
The Accompt of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of his Majestie's Exchang and Coinage of Money within the Tower of London from the 25th. day of December 1699. (the time of this Accomptant first coming Into his Office) to the 25th. day of December 1700... being a year compleat.


The Said Accomptant chargeth himself with the Severall Sums of Money following Recieved by way of Imprest of Isaac Newton Esquire Master and Worker of his Majestie's Gold and Silver Monies In the Said Mint within the time aforesaid viz.
Received by way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payment of the fees }
and sallaries of the officers of the said Mint payable by the Warden£1425.-..£sd
Received for the payment of the Sallary of an Additional Clerck by Warrant from his Majesty dated the 27th. of March 1700 for one year } 60.-.. 2151,, 13,,7
Received for the payment of Repairs of the Buildings belonging to the Said Mint } 395
Received for the payment of extraordinary charges and Dyett271.13.7
Received In the Whole the sum of Two Thousand and one hundred fifty One. pounds thirteen shillings & seven pence.


The said Accomptant craves allowance for the Money by him paid and issued out within the time aforesaid as followeth viz.
Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for their fees and Sallaries for a whole year ending the 25.th day of December 1700... as appears and is - particularly specified in the fee Book signed by each party acknowledging the Receipts Of their Respective Quarters Sallaries     } £ s d
1425,, -,, -
Paid Christopher Ellis the Additional Clerck granted to me to assist me in prosecuting clippers and coiners by Warrant dated 5th. Aprill 1700. - - and to Robert Weddell his successor          } 60,, -,, -
Paid to the Several Artificers following for materials by them provided and Worke done about repairing the houses and Offices belonging to the said Mint, as by their Respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the said Mint, and the parties their Acquittance to the same doth more particularly appears, viz.
To Daniel Brand Carpenter as by his Bill & Receipt.…,, 140,, ,,- }
To Robert fitch Bricklayer as by two Bills & Receipts....,, 55,, - ,,-
To Thomas Silvester Smith as by his Bill and Receipt...,, 15,, ,,-
To Gostwick Cox Plummer as by his Bill and Receipt.....,, 20,, - ,,- 395,, -,, -
To Thomas Brettle Glasier In Full to Christmass as by Ditto...,, 70,, - ,,-
To John Ryalls Masson as by his Bill In Full to 17th. december..,, 20,, - ,,-
To William Cooper Painter as by his Bill and Receipt....,, 40,, ,,-
To Anthony Ivatt Ioyner as by his Bill and Receipt....,, 35,, ,,-
Carried over ....... £1880,, -,, -
Brought Over        £1880,, -,, -
Paid to the Several tradesmen and Persons following for Several necessary - Indicents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their Respective Bills and Debentures signed by the Officers of the Mint with the partys their acquittances to the same doth particular Appear, viz.
To George Evans Esquire for the Rent of his house in which the Porter of the Mint }
Liveth from Christmass 1699. to Christmass 1700... by four Debentures... 18,, 10,,-
To Thomas Hall Esquire for the Rent of his house in which Thomas Silvester Smith doth live for the like time by one Debenture.. } 15,, -,, .
To Phillip Dallowe for his Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1699. to Christmass 1700. by four Debentures.. } 10,, -,, -
To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee coales to the Officers of the Said Mint for the year 1699. by one Debenture...... } 18,, 8,, -
To Cornelius Woolley Tallow Chandler for Six dozen of Candles for the use of the Office in the whole year by One Debenture.... } 1,, 14,, -
To Richard Bullock for Broomes for the use of the Office from Christmass 1699. to Christmass 1700.-. by one Debenture....... } 1,, -,, -
To James Smith for Lucidaries and Lampes to the said Offices & for repairing the same from 25th. December 1699. to Ditto 1700 by four Debentures } 20,, 16,, 8
To Thomas Loveday for a Screen and Whisks by one Debenture....,, 0,, 10,, 6
To Samuel Holman Tayler for making the Watermen's Liveries....,, 3,, 9,, -
To Mathiew Hebert Draper for cloath for the said Liveries...,, 5,, 6,, 10. 271,,13,,7
To Thomas Walford for bringing Water into the Several officers .. of the Mint by four Debentures.............. } 20,, -,, -
To Richard Dallowe for so much by him disbursed for Six.. Chaires and a Carpett for the Room where the Officers meet... } 2,, 10,, 6
To Ditto For Several other disbursements as by one Debenture 2,, 11,, -
To Richard Bullock Purveyer for removing Several Tools and Several Small disbursements as by one Debenture...... } 2,, 16,, 6
To Hannah Briggs For Dyett and other necessaires by her provided For the Officers of the Mint at their public dayes of meeting } 51,, 18,, 2
To William Nicholl Scavenger For carrying Rubbish and dung out of the Mint For the whole year as by two Debentures.... } 9,, 15,, -
To John Wilkinson Pavier for Paving & mending the streets of the Mint and for Gravell as by his Bill and Receipt... } 2,, 12,, -
To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning and mending the Scales and Weights as by his Bill and Receipt......... } 4,, 10,, 9
To Charles Rawson Stationer For Paper, Books, Quills and . stationary Wares delivered for the use of the Mint as by bill & Receipt. } 32,, 16,, 2
To Charles Grymes for Coppys of Several Indentures out of the Rolls, as by his Bill and Receipt........... } 27. 7. 6
To Elizabeth Winter For old Puncheons and Dyes of Symond's work for our Gravers to coppy after........... } 15,, 1,, -.
To John Alingham For a Sun Dyal as by his Bill & Receipt... 5,, -,, -.
This is a true coppy (to the best of my knowledge) of the accompt of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majestie's Mint, as it was delivered by him upon oath to the Auditor of the Imprest and Since declared before the Right Honorable the Lords of the Treasury the 29th. day of Iuly 1701. I. Stanley Full Discharge..£ 2151,, 13,, 7

Received this 6th day of June 1701 the Several Bills & Vouchers relating to this Accompt: I say receiued for Mr Auditor Done.                                    by me Jas Moody.

The Accompt of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of his Majestie's Mint from Christmass 1699. to Christmass 1700.

  Declared the 29.th July 1701.


Received this 6.th of June 1701 the Severall Bills Receipts and Vouchers relating to this Accompt. I say Received for Mr Auditor Done                                    by me Jas Moody.


The Accompt of Isaac Newton Esquire Master and Worker of his Majestie's Mint of all the Monies by him Received out of the Receipt of his Majestie's Exchequer, As also of the Monies paid and disbursed by him For the charges ad expenses of the Mint from the 25.th day of December 1699. (the time of this accomptant first coming into his office) to the last day of December 1700.-Included.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following sums of Money by him Received by way of Imprest out of the Receipt of his Majestie's Exchequer viz.
20th. february 1699. Out of Mr. Howard's office..... 1258.10.-. }
19. March . . Out of the Same office....... 3894.-.7. £
2. May 1700. Out of the Same office......... 1304.6.1012. 12217,,13,,1112
18. Iuly. . . . Out of the Same office....... 3543.2.6.12
13. August . . Out of the Same office....... 1045.18.5.12
16. October . . Out of the Same office........ 1171.15.6.-.


The Accomptant discharges himself by Severall Allowances and sums of Money by him paid as followeth, viz.
To the Master and Worker for himself for one year Sallary from Christmass 1699. to Christmass 1700... £500,,-,,- }
To him for an Under Assay master for the like time at 60£.... ,, 60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time at £20... per annum.. ,, 20,,-,,-
To him for three clercks for the like time at £40... per annum each ,, 120,,-,,- 1175,,-,,-
To the Engineer for the like time at £100.-. per annum.... ,, 100,,-,,-
To the Engraver for the like time at £325... per annum..... ,, 325,,-,,-
To the Smith Assistant to the engraver at £50.. per annum... ,, 50,,-,,-
To Ieremiah Skingly one of the Warden's Clercks for the like time payable by the Master pursuant to his Majestie's Warrant dated the 6th. day of December 1693. at £40... per annum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } 40,,-,,-
To Samuel Buck a Probationer in the Art of Graving for two years from Christmass 1698 to Christmass 1700... pursuant to a dormant Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestie's Treasury dated the 2d. aprill 1700. at £50... per annum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } 100,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and Charges in the coining his Majestie's Gold and Silver monies from Christmass 1699. to Christmass 1700... viz
for the coining of 2701.poundweight 04oz. 14deadweight. 11gr. of Gold monies within the said time at 6Shillings6d. the pound Weight. . . . . . . . . . . } 887£,,19s,,0.34d }
for the coining 4805poundweight. 10oz. 06deadweight. 16gr. of silver monies within the same time at 16d. 1 2 per pound Weight . . . . . . . . . . } 330,,8,,-12 1228,,7,,7
for the coining 4804poundweight. 10oz. 06deadweight. 16gr. of silver monies within the above said time at one penny per pound Weight. . . . . . } 20,,0,,534
Carried forward.... £ 2543,,7,,7
Brought Over £ 2543,,7,,7
Paid the fees and charges of the Exchequer and Treasury For the Several Sums issued out thence amounting to £12217. 13. 11 1 2 as by particulars.... } 62,,14,,6
Paid the Collyer For midling coales from Christmass 1699. to Christmass 1700 as by two Severall Bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... } 50,,-,,-,,
Paid Thomas Rivett for materials For the Assay Office as by his Bill.. ,, 8,,18,,6
Paid Peter Floyer Esquire for Aqua fortis and Water Silver For the use of his Majestie's Assay office, and For Copper Allay for Gold and Silver as by his Bill and Receipt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } 11,,8,,9
Paid Ditto for Refining 101poundweight. 01oz. 10deadweight 03gr. of coarse Gold from february 1699. to Christmass 1700... as by Bill and Receipt at 5Shillings. per pound.. } 25,,5,,7.
Paid John Braint Provost of the Corporation of Monyers by Warrant from the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestie's - Treasury dated 12th. Iune 1694... as by Receipts being for one year ending at - Christmass 1700... } 100,,-,,-
Gold monies putt into the Pix from Christmass 1699. to Christmass 170... being 168 Guineas 21Shillings6d each } 180,,12,,-
Silver monies putt into the Pix within the Aforesaid time as by the Comproller's certificate } 7,,-,,10
Lost by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies as by the Said Certificate 3,,13,,8
Paid to Henry Ballow and Inigo Smith Deputy Chamberlains in the Exchequer For Ioining the Tallies of the 12. General Remains By Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestie's Treasury dated the 25th. day of March 1700. - } 29,,16,,-
Paid to Thomas Clarke Collecter of his Majestie's Customes at Yarmouth by Warrant dated 27.th May 1700.... for an arreare due to him at Norwich Mint.. } 431,,2,,6
Paid George Bannister Esquire Late deputy Warden of his Majestie's Mint at York By Warrant dated 31st. Iuly 1700... } 75,,6,,-
£ s d
15. 14. 6.
15. 17. 8.
Paid Robert Fitch Bricklayer& Thomas Silvester Smith. For repairing the furnaces as by their Bills and Receipts
} 31,,12,,2
Paid the Auditor for Examining, Auditing, and Declaring this Account44,,-,,-

Imprested and Paid by this Accomptant for fees sallaries and Incidents payable by the Warden of the Mint, viz.

To Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of his Majestie's Mint for - himself and the Rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him For fees and Sallaries for one year from Christmas 1699. to Christmass 1700....... } 1425,,-,,-
Imprested more to him For an Additional Clerck allowed him to prosecute Coiners by his Majesties Royall Sign Manuel dated the 27.th day of March 1700 for one year ending at Christmass 1700. } 60,,-,,-
Imprested more to him to pay the Severall Artificers for Repairs..... ,, 395,,-,,-
Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyett and other allowances payable by him as by his receipt } 271,,13,,7.
£ 5756,,11,,8.
                                             Ballance..... ,, 6461.2.312

The Accompt of Isaac Newton Esquire Master and Worker of his Majestie's Mint from Christmas 1699 to Christmas 1700.

Declared 29.th July 1701.           Quietus obtained 20.th November 1701.


The Accompt of Sr. John Stanley Baronet Warden of his Majestie's Mint from Christmass 1700. to      Christmass 1701.

Declared the


The Accompt of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of his Majestie's Exchange And Coinage of Money within the Tower of London from the 25.th day of December 1700. to the 31.sh day of December 1701.


The Said Accomptant chargeth himself with the Several Sums of Money following received by way of Imprest of Isaac Newton Esquire Master and Worker of his Majestie's Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint within the aforesaid time viz.
Received by way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payments of the fees and }
Sallaries of the Officers of the Said Mint payable by the Warden£1435.-.-.
Received for the payment of the Sallary of an Additional Clerk by Warrant from his Majesty dated the 27.th of March 1700. for one year, being part of the Imprest repaid into the Exchequer on Mr. Neale's accompt } 60.-.- £sd
Received More Out of the same Imprest repaid by Mr. Neale the Sum of One hundred Sixty Seven pounds for the payment of Samuel Clothier's Bill for rebuilding part of the Provost of the Monyer's house.. } 167.-.- 2287,,04,,7
Received for the Payment of Repaires of the Buildings belonging to the Said Mint } 300.8.-
Received for the Payment of Extraordinary Charges and Dyett 324.16.7.
Received In the Whole the sum of


The Said Accomptant Craves Allowance for the money by him paid and Issued out - within the time aforseaid, as followeth, viz.
Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for their fees and Sallaries for a whole year ending the 25.th day of December 1701. as appears and is particularly Specified in the fee Book signed by each party acknowledging the Receipt of their respective Quarters sallaries } £sd
Paid Robert Weddell the Additional Clerk granted to me to assist me in prosecuting Clippers and Coyners for one year's Sallary ending at Christmass 1701. } 60,,-,,-
Paid Samuel Clothier in pursuance of the Agreement made with him for rebuilding part of the Provost of the Monyers house, as by his Proposall allowed by the Officers of the Mint, and the Party his Acquittance to the Aame doth appear.. } 167,,-,,-
Paid to the Several Artificers following for materials by them provided, and Worke done about repairing the houses and Offices belonging to the Said Mint, as by theirrespective Bills and Debentures signed by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the parties their Acquittance to the Same doth more particularly Appear, viz.
To Daniel Brand Carpenter as by two Bills and Receipts 100,,00,,- }
To Robert Fitch as by two Bills and Receipts 66,,10,,-
To Thomas Silvester as by two Bills and Receipts 24,,18,,-
To Gostwick Cox as by two Bills and Receipts 23,,01,,- 300,,08,,-
To Thomas Brettle Glasier as by two Bills and Receipts 38,,10,,-
To John Ryalls Masson as by two Bills and Receipts 5,,09,,-
To William Cooper Painter as by two Bills and Receipts 42,,,,-
                                        Carried forward £ 1962,,08,,-
Brought over £ 1962,,08,,s0d-
Paid to the Several tradesmen and Persons following for Several Necessary Incidents and extraordinary charges, and Allowances belonging to the office, and officers of the said Mint, as by their Respective Bills and Debentures signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their acquittance to the same doth particularly appear, viz
To George Evans Esquire for the Rent of his house in which the Porter of the Mint liveth, from Christmass 1700. to Christmass 1701. by four Debentures } 20,,-,,- }
To Phillip Dallowe for his attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1700. to Christmass 1701. by four Debentures. } 10,,-,,-
To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee coales to the Officers of the said Mint for the year 1700. by one Debenture } 18,,8,,-
To Cornelius Woolley Tallow Chandler for Sixteen dozen of Candles for the use of the Office For the Whole year by two Debentures } 4,,11,,-
To Richard Bullock For Brooms For the use of the Office from ... Christmass 1700. to Christmass 1701. by one Debenture } 1,,-,,-
To Ditto For Several Petty Sums by him Paid out For the Service of the Said Mint as by one Debenture containing the particulars of it } 24,,10,,9
To James Smith For providing Oyle, and Looking after Four Lampes or Lucidaries in the Said Mint, by two Debentures } 16,,-,,-
To Ambrose Ryley Woolen drapers For cloath For the Watermen's Liveries 5,,2,,-
To Samuell Holman Tayler For making the Said Liveries by one Debenture 4,,2,,-
To Thomas Walford For bringing Water into the Severall Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto belonging, by Four Debentures } 20,,-,,-
To Hannah Briggs For Dyett and other necessaries by her provided For the Officers of the Mint at their public dayes of Meeting by Four Bills.. } 51,,17,,10 324,,16,,7
To William Nicoll Scavenger For carrying Rubbish and dung out of the Mint from Christmass 1700. to Christmass 1701. by two Debentures } 33,,11,,8
To John Snart Scalemaker For cleaning and mending the Scales & Weights and For exchanging the Gold Ballance of the Office as by his Bill } 15,,-,,-
To Charles Rawson Stationer for Paper, Books, Pens and Stationary Wares delivered for the use of the Mint, as by two Bills and Receipts } 33,,-,,7
To George Watts Deputy Remembrancer of his Majestie's court of Exchequer for his paines and charges in Coppying Several records out of that Office relating to the Tryall of the Pix from the Beginning of King James the first as by one Debenture } 10,,15,,-
To Pete Leneve Gentleman for coppys of Several Indentures, Declarations and decrees, relating to the Affaires of the Mint, as by one Debenture } 27,,19,,-
To William Alingham Gentleman for his paines In Surveying his Majesties Mint, and drawing the Plan thereof, as by one Debenture } 12,,18,,-
To William Borrett his Majestie's sollicitor at the Treasury for his fees and expenses he has been at about affaires relating to the Mint, as by particulars in his Bill and a Debenture signed by the Officers of the Mint.. } 8,,6,,-
To Richard Dallowe for So much by him disbursed for Several necessaries For the office of his Majestie's Mint, and for Postadge of Letters } 7,,14,,9
                                        Whole Discharge £ 2287,, 04,, 7.

This is a true Coppy (to the best of my knowledge) of the Accompt of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesties Mint from Christmas 1700. to Christmas 1701. as it was delivered by him upon Oath to Mr. Auditor Bridges and since declared before the Chanceller of the Exchequer                              I Stanley


Received into my Office the Severall Vouchers relating to this Accompt the 27th of February 1701.                               B Bridges


The Accompt of Isaac Newton EsquireMaster and Worker of his = = Majestie's Mint from Christmas 1700, to Christmas 1701.


The Accomptof Isaac Newton Esquire Master and Worker of his Majestie's Mint, of all the monies by him Received out of the Receipt of his Majestie's Exchequer, and Elsewhere, As also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed For the Charges and expenses of the Mint from the 1.st day of January 1700. to the Last day of December 1701. being a year compleat.


The Accomptant Charges himself with the following Sums of Money                               viz.
Arreares Remaning due on the foot of his Last Accompt ended the Last }
day of December 1700. £ 6461.2.312
Monies by him Received by way of Imprest out of the Receipt of his Majestie's Exchequer, as by Particulars in the Imprest Role.... } 12961,,7,,612 21039£17,,2
Gold and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix Boxes after the Tryall of the Pix the 6.th of August 1701. as by the Warden's and Comptroller's Certificate......... } 1617.7.4.


