The Account of all the gold & silver Coyned in the Tower {illeg} of Octobr. 1599 being the 41 Year of Reign of Q> Elizabeth
1599 Gold & Silver Coyned.Totalls by TaleYearly Med.m
From the 1.ts of Octobr. 1599 to the last of March 1619 was Coyned £ 4779314. 13.s 4d}4779314134£24509211-12
From the last of March 1619 to the last of March 1638 was Coyned £ 6900042. 11.s 11.d 34.}69000421111343631602114
From the last of March 1638 to the May 1657 till the beginning of the Company £ 7733521. 13.s 4.d}77335211344070279112
From May 1657 to Novembr. 1675. being 18.12 Years of the Company was Coyn'd £ 3018997. 16.s-34 about one M. of which was Harp & Cross. Mony & broad Gold &c. Recoyn'd which deducted there remains £ 2238997. 16. -. 34.}223899716-34121026184
The Totall of Gold & Silver Coyn'd in these 76 Years from the 1.st of Octobr. 1599 to Novembr. 1675 was Coyn'd £ 21851876. 14.s 7. d14}21851876147
The Coyn Yearly increas'd in the Second Parliament from the last of March 1619 to the last of March 1638 more then in the first part £ 118067. 10.s. 7d14 the Totall thereof is £ 2243283. 1.s 2.d}Yearly Increase.Totall Increase.
The Coyn Yearly increas'd in the 3.d Parliament from the last of March 1638 to May 1657 till the beginning of the Company £ 161934. 17.s 7.d 12 the Totall thereof is £ 3076762. 14.s 10.d 12.}1619341771230767621410.12
The Coyn hath Yearly decreas'd in the 4.th Parliament from May 1657 to this present Novemb.er 1675 being 18.12 Years of this present Company £ 286000. 10.s 9.d12 the Totall whereof is £ 5291009. 19s 4.d14}Yearly Increase.Totall Increase.

The Gold exported for India from the 2.d of March 1673 to the 11th of March. 1674 was by Entry at the Custome house for the port of London five hundred Sixty odd thousand pounds beside was exported without Entry & in out Ports. The Company exporting so great quantities of Gold & Silver has inhanc'd the price of Standard Silver from under 5s the ounce to 5.s 4d which is ten percent & a 20s piece of broad mony to 24s which is 20 percent. & Guin.ee in proportion which is so much value above his Majestie's Coin that it doth not only hinder the Bullion of Gold & Silver being Coin'd but hath occasion'd all the weighty Coin to be Culled & Melted into Bullion so that theres not above 15 or 20 pounds of Currant money in £ 100.- when the light & Clipt is taken out.

It is thought there's not above 4 or 5 Millions of mony left in this kingdome which is not Sufficient to manage the trade which is reputed to be above 40 Mill.s per Year. The Free Exporting of Gold & Silver & laying so great Impositions by Mulet on all the Commodoties & Manufact.ures of this kingdome hindreth the Exporting thereof which hath brought down the price of Land, Lead, Tin, Wool & all Wollen Manufactures & others.

An Account of Gold & Silver coined from the 41th of Eliz. being 1599 to 1675 with a computation of what was exported by the E. India Company & what was remaining -

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