Honoured Sir

MR John Furly's Merchant 3: Doors below the Church in S.t Martin's lane Cannon Street 6:o Aug.t 1718.

The Ballance due to me on my Bill is £ 175: 6: 10 For which Sum Dr. Fauquier tells me he took Sir Rich.ds Receit (last week before he left the Towne) to you And on payment thereof I am to give him my Receit for Sir Rich.d, which I hope will be tantamount to Sir Rich.d's Bill on you & my Receit thereon for said Ballance As you Seem'd to advise this Morneing

Above I give you my Addresse In case you Sho'd have any Comands to or for

Honoured Sir     Your most humble and Obedient Servant

                    Calverley Pinckney


For Sir Isaac Newton att his House Goeing downe out of the South Side of

Lester Feilds                St Martins Street

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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