gr. Lat. Lugd. Bat. 1641
  • Orphis Argonautica Gr. Lat. Vltraject 1689
  • Historia Poetica scriptores antiqui gr. lat. Paris 1675
  • <47v>
  • – Autoris anonymi Poemata græca Argonautica Thebaica Troica & Ilias parva Lips. 1588.
  • – C. Valerij Flacci argonautica. Lips. 1630.
  • – Greaves of the Roman foot & Denarius & Pyramidographia. Angl 1640
  • Apollodorus de Dijs gr. lat. 1661
  • L


  • – Leon. Conradis de Magisterio antiquorum Philosophorum. Gen. 1684.
  • – Dictijs Cretensis & Dares Phrygius ex offic R. Steph.
  • – Arrianus.

Quantum rerum argumentam docent, Nusquam invenio fideliora quam apud ipsam Italiam ne qua Saturnus post multas expeditiones, postque Attica hospitia, consedit exceptus ab Iano, vel Ianem ut Salij volent Mone quem incoluerat Saturnius dictus. Civitas quam depalaverat Saturnia usque nunc est. Tota denique Italia post Oenotriam Saturnia cognominabatur. Ab ipso primum tabulæ, & imagine signatus nummus, & inde ærario præsidet.


I most humbly begg your Honours pardon for taking this liberty, i am a unfortunat Gentleman, that has been a considerable time out of business, and in the mean time been very sick for a great while, which has reduced me to a very low ebb. Humbly implores your Honours assistance knowing you to bee very affable and Charitably inclin'd in releaving distressed strangers, i am gratifyed for french, English, Highgerman and Danisch, and would much rather accept of being employ'd than suffer the misery in which i see me every day, i hope your Honour will take compassion on me, and as in Duty bound i shall for ever pray.
                               your Honours

                          most humble and obedient                                    Servant                               P. Gardner


Porrò Typhon Egyptijs mare est, et eo nomine aquam maris significat qua corpora solis et æ sub initio dissolvuntur. Dein Isis i. e. spiritus albus per imbibitiones membra viri recolligit in albo excepto membro virili i. e. vel impuro, vel puro quod nondum adjcitur.

Iupiter Phonī a juvando dictus nor est vulgi sed subjectum philosophicum ex quo omnis tinctura petenda est materia phica, quæ in Aquilæ forma Ganimedem in cælum evexit, quæ in aurum mutata Danaæ in gremium decidit, quæ sub forma Cygni albi Lædam compressit &c Nisi enim ad volatum sit idonea aut ab Capsum suo pondere apta materia, non est Iovis nomine digna, cum ne minimum juvare possit artificem sed plurimum morari. Maier de Mont. Plan. p. 104, 109. Talis est Saturni filius ex lapide gem quem Saturnij pro Iove devoravit, quique Saturni formam mox mutavit, et eum fecit altissimo similem & putrefacit, & quem per potionem ipsi a Meti uxore datum ursus Evo{nuit}, quique jam fit nobilissimus Abrettanus, Iupiter imperium adeptus expulso patre. Marrow of Alk. part. 1. p      . Snyders Metall. Metamorph. p.       Maier de Voluc. arb. p. 136.

Aug 16. Iul 15.12– 10
Nov 12.11–
Decem 4.5–
Ian. 35–
Feb. 36
Mar. 5.5
Aug 6.12
Sept 4.12
Oct 2.11
Nov 2.12
Dec 1.11
Ian 7.17
Feb 22.6
Mar 24.6
Apr. 21.5–
Iun 22.7–
Iul 25.11–
Aug. 19.7
Sept 15.5–
Oct. 1.18–

Janwary the 2{illeg} 1694
receive then of widow Broad the Som of fiue Shilins and two pence-2 for that She liues in for the iail aspital receiued by us Henry Baker Tho britan

Augustus mor. Aug. 19. I.P. 4727 4727 –761 {int} Iul 20 4726 + 1m  d
Tiber moritur Mar. 1 or 16. I.P 4750.783 Iul 14 4748 + 8m
Caius mor. Ian 6 I.P 4754 or Dec 22 IP. 4753787 Iul 13 4752- 6
Claudius mor Oct 13 4767 –801 Iul 10 4765 +1+ 3
Nero mor Iun 10 – – IP 4781 Vitell. mor Iul 1 4782815 Iul 6 4779 +1-1 or +11
Vespasian mor Iun 25 4792 –825 Iul 4 4789 +1- 1/10 or + 11m. 21d.
Titus mor Aug 25 +- 4794–828 Iul 3 4792 +1+ 1 2/3
Domitian mor Sept 15 4809 843 Iun 30 4807+ 2 1/2
Nerva Ian 27 4811 –844 Iun 30 4808+ 7
Trajan Aug. 10 4830 –863 Iun 24 4827+ 13 1/2
Adrian Iul 10 4851884 Iun 19 4848+ 12 2/3
Antonin Mar 7 4874 –907 Iun 14 4871+ 9

187 - 37 = 150 = 8 Nebuch.


Much Honoured Sir

According to your desire I searched the publick Library here for Papius. There is nothing of him to be found here, save 6 or 7 lines De quatuor Marijs in Latin. This and all the other fragments, that remain of him, are put together in Grabij Spirilogium Patrum Vol. II. lately printed here, from page 30 to page 35. I am with all respect

             Much Honoured Sir
Oxon. 16 May.
               Your most humble and                most obliged servant                    DGregory.


And from all these genealogies, it follows that Ægeus {Æthra} Alcmena Tyndareus Leda, were one: Minos, Sesostris,            ; Gorgephone, Perieres, Nicippe, Lycidice, Atreus, Thyestes, Piltheus, two; Perseus, Andromeda; Sesotris Danaus Epeus Polycaon, Pelops, Hippodamia, Niobe & her husband Amphio & {Zeton} Laius whom they expelled, three; Danae, Cynortes Euarete Megapenthe Antiopa & Endymion & Labdacus                 four; Acrisius, Eurydice Prætus Amyclas Polydorus            five; Lacedæmon & Sparta                  six; Eurotas, Taygeta                 seven Myles Polycaon, Phoroneus, Cecrops,

And from these genealogies it follows that Alcmenena, Tyndarus & Leda were one Gorgephone was two, Perseus & Andromeda three, Danae four Acrisius Prætus & Eurydice the wife of Acrisius & Amyclas her brother five, Lacedemon & Sparta six, Eurotas & Taygeta seven, Myles & Polycaon eight & Lelex nine little generations older the the Argonautic expedition. [Also Theseus was one Ægeus was two Pandion & Cecrops II three, Erechtheus four Pandion 1 five Cranaus six Cecrops seven & Actæus eight.

Again Oeneus & Althea the parents of Meleager were one, their parents Parthaon & Thesteus two Leophontes                 Agenor & Epicaste three Pleuron & Calydon four Ætolus & his brother Epeus & wife Pronoe five, Endymion six Aëthlius & Calyce seven, Protogenia & her brothers Dorus Æolus & Zuthus eigth & Deucalion nine

Again Æthra the mother of Theseus was one, her father Pittheus & his sister Lysidice the mother of Alcmena two & their father Pelops three little generations older then the Argonautic expedition


– before the destruction of Troy, or about the middle of Davids reign as above. [ Polydorus was contemporary to Epopeus Epaphus or Apis king of Sicyon] & Epopeus was slain & Amphion & Zelus born about the end of Davids reign or fifteenth & Laius fled to Pelops about the 38th of Solomon & recovered his k{ingdom} about the end of Solomons reign. And Pelops came into Peloponnesus abo{ut} the 10th of Solomon end of Davids reign. For Pelops was the father of Pittheus the father of Æthra the mother of Theseus & of Lysidice the mother of Alcmera the mother of Hercules

– before the destruction of Troy, or about the middle of Davids reign as above And Epopeus or Apis was slain & Amphion & Zetus born sus about the end of Davids reign & Pelops came into Peloponnesues about the beginning of Solomons

pag 18{en} ult And by these circumstances about three generations before the Argonautic expedition or about that time Cadmus & Europa came into Greece about when the nations fled from David, as above Ceres Epopeus was slain & Amphion & Zetus born near about the end of Davids reign: Pelops & his sister Niobe were contemporary to Amphion & came into Peloponnesus about the middle of Solomons reign, or a little before, & Laius recovered his kingdom from Amphion about the end of the reign of Solomon .

p. 19. l. 22. after [Argonauts] add. Erestheus therefore began his reign about the 30th year of David & Ceres came into Greece about 5 or 10 years after.

suppose about the time when David had newly conquered the Philisitms & Edomites & Moab & Ammon & Amalek & the Syrians of Zobah & Rehab & Maachah & {Sehto} & & Damascus & he made the nations round about fly from him, or about the time that David took Rabah & Bathsheba was with child of Solomon, that is, about the 16th or 18th year of David


He tells us also that the people {illeg} Lelex {illeg} a region in Pe not yet inhabited, built village the{re} & {illeg} his sons He tells us also that Messenia was peopled by villages till the death of Lelex & then Polycaon the younger son of Lelex invaded it & built cities in it & amongst others the city {Ardania} which he made the seat of his kingdom, & called the country Messenia after the name of his wife Messene the daughter of Tripos the son of Phorbas Princes of Argos.

Echenus f. Aeropi, f. Cephei. f. Alei

Pelasgus, Lycaon, Callisto, Arcas,

Sesostris therefore being the same king with Sesak, he was of about the same age with Solomons Queen & her little sister or son {might} be be their brother.

Amyales & Eurydice were the children of Lacedæmon & Sparta & Lacedæmon was the son of Taygeta & Sparta was the daughter of Eurotas the son of Myles the son of Lelex.


To Sir Isaac Newton at his House in St. Martins Street Near Leicester feilds

In london

Honoured Sir                          oct. the 30                                          1712

                    I have reciv'd the nine pound you pay'd to Mrs Savage & return you my most Humble thanks for it, I am very glad to hear of your good health & wish it may long Continue,

I have not been well this 3 weeks of a sore throt & a pain in my right sid I have been Blooded for it & taking physick which has hinder'd mee sending my thanks sooner, I am in great hopes my Brother gorge will gett to bee Steward of the House to the duke of Devonshire, Mr Graunor who is the dukes head Steward has writ to my Cosin Pilkington a bout my Brother, pray Sir give my Services to my Cosin Barton & bee Please to except of dutty from

                               your Most obedient                                Nece & Humble                                     Servant

                               M. Pilkington

Tyndareus the son of Oebalus the son of Cynortas the successor of Argalus, the eldest son of Amyclas the son of Lacedæmon & Sparta & with his younger son Ætolus succeeded Endymion in the Terra Curetum & was succeeded

Perieres & Oebabus the husbands of Gorgophone were the sons of Cynortes the son of Amyclas

Pelops married Hippodamia the daughter of Euarche the daughter of Acrisius. Sthenelus & Mæstor the brothers of Gorgophone married Nicippe & Lycidace the daughters of Pelops.

800 729 0710 0648 00620 00567 000530 000486 000044 0000035 00000026 000000017

And Sesacs reigning in the days of Solomon (


Honour,d Sir           May the 26th 1717

Here is com̄ited to this Goile one {illeg}h; Sager and a comon strumpet about the City and to wit an old offender that goes for his wife taken with divers Instruments (and False coyn,d) monney in their Custody I beleive I can obtaine a large discouery From them if I had money to bear them Company and to humor which I will {illeg} diligently pursue if you please to Lay the Summe on me soe to do; I am Sir your poore destress,d Servant to command from the Kings ward in the Marshalsea        Henꝫ; Smithsonꝫ pray Sir fauoring with your Answer


for Sir Isack Newton att his House in St Martins                      Street         LONDON


that is 480 years before the end of the Peloponnesian war or above. And yet Socrates & Thucydides made it but 300 years before. And yet he flourished & but in the 18th Olympiad. / First Socrates & Thucydides (in the reading followed by Stepehanus) placed him in the 18th or 19 First Hellanicus made him contemporary to Poet Terpander who got the victory in the 26th Olympiad & Socrates & Thucydides placed him in the 18th Olympiad. Then            begin to flourish in

Whereas by the testimony of earlier authors he began to flourish in the 18th Olympiad, & was contemporary to Terpander the Poet who was victor in the 26th Olympiad.

41)12,4800 0960 5760(140212 16600 16400 0000 0 0 0 0 0 390 369 21 8900 0445 4)09345(22s, 8d12 1140 325 065 390 328 6222s.9d12 21


This practice of observing the starrs began in Egypt in the reign of Ammon as above & was propagated from thence in the reign of Sesac into Afric Europe & Asia by conquest. For the Sphere of the Greeks was formed by Chiron & that of the Libyans by Atlas a little after those conquests And the Chaldeans by him also made a sphere of their own. [And & grew more famous for Astronomy then any other nation.] Ægypt reigned long over Susa & might reigne as long over Chaldea. And where she lost her dominion abroad & brake into several kingdoms at home & was afterwards conquered by Sabacon, some of the Egyptians might fly from him to their brethren in Chaldea, & carry thither Astrology & the Egyptian year, & set up the Æra of Nabonassar & begin to observe the starrs as diligently as in Egypt for the sake of Astrology Its probable therefore that – – – – this temple to him in the days of Nabonassar or a little before.]

Atlas, Prometheus, Aristæus, Chiron, Endymion were Astronomers

Sir Isaac                5:o Sept. 1719.

MR Justice Tracy will be in Towne at his Chambers on Wednesday next And towards the latter end next Week designes for Dorsett:Shire Therefore on Wednesday Morning or before I will take the freedome to Leave for or Deliver to you Mr. Tates Letter out of Leicestershire you gave me the other day that if you please you may discourse with the Judge on Wednesday upon the contents therein I presume to Subscribe my Selfe        Honoured Sir                Your most Obedient humble Servant                Calverley Pinckney


For Sir Isaac Newton att his House In S.t Martins Street on South Side of           Lester Feilds / These


Macrobius a[25] tells us that When Saturn was dead Ianus erected an altar to him with sacred rites as to a God, & instituted the Saturnalia, & that human sacrifices were offered to him till Hercules driving the cattel of Gerion through Italy abolished that custome. By the humane sacrifices you may know that Ianus was of the race of Lycaon.

Testibus igitur Barrovio et Collinio, methodus fluxignum et momentorum, quatenus in Propesitionibus quinque primis Libri de Quadraturis exponitur, Newtono innotuit aliquot annis antea quam Mercator Logarithmotechnian adidit, id est anno 1666 aut antea.

Hæ omnes Regulæ Propositionem quintam sextam septimam et octavam Libri de Quadraturis constituunt.

To the Honoured. Sir Isaac Newton & dr Clarke


To Sir Isaac Newton & dr Clarke.


I intended to have you two & dr Halley to Eat a Commons with me Here on next Sunday. But dr Halley being the remotest I first Writ to him to know if he could Comply with that day & I had his Answer last Night (as by the Inclosed) that he will. I now therefore make it my Request that you two will Please to be here by 2. of Clock next Sunday, I name that Hour that dr Clarke may be free from his Office. I hope It will be sutable to both your Conveniences. You three will be all my Company.        Sirs I am

Serjeants Lane dec: 14. 1721.            Your ever Honoured friend                         & Humble servant                         Littleton Powys

You need not Write only tell this Bearer. But Please to send back dr Halleys Letter being I have it under his Hand & Seal that he will meet you here.



        The bearer, Mr Langbridge, having been under great disappointments is an humble Suitor to You Sir for Your fauour in a particular, which he desires to mention to Yourself: If it happen to be in Your power to comply with his request, it will be a Seasonable relief to him at this Juncture.                     I most heartily wish you Sir health & all prosperity, & am with the greatest Respect                                   Sir Your most Dutifull                                      Humble Servant The 21. January 1722.                   J Baynes.


Erythreans & Phœniceans are names of the same signification the words denoting a red colour: Which makes it probable that the Erithræans who fled from David setled in great numbers in all the sea coast of Syria from Egypt to Sidon & gave the name of Phenicia to all that sea coasts by calling themselves Phœnicians in the language of Syria instead of Erythreans in the language of Edom. For all that sea coast was called Phenicia.

7.53 8.1212 8.39. 8.58 9.20 9.54 001912 002612 019 0022 0034

The old kings of Arcadia [untill the return of the Heraclides] were Pelasgus, Lycaon, Nyctimus, Arcas, Arzan, Clitor, Æpytus, Aleus, Lycurgus, Echemus, Agapenor, Hippothous, Epytus, Cypselus, Olæus &c Vnder Cypselus the Heraclides returned into Peloponnesus. Agapenor was one of those who courted Helena. He reigned afterwards & went to the Trojan war. Echemus slew Hyllus. Aleus was an Argonaut. Arcas learnt agriculture from Triptolem{us} & from him Arcadea had its name. In the beginning of the reign of Nyctimus was the flood of Deucalion And Pelasgus reduced the rude & barbarus people into order & taught them the worship of the Gods. The eleven Kings between the flood of Deucalion & the Return of the Heraclides according to Chronologers took up about 400 years which is after the rate of 36 years a piece one with another: but if we reccon them only at 20 years a piece they will take up but about 220 years: which being counted back from the return of the Heraclides places the flood of Deucalion upon the 14th year of David or thereabouts. Lycaon having many children might begin his reign 30 or 35 years before that flood. And Pelasgus was one generation older, & might beget the grandson of Phoroneus but his contemporary.

pag. 25. l. 45. The first kings of Arcadia were Pelasgus, Lycaon, Nyctimus, Arcas, Arzan, Clitor, Æpytus, Aleus, Lycurgus, Echemus, Agapenor, Hippothous, Epytus Cypselus, &c. Vnder Cypselus the Heraclides returned into Peloponnesus. Agapenor was one of those who courted Helena. He courted before he reigned & afterwards he went to the war at Troy. Echemus slew Hyllus the son of Hercules. Lycurgus Cepheus & Augeo were the children of Aleus the son of Amphidamas the son of Arcas the son of Callisto the daughter of Lycaon Augeo lay with Hercules & Ancæus the son of Lycurgus was an Argonaut, & his unkle Cepheus was his governour in that Expedition, & Lycurgus staid at home to look after his aged father Aleus. Hence Aleus might be born about 70 years before that Expedition, & his grandfather Arcas might be born about the beginning of Davids reign, [& learn agriculture from Triptolemus. [In the beginning of the reign of Nyctimus the father of Arcas was the flood of Deucalion. Lycaon the father of] He received bread corn from Triptolemus & taught his people to make bread of it. And so did Eumelus the first king of a region afterwards called Achaia. And therefore Arcas & Eumelus were contemporary to Triptolemus & to his father Celeus, & Callisto to Rharus & her father Lycaon to Cranaus. But Lycaon died before Cranaus so as to leave room for Deucalions flood between deaths. The eleven kings of Arcadio between this flood & the return of the Heraclides, (that is, between the reigns of Lycaon & Cypselus,) after the rate of about twenty years to a reign one with another took up about 220 years. And these years counted back from the return of the Heraclides place the flood of Deucalion upon the 14th year of David or thereabouts. And according to this recconing Oenotrus the youngest son of Lycaon might grow up & lead a Colony into Italy before the reign of Solomon.

Pag. 35. lin. 20. Lycaon dyed just before the flood of Deucalion as above, & according to Pausanias was as old as Cecrops. He had many children & so might reign long, & Pelasgus was one generation older being his father. If their two reigns together be recconed at about 50 or 60 years, Pelasgus will be contemporary to the Prophet Samuel. The Arcadians accounted him their first king, [& from him the country was called Pelasgia [till the reign of Arcas who called it Arcadia.] He civilized the rude people & taught them to build cottages for defending themselves from cold & rain, & to make garments of hogskins, & instead of hearbs & <57v> roots which were often noxious, to feed upon the Acorns of the beach And from him the country was called Palassia/. And his son Lycaon built the city Lycosura recconed the oldest city of the Arcadians. And by these circumstances he & his father were as old as the first memory of things done in Greece.

To Sir Isaac Newton



Most Hon'red Sir
Haveing come thus fare in order to pay your Hon'er a visit I thought it proper to present my case before your Honour by a few Lines (with great Submision Humbly asking pardon for my boldness) Honour'd Sir I have by the assistance of al-mighty God been diligent in my trade and discharged my duty both to God and my family upward of 20 years and getting but little more then to support my Self and family and I find that to keeps a little stock together with my trade will be to doble advantage but can doe but little mySelf    I take boldness to address myself to your Honour to assist me by Lending me 15 or 20 pounds for the space of 2 or 3 years in which time I hope to return it for I have a fair prospect of advantage being Seated very convenient for that porpass and now if your Honour please to oblige your unworthy Relation in so great a favir you will ingage me in my retorns at the thrown of God's grace to implore for a Blessing in the world to come that your Honour may receive a heavenly reward     which is all I can return Who is your honour's most unworthy Sarvent Richard Pindar

                                   Iune 9 1725

Richard Pindar is a weaver
& lives at Gosberton in
Lincolnshire near Boston.




Gyges reignd 38 years. Ardyes his son 49 years. Sadyalles his son 12 years. Halyattes 57 annis. Cræsus 14. an. – Ten years going first to Anasis in Egypt & then to Cræsus at Sardes, & Cræsus before Solon came to him had subdued all Asia minor on this side the river Halys

Cyrus took Babylon (according to Ptolomy's Canon) nine years before his death, Annon Nabonass. 209; Ann. 2. Olymp. 60. And he took Sardes a little before a[26] namely An. 1 Olymp 59. And Cræsus then king of Sardes b[27] reigned 14 years & therefore begun his reign An. 3 Olymp. 55. After Solon had made laws for the Athenians, he obliged the Athenians to observe those laws during his travells & then travelled ten years c[28] going first to Amasis in Egypt & then to Cræsus at Sardes. And Cræsus d[29] before Solon visited him had subdued all Asia minor as far as to the river Halys: & therefore he received that visit towards the latter end of his reign & we cannot err much if we place it about the 12th year thereoff An. 2 Olymp. 58, & the legislature of Solon about ten years earlier An. 4 Olymp. 55. And that of Draco ‡ < insertion from from the end of the line on f 58v > ‡ & the war of the Amphictyons against Cyrrha about 20 years earlier. < text from f 58v resumes > about 20 years earlier Solon returned home to Athense Comia archonte, & the same yeare Pisistratus began to affecte the tyranny over Athens. The e[30] next year Hegistratus was annual Archon, & Solon died before the end of the year, suppose Ann. 4 Olymp. 58 or Ann. Olymp. 59. And by this recconing the objection of Plutarch taken from the c

Astyages the son of Cyaxeres was the great unkle of Cyrus by the mothers side, that is, the father of Mandane – Herod l. 1. pag. 42, 43 (lin. 25), 61. Mandane the daugther of Astyages & wife & Cambyses a Persian & mother of Cyrus. Herod. p. 61, 64, 69

The inhabitants of Meroe worship only two Gods Iupiter & Liber & have erected an Oracle to Iupiter. Herod. l. 2. p. 126.

The Egyptians say that Osiris is Bacchus. Herod. l. 2. l. 132.

The Ammonij lived between Egypt & Ethiopia & spake a middle language, & had their name from Iupiter. Ammon. Herod. l. 2. p. 133.

Menes [Sesostris] built the temple of Vulcan. Herod. l. 2. p. 159. l. 13, p. 160. l. penul

– thereof Abantes. For Apollonius Rhodius d[32] tells us that the Argonaut Canthus was the son of Canethus      of the posterity of Abas, & the commentator upon Apollonius tells us further that from this Abas the inhabitants of Eubœa were anciently called Abantes. This Abas flourished therefore two or three generations before the Argonautic expedition & so might be of about the same age with Abas the father of Acrisius. The Ancestors of Acrisius e[33] were accounted c[34] Egyptians by the Greeks. And They might come from Egypt first into Eubœa under Abas & from thence into Peloponesus. Among the kings of Argos are recconed Sthenelus the son of Perseus & Gelanor the son of Sthenelus. Gelanor was quickly ejected by Danaus, & after Danaus reigned his son Lynceus & grandson Abas who is commonly but very erroneously reputed the father of Acrisius & Prætus. Among the kings of Argos I do not reccon Phorbas & his son Triopas because they fled from that kingdom to the island Rhodos. Nor do I reccon Crotopus among them because he went from Argos & built a new city for himself in Megaris as Conon f[35] relates

for Sir
Isaac Newton


that the annual Archons began at Athens Anno 2 Olymp. 43 & the second Messenian war then or within [two or three years after] a year or two before


je crois ne pouuoir pas mieux faivre que de mádresser a uous, qui estes un des plus scauants hommes de lEurope, pour uous prier tres humblement de m'honorer d'une reponce aux fins de me faire sçauoir de quelle maniere je {my doibs} prendre, pour decouurir sans risquer de perdre le fruit de mes longues aplications au suiet de la longitude par mer, que je crois si je ne me trompe auoir decouuerte, mais si je suis cesera ma premiere temerité ainsi que uous en pourez juger par le memoire qui contient mes productions precedentes qui jai mis entre les mains de Monsieur de Voulouze en le priant de uous le faire rendre auec un pareille lettre a celle cy outre la longitude par Mer uous trouuerez dans ce – monsier le cheuelier Neüton <59v>

memoire des chòses touchant la nauigation qui doiuent aussi interesser la nation Angloise, beucoup plus attentiue que la nostre aux bonnes productions ainsi quil paroist par les recompense, que les actes du parlement promettent, cest pourquoi jespereque uous aurez la bonté de ne me pas refuser uos bons aduis. jai lhonneur d'estre auec toute la ueneration düe a uostre Eleuation, et a la sublimité de uostre genie

                    Votre tres                               humble & tres                           obeyssant seruiteur                                    du Quet a Paris ce 8 auril 1726       ingenier, ruë de                               larbre secuis auis                               le petit paradis                                  A Paris


     When I was Last to Wait upon you at your house, You was pleas'd to favour me with the Priviledge of acquanting you of Some New Mathematicall Instruments of my Invention, and Particularly of my Instrumentall System of the Sun, moon, Earth and stars, which is An Everlasting Table of the Moons True Place and its appulses to the Fixed stars and Planets.

And you was Likewise so Kind and Generous, as in your great – Condesiention and Goodness, to advise me to Print my Book, Concerning the uses of my Instruments.

Accordingly, I Immediately Put it in the Press, But a Long & Severe Sickness has so Retarded my Progress, that it is but of Late, that I could Effectually Pursue that work. But now it being almost Printed, and my first Publique Notice of it being Lately given, in the London Journall, I have thought my Self Oblig'd now to wait upon you again, to give some further account of my Intentions.

And therefore I humbly Pray, you will be Pleas'd, (If now at Leizure,) to favour me with an Opportunity of Speaking to you upon this Subject.

I am with all due Respects,                     Sir
Iune 8th, 1726.            Your most obedient Humble Servant.                               H: Iackson.

2235Iune 28
760Iuly 6
Aug. 3
Aug. 31
Sept 28

Doctor Woodward desires to see the second edition of my Optiques videlicet that in Octavo.

Also the chronological tables printed in France

Also the third edition of the Principles

Also that I would look into his last book

And send him notice when I come to London again.


In this expedition Bacchus. He was accompanied with his son Orus or Apollo & some singing weomen called the Muses, & the two tops of the mountain Parnassus which were very high were dedicated a[36] the one to this Bacchus the other to Apollo. And thence Lucan b[37] calls Parnassus Mons Bromio Rhæboque sacer. One of his singing weomen called Calliope was the mother of Orpheus an Argonaute, In the fourteenth year of Rehoboam he returned back into Ægypt.

& there built & fortified that city against Osarsiphus calling it by his own name Amenoph; & turning the river Nile there into a new chanel under a new bridge which he built . And then he returned into Ethiopia & stayd there thirteen years – – – shepherds. Doctor Castle (in Moph) tells us that in Coptic this city is called Manphtha {illeg}. Whence by contraction came its names Moph & Noph. While Amenophis stand in Ethiopia

This Bacchus married Ariadne the daughter of M. according to Hesiod,

Iune 18. 1726
Standd with 131. 5. 7. 22
165. 7. 10. 19
297. 0. 18. 17

11gr in 340 years. 30' in 170. 8gr in 2720 years. 20' in 113. 7gr 40' in 2607 years.


The earths Aphelium moves forward in respect of the fixt starrs 1gr{illeg} in 340 years, 8gr in 2720 years, 7gr 40 in 2607 years, i.e. since the Trojan warr.

The earths Aphelium moves forward 17'40" in 100 years in respect of the fixt starrs & 53 in 300 years & 477' in 2700 years, that is 7gr 57' in 2700 years & 7gr. 39'. 20" in 2600 years & 7gr. 40'. 34" in 2607 years.

34517212382 12943.01290000 474143 525. 006.47)190686.12 7.362059(257 060.49000000686 944. 036556)360..60000090 21600)5902300003324 01097121067 18290 03310 0330212 905 1700 }=2605 0000 8.50 731 1190 As 10,0.3,605 0::17.40  :: 0 18235000 26050000 1563000 156300 15630 1563 156 15 1 46026665 3152,10(1100 17,362300 52100 173623 694623 (7gr.40′∟2166 7gr40′.12996. 7gr40′.13″. Apogæ ☉ is in ♋  0gr4.17 Aph.  Θæ  in ♍  0.gr4′.17″. 00000 in  20days,20gr23 in  4040032 in  6060gr55. 00000000000 906

To The Honourable Sir Isaac Newton



Honourable Sir
I owe my most dutifull and Gratefull Acknowledgement for the Candid Countenance and Reception which you afforded my humble Suit by the Reverend mr Cranor I addressed you since by the Reverend and truly worthy Doctor Clarke and I – flattered my self you would Condescend to Honour me (Tho I own I am – undeseruing) with some small notice. Tho I came to town on Purpose to pay my duty to you, to Render an – account of my Conduct and Circumstannces,    I would not Intrude my self till I waited on Doctor Clarke yesterday (Iust after your Honour Called there) who aduised me to apprise you of it and request an Audience to be Ingennuous in euery thing and submit it to your wisdom and goodness my affairs (I thanke god and your Honours Bounty) are not so perplext and Cumbersome as of late they haue <61v> <62r> been. I haue made the Burden lighter and supported my family (my wife and Infant son) com and Reputably not presuming to attend your Honour, till I had Reduced things to an Easie narrow Compass. I haue Commands from my Mother to your Honour; and beg your good – pleasure, and answer to my humble – request of a desired Interveiw, and I question not, but I shall accquitt my self to your Honours satisfaction, and – approbation, as becomes, Honourable Sir

oct the 23 1725     your most obliged, a{nd}                   most obedient Seruant{illeg}                   and Kinsman

                    Newton Chapman


Semiramis contemporary to Zoroaster (Euseb.                      Endymion the son of Aëthlius & Calyce. Aethlius the son of Protogenia the daugther of Deucalion & Pyrrha. Calyce the daughter of Æolus & sister of Sisyphus.

& Calyce was the wife of Aethlius & mother of Endymion & sister of Crithus Sisyphus & Athanas & daughter of Æolus.

To The Honourable Sir Isaac Newton


Honoured Sir I make bold to present you with a new Almanack wishing you a happy new Yeare with my humble se{r}uice to you I remaine your most humble seruant
December 31. 1723     Cha Rawson
              stationar to the Mint

et qui transeunt ad majores distantias minus incurvantur & ad distantias adhuc majores incurvantur alìquantulum ad partes contrarias & tres colorum fascia{re} efformant.

And Pliny [38] tells us that Anticlides {hone} affirmed that Menon invented Letters in Ægypt fifteen years before Phoronæus the oldest king of Greece, & endeavoured to prove it by monuments.

And soon after (suppose about the middle of Solomons reign did Phemonoe become the first Priestess of Apollo at Delphos & give Oracles in hexameter verse.
      – whereas according to Chronolgers they took up 379 years.
      – make it 279 years.
      – 298 years before the death of Cyrus. And the taking of Troy which was eighty years earlier will be 378 years before the death of Cyrus, or about 74 years after the death of Solomon And the Argonautick Expedition which was one generation earlier was about 44 years after the death of Solomon; as was found above by arguments taken from Astronomy. And thus by the consent of these two sorts of arguments, the one taken from Astronomy, the other taken from the course of nature the recconing of the followers of Timæus which places the Argonautic Expedition, the taking of Troy & the return of the Heraclides into Peloponnesus 275 earlier is proven impossible, & the times thereof assigned by us are confirmed. From the death of Cyrus to the beginning of the Olympiads count backwars 247 years & the return of the Heraclides will be 52 years, the taking of Troy 132 years & the Argonautic expedition 163 years before the beginning of the Olympiads; & 29 years more before the Æra of Nabonassar. And these periods being setled                                 from the end of the first Messenian war to the six year of Xerxes wereas according to Chronologers the reigns 244 years – & 348 reigns before the invasion of Greece by Xerxes. Whereas Chro{no}{lo}gers recon it 623 years before the invasion of Greece by Xerxes, that is about 275 years earlier then the truth. And this is the fundamental error of the artificial Chronology of the Greeks.

The sixt year of Xerxes in which he invaded Greece was the first year of the 75t Olympiad. And therefore the return of the Heraclides into Peloponesus was 51 years, the taking of Troy 131 years & the Argonautic Expedition 162 years befo{re} the Olympiads & 29 years more before the Æra of Nabonassar. And these period will be futher established when it shall appeare that Sesostris was one generation earlier then the Argona{u}tic expedition; & that he was Sesac & came out of Egypt in the fift year of Rehoboam to invade the eastern nations invaded Iudea Syria, Persia, India, Asia minor & spent nine years in the expedition & returned back into Egypt in 13th or 14th year of Rehoboam. For that the Argonautic Expedition may be one generation later, it must be placed about 40 or 4{9} years later then the death of Solomon


And the times of the Argonautic expedition, the taking of Troy &p the return of the Heraclides into Peloponesus being thus rectified we now proved with more safty to rectify the times of some other events such as were the founding of the kingdom of Macedon by Caranus, the reign of Phidon at Argus, the guardianship & legislation of Lycurgus.

I have now carried up the Chronology of the Greeks as high as to founding of the kingdom of Macedon by Caranas, the reign of Phidon the first Messenian wars, the legislature of Lycurgus, the age of Iphitus, the death of Codrus, the return of the Heraclides into Peloponnesus, the taking of Troy, the Argonautic expedition the coming of Danaus into Greece & the invasion of the nations of Asia India & Greece by Sesostris. I have settled it by concurrent arguments taken from Astronomy & from the length of the reigns of kings according to the course of nature & from the testimonies of Herodotus the oldest Historian of them & from the time of the wars of Sesostris set down in scripture. For
the sacred history, & the reign of the shepherds in the lower parts of Egypt, & the preceding division of Egypt (as well as of all other nations in those early ones) into many little kingdoms do not admitt of any earlier empire of Egypt & invasion of the eastern nations thereby then that under Sesak & his father. It remains now that I try if the Chronology of the Greeks can be carried up any higher;

the victory of Theseus over the Minotaur, the loss of his Mistress Ariadne & the death of his father Ægeus

The Honourable SirIssaac Newton Master of his Majesty's Mint within the Tower of            London Present


To Sir Isaac Newton at his house at the upper end of Saint Martins Lane near Leicesterfields         London.


to the Tyrian Hercules, that Hercule{s} who commanded the Fleet of the Tyrians when they first sailed to the stra{its} mouth & there built Carteia & Gades & whom they called Hercules after the example of the Egyptian Hercules who had sailed thither before. They called him also Melcartus king of Carta or Carteia as Bochart obserues because he founded that city

to the Tyrian Hercules, that Hercules who commanded the fleet of the Tyrians, they first sailed to the staits mouth as the Egyptians under their Hercules had done before. From thence he was called the Tyrian Hercules to distinguish from the Egyptian. He was called also Melcartus that is Melec Carta, Rex Vrbis. Bochart thinks that Carteia a city built by Hercules at Calpe, was at first from this Hercules called Melcarteia & afterwards (by Aphesesis) Carteia, & its probable that they might call him Melcartus to denote him the founder & first king of that city, especially since that city was also called Heraclea by the Greeks as Strabo mentions. Mons Calpe ad dexteram est e nostro mari foras navigantibus, & ad 40 inde stadia Vrbs Carteia vetusta ac memorabilis, olim statio navibus Hipanorum. Hanc ab Hercule quidem conditam aiunt, inter quos et Timosthenes, qui eam antiquitus Heracleam fuisse appellatam refert. Strabo l. 3. p. 140. This Hercules they they sometimes confound with the Egyptian, as where Pomponius writes: of his Temple in Gades Templum Ægyptij Herculis, conditoribus, religione, vetustate, opibus illustre, Tyrij condidere. This Temple the adoned with the sculptures

These Phenicians were the Tyrians who at that time built Carthage in Afric & Tartessus or Carteia in Spain & Gades in the Island of that name without the straits, & gave the name of Hercules to their commander because he sailed as far as the Egyptian Hercules had done before & that of Heraclea to the City Carteia the he built. So Strabo: Mons Calpe – – – refert. Strabo l. 3. p 140. This Hercules they called also Melcartus, in memory of his building & reigning over the city Carteia. They built also a Temple to him in the Island Gades, & adorned it with sculptures of the labours of Hercules –

p. 23. lin. 49 dele. [These Phœniceans were – – – – – This Temple they adoned with the Sculptures of ] et scribe These Phenicians were – – – – with sculptures of the labours of Hercules &c


               Aprill: 30: 1723 Honoured Sir
         According to your desire, these waits on you by Coll: Hurst with an Account of what money I lent to M.r {D}ilkenton: uiet: twenty pound, of which I haue Receiued fiue pound – A fauour which I could neuer haue asked nor should haue euer writ about, had not your Goodness proposed it, but should haue sat down with the same thoughts as I allwayes had with patience – neither durst I haue presumed to haue mentioned again my Tobacco, had not you been pleased to haue made enquiry after, which indeed grows now uery low. I haue only to add my sincere wishes for your Health & continuation of it, and Remain,
           Honoured Sir, your most obedient Servant humble iust & Affectionate Kinsman – Aug: Tampyan



317 Aridæus slain. Alexander Ægeus reigns.

310 Alexander slan. Hercules the son of Alexander. M by Barsina reigns

305 The monarchy of the Greeks breaks into many smaller kingdoms, [of which the principal were that of Macedon, under Cassander, that of Egypt under Ptolomy, that of Asia on this side Ephrates under Antigonus and his son Demetrius, that of Thrace under Lysimachus & that of Syria under Seleuchus.] under Cassander. Antigonus, Ptolomy, Lysim. Seleuchus &c.] of which the principal were that of Macedon under Cassander, that of Egypt under Ptolomy, that of Chaldea & Persia under Seleucus, that of Asia under Antigonus & that of Thrace under Lysimachus.

