Letter from John Wallis to Newton, dated 9 January 1698/9
Oxford Ian. 9. 1698./9.
I had lately an intimation from Dr Gregory, as if it were a desire of yours, That (in a letter of Mr. Flamstead's concerning the Parallax of the Earth's Annual Orb, which I am about to print) I would omit a paragraph wherein you are mentioned: It is, wherein, \when/ I had pressed his com̄unicat{illeg}|in|g to me and the his o publike his obser{illeg}|v|ations concerning this matter; he excuseth his delay of gratifying me therein, from his diversions by other Business; & (amongst the rest) this for one: "Contraxeram etiam cum Do Newtono (Doctissimo tunc temporis in Academia Cantabrigiensi Professore) necessitudinem, cui Lume loca ab observationibus meis ante habitis deducta 150 dederam, cum locis simul è Tabulis meis ad earū tempora supputatis, tum similia in posterū prout assequerer promiseram, cum elementis calculi mei in ordine ad emendationem Theoriæ Lunaris Horroccianæ qua {in} re spero eū successus consecuturum expectationi suæ pares. Hinc cū ingeniosis duobus viris (in Septentrionalibus Angliæ partibus) ut ipsis impertirem loca duorū superiorum planetarum (Saturni et Iovis) in ordine ad restituendum illorū motus, quam rem ipsi tunc moliebantur." Upon which I wrote to Mr Flamsted to have his opinion in it. For I was not to alter his letter without his order.
I have since an answer from him, to this purpose: That it was (he supposeth) rather a suggestion of Dr Gregory's own, than any order from you, to have it left out; for that you do readyly acknowledge in all companies, that you had from him such Observations; & that upon his now writing to you on this occasion, he hath received no answer from you to the contrary, \& therefore/ he thinks that you do acquiesce, as to the publishing that paragraph with ye rest, & seems yet to adhere to it.
For my part, I am willing to serve you both, & not willing to displease either And therefore desire you will please to accom̄odate that busyness between yourselves. And I shall readyly comply with what you two agree upon therein. {illeg}|A|nd I desire I may have an account from you, as soon as may be; because ye Press will quickly be ready for it. I am
Yours to serve you
John Wallis.
I do not apprehend any prejudice to you in printing it, (being merely true ma{illeg}|tt|er of fact.) And it seems of concernment to him to satisfy the world (from this & other things mentioned,) that he is not idle: though he be not yet in a readyness to publish that whole of his Observations (for which he is frequently called upon,) it being a great work.