"Report of the Officers of the Mint upon Sir Theodore Janssen's proposal to carry 150 tuns of Tin to the Streights"
To the Right Honourable the Earl of Oxford & Earl Mortimer Lord High Treasurer of great Britain
May it please your Lordship
In obedience to the annexed Order of Reference of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of her Majesties Treasury of the 8th instant, upon a proposal of Sir Theodore Ianssen to take any quantity of Tin not exceeding 150 Tunns, to be delivered to his Order at Leghorn & Genoa after the rate of four pounds & tenn shillings per Hundred weight to be paid one third part thereof upon the delivery of the Tin, another third part three months after & the last third part six months after, provided the quantity delivered at Genoa doth not exceed one third part of the whole: We humbly represent that the proposal is the best that We have met with & may be accepted, if your Lordship pleases, as soon as there is an opportunity of sending such a quantity of Tin to Leghorn & Genoa in her Majesties bottoms, provided the payments be made for so much Tin as shall be delivered from time to time without staying for the whole, if it should happen that any part should accidentally remain behind.
All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships
great wisdome.
[1]C: Peyton
Is. Newton
In Ellis
<22v>Report of the Officers of the Mint upon Sir Theod. Iansen's proposall to Carry 150tuns of Tin to the Streights
6 Iune 1711