Letter from Newton to John Collins, dated 6 February 1669/70
Trin Coll Feb 6 1669.
Mr Barrow shewed mee some of yor papers in wch I was much pleased at Monsr Cassinis inventio{illeg}|n| for finding ye Apogœa & excentricitys of ye Planets
For your Annuity Problem I have sent you the following solution to consider of wt use it b may bee. To know at what rate (N per cent) an Annuity of B is purchased for 31 yeares at ye price A. The rule is .
As for example if bee payd at present for yearely for 31 yeares then is ye Logarithm of . And consequently by the rule or 0,03111 is the Logarithme of ; whence . And or , , . Soe that the Annuity was bought at ye rate of . , per cent.
This rule is not exact but yet soe exact as never to faile above or at the most w{illeg}|h|en the rate is not above per cent. And if the rate bee above 16 or per cent, or wch is all one if {illeg} , then this rule will not \err/ above . You may try the truth of these rules by the equation ; putting , & working in logarithms.
You seeme to apprehend as if I was about writing elaborate Notes upon Kinck-huyson: I understood from Mr Barrow yt yor desire was only to have ye booke reveived: that if any thing were defective or amisse it might be amended, & to that purpose about two Months since I reveived it & made some \such/ observations upon it to that purpose. But though the booke bee a good introduction I think it not worth the paines of a formall comment, There being nothing new or notable in it wch is not to bee found in other Authors of better esteel|m|e.
You make mention of another book of the same Author translated badly into latten by a German Gunner; wch you would have mee correct. I understand not Dutch & would not willingly doe the Author soe much wrong as to undertake to correct a translation where I understand not the originall: I suppose there want not Mathematitians in London yt understand Dutch.
In finding ye Aggregate of the termes of a Musicall Progression there is one way by Logarithms very obvious (viz by by|su|bducting ye logs of each denominator from that of the Numerator &c) wch I supposed to bee the ordinary way in Practise & therefore mentioned it not in my Letter. If you meane another way I would bee glad to have it communicated. Thus Sr I am
Yor troublesome Freind & Servant
Isaac Newton.