Cassander reigns in Macedon, Ptolomy in Egypt, Antigonus in Asia minor & Syria Lysimachus in Thrace & Seleucus beyond Euphrates.

301 The battel at Ipsus. Antigonus slain & his kingdom divided among the victors. Ptolomy reigns in Egypt Libya Palestine & Cœlo-Syria, Cassander in Macedon & Greece, Lysimachus in Thrace, Bithynia, Phrygia, Lydia, Caria & the neighbouring regions. & Seleuchus in the rest of Syria & Asia & in the regions beyond Euphrates.


I giue you a thousand thanks for the many – ciuillities that I receiued from you I haue been ill & can neuer get well since I had the happines to bounteously hear from you & how the Lord designs to deall with me, He alone knows. The Lords will be done. I magnifie Gods Holy name to continue so good a freind in the land of the liueing amongst us I hope God will spare you with a longer continuance amongst us is the Hearty Prayer of her, who is

                      your obedient seruant

                      Ca: Rastall Basingthorpe October the 7th                     1721

If you please to lend to me the Bearer will Faithfully conuey it


The Pelasgi were an{cient}er then Cadmus & spake a language different from the Greek & were wanderers & seem to have had their name from the same origine with the λαγος the sea to signify that they were sea faring men. And Lycaon the son of Pelasgus sacrificed men & his youngest son Osmotrus carried letters into Italy.. And thence I seem to gather that they were the Phœnicean shepherds who fled from Egypt by sea to Greece in the days of Eli. Herodotus (in Polymnia) affirms that the old inhabitans of Peloponnesus (before the coming either of Danaus or of Ion the son of Xuthus) were called Ægialean Pelasgi & Apollodorus makes Ægialeus to be the grandchild of Oceanus & son of Inachus. And thence I seem to gather that Ægialeus & Phoroneus & their father Inachus came by sea with their people into Peloponnesus & were a branch of the Pelasgi settled Attica as I learn from Herodotus who (in Urania) [gives the name of Pelasgi to the people called Cranai in the reign of Cranaus] Tells us that the Pelasgi under Cranus were named Cranai, under Cecrops Cecropidæ, under Erecheus Athenians, & afterwards Ioas from Ion the son of Xuthus.

The people who came from Egypt by sea were called Pelasgians, sea-faring men. For the Pelasgians were ancienter then Cadmus & spake a language different from the Greek, & Pelasgus & Pelasgus with his people were a branch of them & Lycaon the son of Pelasgus sacrificed men; & Inachus with his sons Phoroneus & Ægialus & their people were another branch of them. For Herodotus (in Polymnia) affirms that the old inhabitants of Peloponnesus (before the coming either of Danaus or Ion the son of Xuthus) were called Ægialean Pelasgi & Apollodorus makes Ægialeus to be the grandchild of Oceanus & son of Inachus. And another branch of the Pelasgi settled in Attica as I learn from Herodorus who (in Urania) tells us that the Pelasgi under Cranaus were named Cranai & under Cecrops Cecropidæ, & under Erechtheus Athenians.


The Pelasgi spake a language different from the Greek, & Lycaon the son of Pelasgus sacrifed men & thence I gather that Pelasgus with his people were a branch of the shepherds, who came from Egypt by sea, For the name seems to have been given to all those who in the days of Eli & Samuel came by sea to Greece. For Inachus with his sons Phoroneus & Ægialus & their people were another branch of the Pelasgi. For Herodotus – – – Athenians. As the Greeks called those men Autocthones who were the first inhabitants, & those men Aborigenes who came from the mountains so they seem to have called those men Pelasgians who came from the sea, the words Pelasgus & Pelagus being derived from the same original



The Honorable Sir Isaack Newton At the Signe of the two lamps near Red Lyon Square In London –

        Humbly      Present


Atres therefore suceded Eurystheus about 24 years before the taking of Troy & Hercules died the year before Eurystheus, & the last return [of the Heraclides into Peloponnesus being in the third generation after the first or perhaps at the end of that generation, was scarce above 76 years later then the taking of Troy. Pausanias (in Messenicis) puts it in the beginning of the third Age.

The year        after the death of Hercules Euristheus was slain by Hyllus in the first attempt of the Heraclides to return into Peloponnesus & Atreus succeeded him, & after three years opposed them in their second attempt & after a reign of three or four years died; all before Paris stole Helena which according to Homer was 20 years before the taking of Troy.

– by Euristheus which was about 24 years before the taking of Troy. For Eurystheus was slain by Hyllus in the first attempt of the Heraclides to return, & Atreus succeed him & died just before Paris stole Helena which according to Homer was 20 years before the taking of Troy. Whence the Heraclides returned about 76 years after the taking of Troy. But in reconing 208 years from that return to the first Olympiad – – –

p. 16. l. 25. count 80. years, or rather 76, backwars. Ib. l 26, 28 about 76 – about 44.


REceived this 31th Day of January 1721 of Sir Isaac Newton – – – – being his Subscription towards The Relief of Poor Proselytes, for the Year 1722 I say Received

                By me
J. Chamberlayne


                              Coatos M.L.

                 For Sir Isaac Newton att his – House Goeing downe out of the South Side of

         Lester Feilds             St Martins Street


For Sir Isaac Newton att his House Goeing downe out of the South Side of

Lester Feilds                St Martins Street

Carthage in Afric, Carthago vetus, Tar{illeg}ssus & Carteia in Spain & Gadis in the


Honoured Sir

MR John Furly's Merchant 3: Doors below the Church in S.t Martin's lane Cannon Street 6:o Aug.t 1718.

The Ballance due to me on my Bill is £ 175: 6: 10 For which Sum Dr. Fauquier tells me he took Sir Rich.ds Receit (last week before he left the Towne) to you And on payment thereof I am to give him my Receit for Sir Rich.d, which I hope will be tantamount to Sir Rich.d's Bill on you & my Receit thereon for said Ballance As you Seem'd to advise this Morneing

Above I give you my Addresse In case you Sho'd have any Comands to or for

Honoured Sir     Your most humble and Obedient Servant

                    Calverley Pinckney


To Sir Isaac Newton In      London

St. Matin by Lesterfeild/


in the brazen age. The Mythologists say that Niobe the daughter of Phoroneus was the first woman with whom Iupiter lay & Alcmena the mother of Hercules the last, & this intervall of time comprehends the reign of Minos. Apollonius Rhodius tells us that when Saturn [deceived Rhea & of Philyra begot Chiron w while he] reigned over the Titans in Olympus & Iupiter was educated by the Idean Curetes in the Cretan cave, that is in the golden age the same Saturn deceived Rhea & of Philyra begot Chiron. Now Chiron lived till the Argonautic expedition & two of his grandchildren were in that expedition; & therefore he might be then about 80 or 85 years old & so be born in the reign of Asterius & Europa & not before. This is that Saturn whom Iupiter by the Assistance of the Curetes expelled his kingdom & who fled by sea to Italy & there coined money with a ship on the reverse in memory of his flight & was deified by the Latins by the name of Saturn.

And Zoroaster himself had an opportunity of imbibing the same principles from the Iews at Babylon, especially if he was there a servant to one of their prophets as some affirm.

And his grandson Iohanan might have a chamber

in the Temple in the seventh year of Artaxerxes Longimanne (Ezra X.6) & be High Priest before the death of Ezra who wrote the Sons of Levi in the book of Chronicles Nehem XV3 & slay his younger brother Iesus before the end of the reign of that king (Iospeh. Antiq. l. XI c. 7. 2 & Iaddua might be High Priest before the death of Nehemiah (Nehem XII.22. & & the sons of Levi might be written in the book of the Chronicles by Ezra in the highPriesthood of Iohanan (Nehem XII.23. (3) And since the Iews who took Darius Nothus to be that Darius who was conquered by Alexander fell into an opinion that Sanballat, Iaddua & Manasses the younger brother of Iohanan lived till the days of Alexander the great we may thence conclude that Iadua was High Priest before the end of the reign of Darius Nothus & that the Temple


Sir               London September: 18: 1716

I haue Undertaken to assert the following Position which some Gentlemen Contradict Your Decision will Determine what each of us are to pay a Considerable Wager Depending


Admitting a shipp in Harbour & there be a Bullett let Drop by anyone from the Top of the Main Mast it will Certainly fall perpendicular to some Exact Poynt beneath as if the shipp were in its swiftest Motion      I am Your Uery Humblest                                                     D:SPray Direct for Mr D. S to be left at Toms Coffee House        Cornhill



Moses erat Deus Regis Pharaoh & Deus fratris Aaronsis, id est Dominus sed non summus. Exod. IV.16 & VII.1 Principes vocantur Dij Psal. LXXXIV.6 & Ioan. X.35. id est Domini. Nam Dij sunt multi et Domini multi 1. Cor. VIII. Sed nobis Deus est Ens spirituale, et nobis hujusmodi Deus est unicus Pater ex quo omnia et unicus Dominus. / Pocoekus noster vocem Dei deducit a voce Arabica Di quod dominum significat, & hoc sensu Principes vocantur Dij Psalm. LXXXIV.6, & Ioan X.35 & Moses dicitur Deus fratris Aaron & Deus regis Pharaoh Exod. IV.16 & VII.1. & eodem sensu mortuorum olim a Gentibus vocabantur Dij, sed falso propter defectum dominij.

  • {Sir I Newton}
  • Mr Ball.
  • Lord Foley
  • Mr Halley
  • Dr Mead
  • Mr Pitfield
  • Dr Pound
  • Dr Pellet
  • Dr Sloan
  • Mr Burnet
  • Dr Douglas
  • Dr Taylor
  • Mr Holt
  • Dr Arbothnot
  • Mr Hill
  • Mr Robarts
  • Dr Cockburn
  • Tho Isted
  • Mr Barret
  • Mr Desaguliers
  • Sir M Dadley
  • Dr Friend
  • Dr Harwood
  • Mr Tempest
  • Mr Molyneux
  • Mr Holt.

Received oct the 3d 1714
of Sir Isaac Newton nine pounds for the use of Mrs Mary Pilkington                                         & Mary Sauage

Received the same day for M.r George Pilkington fiue pounds –          & Mary Sauage


{if} the 2d year of this Darius was the 70th from the invasion of the cities of Iudea by Neb. in the 9th y of Zed. (Zech. I.12. Ier. 34.1, 7, 22 & XXXIX.1) that the 4th year of this Darius was the 70th from the burning of the Temple in the 11th of Zed Zech VII.5 Ier. LII.12. & that in the second year of this Darius there were men living


YOU are desired to be at a Court to be holden in Christ's Hospital, on Tuesday the 4th day of March, 1706. at four of the Clock in the Afternoon, to receive a report of the Committee for enquiry into the state of the House, touching the admission of Children this ensuing Easter; to elect a Beadle in the room of William Pemberton, Deceased, and for dispatch of other business.

                  George Yeo, Cl.

considering that on the 24th day of the 11th month in the 2d year of Darius ( An. Abr. 1482) Gods indignation against Ierusalem & the cities of Iudah had last 70 year (Zech. 1.12.) For so many years there were from the tenth day of the tenth month of the ninth year of Zedekiah or 17 year of Nebuchadnezzar An. Abr. 1412, in which Nebuchadnezzar had invaded Iudea with the cities thereof & began the siege of Ierusalem Ier. XXXIV.1, 7, 22, XXXIX.1. & also that on the 4th day of the 9th month in the fourth year of the same Darius An Abr 1483 the Iews had fasted seventy years in the fift month for the taking of the city & in the 9th month for the death of Gedaliah which had happened in the 11th year of Zedekiah & 19th of Zedekiah, Ann. Abr. 143. For both these things were exactly true of Darius Hystaspis & can be applied to no other Darius. And the same thing is further confirmed by considering that in the second year of Darius at the building of the second Temple there were men living who had seen the first Temple (Haggai II.3) whence the 2d year of Darius Nothus was 167 years after the desolation of the Temple & city.

For this Eliasib who was a grandfather

The Brachmans are supposed to derive their religion & name from the Abrahamans or sons of Abra of Abraham whom he sent into the east These worshipped one God without imagesby the example of their father & thence it came to pass that Hystapes taught the Persians to do the like. Hystaspes & Zoroaster collecting what he conceived to be best established by law & taught it to a few Priests & those to others till their disciples became numerous & were diffused into all the Empire & thereby instead of the various ancient religions made their own sāctions become the religion of the whole Empire much after the manner that Numa contrived & instituted the religion of the Romans.

This Empire was composed of many nations each of which had hitherto its own religion: but now Hystaspes by the assistance of Zoroaster – – – became numerous enough for the Priesthood of the whole Empire & instead of those various old religions set up their own institutions in the whole Empire much after the manner –

And this religion of the Persians was composed partly of the institutions of the Chaldeans in which Zoroaster was well skilled & partly of the institutions which Hystaspes had learnt of the Brachmans who are supposed to derive even their name from the Abrahamans or sons of Abraham born of his second wife Keturah [& sent into the east] & instructed in the worship of one God without images, & sent into the east.

Dukes of Roxborough & Argile.


& the seventh High Priest was Onias the son of Iadua & the eighth was Simeon Iustus the son of Onias & the ninth Eliezar the younger brother of Simeon who lived all the days of Ptolomæus Philadelphus.. Now if to the High-Priesthood of each we allot about 27 or 28 years, which at a mean recconing is the length of a generation by the eldest sons of a family as we noted above: Symbol (T on its side in circle) in text < insertion from from the end of the line on f 72v > Symbol (T on its side in circle) in text & if we may further suppose that {Ishua} at the return of the captivity in the first year of the Empire of the Persians was about 30 or 40 years of age, Iojakim will be of that age in 15th year of Darius Hystaspes, Eliasib in the 7 th year of Xerxes, Iojada in the 14th year of Artaxerxes Longimanus, Iohanan in the 2d year of Darius Nothus, Iadua in the 11th year of Artaxerxes Mnemon, Onias in the 39th year of Artaxerxes Mnemon, Simeon in the first of Arses & Eliezer in the sixt year after the death of Alexander the great supposing him about 20 years younger then his brother Simeon. And thius [Eliasib might be High Priest from before the 7th year of Artaxerxes Longimanus till after the 32th of that king (for he lived to a great age, his grandchildren being grown up be] Iohanan the granchild of Eliasib might be born before the 7th year of Artaxerxes Longimanus (Ezra X.6) & might be High Priest & slay his brother Iesus in the Temple in the reign of Artaxerxes Mnemon as Iosephus mentions & live 7 years after the fact (Ioseph, & Iaddua might be born & recorded in or a little before the reign of Darius Nothus ( Nehem. 12.22) & Simeon Iustus might be High Priest in the days of Alexander the great & Eliezer in the reign of Ptolomeus Philadelphus when he caused the Bible to be translated into greek. And thus also the High Priesthood of Eliasib might last till the 32 year of the Artaxerxes & the days of Ezra & Nehemiah will fall in the reign of this Artaxerxes For they flourished in the High Priesthood of Eliasib (Ezra 10. 6. Nehem. 3. 1 & 13. 4, 28) which lasted till after the 32th year of the king Nehem XIII.6, 7) But if < text from f 72v resumes > the High-Priesthood of Ieshua may reach to about the 15t year of Darius Hystaspis that of Iojakim to about the 7th year of Xerxes that of Eliasib to about the 1{illeg} year of Artaxerxes Longimanus that of Iojada to about the 2d year of Darius Nothus {L}, that of Iohanan to about the 11 th year of Artaxerxes Mnemon, that of Iadua to ab{out} the 3 9th year of Artaxerxe Mnemon that of Onias to the 1st of Arses & that of Simeon to about the 13th year after the death of Alexander. All which agrees well with history provided a long life be allowed to Eliasib. For his grandchildren were grown up in the 7th year of Artaxerxes Long, (Ezra. X.6) & he lived till after the 32th year of that king (Nehem XIII.6, 7) And thus the days of Ezra & Nehemiah may fall in with the reign of the first Artaxerxes. For Ezra & Nehemiah flourished in the High-Priesthood of Eliasib Ezra 10.6. Nehem 3.1 & 13.4, 28.) But if Eliasib & Nehemiah be placed in                

& Manasses the younger brother of Iaddua might be old enough to marry the daughter of Sanballat in the reign of Darius Nothus.


Now if from the sixth year of Xerxes, you count backwards the 140 years to the end of the first Messenian war, & 200 years more to the return of the Heraclides into Peloponnesus, & 80 years more to the Trojan war & about 34 years more to the Argonautic expedition, the recconing will place that Expedition about 43 years after the death of Solomon as above.

And this recconing is confirmed by one argument more. For Podalirius & Machaon the sons of Æsculapius were at the Trojan war, & therefore Æsculapius was contemporary to the Argonauts, & accordingly F find a[39] him & several Argonauts together at the hunting of the Calydonian Bore. Now Hippocrates was descended from Æsculapius & Hercules the Argonat from them to him inclusively are recconed 18 male generations by the fathers side & 19 by the mother's. And because these generations being taken notice of in history were most probably by the principal of the family & so for the most part by the eldest sons: we may reccon about 28 or 30 years to a generation & thus the 17 intervalls by the fathers side & 18 by the mothers will at a middle recconing amount to about 508 years which counted backwards from the beginning of the Peloponesian war when Hippocrates began to flourish will reach up to the 4{7}th year after the death of Solomon & there place the Argonautic expedition as above. But Chronologers reccon about 808 years from the Argonautic expediton to the beginning of that war: which being after the rate of 45 years to a generation, is much too long for the course of nature.

And this recconing is confirmed by one argument more. Æsculapius & Hercules were Argonauts & Hippocratus was the 18th from Æsculapius inclusively by the fathers side & the 19th from Hercules by the mothers side. And because these generations being taken notice of in history were most probably by the principal of the family & so for the most part by the eldest sons: we may reccon about 28 or 30 years to a generation – long for the usual course of nature.

To Sir Isaac Newton


Mr Oadhams Paper of Reasons ag{illeg} Br. is full of mistakes.

Sir Isaac Newton was the first man who proposed a Trial between the Petitioners & never opposed it, nor did affirm that Mr Brattle could not do the business of an Assaymr without an Assistant, nor knows of any hardships or impositions in the Trial between Mr B. & Mr O. or of any Reference of Mr Oahams Petition from the King to the Treasury , nor is the place in the gift of the Lords of the treasury but in that of his Majesty who hath given it to Mr Brattel., nor doth the Act of 2 H. 6 affect this matter. And in all Mr Oadhams paper < insertion from f 73v > of reasons there is not one reason for voiding the grant. The Act of 2.H.6 doth not make void the grant nor exclude the Master & Worker fromjoyning with his fellow Officers recommending an Assaymaster For The Kings Assaymaster by the constitution of the Mint is to makes all his Assays before the Warden Master & Controller who are to check him & iudg if his Assays & see that see that he makes them with skill & fidelity as an indifferent.And if the Master alone had recommended Mr Brattel yet it would have been a fair recommendation For it is the Masters Interest to keep up the credit of the Mint for increasing the coynage, & to have all the assays performed with skill & fidelity. For as the Mint is now constituted he can get nothing by corrupt assays but may be ruined thereby.And whereas Mr Oadham pretend that Mr Brattel in capacity & unfairness can be proved Upon the Triall between Mr Brattle & Mr Oadham seven of Mr Brattels Gold assays agreed with one another without any sensible difference & the eighth differed from the rest but the twelfth part of a grain whilst some of Mr Oadhams Assays differed a quarter of a grain from others & one of them erred two grains which is three times the Remedy, & Mr Brattle was observed to act with more dexterity & dispatch then Mr Oadham Nor was it then thought advisable to venture the credit of the Mint upon a person who in his apprentis-ship neglected his Masters business to mind projects & when his time was out left his trade to turn broker. < text from f 73v resumes >

The Mint Master can make no advantage by bad assays .To recommend a good Assayer is as much his Duty as any mans {illeg} much more his interest because he may be ruined by a bad one. And therefore his recommendation is to be more regarded then that of any other subject whatever


This sheet reads down, - then turn over without opening & read down - then open & read down both inside pages in ordinary way.


These shepherds first seated themselves in Egypt without warr & then subjecting the Princes of the region where they were, they invaded the cities of Egypt with great violence & reducing them into servitude at length made Saitis their king. He took Memphis & fortified the eastern parts of Egypt & finding in the Province of Saïs a convenient city he built & fortified it strongly with a wall & garison of 240000 men. This city was Abaris or Pelusium. After him reigned Beon, Apacuas, Apophis, Ianias or Staan & Assis or Arcles & others succesively, & others after them against whom the king of Thebes & other kings of Egypt warred long with various success. The shepherds reigned a long time in Egypt (Manetho saith 511 years) & after the manner of the anciant nations of Syria & Arabia sacrificed men, whence arose the story of Busiris. But at length [Amosis king of Thebes taking Heliopolis from them abolished that practise, by substituting images of wax instead of men. After Amosis reigned Chebron Amenophis, Mephron, Misphragmuthosis, Tethmosis & Amenophis] Misphragmuthosis king of Thebes drave them out of almost all Egypt & made them retire into the city Abaris or Pelusium where they walled in tenn thousand acres of land & shut themselves up. And Tethmosis Thummosis or Ammosis the successor of Misphragmuthosis beseiged them there & covenanted with them that they should leave Egypt & go whether they pleased, & thereupon they went out of Egypt through the desart into Syria. // Hence Manetho concludes that they were the Israelites Others take them for Arabians, Africanus speaking of the first six kings saith[40] they were Phœnicians. themΗσαν δὲ Φοίνικες Ξένοι βασιλεῖς {στ} Erant Phœnices peregrini reges sex. Bochartus makes them a colony of Phœnicians & interprets the names of their first six kings in the Phœnician language And Ierome saith of the language of Canaan[41] Inter Ægyptian & Hebræam media est & Hebrææ magna ex parte confinis, its much like the Hebrew but partakes more of the Egyptian then the Hebrew doth. The Canaanites were shepherds & lay next Egypt & the main body of Symbol (triple barred cross) in textSymbol (tripple barred cross) in text the Arabians lay at a greater distance from Egypt with Edom between. For Edom lay before Egypt extending from Canaan to the Red sea, & the Edomites kept their seats. It seems

It seems to me therefore that as when the Tartars invaded the kingdoms of the Turks upon the rivers Tigris & Euphrates the Turks retired into Asia minor & there founded the present Empire: so when Ioshua drave out the Chanaanites, they being forced to seeke new habitations invaded their next neighbours the Egyptians For the Canaanites were Shepherds & the Edomites were seated between Egypt & the nations of Arabia, expanding themselves from Iudea to the Red sea. being used to navigation in Ægypt upon the mouths of the Nile, when the Egyptians expelled them & forced them to seek new seats would be ready to retire through the wilderness to the neighbouring sea coasts & thence to sent out colonies to various places on the red sea & Mediterranean. For the Phœnicians were seated upon both & traded first upon the Red sea, as they themselves related.[42] Whence it came to pass that David had conquered Edom, & thereby Elath & Ezion geber (places upon the Red Sea) came into his possession, his son Solomon in imitation of the Phœnicians built a / fleet in Ezion-geber upon the Red sea & sent it with the fleet of Hiram king of Tyre to Tharshish & Opir, for gold & silver & ivory & Pecocks or Parrots & Apes & Almug trees & precious stones & Hiram sent in Solomons Navy his own servants shipmen that had knowledge of the sea with the servants of Solomon. The servants of Solomon were therefore novices in sea affairs & Hiram had a fleet upon the Red Sea for trafic before the days of Solomon.


It seems to me therefore that when Iosua invaded Canaan the Canaanites being driven out & forced to seek new habitations invaded their next neighbours the Egyptians, & after many ages when the Egyptians shut them up in Pelusium they being used to navigation upon the mouths of the Nile, retired to the sea coasts & applying themselves to navigation sent out colonies into many places upon the Red Sea & Mediterranean.

Total of the Moneyers Bill –8032. 13. 6
For coyning 47566lwt at 10 1/2 £ pound2083. 0. 0
For horses & charge of carrying meterialls into the Country Mints – – – – – – – }1283. 9. 0
Abatement – – – – – – – –500. 0. 0
3866. 9. 0
                              Remains4166. 4 6
Add for charge of carriage of materialls to the Country Mints – – – }

It seems to me therefore that that as when David invaded Edom & Nebuchadnezzar invaded Iudea some of the invaded people retired into Egypt so when Ioshua invaded Canaan & drave out the inhabitants they retired in great numbers into Egypt & when they found themselves strong enough made war upon the Egyptians & staying long in Egypt used themselves to navigation upon the river Nile & when they were shut up in Abaris applied themselves more to the Sea then before for want of room, & when they were obliged to retire out of Egypt went through the wilderness to the sea coasts of Syria & left a good part of their body upon the coast of the red Sea & wanting room sent colonies into many places upon both Seas For the Phœnicians at first were seated upon both seas & traded first upon the red sea & came from thence to the mediterranean as they themselves & the Persians related to Herodotus[43] For the red sea being very shallow & for that reason much calmer then the mediterranean was safer for navigation in such small vessels as were at first in use. Hence it came to pass that when David had conquered Edom & thereby Elath & Ezion Geber (places upon the red sea) came into his possession, his son Solomon (& first of all David himself if we may beleive         ) built a fleet in Ezion Geber & sent it on the red sea with the fleet of H{i}ram king of Tyre to Tarshish & Ophir for gold & silver & ivory & Peacocks (or Parrots) & Apes & precious stones & Almug trees (by which means the Queen of Sheba or Sabæa in Arabia fælix heard of Solomons glory) & Hiram sent in Solomons Navy his own servants shipmen that had knowledge of the sea with the servants of Solomon. Solomons servants were therefore novices in sea affairs & Hiram had a fleet before upon the red sea for trafic by which means his servants were become acquainted with those seas, & the manner of sailing in them. Strabo after he had described the people of the barren regions upon the Sinus of the Red Sea between the Troglodytes & Eloth adds:[44] Next these is the Sinus Elanites or Eloth & the region of the Nabateans which is populous & abounds with pastures & the Islands which lye before them are inhabited by men which anciently were quiet but afterwards began in boats to rob those who navigated from Egypt but were punished for it, being opprest by a navy set out against them. that is by the navy of Sesostris. This makes it probable that the Shepherds used the Red Sea before they left Egypt, or at least

The time when they were expelled Egypt Manetho expresses by saying that they went out of Egypt through the wilderness into Syria, they fearing the power of <75v> {the}Assyrians (for they reigned over Asia) built a city in the land which is now called Iudæa which might suffice for so many people & called it Ierusalem. Now David reigned seven years in Hebron & then smote the Iebusite & took from them Iebus which is Ierusalem & reigned there 33 years more & built the city round about & Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David & timber of Cedars with Masons & carpenters to build him an house. This friendship between David & the Phœnicians & imploying them in his works at Ierusalem & perhaps the mixing of many of the Shepherds with the other Canaanites in Iudea as well as with the inhabitants of the sea coasts & their being imployed in the buildings of David & Solomon (for Solomon imployed only the Canaanites in his buildings) might give occasion to Manetho to represent Ierusalem built by the Shepherds. So then according to Manetho the Shepherds came out of Egypt a little before Davids built Ierusalem.

Cadmus came from Phoenicia into Greece in the beginning of Solomons reign as I shall shew hereafter He was the son of Agenor a King or Prince of Phœnicia & Agenor is reputed originally an Egyptian & some say that Cadmus was born in Egypt. He brought the Phoenician letters into Greece but Sanchoniatho an old Phoenician ascribes the invention of letters to the Egyptians, & the Iews could write & read when Moses brought them out of Egypt And Cho{nufhis} Priest of Memphis & master of Eud{oxus} being shewn a brass table taken from the sepulchre of Alcmena by Agesilaus < insertion from f 76r > king of Sparta with letters upon it, wrote back to the king that the letters were such as were in use under king Proteus & which had been taught to Hercules the son of Amphitruo. ✝✝ and the name Βίβλος by which the Greeks called a book was originally taken from the Egyptian paper. Herodotus l 2. c 58 tells us that the Iewes anciently called skins of parchment βίβλοι because sometimes in penuria biblorum they used skins. Cadmus < text from f 75v resumes > He * < insertion from f 76r > bought of the Herdsmen of Pelagon an Ox p[45] which had on either side a white – mark like the circle of the full moon, being commanded by the Oracle to fix his seat where the wearied Ox should rest. The Ox with the white spots resembling the moon savours of the religion of the Egyptians in the worship of Apis. And of the same original is the name Καραιὸς given to Iupiter by the Boeotians if the word (as Bochartus interprets) be the Ph{illeg}nician כרαי Carai, arietinus, id est Hammon qui pingebatur כριοπρόσωπος. < text from f 75v resumes >

From the time that the Egyptians expelled the shepherds many colonies came from Ægypt & Phœnicia into Europe. The colony of Cecrops is recconed the first, Symbol (tilted hashtag) in text < insertion from f 76r > < text from f 75v resumes > but whether he was a genuine Egyptian & fled from the Shepherds or one of the Shepherds who fled from the Egyptians may be doubted. The {illeg} Arundelian Marble places him but 64 years before Cadmus. And perhaps he was not altogether so old: for had the acquantaince of the Greeks with the Egyptians & Phœnicians been much # < insertion from from the end of the line on f 76r > #much older then Cadmus they would not have wanted letters so long. He came from Sais a province of Egypt upon the western mouths of the Nile, & therefore fled either in the war of Misphragmuthosis or while before the Shepherds were shut up in Abaris, Not long after his fixing in Greece Erichtheus or Ericthonius another Egyptian followed him < insertion from f 76r > with a great quantity of corn out of Egypt for the use of the new colony for the new colony & now the Egyptians began to sow corn in Greece & taught the Greeks to do the like & in memory thereof instituted the Elusinia sacra wherein Ceres was worshiped < text from from the end of the line on f 76r resumes > < text from f 75v resumes >

After the Shepherds were expelled Egypt they returned back again thither in the reign of Amenophes or Memnon & reigned there 13 years & were expelled a second time by the Egyptians. This second expulsion happened about the 45 or 50th year after Solomons death as I shall shew hereafter. From thence count backwards 511 years (the time of the Shepherds stay in Egypt according to Manetho) & the beginning of their reign in Egypt will be about 5 or 10 years after the expulsion of the Canaanites by Ioshua. Which confirms the opinion that they were these Canaanites

2 Africanus in the Dynasties extracted from Manetho notes that in the 10th year of Saites the first king of the Shepherds the kingdom of Thebes or Diopolis began in Egypt, & in the Dynasty of Eratosthenes dating the reign of the Theban kings from the 10th year of the Dynasty of the shepherds, he names Menes the first king of Thebes & Athothes the second.            Then the age of Menes nothing is more ancient in the records of Egypt. 1 During the stay of the Shepherds in Egypt no mention is made of the Egyptians in sacred history. For the Shepherds sacrificed men & thereby made Egypt inaccessible to strangers: whence came the story of Busiris that being the name of one of the Provinces & Cities in Egypt where these sacrifices were performed.. But from the time that David reigned, the Egyptians are frequently mentioned.

At length the Thebans took Heliopolis from the Shepherds & there abolished the sacrificing of men by substituting images of wax in their room. And after they drave out the shepherds Thebes became the Metropolis of all Egypt <76r> and by the following victories of Sesostris soon grew the greatest & most famous city then in the world. Neare Thebes was the City Cophtis, which argues that the Cophtites were at first a people of the upper Egypt & by founding Thebes & conquering all Egypt gave the name of Cophtites to all the kingdom. whence the Greeks formed Αἶα Cophta Ægyptus

Herodotus in giving an account of the ancient state – – inserted Amenophes & Moeris, & between Sesostris & Tethmosis or Thummosis who expelled the Shepherds is to be placed another Amenophes. For this was the name both of the successor of Tethmosis & of the father & predecessor of Sesostris.

2922. 0 974 = 33  mins. 00 99016 12 = 973 12 . 354 2832 0090 2922 0 036514 In098m03d 2922d=99m 00

The Octaeris makes the same solar year with the Iulian. In 800 784 years it makes the new moon fall 3 days too late soon & the Equinox 6 days too late. Therefore once every 250 years omit the last {}ay of the intercalary month.

The year of 12 months of 30 & 29 days alternately. Every eight years three intercalary months of 30 days each. The last intercalary month in every 250 years to have 31 days


From him the a[47] river Ammon, the b[48] promontory Ammonium & the a[49] people called Ammonij in Arabia felix had their names.

There being almost a million & an half coined in gold & silver since the last trial of the Pix which was three years ago, I humbly pray that the Pix of {illeg}this coinage may be tried this summer.

Which is most humbly submitted.                              I. N.

0000the ΕFΡ2  ad ΕF00×00ΕF+Ρ2=ΕF9R29 ad ΕF9+ΕFxΡ2

Sir Isaac Newton Knight



You are desired to meet the Commissioners for Finishing St. Paul's Cathedral, on Tuesday next being the 13th day of this {Instant} October at the Chapter-house in St. Paul's Churchyard. att 10 of the Clock in the Forenoon –

Books for Mr Newton.
1 Paracelsus opera Omnia fol –1 – 5 – 0
1 Traité ds Monoyes – –0 – 5 – 0
1 Experience Sur lEspirit Miniral –0 – 5 – 0
1 Medecine Metalique –0   5 – 0
1 – Balsamique par du Chêne –0   3 – 6
1 Rhenanj Chimiatrica –0   4 –
1 filet dariane –0   3 –
1 Pilote de l'onde Vive –   3 –
1 Tombeau de Semiramis –    1 – 6
1 Philosophie Naturele de T{illeg}isan –    2 – 6
1 Texte dalchimie –     2 – 6
Parnasse assiegé –    2 – 6
13 – 2 – 6
Decouverte de la lumiere –1 – 6
Phisique d' Anciens
Traité des Pierres {illeg} fig –3 – 6
Traité de Perspective & –6 – 0

Now comparing all these things {illeg} together, it seems to me that the raptures of Io, Europa, Medea & Hellena & the Trojan warr followed one another in a short compass of time suppose of 60 or 70 years which the Phœnician historians describe by the reign of one king to signify the shortness of the time: that the rapture of Europa happened about the time that Solomon made a league with Hiram king of Tyre & married his daughter & built the temple & the rapture of Io not above 5 or 10 years before: that Sesach after an expedition of nine years, returned into Egypt in the 14th year of Rehoboam with many captives amongst which was Tithonus the brother of Priamus a young man of extraordinary beauty, that Sesac at the same time left a colony of Egyptians in Colchos under the government of Aetes & & then the Greeks made an expedition thither in the ship Argo & brought away Medea, that Hercules in return of the Argonauts or soon after went against Troy with six ships slew Laomedon brought away his horses & daughter Hesione & set Priamos on the thronea. That Priamus the same or the next year sent Antenor to expostulate with the Greeks about the injury but meeting with no satisfaction ordered his son Alexander to take what revenge he could meet with who thereupon stole away the wife & goods of Menelaus in revenge of which the Greeks invaded & sackt Troy. All which things considering their connection with one another seem to have been done within 15 or 20 years after the Argonautic expedition, especially since Castor & Pollux the brothers of Clitemnestra & Hellena were in the Argonautic expedition & Agamemnon & Menelaus finished the Trojan war before their wives Clitemnestra & Hellena had lost their beauty. For Menelaus went afterwards to Egypt for his wife & Agamemnō was slain by his wifes adulterer. Also when Hellena was but ten years old Theseus being then 50 years old carried her away captive & Theseus lived till the last year of the Trojan war. Homer makes Hellena live in Troy 20 years before the warr, but she was never there.


Sir: I Humbly: presume to Acquaint you that: I and: my wife: are a: Going into the: Countrey in order to Settle in my owne: Business: for I haue a Friend in the Countrey: That: will Assist me with Mony I should Be proud to See your: Honour: if you please to permit To Giue you thanks for all: Fauours: Received: from you:           I am: your: most:           obedient & Humble           Servant: to Command:             Rob: Corbey.

And Iob who lived among their neighbours the Edomites mentions the writing down of Sounds as in use in his days Iob. 19.23, 24.. And when the Edomites

A Prince with his army by a Giant with many heads & many hands. Ægæon by a giant with many heads & many hands for Neptune with his army


To The: Honourable: Sir: Isaac Newton:


– by Tyrian merchants, & that Cambyses going into this temple at Memphis, very much derided the statue of Vulcan for its littleness. For, saith he, this statue of Vulcan is most like those Gods which the Phœnicians call Patæci & carry about in the fore part of their ships in the form of Pigmy's.

