Petition for £10 borrowed from him in Edinburgh by the late Justus Brandshagen, whose daughter claims that at his death the Government owed her father over £100 for his work at Alva
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majestys Treasury. The Humble Petition of John Walker of Edinburgh Merchant,
That the Late Iustus Brandshagen having while he was at Edinburgh Employed in the service of the Governmnet (and then in very great straits) borrowed the summ of Ten Pounds ten shillings For which he gave a note Vnder his hand payable upon demand. And upon application to the Deceas'ds daughter for payment of the sate note, she informer your Peticoñer that the Government was Indebted to the deceased for that service in Scotland, the summ of One hundred and thirteen pounds Eight shillings. As appears by an Account written by the late Iustus Brandshagen's own hand, a Coppy of which is hereunto annexed. Which Account I was advised to lay before Sir Isaac Newton, who owned to your Petitioner, that the two first articles amounting to one hunderd and six pounds ten shillings, was not paid. And that if your Honours thought fit you might pay me my small summ of Ten pounds ten shillings out of the annex'd accompt.
Your Petitioner therfore being reduced to very great necessities through the Late unhappy times. Humbly prays that your Honors wou'd be pleas'd to Order him the said finall summ of Ten pounds ten shillings out of the annex'd account since it was advanced to the said Iustus Brandshagen when he was upon the service of the Government
And Your Honours Petitioner as in Duty bound shall ever Pray &c.
Io: Walker
<243v>Whitehall Treasury Chambers May 11. 1724
The Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury are pleased to Refer this Petition to Sir Isaac Newton Knight, Master and Worker of his Majestys Mint, who is to consider the same, and Report to their Lordships a true State of the Petitioners case together with his opinion what may be done therein
J Scrope
[1][1] John Walker Referred to Sir Isaac Newton