Letter from Henry Oldenburg to Newton, dated 14 September 1673
London Sept. 14. 73.
I herewith send you Mr Boyle's new Book of Effluviums, which he desired me to present to you in his name, with his very affectionat service, and assurance of the esteem he hath of your vertue and knowledge. I take the liberty to Ioyne in thesame pacquet two Copies more of thesame Book, one for Dr Barrow, and the other for Dr More; which he intreats you to send to them from him, if they be now at Cambridge; if not, to keep them in your hands, till they shall returne thither.
I receiued lately a letter from Monsieur Hevelius, and in it the Frontispice and Title of the First part of his Machina Cœlestis, together with an Advaice, that he hat deliver'd severall Copies of this Book to a Master of a Ship bound for London; among which there is one designed for the University of Cambridge: which when it shall come to my hands, I shall not faile, God willing, to transmit it to your Vice Chancellour, whose name, in the Interim, I desire to know. The Title of the book is,
Iohannis Hevelis
Machinæ Cœlestis Pars Prior,
Organographiam, sive Instrumentorum omnium Astronomicorum, quibus Author hactenus sidera rimatus ac dimensus est, accuratam delineationem et descriptionem, pluribus iconibus, æri incisis, illustratam et exornatam, exhibens: Cum aliis quibusdam tam jucundis quam scitu dignis, ad Mechanicam Opticamque Artem pertinentibus, imprimis de Maximorum laborum constructione et commodissam directione; nec non, novâ ac facillimâ Lentes quasvis, ex Sectionibus Conicis, expoliendi ratione.
I haue lately procured an Astronomical Correspondence between Signor Cassini and our Mr Flamsteed, which I belieue will contribute not a litle to the Advancement of Astronomy especially if the latter, whom Signor Cassini acknowledges to be a very accurat Observer, can furnish himself with good Instruments.
The two new Planets about Saturn, lately discovered by Cassini, are now to be very well seen, as I am informed from Paris, where Signor Cassini saith they see you with a Telescope of 21. parisian feet.
I shall be glad to hear, that this pacquet is safe come to your hands. I am your humble servant