All references are to the editions I have used, and they are not necessarily the first editions. Unless otherwise stated, both primary and secondary material was published in London. All citations remain orthographically and grammatically as they were in the originals.
CNM | J. Toland, Christianity Not Mysterious (1696) |
DNB | Dictionary of National Biography |
HJ/CHJ | (Cambridge) Historical Journal |
HPT | History of Political Thought |
HT | History and Theory |
JEH | Journal of Ecclesiastical History |
JHI | Journal of the History of Ideas |
JHP | Journal of the History of Philosophy |
JWCI | Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary |
PP | Past and Present |
SVEC | Studies in Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century |
TAPS | Transactions of the American Philosophical Society |
TRHS | Transactions of the Royal Historical Society |