Copy of royal warrant concerning salaries of the officers of the Mint
Anne R
Whereas in the two last Indentures of Our Mint It was declared that the salary of Fifty pounds per annum payable to Thomas Silvester then Smith of Our Mint in the Tower of London should upon the next avoidance of the said place be discontinued, And Whereas Our High Treasurer of Great Britain hath laid before us a Memorial in that matter from our Trusty & welbeloved Sir Isaac Newton Knight the present Master & Worker of Our said Mint, proposing that in lieu of the said former salary of fifty pounds per ann he may be impowered to pay to the smith of our said Mint for the time being an Allowance of Forty pound per annum which will be an Encouragement to such officer to performe the Duty of his Employment, and that the said salary may commence from christmas last; We taking the Premises into our Royal consideration are gratiously pleased to approve thereof, Our Will & Pleasure therefore is, and We do hereby Authorize and direct the Master & Worker of Our Mint in the Tower of London new & for the time being Out of such money as is or shall be Imprested to him at the Receipt of Our Exchequer out of the Coynage Duty to pay unto the Smith of our said Mint now & for the time being the allowance of Fourty pounds per annum from Christmas aforesaid. And this shall be as well to him for payment as to the Auditor for allowing thereof from time to time upon his Accounts a sufficient Warrant, Given at Our Court at Windsor Castle the 20th day of November 1712 in the Eleventh yeare of our Reigne.
By her Majesties Command
Ia. Moody Deputy Auditor
Smith of the Mint in the Tower of London 40li per annum in Lieu of 50li per annum formerly allowed such Officer per Indenture.