The Accomptant discharges himself by Severall Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth viz.
To the Master and Worker For himself for one year Sallary from Christmass- }
1700. to Christmass 1701. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 500.-,,-.
To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time . . . . . . . . 60.-.-.
To him for a Purveyer for the Like time at 20£ per Annum. . . . . 20.-.-. 1175,,-,,-
To him for Three Clercks for the like time at 40£. per Annum each. . . 120.-.-.
To the Engineer for the like time at £100. per Annum . . . . . . . 100.-.-.
To the Engraver for the like time at £325. per Annum . . . . . . . 325.-.-.
To the Smith Assistant to the Engraver at £50 per Annum. . . .. 50.-.-.
To Ieremiah Skingley one of the Warden's Clercks for the like time. payable by the Master and Worker pursuant to his Majestie's Warrant dated the 6.th day of December 1693. at £40. per annum } 40,,-,,-
To Samuell Bull a Probationer in the Art of Graving For the like time pursuant to a Dormant Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestie's Treasury dated the 2d. Aprill 1700. at £50...per Annum.... } 50,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and Charges in the Coining
his Majestie's Gold and Silver monies from Christmass 1700. to Christmass 1701. }
for the coining of 26742poundweight.00oz.00deadweight.00gr. of Gold monies within the Said time at 6Shillings6d. the pound Weight . . . . . . . . . } 8691,,03,,00
for the coining of 37477poundweight.00oz.00deadweight. of Silver Monies within ..the Same time at 16d. 1 2 the pound Weight. . . . . . . . . . } 2576,,10,,1012 11423,,16,,1112
for the coining of 37477poundweight.00oz.00deadweight of Silver Monies within ,,the above Said time at one penny per pound Weight . . . . . . } 156,,3,,01.-
Gold Monies putt into the Pix from 1th. January 1700. to the 6.th day of - August 1701. as by the Comptroller's Certificate being Twelve hundred and eight
Guineas and half a Guinea, I Say 1208.12 Guinea at 21Shillings6d. each. . . . 1299.2.9.-. }
More Gold monies putt into the Pix from the 6th. of August 1701 to the last of December following as by the said certificate 537.12 Guineas at 21Shillings6d. } 577,,16,,3 1958,,02,,-
Silver Monies putt into the Pix from Christmass 1700. to Christmass 1701. as by the Said certificate 81.3.0..
                                   Carryed forward...... £ 14646,, 18,, 1112
Brought forward £ 14646,,18s,,1112
Paid for Several necesary charges, and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, as by Severall Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, and the Party's their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To Sr. Peter Floyer for Refining 235.poundweight 05.oz 19.deadweight 3.gr of lager and Coarze}
Gold at the rate of five Shillings per pound Weight58,,17,,534
To Ditto For Water Silver and Aqua fortis as by his Bill39,,19,,6
To Ditto for fine Coper For Allay of Gold and Silver 65,,14,,9
To Thomas Rivett For Several Materials for the Assay Office...,,16,,16,,-
To W.m Pearson Collier for Middling Coales being 752 sacks at 20s...,,62,,13,,4
To Thomas Silvester Smith For Iron Work by him provided For the Gold and Silver furnaces as by Two Bills}44,,8,,4345,,11,,534
To Robert Fitch Bricklayer For repairing the Said furnaces7,,16,,5
To John Ryall Masson for Stone Work about the Said furnaces..''7,,18,,8
To Will.m Page Mould Maker For mending and repairing the Moulds..,,2,,17,,6.
To John Hawkes Millwright For Repairing & moving the Mills...,,38,,9,,6.
Paid for Several Other particulars within the Time of this Accompt,as by Bills Signed by the Officers of the Mint, viz.}
For fees and Charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer, and at the Treasury For the Several Sums issued out thence at by particulars...}45,,11,,6.
For Money paid at Several offices for passing Several Accompts of the Mint ending at Christmass 1700... as by particulars.....}59,,4,,6
For the Charges of the Privy Seale For passing Mr. Neale's Accompts.,,31,,1,,-
For the fees and Charges of the Tryall of the Pix the 6.th Aug.st 1701..,,28,,4,,-448,,15,,7
For Money paid at Several Offices For the fees and Charges off passing the last Indenture of the Mint dated the 23.d Decembr. 1700. and For entring and Enrolling the same In Several Offices}222,,16,,6
Paid to Mr. William Cooke, and to Mr. John Moore two of the Clerks of Exeter Mint For their Services after the S.d Mint was broke up}10,,-,,-
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver monies within the time of this Accompt, as by he Officers Certificates....}7,,18,,1.
Paid the auditor For himself & Clercks for Examining, Auditing engrossing and declaring this Accompt}44,,-,,-
Paid Mr. Thomas Burdikin Late deputy Warden of his Majestie's Mint at Exeter by Warrant dated the 7.th February 1700. For his Services In the S.d Mint}76,,-,,-}
Paid Mr. Thomas Kendall collector of the Excise for Norfolk, by. Warrant dated the 29th Novembr. 1700... For 5111.oz5.deadweight of Hammered Money by him brought to the Mint at Norwich to be coyned, & not repaied him...}1277,,16,,31353,,16,,3
          Impressed And Paid by this Accomptant for fees           Sallaries, and Incidents payable by the Warden of the Mint, viz.
To Sr. John Stanley Baronet Warden of his Majestie's Mint for himself, and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payad. by him for fees and Sallaries }
for one year from Christmass 1700. to Christmass 1701......£1435,,-,,-
Impressed More to him to pay Several Artificers for Repaires of houses and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}300,,8,,-
Impressed More to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyett, and other Allowances payable by him as by his Receipt}324,,16,,72287,,04,,7
Impressed More to him (out the Imprest Money repaid Into the Exchequer for Ballance of Mr. Neale's Accompt) the Sum of one hundred sixty Seven pounds for rebuilding part of the Provost house, as by his receipt.}167,,-,,-
Imprest More to him out of the Same Imprest repaid by M.r Neale the Sum of Sixty pounds for the Sallary of an additional Clerk60,,-,,-
                                   Ballance £ 1957. 10. 3 34.          £19082,,06,,1014

Received the sev.ll Vouchers relating to this Accompt into my Office this 27o Febrij 1701.                          B Bridges


The Accompt of Sr. John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majestie's Mint from the i.st day of January 1701. to the last day of December 1702./


The Accompt of Sr. John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majestie's~ Exchange and Coinage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1701. to the Last day of December 1702. Inclusive.


The Said Accomptant chargeth himself with the Several Sums of Money following received by Way of Imprest of Isaac Newton Esquire Master and Worker of her Maj.ies Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint within the aforesaid time, viz.
     Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payments of the fees and
Sallaries of the Officers of the Said Mint payable by him£ 1435.-.-}
     Received for the payment of the Sallary of an Additional Clerk granted to me For prosecuting clippers and coyners For one year60..--2021,,8,,-
Received More for the Payment of Repaires of the Buildings belonging to the Said Mint300..--
Received More for the payment of Extraordinary Charges & dyett226.8.-
Received in the Whole the Sum of


The Said Accomptant Craves Allowance for the Money by him paid and Issued out within the time aforesaid, as followeth, viz.
     Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint For fees and Sallaries for a whole year ending the 25.th day of December 1702. as Appeares and is particularly Specified in the fee Book Signed by each party acknowledging the Receipt of their Respective Quarters Sallaries}£ 1435,,s -,,~ -
     Paid Robert Weddell the Additional Clerk granted to me to assist me In prosecuting clippers and coyners For one year's Sallary ending at Christmas 1702}60,,-,,-.
     Paid to the Severall Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Work done about repairing the Houses and Offices belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the Partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly Appear, viz.
To William Chapman Carpenter as by two Bills and Receipts93,,3,,-v
To Robert Fitch Bricklayer as by his Bill and Receipts57,,-,,-v
To Thomas Silvester Smith as by his Bill and Receipt20,,-,,-v
To Gostwick Cox Plummer as by his Bill and Receipt31,,10,,-v
To Thomas Brettle Glasier as by his Bill and Receipt19,,10,,-v300,,-,,-
To William Cooper Painter as by his Bill and Receipt19,,10,,-v
To Daniel Brand Carpenter as by his Bill and Receipt7,,10,,-v
To John Ryalls Mason as by his Bill and Receipt4,,12,,-v
To William Chapman Carpenter by Way of Imprest to Enable him to provide Timber For rebuilding the press Roome}47,,5,,-v
                              Carryed forward£1795,,-,,-
Brought forward£1795,,-,,-
Paid to the Several Tradesmen and Persons following for Several Necessary Incidents and Extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their Respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the party's their Acquittances to the same doth more particularly Appear, viz.
To George Evans Esq.re for the Rent of his house in which the Porter of the Mint liveth from Christmass 1701. to Christmass 1702. by four Debentures}£s~}
To Phillip Dallowe for his Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1701. to Christmass 1702. by four Debentures...}10,,-,,-v
To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee Coals to the Officers of the Said Mint for the year 1701. by One Debenture}18,,8,,-v
To Cornelius Woolley Tallow Chandler for Twelve dozen od Candles for the use of the Office For the Whole year by one Debenture}3,,7,,-,,v
To Richard Bullock for Brooms for the use of the Office from Christmass 1701. to Christmass 1702. by one Debenture}1,,-,,-v
To Ditto For Several Petty Sums by him Paid out for the Services of the Said Mint as by one Debenture containing the particulars of it}11,,2,,4.v
To James Smith for providing Oyle and Looking after four Lampes or Lucidaries in the Said Mint, by two Debentures}16,,-,,-v
To Ambrose Ryley Woollen draper for cloth for the Watermen Liveries,,5,,3,,7v
To Samuel Holman Tayler for making the Said Liveries by one Debenture,,3,,11,,6v226,,8,,-
To Thomas and John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-v
To Hannah Briggs for Dyett and other necessaries by her provided for the Officers of the Mint at their public dayes of meeting by four Bills}51,,19,,11v
To William Nicholl Scavenger for carrying rubbish and Dung out of the Mint from CHristmass 1701. to Christmass 1702. by two Debentures}17,,19,,7v
To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning and mending the Seales & Weights and for Attending the Office every Wednesday for adjusting the Scales}12,,6,,-v
To Charles Rawson Stationer for Paper Books Pens and Stationary Wares delivered for the use of the Mint as by two Bills and Receipts}14,,16,,2v
To John Hankinson For his paines and charges of going to Bristoll to seize a great press Fitt for coynage by one Debenture}2,,10,,-v
To John Bateman Wheelwright For Mending the Wheelbarrows1,,18,,6v
Tp W.m Barrett Esq.re For Law charges about a Riott that happened in the Mint,,9,,6,,11v
To Thomas Porter For Monies by him disbursed and for his paines In solliciting a Suite concerning the Priviliges of the Mint as by his Bill}6,,18,,6,,v

This is a true Coppy of the Accompt delivered to the Honourable the Commissioners Authorised by Act of Parliament to take Examine and State the      J StanleyPublic Accompts of the Kingdom the      day of febr. 1702. / And to Mr. Auditor


Received this 2d of Aprill 1703 By the hand of Doctor Fauquiere the within mentioned Accompt and Vouchers relating thereto in order to be examined & prepared for Declaration I say receiued into Mr. Auditor Harley's Office by me                                          Jas Moody


The Accompt of Isaac Newton EsquireMaster & Worker of her Maj:ties Mint from the 1:st day of January 1701 to the Last day of December         1702:


The Accompt of Isaac Newton Esquire Master and Worker of her Majestie's Mint of all the Monies by him Received out of the Receipt of her Majestie's Exchequer and Elsewhere, As also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Mint from the first day of January 1701. to the Last day of December 1702. being a year compleat.


The Accomptant Charges himself with the following Sums of Money                               
Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ended the Last day of
December 1701.£1957,,10,,s334d}
Monies by him Received by way of Imprest out of the Receipt of her Majestie's Exchequer, viz. 8.th January 1701.}1216,,6,,912}£sd
Aprill 21.st 1702.4036,,3,,21212858,,18,,1134
July the 2.d 1702                     8415. 10. 4. 122425,,-,,8.10901,,08,,8.
October the 14.th 1702.7373,,19,,812
December the 23.d 1702. Out of the Civill List For Payment of the Coronation Medalls2485,,18,,312


The Accomptant discharges himself by Severall Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid, and disbursed as followeth viz
To the Master and Worker for himself for one year's Sallary from Christmass 1701. to Christ=
mass 1702.500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the Like time at £ 20.-. per Annum20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks for the Like time at £ 40.-. per Annum Each120,,-,,-1175,,-,,-
To the Engineer for the Like time at £ 100.-. per Annum 100,,-,,-
To the Engraver for the Like time at £ 325.-. per Annum325,,-,,-
To the Smith Assistant to the Engraver at £ 50.-. per Annum50,,-,,-
To Jeremiah Skingley One of the Warden's Clercks for the like time payable by the Master and Worker, pursuant to his Late Majestie's Warrant dated the 6.th day of Decembr. 1693.-- And renewed by her Majesty the 9.th day of June 1702...}40,,-,,- v
To Samuel Bull a Probationer in the Art of Graving viz. half a year at the rather of £ 50.- per Annum pursuant to a Dormant Warrant of the Right Honorable the then Lords Commissioners of his late Majestie's Treasury dated the 2.d Aprill 1700... and half a year at the rate of £ 60... per Annum In pursuance of My L.d High Treasurer's Warrant dated the 21st August 1702}55,,-,,- v
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and Charges in the Coyning her Majestie's Gold and Silver Monies from Christmas 1701... To the Last day of December 1702. viz..
For the coyning of 3642.poundweight 00.oz. 00.deadweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings.6d the pound Weight£1183,,13s00d}v
For the Coyning of 114.poundweight 6.oz of Silver Monies at 16.12 per pound Weight7,,17,,514v1191,,19,,1134
For the Coyning of 114.poundweight 6.oz of Silver Monies at one penny per pound Weight0,,9,,612
Gold Monies putt Into the Pix from first January 1701. to the Last day of December 1702... as by
the Comptroller's Certificate being 241 Guineas at 21Shillings.6.d each259,,1,,6}v259,,4,,6
Silver Monies putt into the Pix within the Said time as by the Said Certificate..,,0,,3,,-v
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies within the time of this Accompt as by the Said Certificate}3,,8,,6
                         Carryed forward               £272412,,1134
Brought forward£272412,,1134
Paid for Several necessary Charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies as by Severall Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, and the Party's their Acquittance to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To Mr. John Cartlitch for Refining 197.poundweight 8.oz 12.deadweight 18.gr of Coarse Gold at the rate of five Shillings per pound Weight as by his Bill examined and Signed by the Officers of the Mint,,£49,,8,,7
To Ditto for Water Silver and Aqua fortis For the use of the Assay Officer as by his Bills,,7,,9,,8
To Thomas Silvester Smith For Several Materials by him provided For the Assay Officer as by Bill,,11,,18,,-
To William Pearson Collier For Middling Coales being 766 Sacks at 20.d per Sack as by Bill,,63,,16,,8
To Thomas Silvester Smith For Iron Work by him provided For the Gold and Silver furnaces as by his Bill and Receipt -,,}9..-,,-150,,9,,5 v
To Robert Fitch Bricklayer For repairing the said furnaces as by his Bill and Receipt4,,16,,-
To John Ryalls Mason For Stone Work about the Said furnaces as by his Bill and Receipt4,,-,,6
Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt as by Bills Signed by the Officers of the Mint Or By Warrants from My Lord High Treasurer; viz.
For fees and Charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury For the Several Sums issued out thence as by particulars}.......,,47,,17,,6 v
Paid Mr. Ralph Leeke and Mr. Samuel Walford Late Melters of Bristoll and Exeter Mints by Warrant from the Right Honorable the Lord High Treasurer dated the 10.th day of July 1702. being for Arreares remaining due to them For their Services at the above Said Mints, viz. to Mr. Ralph Leeke the Sum of223,,7,,6}
And to Mr. Samuel Walford by virtue of the Same warrant the Sum of190,,-,,-413,,7,,6 v
Paid Mr. John Cartlitch For 179.oz 16.deadweight 12.gr of fine Gold For 300 Meddalls For her Majestie's Coronation coyned by Order of Councill dated the 17.th day of Aprill 1702, and delivered to the Right Honorable the Earle of Bradford, at 4.£ 4Shillings per Ounce}755,,5,,312}v
Paid Ditto for 634.oz 5.deadweight of fine Silver For 1200 Meddalls coyned in pursuance of the above Said order, and delivered to the Earle of Bradford at 5Shillings 8.d per oz}179,,14,,1v
Paid Ditto For 310.oz 9.deadweight 12.gr of fine Gold For 518 Meddalls For the Honorable the house of Commons Coyned In pursuance of My lord high Treasurer's Warrant dated the 12.th day of May 1702. and delivered Mr. Speaker at 4.£ 4Shillings per Ounce} 1303,,19,,11v2485,,18,,312
Paid Ditto For 40.oz 10.deadweight 12.gr of fine Gold For 35 Meddalls for forreign Ministers and persons of quality, coyned by Warrant dated the 19.th day of May and delivered to the Right Honorable the Earle of Jersey at 4.£ 4Shillings per oz}170,,4,,1v
Paid Ditto For 4.oz 14.deadweight 12.gr. of fine Gold For five Meddalls For the Ambassadors from the States General of the United Provinces coyned by Warrant dated the 2.d day of June 1702. Anddelivered the Right Honorable the Earle of Jersey at 4.£ 4Shillings per oz}19,,16,,11v
Paid Mr. Henry Harris Engraver For his Labour, Wast and Charges in making the above Said Meddalls as by his Bill and Receipt}56,,18,,-v
Paid the Auditor For himself and Clerks For Examining, Auditing and Engrossing this Accompt..........//44,,-,,- v
          Imprested And Paid by this Accomptant For fees, Sallaries, and Incidents Payable           by the Warden of the Mint, viz
To Sr. John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majestie's Mint For himself and the rest of the Officers of
the Mint payable by him for fees and Sallaries For one year from Christmas 1701. to Christmas 1702.1435,,-,,-}
Imprested More to him to pay Several Artificers For repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint as by his Receipt}300,,-,,-2021,,8,,- v
Imprested More to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyett and other Allowances payable by him as by his Receipt}226,,8,,-
Imprested More to him For the Sallary of an Additional Clerk by Warrant from his Late Majesty dated the 27.th day of March 1700. renewed by her Majesty the 9th of June 1702 the Sum of Sixty pounds Out of Mr. Neale's Imprest repaid Into the Exchequer Since his death}60,,-,,-
                              Ballance Carryed to Next year's Accompt4971,,5,,312

Received this 2.d of Aprill 1703 by the hand of Doctor Fauquiere the within mentioned Accompt and Vouchers relating thereto in order to be examined and prepared for Declaration ~ I say receiued into Mr. Auditor Harley's Office by me                          Jas Moody


The Accompt of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majestie's Mint from the 1.st day of January 1702. to the Last day of December 1703.


The Accompt of Sr. John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majestie's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1702 to the Last day of December 1703. Inclusive


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the Several Sums of Money following received by Way of Imprest of Isaac Newton Esquire Master and Worker of herMajestie's Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint within the aforesaid time.
     Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payments of the fees}
and Sallaries of the Officers of the Said Mint payable by him£1435,,-,,-
     Received for the payment of the Sallary of an Additional Clerk granted to me for prosecuting Clippers and Coyners for one year}60,,-,,-£sd
     Received More for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for Repaires of the Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}290,,-,,-1969,,9,,10
     Received More for the payment of extraordinary Charges, and Dyett}184,,9-,,10


The Said Accomptant Craves Allowance for the Money by him paid and Issued out within the time aforesaid, as followeth, viz.
   Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallaries for a whole year ending the 25.th day of December 1703 as appeares and is particularly Specified in the fee Book Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallaries}£ 1435,,s -,,d -
  Paid Robert Weddell the Additional Clerk granted to me to assist me in prosecuting Clippers and Coyners for one years Sallary to Christmass 1703}60,,-,,-
Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Worke done about reparing the Houses and offices belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the Party's their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appeare, viz.
To William Chapman Carpenter as by his Bill and Receipt136,,7,,-
To Robert Fitch Bricklayer as by two Bills and Receipts68,,-11
To Thomas Silvester Smith as by his Bill and Receipt9,,13,,6
To Gostwick Cox Plummer as by two Bills and Receipts37,,8,,9290,,-,,-
To Thomas Brettle Glasier as by his Bill and Receipt19,,-,,-
To William Cooper painter as by his Bill and Receipt11,,16,,10
To John Ryalls Mason as by his Bill and Receipt7,,13,,-
                    Carryed forward£1785,,-,,-
Brought Over£1785,,-,,-
Paid to the Several Tradesmen and persons following for Several necessary Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their Respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the party's their Acquittances to the Same, doth more particularly Appear, viz.
To George Evans Esquire for the Rent of his house in which the Porter of the Mint Liveth from Christmass 1702. to Christmass 1703. by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
To Phillip Dallowe for his Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1702 to Christmass 1703 by four Debentures}10,,-,,-
To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sackes of fee Coales to the Officers of the Said Mint for the year 1702. by one Debenture}18,,8,,-
To Richard Bullock for Brooms for the use of the Office from Christmas 1702. to Christmass 1703. by one Debenture}1,,-,,-
To Ditto for Several petty Sums by him Paid out for the Service of the Said Mint as by one Debenture}5,,2,,6
To Margaret Smith Widow, and to Robert Cooke for providing Oyle and Looking after four Lampes or Lucidaries in the S.d Mint two Debentures}16,,-,,-
To Jonathan Hicks for reparing and Mending the Lampes2,,10,,-
To Ambrose Ryley Woollen draper for cloth for the Watermen Liveries5,,2,,11184,,9,,10
To Samuel Holman Tayler for making the Said Liveries by one Debenture..,,2,,17,,6
To John Walford for Bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
To Hannah Briggs for Dyett and other necessaries by her provided for the Officers of the Mint at their public days of meeting by four Debentures}42,,14,,2
To William Nicholl Scavenger for carrying rubbish and Dung out of the Mint from Christmass 1702. to Christmass 1703. by two Debentures}20,,5,,2
To In.o Snart Scale maker for cleaning and mending the Seales & Weights and for attending the Office to adjust the Scales}3,,-,,-
To Charles Rawson Stationer for Paper, Books, Pens and Stationary Wares delivered for the use of the Mint as by two Bills & Receipts}9,,18,,1
To In.o Wilkinson Pavier, and after his death to Thomas Burdin For paving and Attending the Streets of the Mint as by two Bills}7,,11,,6

This is a true Coppy of the Accompt delivered to Mr. Auditor Bridges the                      and to the Commiss.rs of Accounts the                     J Stanley


Received this 21 Jan.ry 1703 the Accompts of the Warden of the Mint for a year ended at Christmas 1703 (whereof this is a Copy) and the Vouchers thereunto belonging.                           Duke Parsons


The Accompt of Isaac- Newton Esquire Master and Worker of her Majestie's Mint from the i.st day of January 1702. to the Last day of December 1703.


The Accompt of Isaac Newton Esquire Master and Worker of her Majestie's Mint of all the Moneys by him received and had out of the Receipt of her Majestie's Exchequer and Elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Mint from the first day of January 1702. to the Last day of December 1703. being a year compleat.


