
March 8th 16723.


I received both your letters & thank you for Heckers Mercurius in Sole. As for Monsieur Huygens Observations I conceive they are but the abstract of a private letter sent to you, & therefore concern not me to take notice of them. But yet if he expect an answer & intends that they should be made publick, I will return you my thoughts upon them if you please to send me the originall letter, & procure from Mr Huygens that I may have liberty to publish what passeth between us, if occasion be.

Sir I desire that you will procure that I may be put out from being any longer fellow of the Royal Society. For though I honour that body, yet since I see I shall neither profit them, nor (by reason of this distance) can partake of the advantage of their Assemblies, I desire to withdraw. If you please to do me this favour you will oblige

Your humble Servant

I. Newton

< insertion from the left margin of f 30r >

I have presumed to put you once more to the trouble of receiving my quarterly duty as Fellow of the Royal Society. At next Lady day I am behind hand for half a yeare, & have therefore sent you 1pounds 6shillings by John Stiles. I hope you will excuse this trouble, it being the last. I shall be henceforth absent from Cambridg for about <30v> a month.

< text from f 30r resumes >


For Henry Oldenburg Esquire
at his hous about the middle of the
old Pall-Mail in Westminster


with 1pounds. 6shillings. 0pence


send by Stils at the green Dragon in Bishops Gat on Thursday'

Answered March 13. 1672. sent the original of M. Hugens letter of jan. 14. 16723. and the Transactions of Febr. 1672. and withall represented to him my being surprised at his resigning for no other cause, than his distance, which he knew as well at the time of his election, offering withall my endeavor to take from him the trouble of sending hither his quarterly payments & without any reflection.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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