Syncellus places the addition of five days to the old year in the reign of the sixt king of the shepherds, & others ascribe this addition to Thoth or Mercury And the difference in time is but small, [Mercury being contemporary to Osiris & Isis & the last king of the shepherds] Ammon who added the five days being but one generation later then the last king of the shepherds & as much earlier then Thoth.

Syncellus a[50] tells us that the five days were added to the old year by the last king of the shepherds, & others ascribe it to Thoth or Mercury. And the difference in time is but small. For Ammon who added those days began to flourish one generation later then the reign of the shepherds & as much earlier then Thoth. But the shepherds minded not arts & sciences, & the Egyptians of those days were apt to ascribe all such improvements to Mercury.

l. 10. Thales of Miletus & Cræsus king of Sardes & Cræsus. And Cræsus before Solon visited him – An 2 Olymp. 49. Soon after the return Of Solon from Sardes to Athens, Periander began to set up for the tyranny over that city which made Solon travel a second time. He went into Cilicia & soon after died in his travels: & this was in the second year of Pisistratus

& being invited by Cræsus to Sardes. Now Cræsus before Solon visited him had subdued all Asia minor – An 2. Olymp. 49. Soon after the return of Solon to Athens

Apoge Perige was then in 0gr 10'. In those sixty days the suns mean motion was 1s. 29gr. 8'. 9". 48", & his Æquation 1gr 39'. 41"[& by consequence his whole motion 2s. 0gr. 48", & his ] & therefore in those sixty days the sun would move from the winter solstice into 0gr 48': & the opposite point of the Ecliptick which rose at the same time with Arcturus would be in 0gr. 48'. The north Latitude of Arcturus is 30gr. {3}7', & the elevation – – excess is 10g. 36'. Which being added to 0. 48 gives the longitude of Arcturus 12gr. 24 – – latitude is 41' 1/4 And these 62' & 41 1/4 minutes amount unto 103 1/4 minutes – gives its correct Longitude in 13. 7 1/4. The longitude of this starr at the time of the Argonautic expedition was 13 24'. 52            2150'. = 35gr. 50'

25∟80Χ17.40. 18′060 25800 860 0860 60)455∟80 0 7.44.30 7.35.48 0.08.42 (76.35.48″00 258,00 180,60 860 00860 60)455,80 0 0 0 0 ( 050″ in anno. 3000″ in 60 year 050′ in 60 years.   43×60 2150′ in 2580 years. 035°.50′


324.( 072 0 279(23.3082 304(25.40 225)18.90 )246)20.60 266)22.20 265)22.10 286)23.10 342)28.60 340)28.40

Aug.5.Mr Shovel 1 In.
Mr Th. Woodward.
Aug. 9 Humphry Moris Esq120.7.8.15
Aug. 10.Tho. Woodward –
Aug. 12.African Company129.0.4.5
Tho. Woodward –
Aug 17thTho. Woodward165.0.19.14
Wm Cartlick14.2.16.9
John Cook15.1.5.0
Aug. 19Tho. Woodward178.3.8.17
Humph. Morice92.9.7.6
Conrade de Gols Esqr44.7.7.7
Aug 20Tho. Woodward93.5.18.16
Mary Prestland18.11.16.13
Aug 20Conrade de Gols Esqr102.18.7.4
25Mary Prestland9.0.4.9

M{r} Richard Yeo aged 24, imployed about two years by Mr Wood. He lives at a Grocers at a corner of Southhampton Street in the strand.

Mr John Claus in the first house in Rose street beyond kings street in Covent Garden Engravour favoured by the Duke of Devonshire

01127 1239∟8 2479,6.206 0 80 30 02.15

16568. 0073 0 16568 08284 04142 01380.8 30374 1518.14.8 1181 0443 1624 3544(443 300 250 840 1390 001624 000700 )1136800 0000000 15.45.0 44.800 02.04.6 46.14.6 233012.6 700.17.6

those 0.001.38. 20.00.4

To   The Honourable Sir Isaac Newton humbly present

Sir.      Nothing but Necessity pressing could prompt me to act thus contrary to my inclinations in becomeing a Petitioner to your Honour for relief I was Sir formerly Chorister and Singing man at Trinity College Cambridge my Father was Combination keeper of that College misfortunes haue so far reduced me that I haue no wherewithall to support the Necessarys of life I humbly craue your compassion in what euer respect you please to confer I shall with all due gratitude receiue and euer own my self as in Duty bound to be
                        Sir your obedient humble servant                               Danll. Harrison


Vpon their flight from K. David to the Philistims & taking on they began to make long voiages from Asia minor Greece & Libya: & now upon their being driven from the red sea by the Edomites they began to make much longer voiages from Tyre to Afric Spain Portugal & Britain. And this double flight of the Phenicians from the red sea. gave occasiō

of David. Thus upon flight of the Phenicians from the red sea those who fled to Sidon began quickly to make long voiages upon the mediterranean: But those who fled to Tyre & Aradus continued to trade upon the red sea till the revolt of the Edomites from Iudah in the reign of king Ioram: & then retiring to the mediterranean made longer voiages there then the Sidonians had done before.

Sisyphus might build Corinth about the latter end of the reign of Solomon & he & his successors Ornythion Thoas, Damophaon, Propadas, Doridas & Hyanthidus reigned there till the return of the Heraclides into Peloponesus. Then reigned the Heraclides Aletes, Ixion, Agelas Prumnes, Ba{illeg}chis Agelas II, Endamus Aristodemus & Telestes about 170 years longer & then Corinth was {reig}ned by annuall Archons about 40 or 50 years longer & after them by Cypselus & Periander about 50 years more.

p. 10. lin ult. Eudoxus who flourished about 60 years after Melon
p. 11. lin 3 Dele. by the description of the equinochtial & tropical circles in Aratus who copied after Eudoxus.
Ib. lin 15. After Perseus add. He tells us also that the Equinoctial Colure passed through the middle of Aries: so that according to him the back of Aries was in the middle of Aries. He saith also that tho Eudoxus drew the Coluri through the middles of the Constellations of Aries Cancer Chele & Capricorn yet Aratus the Poet (who flourished about 100 years after Eudoxus) counted the celestial not notions not from the beginning of the Constellations but from the Coluri which in the days of Meton were found about seven degrees distant from the middles of the Constellations. This distance it seems they attributed to the errors of the Astronomers who formed the sphere the præcession of the Equinox not being understood till Hipparchus found that in his days it {illeg} was about four degrees from the place where Meton put it, & eleven degrees from the place where Chiron put it & thence considered first of any man that it had a motion backwards. [ & moved about a degree in an hundred years, the Argonautic expedition being eleven hundred years before his days according to Astronomers.]

And thereupon their father Athamas going distracted slew his son Learchus & his wife Ino threw her self into the sea together with her other son melicertus. And thereupon Sisyphus instituted the Ismia at Corinth to his nephew melicertus. This was presently after the return of Sesostris into Egypt. I think about the 15th year of Rehoboam. Sisyphus & his successors

Honoured Sir

I made bold to present to you a new almanack wishing your Honour a happy new Year with my humble seruice, I Remaine your humble seruant.
                  Cha Rawson December 31th         Stationer to the Mint    1725


To The Honourable Sir Isaac Newton Master Worker of his Majesty's Mint within the Tower of London Present

Sisyphus who {bu}ilt Ephyra or Corint{h} & instituted the Istmia, was the brother of Critheus & Athams & son of Æolus the son of Hellen. And Calyce was the wife of Aethlius the & mother of Endymion & daughter of Æolus. And Aethlius was the father of Endymion & the son of Protogenia the sister of Hellen. And

Sisyphus was the grandson of Hellen & brother of Critheus the grandfather of Iason. He built Corinth & there instituted the Istmia to Melicertus the son of his brother Athamas

That Critheus Sisyphus Athamas & Calyce & {Aethlius} flourished in the reign of Rehoboam & latter end of the reign of Solomon

Deucalion Protogenia Hellena Aelos. Thoas Aethlius – Calyce Calyce Critheus Sisyphus Athamas Endymion Æson Phyxus & Helle Ætolus Iason

When Phrixus & his sister fled to Colchos their father Athamas the brother of Critheus & Sisyphus & granson of Hellen became distacted & killed his Son Learc{hes} whom he had by Ino the daughter of Cadmus & thereupon I{no} threw her self into the sea together with her other son Melicertus And Sisyphus at Corinth instituted there the Istmia to the memory of Melicertus. After Sisyphus reigned at Corinth Ornithion, Thoas, Damophaon, Propadas & Doridas & Hyanthidus the sons of Propadas, who were deposed of at the return of the Heraclides into Peloponne-sus by Alethes the Heraclide. [And then reigned the Heraclides Alethes, Ixion, Agelaus, Pry{illeg}es [Bacchis, Agelaus, Eudemus, Astodenus, Agemon, Alexander, Telestus.

There were therefore six reigns of kings at Corinth till the return of the Heraclides into Peloponesus, & these at 20 years took up 120 years which being deducted from

Sisyphus built Corinth & there instituted the Istmia to the memory of Melicertus the son of his brother Athamas who was drowned in the sea presently after the flight of Phrixus his brother Phrixus to Colchos, that is about the fifteent year of Rehoboam. At Corinth after Sisyphus reigned Ornythion Thoas, Damophaon, Propadas, Doridas, & Hya{illeg}thidus. & then the Heraclides returned into Peloponnesus & succeeded them. These seven kings at about 22 years a piece one with another might reign about 154 years. Count those years backwards from the time of the return of the Heraclides, & the recconing will end at about the time of the death of Solomon, & there place the building of Corinth. The Heraclides reigned at Corinth about 170 or 180 years & then the annual Pritanees reigned there about 50 years & then Cypselus & Periander about 45 or 50 years more.


2520 60 1/30 And

In the end of the year 1660 the middle of the Aselli & Præsepe a small Constellation in the middle of Cancer was in 3. 15. 21. And at the same time the middle between the cloudy star in the forehead of Capricorn & the last bright star in his taile was in 8. 25. 51 & the point opposite to this p{oint} was in 8. 25. 51. And the Colure passing in the middle between 3. 15. 21 & 8. 25. 51 passe{s as} neare as can be through themiddles of both the Asterisms of Cancer & Capric. & cuts the Ecliptic in {illeg} 5°. 50'. 36", & 5. 50. 36.

The tail of the S. Fish through which this Colurus is to pass is marked out in the heavens by three g{illeg} stars, the only stars placed in it, one of the 3d magn. whose Long. in the end of the year 1660 was 5. {51. 5} & south Latitude 15. 10. 0 another of the fourth magn. whose long at the same time was also 5. 51. 5, & Lat 17. 20. 0, the third of the 3d magn. in 5. 0. 55 with south Lat 21. 30 & the Co{lurus} found as above passes within half a minute of the two first & within 10 minutes of the 3d. It passes also – – – on the other

And such was the motion of the Equinox between the days of Palamedes & the days of Hypparchus according to the Chronology of the Greeks, but if Palamedes flourished 60 years after Solomons death, it went back a degree in about 72 years, which is the truth To make it go back a degree in 72 years The time between Palamedes & Hipparchus must be shortened in the proportion of 72 to 100, by {which} means Palamedes will flourish 60 or 70 years after the death of Solomon.

To these two sorts of Arguments taken from the Genealogies of the Greeks & from Astronomy, I wi{ll} add a third sort taken from the comparison of things done in Greece with those done at the same in Phœnicia & I{udea} where chronology was much ancienter then in Greece . And first I observe that the Trojan war was in the day of Cinyras king of Byblus the lover of Venus &      & in the days of Belus king of Tyre the father of Pigmaleon & Dido. For when the Greeks were preparing to make war upon Troy & the news thereof came to Cyprus, Cinyras sent Agamemnon a breastplate as Homer[51] mentions. And Venus the mistress of Cinyras & of his son Adonis lay with Anchises in her youth & by him had Æneas who warred against the Greeks at Troy & after that war sailed to Italy about the same time that Elissa {illeg} Dido fled from her Brother Pigmaleon & built Carthage as Virgil relates. And Teucer after – – – – Matgenus, & tells us out of the Tyrian Annals that he reigned nine years & died 83 years after Solomon & that in the 7th year of his son & successor Pigmaleon, that is 90 years after Solomons dead Dido fled from Tyre & built Carthage in Afric. From all which it follows that Troy was taken between 70 & 80 years after the death of Solomon. Strabo mentioning the first men who leaving the sea coasts ventured out into the deep & undertook long voiages, names Bacchus & Hercules & Iason & Vlysses & Menelaus & that the dominion of Minos was also celebrated & the navigation of the Phœnicians who went beyond Hercules's pillars & built cities there & in the middle of the sea coasts of Afric presently after the war of Troy. Whence Chronologers imagin that the Phœnicians built Ca{rthage} long before the days of Dido. They should rather conclude hence that Dido fled from Phœnicia & {bui}lt Carthage presently after the Trojan war. Solinus[52] tells us: Hadramyto et Carthagini author est a Tyro populus. Carthaginem (ut Cato in oratione Senatoria autemat) cum rex Hiarbas rerum in Libya potiretur, Elissa mulier extruxit domo Phœnix, et Carthadam dixit, quod Phœnicum ore exprimit Civitatem Novam; mox sermone verso, Carthago dicta est, quæ post annos septingentos triginta septem exci>ditur, quam fuerat extructa. This history the Romans could have only from the Carthaginians whom they conquered. Carthage was destroyed in the Consulship of Lentulus & Mummius Anno     Per Iul. 4568, from whence count backwards 737 years complete & the E{illeg} of the City will fall upon the 16th year of Pigmaleon, [nine years after the flight of {} Elissa] Eneania might be founded by Elissa that is Dido, in the 7th year & the Eneania celebrated in the 16th year of Pigmaleon.

Iphitus who restored the Olympiads presided in them as judge & so did his successors, but the Pisæans sometimes contended woth Elians about presiding, & in the 48 Olmpiad the Eleans entred the country of Pisæans with an army suspecting their designes, but were prevailed with to return home quietly. & soon after the Pisæans confederated with several other Greek nations & made war upon the Elians. And during this war I conceive it was that Phidon presided {illeg} suppose in the 49th Olympiad. For in the 50th Olympiad, for putting an end to contentions between kings about presiding, two men were chosen by lot out of the city of Elis to preside & their number in the 65t Olympiad was increased to nine & afterwards to ten & these judges were called Hellenodicæ, judges of or for or in the name of Greece. When Phidon had introduced weights & measure in Greece, Solon after his example                           Tis said that Atlas – the son of Eumolpus one of the Argonautsobs{ser}ved the stars in Libya made a celestial Sphære & in memory thereof he is painted with a sphere on his back {illeg} w{as} the first who made a sphere in Greece. This was done a little after the Argonautic expedition as I gather from the constellations themselves. For all the oldest constellations relate to that expedition & the times before it. In the constellations of Perseus – & their mother the south Fish. [These & the little Be{ar} {& the} Triangle are the asterisms described by Aratus The Bear was formed by Thales & Since his time some others have been added as Coma Berenices {illeg}Antinous, & Libra, In ] All these Constellations relate to the Argonautic Expedition &


{d}ays of Thales. And the constellat{ions} themselves discover the age in which {illeg} Argonautic Expedition & the times next preceding it. In the Constellations of Argo, {illeg}, {illeg} Hydra with {illeg}{s} upon {its} carcass the symbol of death, & in those of the golden Ram, the firy Bull, & the twins Castor & Pollux you hav{e} {illeg}y of of the Argonautic expedition. In those of Perseus, Andromeda, Cepheus, Cassiopæa & Cete you have the story of Perseus. Engonasis, Sagitta, Vultur Cadens, Draco, Cancer, Leo relate to Hercules. Vrsa Major & Arctophylax to Callisto & her son Arcas Auriga to Erichthonius Theres Orion the grandson of Minos with his Dogs & Hare & River. There's Orpheus Harp, Bellerephon's Horse Læda's Swan, Neptune's Dolphin, Ganimede's Eagle, Iupiters Goat AEsculapius (or Phorbas) with his serpent, Chiron the mast of Iason with his Altar & Sacrifice. There's Virgo or Astræa or Ceres Sagittary or Crotus the Centaur the son of the nurse of the Muses, Capricorn or Pan, Aquarius or Ganimede, the Fishes of Venus & Cupid & their parent the south fish. In all these Constellations theres nothing relating to the Trojan war nothing to the times after the Argonautic expedition & therefore they were formed presently after that expedition or perhaps within 20 or 25 years after when Iason Hercules Leda Castor Pollux Orpheus & Æsculapius were dead & deified so that they might be honoured in the Constellations, & the Hero's who lived after that expedition were not yet dead or not in so much repute as to be capable of that honour. Tis said that Atlas observed the stars & made a sphere & in memory thereof he carries a sphere upon his sholders. His were the Egyptian constellations. Among the Greeks Musæus the son of Eumolpus was the first who made a sphere. He was contemporary to the Argonauts & might & might make his sphere after that expedition. Sophocles tells us that Palamedes the son of Nauplius – – – – rocks. From all which I gather that Palamedes was a young man when he went to the war at Troy & not long before observed & measured the stars that is their situations one another, & formed or reformed the Signs & Asterisms. Musæus might set the stars on the globe by viewing the heavens as a painter draws a face & Palamedes might rectify their places by his measures & form the signs & constellations more exactly. About the same time the solstices were also observed for before Homer days there was in the Island Syrie or Syrus an Ηλιου τροπαι Heliotropium or place prepared for observing the Solstice, as [53] Bochartus teaches out of Homer & his old scholiast which Heliotropium remained there till the days of Diogenes Laertius.

if the new Constellations of Coma Berenices, Antinous & Libra be excepted & Deltoton the two wagons are all the first constellations. And in all these there's nothing There relating to the Trojan war.

Atlas an Egyptian who governed Libya a province of Egypt is reputed one of the oldest Astronomers. He made a sphere & in memory thereof carries a sphere upon his sholders. But the Asterisms of the Egyptians were different from those of the Greeks. Among the Greeks Musæus

After the times of the Arg. Exp. & Tr. war, the communication between Egypt & Greese ceased [& Astronomy lay neglected] till the reign of Psammiticus. In his reign the Greeks had free access to Egypt {aneus} Thales travelled thither revived Astromy observed the st{ars him}self was

Among those cities I reccon Carthage one of the first, Dido flying {illeg} not yet frequented by the Phenicians that she might lye hid from {illeg} The Tyrians did not grow famous for navigation till after Homers days.

Sir Isaak New in
    German street

I desire you will meet Mr Ellis & me tomorrow at the mint about passing some bills other things relating to the tin I am


                         Your most humble seru

                              J Stanley


Herodotus tells – & brought in many arts.] The lower Egypt was a flat country without minerals, but Phœnicia abounded with mountains & tall trees & the Phœnicians were skill{ed} in preparing & manifacturing minerals & working upon wood before the days of David. [x They had flags & canes of which they made their ships & flax of which they made yarn & linnen cloth, but Greece wanted these materials to work upon before they were furshed from Egypt by the Phenicians.

The Greeks at first lived in caves & dens & woods like salvages without towns or houses without arts or sciences like salvages or wild men. Then the Egyptians who came with Cecrops Lelex & Pelasgus in the days of Eli taught them to cloath themselves with the skins of Beasts & to build houses & live together in towns. Pelasgus taught them to cloath themselves with skins & to feed on acorns of the beech instead of roots.. Doxius the son of Cælus taught them to build houses of clay & the brothers Euryalus & Hyperbius taught them to harden the clay by burning & buil{d} houses of brick {illeg}d this is w. The lower Egypt was a flat country without minerals or timber trees. They had flax of which they made thred & linnen cloth; They had canes & flaggs of which they made their boats & ships & they had corn for food. But Greece wanted all these materials to work upon before Phenician merchants furnished them from Egypt. The Greeks therefore contiued without arts till the coming of the Phœnicians. For Phœnicia& Syria & Cyprus were mountanous & abounded with minerals & timber trees which were the ground of manual arts. When David smote the Syrians (the countrymen of Cadmus) he took from the cities of Hadadezer their king very much brass & Toi king of Hamath sent David a present of vessels of gold & silver & brass 2 Sam. 8. The Phenicians had smiths & instruments & weapons of iron & files to sharpen them in the days of Samuel 1 Sam 13.19. The Sidonians eminent above other men for their skill in hewing of timber 1 King. 5.6. & when Solomon wanted a man to work in brass he sent for Hiram whose father was a man of Tyre a worker in brass & Hiram did all Solomons work for the Temple 1 King. 7.14. And from the skill of the Phenicians in minerals & excocting metals & applying them to use it came to pass that when the Phenicians fled from David & seated themselves in Greece they applied themselves to search for metals the ground of their arts & the most valuable sort of merchandise & Cadmus found copper in Thebes & the Idæi Dactyli found iron in Crete & Erechthonius or Erechtheus found silver, by which invention & his sacrificing his daughter I reccon that he was a Phœnician tho Diodorus saith he was an Egyptian. By the invention of copper & iron the Greeks were supplied with utensils & tools & weapons & armour which gave a beginning to other trades of coppersmiths & iron smiths & carpenters for building houses & ships & making instruments of wood & iron for tilling the ground & other imployments. & the invention of iron in Crete gave Menes the advantage of building a navy of shipps & gaining the dominion of the Greek seas before any other nation of the Greeks. And the study of sea affairs & merchandise brought in the study of Astrōmy & Arithmetick. And new Artificers brought the arts to greater perfection as Cinyras who invented the Anvil & hammer & tongues & laver & the making of tyles & Dædalus & his nephew Talaus who invented the Ax & saw & wimble <83v> & perpendicular & compas & turning lath & glue. And as music was improved & arrived to good perfection in Phœnicia in the days of Samuel & David 1 Sam 10.15. 1 Chron 25. Nehem 12.36, 45. so that David appointed a new service of singing with musical instruments in the temple (1 Sam 10.15. 1 Chron 25. Nehem 12.36, 45) so that the Phœnians & afterwards the Egyptians brought music into fashion in Greece. For the Idæi Dactyli brought into fashion rhimes & keeping time with Cymbals & dancing in armour & were the first in Europe who did so. For 3 Clemens Alexandrinus (Strom 1) tells us: Some more fabulously think that the Idæi Dactyli were the first wise men to whom both the the letters which they call Ephesian & the invention of musical rhimes is referred for which reason they are wont to be called Dactyli by Musitians. 1 Origen lib 14. c. 6: Audium Musicum ab Idæis Dactylis cæptum 2 Solinus Polyhistor c 11: Studium musicum inde cæptum cum Idæi Dactyli modulos crepitu & tinnitu æris deprehensos in versificum ordinem transtulissent. By their bringing letters into Crete you may know that they were Phœnicians & came into Crete about the same time that Cadmus came into Greece. ‡ ‡ For since the Phenicians had letters before the coming of Cadmus it is not unlikely that several colonies of Phenicians might at the same time bring letters into Asia minor & Greece & Crete. Some say that the idæi Dactyli came from Phrygia & perhaps they might touch upon that coast in their way to Crete: & there leave the Croybantes a people perfectly like themselves. [They were said to attend on Iupiter in his infancy & dance about him in armour with Drums & cymbals & clashing swords which which fable seems to insinuate that they were appointed to attend on Minos from his birth. As they attended Iupiter in Crete so the Corybantes were said to attende Cybele in Phrygia. Both danced in armour, both were called Curetes, but the name of Idæi Dactyli was given only to those Curetes who found out iron For their skill & knowledge they were accounted conjurers or wizzards & the Telchines the first inhabitants of Rhodes were just such another sort of men excelling in arts & being for that reason accounted conjurers, & being some of the first who wrought in iron & brass & such < insertion from f 84r > were also the Cabyri in Samothrace & Lemnos & Imbrus. For Strabo < text from f 83v resumes > were the Cabin in Samothrace‡‡ & Lemnos & Imbrus. For Strabo lib 10. tells us that the Curetes in Crete & Phrygia were concerned in sacred ministeries partly about mysteries & partly about the education of Iupiter & sacrifices of Cybele, & that some make the Corybantes, the Cabyri, the Idæi Dactyli & the Telchines to be the same with little differences. In a word: all men describe them acting with an enthusiastic & Bacchical fury, dancing in armour with tumult & noise & cymbals & drumms & weapons & pipes & clamour in the sacrifices so as in the habits of ministers of the sacara to terrify men. And these sacra have many things common with the Samothracian & Lemnian & many others, {being} the < insertion from f 84r > ministers of the sacra < text from f 83v resumes > It may be recconed therefore that they came all from phœnicia about the same time with Cadmus. For They could not be older because they all da < insertion from f 84r > nced in armour nor much younger for < text from f 83v resumes > Diodorus tells us that Cadmus sailed to Rhodes & left some Phenicians there with a Temple & went also to Samothrace & partook of their mysteries & married a Samothracian & Bochartus proves that the Dij Cabiri of the Samothracians were the Gods of Beryt in Phenicia & that the names of those Gods <84r> were Phenician. Diodorus derives the Corybantes in Thrace from Iasion the brother of Harmonia. And the Arundelian Marble makes the first appearance of the Image of the Magna Mater in the mountain of Phrygia to be in the reign of Erechtonius that is of Erechtheus & Lucian makes this Goddesse the same with the Dea Syria or c Astarte in a Temple at & worshippe in the same manner, the Syrian Goddess being drawn with Lyons & having a drum & & a corona turrita on her head & her worship being performed with Pipes & Cymbals . And some say that the Curetes first put on armour of brass in Eubœa (Strabo l. 10) the seat of Cadmus where he found brass & his people wrought it before armour of iron came in use.

The Telchines in Rhodes were accounted conjurers or wizzards & excelled in arts & were among the first who workt iron & brass Strabo l 14 p 654. Rhodes was at first called Ophuisa from the multitude of serpent in it before it was inhabited. Then it was inhabited by the Telchins & Heliades & first by the Telchins according to Strabo. l 14 p. 654

These Idæi Dactyli Io taught the worship of Iove or pretending that Saturn would have devoured him but in his stead by mistake devoured a stone called Bætylus, & that they danced in armour with pipes & drums & clamour in memory of their guarding him in his infancy so that his father might not hear him cry. The Bætyli or Beth-els were round stone formed by the Phœnicians in mount Libanus & there worshipped by them as the houses or mansions of their gods. For the oriental nations first worshipped ruder stones then shaped the stones square or round & at lenght (as art improved) carved them into images of men. And many of these Bætyls remained in in the top of mount Libanus – till the times of the Roman Empire as Damascius an eye-witness affirms [APud Photium] Whence you may know that the story of Saturnus devouring one of these Bætyls instead of Iove had its rise among the Syrophenicians of mount Libanus & that the Cretan Iove was a God of that country Berytus And probably he was the God Ievo from whose high priest Sanchoniatho received his Commentaries. For Sanchoniatho was a citizen of Berytus & dedicated his book to the king of Berytus & Berytus was seated neare mount Libanus. This at least is certain that Iove is a Phenician God the name being borrowed from Iehovah the God of Israel When the Idæi Dactyli came from Phrygia they seem to left there the Curetes or Corybantes a people perfectly like themselves who set up there the worship of the magna mater a Phenician goddess. For Lucian makes this Goddess the same with the Dea Syria or Syrian Iuno in a Temple at Edessa this Syrian Goddess like Sibele being drawn with Lyons & having a drum & a Corona turrita on her head & her worship being performed in like manner with pipes & cymbals. The Gods of Samothrace or Dij Cabiri were also Phenician. Bochartus proves that their names were Phenician & that they were the Gods of Berytus. The same Gods were worshipped also in Imbrus The Telchines in Rhodes came last from from Cyprus & wrought in iron & brass & danced in armours & excelled in arts & sciences so as by the igno


Sir                          Cockpit wednesday

I send the inclosed Mr Williams explanation of his former proposall about tin, which he desires we may consider before next mint day, I have therefore appointed him saturday next at four in the afternoon at my office at the Cockpit & desire you & mr Ellis will meet at that time if it be not inconvenient

I also just now receivd another proposall about the tin referrd to us by Lord Treasurer Mr Tindall the proposer will meet us this day seaven night at the mint at ten a clock to consider of it. I am                     Sir your most humble servant

I Stanley

Greeks to be accounted conjurers like the Idæ Dactyli in Crete.


To Sir I Newton

          In the sheet in page 271. l 75, {illeg}, 25, I haue changed the expressions in fig caseprop. XIII fig. case prop. XII and fig. case prop. preced into {illeg} figura prima, in figura secunda, and in figura tertia because around the figures are drawn in this proposition it self, which they were not before.
      I am
          Your most humble
            and most obedient seruant

                      I Pemberton

Menes & his son Ramesses reigned next after the Gods Mæris

I have now recited all the kings of Egypt who reigned after Mephramuthosis Amosis & Ammon till the conquest of Egypt by the Persians & did any thing memorable, And herein I have followed the ancient relateons of the priests of Egypt extant in Herodotus, the oldest author extant who wrote of the affairs of Egypt , & in my opinion the most authentic. All these kings, & only these are named by him. And if he hath placed some of these in wrong order, he had that order from the Egyptians themselves. Vpon deifying Sesostris the Egyptians gave him a new name calling him Sihor. Then of the two names they made two persns Sesostris & Sihor And placing (Sihor for Osiris) among their Gods they made him many thousands of years older then Sesostris & placed some of of their kings between them. But this error being rectified, by rewriting the names , the list of the kings of Egypt set down by Herodotus proves right.

And considering how much the Priests of Egypt for magnifying their Gods & Heros & nation had corrupted their antiquities in the 380 years between the days of Herodotus & those of Diodorus Siculus : We are not to correct the early account which Herodotus received from these Priests, by the accounts which they gave of their antiquities to Eratosthenes Diodorus & others two or three hundred years later.

Among the kings of Egypt some reccon Thoth or Athothes the secretary of of Osiris, & Proteus & his son Telegonus inhabitants of the lower Egypt, & Tosorthris or Æsculapius a physitian who invented building with cut stones, & Thuor or Polybus the husband of Alcandra. But these were only princes of Egypt inserted into the list of their kings for increasing their number, & Herodotus omits them.

The history of Egypt set down by Herodotus from the time of its conquest by Asserhadon & the reign of its twelve contemporary kings that is for the last 230 years before the days of Herodotus, is right, both as to the number & order of its kings & as to the length of their reigns. And he is the only author who hath given us so good an history of Egypt for those times [times which began about 230 years before he wrote. [And if his accounts of Egypt for times preceding be le] And this gives us reason to beleive that he was as accurate in setting down the account which he had from the priests of Egypt concerning their earlier ages, & that the defect was in the account it self which he had from those Priests. And considering how much the Egyptians for magnifying their Gods & nation, had corrupted their antiquities in the 380 years between the days of Herodotus & those of Diodorus Siculus we are not to correct the early account which Herodotus received from them by the accounts which they gave to Eratosthenes Diodorus & others two or three hundred years later.]

Ægypt was conquered by the Ethiopians under Sabacon about the beginning of the Æra of Nabonassar that is about 300 years before Herodotus wrote his history. And about 77 years after that conquestit was conquered again by the Assyrians under Asserhadon. And since this last conquest the History of Egypt set down by Herotus from the time of this last con is right both as to the names & the number & order of the kings & as to the length of their reigns. And therein he is now followed by historians, & is the only ancient author who hath given us so good an history of Egypt from the days of Asserhadon. And if his history the earlier times is less accurate, it was because the Archives of Egypt had suffered much during the reign of the Ethiopians & Assyrians. And it is not likely that the Priests of Egypt who lived two or three hundred years after the days of Herodotus could mend the matter. On the contrary they were daily feigning new kings to make their Gods & nation look ancient, as is manifest by comparing Herodotus with Diodorus Siculus. And therefore I have chosesn rather to rely upon the stories related to Herodotus by the Priests of those days then to to be too free in correcting him by Manetho, Eratosthenes, Diodorus & other authors who lived two or three hundred years later or above.

which makes the wars of the great Gods of Egypt against the Greeks to be in the age of Cecrop Erechtheus & Erechthonius & a little Theseus. / into Ionia

Mæris is made contemporary to Hercules the son of Alcmena by Herodotus: for he reccons both of them almost 900 years older then himself. And by this recconing Mæris was younger then Sesostris

He spoi{d} their Temples & carried away their riches & Records, & this gave the Priests of Egypt a greater liberty of inventing new stories for magnifying their antiquities then they had before.


For he went to Memphis Heliopolis & Thebes to inform himself from the priests of all th{} cities about these matters. [54]

And Herodotus tells us that Orus the son of Osiris, (called Apollo by the Greek{s)} reigned the last of the Gods & was slai{n &} succeeded by Typon. Herod. l. 2. p. 182. Herod.{illeg}

The Greeks reputed the ancestors of Perseus to have been Egyptians Herod l. 3. p. 427.

Tertiaqueab excessu Minois ætate res Trojanas fuisse

The inhabitants of Meroe worship no other Gods but Iupiter & Bacchus & have an Oracle of Iupite{r}Herod. l. 2. p. {illeg}

The temple of Venus hospita was that of Helena p. 163.

The Arabians worship & sweare by Dionysius & Vrania. Herod l. 3. p. 203.

The Heraclides led into Peloponesus by Aristodemus himself, according to the Lacedemonians Herod. l. 6. p. 426 p. 119. l. 13

Amycus the son of Neptune slain by the Argonauts

{p}. 5. l. 7. When Ioseph enterteined his brethren in Egypt, 2 he did eat at a table by himself & they did eat at another table by themselves & the Egyptians who did eat with him were at another table; because the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews: for that is an abomination to the Egyptians. Gen. 43.32. These Egyptians who did eat with Ioseph were of the court of Pharaoh: & therefore Pharaoh & his court were at this time genuine Egyptians [f & these Egyptians abominated eating bread with Hebrews at one & the same table with the Hebrews. And of these Egyptians & their brethren its said a little after that every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians. Ægypt at this time was therefore under the government of the genuine Egyptians & not under that of the shepherds.

After the descent of Iacob into Egypt, Ioseph lived 70 years & so long continued in favour with the kings of Egypt. And 64 years after his death Moses was born, & between Iosephs death & the birth of Moses there rose up another king of Egypt who knew not Ioseph (Exod. 1.8.) but this king was not one of the shepherds. For he is called Pharaoh ( Exod. I.11, 22) & Moses told him that if the people of Israel should sacrifice in the land of Egypt they should sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes & the Egyptians would stone them (Exod VIII.26) that is, they should sacrifice sheep or oxen contrary to the religion of Egypt. The shepherds therefore did not reign over Egypt while Israel was there, but either were driven out of Egypt before Israel went down thither or did not enter into Egypt till after the death of Moses. And the latter must be true if they were driven out of Egypt a little before the building of the Temple of Solomon, as Manetho affirms.

Diodorus saith in his 40th Book &c.


Sir Isaac Newton       These

by John Hadley Esquire F. R. S. W.

& Tartessus or Tarshish in      an Island between the mouths of the river

Vnder him they sailed as far as Tartessus or Tarshish a city in an Island between the two mouths of the river Bætis. And after his death they built a Temple to him in the Island Gades & adorned it with

  • 1 Hercules dies. Eurystheus drives the Heraclides out of Peloponnesus.
  • 2 Eurystheus slain by Hyllus. Atreus succeeds him.
  • 3 The Heraclides by reason of a great plague retire out of Peloponnesus
  • 5 The second attempt of the Heraclides to return. Hyllus slain by Echamus.
  • 9 Atreus dies. 14 In the absence of Menelaus Paris steals Hellena. Agamemnon reigns

  • 21. Troy taken
  • 81 The Heraclides in the third generation (recconned from the generation of Hyllus inclusively) the Heraclides return into Peloponnesus

I said that the common streame of Tigris & Euphrates was the river of Paradise. This

From the place of the children of Eden I concluded, that the common streame of Tigris & Euphrates was the river of Paradice. This river had four heads. The first is Pison which compasseth the whole land of Havila & this was the western branch of that river running into the Persian gulf. For the land of Havilah bordered upon the western side of that branch Gen. 25.18. 1 Sam. XV.7.


The Assyrian Empire


I send you here the Cast Reuise of your Uolume; Hoping I shall reap the Fruits of your Generosity do far, as to Enable me to drink to my Autors Health, at the Finishing.

          Sir your Uery Humble Seruant



  • 1. Herculus dies. Eurystheus drives the Heraclides out of Peloponnesus, pursues them into Attica, is routed by them & slain & succeeded by Atreus They return into Pelonnesus.
  • 2 By reason of a great plague they retire out of Peloponnesus into Attica.
  • 4 They endeavour to return. Etyllus slain by Echemus.
    Atreus dies, & is succeeded by Agamemnon. In the absence of Menelaus Paris 8 Thy steals Helena
  • 22 Troy taken.
  • 82 The Heraclides return.
  • 110 The death of Codrus.

They were to return in the third generation that is, in the days of Temenus, Chresphontes, Aristodemus & Tisamenus the grandchildren of Hyllus & Menelaus.
Eurystheus was slain by Hyllus in the first attempt of the Heraclides to return & Atreus succeeded him & in the third year after that opposed them in their second attempt to return, & died just before Paris stole Hellena, & was succeeded by Agamemnon 15 years before the taking of Troy. And the Return of the Heraclides in the third generation recconed from the first inclusively may be be about 50 or 60 years after the taking of Troy


They returned in the third generation

I could not rightly understand the Boy, but I belieue I haue done it as it should be.

