Draft response from Newton to John Collins's letter of 5 July 1671
I purposed to have given you a visit at ye late solemni{illeg}|t|y of or Chancellors creation; but that when I was prevented {illeg} in yt Journey by ye suddain surp{illeg}|ri|sall of a fit of sicknesse, wch (God bee thanked) I have now recoved|re|d. But since I am prevented {illeg}|fr|ō making a verball acknowledgment of yor favors undeservd favors, I must bee yet conte{illeg}|nt|ed to do it in writing. In wch respect I find by yor last letter, yt y{illeg} I must still become {illeg}|m|ore your debtor both for the care you take about my concernes & for Borrellius de motionibus. The last winter I reveiwed the introduction & made some few additions to it. & partly upon Dr Barro{ws} instigation, I began to new methodis{illeg}|e| y{illeg}|e| discourse{illeg} of infinite series, designing to illustrate it wth such problems as may (some of ym perhaps) be more acceptable then the the invention of working by such series. But being suddeinly diverted by some buisiness out of Cambridg I have not yet had leisure to return to thos{e} thoughts & I feare I shall not renew them {illeg}|bef|ore winter. I am glad therefore \But since/ you are {illeg} \you informe me there needs no/ hast I hope I may get into ye humour of completing them before ye impression of ye introduction because I if I must helpe to fill up {illeg} /its\ title page I had rather annex somthing that \also wch I may call my owne & wch/ may bee acceptable to Artists{illeg}, as well as ye other to Tyro's.
There haveng {sic} som {sic} things past betweene us concerning musicall progressions, & as I remember you desiring me to communit|c|ate somthing wch I had hind|t|ed to you about it, wch I then had not (nor have yet) adjusted to practise: I shall in its stead of|fer| you somthing else wch I think more to ye purpose.
Any musicall progression being propounded whose last terme is {illeg} . Suppose e {illeg} \=/ meane proportion twixt b & d, or any integrall \or broken/ number betweene them interceding these limits {illeg} /\. {illeg} e is a meane proportion twixt & or any integrall or or {sic} broken number greater then it but not greater then {illeg} |that it is convenient by guesse {illeg} wch differs not considerably from it.| |suppose it intercede the \limits & / very near it.| (supose not more differing then \the difference/ bee not greater then {}) & this proportion will give you ye summe of all the termes very nearely.
As ye Logarithm to ye logarithm of , so {illeg} is to the desired summe.
Examp suppose {illeg}|y|e progression bee . Then is . . . & {illeg} intercedes {illeg} /{}\ & (yt is {illeg} {}) wch I therefore put for e. And work as follows.
/Whence\ the \ye desired/ aggregate desired is found to be
And of {illeg} \The same/ by adding ye \severall/ seve termes together will bee found \more justly/ to bee
But note yt were there more termes inserted into ye progression, (as suppose it was ) the rule would still more approac{illeg}|h| to truth.
2dly that the difference of the termes \denominators/ ought to be two or
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