Memorandum on the French-English exchange rate alongside notes on Biblical chronology
Our Way of exchanging with france is by crowns pieces of 60 sols each; Our Bills are always drawn so without having any regard to what the Crowns \go/ for nowe in france.
Louis d'or go \nowe/ in france for 12 Livres, 15 sols. which is 4 Crowns & 1/4 the Crown being of 60. sols as above.
The exchange between france & England has of Late been from 45d. to 44d.1/2 per crown and was done on munday Last at 44d.1/4.
if We compute a Louis d'or as the exchange was done on monday, and if we had then remitted money to france to have the returns in Louis d'or, as many Exchangers do Every post day, a Louis d'or brought over would have stood us but in 15ß 8d. 1/4.
and if the Exchange was Computed at 45d. per crown it would then stand but in 15ß 11d. 1/4.
Pharaoh sought ye life of Moses for killing an Egyptian, the Iews were in bondage under ye Egyptians, the ten plagues fell on ye Egyptians, the Egyptians were drowned in the red sea. Not one word in all the story of any other people then Egyptians & Israelites. And its further to be observed that the worship of the calf wch Israel brought out of Egypt was not ye religion not that of {illeg} Arabians but that wch ye \ge{nuine}/ Egyptians paid to their God Osiris. And that Pharaoh feared least upon any incursion of the Arabians Israel should help them & go with them out of the land (Exod. 1.10) & that And that as shepherds in the time the Egyptians abominated shepherds in the days of Iaco{b} & Ioseph, so they abominated the sacrifices of shepherds in ye days of Moses Exod. 9.10. It was after this time theref. ye Israel. came under ye dom. of Egyptians ye shepherds.
Æt{illeg}|{es}| at Colchos. For the wife & Hecate the wife of Æetis, & Cerces & Medea his \{two}/ daughters were {illeg} were so skillfull in ye virtues of Plants \& druggs/ for curing wounds & diseases & for poysoning & & so knowing in the & doing other feats, that the Greeks themselves accounted them witches & Sorceresses. And such skill was scarce to be met with in those dark \barbarous/ ages but among the rude {g}e{illeg} {native} \native/ Scythians {illeg} was more like to come from Egypt then to be born in Scythia \in those ignorant ages would scarce have been found in Scythia had it not been brought from Egypt/. And after the death of Iason when Medea was {b}|h|ad her choise to go whither she pleased she chose to go to Phœnicia {illeg} a country next Ægypt whether a \native/ Scythian woman wh|o|uld scarce chuse to travel. H|A|nd Herodotus tells us by relation from the people of the kingdom of Persia that [when Iason had carried away Medea from Colchos her father Ætes send|t| an embassy to the Greeks to demand Iustice again{t}] the Greeks carried \away/ Medea from Colchos by way of requital for the rapture of carriage of Io the daughter Inachus \from Greece/ into Ægypt, & that as they at Colchos had not been punish{ed} for ye rapture of Io so neither should the Greeks be punished for the rapture of Medea.
– if to ye 11 first kings we ascribe {illeg}|a|llow a reign of about 20 years a piece will be {illeg} was about 70 years after the captivity of the ten tribes, vit|z|t \Cranaus/ ye first King of Macedon
alowing their Kings a reign of about 20 years a piece one with another continued 80 years from S{illeg}t{illeg} Iames to ye coming of Æneas into Italy, 300 years more to ye building of Rome & 140 years more to ye first Consul.
He reigned about the time of Davids death \Solomon/. For Herodotus tells \us/ that the by the relation of ye Persians {illeg} relate the|a|t the Phœnicians \were the first occasion of the discord between the Greeks & other nations/, coming from the red Sea into the Mediterranean & inhabiting \the|re|/ Phœnic {illeg} making long viages with merchandizes from Ægypt & Assyria & to Argos & other places \they/ seized upon Io the daughter of Inachus with some other Græcian weomen \of Argos/ who came to buy their merchandizes & carried them \away/ into Ægypt. Afterwards some Greeks \of Crete/ coming to Tyre \in revenge/ carried away Europa the daughter of the King. And afterwards committed a second injury For sailing to Cholchos they carried away Medea the kings daughter. And when they king of Colchos sent an Embassa{dor} to demand her back & that they who did ye injury should be punished the Greakes answered that as they (\vizt/ the Egyptians at Colchos) had not been punished for the rapture of Io so neither should the Greeks for that of Medea. The next age Alexander the son of Priam encouraged by these examples carried away Hellena & thereupon ensued the Trojan warr. Herod. l. 1. And Eusebius tells us that there f{illeg}|lo|urished three Phœnician H{illeg}|i|storians Theodotus Hypsicrates & Mochus who all of them delivered in their Histories that under one certain King happened the rapture of Europa, the voyage of Menelaus into Phœnicia (vizt to seek Hellena) & the league of Hirome when he gave h is daughter to Solomon & & {sic} furnished him with timber for the Temple. Euseb. Præp. l. 10. And Clemens Alexandrius: I{erom {illeg}} Hiram gave his daughter to Solomon at that time when Menelaus after the taking of Troy came into Phœnicia as Menander of Pergamus & Lætus \relate/ in their Phœnician Histories. Clem. strom. l 1. p 326.
He They \staid long in Egypt (Manetho saith 511 yea{r}{s}) &/ hav|d|e various wars|r|s with the Kings of Egyptians till Misphragmuthosis King of Thebes drave them out of almost all \all/ Egypt & shut them up {in} \except/ Avaris or Pelusium where they walled in a place of ten thousand acres of land & shup|t| them selves up. But Teth{illeg}|m|osis Thumosis or Amosis the son of Misphragmuthosis \besieged them with a great army &/ forced them to depart out of Egypt. After the manner of the ancient nations of Arabia they sacrificed man
A|Th|e Israelites had been in Egypt 4{0}|3|0 years & yet are no where called Egyptians. remained a distinct from ye Egyptians people so as not to be called Egyptians. And the shepherds also remaid {sic} a distinct people till the Egyptians drave them out of Egypt. {illeg} for the & were \being/ \& by way of d{ist}in{ction} were/ by the Egyptians \of/ called Hycsos that is Shepherd-kings. But in the story of Mosed|s|, Pharaoh & \the king is called he{a}d/ his Captains & army & all his people except the Israelites are \considered as one nation &/ called Egyptians with/out\ any distinction. And its further to be observed that |the worship of the calf wch Israel brought out of Egypt was not the \not the/ religion of the {illeg} genuine Egyptians not that of ye Arabians but a worship wch the genuine Egyptians paid to their God Osiris.| Pharao feared least upon any incursion of the Arabians Israel should help them & go with them out of Egypt \the land (Exod. 1.10)/ & that as every shepherd was an abomination to ye Egyptians in the days of Ioseph so the sacrifices of the flocks & heards of the Israelites who were shepherds were an abomination to those Egyptio|a|ns on whome Moses inflicted the ten plagues. Exod 8.26
Had Pharaoh & his captains been shepherds they \& forreigners/ as the Israelites t|w|ere they would rather have releived the Israelites from \the/ oppression of the \conquered/ Egyptians then have joyned wth ye Egyptians in oppressing them.