Letter from John Collins to Newton, c. early September 1676
Mr Newton
The Letter herewith sent proclaimes the Authors great worth knowledge and Candour, and the method therein seemes unto me most admirable for Geometrick Curves wherein the Ordinates are expressed by an Æquation, but howit will performe in Mechanick Curves, wherein there is no such habitude expressed I humbly crave your sentiment: at first reading it was not immediately obvious how he came to find his designe is first out of these Data the Radius and to find the Square of the Chord for the finding whereof suppose the Chord of the Complement to the Semicircle to be likewise drawne, and then there is given the ratio of these Chords such as r to z and the Sum of their Squares : out of such data by an Analyticall processe is found
And then it holds
whereof is as he makes it, and changing in the second tearme of the Proportion for , by such meanes or x is found as he likewise makes it, excuse me for troubling you with this impertinence I remaine
Your most humble thankfull Servitor
John Collins
Whereas he sayes habita ergo recta
et recta
habebitur valor rectanguli, multiplicatis eorum Valoribus in
Out of and he finds (which is supposed not to fall out of the line AQ though the figure represents otherwise) thus
This squared viz whence by reduction his Calculus of the areall ordinate is faulty but I hope ere long to send you the Calculation true.