The Accomptant Charges himself with the following Sums of Money Viz.
Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the Last day of}
December 1702£4971,,s 5,,d 312
Monies by him Received by way of Imprest out of the Receipt of her Majestie's Exchequer viz. 21st January 1702£256,,s 3,,d 11}£sd
Aprill the 15.th 1703.445,,-,,3125750,,14,,310986,,16,,212
July the 6.th 1703.2047,,10,,512
October the 12.th 1703.3001,,19,,7.
Monies Received from Mr. Secondary Foxall by Order of the Court of Exchequer being the produce of the goods of Anthony Redhead Late Deputy Master and Worker of Norwich Mint Sold by Virtue of an Extent obtained against him for Several Sums of Money by him Embezelled at that Mint}264,,16,,8


The Accomptant discharges himself by Severall Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth viz.
To the Master and Worker for himself for one year's Sallary from Christmass 1702.
to Christmas 1703.£500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay Master for the Like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the Like time20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks for the Like time at £ 40. per Annum Each120,,-,,-£1175,,-,,-
To the Engineer for the Like time at £ 100. per Annum100,,-,,-
To the Engraver for the Like time at £ 325. per Annum325,,-,,-
To the Smith Assistant to the Engraver at £ 50 per Annum50,,-,,-
To Jeremiah Skingley One of the Warden's Clerks for the Like time payable by the Master and Worker In pursuance of her Majesty's Warrant dated the 9.th day of June 1702}60,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull a Probationer in the Art of Graving by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lord High Treasurer dated the 21.st August 1702}60,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and Charges in the Coyning her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from Christmass 1702. to the Last day of December 1703. viz.
For the Coyning of 34.poundweight 2.oz of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d the pound Weight....£11,,s 2,,d 1.}
for the Coyning of 718.poundweight of Silver Monies at 16.d12 per pound Weight49,,7,,363,,9,,2
for the Coyning of 718.poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per pound Weight2,,19,,10
Gold Monies putt into the Pix from first January 1702. to the Last day of December 1703}
as by the Comptroller's Certificate being three Guineas at 21Shillings 6.d each3,,4,,6
Silver Monies putt into the Pix within the Said times as by Said Certificate0,,15,,-4,,5,,5
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies within the time of this Accompt as by the Said Certificate}0,,5,,11
                              Carryed forward£1342,,14,,7
Brought forward£1342,,14,,7
Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, as by Several Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, and the Party's their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the use of the Assay Office, as by}
particulars in his Bill£6,,s 6,,d 4
To Thomas Rivett for Severall Materials by him provided for the Assay Office2,,8,,-
To William Pearson Collier for Middling Coals being 411 Sacks at 20.d per Sack34,,5,,-68,,16,,4
To James King Potter for 2772. fire Bricks for the Melting furnaces and eleven Bushells of Ingredients and by his Bill and receipt}25,,17,,-
Paid for Several other Particulars within the time of this Accompt as by Bills Signed by the Officers of the Mint, or by Warrants from My lord High Treasurer. viz.
For fees and charges of the New Indenture of the Mint dated the 14.th January 1702. being the fees}
of Several Offices as by particulars In a Bill containing the Same223,,19,,6
For fees and Charges of a Privy Seale For paying Mr. Neale's Accompts of the country Mints as by particulars in a Bill Signed by the Officers of the Mint}27,,11,,3
For fees and Charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence, and for passing through the Several Offices the Accompts of the years 1701. and 1702. as by particulars}78,,17,,-380,,17,,2
Paid Mr. Edward Ambrose Attorney at Law for fees and charges of the Extent against Mr. Anthony Redhead s by his Bill of Particulars}26,,17,,11
Paid the Sheriff's Offocers for Arresting the Said Mr. Redhead and keeping the possession of his house untill the Goods could be Sold}23,,11,,6
Paid M.rs Dorothy Wynne by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lord high Treasurer, dated the 15.th of March 1702. for fees and charges of passing three years Accompts of her}
Late husband as Warden of the Mint£49,,18,,6
Paid M.rs Ann Morris by Warrant dated the 23.d March 1702. in full Satisfaction of the Services and Expenses of her Late husband In prosecuting Coyners}40,,-,,-149,,18,,6
Paid Mr. William Bond by Warrant dated the 30.th November 1703 for his Services in Apprehending Clippers and Coyners in Gloustershire, and In prosecuting Elizabeth Byss}60,,-,,-
Paid the Auditor for himself and Clerks for Examining, Auditing, and Engrossing this Accompt44,,-,,-
          Imprested And paid by this Accomptant for fees, Sallaries and Incidents           payable by the Warden of the Mint, viz.
To Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majestie's Mint for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for fees and Sallaries for one year from Christmass
1702. to Christmass 1703.£1435,,-,,-}
Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint as by his Receipt}290,,-,,-
Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyet and other Allowances payable by him as by his receipt}184,,9,,101969,,9,,10
Imprested More to him for the Sallary of an Additional Clerk by Warrant from her Majesty dated the 9.th June 1702 the Sum of Sixty pounds, the Same being out of Mr. Neale's Imprest repaid Into the Exchequer Since his death, and reissued to me}60,,-,,-
                              Ballance Carryed to the nex Acc.t..,,7030,,19,,912

This is a true Coppy of the Account delivered Mr. Auditor Bridges the 27.th Jan.ry 1703/ and the Commissioners of Acc.ts the

                    Is. Newton


        27.o Jan~ry 1703. Received into Mr. Auditor Bridges Office the Accompt of the Master Worker of her Ma.ties Mint, whereof this is a Duplicate, togither with the Severall Vouchers for the monies herein Contained.                     perme Fea: Bythell


The Accompt of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesties Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1703. to the Last day of December 1704. Inclusive.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the Several Sums of Money following by him received by Way of Imprest of Isaac Newton Esquire Master & Worker of her Majestie's Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint within the aforesaid time.
     Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payments of the fees and
Sallaries of the Officers of the Said Mint payable by him£1435,,-,,-}
     Received for the payment of the Sallary of an Additional Clerk granted to him for prosecuting Clippers and Coynes}60,,-,,-£sd
     Received more for the payment of Several Artificers bills for repaires of the Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}289,,17,,-1938,,8,,6
     Received more for the payment of Extraordinary Charges and Dyett}153,,11,,6


The Said Accomptant Craves Allowance for the Money by him paid & Issued out within the time aforesaid as followeth, viz.£sd
   Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallaries for a whole year ending the 25.th day of December 1704. as appeares and is particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallaries}1435,,-,,-
   Paid Robert Weddell the Additional Clerk granted to me to assist me in prosecuting Clippers and Coyners for one year's Sallary to Christmas 1704}60,,-,,-
   Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided, and Work done about repairing the Houses and offices belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the party's their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To William Chapman Carpenter as by his two Bills and Receipts£123,,-,,-}
To Robert Fitch Bricklayer as by Bill and Receipt105,,-,,-
To Thomas Brettle Glasier as by his Bill and Receipt39,,-,,-289,,17,,-
To Gostwick Cox Plummer as by his Bill and Receipt19,,10,,-
To William Cooper Painter as by his Bill and Receipt3,,07,,-
                    Carryed forward£1784,,17,,-
Brought Over£1784,,17,,-
Paid to the Several Tradesmen and persons following for Several necessary Incidents and Extraordinary charges and allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the party's their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To George Evans Esquire and to William Evans his Son and Successour for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint Liveth for one year ending at Christmas 1704. by four Debentures}20,,-,,-}
To Phillip Dallowe for his Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmas 1703. to Christmas 1704. by four Debentures}10,,-,,-
To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee coales to the Officers of the Said Mint for the year 1703. by one Debenture}18,,8,,-
To Richard Bullock for Brooms for the use of the Office from Christmas 1703. to Christmas 1704. by one Debenture}1,,-,,-
To Ditto for Several petty Sums by him Paid out for the Services of the Said Mint as by the Same Debenture}1,,2,,2
To Robert Cooke for providing Oyle and Looking after four Lampes or Lucidaries and for mending and repairing the Same}16,,12,,-
To William Late & comp.y Woollen drapers for Cloth for the Watermen Liveries as by their Bill and Receipt}5,,6,,9153,,11,,6
To Samuel Holman Taylor for making the Said Liveries, and for two velvet Caps as by his Bill and Receipt}4,,1,,6
To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
To Hannah Briggs for Dyett and other necessaries by her provided for the Officers of the Mint at their public dayes of Meeting by two Debentures}27,,10,,2
To William Nicoll Scavenger for carrying Rubbish and Dung out of the Mint from Christmas 1703. to Christmas 1704. by two Bills}20,,17,,10
To Charles Rawson Stationer for Paper, Pens, Books, and other Stationary Wares for the use of the Mint as by his Bill}6,,16,,1
To Thomas Burdin Pavier for paving and Mending the Streets of the Mint as by his Bill and Receipt}1,,17,,-
                                   J. Stanley£1938,,8,,6

The Accomptof Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesty Mint from the 1.st day of January 1703. to the Last day of December       1704.

20 July 1705

Received the Accompt of the Warden of the Mint whereof this is a Copy together with the Severall vouchers relating thereto                               ThO MORE


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majestie's Mint, of all the Monies by him Received and had out of the Receipt of her Majestie's Exchequer and Elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the Charges and Expenses of the Mint from the first day of January 1703. to the Last day of December 1704. being a year compleat.


The Accomptant Charges himself with the following Sums of Money viz. Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the Last
day of December 1703£7030,,19s,,912}
Monies by him Received by Way of Imprest out of the Receipt
of the Exchequer viz. 18.th January 1703£1296,,15,,412}£sd
Aprill the 11.th 1704995,,1,,912
July the 3.d1784,,8,,108139,,13,,91215170,,13,,7
October the 5.th4063,,7,,912
So that the full Charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth viz.
To the Master and Worker for himself for one year's Sallary from }
Christmass 1703. to Christmass 1704500,,-,,-
To him for an Under Assay Master for the Like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the Like time20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at £ 40. per Annum Each120,,-,,-£sd
To Henry Harris Late Engraver from Christmass 1703. to the 3.d day of August 1704. being Six months thirty nine dayes}197,,4,,6.1193,,18,,812
To John Croker the present Engraver from the 3.d day of Aug.st... 1704. to the 25.th day of December following at £ 200. per Annum}78,,18,,1
To Samuel Bull a Probationer in the Art of Graving from Christmas 1703. to the 3.d day of August 1704. at £ 60. per Annum}}36,,4,,11
And to him from 3.d August to 25.th Christmas at £ 80. per Annum31,,11,,212
To the Smith Assistant to the Engraver one year's Sallary50,,-,,-
To the Engineer of the Mint for the like time100,,-,,-
To Jeremiah Skingley One of the Warden's Clerks payable by the Master and Worker pursuant to her Majesty Warrant dated the 9.th day of June 1702..}40,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and Charges in the coyning her Majesty Silver Monies from Christmas 1703. to Christmass 1704. viz.
for the Coyning 4007.poundweight of Silver Monies at 1612 s per pound Weight 275,,9,,712}292,,3,,612
for the Coyning 4007. of Silver Monies at one penny per pound Weight16,,13,,11
Silver Monies putt into the Pix from first January 1703. to the Last day of December
1704. as by the Comptroller's Certificate5,,18,,6}6,,-,,9
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Silver Monies0,,2,,3.
                              Carryed forward£1532,,3,,-
Brought forward£15323,,-
Paid forSeveral necessary Charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, and Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt as appeares by Bills Signed by the Officers of the Mint, viz.
To William Pearson Collier for Middling Coals for the use of the
Assay Office being 296 Sacks at 20.s per Sack£24,,s 13,,d 4
To Thomas Silvester Smith for Iron Work for the furnaces,,4,,4,,6
for fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Service of the Mint}32,,16,,-
for fees and Charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the year 1703}25,,17,,6
To Samuel Bull a Probationer in the Art of Graving in pursuance of Mylord High Treasurer's Warrant dated the 21.st August 1702. for Several Luncheons by him made for the use and Service of the Mint Since the date of the Said Warrant, as by particulars}46,,6,,-385,,7,,10
For fees paid Mr. Attorney General at three Several times for his advise, and giving his opinion, at Myl.d Treasurer's desire, about releasing Mr. Redhead out of prison, and to a Clerk in the Exchequer Office for Stating the case in due form of Law, and attending the Attorney General with it}7,,10,,6
To Mr. Auditor Harley for Examining, Auditing, Engrossing and declaring the Accompts of the Country Mints}200,,-,,-
And to him for Examining and Auditing this Accompt44,,-,,-
    Imprest and paid by this Accomptant for fees, Sallaries And Incidents payable by the Warden of the Mint, viz.
To Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Maj.ies Mint for himself &
the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for fees and Sallaries}
for one year ending at Christmass 17041435,,-,,-
Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers for Repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}289,,17,,-
Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the dyett and other Allowances payable by him}153,,11,,61938,,8,,6
Imprested more to him for the Sallary of an Additional Clerk by Warrant from her Majesty dated the 9. day of June 1702. out of the Money repaid into the Exchequer on Mr. Neale's Account, and Reissued to me Since his death}60,,-,,-
                              Totall Discharge£3855,,19,,4
                              Ballance carryed to Next Acc.t....11314,,14,,3

The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Master and Worker of her Majesty Mint from the 1.st day of January 1703. to the Last day of December        1704.

20 July 1705

Received for Mr Auditor Harley, the Accompt of the Master & Worker of her Majesties Mint whereof the within is a Copy, together with the Vouchers relating to the Same.                               ThO MORE


The Accompt of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesty's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1704. to the Last day of December 1705. Inclusive.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the Severall Sums of Money following by him received by way of Imprest and upon Account of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty's Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint within the aforesaid time. viz.
     Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payments of the
fees and Sallaries of the Officers of the Said Mint payable by him1435,,-,,-}
   Received for the payment of the Sallary of an Additional Clerk granted to him for prosecuting Clippers & Coyners}60,,-,,-£sd
  Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of the Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}314,,16,,91952,,13,,5
   Received more for the payment of Extraordinary charges and Dyet}142,,16,,8


The Said Accomptant craves Allowance for the Money by him paid and issued out within the time aforesaid as followeth, viz.£sd
Paidunto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for a whole year ending the 25.th day of December 1705. as appeares and is particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys}1435,,-,,-
Paid Robert Weddell the Additional Clerk granted to me to assist me in prosecuting clippers and coyners for one years Sallary to Christmas 1705}60,,-,,-
Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided, and Work done about repairing the houses and offices belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys their Acquittances
to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.£}
To William Chapman Carpenter as by his three Bills143,,10,,-
To Thomas Brettle Glasier as by his two Bills49,,4,,-
To Gostwick Cox Plummer as by his two Bills66,,2,,-314,,16,,9
To Thomas Silvester Smith as by his Bill24,,-,,-
To William Cooper Painter as by his Bill23,,-,,-
To John Ryalls Mason as by his Bill9,,-,,9
               Carryed forward£1809,,169
Brought Over£1809,,16,,9
Paid to the Several tradesmen and persons following for Severall necessary Incidents and Extraordinary Charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills & Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To William Evans Esquire for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint liveth for one year ending at Christmas 1705 by four Debentures}£ 20,,s-,,d-}
To Phillip Dallowe for his Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmas 1704. to Christmas 1705. by four Debentures}10,,-,,-
To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee Coales to the Officers of the S.d Mint for the year 1704 by one Debenture}18,,8,,-
To Robert Cooke for providing Oyle and Looking after four Lampes or Lucidaries and for mending and repairing the Same}16,,10,,-
To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
To Hannah Briggs for the Warden's part of the dyett, and other necessaries provided for the Officers of the Mint at their public dayes of Meeting by one Debenture}24,,3,,2142,,16,,8
To William Nicoll Scavenger for carrying Rubbish and Dung out of the Mint from Christmas 1704. to Christmas 1705. by one Debenture}10,,2,,6
To Charles Rawsom Stationer for Paper, Pens, Books and other Stationary Wares for the use of the Mint as by his Bill}4,,15,,7
To John Snart Scale maker for cleansing and mending the Gold and Silver Ballances as by his Bill}3,,17,,6
To William Pate and Comp.y Woollen Drapers for cloth for the two Watermen Liveries as by their Bill and Receipt}5,,8,,11
To Samuel Holman Tayler for making the Said Liveries, changing the two Setts of Buttons and mending the Badges as by his Bill.}5,,6,,6
To Claude Viet Clock maker for mending the Pendulum of the Office, and for a new chaine to it as by his Bill and Receipt.}2,,-,,-
To William Burdin Pavier for paving and mending the Streets of the Mint as by his Bill and Receipt}1,,4,,6
To Richard Bullock for Brooms for use of the Office from Christmas 1704. to Christmas 1705}1,,-,,-

                                   J Stanley


The Accompt of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1704. to the Last day of December 1705.

3.d Octobr. 1706

Received a Copy of this Acco.t and Vouchers relating thereunto into Mr. Auditor Maynwarings Office                     per Duke Parsons


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton knight Master and Worker of her Majesty's Mint, of all the Monys by him Received and had out of the Receipt of her Majesty's Exchequer and Elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Mint from the first day of January 1704. to the Last day of December 1705. being a year compleat.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz.
Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the}
Last day of December 1704.£11314,,14,,3
Monies by him Received by Way of Imprest out of the Receipt}
of the Exchequer viz 4.th January 1704.....£954,,7,,212£sd
Aprill the 7.th 17051031,,8,,0126214,,1,,117528,,15,,4
June the 30.th1074,,1,,1
October the 8.th3154,,4,,9
So that the full Charge is
The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
To the Master and Worker for himself for one year's Sallary from
Christmas 1704. to Christmass 1705.500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay Master for the Like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at £ 40. per Annum each120,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint for one year's Sallary ending at Christmass 1705}200,,-,,-1210,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Assistant to the chief Graver one year,,80,,-,,-
To Gabriel Leclerc another Assistant for the Like time80,,-,,-
To the Engeneer of the Mint for the Like time100,,-,,-
To Thomas Silvester Smith to the Mint for the Like time50,,-,,-
To Jeremiah Skingley one of the Warden's Clerks payable by the Master and Worker pusuant to her Majesty Warrant dated the 9.th day of June 1702}40,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and charges in the coyning her Majesty Silver Monies from Christmas 1704. to Christmas 1705. viz.
for the Coyning 104.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d the pound Weight,,33,,16,,-}
for the Coyning 429.poundweight 7.oz 15deadweight of Silver Monies at one penny per pound,,29,,10,,81265,,2,,6
for the Coyning 429. 7. 15. of Silver Monies at one penny per pound,,1,,15,,912
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1704. to the Last
day of December 1705. as by the Comptroller's certificate11,,14,,9}
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies0,,2,,3,,11,,17,,-
                    Carryed forward£1326,,19,,6
Brought forward£1326,,19,,6
Paid for Several necessary Charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, and Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt as appears by Bills Signed by the Officers of the Mint, viz.
To William Pearson Collier for Middling Coales for the use of the
Assay Office being 356. Sacks at 20.d29,,£13,,s4d}
for fees and charges and Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Service of the Mint}21,,1,,-
for fees and charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Mint for the year 1704. as by Bill of particulars}25,,15,,-120,,9,,4
To the Auditor for himself and Clerks the usual fee allowed him for Examining Auditing and Engrossing this Account}44,,-,,-
      Imprested and paid by this Accomptant for fees and Sallaries payable by the Warden of the Mint, and for repaires of Buildings and other Incident charges, viz.
To Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majestie's Mint for himself
and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for fees and }
Sallaries for one year ending at Christmass 1705.1435,,-,,-
Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers for Repaires of houses and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}314,,16,,9
Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyet and other Allowances payable by him}142,,16,,81952,,13,,5
Imprested more to him for the Sallary of an Additional Clerk by Warrant from her Majesty dated the 9.th day of June 1702, out of the Money repaied into the Exchequer on the Ballance of Mr. Neale's Accompt and reissued to me since his death}60,,-,,-
                    Totall Discharge£3400,,2,,3,,
Ballance carryed to the Next Account..,,14128,,13,,1

                                        Is. Newton.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty's Mint from 1.st January 1704.- to the Last day of December         1705.

8th Novem:r 1706.

Received then of Dr Fauquier the Vouchers of this Accompt, for Arthur Maynwaring Esquire Auditor by me     Tho: Collier.


The Accompt of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesty's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1705. to the Last day of December 1706. Inclusive.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the Several Sums of Money following by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty's Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint within the aforesaid time, viz.

Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payments of the
fees and Sallarys of the Officers of the Said Mint payable by the Warden}
of the Mint1435,,-,,-
Received for the payment of the Sallary of an Additional Clerk granted to him for prosecuting Clippers and Coyners}60,,-,,-£sd
Received More for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of buildings belonging to the Said Mint}315,,-,,-1950,,18,,10
Received more for the payment of Extraordinary charges and Dyet}140,,18,,10


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this accompt as followeth.£sd
   Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for a Whole year ending the 25.th day of December 1706 as appeares and is particularly Specified in the Schedules of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys}1435,,-,,-
Paid Robert Weddell the Additional Clerk granted to me to assist me in prosecuting Clippers and Coyners for one year's Sallary to Christmas 1706}60,,-,,-
Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided, and Work done about repairing the houses and Officers belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills & Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To Robert Fitch Bricklayer as by his two Bills67,,16,,-
To John Ryalles Mason as by his Bill1,,13,,6
To Thomas Brettle Glasier as by his Bill27,,10,,-
To Richard Driver Joyner as by his Bill16,,10,,-
To the Creditors of W.m Chapman Carpenter70,,-,,-315,,-,,-
To William Cooper painter as by his Bill4,,-,,-
To Robert Fitch for Plasterer's Work3,,5,,-
To Gostwick Cox plummer as by his Bill20,,8,,-
To Ditto by Way of Imprest and upon Account to Enable him to provide Materialls for the houses and buildings of the Mint}166,,17,,6
                                   Carryed forward£1810-,,-,,
Brought Over£1810,,-,,-
    Paid to the Several tradesmen and persons following for Several necessary Incidents and Extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint with the partys their Acquittances to the same doth more particularly appear, viz
To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee coals to the Officers of the S.d Mint for December & January 1705..}£sd}
To John and Samuel Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
To Robert Cooke for providing Oyle and looking after four Lampes, or Lucidarys, and for repairing the Same }16,,6,,-
To Philip Dallowe for his Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmas 1705 to Christmas 1706 }10,,-,,-
To William Evans Esquire for the Rent of his house in Which the Porter of the Mint liveth for one year ending at Christmas 1706.}20,,-,,-140,,18,,10
To Hannah Briggs for the Warden's part of the Dyett, and other necessarys provided for the Officers of the Mint at their public Dayes of Meeting by two Bills}29,,17,,6
To William Nicholl Scavenger for carrying Rubbish and dung out of the Mint from Christmas 1705. to Christmas 1706}12,,15,,2
To Charles Rawson Stationer for Paper, Pens, Books and other Stationary Wares for the use of the Mint}3,,15,,9
To W.m Pate and Abell Slaney Woollen drapers for Cloth for the two Watermen liverys as by their Bill and receipt}5,,8,,11
To Samuel Holman Taylor for making the Said Liverys -,,2,,17,,6
To Richard Bullock for Brooms for the use of the Office from Christmas 1705. to Christmas 1705}1,,-,,-
                                   Totall Discharge£1950,,18,,10,,

                                   J Stanley


The Account of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1705. to the Last of December 1706.

