
June 19th 1672.


Having been in Bedfordshire since my last to you, I at my returne to Cambridge I received yor letter conteining the Philosophicall Transaction{s} for ye last Month inclosed: For wch I returne you many thanks. At prsent I am removed into Lincolnshire & if you {illeg}|ha|ve occasion to write to me before ye 28th day of this Month I pray direct yor letter to me at Mris Smith's house in|at| Woolstrope in Coulsterworth-Parish neare Grantham in Lincolnshire. And for greater security you may further assigne it to be left at Post-Witham to be sent as abov according to direction. In ye answer to Sr R. Morays Experimts there was reflexion printed twice for refraction: wch in the next Transactions may be noted amongst ye errata. The particular places I know not how to direct you to, not haveing ye Book by me, but by the sense you will easily find them. I desire you would not yet print any thing more concerning the Theory of light before i{illeg}|t| hath been more fully weighed. And begging pardon for ye hast in wch I write, I subscribe my selfe

< insertion from the left margin >

Yor Humble Servant

I. Newton.

< text from f 21r resumes >


To his Honoured Friend
Henry Oldenburg Esqꝫ at his
house about the mi{illeg}|d|dle of
the old Pall-Mail in
London |3|

|Rec. jun. 24. 72. Answ. jun. 25. repeating what I had said june 20. and adding, yt P. Pard. obj. and his Answers were already in ye presse and would please, \espec/ if the sequel of ye same. P. wth his answer should follow. That to Mr Hook to be differrd till further order.|

|july 2.72. I wrote again, commun. to him ye contents of M. Hugen's Letter of july 1. 72. and {intimaty} wthall, yt what he had to return to him, I would carefully convey; as I hoped also to doe Mr Hooks return to his Answer. Desired to send ye next Carrier to my house.|

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