I should be glad if you would be pleased to enable me to drink to your Good Health.

                    Your Uery Humble Seruant

                            The Compositor


The sacred history kept freer from corruption thru the Hagiographa.

The sacred history receives light from the Chronical Canon of Ptolomy & sufficiently conteins the affairs of the people of Israel down to the times of Darius Nothus king of Persia. The history of other ancient nations, the Egyptians Assyrians Chaldeans, Medes & Persians receive some light from the scriptures but must chiefly be deduced from other authors

Blot out. [In the infancy of the nation of Israel] & all that follows.


Honoured Sir

Mr Hally told me That if Mr Lownds did appoint a time and place for your Honour and him to meet Mr Lownds about the Longitude your Honour with Mr Hally would meet accordingly: please to acquaint whether I may now tell Mr Lownds so or not


The Atlantij a colony of Egyptians in Libya between the Syrtes & Mount athlas reported that their first king was Vranus [i. e. Ammon] who caused the people who till then wandred up & down, to live in towns & cities & reducing them from a lawless & salvage cour{se} of life taught them to use & lay up the ripe fruits of the earth & found out divers other useful things, & being exceeding addicted to the observation of the stars he [ was reputed able to predict things. H] measured the year by the course of the sun & the months by the course of the Moon & divided the day into hours & was well acquainted with the rising & setting of the stars & other things happening in the heavens & & therefore when he was dead, by reason of his desents & art in Astronomy, they honoured him as a God, & called him the king of the universe. He had 45 children by several wives of which 18 were by his wife Titæa, & from her called Titans. By her he had also several daughters the two chief of which were Basilea [i. e. Isis] & Rhea by some called Pandora. Basilea being older & more prudent then the rest nurst up her brothers & was thence called Magna Mater. After the death of Vranus she was made Queen & married her brother Hyperion [i. e. Osiris] by whom she had two children Helios & Selene [i. e. ]Apollo & Diana or Orus & Bubaste But her brothers entering into a conspiracy assasinated Hyperion & drowned Helio in Eridanus, [i. e. the Nile] whereupon Selene threw herself down from the house top & Basilea went distracted & disappeared. – After the death of Hyperion the children of Cælus divided the kingdom amongst themselves Of these Atlas & Saturn were the most renouned The country bordering upon the Ocean fell to the lot of Atlas an excellent Astronomer & was the first that discovered the knowledge of the sphere –. & reigned over Sicily Africa & Italy & inlarged his dominion over the western parts of the world. His brother Saturn was extraordinarily profane & covetous. He married his sister Rhea & by her had Iupiter [i. e. Memnon] who was just & courteous & succeeded in the kingdom either as given up to him by his father or set upon the throne by the people out of hatred to his father. And tho Saturn afterwards by the help of the Titans made war upon him, Iupiter overcame in battel & so gained the kingdom & afterwards ran through the whole world doing good to all mankind. And because he was of a strong body & vertuous mind he easily conquered the whole world. And they of whom he had deserved well rewarded him with this honour that he was unanimously by all placed in the highest heavens & called a God & supream lord of the earth. This was the Theology of the Atlantides, for understanding which it is to be noted that several nations had several Iupiters & whoever was Iupiter his father grandfather & great grandfather were Saturn, Vranus & Hypsaranius respectively, & . So the Iupiter of the Atlantides being Memnon their Saturn & Vranus weret the father & grandfather of Memnon whom the Egyptians called Hercules & Ammon. And this confusion of names has much obscured the history of those times.

Much to the same purpose which the Theology of the Atlantides the The people of Crete reported that the Titans were the children of Cælus & Terra or Titæa being six brothers & 5 sisters The brothers Cronus, Hyperion, Cæus, Iapetus, Crius & Oceanus the sistes Rhea Themiss Mnemosyne Phœbe & Thetis. That Chronus [or Saturn] obteined the kingdom & reigned chiefly over the western parts of the world, married Rhea & of her begat Iupiter Neptune & Pluto Iuno Vesta ceres. That Hyperion found out the motions of the sun Moon & stars & distinctions of time. That Themis [Isis] was a Law-maker

The composition was by sharing the kingdom among the brothers of Osiris so that Typhon Antæus or Atlas retained the goverment of Libya, Orus & Isis the goverment of Egypt Hercules the Goverment of Chus & others the government of other places where they had been placed by Osiris: as I gather from the history of these times according to the tradition of the Atlantij a colony of Egyptians between the Syrtes & mount Atlas. // The Atlanij say that their first king was Vranus [for so they call Ammon] who – – – of those times.

After the war of Typhon was over Orus reigned for a time with his mother Isis & Isis by the advice of made laws for Egypt, & celebrated the funerals of Mercury – – now deified./

– being drowned as was said in the Nile by the Titans & his body found dead in the water
In his reign Isis & made laws for Egypt & celebrated – – deified.

Orus being dead the Egyptians under Hercules seem to have invaded Egypt


18.0814 11.04 11.02 14.0534} for ye 6d p.oz 15.010 08.0334 03.0112 15.0434 0 14.01012

Most Honoured Friend

I haue Presumed to send to thee for the wonted Allowance because to day is Market-day, and the Queen's Tax, Window Lights, Poor and Skauenger &c. are all upon me, soe that I haue been these two days uery uneasy, and the more because my Land-lady hath been with me: I know thy Wisdome is such as to Conceiue aright of the Reasons of my Pressure, for without that which Necessity forces, I shou'd wholy omitt it: I haue sent thee a Book of my weak Labours, which I hope upon thy Judicious Consideration will satisfy thee from Acetum to Elixer, and how long that may be justly said to Reign, Including euen to the Production of Azoth: I humbly desire that the Book may pass thy most Nice and Curious Examination, and be Pleas'd to giue me thy Sentiments thereon, which shall be to me as a Golden Touch-stone to know its ualue by; for I am well satisfyed that no Person Liuing is more Capable than thyself, therefore a Smile to this Request will be as Acceptable to me as the Sun in its Meridian Altitude to the benum'd and Bewinter'd Nature: thou wast Pleasd to tell me, that this Age was not worthy of my General Epistle therefore thy Sentiments on the whole shall be my Law and Dictate; the Number Printed is but small, & so done that I can stop it as I please, this being the first Book which hath pass'd out of my hand, which I present as my Mite into Minerua's Treasure, so with Prayers to God for thy long Life and Prosperity euery way I Rest thy true friend to serue in & at all Comand, W. Y.


To Sir Isaac Newton


Callithya the daughter of Piranthus was the first Priestess of Iuno Argiva. {illeg}a{illeg}e responded to Acrisius And Phorbas the brother of Peranthus went with a colony to Rhodes & reigned there purging that Island from serpents & wild beasts. And his son Triopas might succeed him there. In those days Abas & his sons got footing in Argos & Acrisius contracted affinity with Lacedæmon & Sparta by marrying their daughter Eurydice. [Suidas tells us that Eubœa was anciently called Abantis: which makes it probable that Abas came from thence. Said in Αβανης Abas built Abæ in Phacis & Abantis was the ancient name of Eubœa: which makes it probable that Abas came from thence.

Callithyea Pirant{illeg} Hæmon regnat in Thessaly {illeg}Atreus æ Thyestes post Pelop{illeg} Arctinus Milesius poeta cla{illeg} or 3. – Simonides Aristox {illeg}


Some place him in the days of Orestes the son of Agamemnon. Cornelius Nepos placeth him an hundred years before the first Olympiad.

Hesiod tells us that he lived in the fift age & that th{is} age should end when the men then living should grow old & crop into the grave & therefore he & Homer flourished within thirty or forty years after the taking of Troy. Some ancient authors a[55] placed Homer in the days of Orestes the son of Agamemnon & Cornelius Nepos placed him an hundred before the first Olympiad, where also we place him


Harpagus Cyrum et Persas ad defectionem im{illeg}ht. Sudas in

Callithyia the daughter of Peranthus was [the first] Priestess of Apollo at Delphos the first & gave answers of the Oracle to to Acrisius. Delphos in Phocis in Achaia. Abas the father of Arisius built Abæ in Phocis & therefore reigned there.

Vpon the death of Acrisius

Acrisius reigned at Argos & left his kingdom to his grandon Perseus but Perseus changed kingdoms with Meisapenthes the son of Prætus æ reigned at Mycenas & was there succeeded by Mastor & he by Electryo the father of Alcmena & he by Sthenelus the son of Perseus & Andromeda & father of Phorbas might be succeeded in Rho by his son Triopas in Rhodes: for Agenor the son of Triopas invaded Argos with a great multitude of horse, but with what success I know not. Danaus

Danaus came into Greece a year or two after the return of Sesac into Ægypt as above, that is about the 16th year of Rehoboam. He succeeded Gelanor the brother of Eurystheus at Argos, & Gelanor was the son & successor of Sthenelus the son of Perseus the grandon of Acrisius And Acrisius & Prætus were the sons of Abas the Son of Lynceus. But this Lynceus was not the same with Lynceus the son of Ægyptus the brother of Danaus but an Egyptian as old as Phoronaus.


     I Iust receiued a letter from my Son who is at Frederickshall in Norway it requires an answer by to morrow Post I would Gladly Sir see you this euening or to morrow to aduise with you about the business he hath wrot & am

                    your most Humble Seruant

                    Fra: Cressener


Doctisime ac Erudissime

Fama nomeng tuum, quod a longo qam tempore Totum teriarum orbem impleoit, ansam mihi prob{illeg}erat ut hæc tibi Supplax traderem, exoran, ut me one Dientelam patiocinning, tuum Suscipere {illeg} digneris. Tantus meus Amor in ea studi{illeg} quas de tam celebrem Reddiderunt, et in queis tu Sactissimorum omnium Judicio maxime excellis & ut totum Vita meas Tempus tibi darre et in Seruilijs tun pionere Summa gaudio Ducerem, persuasumque tibi habeas uelim me tantum benificium ateina Culturum memoria

                                   {illeg}ami Hicsla{illeg}

Pag. 20. l. 3 I have now carried up the Chronology of Greece as high as to the Trojan war & the Argonautic expedition & by arguments taken from Astronomy & from the length of the reigns of kings according to the course of nature & that of generations setled it I think without the error of above one generation. For the Greeks before the times of the Persian Empire recconed only by generations & it is not to be expected that their records alone can furnish us with any exacter sort of recconing. But the Hebrews had a chronology by yeare long before the Greeks, & it remains now that I try to settle the Chronology of the Greeks a little better & carry it up a little higher by comparing their affairs with those of the Hebrews set down in sacred history.

The expedition of Sesostris – of Artaxerxes Mnemon p. 26. l. 34.

p. 26. l. 34 I have now carried up the Chronology of the Greeks as high as to the the flight of the Sidonians to Tyre, Aradus, Silicia Caria, Crete, & Greece with Cadmus, Europa, & that the Idæi Dactyli the invasion of the nations by Sesac or Sesostris between the 5t & 14th year of Rehoboam; & the revolt of the Edomites from the Ioram whereby the Tyrians were driven from the red sea & began a trade upon the mediterranean & built Carthage, Carteia & Gades, which was within one generation after the Trojan war. It remains now that I settle the chronology of some other affairs of the Greeks contemporary to these.

Iosephus tells of an earlier Herculus to whom Hiram built a temple in Tyre & perhaps there might be an other Tyrian Hercules who set on foot their trade on the red sea in consumation with David & Solon

And St Austin confirms this by telling us that the common people of th{illeg}s being asked wh{at} they were, replied Canaani, that is Canaanites. Interrogati rustici, {illeg}oseri, saith he, quid sint Punice respondentes Chanani, corrupta scilicet voce, sicut in talibus solet, quid aliud respondent quam Chananæi? And Procopius tells us of two Pillars in the western part of Afric with inscriptions signifying that the people were Canaanites & fled from Ioshua.

& the expulsion of the shepherds out of Ægypt whichgave the first occasion of the coming of Ægyptians into Greece & of the first building of houses & villages in Greece was scarce earlier then the days of Samuel & Eli.

– probably the Tyrian Hercules went first to Afric & left Dido there. For Carthage paid tenths to this Hercules & sent their payments yearly to Tyre. Vide Bochart in Canaan l. 1. c. 24

And by their {as}sis Cadmus found out gold the work of gold in the mountain Pangæus in Thrace, & that of copper at Thebes: whence the copper ore is still called Cadmia.

p. 21 & sequ.

  • 3 Androgeus the eldest son of Minos &c.
  • 2 Rehoboam was born in the last year &c.
  • 4 Trogus in his 18th book tells us &c.
  • 5 The Sidonians being still possest &c.
  • 6 Strabo mentioning the first men &c.
  • 1 Tatian in his book
  • 7 When Sesostris returned into Ægypt &c.
  • 8 Polydorus the son of Cadmus &c.
  • 9 In the days of Erechtheus &c.
  • 10 Dardanus Erechtheus Tros Ilus Laomedon & Poianus &c.
  • 11 In the time of the Argonautic expedition Castor & Pollux &c.
  • 12 Pelops came into Peloponnesus
  • Celeus king of Eleusis
  • For between the reign of Cranaus
  • The first kings of Arcadia &c.
  • Herodotus tells us
  • The two first kings of Crete
  • Lucian lets us know &c

{illeg} l. 57. that is, thirty years after the 14th year of Rehoboam in which Sesostris returned into Egypt & left Prometheus at mount Caucasus, & by consequence & forty & four years after the death of Solomon. And this is the cheif period of time which I designed to settle.

p. 22. l. 25. Add: By reason of his great conquests he was celebrated in several nations by several names, the Arabians calling him Bacchus from the word Bacche which in their language signifies The great & the Phrygians & Thracians calling him Mars from their word Ma-fors or Mavors which signifies The valiant: the Assyrians & chaldeans calling him Belus which word signifies the Lord, the Egyptians before his reign calling him their Hero or Hercules & after his death deifying him by the name of Sihor whence came his name Osiris.

The Phenician Hercules is famous for his voyage through the straits where (upon the island to which he gave the Phenician name of Gadira) he built a Temple, as the etymologist assures us from Claudius Solaus. Cumberland upon Sanchoniatho, pag. 159.

p. 25. And Pliny concerning a little island neare it: Erythia dicta est quoni{illeg} Tyrij ab origine eorum orti ab Erythræo marè ferebantur. It is called Erythia because the Tyrians originally came from the red sea

the s

Androgene the eldest son of Minos – & the death of his father Ægeus was about nine or ten years after the death of Solomon.

I have now carried up the Chronology of the Greeks as high as to the founding of the kingdom of Macedon by Caranus, the first Messenian war the legislature of Lycurgus, the age of Iphitus, the death of Codorus, the return of the Heraclides into Peloponnesus, the siege of Troy, the Argonautic expedition, the coming of Danaus into Greece, the invasion of the nations of Phœnicia, Persia, India, Asia & Greece by Sesostris, the victory of Theseus over the Minotaur, the loss of his mistress Ariadne & the death of his father Ægeus. And I have setled it by concurrent arguments taken Astronomy, & from the length of the reign of kings according to the course of nature, [& from the testimony of Herodotus & Thucydides the oldest Historians now extant], & from the time of the expedition of Sesostris set down in scripture For the sacred history of the Iews, & the long reign of the shepherds in Egypt before the erecting of the Egyptian monarchy, do not consist with any earlier invasion of the oriental nations by the Egyptians, then that under Sesac in the reign of Rehoboam.

  • Androgeus the eldest son of Minos –
  • Trogus in his 18th book tells us –
  • The Sidonians –
  • Saul & David were enemy to the Philistims,

Sir Isaac N


The histories of the Persians now extant represent that the oldest dynasties of the kings of Persia were those whom they call Pischdadians & Kaianides & that the Dynasty of the Kaianides immediately succeeded that of the Pischdadians. They derive the name Kaianides from the word Kai which they say in the old Medo Persian language signified a Giant or great king. And they call the first g        kings of this Dynasty Kai-Cobad, Kai-Caus, Kai-Cosroes, Lohorasp, Kishlasp, Bahaman, And they say that Bahaman was Ardschir Diras that is Artaxerxes Longimanus, & Kishlasp they make contemporary to Ozair or Ezra & to Zaradust & therefore to Histaspis.

The histories of the Persians now extant give the name of [Kaianides to the kings of the Medes & Persians & that of] Pischdadians to the kings of Assyria & reckon them their oldest kings & make some of them reign a

calling the kings of Assyria Pischdadians & making some of them reign a thousand years a piece

– calling the King of the Medes & Persians Kaianides & those of the Assyrians Pischdadians & making the Kaianides to reign about an hundred or an hundred & twenty years a piece & the Pischdadians four or five hundred yeares a piece or above

The Persian historians a pres

The Persians in their histories now extant, represent that their oldest Empire was that of the Pischdadians & that this empire was immediately succeeded by that of the Kaianides, & the name Kaiaanides they deduce from the word Kai which they say in the old Persian language signified a giant or great king. And they number eight kings of this Dynasty & call them Kai-Cobad, Kai-Caus, Kai-Cosroes, Lohorasp, [Kishlasp or Darius Hystaspis Bahaman or Aroschir Diras that is Artaxerxes Long. , Darab the bastard son of Ardschir Diraz or Darius Nothes & Darab who was conquered by Ascander Roumi, or Darius Codomannus. They know nothing of the kings between these two Dariuses, & confound Darius Hystaspis with Darius the Mede. By Lohorasp they mean Cy-Axeres. For they make him] Kishlasp or Darius Hystaspes, Ardschir Diraz or Artaxerxes Longimanus, Darab the bastard son of Ardschir or Darius Nothus, & Darab who was conquered by Alexander the great, or Darius Codomannus. The kings between these two Darius's they omit & they confound Darius Medus with Darius Hystapis. They say that Lohorasp was the first of their kings who reduced their armies to good order & discipline, & Herodotus affirms the same of Cyaxeres. They say also that he was contemporary to Nebuchadnezzar & therefore he was Cyaxeres. And the name Cyaxeres or Kai-Axeres being compounded of the word Kai shows that he was one of the Kaianides. Whence its probable that that the three first of them were his three predecessors Dejoces, Phraortes, & Astyages, & that the Pischdadians were the kings of Assyria called in scripture Pul, Tiglathpilaser, Salmanassar Sennacherib, Asserhadon. And these are the oldest kings now remembered by the Persians in their histories.

The mountain Parnassus had two tops very high, a[56] the one dedicated to Apollo the other to Bacchus. And thence Lucan b[57] calls it Mons Bromio Phœboque sacer. Sec Notæ historicæ {de} Chron Mar{illeg}. p. 101.

Cecrops married          the daughter of            & succeeded him in the kingdom of Attica.

For when all other people (that I may say in one word) accomodate their months to the course of the Moon, we alone with the Egyptians measure the days of the year by the course of the Sun.


Worthy Sir
          The Improuement of Nauigation has been the study of seueral Ingenious Mathematicians of late years, and although some of their Inuentions haue fallen short of the end proposed, the Authors of them haue been rewarded for their good Endeauours; which together with the hopes that I haue Discouered a real Improuement, makes me bold to trouble your Worship.

I haue taken great pains, and haue been at some charge in this Art, the Pamphlet Intitled Mercator Improued is part of my small Performances, the Instrument therein Described is not yet truly made, for I find it difficult to get a new deuice done according to directions.

I haue likewise finished the Description of a new Instrument to take the Altitude of the Sun without a Horizon, as mentioned at the end of my book; the which Description if your Worship pleas to appoint some person to Inspect, we will get a compleat Instrume{illeg}nt made to lay before your Worship, and the Lords of the Admiralty; and that it may answer the end proposed, is not only the desire, but sure and certain hope, of him who desires nothing more than worthily to subscribe him self;
February: 25        your most humble, and
                            most obedient seruant.

                                        Barth: Goodday

               P S
I haue desired a friend of mine who is acquainted with Mr Edw: Jones, to beg the fauour of his approbation.


If I goe into the Compter it will kill me seeing so many dye of the spotted Feauour

Ctesias writes that Arbaces a Mede being admitted to see Sardanapalus in his Palace living voluptuously amongst weomen revelted with the Meds & in conjunction with Belesis a Babylonian overcame him & caused him to set fire in his palace & burn himself thereon [& that Arbaces made Belesis king of the Assyrians] but he is contradicted by authors of better credit For Duris & many others wrote that Arbaces upon being admitted into the Palace of Sardanapalus & seeing his effeminate life among weomen, slew himself or perhaps was slain. Cleitarchus that Sardanapalus died of old age after he had lost his dominion over Syria. And Herodotus that the Medes first & other nations after their example revolted from the Assyrians without conquering them, by force of arms defended their liberty & gave & when they first & that the Medes & when they first revolted, had no king but after some time set up Dejoces over them & built Ecbatane & that Cyaxers grandson the grandson of Dejoces conquered the Assyrians. The Scythians of Turan – – – – at Babylon above mentioned. In the book of Iudeth Arphaxad king of the Medes is said to have built Ecbatane & therefore he reigned soon after the revolt & was either the same king with Dejoces who built that city, or rather with his son Praortes who might finish it. For both Phraortes & Arpaxad made war upon the Assyrians & both of them were slain in that war. The revolt of the Nations from Assyria happened in the year of Nabonassar 81

And Herodotus that the Medes were the first who revolted from the {Assyri}ans & that by force of arms they defended their liberty lived some time without a king & then elected Dejoces their king who {illeg} Media & built Ecbatane & & that after the example of the Medes other nations revolted afterwards & & that the successors of Dejoces had wars with the Assyrians & at length conquered them & erected a great Empire: which is the truth. The revolt of the Medes seems to have happened upon the overthrow & flight of Sennacherib from Iudea. For at that time the Estate of Sennacherib was troubled so that Tobit could not go into Media as he had done before (Tobit 1.15.) & sometime after advised his son to go into Media where there should be peace while Nineveh should be destroyed. The revolt of the western nations was towards the end of the reign of Sardanapalus according to Cleitarchus


The kings who reigned in Media after the revolt were Dejoces, Phraortes, Astyages, Cyaxeres & Darius. Those who reigned at Nineveh were Asserhadon, Saosduchinus, Nebuchadonosor & Sarao{illeg} & those at Babylon Asserhadon Saosduchinus, Chiniladon Nabonassar & Nebuchadnezzar with his sons.

Phraortes was therefore slain in the 5th or 6th year of Iosias. He reigned 20 22 years acorrding to Herodotus & therefore succeeded his father Dejoces about the 40th or 2{illeg}6th year of Manassaes, & Dejoces began his reign according to Herodotus about 13 years before that is about the 16th year of Hezekiah. Which makes it probable that the Medes dated his the 53 years from the time of the revolt. Soon after the death of Phraorortes, the Scythians under Madyes – – – – in Parthia

within 65 years after the invasion of Iuda by Pekah & Rezin kings of Samaria & Damascus, / which was in the F 1st or 2d year of Ahaz. Samarias was to cease to be a people, & this happened by the captivating of the remainder Israel & placing these nations in their room about the 20 year of Manasses.

For Sir Isaac Newton at his house in St Martins lane nigh Leisterffields These


We may reccon therefore that Ieshua continued in the High priesthood till about the twentith year of Darius Hystaspis Iojakim till about the tenth year of Xerxes, Eliasib till about the 40th year of Artaxerxes Longimanus, Iojada till about the tenth year of Darius Nothus, Iohanan till about the eighteenth year of Darius Nothus, Iadua till about the 30th year of Artaxerxes Mnemon. Onias till about the 20th year of Artaxerxes Ochus & Simeon justus till about twenty or thirty years after the death of Alexander the great.

Sir Isaac Newton


Sir          March 20

Under the most grateful sense of Your great kindness; & thankful Acknowledgments for your repeated fauours, I humbly beg a Continuance of your Bounty to

Your most obliged Humble       Seruant.
      J: Arnold.


                    Nouember 6th

I beg leaue to trouble you with a line or two which being on a particular Occasion I hope you will be pleas'd to excuse. I haue been 4 or 5 Years at Islington in which Time I haue contracted some small debts; I am now upon clearing them which will be no small satisfaction to me, under a difficulty arising therefrom I apply to your goodness to which I haue receiu'd such great Assistance – I earnestly request your help at this time & tho I forbear using words that may be displeasing thro their too great Earnestness, yet I beg leaue to giue you a solemn Assurance that I will upon no Account be preuaild on to ask your bounty after

this Time – I humbly ask your pardon that I take the Liberty of informing you that 40 shill. would be at this Juncture be of Signal Seruice Sir {illeg}{Y}r most oblidged Humble seruant J: Arnold

7.04″.00 35.20 3.32 7.035.48


They seem here to make two Belus's, the one the father of Ægyptus & Danaus & son of Neptune, the other the father of Osiris Isis & Neptune. And hence came to the opinio & the people of Naxus that there were two Minos's & two Ariadness, the one two generations older then the other, which we have confuted.

The Egyptians here seem to make two Beluses, the one the father of Osiris Isis & Neptune, the other the son of Neptune & father of Ægyptus & Danaus. And hence came the opinion of the people of Naxus, that there were two Minoses & two Ariadnes the one two generations older then the other: which we have confuted. The father of Ægyptus & Danaus was the father of Osiris Isis & Typhon & Typhon was not the grandfather of Neptune but Neptune himself.


Mr of the Crown office
Mr Fowles Clerk to the Comptroller


Sir Isaac Newton


In conjecturing therefore at the length of ancient times by the number of Kings reigning successively, if we allow 20 years a piece for every reign one with as a another as a moderate recconing according to the usual course of nature the seven Kings of Rome preceding the first Consul Iunius Brutus will take up about 140 years & according to this recconing Rome will be founded an 1 Olymp 33 which is just 600 years before the greatness of Iulius Cæsar as Iulian in Saturna libus puts it. And the 14 Kings of the Latines between this period & Æneas will take up 280 years more & so place the death of Æneas about 55 years later then the death of Solomon.

Again over the Mycenæ after Menelaus reigned his daughters husband Orestes who left the kingdom divided between Tisamenes & Penthilus, and Tisamenes was succeeded by Eurysthenes & Procles the sons of Aristademus. After Eurysthenes reigned Agis, Echestratus, Labotas, Doryssus, Agrilaus, Archelaus Telecles, Alcmenes Polydorus, Eurycrates, Anaxander, Eurycrates, Leon, Anaxandrides, Cleomenes, Leonidas. successively & after Procles reigned Soos in another line, Euripon, Prytanis, Eunomus, Polydectes Charillus Nicander Theopompes Zeuxidamus, Anaxidamus, Archidamus, Agasicles, Aristo, Damaratus, Leotychides, Zeuxidamus Archidamus Agis Agesilaus. Leonides in his old age was slain by the Persians in the battel at Thermophylæ an 1 Olymp 75 & Cleomenes was contemporary to the sons of Pisistratus & to Darius Hystaspis. for he freed Athens from the Tyranny of the sons of Pisistratus & imprisoned the Princes of the Island Aegena because they favoured the Medes & had persuaded their citizens to grant fire & water to Darius Hystaspis If To the seventeen kings between Menelaus & Cleomenes we allow a reign of 20 years a piece one with another that is of 340 years in all & count those years backward from the beginning of the reign of Darius Hystaspis the death of Menelaus will fall upon the year of the Iulian Period 3852 which is 120 years after the death of Solomon. And the same recconing may be gathered from another race of seventeen kings of the Spartans between Menelaus & Demarates who was also contemporary to Darius Hystaspis

[58] Again So in the Kingdom of the Spartans after Menelaus reigned successively Orestes & Tisamenus & after them two races of fifteen kings in each untill the reign of Darius Hystaspis. The sixteenth king in one race was Cleomenes & in the other race Demaratus Clomenes & Demaratus were contemporary to Darius Hystaspis so that by a double recconing there were 17 successions of kings between Menelaus & Darius which by recconing 20 years a piece one with another will take up 374 years & so place the death of Menelaus about 120 years after the death of Solomon.

And by taking a mean between this & the former recconing the warr of Troy will be later then the death of Solomon by about 70 years or 80 years.

Plutarch in the life of Homer places the taking of Troy one hundred years before the Olympiads that is 106 years after the death of Solomon.

Virgil represents the voyage of Æneas from Troy contemporary to Dido's reign in Afric & she fled from Tyre to Afric in the 7th year of the reign of her brother Pygmaleon which was 90 years after the <98v> reign of Solomon, as appears by the Tyrian records cited by Iosephus.

Tatian in his book against the Greeks relates[59] that amongst the Phœnicians flourished three historians Theodotus Hypsicrates & Moc whose books were translated into Greek by Asitus, & in all their histories they shewed that under one of the kings happened the rapture of Europa, the voyages of Menelaus into Phœnicia & the & story of Hiram marrying his daughter to Solomon king of th{e} Iews & freely furnished him with all manner of Timber for the Temple: which things Menander of Pergamus also mentions in his writings. [Now the voyage of Menelaus being of no moment to the Phenicians its probable that only the rapture of Europa & league of Hiram were noted by the Phenicians in their Annals.] This record being founded upon the Tyrian Annals of those times seems to me of very great authority. But while the Historians say that all those things happened together under one of the Kings it seems to me that the rapture of Europa & the voyage of Menelaus (which by the series of things done between them were at a greater distance from one another then the length of one kings reign) were not both recorded in the annals. The voyage of Menelaus was not of such moment to the Phenicians that they should record it. The Historians seem to have found only in the Annals the rapture of Europa joyned with the story of the league & friendship between Hiram & Solomō & to have added the voyage of Menelaus as a thing which happened soon after & therefore we may place the rapture of Europa about the 3d or 4th year of Solomons reign. Now if we may reccon that Minos was born about three or four years after the rapture of his Mother Europa, that he was about 25 years old when his eldest son olten ssiō Androgeus was born, that Androgeus was about 24 years old when he became victor at Athens in the Panathænean Agon that the warr of Minos against Athens for the murder of Androgeus took up 3 or 4 years more, that the tribute of Children paid by Athens to Minos every eight years took up 16 years more untill Theseus (in the 3d payment) overcame the Minotaure, That Theseus was then about 30 years old & after 20 years more stole Helena. For he was 50 years old when he stole her & Helena was then unripe being about 10 years old, that after about 10 years more Helena was stole by Paris from her husbfrom Meneales & after 20 years more Troy was destroyed. for in the last year of that warr Homer[60] makes Helena to have been 20 years out of Greece : All these years summed up together make about 122 years between the rapture of Europa & the destruction of Troy, which years being counted from the third or fourth year of Solomons reign when Hiram supplied Solomon with Timber for the Temple, will place the destruction of Troy about 86 years after the death of Solomon.

The like number of years may be gathered by the generations between Europa & the Trojan war. For Sarpedon (King of Lycia) the son of Evandrus the son of Sarpedon the son of Europa was at the Trojan war & so was Idomeneus the son of Deucalion the son of Minos Agamemnon the son of Aerope the daughter of Crateus the son of Minos & Demophoon & Acamas the sons of Phædra the daughter of Minos. And this Minos was the son of Europa. Some make this Minos the grandson of another Minos the son of Europa but


burning. And in this state Greece continued till the Phenicians came with Cadmus in the reign of David & brought in letters corn agriculture metals armour, navigation merchandise Astronomy poetry musick dancing architecture chariots , festivals Olympic games, festivals, sacred rites & mysteries & initiation & humane sacrifice & fairs for buying & selling, & other arts & sciences & customes of Phœnicia. & at the same time gave occasion to the erecting of the Amphictyonic Council. For all these things came up in the reign of David & Solomon. The riches of Phenicia consisted much in metals as may appear by the spoiles which David took from his enemies. He took very much copper from the Syrians the countrymen of Cadmus & Toi king of Hamath sent him a present of all manner of vessels of gold silver & copper & all this David dedicated to the Lord with the silver & gold that he had taken from al the nations, from Syria Edom & Moab & Ammon & the Philistims & Amalec amounting to 100000 talents of gold & 1000000 talents of Silver & brass & iron without weight. And this sort of riches made the Phenicians skillful in minerals & excocting & manufacting metals & put Cadmus & his colonies up searching in mountains for them. And Cadmus found gold & copper whence the copperstone has ever since been called Cadmia. ‡‡And Copper being once found the Phenicians were skilfull in casting it into all sorts of utensils & tools & armour. 1 King 7.14. Erechth found silver whence & from his sacrificing his daughter I gather that he was a Phenician tho Diodorus saith he was an Egyptian. The Idæi Dactyli found Iron in Crete & the making of edged tools thereof, & having found it the Phenicians were skilfull in manufacturing it & for hewing & carving of wood This put the Phenicians upon searching in the mountains of Greece for metals & the invention of iron in Crete for hewing & carving of wood gave Minos an opportunity of building a fleet & gaining the dominion of the Greek seas before any other Prince of greece. At that time time Cinyras invented the Anvil & Hammer & Tongues & Laver & the making of Tyles; & Dædalus & his Nephew Talus       invented the chip Axe & saw & wimble & perpendicular & compas & turning lath & glue the invention of these things set up the trades of smiths & carpenters in Greece which are the foundation of all other manual arts.

Herodotus tells us[61] that the Phenicians who came with Cadmus brought many doctrines into Greece & Strabo[62] that the Idæi Dactyli were the first who found out & wrought iron & invented many other things usefull to life ;[ &[63] that the Telchines also excelled in arts & were among the first who wrought iron & brass & that the Idæi & Techine] & for their skill & knowledge were accounted conjurers. And Clemens Alexandrinus[64] that some of the the Idæi Dactyli were reported to be the first wise men to whom both the letters which they call Ephesian æ the invention of musical rhimes is referred, for which reason they are called Dactyli by Musicians. Clemens calls em Bar barbarians & Phrygians but By their bringing letters into Crete you may know that they were originally Phœnicians & came into Crete about the same time that Cadmus came into Greece touching upon the coast of Phrygia in their way thither , & by those letters being called Ephesian may be gathered that other Phenicians taught the like letters at Ephesus. And what is here said of their bringing in Music & Rhimes is confirmed by Solinus:[65] Studium musicum inde cæptum cum Idæi Dactyli modulos crepitu & tinnitu æris deprehensos in versificum ordinem transtulissent. And Origin:[66] Studium musicum ab Idæis Dactylis captum. By Davids skill on the Harp we learn that the playing on that instrument was in good perfection in Palæstina in the days of Saul & thence it came to pass that soon after the coming of the Phenicians into Europe Amphion a Theban of the family of Cadmus grew famous for his skill on the Harp & was the first among the Greeks who is celebrated for playing on that instrument. And as the Tyrians celebrated games every 4th year in honour of their Hercules[67] so the The Idæi Dactyli instituted[68] Olympic games every 4 years in Crete in honour of their Hercules & were ther first who celebrated such games in Europe whence I learn that they brought in also the Tetraeteris or cycle of four lunisolar years & the Octaeteris or cycle of eight years. For Minos their disciple used the Octaeteris as above. When the Idæi Dactyli came from Phrygia they seem to have left there the Curetes or Corybantes a people perfectly like themselves as were also the Telchines in Rhodes & the Cabiri in Samothrace & Lemnos & Imbrus & the Cities about Troy. The Telchines in Rhodes came last from Cyprus & found out iron & brass in Rhodes & danced in armour & excelled in arts & were accounted conjurers like Idæi Dactyli in Crete & Bochartus proves that the Dij Cabiri in Samothrace were the Gods of Berylus in Phenicia, & that the names of those Gods were Phœnician. & Strabo tells us that some make the Corybantes, the Cabyri, the Idæi Dactyli & the Telchines to be same with the Curetes others make them akin to one another & distinguisht with little


For[69] Arcas was the father of Aphidamas the father of Aleus the father of Lycurgus Cypheus & Auge. And Auge lay with Hercules & Ancæus the son of Lycurgus was the companion of Hercules in the Argonautic expedition & a little after was slain in hunting the Chalydonian boar in the life time of his father Lycurgus. & Echemus the grandson of Cepheus slew Hyllus the son of Hercules. And therefore Arcas [left a left a young child Agapenor who being grown up went to the war at Troy & afterwards led a colony to Cyprus] & Echemus the grandson of Cepheus slew Hyllus the son of Hercules. Arcas was therefore – about four generations or 107 years older then Hercules or about 35 years old in the middle of Davids reign. Ancæus left a young child Agapenor who being grown up went to the war at Troy & afterwards led a colony to Cyprus.

So then Ericthonius is Erechtheus & what ever is said of Erichthonius is to be understood of Erechtheus, as that he was a son of the earth that he was born in the days of the daughters of Cecrops & & that he was the first among the Greeks who joynd four horses in a chariot & instituted the Games of racing called Athenæa & afterwards Panathenæa & that he conspired against Amphictyon & opprest him. Pausan l. 1. c. 2. Diodorus calls Erechtheus an Egyptian. But considering that he came into Greece about the same time with Cadmus & the Phenicians & instituted the said games be kept every 4 or 8 years, & sacrificed his daughter I take him to be a Phœnician.

6 Before the coming of Cadmus into Greece the Greeks had neither Chariots nor artificers to make any & therefore Erechthonius was not ancienter then Cadmus

Amphictyon primes filius Hellenis secundus filius Deucalionis. Dionys.

Some say that Triptolemus was the son of Rharus by the daughter of Amphictyon (Hesych in Ράρœς. Pausan. in Atticis but thats to be understood by the interposition of Celeus, for the Athenians accounted Triptolemus the son of Celeus (Pausan ib. Servius.         ) & Pampus an old Poet says he was the son of Celeus & Meganira (Pausan l 1 c 39.