17th June 1707

Received then into Mr. Auditor Harleys Office Sir John Stanleys Accompt as Warden of the Mint for the Year 1706. together with the Vouchers thereto.   {P} Jer. Oakeley


The Account of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty's Mint from 1.st January 1705. to the Last day of December 1706.

17th June 1707.

Received then Sir Isaac Newtons Accompt as Mar. Worker of the Mint for the Year 1706. together with the Vouchers thereto.                                    {P} Jer. Oakeley clerk                                       to Mr. Auditr. Harley


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty's Mint, of all the Monys by him received and had out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, as also of the Monys by him received and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Mint from the first day of January 1705 to the Last day of December 1706. being a year compleat.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz. Arreares remaining due on the foot of his last Accompt ending the
Last day of December 1705£14128,,13,,1}
Monies by him Received by Way of Imprest out of the Receipt}
of the Exchequer, viz. 5.th January 17051447,,-,,412
March the 30.th 17061282,,12,,56961,,12,,5
July the 3d1859,,15,,8£sd
October the 3d2372,,3,,111224255,,5,,2
Produce of 788.oz 3.deadweight of Gold received from on Board her Majesty's Ship Guernsey from New England, Seized and taken there from Captain John Quelch and Company convicted of Felony and Piracy, and coyned into Guineas pursuant to Mylord high Treasurer's Order, amounting to}3164,,19,,8
And So the full charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
To the Master and Worker for himself for one years Sallary from Christmas}
1705. to Christmass 1706.500,,-,,-
To him for an Under Assay Master for the Like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the Like time20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at £40. per Annum each120,,-,,-1190,,,,--
To John Croker Gentleman Chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Assistant to the Chief Graver80,,-,,-
To Gabriel Leclerc another Assistant three Quarters60,,-,,-
To the Engeneer of the Mint one year to Christmas100,,-,,-
To Thomas Silvester Smith to the Mint50,,-,,-
To Jeremiah Skingley one of the Warden's Clercks payable by the Master and Worker pursuant to her Majesty Warrant dated 9.th June 1702}40,,-,,-
To John Braint Provost of the Monyers for himself and the rest of the fellow Monyers by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lord High Treasurer of England bearing date the 19.th Novemb.er 1706 for one year's Allowance due at Christmass 1706}400,,-,,-
                              Carryed forward£1630,,-,,-
Brought forward£1630,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and charges in the coyning her Majesty Gold and Silver Monys from Christmas 1705. to Christmas 1706.
for the coyning 537.poundweight of Gold Monys at 6Shillings 6.d the pound Weight£174,,10,,6}
for the coyning of 932poundweight of Silver Monies at 16.d12. per pound...,,64,,1,,6242,,9,,8
for the coyning of 932poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per pound.,,3,,17,,8
Gold and Silver Monys putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1705. to the Last day
of December 1706 as by the Comptrollers Certificate39,,4-}
Loss Sustained by the Assays of the Gold and Silver Monies0.10,,-39,,14,,
   Paid for Several necessary charges, and Incidents relating to the coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, and Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt as appeares by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of her Majesty Mint, viz.
To William Pearson Collyer for Middling Coales for the use of the Assay
Office being 295 Sacks at 20.d per Sack24,,11,,8}
To Mr. John Cartlitch for Refining and Toughning of Coarse and eager Gold as by his Bill and Receipt}10,,8,,6
To Ditto for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the use of the Assay Office from 1.st January 1703 to Christmas 1706}18,,17,,2
To Ditto for fine Coper for Allay of Gold and Silver from 1.st January 1701. to the Last of December 1706}15,,1,,391,,6,,1
To Thomas Rivett for Several Materials by him provided for the use of the Assay office from 1.st January 34 to Christmas 1706}8,,8,,6
To Rob.t Fitch Bricklayer for Repairing the furnaces,,11,,15,,-
To John Ryalles Mason for Stone Work about the Same.,,2,,4,,-
  Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompts as by Bills Signed by the Officers of the Mint viz.
  For fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer, and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence as by particulars}30,,15,,-}
  For Money paid for fees and charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Mint for the year 1705}25,,15,,-125,,13,,9
To the Auditor for himself and clerks the usual fee allowed him for Examining, Auditing and Engrossing this Accompts}44,,-,,-
For fees paid to the Attorney General for his advice about the priviledges of the Mint, and charges of defending the Same as by particulars}25,,3,,9
Paid Into the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lord High Treasurer bearing date the 21.st March 1705. the}
neat produce of the Gold Received from New England3142,,2,,23164,,19,,8
Paid Mr. George Ford in pursuance of the Same Warrant his Bill of charges, and reward for his trouble in going to Portsmouth to fetch Said Gold from the Ship Guernsey}22,,17,,8
                                   Carryed forward£5294,,3,,2
Brought Over£5294,,3,,{2}
     Imprest and paid by this Accomptant for fees and Sallaryes payable by the Warden of the Mint, and for repaires of Buildings, and other incident charges viz.
     To Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesty's Mint for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him
for fees and Sallarys for one year ending at Christmas 17061435,,-,,-}
     Imprest more to him to pay Several Artificers for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}315,,-,,-
     Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyet and other Allowances payable by him}140,,18,,101950,,18,,{10}
     Imprested more to him for the Sallary of an Additional clerk by Warrant from his Majesty dated the 9.th day of June 1702. out of the money repaid into the Exchequer on the Ballance of Mr. Neale's Aco.t and reissued to me Since his death}60,,-,,-
                         Totall Discharge£7245,,2,,{-}
                         Ballance carryed to next Account£17010,,3,,{2}

                                        Isaac Newton.


The Accomptof Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesty's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1706. to the Last day of December 1707.


The Said Accomptant Charges himself with the Several Sums of Money following by him Received by way of Imprest and upon Account of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint within the aforesaid time, viz.
     Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payments of the Fees and Sallarys of the Officers of the Said Mint payable by the Warden pursuant
to the Indenture of the Mint1435,,-,,-}£.s.d.
   Received for the payment of the Sallary of an Additional Clerk granted to him for prosecuting Clippers and Coyners}60,,-,,-1988,,10,,10
  Received for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}315,,-,,-
 Received more for the payment of Extraordinary charges and Dyet}178,,10,,10


TheSaid Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, as followeth£sd
Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for One year ending the 25.th day of December 1707 as appeares and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the Receipt of their Respective Quarters Sallarys....}1435,,-,,-
Paid Robert Weddell the Additional Clerk granted to me to assist me in prosecuting Clippers and Coyners for one year's Sallary to Christmas 1707}60,,-,,-
Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided, and Work done about repairing the houses and Offices belonging to the Said Mint, as by their Respective Bills & Debentures Signed by the
Same doth more particularly appear, viz.£sd}
Paid Thomas Seabrook for Smith's Work as by his Bill12,,11,,-
Paid William Chapman Carpenter as by his Bill43,,15,,-
Paid John Ryales Mason as by his Bill8,,3,,6
Paid William Cooper painter as by his Bill12,,8,,3315,,-,,-
Paid Robert Fitch Bricklayer as by Bill53,,10,,-
Paid Ditto For Plasterer's Work as by his Bill6,,10,,-
Paid Thomas Brettle Glasier as by his Bill27,,-,,-
Paid Gostwick Cox Plummer as by his Bill27,,-,,-
To Ditto by Way of Imprest and upon Account to Enable him to provide Materials for rebuilding the house belonging to the Surveyer of the Meltings, as by order of the rest of the Officers, and the Said Mr. Cox's Receipt}124,,2,,3
                              Carryed forward£1810,,-,,-
Brought Over£1810,,-,,-
   Paid to the Several tradesmen and persons following for Several necessary Incidents and Extraordinary charges & Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee coals to the Officers of the Said Mint for December and January 1706..}£sd}
To John Walford for bringing Water into the Severall Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging as by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
To Robert & Elizabeth Cooke for providing Oyle and Looking after four Lampes, or Lucidaries and for repairing the Same}17,,-,,-
To Philip Dallowe for his Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmas 1706. to Christmas 1707.}10,,-,,-
To William Evans Esquire for the Rent of his house in which the porter of the Mint liveth for one year ended at Christmas 1707.}20,,-,,-
To Hannah Briggs for the Warden's part of the Dyet, and other necessarys provided for the Officers of the Mint at their public days of meeting by One Bill}25,,4,,6178,,10,,10
To William Nicoll Scavenger for carrying Rubbish & dung out of the Mint from Christmas 1706. to Christmas 1707. by two Bills}9,,18,,9
To Charles Rawsom Stationer for Paper, Pens, Books, and other Stationary Wares for the use of the Mint}7,,14,,11
To Abel Slaney and W.m Pate Woollen Drapers for Cloth for the two Watermen Liverys as by their Bill and Receipt}5,,8,,11
To Samuel Holman Taylor for making the Said liverys and changing the Silver Buttons as by his Bill}6,,4,,4
To Thomas Burdin Pavier for paving and mending the Streets of the Mint as by two Bills}16,,14,,2
To John Snart Scale maker for cleaning and mending the Gold and Silver Ballances, for a New pile of Weights, counterpoyses &c. as by his Bill being for two years}16,,14,,6
To Richard Bullock Purveyer of the Mint for Brooms for the use of the Office from Christmas 1706. to Christmas 1707. and for Several other disbursements for the Service and by order of the Officers of the Mint as by his Bill & receipt }5,,2,,9
                                   Totall Discharge£1988,,10,,10

                                             J. Stanley


The Account of Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1706. to the Last day of December         1707.

Recd May 18th: 1708 into Mr. Auditor Maynwarings Office the Accompt of Sir J{Jn:o} Stanley Warden of her Majesty's Mint with the Vouchers thereunto belonging.

                                        P Dandridge                                              Clerck to Mr. Auditor Maynwaring


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1706. to the Last day of Christmas        1707.

Rec:d May 18: 1708 The Accompt of Sir Isaak Newton Mast:r & worker of her Ma:ts Mint and the Vouchers thereunto belonging

                              P Dandridge                                         Clerk to Mr. Auditor Maynwaring


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of Her Majesty Mint, of all the Monys by him received and had out of the Receipt of her Majesty's Exchequer and elsewhere, as also of the Monies by paid and disbursed for the charges and Expenses of the Mint from the first day of January 1706 to the Last day of Decembr. 1707. being a year compleat.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, Viz. Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the Last}
day of December 1706£17010,,3,,2
Monies by him Received by Way of Imprest out of the Receipt of}
the Exchequer, viz. 14.th January 1706928,,6,,612
March the 31.st 17071483,,15,,3126384,,4,,4£sd
June the 28.th2629,,16,,124320,,19,,-
October the 9th1342,,6,,5
Gold and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix tryed the 31.st day of July 1707. as by the Warden's and Comptroller's certificate making together}926,,11,,6
And So the full Charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz
To his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year, viz. from Christmas}
1706. to Christmass 1707.500,,-,,-
To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at £40. per Annum each120,,-,,-1130-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman Chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Assistant to the Chief Graver80,,-,,-
To the Engeneer of the Mint One year to Christmas100,,-,,-
To Thomas Silvester Smith to the Mint50,,-,,-
To Jeremiah Skingley One of the Warden's Clerks payable by the Master and Worker pursuant to her Majesty Warrant dated 9.th 1702.}40,,-,,-
To John Braint Provost of the Monyers for himself and the rest of the fellow Monyers by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lord high Treasurer of Great Brittain bearing date the 19.th Novr. 1706 for One year's Allowances due at Christmass 1707}400,,-,,-
                         Carryed forward£1570,,-,,-
Brought forward£1570,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and charges in the coyning her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1706. to the Last day of December 1707. viz
for the Coining 607.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings6.d the pound Weight197,,5,,6}
for the Coining 1174.poundweight of Silver Monies at 16.d12. per pound80,,14,,3282,,17,,7
for the Coining 1174. of Silver Monies at one penny per pound4,,17,,10
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1706. to
the 31.st of December 1707. as by the Comptroller's Certficate45,,17,,-}46,,4,,-
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies0,,7,,-
Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, and Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, as appeares by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of the Majesty's Mint, viz.
  To William Pearson Collyer for Middling Coales for the use of the}
Assay Office being 296 Sacks at 20.d per Sack24,,13,,4
  To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the use of the Assay Office from 1.st January 1706. to Christmass 1707}8,,14,,7.52,,18,,5
  To Ditto for fine Coper for Allay of Gold and Silver from 1.st 1706. to the 31.st of December 1707}8,,3,,6
  To Thomas Silvester Smith for Iron Work for the furnaces and for flatt Bottoms for the Gravers press}11,,7,,-
  Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, as by Bills Signed by the Officers of the the Mint, viz.
  For fees and Charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence as by particulars}28,,6,,6}
  For Money paid for fees and Charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Mint for the year 1706}25,,16,,6
  For fees and Charges of the Tryal of the Gold and Silver Monies in the Pix the 31.st July 1707}29,,10,,-277,,13,,-
  To the Wardens of the Mistery of Goldsmiths of the City of London for the charge of making & compleating Standard Tryal of the Coin of Great Britain, by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lord high Treasurer bearing date the 6.th June 1707}150,,-,,-
  To the Auditor for himself and Clerks the usual fee allowed him for Examing, Auditing and Engrossing this Accompt}44,,-,,-
                              Carryed forward.£2229,,13,,-
Brought Over£2229,,13,,{-}
  Imprest and paid by this Accomptant for fees and Sallaries payable by the Warden of the Mint, and for repaires of Buildings and other Incident Charges, viz.
  To Sir John Stanley Baronet Warden of her Majesty Mint for himSelf and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for fees
and Sallaryes for one year ending of Christmas 17071435,,-,,-}
  Imprest more to him to pay Several Artificers for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}315,,-,,-
  Imprest more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyet and other Allowances payable by him}178,,10,,101988,,10,,{}10
  imprested more to him for the Sallary of an Additional clerk by Warrant from her Majesty dated the 9.th day of June 1702. Out of the Money repaid into the Exchequer on the Ballance of Mr. Neale's Account and reissued to me since his death}60,,-,,-
                    Totall Discharge£4218,,3,,{10}
                    Ballance Carryed to Next Account20102,,15,,{2}

                                   Is. Newton


The Accomptof Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty's Exchange and coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the 1.st day of May 1708. (being the time of this Accomptant first coming into his Office) to the Last day of December 1708.


The Said Accomptant Charges himself with the Several Sums of Money following by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt Sir Isaac Newton knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint, within the aforesaid time, viz.
     Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payments of the Fees and Sallarys
of the Officers of the Said Mint payable by the Warden1435,,-,,-v}£sd
   Received for the Payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}503,,17,,3v2080,,19,,4
   Received more for the payment of Extraordinary charges, and the Warden's part of the Dyett}142,,2,,1v


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt as followeth, viz.£sd
To Sir John Stanley Baronet Late Warden of the Said Mint, for One Quarter of a year and thirty Six days Sallary due to him at the time of his Leaving his above Said Office the Sum of £153.18.1. and to this Accomptant, and the rest of the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys ending the 25.th day of December 1708. as appeares and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party, acknowledging the Receipt of their respective quarters Sallarys the Sum of £1281.9.11.-. making together the Sum of}1435,,-,,-
Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materialls by them provided, and Work done about the houses, Offices, and buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved of by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys their acquittances to the same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To Gostwick Cox Plummer as by his Bill59,,12,,-v}
To Ditto for so much by him paid to Rob.t Fitch for Bricklayer Work done about the house rebuilt in her Majesty Mint, as by the Said Fitch's
Bill Signed and approved of by the Officers thereof166..--. v
and to Will. Chapman by a like Bill236.-.-. v
out of which deducting what he had formerly received from
the Late Warden by Way of Imprest being290.19.9.v
there remains the Sum of £ 111.0.3.-. paid to him to discharge Said bills111,,-,,3.v503,,17,,3
To Martha Fisch Administratice to her Son Robert42,,-,,-v
To John Ryalles for Mason's Work as by his Bill48,,-,,-v
To John Grinsell Plasterer as by his two Bills26,,15,,-v
To William Cooper painter as by his Bill29,,-,,-v
To Thomas Brettle Glasier as by his Bill45,,-,,-v
To William Chapman Carpenter and Joyner as by his Bill44,,-,,-v
To Richard Broadbrook Smith as by his Bill18,,10,,-v
To Tho: Churchill by Way of Imprest and upon Account to provide Materials for repaires inteded to be done in and about the old buildings of the Mint}80,,-,,-v
                                                  Carried forward£1938,,17,,3
Brought Over£1938,,17,,3
Paid to the Several Persons following, for Several necessary Incidents and Extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittancs to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee coals to the Officers of the Said Mint for the months of December & January 1707}18,,8,,-v}
To John Walford for bringing Water into the Severall Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging as by four Debentures}20,,-,,-v
To Elizabeth Cook for providing Oyle and looking after four Lampes or Lucidarys and for repairing the Same}17,,5,,-v
To Philip Dalllowe for his Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmas 1707. to Christmass 1708}10,,-,,-v
To William Evans Esquire for the Rent of his house in which theporter of the Mint liveth for one year ended at Christmas 1708}20,,-,,-v
To Hannah Briggs for the Warden's part of the Dyet and other necessaries provided for the Officers of the Mint at their public days of meeting by one Bill}16,,17,,-v142,,2,,1 v
To William Nicolls Scavenger for carrying Rubbish & dung out of the Mint from Christmass 1707. to Christmass 1708}6,,3,,9v
To Charles Rawson Stationer for Paper, Pens, Books and other Stationary Wares for the use of the Mint}5,,5,,8v
To Abel Slaney and Will. Pate Woollen drapers for cloth for the two Watermen's Liverys, as by their bill and receipt}5,,13,,8v
To Samuel Holman Taylor for making the Said Liverys, and for velvett Caps}4,,1,,6v
To Thomas Burdin Pavier for paving and mending the Streets of the Mint as by two Bills}8,,12,,-v
To John Snart Scale maker for cleaning and mending the Gold and Silver Ballances as by his Bill}2,,2,,-v
To Richard Bullock Purveyer of the Mint for Brooms for the use of the Office from Christmas 1707. to Christmas 1708. and for Several other disbursements for the Service and by order of the Officers of the Mint as by his Bill and receipt}7,,13,,6v

                                        Cra.ven Peyton


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint from 1.st May 1708. to the Last day of December 1708.

