
My most honor'd Friend,  

I am heartily sensible of your many signal favours and Civilities to me when last at Cambridge. I hope you have not forgot your kind promise of remarking in paper your thoughts of the Varieties you have mett with in the Apocalyps. What ever I have not observ'd already in my Book, I would willingly add in my Appendix which is goeing on, & will have many things it it very considerable. My Book as long as it is with you, is in as safe hands as I can desire. If you please you may take the first fair Opportunity of Conveying it hither. I think the best way will be by our Oxford Carrier, if the waters be low enough. You may send for him, and put the book carefully pack'd up into his own hands. And if your servant go along with Him, and see it put up in his Pack,'twill do well. We cannot be too carefull in a matter of this Consequence. I have been mighty Curious since I saw you last, in observing something which I have all along slighted as trivial hitherto, the points of distinction in the old Alexandrian Copy. And now I find them extraordinary accurate and regular. there is but one Note for all manner of distinctions indeed, and 'tis at the top of a word as our modern Greek Colon: but then 'tis plac'd with such exactness and Caution, every where, as to distinguish the notions and Ideas in each Clause and sentence, infintely better than we now do with all our modern Apparatus of distinctions. I am so very fond of their way of distinguishing the Text, that I could heartily wish when I collated the Beza MS, I had mark'd all the Distinctions. For a last, may I presume to beg your favour to transcribe any one single page in the Greek and to print it exactly according to the Copy. It will be a mighty obligation.

My most humble Service to my noble worthy Friend, your Master, as also to Dr Covil. He put an Arabic Charm in my hands; which I have not yet return'd. The next return of the Carrier, he shall surely receive it, with a translation of some part of it. I hope our common friend Mr Laughton is well. Pray give him my thanks for all Civilities.

But I doubt I trespass upon your time and studies. I wish you all imaginable Health and Happiness; and remain ever, with the greatest sincerity of Affection

Worthy Sir,

Your most obedient humble Servant,

Io: Mill.

St Edmund Hall Oxon

Nov. 7. 1693.



For the truely honor'd Mr Professor Newton
at his Lodgeings in

Trinity College



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