
The Humble demands of Iustus Brandshagen about his Commission in Scotland, concerning Sir John Areskins Silver Mine

By Order of the Treasury I was paid by Sir Isaac Newton my allowance as 20 shillings per diem during my stay in Scotland till the 18th of Febry 171617, on which day I set out from Scotland, during my Iourny to London till the 29th day of April, when my Report and the Ore of the Mine was received by the Lords of the Treasury for my Allowance as daily Attending { £71. 00. 0
By an Order written to My Lord Lauderdale, and to me, I was to bring along with me to London, Thos Hamilton (a Miner whom the Government was pleas'd to Send along with me into Scotland) whose allowance was 10s, per diem and had been all that while upon my pay. } £35. 10. 0
For the several Coppies of the draughts of the Mine, and the Boxes for the Specimens of Ore, and the Report allso for Leathern Baggs for the Ore According to Mr Drummonds Account who laid out the money, & was paid by me again } £6. 18. 0
Total £113. 08. 0



Petition of John Walker.

Creditor of Iustus Brandshagen for 10£. 10sh: 0d

1 May 1724

To Sir Isaac Newton

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