Aug.t 25th 1709

Reced then by the hands of Dr. Fauquier the Vouchers belonging to the withinwritten Accompt of the Warden of the Mint for one yeare ending the last of Decr. 1708: I say Received for the Use of Mr. Auditor Harley                                          per me Rich.d Vaughan:


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Mint, of all the Monys by him received and had out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, as also of the Monys by him paid and disbursed for the Charges and Expenses of the Mint from the first day of January 1707. to the Last day of December 1708.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money viz. Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the Last
day of December 170720102,,15,,2}£sd
Monies by him Received by Way of Imprest out of the receipt of her Majesty Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by particulars in the Imprest Roll, amounting together to the Sum of}6864,,12,,326967,,7,,5
And so the full Charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz
To his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year, viz from Christmas
1707. to Christmass 1708500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at £40. per Annum each120,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman Chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-£sd
To Sam.ll Bull Assistant to the Chief Graver80,,-,,-1310,,-,,- v
To Gabriel Leclerc Third Graver80,,-,,-
To Ditto by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lord high Treasurer dated the 23.d Aprill 1708. for arreares due to him on his Sallary for the time he was absent from England}100,,-,,-
To the Engeneer of the Mint one year to Christmass100,,-,,-
To Thomas Silvester Smith to the Mint50,,-,,-
To John Morley by a letter of Attorney from Philip Robinson and Mary his Wife Sister and Administrator to Jeremiah Skingley deceased one of the Wardens Clerks, for 23 days Sallary due to the Said Skingley the 17.th January 1707/8 which was
the day he dyed the Sum of2.10.5.}
and to George Foord appointed by her Majesty Royall Sign Manual dated the 15.th March 1707/8 to Succeed the Said Jeremiah Skingley the Sum of},,-,,-v.
To John Braint Provost of the Monyers for himself and the rest of the fellow Monyers by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lord high Treasurer of Great Britain bearing date the 19.th November 1706 for one year's Allowance due at Christmass 1708}400,,-,,-v
                    Carryed forward£1750,,-,,-
Brought forward£1750,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and Charges in the Coyning her Majesty Gold and Silver Monys from 1.st January
1707. to the Last day of December 1708. viz£sd.
For the Coyning 1010.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings6.d the pound Weight..,,328,,5,,-}
for the Coyning 3751.poundweight of Silver Monies at 16.d12 the pound Weight..,,257,,17,,712601,,15,,212 v
for the Coyning 3751. of Silver Monies at one penny per pound..,,15,,12,,7
Gold and Silver Monies Putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1707. to the Last day
of December 1708. as by the Comptroller's Certificate75,,9,,9}
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies0,,12,,776,,2,,4v
Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coinage of the Gold and Silver Monys, and Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt as appeares by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of her Majesty Mint, viz.
To William Pearson Collyer for Middling Coales for the use of£sd}
the Assay Office being 296 Sacks at 20.d per Sack24,,13,,4
To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the use of the Assay Office from 1.st January 1707. to the Last of December 1708.}6,,9,,1139,,4,,5 v
To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver from 1.st January 1707. to the Last of December 1708}8,,1,,2
Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt as by Bills Signed by the Officers of the Mint, viz.
for fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence as by particulars}22,,9,,-}
for fees and charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden, and Master and Worker for the year 1707}26,,1,,692,,10,,6
To the Auditor for himself and Clerks the usual fee allowed him for Examining, Auditing, and Engrossing this Accompt44,,-,,-
Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint for fees and Sallaryes for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint
payable by him for one year ending at Christmass 1708.1435,,-,,-}
Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}503,,17,,32080,,19,,4v
Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyet, and other Allowances payable by him}142,,2,,1
                                        Totall Discharge£4640,,11912
                                   Ballance Carryed to next Accompt...22326,,15712

                                                  Is. Newton

Extraordinary fees allowed Mr. Auditor Harley by Warrant dated              on the Acc.ts of the Mint
to be deducted from this Ballance£40..-.
and half year's Sallary [aid Mr. Weddell to Midsummer 1708}.30.-.-.
So the remaining Ballance will be22256.15.712

The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1707 to the Last day of December 1708.

      Augt 25.th 1709

Received then by the hands of Dr. Fauquier the Vouchers belonging to the ~ within written Accompt of the Master & Worker of the Mint for one yeare ending the last of Decr. 1708. I say reced for the Use of Mr. Auditor Harley                                         per me Rich.d Vaughan:


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the 1.st day of January 1708. to the Last day of December 1709.


The Said Accomptant Charges himself with the Several Sums of Money by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint, within the aforesaid time, viz.     Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payment of the fees and Sallaries of
    the Officers of the Said Mint payable by the Warden£1435,,-,,-}v
    Received for the payment of Several Artificers bills for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}348,,10,,-vv£sd
    Received more for the payment of Extraordinary charges, and the Warden's part of the Dyet}185,,13,,3v1969,,3,,3
                    Received in All


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, as followeth viz
   Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallaries for One }V£sd
year ending the 25.th day of December 1709, as doth appeare, and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the Receipt of their respective Quarters Sallaries1435,,-,,-
   Paid to the Several Artificers following for materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved of by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
   To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer in full of his Bill for Bricklayer's Work, over and above the Sum of Eighty pounds Imprested to him in Last year's
account, which Imprest is now discharged by Said Bill38,,£-,,s-d}V
   To William Chapman for Joyner and Carpenter's Work100,,-,,-V
   To Gostwick Cox Plummer as by his Bill80,,-,,-V
   To Thomas Brettle Glasier as by his Bill36,,-,,-V348,,10,,-V
   To William Cooper painter as by his Bill30,,-,,-V
   To John Ryalles Mason as by his Bill16,,15,,-V
   To John Grimsell Plasterer as by his Bill33,,5,,-V
   To Richard Broadbrooke Smith as by his Bill14,,10,,-V
                    Carryed forward£1783,,10,,-
Brought Over£1783,,10,,-
Paid to the Several persons following, for Several necessary Incidents, and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
  To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee coals to the Officers of the Said Mint for the Months of Decembr. & January 1708}18,,8,,-v
  To William Evans Esquire for the Rent of his house in which the Porter of the Mint liveth for one year ended at Christmass 1709}20,,-,,-vqr. {svisky} power
  To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-v
  To Ditto for carrying Water in pales and tubbs during the frost..,,2,,12,,-v
  To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1708 to Christmass 1709}10,,-,,-v
  To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl, and looking after four Lampes or lucidaries, and for repairing the Same}17,,5,,-v
  To Hannah Briggs for the Wardens part of the Dyett and other necessaries provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting as by two Bills}51,,3,,9v
  To Abell Slaney and Will. Pate Woollen drapers for cloth for the two Watermen's liverys, as by their bill and receipt}5,,12,,7v185,,13,,3
  To Samuel Holman Taylor for making the Said Liverys2,,17,,7v
  To William Nicolls Scavenger for carrying Rubbish & dung out of the Mint from Christmass 1708. to Christmass 1709}6,,3,,-v
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for Paper, Pens, books & other Stationary Wares for the use of the Mint}10,,10,,-v
  To John Snart Scale maker for cleaning and mending the Gold and Silver Ballances, and for Several Setts of Counterpoyses}10,,16,,-v
  To Richard Bullock Purveyer of the Mint for Brooms for the use of the Office from Christmass 1708. to Christmass 1709, and for Several other disbursements for the Service.    and by the order of the Officers of the Mint as by his bill and receipt}3,,15,,-v
  To Mr. John Croker Chief Graver of the Mint for Casting and Engraving the Seale belonging to the Office, which has been altered upon account of the Union of the two Kingdom's of England & Scotland}6,,10,,4v
                         Totall Discharge£1969,,3,,3

                                        Cran: Peyton


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1708, to the Last day of Decembr.           1709.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Mint, of all the Monies by him received and had out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the Charges and Expenses of the Mint for the first day of January 1708 to the Last day of December 1709 being one year compleat.


The Accompant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz. Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Account ending the Last day of
December 170822256,,15,,712}£sd
Monies by him Received by Way of Imprest out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by particulars in the Imprest Roll, amounting to the Sum of}6482,,11,,1128739,,7,,612
And So the full Charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year, viz from Christmass
1708 to Christ,ass 1709500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at £40. per Annum each120,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-1150,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Assistant to the Chief Graver80,,-,,-
To Gabriel Leclerc third Graver one Quarter to Ladyday20,,-,,-
To John Braint Engeneer of the Mint one year to Christmass100,,-,,-
To Thomas Silvester Smith to the Mint50,,-,,-
To George Foord one of the Warden's Clerks payable by the Master & Worker pursuant to her Majesty's Royall Sign Manuel dated the 15.th March 1707/8...}40,,-,,-
To John Braint Provost of the Monyers for himself and the rest of the fellow Monyers by Warrant of the Most Honorable the Lord high Treasurer of Great Brittain bearing date the 19.th Novembr. 1706 for one year's Allowance}400,,-,,-
  Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and Charges in the coyning her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1708 to the
Last day of December 1709, viz£sd
For the Coyning 2468.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings6.d the pound Weight802,,2,,-}
For the Coyning 2543.poundweight of Silver Monies at 16.d12 the pound Weight1747,,16,,7122655,,17,,212
For the Coyning 2543.poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per pound105,,18,,7
Paid In pursuance of Mylord high Treasurer's Warrant dated the 20.th Aprill 1709 Two pence half penny per Ounce for 278392.oz 4.deadweight 10.gr of Standard Wrought plate brought into her Majesty Mint to be coyned between the 10.th day of Aprill 1709 and the 1.st day of December 1709 by vertue of an Act of the Last Session of Parliament entituled [An Act for continuing the former Acts for the encouragement of the Coynage, and to encourage the bringing of forreign Coins and British or forreign plate to be coyned] &c. the Sum off ...}2899,,18,,412
  Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1708 to the Last day of December 1709 as by the Warden's and Comptroller's certificate.}202,,12,,3
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies2,,2,,3
                              Carryed forward£7350,,10,,1
Brought Over£735010,,1
Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, and Several other particulars withing the time of this Accompts, as appeares by Bills Signed & approved by the Officers of her Majesty Mint, viz.
   To William King Collyer for Middling Coales for the use of the Assay Office
being 487 Sacks at 2Shillings per Sack48,,14,,-}
   To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the use of the Assay Office from 1.st January 1708. to December 1709..}30,,12,,9
   To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver from 1.st January 1708. to 22.d December 1709}10,,19,,2313,,3,,3
   To Ditto for Refining 4032.poundweight 07.oz 10.deadweight of Coarse plate between the 1.st of May 1709 and the 1.st of December following at 12.d per pound}201,,12,,7
   To Thomas Rivett for Severall Materials by him provided for the use of the Assay Office in the year 1708 and 1709}14,,14,,-
   To Robert Baden Iron founder for Iron Work delivered for the furnaces erected to melt down Wrought plate as by his Bill}6,,10,,9
Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt as by Bills Signed by the Officers of the Mint, viz.
for fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer, and at the Treasury for Several Sums of Money issued out thence, as by particulars}28,,18,,-}
forfees and charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden and Master & Worker for the year 1708}22,,1,,650,,19,,6
  To the Auditor for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently allowed for Examining and Auditing this Accompt of Master & Worker}44,,-,,-}
  More to him for an Additional Allowance for this Accompt and the Accompt of the Warden of the Mint for the Same time by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lord high Treasurer dated the 17.th August 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself, and the rest of the Officers of the
Mint payable by him for one year ending at Christmass 17091435,,-,,-}
    Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers for repairs of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}348,,10,,-1969,,3,,3
    Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyet, and other Allowances payable by him}185,,13,,3
                    Totall Discharge£9767,,16,,1
                    Ballance Carried to next Acc.t18971,,11,,512

                                                  Is. Newton


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1708 to the Last day of December 1709.

4.th July 1710

Received then into Mr. Auditor Maynwaring's Office the Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Mar. & Worker of her Majesties Mint, with Severall Vouchers relating thereunto, of which Accompt this is a true Copy.     received per me                     Ino Stone.


The Accomptof Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the 1.st day of January 1709, to the Last day of December 1710.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the Several Sums of Money by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint, within the aforesaid time, viz.    Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payment of the fees and Sallarys
of the Officers of the Said Mint payable by the Warden£1435,,-,,-}£sd
   Received for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}347,,4,,-1976,,5,,5
   Received more for the payment of Extraordinary Charges and the Wardens part of the Dyet}194,,1,,5
               Received in all


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, as followeth, viz.}£sd
   Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for one year ending the 25.th day of December 1710, as doth appeare as is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys1435,,-,,-
   Paid to the Several Artificers following for materials by them provided, and Work done about the houses, Offices and Building belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved of by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
     To William Chapman Carpenter In full for Joyner and Carpenter's Work as by his Bill}52,,-,,-}
     To Richard Driver Carpenter who has Succeeded Will. Chapman, in full for Joyners and Carpenter's Work}141,,-,,-
     To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by his Bill39,,-,,-
     To Gostwick Cox Plumber as by his Bill15,,10,,-347,,4,,-
     To Thomas Brettle Glasier as by his Bill50,,-,,-
     To Richard Broadbrooke Smith as by his Bill16,,10,,-
     To John Grimsell Plasterer as by his Bill9,,19,,-
     To John Ryalles Mason as by his Bill7,,5,,-
     To William Cooper painter as by his Bill16,,-,,-
               Carryed forward£1782,,4,,-
Brought Over£1782,,4,,-
Paid to the Several persons following, for Several necessary Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittances
to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.£sd}
   To William Pearson Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee coales to the Officers of the Said Mint for the months of December, & January 1709}18,,8,,-v
   To William Evans Esquire for the Rent of his house in which the Porter of the Mint did live, three Quarters ended at Michaelmas 1710}15,,-,,-v
   To Mr. George Foord one of the Warden's Clerks for the Rent of his house in which the Said Porter doth now live for one Quarter of a year ending at Christmass 1710}3,,10,,-v
   To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-v
   To Elizabeth Asheley for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1709 to Christmass 1710}10,,-,,-v
   To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl, and looking after four Lampes or lucidarys by two Debentures}16,,-,,-v194,,1,,5
   To Abel Slaney, and Will. Pate Woollen Drapers for Cloth for the two Watermen's Liverys, as by their Bill and receipt}5,,12,,7v
   To Samuel Holman Taylor for making the Said Liverys2,,17,,4v
   To William Nicoll Scavenger for carrying rubbish and dung out of the Mint from Christmass 1709, to Christmass 1710}7,,10,,9v
   To Thomas Burden Pavier for paving the Streets of the Mint as by two Bills}20,,5,,4
   To Charles Rawson Stationer for Paper, Pens, books & other Stationary Wares for the use of the Mint from Christmass 1709. to Christmass 1710, as by his Bill}11,,3,,-,,
   To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning and mending the Gold and Silver Ballances, and for a new Assay Ballance & Weights}11,,19,,6
   To Hannah Briggs for the Warden's part of the Dyett and other necessarys provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting, as by two Bills}43,,12,,8
   To Richard Bullock Purveyer of the Mint for brooms for the use of the Office from Christmass 1709 to Christmass 1710, and for Several other disbursements for the Service of the Mint as by his bill and receipt}8,,2,,3
                              Totall Discharge£1976,,5,,5

                                   Craven: Peyton


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1709 to the Last day of Decemb.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of Majesty Mint, of all the Monies by him received and had out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, As also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the Charges and Expenses of the Mint from the first day of January 1709 to the Last day of December 1710, being one year compleat.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money viz.
Arreares remaining due on the foot of his last Accompt ending the Last
day of December 1709£18971,,11,,512£ ,,sd
  Monies by him Received by Way of Imprest out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by particulars in the Imprest Roll, amounting to the Sum of}8544,,12,,6,,1227877,,18,,-
  Gold and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix tryed the 21.st day of August 1710, as by the Warden's and Comptroller's certificate making together}361,,14,,-
And So the full Charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year, viz from Christmass 1709 to Christmass 1710}500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay Master for the Like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-£sd
To him for three Clerks at £40. per Annum each for the like time120,,-,,-1130,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman Chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bill Second Graver80,,-,,-
To Thomas Silvester Smith and Assistant to the Gravers50,,-,,-
To John Braint Engeneer of the Mint100,,-,,-
To George Foord One of the Warden's Clerks payable by the Master and Worker pursuant to her Majesty's Royall Sign Manual dated the 15.th March 1707}40,,-,,-
To John Braint Provost of the Monyers for himself, and the rest of the fellow Monyers by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer for One years Allowance ending by Christmass 1710}400,,-,,-
  Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and Charges in the Coyning her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st 1709 to the Last of Decembr. 1710.}
For the Coining 3716.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings6.d the pound Weight1207,,14,,-1267,,5,,512
For the Coining... 817.poundweight of Silver Monies at 16.d12 the pound Weight56,,3,,412
For the Coining... 817. of Silver Monies at one penny per poundW.t3,,8,,1
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1709 to the 21.st day of August 1710, as by the Warden's & Comptroller's Certificate}66,,8,,-v}257,,4,,3
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 21.st August 1710 exclusive, to the Last day of December following}}190,,16,,3v
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies1,,1,,2
                              Carryed forward£3095,,10,,1012
Brought Over£3095,,10,,1012
Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, and Several other particulars within the time of this Accompts, as appeares by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of her
Majesty's Mint, viz.£sd}
  To William King Collyer for Middling Coals for the use of the Assay Office, being 600 Sacks at 2Shillings per Sack }60,,-,,-V
  To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the use of the Assay Office from 1.st January 1709 to 31.st Dec. 1710}18,,7,,5 V114,,11,,1
  To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver within the Same time}5,,18,,- V
  To Ditto for Refining 121.poundweight 1.oz 16.deadweight 00.gr of Coarse Gold at 5Shillings per Pound}30,,5,,8 V
  Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, as by Bills Signed by the Officers of the Mint viz.}
  For fees and Charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer, and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence as by particulars}34,,18,,6 V
  For fees and Charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden, and of the Master and Worker for the year 1709}22,,1,,6 v83,,9,,6
  For fees and Charges of the Tryall of the Gold and Silver Monies in the Pix the 21.st day of August 1710}26,,9,,6 v
  To the Auditor for himself and Clerks the yearly fee Antiently allowed for Examining and Auditing this Account}44,,-,,-}
  More to him for an Additional Allowance for this Accompt and the Accompt of the Warden of the Mint for the Same time by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer dated the 17.th August 1709}40,,-,,-184,,-,,-
Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majestie's Mint for fees and Sallaryes for himself, and the rest of the Officers of the
Mint payable by him for one year ending at Christmass 17101435,,-,,- v}
  Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers for repaires of houses and building belonging to the Said Mint}347,,4,,- v1976,,5,,5
  Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyett, and other Allowances and incident charges payable by him}194,,1,,5 v
                              Totall Discharge£5353,,16,,1012
                              Ballance carryed to the next Acc.t,,22524,,1,,112

                                        Is. Newton


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1709 to the Last of December 1710.


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Exchange and Coynage of Money withing the Tower of London from the 1.st of January 1710 the Last day of December 1711.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the Several Sums of Money by him received by way of Imprest and upon Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint within the aforesaid time, Viz.
    Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payment of the Fees and Sallarys
of the Officers of the Said Mint payable by the Warden£1435,,-,,-}£sd
    Received for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint.)445,,-,,-2061,,1,,10
    Received more for the payment of Extraordinary Charges and the Warden's part of the Dyet)181,,1,,10
          Received in all


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, as followeth viz.
  Paid unto the Officer of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for One year ending the 25th day of December 1711, as doth appeare and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys}1435,,-,,-1
  Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed, and approved of by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
   To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by his Bill135,,-,,-
To Richard Driver Carpenter for Joyner's and carpenter's Work as by his Bill}164,,10,,-,,
   To Gostwick Cox plumber as by his Bill40,,-,,-
   To William Cooper painter as by his Bill36,,15,,-445,,-,,-
   To John Grinsell plasterer as by his Bill24,,-,,-
   To Thomas Brettell Glasier as by his Bill28,,-,,-
   To Richard Broadbrooke Smith as by his Bill16,,15,,-
          Carryed forward£1880,,-,,-
Brought Over£sd
Paid to the Several persons following, for Several necessary Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office, and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills & Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittances
to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.£sd}
  To William King Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee Coales to the Officers of the Said Mint for the Months of December, and January 1710}18,,8,,-
  To Mr. George Foord one of the Warden's Clerks for the Rent of his house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for one year ended at Christmass 1711 by four Debentures}14,,-,,-
  To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
  To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint fom Christmass 1710 to Christmass 1711}10,,-,,-
  To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl, and looking after four Lampes or lucidarys, and for some repaires about the Same}16,,18,,-
  To William Nicholl Scavenger for carrying rubbish & dung out of the Mint from Christmass 1710 to Christmass 1711}5,,9,,6
  To Abel Slaney, and Will. Pate Woollen drapers for Cloth for the two Watermen's Liverys, as by their Bill and receipt}5,,12,,7181,,1,,10
  To Samuel Holman for making the Said Liverys, and for two Velvett Capps}4,,3,,6
  To Hannah Briggs for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting, as by two Bills}52,,-,,-
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for Paper, pens, books and other Stationary Wares for the Use of the Mint from Christmass 1710 to Christmass 1711}21,,16,,3
  To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning and mending the Gold and Silver Ballances, and for Several Sorts of Weights}7,,17,,6
  To Richard Bullock Purveyer of the Mint for brooms for the use of the Office from Christmass 1710 to Christmass 1711 and for Several other disbursements for the Service of the Mint as by his Bill and receipt}4,,16,,6
                         Totall Discharge£2061,,1,,10

Craven Peyton


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1710 to the Last day of December           1711.


  Receivedthen into Mr. Aud:r Maynwaring's Office the Vouchers & Acco:ts of the Warden of the Mint for one year ended at Christmas 1711; of which this is a Copy per me Ino Stone


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty's Mint in the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him received and had out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, as also of the Several quantities of Wrought Plate received into the Said Mint pursuant to the Address of the Honorable House of Commons to her Majesty, and her Majesty's Sign Manuel dated the 10.th of May 1711, And also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the Charges and expenses of the Said Mint from the 1.st day of January 1710 to the Last day of December 1711, and of the Several Sums of Money by him paid into the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer for the Wrought Plate received to the 14.th of May inclusive, and of what was paid for the wrought Plate imported after the Said 14.th day of May to the Several Importers thereof at the Several rates voted by the Honorable House of Commons.


