Letter from John Wallis to Newton, dated 3 July 1695
Oxford Jul{illeg}|y| 3. 1695.
About a month or five weeks since I sent you a letter, & with it a Transcript of your two letters which I wished might be printed. And because I suspect there was|er|e some mistakes (particularly in some of those Examples wch you give of what you call your Theorema Primum in your second letter) I desired you would please to consider & correct them to your own mind. And I would desire allso that you would please to explain those words which (in two places) you have conceled by transposing the letters. I hoped that by the first or second return of the Carrier you would have favoured me with a return of those papers so corrected. If you do not think fit to proceed to print them: I would yet desire you would favour me with them so corrected that I might at lest {sic} leave them reposited in the Savilian Library amongst other Manuscript Papers; which will be no dishonour to you, but confirm to you the reputation of your having discovered these notions so long ago. And if in this or ought else I may be in a capacity of serving you I shal readily do it; & do still continue to importune you to be so just to your self, & kind to the publick \as/ to let those things come abroad which you have in so great readyness as I hear you ha{illeg}|v|e. And what is not yet ready, may come afterward in due time. I am
your very humble
John Wallis