Letter concerning the doings of Clark, Deputy Master of the Chester Mint
Chester August 2° 1697
|Ever| Honoured Sr
Our Adversary Clark went on Saturday afternoon for London with a resolution to loade the Warden and my self, with all the Calumnys he can: You see what weapons they fight with, and stick at nothing to compass their ends: he has taken Bowles along with him and Brown, who are I suppose to serve him on all occasions, as fr as their oaths will go. If need be, I begg you would interpose your protection, till we can be informed of any sort of accusation, and that we may be heard {illeg}|be|fore we are in any case judged. I hope your potent friend Mr Montague will not forgett me if their should be occasion, but as I am conscious to my self of no transgression, so I doubt not but to acqui{re}|tt| my self of any imputation their malice can invent. Mr Clark being gone, we begin to pay again, there having been but 3 days intermission.
I am
Honoured sr
Your most faithfull servt.
Edm. Halley
<1v>To the Honoured
Isaac Newton Esqr
at his house in Iermyn Street
near St Iames's
[1] Dat Aug. 2