The A ccomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz.
   Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the}£sd
Last day of December 171022524,,01,,11228389,,14,,8
   Monies by him received by Way of Imprest out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by particulars in the Imprest Roll}5865,,13,,612v
   The Acomptant doth also charge himself with the New Monys produced from Several Quantitys of Wrought Plate, which [pursuant to an Address of the Honorable House of Commons to her Majesty made on or about the 5.th day of May 1711, and her Majesty's Warrant issued thereupon under her Royall Sign Manual bearing date the 10.th day of the Same Month] were received into the Mint at the Several rates and prices in the Said Address and Warrant mentioned, viz.
 101137.oz. 15.deadweight of Plate of the Old Standard received the 11.th 12th and 14th day of May at the rate of 5Shillings 5.d per oz. which being melted down made in Stan=
dard Weight 8222.poundweight 03.oz. 13.deadweight 21.gr. and produced in Tale25505,,£8,,7.}v
 54504.oz. 15.deadweight of Plate of the new Standard received with the Same time at the rate of 5Shillings 5.d per oz. which made Standard 4596.deadweight 3.oz. 7.deadweight 9.gr. and produced in Tale.}14258,,14,,10.v45603,,2,,v8
 21860:oz. 00.deadweight Standard of Uncertain Plate received at the rate of 5Shillings 6.d per oz. which produced in Tale.}.5653,,15,,5v
 Monies produced from the Sweep of the Plate imported those three days}..185,,3,,10v
 58588.oz 5.deadweight of Plate of the Old Standard received after the 14.th day of May at the rate of 5Shillings 5.d per oz, which being melted down made in Standard
Weight 4684.poundweight 7.oz. o.deadweight 11.d and produced in Tale14538,,5,,6}v
 25608.oz 0.deadweight of Plate of the New Standard received after the 14.th day of May at the rate of 5Shillings 8.d per oz. which made Standard 2208.poundweight 01.oz 3.deadweight 15.d and produced in Tale}.6851,,9,,7v25908,,19,,v8,,
 17095.oz 12.deadweight 9.gr Standard of Uncertain Plate received after the 14.th day of May at the rate of 5Shillings 6.d per oz. which produced}.4418,,18,,4v
 Monies produced from the Sweep of the Plate received after the 14.th day of May}..100,,6,,3v
                                   Whole Charge£99901,,17,,-


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
  For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year viz. from Christmass 1710 to Christmass 1711}500,,-,,-}V
To him for an Under Assay Master for the Like time60,,-,,-V
To him for a Purveyer for the Like time20,,-,,-V
To him for three Clercks at £40. per Annum each 120,,-,,-V1080,,-,,V-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-V
To Samuel Bull Second Graver80,,-,,-V
To John Braint Engeneer of the Mint100,,-,,-V
To George Foord one of the Warden's Clercks payable by the Master & Worker pursuant to her Majesty Sign Manual dated the 15.th March 1707}V40,,-,,-
To John Braint Provost of the Monyers for himself and the rest of the fellow Monyers by Warrant of the right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer for One year's Allowance ending at Christmass 1711{V400,,-,,-
  Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and charges in the coyning her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st 1710 to Last Dec. 1711.
For the Coyning 9324.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings6.d the pound W.t3030,,6,,-}V
For the Coyning 24768.poundweight of Silver Monies at 1612.d the pound Weight1702,,16,,-4836,,6,,-
For the Coyning 24768.poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per pound103,,4,,-
  Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, and Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, as appeares by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of her Majesty's Mint, viz.
   To William King Collyer for Middling Coales for the use of the Assay Office, being 594 Sackes at 2 Shillings per Sack}£sd}
  To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the use of the Assay Office from 1.st January 1710 to 31.st Decembr. 1711}18,,6,,10V
  To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver within the Same time}14,,1,,3V187,,5,,V9,,
 To Ditto for Refining Coarse Gold and Silver within the Same time as by particulars in his Bill}75,,1,,8V
To Thomas Rivett for Several Matterials by him provided for the use of the Assay Office, and for Puting two furnaces}20,,8,,-V
  Paid for fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence within the time of this Accompt as by particulars}28,,5,,-}V50,,6,,6
  For fees and charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden, and of the Master and Worker for the year 1710}22,,1,,6V
  To the Auditor for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently allowed for examining and Auditing this Accompt}44,,-,,-}84,,-,,-
  More to him for an Additional Allowance for this Accompt and the Accompt of the Warden of the Mint for the Same time by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer dated the 17.st August 1709}40,,-,,-
                                   Carryed forward£7365,,17,,1
Brought Over£7365,,17,,1
Paid to William Davis and Thomas Broadfeild Smiths forCounter covers and false Bottoms for the Silver melting house}£sd}
 Paid William Page for Moulds and boards for the Gold melting house}3,,18,,-V
  The Accomptant doth farther discharge himself by Several Sums of Money which [pursuant to the directions of the Lottery Act for rising two Millions by way of Contributions] he has paid and answered into the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer, being the produce of the Several Sorts of Wrought Plate brought into the Said Mint before the 15.th day of May 1711 [the charges of Melting, Assaying and coining the Same excepted, which the Accomptant has deducted pursuant to the directions of the Said Act] which Sums So by him paid into the Exchequer, and for which Eight Several Tallys have been Levyed, do amount to the Sum of}44447,,12,,V4
NB the charges of melting the Plate of those three days were47,,5,,-
The Charges of Assaying and Refining &c40,,15,,-
And the Charges for Coining1067,,10,,4
which charges amounting together unto the Sum of1155,,10,,4
and being deducted from the Moneys produces out of the Said Plate when recoined, leave the Sum mentioned to be paid into the Exchequer.
  The Accomptant has also paid to Sundry persons for Several parcells of Wrought Plate brought into her Majesty Mint after the 14.th day of May 1711 at Such rates and prices as had been agreed to by the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled, and in pursuance of their Address to her Majesty made the 5.th day of May 1711, and her Majesty Warrant Under her Royall Sign Manual dated the 10.th of the Same Month, Viz.
for 58588.oz 5.deadweight of Plate of the Old Standard at the rate of five Shillings and five pence per oz}£sd}
for 25608.oz of Plate of the New Standard at the rate of five Shillings and eight pence per oz}.7255,,12,,-V27824,,11,,V2
for 17095.oz 12.deadweight 9gr of Standard Silver reduced from Uncertain Plate at the rate of 5Shillings6.d per oz}.4701,,6,,2V
   Paid to Mr. John Cartlitch for melting down the Wrought Plate being 286 Ingotts of 70.poundweight each at the rate of 5Shillings per Ingott including
the making up and refining of the Sweep71,,10,,-}V
Paid for Inspecting the Plate when taken in, for beating it down before melting, for attendance of a porter in the Assay Office, for carrying and Weighing Ingotts, and for charges of paying the Money into the Exchequer as by particulars}34,,-,,6V105,,10V6
                                   Carryed forward£79764,,1,,1
Brought Over£79764,,1,,1
  Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him, for one year ending at Christmass 1711,
as appeares by his four receipts1435,,-,,-}v
  Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint)445,,-,,-v2061,,1,,10
  Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyett, and other Allowances and incident Charges payable by him)181,,1,,10v
                                   Totall Discharge818252,,11
               Ballance carryed to next Accompt18076,,14,,1

                                                  Isaac Newton

March 13.th1711 Received then into Mr. Auditor Maynwaring's Office this Accompt (with the Vouchers thereof) being for one year ended at Christmas 1711. of which this is a Copy. received per me Ino Stone    Coppy of this Accompt was delivered to the Commissr. of Acc.ts by Sir Is. Newton the 7.th March 1711

The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1710 to the Last day of December           1711.


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the 1.st day of January 1711 to the Last day of December 1712.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the Several Sums of Money by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint withing the aforesaid time, VIZ.    Received by Way of Imprest as aforesaid for the payment of the fees and Sallarys of the
Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden1435,,-,,-}
   Received for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}389,,2,,-£sd
   Received more for the payment of Extraordinary charges and the Warden's part of the Dyett}180,,7,,-2004,,9,,-
               Received in all


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out withing the time of this Accompt, as followeth, viz.£sd
  Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for one year ending the 25.th day of December 1712, as doth appear and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys}1435
  Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved of by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys their acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by his two Bills192,,-,,-}
To Richard Driver for Joyner's and Carpenter's Work, as by his Bill}35,,12,,-
To Gostwick Cox Plumber as by his Bill58,,-,,-389,,2,,-
To Thomas Brettell Glasier as by his Bill31,,10,,-
To William Cooper Painter as by his Bill26,,10,,-
To Richard Broadbrook Smith as by his two Bills20,,10,,-
To John Ryalles Mason as by his Bill25,,-,,-
                         Carryed forward1824,,2,,-
Brought Over£1824,,2,,-
Paid to the Several Persons following for Several necessary Incidents, and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
  To William King Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee coales to the Officers of the Said Mint for the Months of December and of January 1711}£sd}
  To Mr. George Foord One of the Warden's Clerks for the rent of his house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for One year ending at Christmass 1712 by four Debentures}14,,-,,-
  To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
  To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1711 to Christmass 1712}10,,-,,-
  To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl, and looking after four Lampes or Lucidarys, and for new making them as by his Bills}21,,-,,-
  To Will. Nicoll Scavenger for carrying rubbish and Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1711 to Christmass 1712}7,,3,,3
  To the Widow Motet and partners Woollen Drapers for cloth for the two Watermen's liverys, as by Bill and receipt}5,,12,,2
  To Edward Martin for making the Said Liverys2,,17,,7180,,7,,-
  To Thomas Burdin for Pavier's Work, and for Materialls11,,13,,6
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for paper, pens, Books and othe r Stationary Wares for the Use of the Mint from Christmass 1711, to Christmass 1712, as by his Bill}13,,4,,-
  To John Snart Scalemaker for Cleaning and mending the Gold and Silver Ballances as by his Bill}2,,5,,6
  To John Cowper Upholsterer for blew harrateen for Window Curtains for the Board room, for green cloth to cover the tables of the Office for calves Leather and brass nailes about the Same, and for other upholsterer's Ware and Work, as by particulars in his Bill}28,,-,,-
  To Hannah Briggs for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting, as by her Bill}21,,13,,2
  To Richard Bullock Purveyor of the Mint for Brooms for the use of the Office from Christmass 1711, to Christmass 1712, and for Several other disbursements for the Service of the Mint, as by his Bill}4,,9,,10
                              Totall Discharge2004,,9,,-

                                             Cra:ven Peyton


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1711 to the Last day of December             1712.


27th April 1713.

Received then into the Office of the Hono:ble Edward Harley Esquire the Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire as Warden of her Majesties Mint for the year ended the 31.th day of December last together with the Severall Vouchers thereunto belonging I say received.                                         Jas Moody.

The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1711 to the Last day of December         1712.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majestie's Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, As also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1711 to the Last day of December 1712, being One year compleate.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money Viz. Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the Last
day of December 171118076,,14,,1}£sd
  Monies by him received by Way of Imprest out of the Receipt of her Majestie's Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by particulars in the Imprest Roll}4051,,16,,91222128,,10,,1012
  And so the full Charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances, and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.£sd}
   For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year, viz. from Christmass 1711, to Christmass 1712}500,,-,,-
To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-1080,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each for the like time120,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman Chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-
To Sam.ll Bull Second Graver80,,-,,-
To John Braint Ingineer of the Mint100,,-,,-
To Mr. George Foord One of the Warden's Clerks payable by the Master and Worker pursuant to her Majesty Sign Manual dated the 15.th March 1707}40,,-,,-
To John Braint Provost of the Monyers for himself and the rest of the fellow Monyers by War.t of the Right Honorable the Late Lord High Treasurer for one years Allowance ending at Christmass 1712}400,,-,,-
To John Croker chief Graver of the Mint for the Support, and the training up of Franc. Beresford his Apprentice by Warrant of the Most Honorable the Lord high Treasurer bearing date the 10.th July 1712 for one years Allowance.}35,,-,,-
To Mr. Rich.d Flatcher Smith, Assistant to the Graver by her Majesty Warrant dated the 20.th Novembr. 1712 for one year's Allowance to Christmass}40,,-,,-
  Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and Charges in the coyning her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1711, to Last Decembr. 1712.
For the Coining 2855.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d the pound Weight..//927,,17,,6}
For the coining 1784.poundweight 8.oz of Silver Monies at 1612.d per Lib...//122,,13,,111058,,-,,112
For the coining 1784. 8. of Silver Monies at one penny per pound //7,,8,,812
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1711 to the Last day of December 1712, as by the Warden's and Comptroller's Certificate}203,,13,,6
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies2,,2,,4
                              Carryed forward2258,,15,,1112
Brought Over£sd
Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, and Several Artificers Bills for repairing the furnaces within the time of this Accompt, as appeares by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of her Majesty Mint, viz.
   To Thomas Eastchurch for plates of cast Iron for the Gold furnaces, as by particulars in his Bill}£sd}
To James King Potter for fire Bricks for the Said furnaces28,,15,,-
To John Ryalles for Mason's Work about the Same4,,10,,-64,,13,,-
To Rich.d Broadbrook Smith for Iron Work about the Same2,,17,,-
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer for pulling down and rebuilding the Said furnaces}15,,8,,-
   To William King Collier for Middling Coales for the use of the Assay Office, being 598 Sacks at 2Shillings per Sack}59,,16,,-}
   To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver, and Aqua fortis for the use of the Assay Office from 1.st January 1711. to 31.st December 1712}16,,14,,9
   To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver within the Same time}11,,17,,1129,,19,,8
   To Ditto for Refining Coarse Gold within the Same time25,,6,,10
To Thomas Rivett for Several Materials by him provided for the use of the Assay Office within the Same time}16,,5,,-
   Paid for Several Other Particulars withing the time of this Accompt, viz. To the Provost and fellow Monyers of the Mint in the Tower by War.t of the most Honorable the Lord high Treasurer of Great Britain, dated the 21.st day of March 17 11 12 in pursuance of the Authority to him given by a clause in an Act of Parliament entituled [An Act for charging and continuing the Dutys upon Malt, Mum, Cyder, and Perry for the Service of the year 1712, and for applying part of the Coynage Duty to pay the deficiency of the value of Plate Coyned, and to pay for the recoining of the Old Money in Scotland] in full Satisfaction of what remained due to them upon Several Allowances Settled by her Majesty Sign Manual for and upon Account of the recoynage of the Money in Scotland, and of all demands any ways relating thereunto, the Sum of}2692,,15,,312
   To the Auditor for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently Allowed for}
examining and Auditing this Accompt44,,-,,-
   More to him for an Additional Allowance for this Accompt, and the Accompt of the Warden of the Mint for the Same time by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer dated the 17.th August 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
  For fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence as by particulars}15,,3,,-}37,,4,,6
   For fees and charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden, and of the Master and Worker for the year 1711}22,,1,,6
                              Carryed forward£5867,,8,,5
Brought Over£5867,,8,,5
Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him, for one year ending at
Christmass 17121435,,-,,-,,}
   Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}389,,2,,-2004,,9,,-
   Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyett, and other Allowances and incident charges payable by him...}180,,7,,-
               Totall Discharge7871,,17,,5,,
               Ballance Carryed to the next Accompt14256,,13,,512

                                             Isaac Newton


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1711 to the Last day of December           1712.

12.th March 171213

Received then into Mr. Auditor Harleys Office the Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master & Worker of her Majesty's Mint for the year ended at Christmas last 1712 (of which the within is a Copy) together with the Severall Vouchers relating thereto I say received                                         per Jas Moody Dep~ Auditor


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1712 to the Last day of December 1713.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz
  Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending
the Last day of December 1712130,,-,,-}
  Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint, for the payment of the fees and Sallaries of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden for One year ending the 25.th Dec. 1713}1435,,-,,-£sd
   Received for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses and buildings beloning to the Said Mint}240,,2,,62038,,-,,-
   Received more for the payment of Extraordinary charges and the Warden's part of the Dyett}232,,17,,6
   And So the full charge is


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, viz.
  Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for One year ending the 25.th of December 1713, as doth appear and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party
acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys1215,,-,,-}1435,,-,,-
   And to Charles Brattell Gentleman for One year's Allowance due at Christmass 1713 to himself and Clerk for Executing the Office of Assay Master in the Said Mint pursuant to her Majesty Royall Sign Manual dated the 9.th Feb.ry 1713}220,,-,,-
  Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved of by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by his Bill130,,-,,-}
To Rich.d Driver for Joyners and Carpenters Work, as doth appear by his Bill}176,,-,,-
To Richard Broadbrook for Smith's Work2,,17,,-
To John Ryalls for Mason's Work2,,15,,6370,,2,,6
To William Cooper Painter2,,10,,-
To John Grinsell Plasterer as by his Bill21,,-,,-
To Thomas Brettell Glasier as by his Bill35,,-,,-
                              Carryed forward£1805,,2,,6
Brought Over£1805,,2,,6
Paid to the Several Persons following for Several necessary Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
  To William Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee coals to the Officers of the Said Mint for the Months of Decembr. and January 1712}£sd
  To Mr. Geo. Foord One of the Warden's Clerks, and to Mr. Richard Morgan the Other Clerk for the rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for One year ending at Christmass 1713 by four Debentures}14,,-,,,,
  To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,,,
To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1712 to Christmass 1713}10,,-,,,,
  To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyle and Cotton, and looking after four Lampes and Lucidarys by two Debentures}16,,-,,,,
  To the Widow Motet and partners Woollen Drapers for Cloth for the two Watermen's liverys, as by Bill and Receipt}5,,6,,9140,,18,,3
  To Edw.d Martin for making the Said Liverys2,,18,,-
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for paper, pens, books and other Stationary Wares for the Use of the Mint from Christm. 1712 to Christmass 1713 as by his Bill}10,,10,,-
  To John Snart Scalemaker for Cleaning and mending the Gold and Silver Ballances and for Sizeing the Weights}5,,12,,-
  To Hannah Briggs for the Warden's part of the Dyet provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting as by her Bill}29,,12,,-
  To William Nicoll Scavenger for carrying rubbish and Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1712 to Christmass 1713}5,,2,,-
  To Rich.d Bullock Purveyer of the Mint for Brooms for the use of the Office from Christmass 1712 to Christmass 1713, and for Candles and other necessarys for the Said Office as by his Bill}3,,9,,6
  To William Wickham Esquire By Warrant of the Most Honorable the Lord high Treasurer dated the 13.th Aug.st 1713 for the Dyett and entertainment of the persons that attended at the Tryall of the Pix the 7.th of the Said Month}}91,,19,,3
                         Totall Discharge£2038,,-,,-

                                   Cra.ven Peyton


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1712 to the Last day of December           1713.

August the 6.th 1714.

Received into Mr. Auditor Foley's Office the Accompt of the Warden of the Mint of which this is a Copy for one year ending last ofDecember 1713. per K Verelst.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of her Majesty's Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, As also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the Charges and expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1712 to the Last day of December 1713.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money Viz.
   Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending
the last day of December 171214256,,13,,512}£sd
   Monies by him received by Way of Imprest out of the Receipt of her Majesty Exchequer within the time of this Accompt as by particulars in the Imprest Roll}5055,,521221018,,18,,2
   Gold and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix tryed the 7.th day of August 1713 as by Warden's and Comptroller's certificate}1706,,19,,6
   And So the full charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
  For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year, viz from Christmass 1712 to Christmass 1713}500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay master for the like time60,,-,,-£sd
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-1080,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each for the like time120,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver for the like time200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Second Graver for the like time80,,-,,-
To John Braint Ingineer of the Mint for the like time100,,-,,-
To Mr. Geo. Foord one of the Warden's Clerks payable by the Master and Worker pursuant to her Majesty Warrant dated the 15.th March 1707 for one Quarter to Ladyday 1713}10,,-,,-
To M.rs Mary Beresford Widow and Administratrix of Mr. Francis Bereford, who was appointed to Succeed the Said Geo. Foord by Warrant of her Majesty dated the 19.th Aug.st 1713 for the Sallary due to him from 3.d April 1713 to the 20.th Aug.st following.}14,,19,,11
To John Braint Provost of the Monyers for himself and the rest of the fellow Monyers by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer for one year's Allowance ending at Christmass 1713}400,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint for the Support, maintenance and the training up of Francis Bereford his Apprentice, by Warrant of the Most Honorable the Lord high Treasurer bearing date the 10.th of July 1712 for One year's Allowance to Christmass 1713}35,,-,,-
To Richard Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers by Warrant from her Majesty bearing date the 20.th Novemb.er 1712 for one year's Allowance due at Christmass 1713}40,,-,,-
                    Carryed forward£1579,,19,,11,,
Brought Over1579,,19,,11
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and charges in the coyning her Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st Jan.ry 1712 to Last Decembr 1713.
For the Coyning 13137.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d the poundWeight...//4269,,10,,6}
For the coyning 2333.poundweight of Silver Monies at 1612d per £ib......//160,,7,,10124439,,12,,912
For the coyning 2333 of Silver Monies at one penny per pound..,,9,,14,,5,,
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1712 to the 7.th day of August 1713 exclusive as by the Warden and the Comptrollers Certificate}627,,13,,3}
More Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 7.th August 1713 to the Last day of Decembr. following as by the Same certificate}308,,19,,9936,,13,,-
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies2,,15,,-
  Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coinage of Gold and Silver Monies, and Several Artificers Bills for repairing the furnaces within the times of this Accompt, as appeares by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of her Majesty's Mint, viz.
  To William King Collier for Middling Coales for the use of the Assay
Office, being 590 Sacks at 2Shillings per Sack59,,-,,-}
To Thomas Stern for Several necessarys by him provided for the Use of the Said Office from Christmass 1712 to Christ. 1713}17,,16,,6
To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the Use of the Said Office from 1.st January 1712 to Christmass 1713}32,,7,,3
To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver from Christmass 1712 to Christmass 1713}9,,11,,1
To Ditto for Refining 206.poundweight 02.oz 8.deadweight 9.gr of Coarse Gold from first January 1712 to Christmass 1713 at 5Shillings per poundWeight}51,,11,,-205,,2,,10
  To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer for Work done about the Blanching furnaces}11,,6,,-
To John Ryalles for Mason's Work about the Same, and in the flatting room, and the place where they Wash the Sweep}11,,6,,-
  To Richard Broadbrook for Smith's Work about the furnaces.//4,,15,,-
To Richard Fletcher for an Anvill and Chissells for the Assay Office, and for Bottom pieces for the Gravers press, and mending and repairing the Screws and Springs of the Said press}7,,10,,-
   Paid for Several particulars within the time of this Accompt, viz: For fees and Charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury
for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence as by Bill17,,15,,6}
  For fees and charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden and of the Master & Worker for the year ending the 31.st December 1712}23,,1,,667,,8,,2
  For fees and Charges at the Tryall of the Gold and Silver Monies in the Pix the 7.th day of August 1713}26,,11,,2
  To the Auditor for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently Allowed for
examining and auditing this Accompt44,,-,,-}
  More to him for an Additional Allowance for this Accompt and the Accompt of the Warden of the Mint for the Same time, by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer dated the 17.th August 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
                              Carryed forward£7315,,11,,812
Brought Over£7315,,11,,812
  Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for one year ending
at Christmass 17131435,,-,,-,,}
  Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers for repaires of the houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}240,,2,,61908,,-,,-
  Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyett and other Allowances and incident charges payable by him}232,,17,,6
               Totall Discharge£9223,,11,,812
               Ballance Carryed to the Next Accompt117956,,512

                                        Isaac Newton

Memorandum that the following Bills were taken out of this Accompt viz.
Bricklayer's for the furnaces£11.6.-
Massons for Ditto11.6.-.
Smith's for Ditto4.15.-.
               In all£27.7.-.
which being added to the Ballance11795.6.512
will make the Ballance to be£11822.13.512.-.

