Clerical copy of MINT00391 (Mint 19/3/119), with the supplementary paragraph (on meeting melting expenses from the Equivalent) incorporated into the body of the letter
To the Rt: Honble: the Earle of Godolphin Lord high Treasurer of Great Britain.
May it please your Lordship.
Vpon a memorial of Mr Drummond Warden of her Maties: Mint at Edinburgh and a Report made thereupon by the Officers of her Maties: Mint in the Tower of London; Her Matie. haveing been pleased by her Warrant dated Iuly 12th to send Monyers from the Mint in the Tower with an allowance of 9d per pound weight Troy for the Coynage of the Silver Monies at Edinburgh besides Tools horses firing, and Allume for their use and the charges of their Iourney thither and back and a Maintenance during their stay there when there is not work sufficient to maintain them: I have hitherto advanced money or these services that the Coynage might receive no stop, But these charges being Extraordinary except the 9d per pound weight, I humbly pray that they may be allowed in my Accompts as incident Charges and that monyes may be Imprest from ye Collector of the Coynage Bullion towards bearing these charges untill my Accounts can be stated.
I pray also that moneys may be advanced to me for defraying the Incident charges of Refineing.
And Whereas by order of her Majties: Right Honble: privy Councill of Scotland I have hitherto melted the old moneys into Ingotts to be Recoyned and the charge of this melting ought to be born by the Importer and is commonly rated at a penny per pound weight and I have hitherto received no Monyes for this ꝑformance I humbly pray that for Enableing me to go through this service I may be paid for it out of the proper Fund 10sh: I conceive to be the Equivalent
All wch: is most humbly Submitted
to your Lordps great wisdome
Geo: Allardes