6 The Greeks had no chariots before the Coming of Cadmus nor smiths & carpenters to make any, the invention of iron being later. And therefore twas Erechtheus who joynd 4 horses to a chariot

7 Amphictyon the successor of Cranaus was the son of Hellen & by consequence contemporary to Æolus Dorus & Xuthus the other sons of Hellen & to Erechtheus their contemporary There was another Amphictyon the son of Deucalion in the days of Bacchus.

So then what the Greeks say of Erechthonius.

At that time the Tyrians in the Islands Gades in the Island of that name without in the ocean the mouth of the straits & there they built also a Temple to the Tyrian Hercules & adorned it with various sculptures & gifts as of the twelve labours of Hercules & his Hydra & the Horses to whom he threw Diomedes to be devoured & the golden belt of Teuces & the golden olive of Pygmalion with smaragdine berrys by the guifts of Teucer & Pygmaleon you may know that this Temple was built in their reign days Pliny Solinus & Isidorus tell us that Erythrea at Gades had its name from the Tyrians who came from the Erythræan sea that is from the Erythræans who sailed in the fleet of Hiram & Solomon but afterwards quitted those seas & came to the mediterranean. For Iehosaphat built ships at Ezion Geber to go to Tarshish in the reign of Ahaziah king of Israel who reigned but two years & died about two years before the reign of Pigmaleon But the ships were broken & went not: For the Edomites who had hitherto been governed by a deputy revolted & set up a king of their own, & by this revolted & set up a king of their own, & by this revolt the merchants of Iudah & Tyre were driven from the red sea. Hitherto Sidon had traded on the mediterranean & Tyre on the red sea, there being friendship between the Iews & Tyrians. And this is the reason why Homer celebrates Sidon for arts & navigation but makes no mention of Tyre But now the Tyrians being driven from the red sea began to make long voiages on the mediterranean going to places not yet possest by the Sidonians & became more famous for their navigation upon it then the Sidonians did before. & gave the names of Erythia to Gades & of Tartessus or Tarshish to the river Bætis which flows into the ocean near Gades & to the Island & City at the mouth of that river. For here the Phœnicians Tyrians at their first coming found very much silver & therefore looked upon this place at their new Tarshish [Hence also it came to pass that that the name of Tartessus or Tarshish was given to the river Bætis which flows into the ocean neare Gades & to the Island & city in the mouth of thar river For here the Phœnicians at their first coming found very much silver with it & therefore looked upon this place as their new Tarshish.] Aristotel (in libris mirabilium) tells us that the first Phenicians when they sailed to Tartassus purchassed so much silver for oyle & other naval trash that the ships could not carry it away, & therefore at their departure they made all their utensils <100r> {and}even their anchors of silver In capiter Bœticæ insula a continenti septingentis passibus memoratur quam Tyrij a mari rubo profecti Erythream, Pæni sua lingua Gadir id est sepem noncinarunt Solin cap 26. Erythia dicta est quoniam Tyrij aborigines earum, orti a rubro mari ferebantur Plin l. 4. c. 22

Pelops was the father of Pittheus the father of Æthra the mother of Theseus & therefore above 55 years older then Theseus. He was also the father of Atreus & Thyestes who dyed about 56 years after the death of Solomon. And therefore scarce above 75 years older then Theseus Let him be suppose about 65 years older then Theseus & he will be born about the 6t year of David.

Whence I gather that Amphion killed Lycus something above two 2 generations before the Argonautic expedition, one of which generations being being by the other may be recconed at 28 years suppose about the 15 year of Solomons reign. Not much later because he afterwards married Niobe the the sister of Pelops & Theseus was the son of Æthra the daughter of Pittheus the son of Pelops & therefore Pelops was above 56 years older then Theseus & so was born before the 13th year of David. Non much sooner

Niobe was therefore about two generations older then the Argonauts but her brother Pelops was three generations older then Theseus being the father of Pittheus the father Æthra the mother of Theseus, & yet but one generation older then Atreus & Thyestes who died about 18 or 20 years before the destruction of Troy. All which may be true supporting Pelops born about the 10th year of Davids reign & Niobe about 25 years after. For Laius being two generation (or about 52 years) older then Eteocles & Polynices & as many younger then Polydorus was born about the eighth year of Solomons reign & his birth interceded the birth of Amphion & Zethus & the slaughter of Lycus & if placed in the midd way between them Amphion will be born the 37th year of David & so be younger then his wife Niobe.

– was one of the Argonauts. Amphion with almost all his family perished by the plague & Zethus soon after dying the Thebans – – – – born at Thebes. Polynices the second son of Oedipus fled to Argos in the reign of his father & there married the daughter of Adrastus king of Argos & upon the death of Oedipus returned to Thebes, but falling out – – – – leaving Tisamenus a son under age to succeed him. [Now for stating the times of these things I would suppose that the the war of the 7 captains was as much after the Argonautic expedition as the war of their sons was before the beginning of the Trojan war that is about 47 years after the death of Solomon. And That the birth of Laius was in the mid way between the birth of Polydorus & that of Etrocles & Polynices that is about the 7th year of Solomon, & that it was also in the mid way between the birth of Amphion & Zethus, & the death of Lycus therefore Amphion & Zethus were born & Nicteus & Epopeus slain about the 37th year of David. And that Niobe was of about the same age with her husband Amphion & that her brother Pelops was about 25 years older. For Niobe was two generations older then the Argonauts being the mother of Chlores the mother of Periclimenus: & Pelops was three generations older then Theseus being the father of Pittheus the father of Æthra the mother of Theseus & yet he was but one generation older then Atreus & Thyestes who died about 57 years after the death of Solomon.] If the birth of Lau

The death of Hercules happened four years before the stealing of Helena by Paris according to Clemens, & soon after his death happened [first the battel between Theseus & Hyllus on one side & Eurystheus king of the Mycenians on the other wherein the Heraclides by the assistance of the Athenians overcame the Mycenians & slew Eurystheus] successively the deaths of Eurystheus, Hyllus, Atreus & Tyestes. {For} Eurystheus king of the Mycenæ was slain in the battel by the Heraclides & Athenians under Hyllus & Theseus, Then Hyllus was slain in a single combat by Echemus, & then Atreus died & Paris stole Hellena about 57 years after the death of Solomon.


In the meane time Pharaoh Necho the successor of Psammiticus came also with a great army out of Egypt against the King of Assyria & being denyed passage through Iudea beat the Iews at Megiddo or Magdolus before Egypt, slew Iosiah their king, marched to Carchemish or Cercusitum a town of Mesopotamia upon Euphrates & took it, possest himself of the cities of Syria, sent for Iehoahaz the new king of Iudah to Riblah or Antioch, deposed him there, made Iehojakim king in the room of Iosiah & put the kingdom of Iudah to tribute.

But a[70] Nebuchadnezzar a[71] assisted by Astibares, king of the Medes in the c[72] third year of Iehojakim, the bb[73] year after they had destroyed Nineveh, a[74] came with an army of Babylonians, Medes Syrians, Moabites & Ammonites {to} the number of 10000 chariots, 180000 foot & 120000 horse & laid wast Samaria Galilee Scythopolis & the Iews in Galaatis & soon after Ierusalem also & took king Ioacim alive, & carried to Babylon some of the people & what gold silver & brass they found in the Temple, & in the 4th of Iehojakim routed the army of Pharaoh at Carchemish by Euphrates & took from the king of Egypt whatever appertained to him from the river of Egypt to the river of Euphrates. And whilst he was pursuing these victories heard of the death of his Father Nabopolassar and thereupō returned to Babylon leaving his army with his servants as b[75] Berosus relates. And from henceforward Iudea – – lived in servitude under the King of Babylon & served him seventy years untill the first year of Cyrus. And tho their Kings Iehojakim & Zedekiah rebelled against him yet it prospered not for the King of Babylon came against them with an army & took Iehojakim in the 8th year of his reign & sackt Ierusalem & burnt the Temple in the 4 & 5t Months of the 19th year which was a sabbatical year. By all which circumstances his first year began in autumn towards the end of the 139th year of Nabonassar, & the 4th year of Iehojakim began about the same a month or two before

And the Kingdom of Assyria was again grown to its greatness. For a[76] Berosus saith that Nebuchadnezzar held Ægypt Syria Phœnicia & Arabia. & b[77] Strabo adds Arbela to to the territories of Babylon & thus describes the limits of this Empire. Contiguous saith he to Persia & Susiana are the Assyrians For so they call Babylonia & the greatest part of the region about it part of which is Aturia (wherein is Nineve) & Apolloniatis & Elymais & the Parætacæris & Chaonetis by the mountain Zagrus & the fields neare Nineve & Dolomena & Chalachena Chazena Adiabena & the Nations of Mesopotamia neare the Gondiæi & Mygdones about Nisibis unto Zeugma upon Euphrates & a large region on this side Euphrates inhabited by the Arabians & Syrians properly so called as far as Cilicia & Phœnicia & Libya & the Sea of Egypt & the Sinus Issicus. And a little after describing the extent of Babylonian regions he bounds it on the north with Armenia & Media, on the east with Elymais & Susa & on the south with the Persian gulf. So that Babylon seems to have reigned over the same territories with Nineveh excepting that upon the destruction of Nineveh & sharing of its territories between the Medes & Babylonians the Babylonians contented themselves with Assyria properly so called & Mesopotamia & what lay more westward & left Susiana & Elymais & what lay more eastward to the Medes.

Herodotus gives another estimate of this Monarchy by its proportion to that of the Medes & Persians telling us that <101v> that [78] whilst every region over which the King of Persia reigns is distributed for the nourishment of his army besides the tributes, of the 12 months of the year the Babylonian region nourishes him four & all the rest of Asia eight. So the power of this region is equivalent to the third part of Asia; & its principality (which the Persians call a satrapy, is far the best of all the Provinces.

As Nebuchadnezzar translated the dominion of Nineveh to Babylon very much so he enlarged & adorned the city in proportion to its new dominion, building magnificent walls about it & stately palaces & pensil gardens as Berosus relates & accordingly he boasted Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the house of the Kingdom by the might of my power & for the honour of my mighty majesty Dan. 4.30.

Sennacherib lost his army in the 14 year of Hezekiah (2 King 18.13) & returning to Nineveh was there slain a few months after 2 King 19.35, 37 ( Tobit 1.18, 21) & therefore Asserhaddon began his reign in the 15 year of Hezekiah. in the sabbatic year (2 King 19 29) & year of Nabonassar 33. He reigned at Nineveh till the years of Nabonassar 68 & 13 years more over both Nineveh & Babylon in all 48 years & then Sasduchinus succeded him anno Nabonas. 81 & reigned 20 years & was succeeded by Chinil-adam an Nabonas. 101 who who after 22 years was succeeded An. Nabonass 123 at Babylon by Nebu-pul-assar & at Nineveh by Assar-adan-pul usually called Sardanapalus. And in the 16th year of their reign & second year of Iojakim king of Iudah Nineveh was destroyed & the next year Syria & Phœnicia taken from Egypt by the joynt power of Nebuchadnezzar & Astibares or Ashueres king of the Medes. And these conquests being finished the king of the Medes returned home & Nebuchadnezzar being now lord of Assyria & all the regions westward as far as Mediterranean sea & Egypt, was by the Iews henceforward recconed king of these his conquests, the first year of this his reign, being the 4th of Iehojakims & 35t of Iosiahs (Ier 25.1, 3.) that is the 140th of Nabonassar. & henceforward Iudea served the King of Babylon.

[In the eight year of his reign he beseiged Ierusalem & Iehojakim & carried him to Babylon (2 King 24.12) In the 19th year of his reign                            in the 4t month on the 9th day of the month he took Ierusalem & in the 5t month & 7th day of the month Nebuzar-adan burn the Temple & in the 37th year of the captivity of Iehojakim that is the 45th of Nebuchadnezzar's reign over Iudea in the 12th month on the 27th day of the Month his son & successor Evilmerodach in the first year of his reign brought Iehojakim out of prison & treated him honourably all the days of his life. Evilmerodach (according to Berosus & Ptolomys Canon) reigned two years, Nergalasser 4 years Laborosoardach or Belshasser 9 months & Nabonedus the Mede 17 years. All which added to the 45 year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign over Iudea brings you to the 69th year]


Now in the first year of Nebu

He refers the founding of this Empire to the times of that Belus or Baal who was worshipped in all the east, & of Ninus his son from whom the city Ninus had its name & Semiramis the wife of Ninus, whereas Herodotus tells us that Semiramis lived but 5 ages before Nitocr{is} who was contemporary to Nebuchadnezzar & Labyrinthus for so he calls Nabonedus the last king of Babylon. And we understand out of scripture that the founder of Nineve built divers cities without calling them by his name & that the Belus

Among the nations which he conquered are to be recconed Susiana. So Æschylus

Μῆδος γáρ ἦν ὁ πρῶτος ἡγεμὼν στρατοῦ.

Τὸ δὲ ἄστυ Συσων ἐξεκηόνωσε πεσόν.

Αλλὸς δὲ ἐκέινου παῖς τὸ δ' ἔργον ἤνυση.

Τρίτος δὲ ἀπ' ἀυτοῦ Κῦρος ἐυδαίμων ἀνής.

The first who led the army was a Mede

He emptied the falling city of Susa

The next his son perfected the work

The third from him Cyrus, a happy man.

The Poet recites only the great warriors Phraortes Cyaxares & Cyrus & between Cyaxss & Cyrus omits the peacefull reign of Astyages.

Phraortes therefore being routed & slain, his son Cyaxares (otherwise calle

– of his father Nabopolasser king of Babylon took & demolished that City. This action the Greeks usually ascribe to the Medes, the Iews to the Babylonians Tobit Tobit, Herodotus, Iosephus (Antiq l. 10. c. 5.) & Ctesias to both. Herodotus a little after the middle of his first book acribes it to the Medes & towards the end of that book to the Babylonians & by consequence to both. Ctesias has distorted the history by making it almost 300 years older then it was & giving feigned names of Arbaces & Belochus to the King of the Medes & commander of the Babylonians who overthrew that city For he feigned names at pleasure & made all things too ancient.

Ctesias has made that Monarchy much too ancient, Belus Ninus & Semiramis he makes as old as that Belus who was worshipped in all the east.

The Babylonian year was of the same form with the Egyptian & began on the very same day Vide Marsh. p. 310) so thatin the year of Christ 138 (Ant. Pio & Bruttio Præsente Coss) the first day of the first Ægyptian month Thoth fell on the 20th of Iuly & so did also the first day of year of Nabonassar (Censorin de die Natali c 18 & 21) Now the first year of Nabonassar began Feb 26, & 128 years before the Era of Nab. this year began 32 days later that is on March 30 which was then the vernal Equinox.

In the sepulcher of Osimandes King of Thebes Ægypt was a circle overlaid with gold a cubit thick & 365 cubits in compass & the days of the year were distinguisht & inscribed on the several cubits with the rising & setting of the stars & their signification according to the doctrine of the Egyptian Astrologers. So sumptuos a monument would scarce have been erected by this king had it not been in memory of somthing done by himself & therefore I reccon that he reformed the Egyptian year & brought it to 365 days For that Egyptian year began at the vernal Equinox in <102v> the time of this kings reign, & therefore was either constituted by him or else was much older then the Egyptian Monarchy If you refer the beginning of it to the autumnal equinox twas an hundred years older then Moses, if to the rising of the dog star twas 300 years older then Sesach, if to the vernal Equinox it began in the year of the Iulian period 3829 which is not probable or (& for 3 years after) on the first of April which was then the first day after the Vernal Equinox. And if Memnon was born after the return of Sesostris out of Asia into Egypt (as he should be by the story of Tithonus the brother of Priam) he could not be then above 60 or 70 or at most 86 years old. His actions & works abroad & at home make him long lived & a[79] Damis saith that he died in Æthiopia (so he calls Thebais) when he had reigned γενεὰς πέντε five generations. After he had finished his wars & other works abroad its probable that in the latter part of his life he built those very magnificent structures of the Labyrinth & his own sepulcher & reformed the year. The Egyptians afterwards observing more accurately the length of the year by the Heliacal rising of the stars & particularly of the dog star & thereby finding that the year of 365 days was not exact but wanted a quarter of a day, so that 1460 solar years were equal to 1461 of these Egyptian years, they formed a great revolution consisting of 1461 Egyptian years to begin & end when the heliacal rising of the Dog free on the 1st day of the Egyptian year. & this revolution & renovation of the year is the famous Annus magnus of the Ancients. They did not rectify their year by adding a day in 4 years but only formed the Annus magnus in which the beginning of their year would run round the Zodiack. Their way of determining the length of the year by the rising of the stars shews that they had not yet observed the difference between the solar & the sidereal year not the precession of the equinoxes & by conseq. that Astronomy was then but in its infancy.

Had this year been older then the reigne of Amenophis he would have known that it was too short by a quarter of a day so as to make the stars in every 4 years change the day of their rising & setting & by conseq. he would not have noted & by consequence not have noted the rising & setting of the stars on certain days of this year in a monument which he designed to be lasting. [For after he had instituted this year, the

His noting their rising & setting of the stars on on certain days of the year shews] It shews also that he determined the length of this year by their rising & setting & by consequence understood not the difference between the solar & the sidereal year nor the precession of the Equinox. So that Astronomy was then in its infancy & may reccon him its founder.

Censorinus tells us that the oldest year in Egypt was two months & that afterwards king Ison made it of 4 months & novissime Ammon ad tridecom [ergo Amenomem ad duodecim] menses & dies quinque perduxisse, & lastly Amenomes brought it to 12 months & 5 days.


Vpon the first building

Before the Phenicians introduced the deifying of dead men the Greeks had a Court of Elders in every town for the government for the government & worship of the town. thereof & a Prytaneum where the Elders & people worshipped their God And when many of these towns for their common safety united under a common council, they erected a common Court in one of the towns with a Prytaneum where the Council & people met at certain times to consult of their common safety &{c} worship their common God with sacrifices & to buy & sell. The towns where these Councils met the Greeks called δήμοι or Corporation towns & at length when many of these δήμοι for their common safety united by consent under a common Council , they erected a Court in one of the δήμοι with a Prytaneum for the Council & people to meet in & consult & worship & feast & buy & – sell, & this δήμοι they walled about for its safety & called it τῆν πόλην the city. And this was the first original of villages, market towns, cities, common Councils, Vestal Temples, feasts & Fairs in Europe. The Prytanea were places of worship with a perpetual fire for sacrificing. From the word ἡστία fire came the name Vesta which at length the people turned into a Goddess, & so, became fire-worshippers like the ancient Persians. And when these Councils made war upon their neighbours, they had a General commander to lead their armies, & he became their king.

So Thucydides a[80] tells us that under Cecrops & the ancient kings untill Theseus, Attica always was inhabited city by city, having magistrates & Prytanea Neither did they consult the king when there was no fear of danger but each apart administred their own common wealth & had their own Council. Yea some ( as the Eleusinians with Eumolphus against Erechtheus) did sometimes make war. But when Theseus a prudent & potent man obteined the kingdom he took away the Courts & Magistrates of other cites & made them all meet in one Council & Prytaneum at Athens. Polemon as he is cited by b[81] Strabo tells us that in this body of Attica there were 170 δήμοι one which was Eleusis. And c[82] Philochorus relates that when Attica was infested by sea & land by the Cares & Bœoti, Cecrops the first of any man reduced the multitude (that is the 170 towns) into twelve cities whose names were Cecropia Tetrapolis, Epacria, Decella, Eleusis, Aphydna, Thoricus, Brauron, Cytharus, Sphettus, Cephissia, & Phalerus, & that Theseus afterwards contracted these twelve cities into one which was Athens..

The original of the kingdom of the Argives was much after the same manner. For, saith a[83] Pausanias, Phoroneus the son of Inachus was the first who gathered into one community the Argives who till then were scattered & lived every where apart: & the place where they were first assembled was called Phoronicum, the city of Phoroneus. And b[84] Strabo saith that Homer calls all the places which he reccons up in Peloponnesus, a few excepted, not cities but regions because each of them consisted of a convention of many δήμοι free towns, out of which afterwards noble cities were built & frequented. So the Argives composed Mantinea in Arcadia out of five towns, & Tegea out of nine. And out of so many was Heræa built by Cleombrotus or by Cleonymus. So also Ægium was built out of seven or eight towns, Patræ out of seven, Dyme out of eight; & so Elis was erected by the conflux of many towns into one city. // And Pausanias c[85] tells us that the Arcadians accounted Pelasgus the first man & that he was their first king & taught the ignorant people to build houses for defending themselves from heat & cold & rain & to make them garments of skins, & instead of hearbs & roots <103v> which were sometimes noxious, to eat the acorns of the beech tree: & that his Son Lycaon built the oldest city in all Greece. And Dionysius Halicarnassæus tells us that Oenotrus the youngest son of Lycaon coming into Italy & having found there a large region fit for pasture æ tillage, but yet for the most part uninhabited, & where it was inhabited peopled but thinly: in a certain part of it purged from the barbarians, he built cities little & numerous in the mountains: which manner of building was familiar to the ancients. These towns were without walls, but after this colony grew numerous & began to want room they expelled the Siculi & compassed many cities with walls & became possest of all the territory between the two rivers Liris & Tiber. And it is to be understood that these cities had their Councils & Prytanæa. For Dionysius [86] tells us also that the new kingdom of Rome as Romulus left it, consisted of thirty Courts or Councills in so many towns each with the sacred fire kept in the Prytanæum of the Court for the Senators who met there to perform sacred rites after the manner of the Greeks. Whence the Senators were called Curialis. But when Numa the successor of Romulus reigned, he leaving the several fires in their own courts instituted one common to them all in Rome.

So then upon the coming of Colonies from Egypt & the eastern countries they began to build poor houses & villages in Greece in the days of Eli & Samuel, & these villages began to assemble themselves into δήμοι in the days of Samuel & David & these δήμοι to unite under cities in the days of David Solomon & Rehoboan. And this practice was carried into Italy in the latter end of the days of David, by Oenotrus the youngest son of Lycaon, the first man who carried a colony from Greece into Italy & was probably the Ianus of the Latines. And thence it went into Sicily.. And it has been since carried into Gall & Spain & after in the time of the Greek & Roman Empires it has been carried over the Danube & Rhene into Scythia & Germany every city of Germany having its own king till the cities with their kings united under common Councils against the Romans & by that means grew at length into greater Communities & over-ran the Roman Empire. & therein set up the kingdoms of the Francks, Suevians, Alemans, Saxons, Burgundians Lombards Vandals Alans & Goths.

And in the same manner the building of houses, Villages, Δήμοι, & Cities, seems to have been propated from Egypt into Libya & Afric in the reign of Samuel David, Solomon & Rehoboam. For Diodorus [87] tells that the Atlandides (a people of Libya upon the greater Syrtes) reported that Vranus (the husband of Titæa & grandfather of Helio & Selene, that is Ammon the king of Egypt who first conquered that country) was their first king & caused the people who then wandred up & down, to dwell in towns & cities & reduced from a lawless & savage course of life & taught them to use & lay up the fruits of the earth, & many other things usefull for mans life. And Strabo describes the ancient kingdoms between

Carthage & Mauritania to have continued small & numerous till the Romans invaded them. And the People of Mauritania continued to worship the ancient kings of their cities & provinces till the days of Tertullian & Cyprian.[88]


So also in Sicily the Sicanians who were the first inhabitants of that Island, a[90] built little villages or towns upon the hills, & every town had its own king. And by this meanes they spread themselves over the country before they formed themselves into larger governments with a common king. The a[91] seven Islands on the north of Sicily called Æolides, were then uninhabited & Liparus peopled them from Italy about one generation before the Trojan war. Malta & Gaulus or Gaudus on the south side For of Sicily were first peopled by Phenicians & so was Madera without the straits a little after the Trojan war. The Cyclade islands were at first desolate & uninhabited but Minos peopled many of them with colonies from Crete & particularly Carpathus was first seized by the soldies of Minos. Syme lay waste till Triops came thither with a colony under Chthonius. Strongylæ or Naxus was at first desart & inhabited only by a great multitude of terrible wild beasts. Aristæus who married Autonoe the daughter of Cadmus carried a colony from Thebes into Cæa an island not inhabited before. The island Rhodes was at first called Ophiusa being full of serpents before Phorbas a Prince of Argos went thither & made it habitable by destroying the serpents: in memory of which he is delineated in the heavens in the Constellation of Ophiuchus. And even the Island Cyprus – – – – iron in the reign of Asterius or Manos

From all which it seems to me that the Phenicians & Egyptians did not begin to leave the sea coasts & sail by the starrs before the days of Eli or Samuel; that the Sidonians then discovered the Island Cyprus & soon after began to sail as far as Greece & to trade with the Greeks & carried away Io the daughter of Inachus & brought Colonies & shipping into Crete & Greece & began to discover the Greek islands. All this was in the days of of Inachus & in those of Asterius Europa & Cadmus & soon after Sesostris came out of Egypt & invaded Spain & Greece. The Tyrians at that time traded upon the red sea being in friendship with David & Solomon But upon the revolt of Edom from Iudea which was presently after the death of Iehosaphat, they left the red sea & began to sail upon the Mediterranean & built Carthage & some towns in Spain & peopled Malta & Gaudes , & going out of the straits discovered Madera & Britain till then unpeopled. And before the Mediterranean began to be navigated, its probable that Europe was peopled only by a few wandering Scythians from the north side of the Euxine sea. And this much concerning the Originals of Europe.



The Greeks therefore began to build houses in the days of Pelasgus the father of Lycaon & by consequence about two generations before the flood of Deucalion & the coming of Cadmus. Till then the Greeks lived in woods & caves of the earth. The first houses were of clay till the brothers Euryalus & Hyperbius taught them to harden the clay into bricks by burning & to build therewith. In the days of Pelasgus, Ezeus, Inachus, Lelex, & Phorbas they began to build villages of clay, & in the days of Lycaon, Phoroneus, Ægyalu, Phegeus Eurotas, Myles & Cecrops & their sons to assemble the villages into δήμοι & the δήμοι into cities.


Sethosis was the brother of Armais & these two were otherwise called Ægyptus & Danaus. Manetho apud Iosephum. 1 contra Apion. Sesostris by reason of his great conquests was celebrated in several nations by several names. The Arabians called him Bacchus which in their language signifies the great Symbol (tilted hashtag) in text < insertion from f 105v > Symbol (tilted hashtag) in text All agree that Bacchus was a king of Ægypt & that he was the same king with Osiris. < text from f 105r resumes > The Chaldeans called him Belus which signifies the Lord. The Phrygians & Thracians called him Ma-fors, Ma-vors, Mars which signifies the valiant < insertion from f 105v > ✝ And hence the Amazons which he left at the river Thermoodon called themselvers the daughters of Mars. < text from f 105r resumes > < insertion from f 105v > ✝ And so did his Amazons whom he carried from Thrace & left at Thermodon For they called themselves the daughters of Mars. < text from f 105r resumes > The Egyptians before his reign called him their Hero or Hercules & after his death dedicated their river to him & deified him by its names Sihor, Ægyptus, Nilus, & the Greeks hearing them lament O-sires & Bu-Sires called him Osiris & Busiris


Manetho a[92] tells us that Sethosis was the brother of Amnis & made great conquests & that these two were otherwise called Ægyptus & Danaus.


The Right Honorabell Sir Isack Newton at his House in St Martens Street In London



And thus you see the truth of what we cited o, videlicet we cited above out of Achilles Tatius that some anciently placed the solstice in the eighth degree of Cancer, others about the twelft degree & others about the fifteenth degree thereof.


The suns Apoge was in 7. 44. 30 in the year of Christ 1700 & in an hundred years goes forward 17'. 40.' in respect of the fixt starrs & therefore about 880 years before Christ (when Hesiod flourished) was.

In the last day of December at noon A.C. 1700 the suns Apoge was in 7°. 44'. 30". And the star Arcturus was in 20 18'. 52". with north Latitude 30. 57'. 00". And the suns Apoge moves forward 17'. 40". in an hundred years in respect of the fixt starrs & therefore about 880 years before Christ when Hesiod flourished, that is 2580 years before the year of Christ 1700, Arcturus was distant from the Suns Apoge in longitude 3s. 20° .10' .10".

In the last day of December at noon A.C. 1700 the suns Perige was in 7°. 44'. 30". And the star Arcturus was in 20°. 18'. 52". with north Latitutde 30° 57'. 00". And the Suns Perige moves forward 17' 40" in an hundred years in respect of the fixt stars, & therefore about 880 years before Christ when Hesiod flourished, that is about 2580 years before the year of Christ 1700 the Suns Perige was distant from Arcturus in longitude 2sign. 9gr. 49'. 50".

In the last day of December at noon A.C. 1700 the star Arcturus was in 20gr. 18'. 52". with north latitude 30gr. 57.' 00". & the suns perige was in 7gr. 44'. 30". being 2sig.. 17°. 26'. 52" distant from Arcturus in longitude. Hesiod flourished about 880 years before Christ, & 2580 years before the year of our Lord 1700, & the Perigee of the Sun moves forward 17'. 40". in an hundred years in respect of the fixt starrs & 7gr. 35'. 48" in 2580 years, & therefore in Hesiods days the Perigee of the Sun was 2sign.. 9gr. 49'. 50". distant from Arcturus in longitude.

In the last day of December at noon A.C. 1700 the winter solstice was in 12gr. 20'. 35". 13'''. & the first star of in 28gr. 59'. 20".

In the last day of December at noon A.C. 1700 the star Arcturus was in 20gr. 3'. 2" with north latitude 30gr. 57' 00' & the sun's Perige was in 7gr. 44'. 30", being 2sig.. 17°. 41'. 28" distant from Arcturus in Longitude, & the winter solstice was in 12°. 20'. 35" & by consequence 2s. 22°. 17'. 33". distant from Arcturus in longitude. Hesiod flourished about 879 before Christ & 2580 before the year of our Lord 1701. And the Perigee of the Sun moves forward 17' 40" in an hundred years in respect to the fixt starrs, & 7gr.. 35'. 48" in 2580 years: & therefore in Hesiods days was distant from Arcturus 2s. 10°. 5'. 40". And the winter solstice of the sun moves backwards 50" in a year & 35gr 50' in 2580 years & therefore in the days of Hesiod was distant from Arcturus 3sign. 28gr. 7'. 33". in longitude


Apoge was then in 29. In those sixty days the sun would move from the winter solstice into 0gr. 48'. counting the signes &c from the middle of the constellation of Capricorn. And the opposite point of the Ecliptic which rose at the same time with Arcturus would be in 0gr. 48' – that this excess is         . Which being added to 0gr. 48' gives the longitude of Arcturus        . When the sun sets visibly his upper limb is 33' below the horizon – – – – – gives its correct longitude in 13gr                 – would be in 0°. 48'. In the end of the year 1700 – Decemb. 31 at sunset Arcturus was in = 20°. 02'. 14". And in the 2638 years since the Argonautic expedition the equinoxes were gone back 2638 x 50" or 36gr. 38'. 20". And therefore in the time of that expedition Arcturus was then in 13. 23. 54'.


just at sunset. And they that examin this matter will find it true suppsing that Hesiod flourished about 30 years after the taking of Troy or 875 years before the birth of Christ

– & visiting Thales of Miletus & upon his return to Athens Pisistratus began to affect the Tyranny of that city which made Solon travel a second time. And now he was invited by Cræsus to Sardes. And Cræsus before Solon visited him, had subdued all Asia minor as far as to the river Halys: & therefore he received that visit towards the latter part of his reign. And we may placed it upon the ninth year therof, Anno 3 Olymp. 57; & the legislature of Solon twelve yeares earlier Ann. 3 Olymp 54, & that of Draco still ten years earlier Ann 3. Olymp. 51 51 . After Solon had visited Cræsus he went into Cilicia & some other places & died in his travels, & this was in the second year of the Tyranny of Pisistratus. Comias was Archon when Solon returned from his first travells to Athens & the next year Hegistratus was Archon, & Solon died before the end of the year Ann 3 Olymp. 57. And by this recconing the Objection of Plutarch above mentioned is removed.

Suppose it 280 years after & the building of Syracuse 310, years before the end of Peloponesian war; & that invasion will be 590 years before the end of that war, , that is in the 27th year of Solomon or thereabout. Hellanicus tells us

This method may be used alone where other arguments are wanting. But where they are not wanting, the best argument is to be preferred.

♎ 20.18.52″.15′.38″. ♎°.38′.20″ 0000000000♍ 13.023054

19×50″=950 000000000970(16.10

19×50″15′.50″ 000450019×20″=380″ 0005000000060)400(6.′40″ 000950.50 0000036°.44′.40″

0 1s.029°.08′.010″ 0001.040.0′42′52 0 1700 938 2638×50″ 0 0 0 131900″=2198′.20″=36°0.38′.20″ 36.44.30 0000000000000020.18.52 00000Arcturus in ♍13.24.22

0001.02.V2.V2V2=V998. 0 1.1682.2 0 80000 40000 400~0 384~0 1600 1689 1124 2500 1500 200 5 4205 0 00(2829290(169 05658102 022632000016901681 000665817 000254611191014010086 800324100015210013448 002856102822400 001600 02824051 1682 10092 013456 0003364 2829124

For The Right worshipfull Sir Isack Newton master of the mint At {Albutone} Buildings in Kinsington,
present These


As the twelve tribes of Israel were represented in Iacobs blessing by various Beasts & other creatures & continued distinct in Egypt & at length had distinct seats allotted them in Canaaan, so the first men who peopled Egypt were doubtles seated in several parts of Egypt according their severall tribes & families & every tribe conserved the name of its first father and had its sȳbol & & temple & worship & common assembly And this I take to be the original of the Nomes of Egypt. To represent things by hieroglypics or symbols was the sacred language of the ancient Egyptians, & the same language is frequently used by the old Prophets as by putting beasts of the field & birds of the air & Fishes of the sea & swarms of insects & forrests & gardens of trees to signify kingdoms & bodies politick fire to signify warr which consumes them, the sun moon & starrs the signify the king & his people & Princes Heaven & earth & the places therein to signify dignities & stat{ions} in the kingdom high or low & sometimes the people in those places , & so of the rest. In this language Iacob exprest the blessings of his sons & & Thoth (the inventor of the Language) gave characters to the fathers of the Tribes of Egypt, And under these characters or hieroglyphics the several tribes or Nomes honoured their first fathers, & worshipped them as Gods. And this I take to be the reason of the Egyptians worshipping their Gods in the shapes & species of Birds, Beasts, Fishes & Plants. [And tho their Temples at first (as Lucian tells us) might want the images of these things yet they wanted them not long.] For the making & worshipping such images was referred to & & prohibited in the second commandment when Israel was newly come out of Egypt & therefore was older then the days of Moses. By the fable of the Gods of Egypt being invaded by the Giants at the death of Osiris & out of feare hiding themselves in the shapes of various birds beasts & fishes the worship is represented as old as the reign of Isis & Thoth the successors of Osiris . And the antiquity thereof is also confirmed by – – – – many others.

The antiquity of these institutions appears by the names & founders of the cities of Egypt & by the fable of the transmutation of the Gods of Egypt into various beasts . For in Egypt alone, saith Diodorus, among all the countries in the world are many cities built by the ancient.

In these beasts the Egyptians worshipped their Gods & & by an old fable of the Gods of Egypt flying from the Gyants at the death of Osiris & hiding themselves in the shapes of these beasts , the worship is represented as old as the reign of Isis & Thoth. And the antiquity thereof is also confirmed by the names & founders of the cities of Egypt. For in Egypt only saith Diodorus l. 1. among all the countries in the world are many cities built by the ancient Gods, as by Iupiter, Sol, Mercury, Apollo, Pan Elithia & many others. And thus Egypt according to the number of families amongst whom the land was at first divided became distinguished into tribes or nations every tribe or nation having its own God & Altar & people & religion & Solemn assembly. And this I take to be the original of the various Nomes. For how careful the first ages were to conserve the names of their first fathers by which the earth was peopled & to keep their Tribes distinct may be seen in the twelve tribes of Israel during their stay in Egypt & afterwards & by Iacob's blessing given to each tribe apart.



Isaac Newton liuing in Garmans Street near the Tub Tauern

The first meeting of them in Egypt is attributed to Thoth by a double testimony, that of Sanchionatho who saith that Mercury invented the figures of the Gods & that of an old story of the Gods being invaded by the Giants at the death of Osiris & out feare hiding themselves in the various shapes of those animals in which they were afterwards worshipped. By this story the figures of Gods were invented in the reign of Isis who by the advise of Mercury made laws for the Egyptians & {illeg}ning other things ordeined the annual commemoration of Osiris by the ceremonies of the sacred Ox Apis. The antiquity of these kings is also confirmed by the names & founders of the Cities of Egypt. For

& by the Mythologists that the Gods put on those figures at the death of his father Osiris when they fled from the Giants & by Diodorus that he ordeined the worship & sacrifices of those Gods. And

up in. For the great antiquity thereof is apparent in the names & founders of the cities. For Diodorus[94] tells us that in Egypt alone, among all the countries in the world are many cities built by the ancient Gods as by Iupiter, Sol, /Mercury, Apollo, Pan, Elithia & many others. This was peculiar to the Egyptians that they worshipped their Gods not in the images of men like the other heathens but in those of various Beasts.[95] So Lucian[96] tells us that the Temples of Egypt are beautifull & large being built of costly stones but if you seek a God within you will find either an Ape or a Stork or a Swallow or a Cat. To represent things by

– tribes of Egypt. For the beasts which the Egyptians honoured were nothing else then the Symbols or hieroglyphics of their first fathers propagated down to their several tribes or nomes. For as the 12 tribes of Israel continued distinct in Egypt & had distinct seats alotted them in Canaan: so the first men who peopled Egypt – symbol of its first father, & from the first City founded by the father of the tribe peopled the country round about. And after Thoth had appointed the Hieroglyphics of the fathers of the Tribes or Nomes with certain conventions for buying & selling & sacrificing to the Deity & consulting together & certain ceremonies in those Conventions for commemorating the actions inventions & qualifications of their said fathers the Egyptians soon began to honour those hieroglyphics & at length placed them in their temples & bowed down to them. And this worship was ancienter then the{illeg} days of Moses being described & prohibited in the 4th Commandment.