The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker for her Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1712 to the Last day of December           1713.

August the 6:th 1714.

Received into Mr. Auditor Foley's Office the Accompt of the Master & Worker of the Mint for one year ending last of December 1713, of which this is a Copy                      per me K Verelst.


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Late Warden of his Majesty Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1713 to the 29.th day of December 1714.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz.
  Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint for the payment of the fees and Sallaries of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Wrden for one year ending the 25.th December
    Received for the payment> of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}275,,11,,101867,,17,,10
   Received more for the payment of extraordinary charges and the Warden's part of the Dyet}157,,6,,-


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, viz.
  Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallaries for One year ending the 25.th day of December 1714, as doth appear and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party
acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallaries1215,,-,,-}£sd
  And to Charles Brattell Gentleman for One years Allowance due at Christmass 1714 to himself and Clerk for executing the Office of Assay-Master in the Said Mint pursuant to her Late Majesty Royall Sign Manual dated the 9.th Feb. 1713}220,,-,,-1435,,-,,-
  Paid to the Several Artificers following for materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offics and buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved of by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys acquittances to the same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by three Bills153,,6,,-}
To Rich.d Driver for Joyner's and Carpenter's Work67,,10,,-
To Thomas Brettell Glasier as by his Bill16,,-,,-275,,11,,10
To Gostwick Cox Plumer as by his two Bills30,,16,,9
To Richard Broadbrook for Smith's Work as by his Bill2,,3,,1
To John Grinsell Plasterer as by his Bill5,,16,,-
                              Carryed forward£1710,,11,,10
Brought Over£1710,,11,,10
   Paid to the Several persons following for Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittances to
the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.£sd}
  To William King Collyer for 184 Sacks of fee Coales to the Officers of the Said Mint for the Months of December & Jan.ry 1713.}18,,8,,-
  To Mr. Rich.d Morgan the Warden's Clerk for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for One year ending at Christmass 1714 by four Debentures}14,,-,,-
  To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Said Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
  To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1713 to Christmass 1714}10,,-,,-
  To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyle and Cotton, and looking after four Lampes or Lucidarys in the Said Mint by two Debentures}16,,-,,-
  To the Widow Motet and partners Woolen Drapers for Cloth for the two Watermen's liverys, as by Bill and receipt}5,,6,,10157,,6-
  To Edw.d Martin for making the Said Liverys and for a new Badge, as by particulars in his Bill}8,,8,,-
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for paper, pens, books and other Stationary Wares for the Use of the Office from Christmass 1713. to Christmass 1714 as by his Bill}16,,6,,-
  To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning and mending the Gold and Silver Ballances for Sizeing the Weights}6,,4,,-
  To Hannah Briggs for the Warden's part of the Dyet provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting, as by her Bill}35,,2,,5
  To William Nicoll Scavenger for carrying rubbish and Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1713 to Christmass 1714}4,,7,,9
  To Rich.d Bullock Purveyer of the Mint for Brooms for the Use of the Office from Christmass 1713 to Christmass 1714, and for Candles and other necessarys for the Said Office as by his Bill}3,,3,,-
                         Totall Discharge£1867,,17,,,10

                                                  Cra:- Peyton

26.th Septbr. 1715.

Received into Mr. Auditor Harley's Office the Accompt whereof this is a Copy and the Vouchers to the severall Articles contained in the Discharge thereof.                          Jer. Oakeley


The Accompt of Craven Peyton Esquire Warden of his Majesty Mint in the Tower of London from 1.st January 1713 to the 29.th day of December         1714.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight and Worker of his Majesty's Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, As also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1713 to the Last day of December 1714.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz.    Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the Last
day of December 171311822,,13,,512}
   Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt out of the receipt of his Majestie's Exchequer within the time of this Accompt as by the Imprest Roll viz.
  Out of the Coynage Duty10036.19.7.}£sd
  Out of the Civil list for Several Sorts of Medalls1400.--.-.11436,,19,,72349119,,812
And the Accomptant doth also charge himself with the Interest of Eight Thousand five hundred pounds Exchequer Bills, which for the accommadation of the Bank he took the 6.th day of February 1713 in exchange of the Like Sum in Money, pursuant to a Minute of the Treasury to that purpose, which at two pence a day for every hundred pounds from the Said 6.th day of February to the 31.st day of December following, being 328 dayes, amounts to the Sum of}232,,6,,8
  And So the full charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year, viz from Christmass 1713 to Christmass 1714}500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay master for the like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each for the like time120,,-,,-1080,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver for the like time200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Second Graver for the like time80,,-,,-
To John Braint Ingineer of the Mint for the like time100,,-,,-
  To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint for the Support, maintenance and the training up of Francis Beresford his Apprentice, by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer bearing date the 10.th of July 1712 for One year's Allowance to Christmass 1714}35,,-,,-
  To Richard Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers by Warrant from her Late Majesty bearing date the 20.th Novembr. 1712 for one years Allowance due at Christmass 1714}40,,-,,-
  To John Braint Provost of the Monyers for himself and the rest of the fellow Monyers by Warrant dated the 19.th November 1706 for three Quarters Allowances from Christmass 1713 to Michaelmass 1714}300,,-,,-
                    Carryed forward1455-,,-
Brought Over£1455,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and charges in the Coining his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1713 to the 31.st Decr. 1714.
For the Coyning 29526.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings6.d the poundWeight9595,,19,,-}
For the Coyning 1566.poundweight of Silver Monies at 1612d per £ib.....//107,,13,,39710,,2,,9
For the Coyning 1566.poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per pound..//6,,10,,6
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1713 to the 25.th day of December 1714 as by the Warden and the Comptrollers certificate}2104,,9,,11
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies2,,13,,6
  Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies as appeares by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of his Majesty Mint viz:
  To William King Collier for middling Coales for the Use of the Assay Office, being 1021 Sackes at 2Shillings per Sack}102,,2,,-}
  To Thomas Stern for Several necessarys by him provided for the use of the Said Office from Christmass 1713 to Christmass 1714}18,,14,,-
  To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the use of the Said Office from Christmass 1713 to Christmass 1714}61,,2,,11328,,14,,-
  To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver from Christmass 1713 to Christmass 1714}14,,10,,5
  To Ditto for Refining 528.poundweight 11.oz 6.deadweight 6.gr of Coarse Gold from Christmass 1713 to Christmass 1714 at 5Shillings per pound Weight}132,,4,,8
  Paid Several Artificers Bills for repairing the furnaces within the time of this Accompt as appears by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of the Said Mint, viz.
  To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by his Bill2,,7,,6}
To Rich.d Broadbrooks for Smith's Work about the Same3,,4,,-11,,9,,6
To John Ryalles for Mason's Work about the Same and for Puting two Assay furnaces, and new Copper added to them}5,,18,,-
   Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, viz:}
For fifty Medalls of fine Gold Struck in Memory of the Peace, and by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Late Lord Treasurer delivered to the Right Honorable the Lord Masham Cofferer of her Majesty Household Weighing 36.oz 13.deadweight 17.gr and amounting to}169,,19,,1112
For 300 Medals of fine Gold made by order of Councill to be distributed on the day of his Majesty King George Coronation, and by Warrant of his Grace the Duke of Shewsbury delivered to Mylord Cholmondeley Treasurer of his Majesty Household Weighing 218.oz 2.deadweight 3.gr and amounting with the Workmanship to}999,,4,,31381,,16,,412
   For 1200 Medalls of fine Silver which by the Same order and Warrant were delivered to the Same purpose Weighing 644.oz 10.deadweight and amounting with the Workmanship to}212,,12,,2
                              Carryed forwards14994,,6,,-12
Brought Over£14994,,6,,-12
Paid for fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for Several Warrants and Signs Manual, and for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint,
from Christmass 1713 to Christmass 1714 as by Bill of particulars//81,,16,,-}103,,17,,6
  For fees and Charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden and of the Master and Worker for the year ending the 31.st December 1713}22,,1,,6
  To the Auditor for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently allowed for examining and Auditing this Accompt}44,,-,,-}
  More to him for an Additional Allowance for this Accompt and the Accompt of the Warden of the Mint for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17.th August 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
  Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Craven Peyton Esquire Late Warden of the Mint for fees and Sallaryes for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for one year ending at Christmass 1714}1435,,-,,-}
  Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices, and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}275,,11,,101867,,17,,10
  Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyett, and other Allowances and incident charges payable by him}157,,6,,-
                         Totall Discharge17050,,1,,412

                                        Is. Newton.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint in the Tower of London from 1.st Jaunary 1713 to the Last day of December 1714.

7. December 1715

Received then into my Office, the Imprest Roll, the Comptroller's Roll,      and One and Twenty Vouchers of Sir Isaac Newton's Accompt Ending      the 31. of Decembr. 1714.    E Harley


The Accompt of Sir Richard Sandford Baronet Warden of his Majesty's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1714 to the Last day of December 1715.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz.
  Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint for the payment of the fees and Sallarys of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden for One year ending the 25.th
day of December 1715£1435,,-,,-}£sd
   Received for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices, and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}376,,6,,-1948,,-,,7
   Received more for the payment of extraordinary charges and the Warden's part of the Dyett}136,,14,,7


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, viz.
  Paid into the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallaries for one year ending the 25.th day of December 1715, as doth appear and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarter Sallarys}
  Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved of by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by his Bill151,,-,,-}
To Rich.d Driver for Joyner's and Carpenter's Work115,,-,,-
To John Trapps for Smith's Work7,,-,,-
To Gostwick Cox Plumber11,,12,,-376,,6,,-
To John Grimsell for Plasterer's Work4,,10,,-
To Thomas Brettell Glasier9,,7,,-,,
To William Cooper Painter8,,-,,-
To Thomas Burden Pavier5,,17,,-
                         Carryed forward£1811,,6,,-
Brought Over£1811,,6,,-
  Paid to the Several persons following for Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office, and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
  To Mr. Rich.d Morgan the Warden's Clerk for the rent of the house, in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for One year ending at Christmass 1715 by four Debentures}£sd}
 To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Devbentures}20,,-,,-
 To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1714 to Christmass 1715}10,,-,,-
 To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton, and looking after four Lampes or lucidarys in the Said Mint by two Debentures}16,,-,,-
 To Mess.rs Dufresnay and Gaussen Woollen Drapers for Cloth for the two Watermen's liveryes as by Bill and Receipt}4,,16,,9
 To Edward Martin for making the Said Liveryes as by particulars in his Bill}4,,10,,-136,,14,,7
 To Charles Rawson Stationer for Pens, ink, and paper, books and other Stationary Wares for the use of the Office from Christmass 1714 to Christmass 1715 as by his Bill}17,,-,,-
 To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning and mending the Gold and Silver Ballances, as by his Bill}10,,2,,6
 To Hannah Briggs for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting as by her Bill}24,,16,,8
 To William Nicoll Scavenger for carrying rubbish and Soil out of the Mint from Christmass 1714 to Christmass 1715}7,,16,,-
 To Rich.d Bullock Purveyer of the Mint for Brooms for the use of the Office, for candles, and Several other necessarys and disbursements from Christmass 1714. to Christmass 1715 as by his Bill}7,,12,,8
                         Totall Discharge£1948,,-,,7

                         Rich Sandford


Received this 27th of July 1716 into Mr. Auditor Foleys office the Accompts & Vouchers thereunto belonging. of which this is a copy     by me F Bythell, Deputy Auditor


The Accompt of Sir Richard Sandford Baronet Warden of his Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1714 to the Last day of December         1715.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty's Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, As also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1714 to the Last day of December 1715.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sum of Money viz.}
  Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the Last day of December 1714}£sd
  Monies by him Received by Way of imprest and upon Account out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer within the time of this Accompt as by the Imprest Roll, viz.20447,,11,,1
Out of the Coynage Duty9706.15.1.}9815,,7,,7
Out of the Civill List for thirty Medalls108.12.6.
  Gold and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix after the Tryall made the 2.d August 1715 as by the Certificate of the Officers of the Mint}4190,,5,,2
     And so the full charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
  For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year viz. from Christ.}
1714 to Christmass 1715500,,-,,-
To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60,,-,,-£sd
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-1080,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each for the like time120,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver for the like time...,,200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Second Graver for the like time80,,-,,-
To John Braint Ingineer of the Mint for the like time100,,-,,-
   To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint for the Support, maintenance, and the training up of Francis Bereford his Apprentice, by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer bearing date the 10.th day of July 1712 for one year's Allowance to Christmass 1715}35,,-,,-
   To Richard Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers for one year's Allowance to Christmass 1715}40,,-,,-
                    Carryed forward£1155,,-,,-
Brought Over£1155,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and charges in the Coining his Majesty's Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1714 to the Last day of December 1715, viz.
For the Coyning 39090.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d the poundWeight //12704,,5,,-}
For the Coyning 1643.poundweight of Silver Monies at 16.d12 per £ib....//112,,19,,11212824,,1,,-12
For the Coyning 1643. of Silver Monies at one penny per £ib...//6,,16,,11
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1714 to the 2/d day of August inclusive, as by the Warden's and Comptroller's certificate}1776,,15,,6}
More Gold and Silver Monies putt int the Pix from 2.d Aug.st exclusive to the Last day of December as by the Said certificate}1016,,7,,62793,,3,,-
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies3,,13,,-
  Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, as appeareth by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of his Majesty Mint, viz.
  To William King Collier for Middling coales for the Use of the Assay}
Office, being 840 Sacks at 2Shillings per Sack84,,-,,-
  To Thomas Stern for Several necessarys by him provided for the Use of the Said Office, for Chisells and Labourer's Work in flatting, and cutting Ingotts of fine Gold to Save the charges of refining, as by his Bill of Particulars}27,,2,,4
  To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the Use of the Said Office from Christmass 1714 to Christmass 1715}74,,2,,7506,,2,,9
  To Ditto for Refining 1256.poundweight 5.oz 9.deadweight 6.gr of Coarse Gold from Christm. 1714 to Christmass 1715 at 5Shillings per pound Weight}314,,2,,3
  To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver from Christmass 1714, to Christmass 1715}6,,15,,7
 Paid Several Artificers Bills for repairing the furnaces within the time of this Accompt, as appeares by Bills Signed by the Officers of the Mint, viz.
  To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by his Bill3,,15,,-}
  To Rich.d Broadbrook for Smith's Work about the Same3,,10,,-16,,-,,-
  To John Ryalles for Mason's Work8,,15,,-
 Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, viz. To Mr. John Egleton chief Warden of the Goldsmith's Company for to defray the charges of entertaining the Jury attending the Tryall of the Pix, by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's
Treasury dayed the 28.th July 1715.30,,-,,-}
Fees paid to Several persons, and charges attending the Said Tryall, as by Bill of particulars}28,,17,,858,,17,,8
Disbursed and paid for Thirty Medalls of fine Gold which his Majesty by War.t dated 15.th September 1715 directed to be made for publick Ministers, and by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury dated the 21.st Septembr. were delivered to Sir Clement Cottrell, as by Siad Sir Clement's receipt doth appear, the Sum of}108,,12,,412
                              Carryed forward£17465,,9,,10
Brought Over£17465,,9,,10
Paid for fees and charges at Several Officers of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for Several Warrants and Signs Manual, and for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint from Christmass 1714 to Christmass 1715 as by Bill of
particulars Signed by Officers of the Mint37,,17,,-}
   For fees and charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden and of the Master and Worker for the year ending the 31.st Decembr. 1714.}22,,1,,659,,18,,6
   To the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently allowed for examining Auditing this Accompt}44,,-,,-}84,,-,,-
   More to him for an Additional Allowance for this Accompt and the Accompt of the Warden of the Mint for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17.th August 1709}40,,-,,-
   Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Sir Rich.d Sandford Baronet Warden of the Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself, and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for One year ending at Christmass 1715}1435,,-,,-}
   Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices, and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}376,,6,,-1948,,-,,7
   Imprested more to him to pay the Warden's part of the Dyett, and other Allowances and Incident charges payab.le by him}136,,14,,7
                         Totall Discharge£19557,,8,,11

                                   Is. Newton

Aug.st the 10th 1716 Received the Accompt and Vouchers abovementioned into Mr. Auditor Folys office                          by F Bythell


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1714, to the Last day of December           1715.


The Accompt of Sir Richard Sandford Baronet Warden of his Majesty's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of Janauary 1715 to the Last day of December 1716.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Summs of Money, viz.
    Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint for the payment of the fees and Sallarys of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden for One year ending
the 25.th day of December 1716£sd}
    Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, and for the discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett, and Several incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office the Sum of}180,,-,,-1615,,-,,-


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, viz.}£sd
  Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for one year ending the 25.th day of December 1716 as doth appear and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys1435,,-,,-
  Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved of by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys acquittances to the Same doth particularly appear, viz.
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by his Bill£sd}
To Rich.d Driver for Joyner's & Carpenter's Work25,,-,,-
To John Trapps for Smith's Work4,,5,,-
To John Hunt administrator to Gostwick Cox Plumber1,,14,,662,,9,,-
To Hester Brettell for Glasier's Work3,,12,,-
To John Ryalles for Mason's Work2,,17,,6
To William Cooper Painter0,,15,,-
                              Carryed forward£1497,,9,,-
Brought Over£1497,,9,,-
  Paid to the Several persons following for Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Said Mint with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
  To Mr. Rich.d Morgan the Warden's Clerk for the Rent of the house, in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for one year ending at Christmass 1716 by four Debentures}£sd}
  To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures.}20,,-,,-
  To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1715 to Christmass 1716}10,,-,,-
  To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton and looking after four Lampes or lucidarys in the Said Mint by two Debentures}16,,-,,-
  To Mess.rs Dufresnay and Gaussen Woollen Drapers for Cloth for the two Watermen's liverys as by their Bill & Receipt..}4,,17,,-
  To Edw.d Martin for making the Said Liverys as by particulars in his Bill}2,,18,,6110,,7,,4
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for Pens, ink and paper, books and other Stationary Wares for the use of the Office from Christmass 1715 to Christmass 1716}12,,9,,2
  To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning the Gold and Silver Ballances, and mending them from time to time}4,,8,,6
  To Francis Child for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting as by particulars in his Bill}17,,7,,8
  To Will.m Nicoll Scavenger for carrying rubbish and Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1715 to Christmass 1716}4,,4,,-
  To Rich.d Bullock Purveyer of the Mint for Brooms for the Use of the Office, for candles and other necessarys and disbursements from Christmass 1715 to Christmass 1716 as by his Bill of particulars}4,,2,,6
                         Ballance carryed to next Account..//7,,3,,8

13.th Septembr. 1717. Received into the Office of the honoble Mr. Auditor Harley the Accompt of the Warden of his Majesty's Mint for the Year 1716, Of Which this is a Copy, with the Vouch.rs thereto                per Jer. Oakeley


The Accompt of Sir Richard Sandford Baronet Warden of his Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1715 to the Last day of December          1716.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty's Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, As also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Said Min from the first day of January 1715 to the Last day of December 1716.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sum of Money, Viz.
  Arreares remaining due on the foot of his last Accompt ending the Last day of December 1715}£.sd}
   Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by the Imprest Roll}9792,,16,,21213167,,17,,112
   Gold and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix after the Tryall made the 29.th August 1716 as by the Certificates of the Officers of the Mint}2484,,18,,9
     And So the full charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
  For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for One year, viz. from Christmass
1715 to Christmass 1716500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay master for the like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-£sd
To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each for the like time120,,-,,-1080,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver for the like time200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Second Graver for the like time80,,-,,-
To John Braint Ingineer of the Mint for the like time100,,-,,-
   To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint for the Support, maintenance, and the training up of Francis Beresford his Apprentice, by Warrant of Right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer bearing date the 10.th day of July 1712 for one year's Allowance to Christmass 1716}35,,-,,-
  To Rich.d Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Graver for one year's Allowance to Christmass 1716 }40,,-,,-
  Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and Charges in the coyning his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1715 to the Last day of December 1716, viz.
   For the Coyning 23765.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d per £ib,,7723,,£12,,6}
For the coyning 1650.poundweight of Silver Monues at 16.12d per pound.,,113,,8,,97843,,18,,9
For the coyning 1650.poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per £ib.,,6,,17,,6
                         Carryed forward,,8998,,18,,9
Brought Over£8998,,18,,9
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1715 to the 29.th day of August 1716 inclusive as by Warden's and Comptroller's certificate 1363 Guineas at 21Shillings 6.d a piece....}1465,,4,,6}
Silver Monies within the Said time3,,6,,91707,,4,,3
   More Gold Monies putt into the Pix from the Said 29.th day of August 1716 to the Last day of December, 222 Guineas at 21Shillings 6d....}238,,13,,-
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies2,,3,,-
   Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coyange of the Gold and Silver Monies, as appeareth by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of his Majesty's Mint, viz.
   To William King Collier for middling coales for the Use of the Assay}
Office, being 960 Sacks at 2Shillings per Sack96,,-,,-
To Thomas Stern for Several necessaries by him provided for the use of the Assay Office, for new Chissells and mending old ones as by particulars in his Bill}21,,13,,6
To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the Use of the Said Office from Christmass 1715 to Christmass 1716..}54,,2,,11205,,9,,4,,
To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver from Christmass 1715 to Christmass 1716}24,,7,,11
To John Ryalles for Puting three Assay furnaces for the use of the Assay Office, and for new Copper added to the Said furnaces by the Brasier in mending and repairing them.....}6,,8,,-
To Edmund Brown for two Plates of cast Iron to putt upon the top of the Gold melting furnaces as by his Bill}2,,17,,-
Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt viz.
   Fees to Several persons, and petty charges attending the Tryall of the Gold and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix the 29.th day of August 1716}
as by particulars in the Bill29,,10,,865,,10,,8
  Paid for the diner and entertainment of the Jury Summoned for the Said Tryall, by Warrant of the Right honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury dated the 24.th day of August 1716}36,,-,,-
  Paid for fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for Several Warrants and Signs Manual, and for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint from Christmass 1715 to Christmass 1716 as by Bill of particulars Signed by the Officers of his
Majesty Mint39,,10,,8}61,,12,,2
  For fees and charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden and of the Master & Worker for the year ending the 31.st December 1715}22,,1,,6
  To the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently allowed for examining and Auditing this Accompt -}44,,-,,-}
   More to him for an Additional Allowance for this and the Warden's Accompt for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17.th Aug.st 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
                              Carryed forward11124,,18,,2
Brought Over£11124,,18,,2
Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Sir Richard Sandford Baronet Warden of his Majesty Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for one year ending at
Christmass 17161435,,-,,-}
   Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint and for discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett, and Several incident and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office the Sum of..}180,,-,,-1615,,-,,-
                              Totall Discharge12739,,18,,2

                                             Isaac Newton

13.th Septembr. 1717. Received into the Office of the Honorable Mr. Auditor Harley the Accompt of the Master and Worker of the Mint for the Year 1716, Whereof this is a Copy, with the Vouchers relating thereto.     per Jer. Oakeley.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint within the Tower of London from 1.st January 1715 to the Last day of December 1716.


