Selected Works about Isaac Newton and his Thought

P. Ackroyd, Isaac Newton (London: Chatto and Windus, 2006)

J.C. Adams, G. Stokes, H.R. Luard and G.D. Liveing, A catalogue of the Portsmouth collection of books and papers written by or belonging to Sir Isaac Newton, the scientific part of which has been presented by the Earl of Portsmouth to the University of Cambridge, drawn up by the syndicate appointed 6th November 1872 (Cambridge: The University Press, 1888)

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P. Anstey, "The methodological origins of Newton’s Queries", Studies in history and philosophy of science 35 (2004), 247-69

P. Aughton, Newton’s apple: Isaac Newton and the English scientific renaissance (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2003)

W.H. Austen, "Isaac Newton on science and religion", Journal of the history of ideas, 31 (1970), 521-42

J-F. Baillon, "La réformation permanente: les newtoniens et le dogme trinitaire", in Maria-Cristina Pitassi, ed., Le Christ entre orthodoxie et lumières (Geneva: Droz, 1994), 123-37

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S.B. Baxter, The development of the Treasury, 1660-1702 (London, 1957)

Z. Bechler, ed., Contemporary Newtonian research, Studies in the history of modern science 9 (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1982)

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J.J. Bono, "From Paracelsus to Newton: the Word of God, the Book of Nature, and the eclipse of the ‘emblematic world view’", in Force and Popkin, Newton and religion, 45-76.

G.S. Brett, "Newton’s place in the history of religious thought", in History of Science Society, Sir Isaac Newton 1727-1927, 259-73

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D. Brewster, Memoirs of the life, writings, and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, 2 vols. (Edinburgh: Thomas Constable & Co., 1855; reprinted with an introduction by R.S. Westfall, New York and London, 1965)

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J.H. Brooke, Science and religion: some historical perspectives (Cambridge: CUP, 1991)

J.H. Brooke and G.N. Cantor, Reconstructing nature: the engagement of science and religion (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1998)

J.Z. Buchwald and I.B. Cohen, eds., Isaac Newton’s natural philosophy (Cambridge, Mass. and London: MIT Press, 2001)

F. Cajori, "Sir Isaac Newton’s early study of the Apocalypse", Popular astronomy 34 (1926), 75-8

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D. Castillejo, A report on the Yahuda collection of Newton MSS. bequeathed to the Jewish National and University Library at Jerusalem (typescript, Jerusalem, 1969)

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J. Champion, "‘Acceptable to inquisitive men’: some Simonian contexts for Newton’s biblical criticism, 1680-1692", in Force and Popkin, Newton and religion, 77-96

G.E. Christianson, In the presence of the Creator. Isaac Newton and his times (New York: The Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan, 1984)

G.E. Christianson, Isaac Newton (New York and Oxford: OUP, 2006)

M.S. Churchill, "The Seven Chapters, with explanatory notes", Chymia 12 (1967), 29-57

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