The same language was sometimes used by Moses & particularly in describing the fall of Man (Gen. 3. & the blessing of Ioseph (Deut      ) & in placing Cherubims in the Temple upon the Arc Cherubims or Animals with humane bodies & wings & calfs feet & faces of a man a lion an Ox & an eagle looking to the four quarters of heaven.

Cherubims (or living creatures with humane bodies calves feet four wings & faces of a man a lion an Ox & an Eagle looking to the four quarters of heaven) for the 12 tribes of Israel encamped in four squadrons each under their own Banner. & so of the rest.

In this language Moses described the loss of Paradise (Gen 3) & blest the tribe of Ioseph (Deut 3    ) & ' / And as


Socrates died three years after the end of the Peloponnesian war á Plato introduces him saying that the institutions of Lycurgus were no of three hundred years standing not much more. And Thucydides in the reading followed by stiephens saith that the Lacedemonians – – – – – a few more. This was the opinion of those early ages before the artificial chronology of the Greeks was invented. From the and

But Hesiod living in the age next after the four calls his own age the fift & describing [reccons five ages & calls his own age the iron age translating the name of the iron age from the 4th to the fift describes For he ] every age to be worse then the former & his own to be the worst calls this the iron age . And these five ages he reccons to be so many generations of men, Describing that every age ended when the men of the age died & were burnd & deified & a new generation of men arose , And saying that the men of the fourth age perished at the wars against Thebes & Troy, & that Iupiter would destroy the fift age in which he lived when the men of that age should grow hoary headed.

The second age was the reign of Iupiter & ended when Iupiter lay with Alcmena & begat Herculus & Minos died & Sesostris invaded Asia minor & Greece. For Alcmena was the last woman with whom Iupiter lay. [& Minos was the Iupiter of the Greeks who reigned in the silver age, being]

The first age ended with the coming of Cadmus & the Phenicians into Greece & the birth of Minos & Chiron or a little after. For Niobe the daughter of Phoroneus flourished about that time & was reputed the first woman who with whom Iupiter lay & Chiron who lived till the Argonautic expedition, or end of the brazen age was begot of Philyra the daughter of Saturn in the golden age when Iupiter was educated among the Idæ Dactyli as Apollonius relates (Argonaut lib. 2. v.   ) and the Eleans – – – – Olympic games (Pausan l 5. c    ) Now the Idæi Dactyli & Curetes were not heard of in Greece before the coming of Cadmus but from that time began to make a figure in history , & I reccon that they were Phenicians & came with him becaus of they were skilled in metals & sciences & found out iron in the reign of Minos, & their & their king         was slain by Erectheus who was contemporary to Cadmus, & there was no other king of Crete whom they could attend in his infancy besided Minos. Asterius therefore & Minos the two first kings of all Crete were the Saturn & Iupiter who reigned in the golden & silver age of the Cretans according to the Idæi Dactyli. These men called themselves Curetes that is attendants of the child Iupiter from the word cura a child, & therefore they were the men who set on foot in Greece the notion of the reign of Saturn & Iupiter in the Gold & Silver ages, & by consequence those ages began with the coming of the Curetes into Crete & Greece & the Golden age lasted during the reign of Asterius the silver age during the reign of Minos, the brazen age till the death of Talus & the iron age till the destruction of Troy. And in the beginning of these ages was the flood of Deucalion whose son Amphityon reigned in Attica next before Erechtheus

The flood of Deucalion was according to the Marble about 10 years before the coming of Cadmus into Europe & by consequence in or a little before the beginning of the reign of Asterius, For the Poets feigned that the old world perished by this flood, & was repaired by a new generation of men arising from stones which Deucalion & his wife Pyrrha cast over their heads & called the four first ages of this new world the Golden the Silver the Brazen & the iron ages; & the Latines being colonies of the Cretans & Greeks, carried their fables into Italy./


Ætolus the son of Endymion about four generations before the Argonautic expedition being driven out of Elea by Salmoneus the grandson of Hellen retired with his people into the region which from him was called Ætolia. From him descended Oxylus the son of Hæmon who with a body of Ætolians returned with the Heraclides into Peloponnesus & recovered Elea & by the friendship of the Heraclides had the care of the Olympic temple committed to him, & the Heraclides for his service done them granted to him further upon oath that the country of the Eleans should be sacred & free from invasions & defended by them from all armed force. And after the Eleans were thus consecrated Oxylus restored the Olympic games (Pausan. l. 5. c. 8) & after they had been again intermitted Iphitus their king who was descended from Oxylus restored them again & this was above one generation after the return of the Heraclides: for Iphitus was not the immediate son of Oxylus his fathers name being as some say Hæmon as others Praxonidas the son of Hæmon ; nor above two generations younger because by our chronology stated above there was but about 60 years between the return of the Heraclides & the first Olympiad in which Choroebus was victor Iphytus was therefore the grandson of Oxylus & by conseq. the son of Praxonidas the son of of Oxylus the son of Hæmon.

Iphitus presided in the Olympiads & in the Temple of Iupiter Olympus & so did his successors till the 26th Olympiad, & so long the visitors were rewarded with a Tripus: but then the Pisæans getting above the Eleans began to preside & rewarded the victors with a crown, & instituted the Carnea to Apollo. & continued to preside till Phidon interrupted them that is till the 48th Olympiad. For in the 48th Olympiad the Eleans entred the country of the Pisæans with an army suspecting their designes, but were prevailed with to return home quietly, & soon after the Pisæans confederated with several other Greek nations ( videlicet Pheidon & those under him) & made war upon the Eleans & in the end were beaten. In this war I conceive it was that Pheidon presided suppose in in the 48th or 49th Olympiad or both: for in the 50th Olympiad for putting an end – – – – – the 8th Olympiad (he means the 48th) & Herodotus that Phidon removed the Eleans. And both might be true. The Eleans might call in Phidon against the Pisæans & upon overcoming then claim the presiding in the Games & be refused by Phidon & then confederate with the Spartans & by their assistance overthrow the kingdom of Pheidon & recover from the Pisæans their ancient right of presiding in the games.

When Phidon had introduced Coynage, Solon after his example regulated – – – & therefore not to be admitted –

The oldest laws of the Athenians were those of Draco, & those were made upon the change of government when the annual Archons were set up began . for it was impossible to govern Athens by annual magistrates without laws & the office of the Annual Archons which were nine in number , & of the 9 Archons which were created every year, was to go to the year, the next was king of the people, the third was captain of the army, & the six last were Θεοσμοθέτας, Lawmaker or executors of the laws. In computing the years of Athens I would reccon that Codrus might be slain about 20 years after his father Melanthus ( being expelled Messene by the Heraclides at their returning into Poloponnesus ) obteined the kingdom of Athens, that the 12 perpetual Archons (if there were so many) might reign one with another about 12 or 15 years a piece , in all about 160 years, ( for the Popes reign not above 8 or 9 years a piece,) & that of the 7 decennial Archons three or four might dye before the expiration of their 10 years & others be substituted to complete the years which were wanting , & so all together reign only about 40 or 50 years; to all which if about 70 or 80 years more be added for the annuall Archons till the death of Cyrus, the whole time from the return of the Heraclides to the death of Cyrus will be about 300 years as it ought to be


If we pass from hence into India we shall find that country divided it into many kingdoms & even . when Alexander the great invaded it which was above 200 years after Media & Persia was grown into a Monarchy But I have not yet given any account of Egypt which in the first ages made a considerable figure.

The first great kingdom in the world on this side the Indies seems to have been thatof Egypt. – – Ecbatane. The antiquity of this kingdom makes it difficult to give an account of its orignals but some footsteps there are thereof in history.

For in the seven years of plenty – – example of the Egyptians

– those cities. For Diodorus tells us that in Egypt alone – & many others. Which is as much as to say that the Egyptians worshipped those men as Gods who built their capital cities & by consequence were the first kings of those cities. making them the seats of their new erected dominions./ This was peculiar to the Egyptians – or a Cat. To represent things by Hieroglyphics or Symbols was the sacred language of the ancient Egyptians, & the birds beasts & fishes which they worshipped were nothing else then the symbols or hieroglyphics or banners of their first Kings – – Ios. 24.14

It was the custome of the first ages for every king to have in his city for the whole kingdom a Prytaneum or place of public worship & if any cities united into one polity under one common city they erected a common Prytaneum in that city without abolishing the particular ones This was done in Italy after the example of the Greeks & in Greece after the example of the Egyptians & as the Prytanea in the several cities of Greece were the remains of so many ancient little kingdoms, so were the Temples religions & conventions in Egypt. So when Moses tells us that Ioseph married the daughter of Potiphera Priest of On we may conclude that On had been once the metropolis of a kingdom but before Iosephs days the Priests of On lost their dominion & became subject to the king of another city. And the like of the other head cities of Egypt which were very many. & became the Metropolises of the Nomes of Egypt And these cities having conventions common to them & many other subordinate cities may be recconned the seats of kingdoms originally compacted out of many smaller kingdoms of those subordinate cities


When therefore we are told that the Egyptians worshipped a Crocodile in Arsinoe, the Ichneumon in Heracleopolis, an Eagle & Ram in Thebes a goat & the God Pan in the temple of the Mendesians, a sheep in Sais a cat & Diana in Bubastis, a dog & Mercury in Cynopolis, the fish Oxyrinchus in the city Oxyrinchus, the fish Latus in Latopolis, a wolf in Lycopolis, a Cynocephalus or Ape in Hermopolis, a Lyon in Leontopolis, a mouse & spider in Athribis & other creatures in other cities: we are to understand that in these symbols the several cities worshipped their founders & first kings & that this worship was as old as the idolatry in of Egypt. By the founders of the cities I mean not their first inhabitants but those who first raised them above other cities made them seats of kingdoms & built them accordingly. & built them accordingly. The worshipping of such foundersof kingdoms gave the first beginning to Idolatry in Egypt, Chaldea Arabia Syria & the neighbouring nations from whom it spread into Europe & other places. And the multitude of Cities in Egypt which had their several temples high Priests oonventions Gods & modes of worship argues the multitude of kingdoms & nations in Egypt when idolatry began. / – which were very many. For they were as many at least at least as there were Nomes in Egypt, every Nome being headed by

These head cities began to grow into bigger kingdoms before the days of Ioseph & all those kingdomes by degrees grew into one Monarchy before the days of Solomon.

Chap. II
Of the kingdome of Egypt & the Chronology of the first ages.

many other cities as had Temples, besides the smaller cities whose Prytanea were disused & extinct For as in Greece when single cities became united into bigger kingdoms with a com , their Prytanea in time became disused & the common Prytaneum & conventions in the capital city only remained so it is to be understood of Egypt. These capital cities seem to have laid the foundation of the Nomes or Tribes of Egypt, every Nome having a capital city with a Temple & Priest & God & annual conventions for the whole Nome & a Iudge for doing justice so that the Nomes seem to have been anciently Kingdoms . These kingdoms began to grow into bigger kingdoms before the days of Ioseph & all those kingdoms by degrees grew into one Monarchy before the days of Solomon, the Priest of the capital cities retaining their Priesthood & judicial power long after they lost their armies & power as kings . // For in the first ages all kings were high Priests & Iudges & all high Priests were kings (after Melchizedecs order of Priesthood) till they became subject to other kings more potent then themselves. These kingdoms of Egypt


These are the Ethiopians mentioned by Ezekiel I will make desolate the land of Egypt from Magdol to Syrene even unto the border of Ethiopia Ezek 29.20. They seem to have extended from the Nile to the Red sea. For the Topaz of {Ophius} Chitis or Topazium (an Iland in the Red sea over against Coptuts where excellent ones were found in plenty,) is called the Topaz of Ethiopia Iob 28.19. And again when God threatned the desolation of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar he adds, In that day messengers shall go forth from me in ships to make the careless Ethiopians afraid (Ezek. 30.9) that is in ships upon the Red sea. These are the Ethiopians which came out of Egypt in the armies of Sesak, Zara & Tirhaka, & which the Assyrians captivated together with the Egyptians in a warr which they made upon Egypt. 2 Chron 12.3 & 14.12. Isa 20.4

This is that Ethiopia which together with Egypt was the strength of Thebais (Nahum 3.8.) which warred under Egypt 2 Chron 12.3 & was captivated at the same time by the Assyrians Isa. 20.4.

✝ &

This is that Ethiopia which together with Egypt was the strength of Thebais (Nahum. 3.8) which warred under Egypt (2 Chron. 12.3) & were captivated with the Egyptians it by the Assyrians (Isa. 20.4) being the strength of Thebais Nahum 3.8. Art thou better then populus No – Chus & Mizraim the were her strength & it was infinite, Put & Lubim were thy helpers: yet she went into captivity Nahum 3.8 [Chus & Mizraim were therefore regions bordering upon Thebais & so are well interpreted Ethiopia & Egypt.] Chus here can be no other then the Ethiopian Arabians or Arabian Ethiopians bordering upon Thebais on one side as Egypt did on the other.


14 livers =/

00000000000 070.19. 1712124.413 181112.13614 0 7019 3614.081112. 1712122 171524 0 0 153800 to 1. a   635.01692081300b 12900200a 04220b200a 126636600a 0004800a3b 19.070412. 210002 253712.169524) 169,20813 0001250913 0100074 37528 2537,500(15,000 16920813 0845,412300800011997 0846,04123359910 000,6350371907. 11997. to 800 0 0 0 3.1.46,4875.001∟04463 0.0.01987 0.0.00207 0.0.000295 o3509.09. 28006.010 0190)315(16.61819.16.07 125000480) 114016.975 011.0.004021455 0132020.1114 0114 0018 00129gr 00516 02064gr(4,3 0192 00144020.08 00144000.1835 0000062s 0000248 507625000000446630 1273750089326 11844580.535956 8929210∟719120 84541 4751 3384 1367 1353 2800 130 0 008,6 25800 266∟6. 2,402 264∟2.22.0251011 22.11755 44,5)992s 102 0130 156 00410 004005 000095 0000060 00000155 000001335 000000215 330000000000000 (22s292135 100830 22.191305 038261 2.29566


& Stabo tells us that in Armenia Media & the neighbouring places & about Sinope & its sea coasts & Propontis & the Hellespont as far as Lemnus & in the mediterranean there were left many marks of the expeditions of Iason & Phryxus & of the navy of Colchos following Iason as far as Crete & Italy & Adria in quest of Medea.

But before Atreus succeed Eurystheus at Micenæ he succeeded his father Pelops in the kingdom of Elis. Castor & Pollux the brothers of Clytemnestra & Helena succeeded their father Tyndareus in the kingdom of Sparta & were succeeded in it by Menelaus. They were Argonauts & that Hellena may not be too young to be their sister nor too old to be stole by Paris, let us suppose that when he stole her she was about 25 years old; & since Theseus stole her when she was 10 & he 50 years old he will be born about 85 years before the destruction of Troy or 9 years before the death of Solomon, & therefore sailed to Crete slew the Minotaur, carried away Ariadne the daughter of Minos & succeeded his father Ægeus in the kingdom of Athens about 10 or 11 years after the death of Solomon. For he did these things when he was a beardless young man suppose of about 20 years of age like the other six children who were sent with him to Crete by way of tribute for the death of Androgeus such another young man. In his return from Crete Ariadne was taken from him in the Island Dia by Bacchus & Phliasus & Eumedon two of the sons of Ariadne & Bacchus were Argonauts & therefore born before the 17th year of Rehoboam. If in that expedition the elder of them may be supposed about 25 years old (for the Argonauts were young men his birth will fall upon the 12th year of Rehoboam, & thus Ariadne might be carried away by Bacchus in the 10th or 11th year of Rehoboam as above. [And this suits well with the expedition of Sesostris. For] Bacchus who seized Ariadne was not the Son of Semele but an other Bacchus who had a fleet at sea & led an army as far as India & past his army over Euphrates by a bridg tied with vine & ivory branches (Pausan l. 10. c. 29) & came over the Hellespont {into} slew Pentheus & Lycurgus in (Pausan. l. 1 c 20) led his army to Argos & fought with Perseus (who slew many of his Menades or Amazons) & after this war was composed he had great honours done to him by the Greeks & a Temple built to him at Argos called the temple of Cresian Bacchus because Ariadne was buried in it. (Pausan. l. 2 c. 23.) [ He who in his lifetime was called Sethosis Sesostris & Sesak was after his death deified by several new names, the Egyptians calling him Sirius or Osiris, the Arabians Bacchus, the Babylonians Belus, the Tyrians Hercules the Thracians Mars. For it was the custome of those ages to deify all their dead & honour them with sacrifices, more or less according to the ability of their friends & build sepulchres to their kings in the form of Temples with sacred rites & Priests appointed to perform them & no man could be more liable to be generally houred in this manner by the nations then Sesostris, the greatest & most magnificent of all the kings & conquerors that ever were.] This is

Agamemnon was three generations (or about 80 years) younger then Pelops being the son of Plisthenes the son of Atreus the son of Pelops & therefore if Agamemnon may be supposed about 48 years old at the taking of Troy, Pelops will be born about years 128 years & Atreus about 10{9} years before the taking of that city & so Atreus will be about 81 years old at his death: for he outlives his son Plisthenes & adopted his grandsons Agamemnon & Menelaus, & died sometime after Menelaus the younger of his grandsons was married to Helena. Atreus was therefore born about the 15th year of Solomon, & Pelops about 12 years before the death of David. Castor & Pollux the brothers of Clytemnestra & Helena succeeded their father Tyndareus in the kingdom of Sparta – – – – – or 9 years before the death of Solomon.

Androgeus a young man the eldest son of Minos being at Athens in the time of the the Panathanean games became victor in them all & was soon after treacherously slain by the contrivance of Ægeus the father of Theseus & thereupon Minos made war upon the Athenians & compelled them that they should every eight years send seven beardles youth (such as was Androgeus) to the games to be celebrated in Crete in honour of Androgeus. For the Octaeteris was then in use among the Greeks being called ἐνιαυτὸς the cyclar year to distinguish it from ετος the solar year . For Apollodorus tells us that Cadmus ἀίδιον ἐνιαυτὸν ἐθήτευσην Ἄρει. Ἠν δε ὁ ἐνιαυτὸς τοτε ὀκτὼ ἔτη served Mars a whole cyclar year: & this year then consisted of eight solar years. And Homer – – – they named this a period of nine years.


By this Octaeteris the Greeks in the first ages celebrated the Pythea, & divers other festivals: They seem to have received it from the Phœnicians & to have & to have used the same Octaeteris in all Greece & Italy with their Islands as a sacred thing because their festivals depended on it. [It consisted of lunar months, twelve of which made the year & a thirteenth was added every other year every Octaeteris was to make the year agree with the seasons as as is described by Herodotus[98] Dionyssis & & Plutarch & the last month of the preceding Octaeteris counted for the first month of the next Octaeteris as often as the seasons required Plutarch saith that the intercalary month had but 22 days ✝ < insertion from f 112v > ✝ & Herodotus that all the months had 30 days, whereas] < text from f 112v resumes > whereas all the months were limited by the appearance of the new moon. The ancients took 39 days for a lunar month but as often as the course of the Moon required they began the next month with the last day of the former.

In this Octaeteris the year consisted of 12 months of 30 days each that is of 360 days in all. But as often as the new Moon appeared upon the 30th day that day was recconned the first day of the next month. And to make the year agree with the seasons a 13th month was added at the end of every other year a[99] & as often as the Seasons of the beginning of the year returned upon the last month of the eighth year, that month was recconned the first month of the next Octaeteris: this power of dropping a day or an intercalary month to make the months agree with the Moon & the year with the Sun being committed to the Priests. Plutarch tells us that the intercalary month consisted of but 22 days among the Romans which is a mistake: for their months were lunar & their years Luni-solar like those of the Greeks, as Plutarch h{illeg} describes very plainly. Plutarch tells us also that in the reign of Romulus the months had sometimes scarce 20 days sometimes above 35 but this came to pass only by the neglicence of the Priests


Manetho tells us that Sethosis whom the Greeks call Ægyptus, being strong in horses & ships left the government of Egypt to his brother Armais whom the Greeks call Danaus, & invaded Cyprus Phœnicia & the Assyrians & Medes, subduing all before him; & being lifted up with these successes went on more boldly subverting the eastern cities & provinces & by his being long abroad gave opportunity to his brother Armais to rebell. Whereupon Sethosis returned hastily to Pelusium & recovered his kingdom but not without a great escape. For Armais invited him to a feast, made him drunk & in the night set fire to the house intending to burn him & his wife & as many of his children as were with him. But Sethosis (whom Herodotus & Diodorus in telling this story call Sesostris) escaped & Armais fled to Greece in a long ship of fifty oars carrying with him fifty of his daughters. For it seems during his dominion in Egypt he had married his daughters to the sons of Sethosis & commanded them to kill all their husbands the same night thinking by this stratagem to destroy Sethosis & his whole family at once & thereby to gain the kingdom to himself. Now Sethosis & Armais or as the Greeks call them Ægyptus & Danaus, flourished about two generations before the destructiō of Troy & one before the Argonautic Expedition as I gather by these Arguments. 2 The ship Argo was the first large ship built by the Greeks & they built it after the pattern of the long ship in which Danaus & his Daughters came into Greece When Sesostris returned into Ægypt he left A a Colony of Egyptians at Colchos under the government of Æetes & Phryxus fled to Ætes married his daughter Chalciope had four children by her & died before the Argonautic expedition but Ætes; survived that expedition & his daughter Medea Married Iason. Argus the son of Danaus being the master builder. 3 Vpon the coming of Danaus into Greece his daughter Amymone being sent to find out water was got with child in the field by Neptune & bare Nauplius who who married Clymene the granddaugther of Minos & by her had Palamedes. Now Nauplius was one of the Argonauts & lived till after the destruction of Troy without being decrepid with old age. For the Greeks having injuriously slain his son Palamedes, when they returned from the destruction of Troy he in revenge drew their fleet upon rocks by making a fire in the night upon the high rock Caphareus in Eubœa where he was king. He was therefore a young man (suppose of about 20 or 25) years of age in the Argonautic expedition (as were all the Argonauts & therefore Danaus came into Greece a little above 20 years before the expedition. 4 Archander & Achilites married two others of the daughters of Danaus & were the sons of Achæus (a king of Thessaly from whom the Greeks were called Achivi) & Achæus was the son of Creusa the daughter of Erechtheus & therefore the daughters of Danaus were three generations younger then Erechtheus & by consequence contemporary to Theseus the son of Ægeus the son of Pandion the son of Erechtheus & Theseus flourished from the days of Minos till after the Argonautic expedition 5 When Sesostris returned back into Egypt he carried with him a very great number of captives amongst whom Tithonus the son of Laomedon king of Troy the elder brother of Priam is to be recconed. For they say that Tithonius went into Ethipia & warred there that is in Tithonus was then a beautiful young man & ent in Æthiopia above Egypt / for so the Greeks called Thebais & warred there that is in the army of the Egyptians & spent the rest of his life among them there & at Susa with Memnon & was feigned by the Greeks to be the father of Memnon, who by the universal consent of the Greeks flourished in the times of the Trojan war & Priam the younger brother of Tithonus began to be decrepid with old age before the destruction of Troy. The expedition of Sesostris was therefore in the reign of Laomedon king of Troy when his sons Tithonus & Priam were childrē & Memnon & Nauplius were not yet born & by all these arguments I conclude that this expedition was about 60 or 70 years before the destruction of Troy, & 20 or 25 before the Argonautic expedition & by consequence in the reign of Rehoboam the son of Solomon, & therefore it was the same with that of Sesak For Sesostris & Sesack at the same time were kings of all Egypt & at the same time invaded & coquered Iudea & the nations. Therefore they must be the same king. He whom the Egyptians called Sethos or Sethosis, & the Greeks Sesiges Sesostris Sesonchis & Sesonchosis the Iews called Sesak. For Iosephus affirms that Herodotus – – – – Ieremiah chap. 25 & 51. Now Sesak came out of Egypt in the fift year of Rehoboam to invade Iudea & the nations & spent nine years in the expedition & therefore it was in the 14th year of Rehoboam that he returned back into Egypt, & that Danaus fled from Egypt with his fifty daughters. & the Argonautic expedition was about the 35t or 40th years after the death of Solomon


For Sesak came out of Egypt[101] with 1200 Ch{ariots,} {illeg}00000 {illeg}without {illeg}of & tooke the fenced cities of Iudah & God said the Princes of Israel shall be his servants that they know my servitude (that is the servitude of my people) & the servitude ממלכות הארצות of the kingdoms of the earth. And his army consisted of Libyans Troglodites & Ethiopians: which shews that he had conquered Libya & the red sea & Ethiopia before he undertook this expedition. [Sesostris & Sesak at the same time were kings of all Egypt & at the same time invaded & conquered Iudea & the nations & therefore they were the same king. He whom –]

And in like manner Diodorus & Herodotus tell us that Sesostris having a great army in Chariots horse foot conquered Arabia & Libya in his fathers reign & Æthiopia in his own & then invaded Iudea & the eastern nations [as far as India eastward & Tanais northward & Thrace in Europe. [ Sesak & Sesostris were therefore at one & the same time kings of Egypt Libya Troglodytica & Ethiopia & came out with with a great army invaded Iudea & the nations of the East & therefore must be one & the same king. He whom.] Sesostris & Sesak therefore at the same time reigned over the same dominions & with like forces made the same new conquests. & therefore were one & the same king. He whom – – –              of Libyans Troglodites & Ethiopians (nations which he had conquered before ) &

– not recover himself. Libya was in those days a province of Egypt & the way of the Libyans into Iudea was through Egypt & therefore we may reccon that Zerah came thither through Egypt & so was king of Egypt Libya & Ethiopia as Sesostris was before . Yet the Monarchy of Egypt after the death of Sesostris was translated from the Coptites to the Ethiopians For Zerah was an Ethiopian & so was his successor Memnon & Pliny[102] tells us Ægyptiorum bellis attrita est Ethiopia a vicisissim impentando serviendoque clara et potens etiam usque ad Trojana bella Memnone regnante. Æthiopia served Ægypt in the reign of Sesostris & no longer for Herodotus[103] tells us that he alone enjoyed the empire of Ethiopia. After his death his captains (like those of Alexander the great) fell into civil wars & the Ethiopians gained the dominion & then invaded Iudea under the conduct of Zerah. [And during the civil wars of Egypt Asa had rest ten years & fortified the cities of Iudah & raised a great army in order to revolt.] And by the translation of the monarchy to the Ethiopians & the revolt & victory of Asa the dominion of Egypt was sore shaken & the remoter nations had a fair invitation to shake of the yoke of that Monarchy, which advantage the Greeks neglected not to improve. For at that time they built the ship Argo


Solomon & Hiram had a fleet of merchant ships upon the red sea which went to Ophir & Tarshish & spent three years in the voiage. By their slow motion its plain that they were such round vessels without sails as had been invented in that sea by king Erythra & in which the merchants sailed only along the shors & < insertion from f 112v > between the Islands < text from f 113r resumes > And of such vessels the fleet of Minos wa < insertion from f 112v > s also composed < text from f 113r resumes > For Dædalus & his son Icarus were the first Greeks who applied sails to ships & they did it for making an escape from Crete in two of Minos's vessels just before the death of that king, & were celebrated for it as if they had invented wings. Argo was the first long ship built by the Greeks But the Egyptians had long ships before, such as was that of Danaus. And Sesostris had a fleet of long ships upon the Red Sea & another upon the Mediterranean & was the first king of Egypt who had such ships & his ships had sails said to be invented by Isis & Neptune. For the weaving of linnen in Egypt was very ancent, as appears by the Mummies wrapt up in linnen & by the use of linnen among the Iews in the wilderness. Now by fleets of such ships Sesostris became absolute lord of the Red sea & Mediterranean & Euxine, these ships these being swifter & stronger & fitter for fighting then any other, & the only ships in which men durst leave the shoar & venture out into the de{e}p. With such Fleets he invaded the coasts of the Red sea & Mediterranean & their Islands & put an end to the navigation of Solomon & dominion of Minos over the Greek seas., seizing many Islands of the <112v> Cyclades which were before under the dominion of Minos & making a navigable channel from the Nile almost to the Red Sea for promoting the communication between Ægypt & that Sea. And & hence it is that after the reign of Hiram & Solomon we heare no more of the merchandize of the Iews & Phenicians upon that sea, Sesostris was therefore later then Solomon Hiram & Minos. For had he invaded Iudea before the days of Rehoboam, he must have invaded it before the days of Solomon whose whole reign was peaceable & flourishing & before the days of David whose whole reign was victorious & by consequence before long ships with sails would have been in use upon the Red Sea & Mediterranean long before the days of Solomon Hiram & Minos.

Among the Argonauts were Deucalion the son of Minos , Admetus the son of Periclymene the daughter of Minos, Phliasus or Phlias & Eumedon the sons of [Bacchus &] Ariadne the daughter of Minos Deucalion the son of Minos was also at the hunting of the Calidonian boar presently after the Argonautic expedition. & Idomoneus the son of Deucalion was at the Trojan war & so was Meriones the son of Molos the son of Deucalion the son of Minos & Palamedes the son of Nauplius & Clymene the daughter of Crateus the son of Minos & Agamemnon & Menelaus the sons of Aerope the daughter of Crateus the son of Minos & Sarpedon the son of Evandrus the son of Sarpedon the son of Europa & brother of Minos.

– suppose about 19 or 20 years old. This was the third time that Ægeus sent a tribute of seven children to Minos which tribute was paid every Octaeteris. For The Octaeteris was then the ἐνιαυτός or annus magnus or cyclar year of the Greeks So Apollodorus tells us Cadmus served Mars ἀίδιον ἐνιαυτὸν a whole cyclaryear, {illeg}ενιαυτος the cylcar year then consisted of eight {illeg} – years. And Homer, –

Κνοσσὸς μεγάλη πόλις, ἤνθα τε Μίνοςς

Ἐννέαστος βασίλεύστε Διὸς μεγάλου ὀαρίστης.

Cnossos a great city, where Minos reigned the auditor of the great Iupiter every nine years. And Strabo: Minos descended every ninth year into the cave of Iupiter as Plato relates, & received precepts from him & delivered them to men. By recconing the last year of every cycle to be the first of the next cycle they named this a period of nine years. Recconing therefore 17 years for the three payments of this tribute & allowing four or five more for the war which Minos made upon the Athenians for the murder of his son Androgeus & that Androgeus when he was victor in the Panathenean games at Athens was a beardles youth of about 20 years of age like Theseus & the children which the Athenians sent to Minos, the birth of Androgeus will be about the 8th or 10th year of Solomons reign. Deucalion another son of Minos was one of the Argonauts & of those who soon after hunted the Calidonian boar & Idomeneus the son of Deucalion was at the Trojan war. If we may therefor suppose Deucalion at the time of the Argonautic expedition to be about 30 or 35 years old (for the Argonauts were young men) Minos will have got children from about the eight year of Solomon till after Solomons death & so might be born a little after the middle of Davids reign,


The first Lawmakers we read of in Greece were Cecrops, Phoroneus, Triptolemus, Minos. Before their days the Greeks lived like Sauvages without laws & without government. The ancient author of the Gigantomachia saith that Chiron was the first who instructed mankind in the rules of justice forms of oaths & propitiatory sacrifices. By his precepts Æacus who married his daughter Endeis, became famous for justice, [ & his other daughter            taught her husband Æolus the study of nature ]

Inachus had several sons who built towns in several parts of Peloponnesus where they reigned as Phoroneus who built Phoronicum afterwards called Argosfrom Argus the son or grandson of Phoroneus, Ægialeas who built , Ægialea afterwards called Sicyon From Sicyon the grandson of Erechtheus, Phegeus who built , Phegea afterwards called Psophis from Psophis the daughter of Lycaon. Phoroneus had also several Children as Apis, Car, Spartas Argus who reigned in several places. And this division & subdivision of territories has made great confusion in the history of the kingdoms of Peloponnesus.

The Greeks tell us that Niobe the daughter of Phoroneus was the first woman with whom Iupiter lay & therefore the raptures of Io & Europa must be later then the corruption of Niobe. And perhaps Io was the grandchild of Inachus: for Ovid calls her Phoronides.

Atlas & his brothers Prometheus Epimetheus & Menætius were the sons of Iapetus the brother of Hyperion or Sesostris, & therefore Iapetus was Neptune; as Bochart[104] hath also shewed, deriving the words Neptune & Iapetus from the same original. . But Bochart erroneously takes this Iapetus for Iaphet the son of Noah.

Iapetus was the brother of Hyperion (or Sesostris) & father of Atlas & therefore one & the same man with Neptune; as Bochart hath also proved, shewing that Iapetus & Neptune are words of the same signification & original. But Bochart erroneously takes this Iapetus to be Iaphet the son of Noah. Sesostris therefore was the unkle & Neptune the father of Promotheus Epimetheus & Menætius the brothers of Atlas: For For Promotheus invented sails & Oceanus was his firm friend & Oceanine was the wife of Iapetus. / For Promotheus was the grandson of Oceanus & son of Clymane Oceanine, & being very ingenious among many other things invented ships with sails, & therefore was skilled in sea affairs & acted under Neptune in inventing such ships & & setting forth a fleet of them. Cælus & Tellus or Vranus & Tetæa that is Ammon & Rhea had many children called Titans from their mothers name Titæa which in the Phœnician language signs mud or earth, amongst these children were [ Oceanus, Hyperion or Osiris Thea or Isis, or Tethys Briareus &c & Iapetus by Clymene the daughter of Oceanus & Tethys had Atlas Prometheus & many other children, & Æschylus calls Prometheus a Titan as being descended from Titæa. ] Hyperion & Thea the parents of Apollo & Diana or Osiris & Isis, also Oceanus & Tethys the parents of Climene, Cæus & Phœbe the parents of Latona, Iapetus the father Atlas & Prometheus by Clymene , Iapetus, Saturn & Briareus &c. Iapetus married Clymene the daughter of Oceanus & Tethys & by her had Atlas Prometheus & many other children & Sophocles calls Prometheus a Titan as being descended from Titæa.. The father of Vranus they called Hypsup– & This {illeg}y the genealogy of the royal family of Egypt in the ages next preceding the Argonautic expedition may be of use for understanding the history of Egypt in those times.


The Greeks distinguished the first ages of Greece of which they had any memory into four successive periods which they called the golden age the silver age the brazen age & the iron age, & these were the ages of the Gods of Greece. / The fourth age ended with the wars against Thebes & Troy as Hesiod tells us expresly. But Hesiod living in the age next after the four reccons five ages & translates the name of the iron age from the fourth to the fift representing this to be the ages in which he lived. / The third age ended with the Argonautic expedition, for the Poets tell us that Talus who guarded the island Crete was the last man of the brazen age & that he died when the Argonauts in returning home arrived at that island. / The second age ended when Iupiter ceased to get children & Hercules was born & Sesostris invaded Greece: for Iupiter is said to reigne in the second age & Alcmena was the last woman with whom he lay. / The first age ended with the coming of Cadmus & the Phœnicians into Greece & the birth of Chiron or a little after. . For Chiron was begot of Philyra by Saturn in the golden age when Iupiter was educated among the Idæi Dactyli as Apollonius (lib. 2 Argonaut.) relates                           & Niobe the daughter of Phoreneus was reputed the first woman with whom Iupter lay {th}at is in his own reign. . / The first age therefore lasted u from the coming of the colonies from Egypt into Greece under the conduct of Cecrops, Lelex, Inachus, Pelasgus Æolus & others untill the coming of the colonies from Phœnicia under the conduct of Cadmus & his companions who brought into Greece Letters & the digging excocting & uses of Metals with many arts & sciences depending on them {&} in Crete till the death of Asterius . The second age lasted till the death of Minos & invasion of G{reece} by the Egyptians under Sesostris . The third lasted till the {Argo}nautic Expedition & fall of the Empire of Egypt. And the fourth till the destruction of Troy. //

Before these four ages the Europeans lived in subterraneus caves & vaults such as are the Catacombs neare Rome & Naples & in many other places of Italy & the Labyrinth running every way through all the bowels of the mountain & the Trophonian at Ida in Crete. For these places were made by art before the memory of man & are works too great to be made only for sepulchres, being more like subterraneous towns. In the first of the four ages the Natives continued to live upon the spontaneous fruits of the earth in a peaceable manner without labour having the feilds & woods in common, & the Egyptians built habitations above ground only for themselves, being used to live <115r> in towns.. For some of the Greeks (as Chiron) lived in Caves long after the 4 ages began. In the second age arts were multiplied & towns grew numerous & were better built & Cities began to be compassed with walls the natives coming in great numbers out of their caves & lea{rning}

In this age also Temples began to be built & Oracles to be erected & the arts of the forreigners & joyning with them in civil societies. the Greeks began to appropriate the grownd & to till it ~ ~ ~ by plowing & sowing. . of corn Symbol (circle with dot with cross joined on the right) in text < insertion from the middle of the page > Symbol (circle with dot with cross joined on the right) in textIn the third age (as Hesiod describes) men grew warlike & contentious & fierce & had swords or speres of brass & houses of brass (that is houses compacted with brass) and furnished with brazen untensils & were covered with brass, (that is with brazen armour) for iron was not yet in use. Such a brazen man was Talus the son of Minos the last man of the brazen age. . In the fourth age they grew more warlike & turbulent & began to use weapons of iron. The Idæi Dactyli found out iron in Crete many years after Cadmus had found out Brass in the Pangean mountain & the brazen & iron ages commenced so soon as those metals grew copious enough for human uses. < text from f 115r resumes > In third & fourth age they had great warrs & armed themselves first with brass & then with iron.

