
Octob. 24. 1676.


I doubt you have thought it long that I have not yet answered yours. Your letter out of the Cider Countrey I have communicated here. I know not yet what effect it will have. To Mr Leibnitz's ingenious letter I have returned an answer which I doubt is too tedious. I could wish I had left out some things since to avoid greater tediousness I left out something else on which they have some dependance. But I had rather you should have it any way, then write it over again being at present otherwise incumbred. Sr I am in great hast


Is. Newton.

I hope this will so far satisfy M. Leibnitz
that it will not be necessary for me to write
any more about this subject. For having other
things in my head, it proves an unwelcome interruption to me to be at this time put upon
considering these things.


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