
April 9

You see by the {i}nclosed, written to me by the Iesuite Pardie{s} Professor of the mathematicks in the Colledge of Clermont at Paris how nimble that sort of men is to animadvert vpon new theories He being a person of some repute there, I doubt not but you will expedite an answer for him and that in the same language, wherein he writeth.

Besides him, there is Monsieur Hugenius, that hath also read and considered the same, who giueth me this note vpon it in his letter of April 9. st. n; videl.

Pour ce qui est Sela nouvelle Theorie de Monsieur Newton touchant la lumiere et les couleurs, elle me paroit fort ingenieuse; mais il faudra voir, si elle est compatible auec toutes les experiences. Cependant i'ay estè bie{n} {illeg} de trouuer ce qu'il escrit touchant l'effet des verres e{t} miroirs en matiere de Lunettes, ou ie voy qu'il a re{m}{arquè} comme moy, le defaut dela refraction des verres convexes o{bj}{ec}tifs à cause de l'inclinaison de leur deux surfaces.

your letter of march 30th was read before the R. Soc. on Thursday last, and they commanded me to thank you in their name for it, and for your care of removing the inconveniences that may lye against your reflecting Telescope. Some tryal will be made, I hope, with a prismatical Chrystal, in stead of the smal oval speculum And Mr Cock is at worke for one of 4 feet, yet with both the speculums of metal; which we long to see finisht, that we may try its performances.

The Transactions of March, wherein much is said of this Telescope of yours, is now abroad, and I hope, your carrier will call this week at my house for one of you. It would be well, if your answer to Mr Hooks objections could be ready, to be inserted in the Transactions of this present month, which will goe to the presse about 10 or 12 days hence. If it cannot be ready time enough, I shall, if you permit me, put in your two letters of march 26 and 30: they {illeg} {m}y {illeg} of good matter, {that} {illeg} all {illeg} appear in publick, what hath been suggested by yourself concerning the new T{o}{illeg}{t}s, {illeg} {illeg} {most} {illeg} {fai}thful se{rvan}t


To his honored friend
Mr Isaac Newton Professor
of the Mathematicks in Trinity
Colledge at


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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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