In the first age many of the Greek Islands were uninhabited for want of Shipping. In the second the Greeks observed the risings of the stars & improved navigation & Minos got a fleet & peopled divers of the Greek Islands. In the second & third the Egyptians built long ships with sails & sailed as far as the straits mouth. In the beginning of the fourth the Greeks began to build long ships & formed the constellations. And presently after the fourth the Tyrians sailed out of the straits mouth into the Ocean.


where two or more families lived together we may call it a village. many families required that the fathers of families should assemble & consult together for the common good of their families & agree upon such laws as should be common to them all & put them in execution & chose a Captain of their military forces. Thus the first towns became what we now call Cities each will its legislative & judicial & military power, & the fathers of families became elders of Cities & either the Iudge or the Captain of their army became their king, & & the houses which the citizens for convenience of pasture & tillage built in the fields of their city became the villages of the city, & every City with its villages became a kingdom. For every city was in the first ages walled about with high walls & gates & barrs for its defence (Deut. 3.5. Levit. 25.30, 31.) & & had its elders which sat in a chamber in the Gate of the City to rule & do justice & act in the name of the City (Deut 16.18 & 19.12 & 21.2, 3, 19. & 25.8. Iudg. 8.14. Deut 22. 15. Iosh. 20.4 Ruth 4.2. Dan. 2.49) & its suburbs extending 2 or 3 furlongs from the walls for feeding of cattel (Num. 35.4 Iosh 21) & beyond those its country or territory wherein its villages were built (Levit 25.31 Iosh 21.12) which were therefore called the villages of the city (Iosh 16 & 18 & 19.) & such cities as these with their suburbs were the kingdoms of the first kings, as is plain both because the first kings were in sacred history called Kings not of whole Nations or Countries (as they were afterwards when grown great) but of Cities only, & because their kingdoms were so very small & numerous as we find them

For Abraham with an army of 318 men beat four kings with their armies when they had newly beaten five others, & those five were kings of so many single cities Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim & Zoar. For the four first perished together in the Lake of Sodom & therefore were next to one another without any other Cities between them & Zeboim was the next City with Lot could fly unto & is called a little one & yet had its proper king. And long after this time when kingdoms by conquering one another were become greater Moses appointed only 12000 men to fight five kings of Midian, & in a small part of that small country of Canaan conquered Og the King of Bashan & Sihon King of the Amorites, And Soon after Ioshua in the rest of Canaan overcame one & thirty other kings besides divers others which he left unconquered, such as were the five Lords of the <116v> Philistims reigning in their five head Cities Ashdod Gaza Askelon Gaza & Eckron & the kings of Sidon, Accho, Ahlab, Achzib, Helbath, Rehob, & some other unconquered cities mentioned in Ioshua: so that we may reccon above 40 kingdoms in that small country of Canaan. And yet these kingdoms by the conquest of their neighbours were grown much greater then at first. For Adonibezek who was one of those Kings of Canaan had conquered seventy others of his neighbouring Kings & cut of their thumbs & great toes, & yet was not grown so powerfull but that two of the Tribes of Israel conquered him. Also Og And Og the King of Bashan had extended his dominion over sixty walled cities with their unwalled villages & Sihon King of the Ammorites by conquering his neighbours & the Moabites had acquired a much greater kingdom For all the kingdom of Og consisting of those sixty Cities was given only to the half the tribe of Manasseh & the Kingdom of Sehon sufficed for the two tribes of Reuben & Gad Deut 2.12, 13. Iosh. 12.2. In the lot of Iudah & Reuben there were at least 126 cities besides the daughters of Ekron & Ashdod & Gaza three of the five Metres < insertion from f 117r > or mother cities of the Philistims. < text from f 116v resumes > (Iosh. 15 & 19) & in that of Levi there were 48 Cities whereof ten were given out of the two tribes & an half beyond Iordan & 9 out of the two tribes of Iuda & Reuben (Iosh. 21: & the rest in proportion to the number of cities in each out of the other tribes (Num. 35.8.) Whence its easy to collect that there were at least 700 walled Cities in all Canaan besided those which had been rased by warrs & by consequence above so many distinct Kingdoms at first before some of them conquered the rest. For it is not to be thought that Og the King of Bashan walled all the 60 cities in his kingdom or Sihon King of the Ammorite a greater number in his but rather that every City was walled by its own polity before it was conquered, & therefore was at first a distinct Kingdom. Kings at first were called Kings of Cities only & therefore cities were the first kingdoms. And even after any city had conquered divers others, its King continued to be called the King of that city only untill he had conquered a whole country or a nation & then they began to call him the King of that country or nation. So the King of Heshbon though he had subdued many other cities & was become King of the nation of the Ammorites continued to be called the King of Heshbon title which was given him when the city Heshbon with its suburbs was his kingdom, remaining long after.

The like number of little kingdoms seems in the first ages to have {illeg} spread over all Syria. For tho these Kingdoms grew daily more great & les numerous, yet Syria continued divided into little kingdoms till the Assyrians invaded it. For in the reign of David Hadadezer king of Soba (a town between Iudea & Euphrates) was confederate with Damascus & three other Kings of Syria who served him & had wars with Toy king of Hamath or Epiphania another City of Syria. And a little after Benhadad king of Damascus in his war with Ahab was assisted by 32 other kings which served him as tributary Princes. For upon loosing battel he displaced them & put captains in their room over their forces (1 King. 20.1, 24.) {illeg} yet Benhadad was not king of all Syria. For beyond him was the Kingdoms of Hamath still standing & that also of Arvad or the Aradij, , both potent kingdoms & these kingdoms continued till the Assyrians conquered them


After the same manner Greece also – at Athens. Here you see every City had at first an absolute & complete government of its own & that in matters both civil & sacred there being in every city a Prytaneum or sacred place adjoyning to in the Council where the Magistrates met & executed as well the office of Priests in the Pritaneum by sacrificin at the fire which for that end was kept there perpetually as that of Princes or Elders in the Council where they consulted & judged about civil matters.

So also Italy consisted originally of small polities acco according to the number of cities each with its Council & Prytanæum which by degrees grew into greater bodies with fewer Prytanæa.. For Dionysius Halicarnassæus informs us that when Romulus founded Rome, – – – – Rome. And by this means the Councils & Prytanæa in the several cities soon ceased so that we read nothing more of them in history.

What Numa did in Italy & Theseus in Attica Phoroneus did long before to the cities of the Argives. For saith Pausanias [105] Τοῦς ανθρώπους συνήγαγε πρῶτον ἐς κοινὸν, σποράδας τεώς κὰι ἐφ ἑαυτῶν ἑκάστοτε ὀικοῦντας He was the first that assembled together the men of Greece who were before dispersed & lived apart, that is he united into one poli{ty} their cities which had hitherto been independent & free without any common government. Others say that he set up an altar to Iuno & was the first who b[106] ordeined them e laws & judicature [& c[107] set up an altar to Iuno,] & reduced them d[108] from a brutish & salvage life to a civil one, The Altar was doubtless for the worship of the commom assembly & the salvage life from which he reduced them to a civil one was that of making war upon one another.


So also Greece consisted of small polities till Philip of Macedon conquered – at Athens. Here you see the government of every city was complete & absolute in matters both civil & sacred. Every City had its Court for civil matters & every Court had it Prytanæum or Temple adjoyning to it for sacred ones . The Prytaneum accompanied the Court because the civil magistrates in those days were also the Priests. Polemon, as he is cited by Strabo, tells us that in this body of Attica there were an hundred & seventy Courts or polities one of which was the City Eleusis so famous for her sacred mysteries. These were united by Theseus about the time of Sampson, but long before this the delegates of the cities (or of some of them at least) met upon occasion to consult about their common safety & appoint a Captain or King to manage their affairs in time of danger. Dionysius Halicarnassæus tells us that Amphictyon (their third king contemporary to Moses)

Philochorus, as he is cited by Strabo, relates that when Attica was infested by sea & land by the Cares & Bœoti, Cecrops first of any man reduced the multitude (thatr is the 170 cities) into twelve cities whose names were Cecropia, Tetrapolis, Epacria Dececlla, Eleusis Aphydna, Thoricus, Brauron, Cytharus, Sphettus, Cephissia, Phalerus, & that Theseus afterwards contracted these twelve cities into one which was Athens. These twelve Cities or Polities grew in time to be accounted twelve nations of Attica for so they are called by Cecrops was their first king & therefore their first King was only a Captain set up in time danges to lead the forces of all the Cities against their enemies the Cares & Bœoti, & the occasion of the reduction of all the Cities of Attica first into 12 polities under the 12 above named metropolies & then into one under Athens was to strengthen themselves against invasions.


Herodotus tells us that the Ammonians being colonies of the Egyptians & Ethiopians spake a language between them both, & that the inhabitants as far as the river Triton used the Egyptians manners buth beyond that river lived much otherwise. King Ammon therefore upon conquering this large region peopled it with colonies from Egypt & called it Ammonia. For In those days it was very usual to call people & regions by the names of their first kings. And Stephanus tells us that the mediterranean parts of Libya & even all Libya were called Ammonia from Ammon.

After the death of Ammon Sesostris succeeded in the throne & being now grown up & encouraged by his former successes aimed at conquering the world. And first he set upon the Ethiopians southward & compelled that nation to pay him tribute, Ebony & gold & Ivory. Strabo speaking of the straits of the red sea at Dira a promontory of Ethiopia tells us that a Pillar of Sesostris the Egyptian was standing there which in the sacred letters signified his passing over. For saith Strabo he seems first to have subdued Ethiopia & Troglodytica & then passing over [the mouth of the red Sea] into Arabia [fælix] to have gone over all Asia, wherefore in many places tis called the Ditch or Trench of Sesostris & temples of the Egyptian Gods are found built nor did Sesostris stop at Dira, he went through all Ethiopia to the Cinnamon bearing region or Promontory Mossylites at the south east corner of Afric & there were extant in Strabos days some monuments of this his expedition & Columns & Inscriptions. And for faciliating this his expedition he built a navy of long ships on the red Sea, being the first who built such ships, & thereby he subdued the Islands of the red sea & the sea casts of the continent going as far as India. Pliny tells us that in an Island of the red sea before the haven of Isis were Pillars of stone with inscriptions in unknown characters.

Among the heathens of those ages It was then the custome for every family to worship their dead ancestors of the three or four last generations. This custome was founded in the opinion that there was a transmigration of souls, & that the souls of the ancestors of the family would be most concerned for the welfare of the family. Vpon this notion they made Images to them & worshipped them in the images. These the Romans called Dij Penates Houshold-Gods. And On the same account whole Cities Deified & worshipped their dead Kings & Heros, which makes it probable that Sesostris propagated the worship of his dead father with his conquests, according to these verses of Lucan

Quamvis Æthiopum populis, Arabumque beatis

Gentibus, atque Indis unus sit Iupiter Ammon.

After these conquests Sesak in the fift year of Rehoboam came against Ierusalem with a great army of Libyans Troglodytes & Ethiopians, nations newly conquered & took the fenced cities of Iudah & spoiled the temple.[109]

And having forces also by sea invaded Cyprus & Phenicia & the nations beyond Euphrates & conquered them all subduing by force as many as would not submit & being lifted up with the success went on subverting the cities & provinces of the east. Manetho apud Ioseph. cont. Apiō. l. 1. p. 1041

Thus leading his army by land he subdued all Asia. For he did not only


When the Israelites came out of Egypt God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistims although that was near, for God said, Least peradventure the people repent when they see war & they return into Egypt but God led the people about through the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea Exod 13.7. And therefore the Shepherds upon leaving Egypt were to expect war with the Philistims unles they took care to prevent it by a treaty.

Manetho tells us that Thummosis beseiged the Shepherds in Abaris untill he despaired of forcing them & then covenanted that if they would leave Egypt they should go safely whether they pleased, & thereupon they went out of Egypt through the Desart into Syria with all their possessions & families to the number of 24000. They were not driven out of Egypt but retired quietly with their heards & flocks & wives & children upon a compact that they should not be pursued or hurt in their retiring. And since they did not retire till they had taken care of a safe retreat, it may be presumed that they did not retire till they had taken care of a place into which they might safely retreat, & for that end had treated with the Philistims the nation which lay next Egypt in their way towards Syria.

The Philistims in those days reigned long over Israel so as to give the name of Palestine to the whole land of Canaan. From the days of Sampson to the 20th year of Samuel they reigned 40 years over Israel. Then Samuel by one single victory shook off their dominion & took from them the cities which they had taken from Israel from Ekron even unto Gath & put an end to that war so that the Philistims came no more into the coasts of Israel. 1 Sam. 7. But afterwards they became again Lords over Israel before Saul was chosen king (1 Sam. 9.16) & then put Garrisons in the land & suffered not a Smith to be in the land of Israel least the Israelites should make themselves swords & spears, but the Israelites went to the artificers of the Philistims to sharpen their shares & coulters & axes & mattocks. And in the second year of Saul when Ionathan smote a Garrison of the Philistims, the Philistims came against Saul with an army of thirty thousand chariots & six thousand horsmen & foot as the sand of the sea shore in multitude so that the people of Israel were in a strait & hid themselves for fear 1 Sam. 13. And there was thence forward sore war against the Philistims all the days of Saul, and when Saul saw any strong or valiant man he took him unto him 1 Sam. 14.52. And David beat them in many battels before they could be subdued. Now the very great numbers of the Philistims in the beginning of their war with Saul & David & the greatness of their power in this war above what it was in the war with Samuel seems no way to be so well accounted for as by supposing that when the Philistims being beaten by Samuel found themselves too weak for the Hebrews & the shepherds being beseiged <119v> in Abaris found themselves too weak for the Egyptians, the Philistims & shepherds agreed to assist one another & the Philistims thereupon received the Shepherds into their territories & joyntly with them made war upon & subdued the Hebrews untill Saul revolted & he & David by a tedious & difficult war recovered the liberty of the Hebrews.


And since Ægialeus the first supposed king of the Sicyonij was brother to Phoroneus[110] [& Apis the son of Phoroneus was slain by the treachery of Thelxion & Thelchines w] we may reccon that there is no memory of any thing done in Europe ancienter then the days of Samuel. For Before the use of letters (brought in by Cadmus) nothing could be long remembered.

Cecrops is recconed – – – introduced

Another instance – – – sons of Belus a king of Egypt [that is of Iupiter Hammon] the same Belus who was reputed the father of Ægyptus & Danaus & the brother of Agenor the father of Cadmus & Europa] & he is generally reputed an Ethiopian, that is an Egyptian of Thebais.

Conon in his 37th Narration tells us that when Cadmus was sent by the king of the Phenicians to seek Europa the Phenicians were very potent & having conquered a great part of Asia placed their royal seat at the Egyptian Thebes. Whence I learn that the Kingdom of Egypt seated at Thebes flourished in the days of Cadmus & about that time grew potent the Phenicians pretending to the Gr. that their Belus the brother of Agenor

Manetho tells us that Ægyptus & Danaus (the sons of the same Belus) were Sethosis & Armais & that Sethosis having forces by land & sea left the government of Egypt to his brother Armais while he invaded & conquered Cyprus Phenicia Media Persia & other oriental nations. Whence its plain that this Sethosis was the same man with Sesostris that Sesostris lived about the times of David & Solomon & so was the same king with Sesack that Sesak to whom Ieroboam fled in the days of Solomon & who presently after Solomons death invaded Iudea & spoiled the Temple. Had Sesostris been older then the use of letters in Europe, the Europeans would scarce have remembered him.

We are told in Scripture that Sesak – – – in Scripture.

Herodotus in giving an account of the ancient – – – which renders them the less memorable.

Iosephus tells us[111] that Herodotus acscribes erroneusly to Sesostris the actions of Sesak & that he mentions the expedition of Sesak into Iudea erring only in the name of the man. Which is all one as to say that Sesak did all those things which Herodotus ascribes to Sesostris, & that Herodotus erred in nothing but in calling Sesak by wrong name.


Before Sesostris is to be set his father Belus that is Ammon or Iupiter Ammon. For Belus in the Syrian, language is Ammon in the Egyptian & Iupiter in the Greek. And before Ammon is to be put Thmosis or Amosis the successor of Misphragmuthosis & founder of the Egyptian Monarchy. And between Sabbacus & Anysis are to be inserted Sua & Tirhakah.

Iosephus tells us out of Manetho that

Before the Phenicians sailed to Greece the Cares inhabiting Crete & the Islands of the Cyclades sailing from Island to Island in such small vessels as were then in use. And after the coming of the Phenicians the Greeks soon ventured to sail as far as Phœnicia [& Minos improving his shipping became lord of the Greek seas, about 60 or 80 years before the destruction of Troy. For If Theseus was a beardles youth, suppose about 18 or 20 years old, when he overcame the Minotaur & 50 years old when he stole Hellena & Hellena was then a child about 10 years old & if when Paris stole her she was about 20 or 24 years old & at the destruction of Troy 20 years older as Homer reccons; the victory of Theseus over the Minotaur will be about 60 or 65 years older then the destruction of Troy & the war of Minos upon Athens for the death of his son Androgeus was about 16 or 18 years older. Whence Minos reigned over the Greek seas during the reign of Rehoboam & in the latter end of the reign of Solomon. Suppose him about 45 or 48 years old when his eldest son Androgeus got the victory in Panathea & was slain at Athens & the birth of Minos will be about 130 years before the destruction of Troy. And thence the rapture of Europa may be recconed about 130 or 135 at most 140 years older then the taking of Troy. Some tell us that there were two Minoses but Homer, Apollonius, Strabo & the b[112] inhabitants of Crete knew of but one Minos.

After Amosis by expelling the Shepherds became Lord of all Egypt & the affiairs of the kingdom were established at home, his son or grandson Ammon began to invade his neighbours And first he sent his armies under the command of his son Sesostris into Arabia (that Arabia which lies between Ægypt & the Red Sea) & Sesostris accompanied with those who were brought up with him laboured against the serpents & overcoming the want of water & food conquered all that barbarous nation which till then had been unconquered. Then being sent against the nations which lay westward he subdued the greatest part of Libya altho hitherto a a very youth. Lucan[113] extends this expedition very far to the west. Venit ad Occasum Mundique extrema Sesostris. By the first of these conquests the Troglodytes & Arabic Ethiopians & by the latter the Libyans of Marmorica & Cyrene as far as the river Triton came under the dominion of Egypt. And this seems to have given occasion to the trafic of Solomon into Egypt for horses. For Egypt was supplied with horses from Cyrene a country famous for breeding a multitude of good horses.


[114] 1. When Danaus fled from Egypt with his 50 daugters, Amymone one of his daughters as she was seeking for water was got with child & bare Nauplius the father of Palamedes. Nauplius was one of the Argonauts & king of Eubœa & lived to the end of the Trojan war & then upon the return of the Trojans endeavouring to drew them upon rocks by making a fire in the night upon the rock Caphareus & slaying those who were {want} & escape land, but finding that Vlysses & Agamenon escaped him & failing to drown Agamenon Menelaus & Vlysses threw himself into the sea, which argues that he was not yet decrepid with old age. And hence we may reccon the coming of Danaus into Greece to have been about 24 or 25 years before the Argonautic expedition & about 60 or 64 years before the year following the destruction of Troy & by consequence about 12 or 16 years after the death of Solomon, supposing Troy to have been destroyed about 65 years after the death of that king. Argo was was a long ship of fifty oars built after the pattern of the long ship of 50 oars in which Danaus with his 50 daughters sailed into Greece. & therefore it was built while the ship of Danaus was in being. It was the first long ship built by the Greeks & therefore built not long after they had Pattern. . Till then the Greeks used only round boats or barges invented in the red sea, & sailed along the shoar, but after they began to build long ships with sails, they lanced out into the deep. It was built by Argus the son of Danaus[116], & thence I gather that Argus had learnt skill in shipping in Ægypt & came from thence with his father & sisters. For had he been born in Greece he would have understood nothing more of this matter then any other Greek. Archander & Achilites married two of the daughters of Danaus & were the sons of Achæus king of Thessaly from whom the Greeks had the name of Achivi, & Achæus was the son of Creusa the daughter of Erechtheus & therefore the daughters of Danaus were three generations younger then Erechtheus & by consequence contemporary to Theseus the son of Ægeus the son of Pandion the son of Erechtheus. Now the Greeks tell us that Ægyptus & Danaus were the sons of Belus king of Egypt & that Danaus fled from his brother Ægyptus when he came into Greece & Manetho tells that Ægyptus was Sethosis & Danaus was Armais the names of Ægyptus & Danaus being imposed upon them by the Greeks & that Sethosis being strong in horsemen & shipping left the government of Egypt under his brother Armais & invaded Cyprus Phœnicia & the Assyrians & Medes subduing all before him, & being lifted up with these successes went on more boldly subverting the eastern cities & provinces & by his being long abroad gave opportunity to his brother Armais to rebell, & set the crown upon his own head whereupon Sethosis returned hastily to Pelusium & recovered his kingdom: but not without a great escape. For his brother invited him to in relating this storya feast, made him drunk & in the night set fire to the house intending to burn him & his wife & some of his children. But Sethosis ( whom Diodorus & Herodotus call Sesostris) escaped & Armais fled with his fifty daughters. For it seems during his dominion in Egypt he had married his daughters to the sons of Sethosis & commanded them to kill all their husbands the same night thinking by this stratagem to destroy Sethosis & his whole family at once & thereby to gain the kingdom to himself. Now considering that Sethosis, or as others call him Sessosis or Sesostris lived about two generations before the Trojan war, & so he was contemporary to Sesack; & that both were kings of Egypt & invaded Palestine & the nations of the east, they can be no other then the same king. Him whom the Egyptians called Sethos or Sethosis & the Greeks Sesostris the Iews called Sesack & if we may beleive Iosephus, they were the same. For he tells us that Herodotus acribes to Sesostris – – ^– Ieremiah chap. 25 & 51. Now Sesack invaded Iudea in the fift year of Rehoboam & spent nin{e} <120v> nine years in his expedition & therefore it was in the 14th year of Rehobō that he returned back into Egypt & that Danaus fled from Egypt with his fifty daughters.

2. As Sesack in the 5t year of Rehob. invaded Iudea with a great army of Ethiopians Libyans & Troglodytes so Zerah in the 15th year of Asa invaded Iudea with another great army of Ethiopians & Libyans but with a very different success. For Zerah was routed so that he could not recover himself. Between the expedition of Sesostris & Zerah Israel was without a teaching Priest & without Law & there was no peace to him < insertion from f 121r > that went < text from f 120v resumes > out nor to him that came in but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countreys round about & nation was destroyed of nation & city of city for god did vex them with all adversity 2 Chron. 15. But after the overthrow of Zerah, Asa restored the worship of God & brought into the Temple new vessels of gold & silver in the room of those which Sesak had taken < insertion from f 121r > away, & there was no more war unto the 35th year of Asa nor was Iudah invaded by the Egyptians any more. < text from f 120v resumes > Zera is called an Ethiopian F in those days the kings of Egypt were Ethiopians. Memnon the successor of Zera was an Ethiopian & the statues of his predecessor Sesostris were formed with Symbol () in textcross[117] Ethiopian & Egyptian armature so as by some to be taken for the statues of Memnon. Libya was a province of Egypt & the way of the army of Libyans into Syria was through Egypt & therefore we may recccon Zerah king of Egypt Ethiopia & Libya as Sesostris was. By this revolt & victory of Asa the monarchy of Egypt was shaken & the remother nations had a fair opportunity of shaking off the yoak: & the Greeks neglected not to improve the opportunity. For they built the ship Argo & sent in it an embassy of the flower of all Greece to the severall nations. Such an embassy could scarce be sent to all Greece without the consent of the Amphictyonic counsel. The golden fleece at Colchos was pretended for a blind but their busines was with other nations besided Colchos. For they went through the kingdom of Colchos to the Armenians & through Armenia to the Medes, which they could not have done if they had not made friendship with the nations through which they passed. They visited also Laomedon king of the Trojans Phineus king of the Thracians Lycus & Cyzicus kings of the Island Propontis Cyzicus king of the Dolians & Lycus king of the Mariandini & the coasts of Mysia & Taurica chersonesus & the nations upon the river Tanais & the people about Bizantium & the coasts of Gaul & Italy & Sicily & Sardinia in the mediterranean & from thence they sailed cross the mediterranean to Afric & there confirmed withp[118] Eurypylus king of Cyrene. Vpon what occasion the Greeks should send a embassy to so many nations subject to Egypt I cannot imagin unless to persuade them to take the present occasion of asserting their liberty against the Ethiopians as the Iews had done & entring into friendship with the Greeks. Now the news of the revolt & victory of Asa might be brought to Greece by the Merchants of Phenicia before the end of the year. Let the next year be allowed for the building of the ship Argo & the Argonautic expedition will ensue in the year following, that is in the 17th year of Asa & 37th after Solomons death. For this expedition being of the greatest consequence was not to be delayed. [Herodotus tells us that Sesostris was the only king of Egypt that enjoyed the Empire of Ethiopia.]

3. Helena came to Troy 20 years before the destruction of that city as Homer tells us, & when Paris stole her, her husband Menelaus was absent in Crete looking after the estate which his unkle Atreus had left to him & therefore Atreus died [& Agamemnon began his reign] the same year & the battel which happened upon the death of Hercules between Theseus & Hyllus on one side & Eurystheus on the other wherein the Heraclides by the assistance of the Athenians overcame the Argives & slew Eurystheus the predecessor of Atreus in Mycene happened a little before, suppose about 56 or 55 years after the death of Solomon. Castor & Pollux the brothers of Clytemnestra & Helena, in the time of the Argonautic expedition were grown up to mens estates & that Helena may not be too young to be their sister nor too old to be stole by Paris let us suppose that when he stole her she was about 24 years old. And since Theseus stole her when she was ten & he fifty years old he must be born about 85 years before the destructrion of Troy or 9 years before the death of Solomon & therefore sailed to Crete slew the Minotaur & stole Ariadne the daughter of Minos & succeeded his father Ægeus about the 10th or {11}th year of Rehoboam when he was a beardles young man suppose about 18 or 20 years old. {ab}out 20 years. At that time Bacchus took Ariadne from Theseus & Phliasus & Eumedon two of the Sons of Bacchus & Ariadne were Argonauts & therefore born before the 17th year of Rehoboam. : at <121r> which time Ariadne was taken from Theseus in the Island Dia by the forces of Bacchus, not the son of Semele but an older Bacchus, king of Egypt who had forces by sea & land took many Islands of the Cyclades, invaded the coasts of the Euxine sea & passing his army over the Hellespont into Europe made war upon Thrace & Greece & buried Ariadne {illeg} at Argos.[119] He had children by her & two of their sons , namely Phliasus & Eumedon, were[120] in the Argonautic expedition & so was Orpheus the son of Calliope one of the singing weomen of Bacchus & Ancæus the son of Lycurgus a Thracian whom Bacchus slew . & therefore Bacchus was but one generation older then the Argonauts & so being a king of Egypt contemporary to Sesostris they must be the same king. [

4. Androgeus a young man the eldest son of Minos king of Crete being victor in the Panathenian games which consisted in wrestling & racing was soon after slain by the order of Ægeus king of Athens whereupon Minos being strong at Sea made war upon Ægeus & compelled him to send once every eight years seven male & seven female children for a premium to the victor in the games then to be celebrated in Crete in honour of Androgeus, They were sent thrice & the third time Theseus overcame & put an end to the tribute. If we may suppose at a moderate recconing that Androgeus was one short generation or about 27 years younger then Minos & about 21 years old when he was victor in the Panathenæa & that the war after his death took up 4 or 5 years & the three payments of the tribute 17 years more: Minos will be about 70 years old when Theseus overcame, & by consequence he was born about the middle of Davids reign & his mother Europa was stole from Sidon & carried into Crete a little before suppose between the 10th & 20th year of Davids reign or about the fifteenth & at that time her brother Cadmus led colonies into several parts of Greece pretending to come in quest of his sister.

6. Theras the {T}aylor of Euristhenes & Procles & was the son of Autesion the son of Tisamenes the son of Thersander the son of Polynices, the son of Oedipus, the son of Laius the son of Labdæcus the son of Polydorus the son of Cadmus. Thersander was slain in the Trojan war & Polynices & his brother Eteocles slew one another in the war of the seven captains against Thebes about ten years after the Argonautic expedition. From this war to the return of the Heraclides were about 104 years which distributed among the four generations from Polynices to Thera make 26 years to a generation. To the four preceding generations from Polydorus to Polynices allow another 104 years & the recconing will end upon the 23 year of Davids reign: at which time therefore Polydorus should be of about the same age with Polynices in the war of the seven captains & of Theras at the return of the Heraclides; suppose of about 28 or 30 years of age. And therefore he was born in Phœnicia & came with his father Cadmus into Greece, being then about 20 years of age. And if Cadmus may be supposed <121v> about 25 years older then his eldest son Polydorus he will be of the same age with David.

5. Ino the daughter of Cadmus was the second wife of Athenas king of a City of Bœotia & Phrixus & Helle his children by his first wife being injuriously treated by Ino their stepmother fled from Greece & Phrixus escaped to Colchos, married Calchiope the daughter of Æetus the king & by her had Argus & other children & died before the Argonautic expedition. And therefore Ino lived till the reign of Æetes that is till after the expedition of Sesostris who placed Æetes with a Colony of Ægyptians at Colchos At the flight of Phrixus she was scarce above 60 years of age, for Athenas buried her & married a third wife. Subduct those 60 years from the 15th year of Rehoboam (the year after the expedition of Sesostris & the birth of Ino will be after the 34th year of David David & therefore Cadmus continued to get children till towards the end of Davids reign.

7. The Phœnicians derived the kings of Tyre from Belus as the founder of the kingdom. & first king. So Dido in Virgil

Implevitque mero pateram quam Belus et omnes

A Belo soliti.

that is, saith Servius, A Belo primo rege Assyriorum. And upon these words of Virgil

– – – cælataque in auro

Fortia facta patrum, scries longissima rerum

Per tot ducta viros, antiquæ ab origine gentis,

Servius has this Note. A Belo primo rege Assyriorum: ut, Ab antiquo durantia cinnama Belo: Ab eo usque ad Belum patrem Didonis, qui et ipse Assyrius fuit: hinc est, Quam Belus et omnes a Belo soliti: cum inter patrem et filiam medius nullus existat. Now looking into the race of the kings of Tyre extracted out of the Tyrian records by Menander       & recited by Iosephus, I find the first of those kings to be Abibalus, that is Father Baal or Belus. As the Latines said Ju-piter, Mars-piter, Liber Pater, so the Phœnicians said Abi-melec, Abi-baal, i.e. Father Melec & Father Belus. This Belus the Phenicians magnified as a great conqueror contemporary to Cadmus & placed his royal seat at Thebes. For Conon in his 37th Narration tells us that when Cadmus was sent by the king of the Phœnicians to seek Europa, the Phœnicians were very potent & having conquered a great part of Asia placed their royal seat at the Egyptian Thebes. And others represent that Belus was the brother of Agenor & father of Cepheus Ægyptus & Danaus & reigned at Thebes. & others that the Tyrian Belus founded Babylon. Whether the kingdom of Tyre was founded by the Egyptian Belus, or the Tyrians arrogated to their own Belus the glory & actions of the Egyptian Belus I leave to enquiry. It suffices that Cadmus lived in the days of the Tyrian Belus & by consequence was contemporary to David. For Abibalus died eleven years before the founding of the Temple as Iosephus mentions , that is in the 33th year of David.

8. Cadmus a[121] pretended to come into Europe in quest of his sister Europa but really came with his family & a great number of Phenicians & Arabians to seek new seats & planted several colonies in several parts of Greece ✝✝For he was accompanied with his brothers Cilix & Thasus & wife Hermione & mother Telephassa who was buried in the Island Thasus, & with his son Polydorus. He led one colony into Bœotia & left another in Rhodes & another under his brother Thasus in the Island Thasus neare Thrace & his companion Proteus led another into Bisaltia in Thrace & Cilix at the same time led another into Cilicia & Membliarius another into the Island Thera near Crete. And whi{le} he left his country with a multitude of people to seeke new seats, its to be presumed that they were disturbed & prest with difficulties at home & forced to fly. Which circumstance points out the time of Davids reign.


Ephorus the disciple of Isocrates & his contemporaries Callisthenes & Theopompus omitted the first ages as uncertain & began their histories with the return of the Heraclides into Peloponnesus. Diodor. l. IV. initio.

Diodorus tells us that in following the computation of Apollodorus the Athenian, he reccons 80 years from the Trojan war to the return of the Heraclides, & from thence to the first Olympiad 328 years, & that this was gathered by computing the times by the kings of the Lacedemonians. Diod. Lib. V initio.

& between the return of the Heraclides & the end of first Messenian war, the 10 Kings of Sparta by one race (Euristhenes, Agis, &c) the nine by the other race (Procles, Sous &c) the ten of Messene (Cresphontes Epytus &c) & the nine of Arcadia (Cypselus Olæas &c) took up 379 years which is 38 years apiece to the ten kings & 42 years a piece to the nine: & between the return of the Heraclides & the beginning of the Messenian war the eight kings of Sparta by one of the races (Eurystenes Agis &c) reigned 359 years that is one with another 45 years a piece, & the five kings of this race between the end of the first Messenian war & the beginning of the reign of Darius Hystaspis (Eurycrates, Anaxander &c) reigned 202 years which is above 40 years a piece. Thus the Greeks made the kings of their several cities who lived before the times of the Persian monarchy to reign about 35 or 40 years a piece one with another, which is a length so much beyond the course of nature as is not to be credited . For by the ordinary course of nature kings reign one with another about 19 or 20 years a piece, & if in some circumstances they reign 5 or 6 years longer in others they reign as much shorter. Nineteen or twenty years is a mediū.

The first twenty & four kings of France (Pharamund &c) 458 years which is 19 years a piece. the next twenty & ffour kings of France (Ludovicus Babus &c) 4 51 which is 18 3/4 years a piece, the next 15 (Philippus Valesius &c) 315 which is 21 years a piece, all the 63 kings of France 1224 years which is 19 1/2 years a piece. The 11 Kings of Egypt (Ptolemæus Lagi &c) 277 years which is 25 years a piece

The heathen Roman Emperors reignd about 10 years a piece one with another

The first 20 Roman Emperors (Iulius Cæsar &c omitting the short reigns of Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Pertinax, Didius Iulianus & Macrinus) reignd 284 years 264 years which is 13 1/4 14 1/4 years a piece. The first 20 Eastern Emperors (Arcadius &c) reignd 346 years which is 17 1/4, the next 20 (Constantinus Copronymus &c) 315 which is 15 3/4 year. the last 25 (Michael Strato &c) 399 year which is 16 years a piece. The 1st 20 western Emperors (Charles the great &c) 328 which 16 1/2 year a piece. The last 25 (Conrade III &c) 520      years which is 20 3/4 year a piece: all the 45 western Emperors 858      which is 19 years a piece.


