
After my hearty Commendations, These are to signify to you her Majties. Pleasure That you prepare or cause to be made and prepared with all the speed that may be the number of fifty Medals of Gold according to the Draft approved by her Majty. the 24th. Day of Iune last each Medal to contain in Weight about 14dwt. & 15gr. of fine Gold and to be in value (with three shillings a piece for workmanship and wast) about three pounds ten shillings which said Medals you are to deliver to the Cofferer of her Majties. household whose acquittance for the same shall be your sufficient Discharge herein, And for so doing this shall be your Warrant.

Whitehall Treary Chambers 5th. Ianry 1713


To my very Loving Freind {sic},
Sr. Isaac Newton Knt. Master
& Worker of her Majties. Mint

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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