The Romans began to coyn [ copper money in the reign of Servius Tullius ] silver money about 3 years before the first Punic war an 1 Olymp. 128 & gold money about 62 years after : but copper money they coyned in the reign of Servius Tullius which was above 250 years before. The Greeks being richer in those metals then the Romans coyned them earlier & the people of Asia minor being still richer coyned them earlier then the Greeks. For Herodotus tells us that the Lydians were the first men (so far as he knew) that coyned money of gold & Silver. In the reign of Cræsus they had much money of both these sorts & there is extant a Silver coyn much older of Alys one of the predecessors of Cræsus And Hermodice the wife of Midas coyned money for Cuma. . But the Greeks (so far as yet appears) coyned no gold or silver before the reign of Phidon king of Argos In ancienter times they used they used crude masses of iron copper & silver of such a weight as equaled an Ox in value for the convenience of buying & selling cattle recconing ten sheep to an ox & such pieces they called Oxen from their value & thence came the name of pecunia. These masses were usually in the form of long barrs which they called oboli, & continued in use in Greece & Italy long after the days of Phidon. Such was the Iron money of the Spartans instituted by Lycurgus & the iron Obelus of Epaminondas the Theban mentioned by Plutarch & the iron money of Byzantium stamped with their God which Aristophanes therefore calls iron Gods as Hesychius mentions. Chronologers make Phidon as old as Lycurgus, but I had rather trust Herodotus who who writing of things done but a little before his own times, was able to inform himself & tells us that Leocides the son of this Phidon & Megacles the son of Alcmæon an Athenian were at one & the same time suitors or woers of Agarista the daughter of Clisthenes king of Sicyon which Alcmæon, as Herodotus also tells us, & conducted the messengers which Cræsus sent to consult the Oracle at Delphos & for doing so had as much gold given him by Cræsus as he could carry away & the sister of this Alcmæon was the wife of Pisistratus . Phido therefore was contemporary to Alcmæon Cræsus & Pisistratus or not above one generation older & therefore flourished not above 50 or 60 years before the reign of Darius Hystaspis. After the example of Phido, Solon regulated the weights of the Athenians appointing a[122] that a pound, which before conteined 73 drachms, should contain an hundred drachms: so that we may reccon Phidon as old as Solon or a little older. Now Strabo tells us that Phidon was the tenth from Temenus, not the tenth king of Argos but the tenth in generation from father to son . For Cisus the son of Temenus lost the kingdom & Phidon recoverd it. From the return of the Heraclides under Temenus & his brothers to the reign of Darius we recconed 320 years & if Phido reigned about 60 years before Darius there will be 260 years from Temenus to Phido which being put equal to the nine intervals of the 10 generations make about 29 years to an interval or or generation, recconing one generation with another. Which is long <123r> If from Phidon to the reign of Darius Hystaspis we may reccon two generations more the eleven intervals of these 12 generations will take up the time of 320 years which we recconed between the return of the Heraclides under Tisamenus & his brother & the reign of Darius: & the intervals or generations will take up about 29 years a piece one with another: which is long enough for generations propagated by the chief of the family. But if with Chronologers you reccon 581 years between the return of the Heraclides & the reign of Darius, there will be above 50 years a piece to the generations which is much too long.

Some tell us that Caranus was the brother of Phido & founded the kingdom of Macedone, & was succeeded by Perdiccas. But old Herodotus who lived neare enough those times to know the truth, reccons Perdiccas the founder of that kingdom & first king thereof, & knew nothing of the founding of that kingdom by Caranus.

The seven first kings of the Romans being elective & six of them being either slain or deposed it may suffice to reccon the six at about 10 or 12 years a piece one with another & the 7th at 16 or 20. And thus Numa who was a Pythagorean philosopher might live after Thales Pherecydes & Pythagoras had brought philosophy into Europe. If they be recconed to {illeg}ether at about 90 years & to the 15 Kings of the Latines between Æneas & Romulus be allowed one with another 20 years a piece, the whole summ of 390 years counted backwards from the beginning of the Consuls will place the death of Æneas 377 years before the reign of Darius Hystaspis, And since Chronologers reccon his death seven years later then the taking of Troy, the taking of that City will be 384 years before the reign of Darius. which differs but one year from our former recconing.

Hippocrates &c.


Thymætes saith further that [ in the war against the Titans Baccus commanded the men & Minerva the weomen ] 200 of the soldies of Bacchus were bred up with him which is the character of Sesostris, that he had in army Libyans & Amazons who were both warriors & virgins & followed him for the sake of Minerva & that Minerva was born at the river Triton in Libya & minded the same way & course of life with the Amazons being a Virgin all her life & that in the war against the Titans Bacchus commanded the men & Minerva the weomen.

1 They tell us that Bacchus built a City called Nysa on the side of the Mountain Merus & planted the mountain with ivy, but where Nysa stood is uncertain. Some place it in India neare the river Indus other in Libya others in Ethiopia but most in Arabia & Homer in that part of Arabia between Syria & Egypt. {whi}ch is probable because they figured that he was born of Iupiters thigh, that is came from the side of the mountain Meros. {illeg} perform his conquests [ From his being Deified & worshipped in this city came the fable that he was born of Iupiters thigh : ] for the side of a mountain was by the eastern nations called its thigh. & the mountains name Meros signifies a thigh. So because Pallas was raised to honour by the will & pleasure the of Ammon & Bacchus they feigned that shee was born of Iupiters brain, & because Venus came by sea to Cyprus where she grew famous & was deified they feigned that she was born of the sea.

3 Africanus has given us a list of seven kings of the Chaldees ancienter then the Æra of Nabonassar, by Bacchus. the first of which is Euechus, This name differs so little from Bacchus that I suspect these king reigned in a colony planted there by him

2 When the Arabians would express their admiration of any extraordinary great thing any thing they say Bacche Bacches that is Great Great whence came the name of Bacchus & from the City Nysa they formed the name Dio-nysus the word Du & in the oblique case Di signifying Lord in their language as Dr Pocock informs us. They had only two Gods Bacchys & Vraniua.

4 When Bacchus came from India into Asia minor it is to be conceived that he invaded the Islands of the Cyclades in order to bring his fleet into the Hellespont for passing over into Europe, & then it was that he tooke Ariadne from Theseus. If we may suppose this to be about 11 or 12 years after the death of Solomon & that Theseus was then about 21 years old being a beardless youth, & that when he was 50 years old he stole Hellena a child 10 years old as authors tell us & that Paris stole her 20 years before the last year of the Trojan war as Homer affirms & that when Paris stole her she was about 18 or 20 years old: the taking of Troy will be about 70 years after the death of Solomon as above. And if we may further suppose that Minos was born two or three years after the rapture of Europa & that he was about 46 years old when his eldest son Androgeus overcame at the Panathenæa & was slain & that four or five years more were spent in the war between Minos & the Athenians before matters were agreed & twice eight years more sending children thrice to the Minotaur before Theseus overcame him, the rapture of Europa will be about the 22th year of <124v> David where we placed it above. . Some tell us that there were two Minoses one the granson of the other but Homer, Apollodorus & Strabo & the people of Crete knew of but one.

Since Oeagrus begat Orpheus of Calliope after Bacchus came over the Hellespont if we may suppose that Orpheus at the time of the Argonautic expedition was about 20 or 24 old & that it was so many years before the Greeks built the Ship Argo after the pattern of the long ship in which Danaus came into Greece, the Argonautic expedition will be about 35 40 years after the death of Solomon & one generation before the taking of Troy.

And since Bacchus came into Europe in the days of Amphictyon the son of Deu{cali}on & in the beginning of the reign of Theseus : it discovers to us the occasion {of} uniting first the 12 cities of Attica into one polity under Athens by Theseus & then Athens & many other head cities of Greece {illeg} the Amphictyonic Council at Delphos by this Amphictyon. I know that in the series of the Kings of Athens Amphictyon is some generations older then Theseus. But that series is with me of little credit. Athens was not then the metropolis of Attica, & in what cities those kings reigned is uncertain. Some of them might be contemporary, some of them only several names of the same king. And whether Amphictyon was king of Athens may be doubted. There was another Amphictyonic Council erected about the same time or not long before at Thermopylæ by another Amphictyon.

This Council met every half year in spring & autumn at Delphos & Thermophylae alternately, & was instituted by Acrisius the grandfather of Perseus & king of Argos. When Acrisius went from Argos into Thessaly & Macedonia where they say he he was accidentally killed by his grandson Perseus, it is to be understood that he went from Argos to convene the nations of Greece against Sesostris for their common safety & then ordeined & formed this Councel & by their advice & assistance raised the army with which his grandson Perseus opposed the Egyptians & slew many of the Mænades.


This is the Libyan or western Ethiopia. The Arabic or Eastern called Chus being under Hercules . Antæus seems to be the same man with Atlas the Astronomer & Grandfather of Mercury. Both were Egyptians both were Terræ filij or Titans, both reigned over Libya, both invaded Egypt both were overcome by Hercules . Nor do the names disagree. הτל Antæus, false Antæus by contraction becomes Atlantæus, Atlas. And while the sea was called by the name of Atlas he seems to be Neptune the God of the sea

Cyrene is a long & narrow piece of grown lying upon the sea

The outmost parts of the earth & promonteries & whatever borders upon the sea the Egyptians called Nephthys, And such is Cyrene. It is a long & narrow country lying upon the Mediterranean & the inhabitants thereof Geographers take to be the Naphtuim mentioned in scripture. Hence came the name of Neptune, for Neptune was a sea God

The Ocean round all Afric was anciently called the Atlantic sea which implies that Atlas was a sea God, & I take him to be Neptune. For Neptune was first worshipped in Africa & therefore was king of that region . He was an Egyptian by birth being the brother of Iupiter & Pluto, & son of Saturn.


& from the name of the mountain which signifies a thigh was said to be born of Iupiters t{high} which is probable because they feign that he was born in that mountain then came from thence to perform his conquests.

dd .0 xx + yy xyy +cx. 0 xyy x xy + cy xy .0 xy xy ddxy ddxy = xxxy x3 y + cxxy + xy3 xyyy + cyyy. ddxy ddy xxy y3 ×x ddx x3 + cxx xyy + cyy = y.

The weight & value of the Gold & silver in the new wrought Plate brought from Uigo & delivered into the Treasury of the Mint Jan 28. Feb. 15 & Mar 5. 1702/3.

1 An Altar Piece weighing 170 Marks Spanish W.8117. 2. 10350.00.00
2 Seven pieces of Altar Plate in a case W.12 1/211. 1. 532. 9. 9
3 Six Images with Pedestles W.2143. 2. 15121/ 6. 0
4 A Holy-water Pot in a case W. 174. 3. 5 12. 5. 0
5 Six spoons set with {counterfeite} gemms A crown set with counterfeit gemms
5 A Crucifix & pair of Beads
6 Six guilt Salvers covered with Philligree work10. 3. 530. 16. 9
7 A large Basin W 16 & Ew{r}e W 721. 3. 05 62. 7. 0
8 22. 3. 1562. 17. 10
9 A small Basin & Ewre w 128. 6. 025. 12. 9
10 Another small Basin & Ewre w 128. 5. 025. 0. 8
11 A stand of Chocolate Potts & Tea Cups with a sugar box in the ,iddle W 5 1/212. 7. 538. 2. 1
12 A large Chocolate Pot W 88. 5. 025. 3. 0
13 Another Chocolate Pot W 0 1/23. 4. 109. 19. 4
14 Six Salvers for Chocolate Tea & Coffee7. 3. 022. 3. 4
16 A Salver covered with Mother of Pearl.4. .
17 A Writing Stand with a Bell & vessels for ink sand &c about it w 5 1/213. 3. 040. 1. 2
18 Eleaven new Plates14. 11. 0
19 Twelve Plates16. 4. 15
20 Eight Plates9. 7. 5
21 Twelve Plates15. 1. 5
22 Thirteen Plates17. 0. 10
23 Fifteen Plates19. 7. 10
24 Twelve Plates15. 8. 15
25 Twelve Plates16. 4. 15
26 Thirty Plates45. 2. 5
27 Two new Basins11. 6. 5

Diodorus tells us that the Egyptians sent out many colonies & that Belus the son of Neptune & Libya carried Colonies into Babylonia & seating himself on Euphrates instituted Priests who were free from taxes & publick expences after the manner of the Priests of Egypt, & were called Chaldæans & after the example of the Priests & Astronomers of Egypt observed the starrs. By calling Belus the son of Neptune he represents him a Mariner Such as Oadnes was. By calling him also the son of Libya he points out a western Prince, & by deducing the colonies from Egypt he makes him a king of Egypt . So a[124] Pausanias: The Babylonian Belus hath his name from Belus an Egyptian the son of Libya. To this Belus the famous temple in the middle of Babylon was dedicated, & on the top of it they observed the starrs. And the Egyptians made this Belus (( by the name of Osiris) as old as the Chaldeans made Oannes. So then the Eyptians in the days of Osiris propagated Astronomy not only into Libya & Greece but also into Chaldea, [ & the Chaldean Asterisms might be of that antiquity: ] but Astronomy was then in its infancy & the Chaldeans were no seamen. They had no encouragement to apply themselves much to Astronomy till the Egyptians who fled from Sabbacon brought Astrology into Chaldea , & set on foot the Æra of Nabonassar. Till those days their year was Lunisolar, a year unfit for Astronomical Observations.

But the Chaldæans raised their antiquities like other nations, & I had rather beleive that letters & Astronomy came into Chaldea about the same time that they came into ibya, Asia minor & Greece, or not long before; & so might be carried thither by colonies of Edomites who fled by sea from David, & by Egyptian fleet in the days of Solomon & Rehoboam Abia & Asa. / Diodorus tells us that Astronomy was carried into Chaldæa by a colony of Egyptians under Belus the son of Neptune & Libya, & by calling him the son of Neptune he represents him a seaman like Oannes. When the Egyptians carried Astronomy westward into Libya & Europe they carried it also eastward into Chaldæa. But

– in his army against Ahab. 1 King. 20.16.

When navigation was so far improved – propagated beyond the straits.

The Sicanians were reputed – – of Sicily. They built little villages – common king.

~ ~ Philistims saith that they were transplanted into Sicily from the river Sicanus in Spain – – – For it was the custome – – contemporary to Evande. Ceres is said to come from Sicily a little earlier. And perhaps that Island might begin to be known to the Egyptians from the time that they conquered Libya.

The first inhabitants of Crete – before, & scarce above.

And the island Cyprus & Asterius & Minos.

All these footsteps there are – – & its islands. The antiquities of Libya were not much older – – on this side India. Abraham was the fift from Peleg, & all manking lived together in Chaldea under the government of Noah & his sons &c.

Polyphides (the fift from Sicyon, is also to be omitted, being unknown to the ancienter Greeks.

Between the death of Ægeus Theseus & that of Codrus there reigned seven kings besides Aphidas who reigned but one year. And between the death of Codrus & the first decennial Archon there reigned twelve Archons for life. These at 17 years apiece one with another take up 119 years to the death of Codrus & 204 years more to the first decennial Archon

  • Solomon reigned 40 years 1 King. 11.42.
  • Ierobeam reigned 22 years.
  • Rehoboam reigned 17 years 1 King. 14.21.
  • Abijah reigned 3 years beginning in the 18th of Ieroboam. 1 King. 15.1, 2.
  • Asa reigned 41 years beginning in the 20th of Ieroboam. 1 King. 15.9, 10.
  • Nadab the son of Ieroboam reigned 2 years beginning in the 2d y. of Asa. 1 King. 1 King. 15.25.
  • Baasha slew him & succeeded him in the 3d year of Asa & reigned 24 years. 1 King. 15.28, 33
  • Elah the son of Baash succeeded him in the 26th of Asa & reigned 2 years. 1 King. . 16.8
  • Zimri slew him in the 27th y. of Asa & reigned 7 days in Tirzah. 1 King . 16.15
  • Omri made king by the people, reigned 12 years. 6 years in Tirzah. then in Samaria. 1 King. 16.23.
  • But Omri was opposed by Zimri & Tibni till the 31th of Asa.
  • Ahab the son of Omri reigned in the 38 of Asa & reigned 22 years. 1 King. 16.29.
  • Iehosaphat f. Asa began in the 4th of Ahab & reigned 25 years. 1 King. 22.41, 42.
  • Ahaziah. f. Ahab. began in 17th of Iehosaphat & reigned 2 years. 1 King. 22.51.
  • Iehoram f. Ahab. began in 18 of Iehosaphat & reigned 12 years 2 King 2.1.
  • Iehoram f. Iehosaphat began in 5t y. of Iehoram f. Ahab, & reigned 8 years. 2 King. 8.16, 17.
  • Ahaziah f. Ioram f. Iehosaphat began in 12 11 Ioram f Ahab, & reigned one year. 2 King 8. 25, 26 9. 29
  • Ioram f. Ahab. & Ahaziah & Iezebel slain by Iehu.
Rehoboam 17.Ieroboam 22
Abia 3. b. 18 Ierob.Nadab 2 b. 2 Asa
Asa 41 b 20 IerobBaasha 24 b. 3 Asa
Iehosaphat f. 25 b. 4 AhabElah 2 b. 26 Asa
Iehoram f. 8 b. 5 Iehor.Omri 12 b 27 Asa
Ahaziah f. 1 b. 1211 Iehor.Ahab 22 b 38 Asa
Ahasiah 2 b 17 Iehos.
Iehoram 12 18 Iehos.

Cities grow great & populous in proportion to their dominion. When the Thebans by expelling the shepherds became lords of all Egypt, their city would grow greater then before but not arrive to its greatness till they conquered the nations round about & built it accordingly. Their conquests were as follows.

After Ammon had educated his son Sesostris for war he sent him with an army into Arabia, that Arabia which lies between Egypt & the red sea, & Sesostris being accompanied with those who were brought up with him, destroyed the Serpents & overcoming And while Sesostris built Temples in his conquests its probable that

And in like manner cities deified such of their dead kings & Heros as had been their benefactors & built sepulchres to them in form of Temples with yearly solemnities . the temples with revennues for maintaining a succession of Priests & bearing the charge of sacrifices which made the worship more famous & lasting. This Cinyras built temples to his dead mistress ✝ < insertion from from the end of the line on f 128r > ✝ & where the king reigned over much people & had temples erected to him in several places it made his worship of the greater extent. so that the greatest King & conquerors became the greatest Gods. Thus The Greecians in the ages next before the Trojan war built Temples to almost all their dead kings & famous men as you may read in Pausanias & this practise they learn of the Phenicians & Egyptians. < text from f 128r resumes > The Greecians in the ages next before the Trojan war built Temples to almost all their dead kings & famous men as you may read in Pausanias & the practise they learnt the Phenicians & Egyptians. Which makes it probable that some of the Egyptian Temples above mentioned which Sesostris built in his conquests were built to the memory of his father Ammon according to these verses of Lucan

Quamvis Æthiopum

with this inscription in the sacred Egyptian letters. Sesoosis King of Kings & Lord of Lords overcame this country by his arms. In those pillars the privy member of a man was exprest where the nations were stout & warlike & that of a weomen where they were timorous . In some places he erected also his own statue in stone holding a bow & lance & being in height 4 cubits & 4 palms which was his stature. Antheodorus saith that he conquered most of the nations of Greece & Herodotus that he passed over the Danube. His words are: Sesostris having a great army went through the continent subduing all nations before him untill passing over from Asia into Europe he subdued the Scythians & Thracians to whom & no further the Egyptian army seems to have come because in their territories there appear pillars erected & not beyond them. Most of the pillars were gone before Herodotus's time but some he saw in Palestine with the Egyptian writing & weomens genitals & in Ionia there were two statues of Sesostris then remaining one in the way from <128v> Ephesus into Phocœa & the other between Sardes & Smyrna, each holding a dart in the right hand & a bow in the left & the rest of their armature being both Ethiopic & Egyptian & upon the brest from sholder to sholder this inscription in sacred Egyptian letters. I obteined this region with my arms.

In his return he left a part of his army at Colchos as Herodotus Diodorus & others affirm. Whence it came to pass that the people at Colchos anciently spake the Egyptian language & like the Egyptians used circumcision & ware linnen garments & had crisp hair & a dark complexion & had commerce with the Egyptians, one Xenocrates sailing in summer to Phasis & in winter into Egypt. And Ætes king of Colchos was called the son of the Sun after the manner of the Kings of Egypt & his wife & daughters were famous for skill in the vertues of plants like the Egyptians. For Homer tells us that Egypt abounded with plants both medicinal & deadly & that the Egyptians were skilled in medicine above all other mortals being the progeny of Apollo. Also Sesostris left with the people of Colchos the Geographical Tables which he made of his Conquests. For Eustathius tells us that he made such Tables & communicated them not only to the Egyptians but also to the Scythians by the Scythians meaning the inhabitants Colchos. And these Tables gave a beginning to Geography.

2 Iustin – – – – fugitives

1 Pliny tells us – – – – Colchosque vocari Iuperet.

And for greater security of the pass Sesostris seems to have left in that part of Cappadocia which borders upon Colchos another part of his army mixt of Egyptians, Philistims & the shepphers those old enemies of Egypt. For there Bochard – – – – – out of Egypt & from whom the Philistins afterward returned back from captivity into their own land – – – – – Caphtor. Ier. 47.4. And next this colony upon the Euxine Sea at the river Thermodon he placed a colony of his weomen whom the Greeks called Amazons

Sesostris having spent nine years in this expedition commanded the nations according to their ability to bring guifts yearly into Egypt & he himself having out done all former kings with the greatness of his actions returned back into Egypt with the captives & other spoiles of which he had gathered a vast quantity. Among other captives he seems to have carried away Tithonus a youth beautiful to a proverb, which Tithonus saith Diodorus was the son of Laomedon & brother of Priam & warring in the eastern part went as far as Ethiopia whence came the fable of Memnons being the son of Aurora. Hesiod calls Memnon the son of Tithonus & Aurora & Pinder calls him the son of Aurora & cousin german of Troilus one of the sons of Priam, He lived to a very great age & spent his days in the Court & army of the Kings of Egypt If when he was captivated which was in the 14th year of Rehoboam we may suppose his brother Priam to have been a child the taking of Troy which happened when Priam began to be infirm with old age may be recconed about 55 or 60 years later then the return of Sesostris into Egypt & by consequence about 70 years later then the death of Solomon as above.

When Sesostris was returning home he received notice that his brother Armais <129r> had revolted & usurped the crown of Egypt, which made him hasten to Pelusium. There making some stay Armais, whom the Greeks call Danaus, plotted to destroy him by inviting h. to a feast & setting fire to the house

When Sesostris came back to Pelusium, his brother Armais who had revolted & usurped the crown, plotted to destroy him by inviting him to a feast & setting fire to the house in the night when he was heavy with wine & asleep – – – four children. Armais whom the Greeks call Danaus, having by his wives & concubines many daughters whom he had married to the sons of Sesostris – – but Sesostris escaping the fire with his wife & four children recovered his kingdom & Danaus fled with his daughters to Rhodos in a long ship of 5 & thence to Greece in a long ship of 50 oars . This flight was therefore in the 14 & 15th years of Rehoboam. And after the pattern of this ship the Greeks built the ship Argo which was the first long ship built by the Greeks. Whence we may reccon that the Argonautic Expedition was about 25 or 30 years after the death of Solomon. For it was in the reign of Ætes the a[125] founder of the royal city Æa & & Son of the Sun or first Egyptian king of Colchos.

Sesostris being returned home adorned all the temples of Egypt with excellent guifts & the spoiles of his enemies, & in every city built a new temple to that God which the city chiefly worshipped & imploying only captives in these works, wrote upon every Temple that none of the natives were imployed in building it. He cut ditches from the river Nile into all the parts of Egypt as high as Memphys for supplying the cities with water & for carying to them corn – – – fortified them

As Sesostris in his conquests , triumphs , magnificence great works outdid all other kings so the Egyptians for his greatness & benefactions to them honoured him after his death above all their kings. erecting temples to him & endowing them & celebrating his memory with anniversary solemnities throughout all egypt & worshipping him under the name of Sirius or O-Siris. [And that Cranaus worshipped him under the name of Bacchus For Sesostris Osiris & Bacchus were one & the same king ] For the Egyptians tell us that Osiris built Thebes – – – to steale away. Dicæarcus makes Osiris two generations older then Sesonchosis, others make him still older but by his being contemporary to Licurgus & Triptolemus he lived but two or three generations before the Trojan war & so could be no other then Sesostris.

Osiris went through the world with very little use of arms – – – into his enemy.

Bacchus is generally accounted one & the same God with Osiris. So Herodotus[127] : Osiris in the greek tongue is Dionysius that is Bacchus And again: All the Egyptians do not worship the same gods except Isis & Osiris whom they affirm to be Bacchus. And Diodorus[128] : Some of the ancient Greek Mythologists call Osiris Dionysus & sirname him Sirius. & particularly Eumolpus & Orpheus. call him Dionysus And again: The Egyptians interpret Osiris to be Bacchus & Isis Ceres. Symbol (tripplebarred cross) in textSymbol (tripplebarred cross) in text And again: The ceremonies & rites of Osiris agree in every thing with those of Bacchus & those of Isis & Ceres are the same, differing in nothing but the name So Also Plutarch[129] tells us that Bacchus is no other then Osiris! that Anticlides saith that Isis was the daugther of Promotheus & wife of Bacchus, And that Ivy which is consecrated to Bacchus is by the Egyptians called Chenosiris which word signifies the plant of Osiris. The Egyptians say that Orpheus brought over most of the religious rites & ceremonies concerning the celebration of Org{illeg} & fable of Hell: fo{r}


And that Bacchus & Osiris are the same appears further by the agreement of their history. For this Bacchus with his armies went through – – – returned back to Thebes. In his way toward Iudia he made a bridge – – – – – because they were weomen. When Bacchus came into Europe – – –

– & therefore Bacchus was contemporary to Osiris & Sesostris. All three were Egyptians & Kings of the same age, & reigned over Egypt. All three were the greatest conquerors that ever were & conquered the same regions going over all Asia & India, all three passed over the Hellespont & were there in danger of losing their army. All three subdued Thrace, & there put an end to their progress & returned back from thence into Egypt. All three left pillars with inscriptions in their conquests & it is not likely that all these characters can agree to more persons then one. Add that all three were the sons of Ammon For The Greeks reccon Osyris & Bacchus the sons of Juppiter & the Egyptian name of Iupiter is Ammon, & Thymætes –.

Some make Io the daughter of Inachus to be Isis. Others say that Iupiter begat Apis Serapis or Osiris of Niobe the daughther of Phoroneus & others make Apis to be the son of Phoroneus & sister of Niobe. Which fictions were grounded upon the Synchonism of Osiris & Isis with Io & Niobe & {her} children & by consequence with David Solomon & Rehoboam or some of them. The Greeks joyned Bacchus Apollo & the Muses & ascribed to them the Orgia & Choruses & sacred mysteries & calling Bacchus the prince of the mysteries. Strabo {illeg} that In Thrace which was conquered by Bacchus the Muses were originally celebrated Pieria Olympus Pimpla & Libethrum were places in Thrace & the Thracians of Bœotia consecrated Helicon to the Muses & they who first cultivated the ancient Music, Orpheus Musæus & Thamyris were Thracians. And while all Asia as far as India was consecrated to Bacchus, they brought thence also a great part of Music. Strabo l. 10. p. 468, 471

By all which it is manifest that Bacchus is but another name of Osiris or Sesostris. All three

recconing the Iews were released from captivity in the first year of Cyrus while Darius was yet alive, [ that is in the Iewish year which began with the month Nisan in the year of Nabonassar 210, & was the seventith year of Nebuchadnezzars reign over Iudea. For if they were released in the first year of Cyrus after the death of Darius, there will be two years between the fall of Babylon & the release of the Captivity & seventy two years between the beginning of the servitude of the Iews in the third year of Iehojakim & their release in the first year of Cyrus. But in the other recconing the servitude of the Iews lasted just seventy years. ]

Some date the seventy years from the captivity of Iehojakim, others from that of Zedekiah, but they are plainly the duration of the reign of the king of Babylon over Iudea & over the neighbouring nations, & end with the fall of his kingdom and with the first year of Cyrus 2 Chron 36.21, 22. Ier 25.1, 12. Yet there seems to be another seventy years of Gods Indignation against Ierusalem & the cities of Iudah to be counted from the burning of the Temple in the 11.th year of Zedekiah to the rebuilding thereof in the 2d or 4th years of Darius Hystapis. Zech. 1.12 & 7.5. In those 70 years the Iews fasted in the fift month on account of the conflagration of the Temple.       in that month. And when they had fasted 70 times they sent to the house of the Lord to enquire of the Priests & Prophets whether they should continue that fast any longer This message was in the 4th year of Darius in the ninth month (Anno Nabonass. 230 finientes) & therefore the 70th last fast of the 70 was in the 5t month preceeding which month was just 70 years after the conflagration of the Temple. They err therefore who suppose the Temple burnt above 70 years before the Reign of Darius.


from all which I gather that Erechtheus was three short generations or about 70 years older then Dædalus & two long

This makes me of opinion that Erechtheus did not inherit his fathers kingdom but succeeded some other king, suppose Amphictyon, by right of Election. Cranaus the predecessor of Amphictyon was the father of Rharus the father of Celeus, & therefore contemporary to Erechthonius. For Celeus was contemporary to Erechtheus. – Whence its probable that Cecrops the predecessor of Cranaus began his reign in the days of Eli.

Perseus was the father of Alcæus – – – –

The Ægyptians were conquered successively by the Ethiopians, Assyrians Babylonians & Persians & by these conquests their Antiquities & Records were from time to time impaired & at length destroyed & carried away by Artaxerxes Ochus king of Persia. and From that time the Greeks left off travelling into Egypt for knowledge. {W}


For the Honourable Doctor Isaac Newton Master - Worker of the Mint


Theses the golden Ram, the fiery Bull, the Argonauts Castor & Pollux, & the swan of their mother Læda & Theseus the ship Argo The Dragon which kept the fleece, the Cup of Medea, & a Crow pecking the carcass of the Dragon to denote his being slain. Theres the Centaur Chiron with his altar & sacrifice, the harp of Orpheus, & the Argonaut Hercules & his arrow. Theres the story of Cepheus Cassiopæia Andromeda Cetus & Perseus. Orion with his doggs & hare & Scorpion & river.

Thales revived Astronomy among the Greeks & wrote a book of the Tropicks & Equinoxes. He began to flourish about 324 years after the time where we have placed the Argonautic expeditin & in that time the card. points would go backward 4gr 30' & so be removed from the middles of the signes into the the 11th degree thereof. Pliny tells us that Thales – – – 11th degree of Cancer. But it being placed in the middles of the signs by these who formed the sphere, he might lean to their opinion so far as to place it in the beginning of the twelft degree.

Meton & Euctemon – Solomon or thereabouts.

Hipparchus Rhodius – – – – rate of a degree in an hundred years.

& so might be found by Thales in & 11gr 36' or thereabouts [ For Thales wrote a book of the Tropicks & Equinoxes & therefore observed them & published his Observations & so in the days of Thales be ] Pliny tells us that Thales determined – – 11 degree of Cancer. ] After the Argonautic expedition & Trojan war we hear nothing more of Astronomy till the days of Thales. He revived Astronomy & wrote a book of the Tropics & Equinoxes, & Pliny tells us that he determined the occasus matutinus of the Pleiades – – – 11 degree of Cancer. It had therefore moved backwars between 4 & 5 degrees, or about 4 1/2 since the Argonautic Expedition & this motion after the rate of 72 years to a degree answers to 324 years Count these years back from the 41th Olympiad in which Thales was a yong man fit for Astronomical studies: & the recconing will place the Argonautic Expedition 42 years after the death of Solomon as above. But Thale in publishing his book about the Equinoxes might lean a little to the opinion of former Astronomers who placed the Cardinal points in the middles of the signes so as in publishing his afforesaid Book places them in the beginning of the 12th degree thereof.


In the end of the year 1689 the star called Prima Arietis was in 28. 51. 00 with north Latitude 7. 8. 58 And the star called ultima laudæ Arietis was in 19. 3. 42.      with north latitude 2. 34. 5. And the Colurus Æquinoctioorum passing through the middle point between these two starrs did then cut the Ecliptick in 6. 45. 32.32 {π} 288. 37

00 00 Tan.661200.00 Tan.4.51.310 Rad51.517 4.85860 sin.2∟118140 2.11.49.. 00 00 10.3616981 8.9286581 7730 8.56773,30 00 27544000,00 00 00 28.51.00 49.30.42 38.57.21 02.11.49 36.45.32 6.58.57 6.58.51 7.12.40 6.18.57 4.56.40 32.26.05 6.24.13 5.00 6.29.13

0089880 719040 53930 772970 205,25 38,110 19,055 170580 175001026 182400 205200 18000 205200 167000 83500 2100 0 0 4.23.400000 3.48.200000 5.59.030000 7.05.310000 6.29.530000 8.25.550000 32.23.5200006.28.46

But perhaps it may be better to depend upon the Coluris drawn through several stars so that the errors of the starrs on either side of each Colure may correct & ballance one another

In the neck of the swan are the stars η & χ of the 4th & 5t mag. Their longitudes in the end of that year 8. 37. 28 & 4. 36. 37 & the longitude of the middle point between the 6. 37. 2 Colurus between them a degree from each. & a degree from κ in the north wing of the 4th magn. & 23 ' minutes from ο a star of the 5t magn. in the left arm of Cepheus.

In the left arm of Cepheus rightly delineated is a star of the 5t magnitude called ο by Bayer. Its longitude in the end of the said year was 5. 42. 36 The colures 32' from it

This Colurus passes in the middle between the starrs η & χ of the 4th & 5th magnitudes in the neck of the Swan being distant about a degree at the distance of a degree from each, & by the star κ of the 4th magn in the north wing of the swan & 23' from ο a star of the 5t magn. in the left arm of Cepheus. And so it has all the characters of the Colurus solstitiorum rightly drawn. 36. 29. 2592 35 . 10" = 2627. 1689 938 42 years after the d of Solomon.

And the Equinox in the end of the year 1689 was gone back 36gr 44' since the Argonautic Expedition.


ΑΒ = x. 0 ΒC = y. 0 axm = y. o maxm1 = y. 0 m,m1, 0 axm2 = ÿ x.yx+o. 00 y+oyx=bc. 0 y+ maoxm1 = bd. 00 0ao y+ oaxm1 = bc. cd = m1, 0 aoxx1.

The Israelites fell into great troubles several times & every time their worship was interrupted & their Antiquities scattered. In the high Priesthood of Eli The Philistims took their Ark & took out of it the book of the Law . For at the dedication of the temple of Solomon, when the Arc was brought into the most Holy, there was nothing in it but the two Tables 1 King. 8.9. 2 When Sesak came out of Egypt & spoiled the Temple & brought Iudea into subjection the Iews continued under great troubles for about twenty years being without the true God & without a teaching Priest , & without the Law. 2 Chron 12.3 In the reign of Manasses when {he} built altars to the host of heaven in both courts of the Temple & the Assyrians captivated the Iews, the book of the Laws was lost till the 18 year of Iosiah when Hilkiah found it in the rubbish of the Temple. Nebuchadnezzar burnt the Temple & the worship of God ceased many years. And Antiochus Epiphanes ordered the Temple to be prophaned & the books of the Laws to be burnt wherever they could be found. And by the like disasters the oldest records of all nations have been scattered & lost. The Tyrians kept annals of their publick affairs The Medes kept registers of their publick Acts in the days of Cyrus & had the Records of the Assyrians & other nations whom they conquered. Ezra 4.15, 19, 20: but those Records are long since lost.

The eastern nations kept annals of their publick acts, very early instances of which we have in the Annals of Tyre mentioned by Iosephus & in the Acts of the Assyrian & Babylonian Empires mentioned by Ezra ch 4, But those ancient Records by means of various warrs & revolutions have been long since lost. [ The Ægyptians have been conquered succesively by the Ethiopians, Assyrians Babylonians & Persians, & all their Records at length carried away by Cambyses. The Assyrians conquered the nations round about & were conquered by the Medes & Babylonians & the Babylonians by Medes & they by the Persians & they by the Greeks & Saracens . The Tyrians were conquered by the Babylonians Persians & Greeks & their Annals coming into the hands of the Greeks were translated into the Greek language but both the translation & Original are lost. [ The Annals of Cyprus might come into the hands of the Greeks & those of Carthage into the hand of the Romans but are lost. ] The Records of the Iews have above all others escaped the shipwracks of time. They have been frequently in danger but by Providence have excaped tho not without some dammage. When the Arc of God fell into the hand of the Philistims the original Book of the Law was lost For when the Ark was brought into the Temple of Solomon there was nothing in it but the two Tables of stone, 1 King 8.9. But Samuel who in those days took care of the religion of Israel, out of a copy of this book & the history of the creation & the book of the generations of Adam & the book of the wars of the Lords & other scattered Records written by Moses, Ioshua & others, composed the books of the Law & the histories of Ioshua Iudges & Ruth now extant. For in the book of Genesis the race of the kings of Edom is set down untill there reigned a king in Israel Gen. 36. 31 & in the book of Iudges several things are said to be done when there was no king in Israel & therefore these books were composed after the beginning of the reign of Saul. And the Iews have a tradition that the Book of Ruth was written by Samuel in honour of David, & by consequence in the reign of Saul. And the Pentateuch now extant was handed down to posterity both in the kingdom of the two tribes & in that of the tenn Tribes & therefore was composed before the death of Solomon. It was that book of the Law according to which the affairs of the Tabernacle & Temple were ordered by David & Solomon 1 Chron 16.40 & David in the 78th Psalm admonishing the people to give ear to the law of God means the law of this book. For in describing how


The eastern nations kept Records of their publicks Acts very early: instances of which we have in the Annals of Tyre mentioned by Iosephus & in the Acts of the Assyrian & Babylonian empires mentioned by Ezra ch. 4. & in the history of the lower Egypt in the reign of Timaus or Tammuz & the first six kings of the Shepherds. But those Records by means of various wars & revolutions of kingdoms have been long since lost. The Records of the Iews have above all others escaped the shipwrack of time, tho not without some detriment. Moses wrote the history of the creation (Exod 20.1) the book of the generation of Adam (Gen 5) , the book of the warrs of God {Num.} 21.14) the book of the Law kept in the Ark Deut 31.26) . But all these have been long since lost except what has been transcribed out of them in the Pentateuch now extant. When the Philistins took the Ark the Book of the Law was lost out of it: For when the Ark was brought into the Temple of Solomon there was nothing in it but the two tables of stone. 1 King. 8.9 In the Pentateuch the kings are recited who reigned in the land of Edom before their reigned any king over the Children of Israel (Gen 36.31) & therefore it was composed after there was a king in Israel & not long after because it recites no more kings of Edom then those who reigned before there was a king in Israel & makes no memory of the conquest of Edom by David which put an end to their kingdom. . It