The Accompt of Sir Richard Sandford Baronet Late Warden of his Majesty's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the 1.st day of January 1716 to the Last day of December 1717.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, Viz.
   Arreares remaining due on the foot of his last Accompt ending the}
Last day of December 1716£sd
   Monies by him received by way of Imprest and upon Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint, for the payment of the fees and Sallary's of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden for one year ending the 25.th December 1717.}1435,,-,,-
        Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, and for the Discharge of the Wardens part of the Dyett, and Several incidents, and Extraordinary charges and allowances belonging to the Said Office, the Sum of}332,,2,,52270,,12,,11
        Received more for the defraying of the charges of prosecuting Clippers and Coynes from the 29.th day of July 1715. to the 25.th day of March 1718.-. including the Sallary of Sixty pounds per annum payable to the Clerk imployed in that Service}495,,6,,10


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, Viz.
     Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallary's for one year ending the 25.th day of December 1717, as doth appear and is particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys}1435,,-,,-
     Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided, and work done about the houses, Offices, and buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective bills Signed and approved of by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys Acquittances to the Same doth appear - Viz.
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by his Bill110,,-,,-}
To Richard Driver for Joyners and Carpenters work58,,-,,-
To Reuben Fletcher Smith as by his Bill21,,-,,-
To Hez. Walker for Plumbers Work18,,9,,-235,,5,,6
To Sarah Lloyd for Glasiers Work3,,19,,6
To John Ryalles for Masons Work10,,13,,-
To Thomas Burden for Pavyers Work13,,4,,-
                                   Carryed Forward1670,,5,,6
Brought Over{1670,,}{5,,}{6}
     Paid to the Several persons following for Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Said Mint with the parties their acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, Viz.
     To Mr. Rich.d Morgan for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for one Year ending Christmass 1717}£s.d}
      To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
      To Eliz. Ashley for her attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmas 1716. to Christmas 1717}10,,-,,-
       To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton and looking after four Lamps or Lucidary's in the Said Mint by two Debentures . . .}16,,-,,-
       To John Nicholas Woollen Draper for cloth for the Watermens Livery's as by his bill and Receipt}4,,184
        To Edward Martin for making the Said Livery's as by particulars in his Bill}2,,18,,6105,,-,7
        To Charles Rawson Stationer for pens Ink, and Paper and other Stationary Wares from Christmas 1716 to Christmas 1717.}10,14,7
         To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning the Gold and Silver Ballances and mending them from time to time}5,,10,,-
         To Francis Child for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting as by particulars in his Bill}10,,9,,1
          To William Nicholl Scavenger for carrying rubbish and Soyl out of the Mint from Christmas 1716 to Christmas 1717.}6,,11,,3
          To Francis Child Purveyer of the Mint for Brooms for the use of the Office, for Candles and other necessary's and disbursements from Christmas 1716. to Christmas 1717. as by Bill of Particulars}3,,18,,10
          Charges and disbursements of Prosecuting Clippers and Coyners from the 29.th day of July 1715. to the 25.th day of March 1718. (including the Sallary of Sixty pounds per Annum payable to the Clerk imployed in that Service by Warrant dated the 12.th September 1715) as by Bill of particulars allowed and approved by the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury}495,,6,,10

Ricardus Sandford Baronet. Sacrum Suum præstitit de veritate hujus Compti quod optimam Suam Notitiam 1.st die Augusti 1718.

          Coram                     Will Simpson

          29.th Aug.st 1718 Received then into Mr. Auditor Foley's Office the Accompt of Sir Rich.d Sandford Baronet late Warden of his Majesties Mint (of which this is a Copy) together with the Vouchers thereunto belonging.                     Duke Parsons


The Accompt of Sir Richard Sandford Baronet Warden of his Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1716 to the Last day of December           1717.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer and elsewhere, As also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1716 to the Last day of December 1717.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz.
 Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the Last day of December 1716}£sd
  Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer within the time of this Accompt as by the Imprest Roll, viz.£sd
   Monies proceeding out of the Coynage Duty9326.8.8.}
   Monies out of the Civil Government issued for Setting up a Copper Coynage}500.-.-.9826,,8,,8
   And So the full charge is


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
  For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for One year, viz. from Christmass
1716 to Christmass 1717500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay master for the like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-£sd
To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each120,,-,,-1080,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Second Graver80,,-,,-
To John Braint Ingineer100,,-,,-
   To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint for the Support, maintenance, and training up of Francis Beresford his Apprentice, by Warrant of Right Honorable the Late Lord high Treasurer bearing date the 10.th day of July 1712 for one year's Allowance to Christmass 1717}35,,-,,-
  To Reuben Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers One years Allowance..//40,,-,,-
 Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Wast and charges in the coyning his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1716 to the Last day of December 1717, viz.
 For the Coyning 15186.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d per £ib.....,,4935,,9,,-}
 For the Coyning 948.poundweight of Silver Monies at 1612d per poundW.t..,,65,,3,,65004,,11,,6
 For the Coyning 948.poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per £ib,,3,,19,,-
                         Carryed forward£6159,,11,,6
Brought Over£6159,,11s,,6d
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1716 to the Last day of December 1717 viz.£sd
  Gold Monies 1008.12 Guineas at 21Shillings6.d per Guinea1084,,2,,9}1085,,10,,5
  Silver Monies1,,7,,8
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold & Silver Monies..,,1,,2,,3}
And by Lowering the price of the Guineas by his Majesty's proclamation, there being then 440 Guineas in the Cash of the Mint at Six pence per piece}11,,-,,-12,,2,,3
  Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, as appeares by Bills Signed and approved of by the Officers of his Majesty's Mint, viz.
  To William King Collier for Middling Coales for the Use of the Assay Office}
being 780 Sacks at 2Shillings per Sack£sd
  To Thomas Stern for Several necessaries by him provided for the Use of the Assay Office, as by particulars in his Bill.}17,,7,,-161,,7,,5
  To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the Use of the Said Office from Christmass 1716 to Christmass 1717}45,,3,,11
  To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver from Christmass 1716 to Christmass 1717}20,,16,,6
   Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt viz
For fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for Several Warrants and Signs Manual and for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint from Christmass 1716 to Christmass 1717 as by Bill of particulars}£sd}
  For fees and charges of passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden and of the Master and Worker for the year ending the 31.st Decembr. 1716.}22,,1,,6
  Paid to Richard Barrow Gentleman (appointed by Craven Peyton Esquire Late Warden of the Mint for the prosecuting Clippers and Coyners and Utterers of false Money) for Services by him performed, and Sums of Money Paid out from Michaelmass 1713 to Michaelmass 1715, by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty Treasury dated the 9.th August 1717 the Sum of}250,,-,,-
  To the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently Allowed for examining and Auditing this Accompt}44,,-,,-}84,,-,,-
  More to him for an Additional Allowance for this and the Warden's Accompt for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17.th August 1709}40,,-,,-
                         Carryed forward£7804,,1,,7
Brought Over£7804,,1s,,7d
Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Sir Richard Sandford Baronet Warden of his Majesty Mint for fees and Sallaries for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for One year ending at
Christmass 1717£sd}
  Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, and for discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett, and Several incident and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office the Sum of}333,,2,,5,,
  Imprested more for the defraying the charges of prosecuting Clippers and Coyners from the 29.th day of July 1715 to the 25.th day of March 1718 including the Sallary of Sixty pounds per Annum payable to the Clerk imployed in that Service, by Warrant of the Right Honorable the then Lords Comisssioners of his Majesty Treasury dated the 12.th Septr. 1715}495,,6,,10,,2263,,9,,3
                         Totall Discharge£10067,,10,,10

                              Is. Newton

29.th Aug.st 1718 Received then into Mr. Auditor Foley's Office the Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master & Worker of his Majesty's Mint (of which this is a Copy) with the Vouchers thereunto belinging.      Duke Parsons


Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master & Worker of His Majesty's Mint within the Tower of London from 1. Janry 1716 to the last day of December.         1717.


               15.th May 1719. Received into Mr. Auditr Harley's Office the Accompt of Wm Thompson Esquire as Warden of his Majesties Mint for a Year ended the last of Decembr. 1718 with the Vouchers thereunto belonging. per Jer. Oakeley


The Accompt of William Thompson Esqr of His Majesty's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from {the} first day of January 1717 to the Last of December 1718.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money Viz      Monies by him received by way of Imprest and upon Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Kt Master and Worker of his Majestys Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint payable by the Warden for one year ending the 25.th day
of December 1718£sd}
    Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills and for repairs of houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, and for Discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett, and Several incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office the Sum of}434,,10,,06£s{d}
    Received more for defraying the charges of prosecuting Clippers and Coyners from the 25.th day of March 1718 including the Sallary of Sixty pounds per Annum payable to the Clerk imployed in that Service}71,,16,,4


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sum's of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt Viz.      Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for Fees and Sallary's for one Year ending the 25.th day of December 1718 as doth appear and is more particularly specified in the Schedule of Fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallary's}1428,,17,,0{9}
     Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the party's Acquittances to the Same more particularly doth Appear,
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer as by his Bill69,,--}
To Richard Driver Carpenter and Joyner51,,-,,-
To Thomas Burden Pavier for paving the Street of the Mint80,,10,,-
To Hez. Walker Plumber for lead Pipes laid in the Mint98,,-,,-
To Reuben Fletcher for Smiths Work5,,2,,-326,,2,,-
To John Ryalls Mason8,,2,,-
To William Cooper Painter5,,6,,-
To John Grinsell Plasterer4,,12,,-
To Sarah Loyd Glasier4,,10,,-
                    Carryed forward£1754,,19,,9
Brought Over£1754,,19,,9
      Paid to the Several Persons following for Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office of the Said Mint as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Said Mint, with the party's their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, Viz
        To Mr. Richard Morgan for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live, for one Year ending at Christmass 1718}14,,-,,-,,
        To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
        To Eliz. Ashley for her attendance on the Office of Receipt in the Said Mint from Christmass 1717 to Christmass 1718}10,,-,,-
        To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton and looking after four Lamps or Lucidary's in the Said Mint by two Debentures}16,,-,,-
        To John Nicholas Woollen Draper for Cloth &c. for the Watermens Liverys as by his Bill and Receipt}4,,18,,4.
        To Edward Martin for making the Said Liverys as by particulars in his bill}2,,18,,6
        To John Cowper Upholsterer for covering the Table in the Assay Office and making a new Cushion}3,,7,,11
        To William Nicoll Scavenger for carrying Rubbish & Soyl out of the Mint from Chrismass 1717 to Christmass 1718}5,,19,,3
        To Charles Rawson Stationer for pens, Ink, Paper & Books and other Stationary Ware from Christmas 1717 to Christmas 1718}9,,-,,-,,
        To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning the Gold and Silver Ballances and mending them from time to time}3,,4,,6
        To Francis Child for the Wardens part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their Publick days of meeting as by Particulars in his Bill}7,,17,,-
        To Ditto for Brooms for the use of the Office, for Candles and other petty charges and disbursements from Christmass 1717 to Christmass 1718 as by particulars}11,,3,,-
        Charges and Disbursements of prosecuting Clippers and Coyners from the 25.th day of March 1718 to Christmass following as by particulars Specified in Mr. Calverly Pinckney's Bill (who is the person employed in that affair) examined and allowed by the Master and Worker & Comptroller of the Mint, pursuant to the power given them by his Majesty's Sign Manual}71,,16,,{4},

The Accompt of William Thompson Esquire Warden of her Majesty Mint ending the Last day of December           1718


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1717 to the Last day of December 1718.

The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money    Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the
Last day of December 1717186,,16,,912}£s
   Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account out of the Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by the Imprest Roll}6710,,8,,48217,,14,,1112
   Gold and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix after the Tryal made the 4.th of August 1718 as by the Warden's and Comptroller's certificate}1320,,9,,10


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.   For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for One year viz from Christmass
1717 to Christmass 1718500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each120,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-1120,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Second Graver80,,-,,-
To Reuben Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers40,,-,,-
To John Braint Prevost of the Monyers Exercising the Office of Engineer, and keeping the Iron Tools in repair}100,,-,,-
  Allowances to the Master and Worker for his wast and charges in the coyning his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1717 to the Last day of December 1718, viz.
 For the coyning 3010.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d per £ib978,,5,,-}
 For the coyning 2295.poundweight of Silver Monies at 16.12d per £ib157,,15,7121145,,11,,1012
 For the coyning 2295.poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per £ib9,,11,,3
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1717 to the 4.th}
day of August 1718 24 12 Guineas at 21Shillings each25,,14,,6
Silver Monies within the Said time1,,7,,2
More Gold Monies putt into the Pix from 4.th August 1718 to the Last of December following 72 12 Guineas at 21Shillings}76,,2,,6103,,16,,2
Silver Monies within the Said time0,,12,,-
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies0,,16,,3
                                        Carryed forward£2370,,4,,312
Brought Over£2370,,4,,3{12}
   Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies as appeareth by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of his Majesty's Mint, viz.
  To William King Collyer for middling coales for the use of the Assay Office, being 660 Sacks at 2Shillings per Sack}£sd}
  To Thomas Stern for Several necessarys by him provided for the use of the Assay Office as by particulars in his Bill}6,,13,,-122,,16,,5
  To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the Use of the Said Office}31,,7,,8
  To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver from Christmass 1717 to Christmass 1718}18,,15,,9
 Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, viz.
   Fees paid to Several persons and for petty charges attending the Tryall of the Gould and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix the
4.th day of August 1718 as by Bill of particulars24,,17,,-}
   Paid John Cully Warden of the Goldsmith's Company for defraying the charges of Entertaining the Jury Summoned by Order of Council for the Tryal of the Said Pix, by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty Treasury dated the 22.d July 1718.}36,,-,,-60,,17,,-
   Paid for fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for Several Warrants and Signs Manual, and for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the use and Service of the Mint from Christmass 1717 to Christmass 1718 as Bill of particulars Signed
by the Officers of his Majesty Mint22,,3,,6}
   Paid for fees and charges of passing through the Severall Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden and of the Master and Worker for the year ending 31.st Decembr. 1717}22,,1,,6300,,6,,10
  Fees and charges of passing through the Several Offices the New Indenture of the Mint dated the 6.th May 1718}256,,1,,10
  Paid to Mr. John Mills in Satisfaction of his charges in apprehending and prosecuting of Coyners and Utterers of Counterfeit Coin by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury bearing date the 1.st day of April 1718}52,,8,,3
  To the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently Allowed for examining and Auditing this Accompt)44,,-,,-}84,,-,,-
  More to him for An Additional Allowance for this and the Warden's Accompt for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17.th day of August 1709}40,,-,,-
                              Carryed forward£299012,,9{12}
Brought Over£2990,,sd
Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty Mint for fees and Sallaries for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for One year
ending at Christmass 1718£ 1428,,17,,9}
 Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, and for discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett, and Several incident and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office the Sum of}434,,10,,61935,,4,,7
 Imprested more for the defraying the charges of prosecuting Clippers and Coyners from the 25.th day of March 1718 including the Sallary of Sixty pounds per Annum payable to the Clerk imployed in that Service}71,,16,,4
                         Totall Discharge£492517412

                                        Is. Newton

               15 May 1719 Received into Mr. Auditr. Harley's Office the Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton for a Year ended the last of December 1718. Whereof the foregoing is a Copy, and the Vouch.rs relating thereto.           Jer. Oakeley.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1717 to the Last day of December           1718.


The Accompt of William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1718 to the Last day of December 1719


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money    Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty's Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint for the payment of the fees and Sallaries of of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden for One year ending the
25.th of December 17191435,,-,,-}
  Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}165,,7,,9£sd
  Received more for the discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett, and Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}104,,15,,61801,,14,,8
  Received more for defraying the charges of prosecuting Clippers and Coyners (including the Sallary of Sixty pounds per Annum payable to the Clerk imployed in that Service) the Sum of}96,,11,,5


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt viz.
   Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for One year ending the 25.th day of December 1719 as doth appear and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective quarters Sallarys}1435,,-,,-
   Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the party's Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly Appear, viz.
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer 42,,-,,-}
To Richard Driver Carpenter46,,-,,-
To Hezekiah Walker Plumber27,,-,,-
To Sarah Loyd Glasier26,,-,,-
To Reuben Fletcher Smith7,,3,,4165,,7,,9
To Thomas Burden Pavior4,,14,,-
To John Ryalles Mason5,,9,,10
To Roger Evans plasterer5,,1,,10
To William Cooper painter1,,18,,-9
                         Carryed forward£1600,,7,,9
Brought Over£1600,,7,,9
  Paid to the Several Persons following for Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office of the Said Mint as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Said Mint with the party's their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
   To Mr. Richard Morgan for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for One year ending the 25.th day of December 1719}£sd}
   To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
  To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of the Said Mint from Christmass 1718 to Christmass 1719}10,,-,,-
  To Thomas Kemp for poviding Oyl and Cotton and looking after four Lampes or Lucidarys in the Said Mint}16,,-,,-
  To John Nicolas Woollen Draper for cloth for the Watermen Liverys as by his Bill and Receipt}4,,18,,4
  To Edward Martin for making the Said Liverys as by particulars in his Bill}2,,18,,6104,,15,,6
  To Hannah Nichols Scavenger for carrying rubbish & Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1718 to Christmass 1719}3,,11,,3
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for Pens, Ink, Paper and Books and other Stationary Wares as by his Bill}11,,15,,6
  To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning the Gold and Silver Ballances, and mending them from time to time}4,,2,,-
  To Francis Child for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting as by particulars in his Bill}13,,11,,2
  To Ditto for Brooms for the use of the Office, for Candles and other petty charges and disbursements from Christmass 1718 to Christmass 1719 as by bill of particulars}3,,15,,9
  To Mr. Calverly Pinckney for his charges and disbursements in the prosecuting Clippers and Coyners from Christmass 1718 to Christmass 1719 as by particulars in his Bill examined and Allowed by the Master and Worker and Comptroller of the Mint, pursuant to the power given them by his Majesty Sign Manual}96,,11,,5

                                                  Wm: Thompson

27.th June 1720 Received then into Mr. Auditor Foley's Office the Counterpart of this Accompt Sworn to as also the severall Vouchers relating thereto amounting to 1801: 14: 8.                      Duke Parsons.


The Accompt of William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty Mint within the Tower of London from 1.st January 1718 to the Last day of December           1719.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of His Majesties Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had an received out of the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer and elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the Charges & Expenses of the Said Mint from the 1:st day of January 1718 to the last day of December 1719.


The Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money.

Arrears remaining due on the foot of his last Accompt ending the£sd
last day of December 17183291,,17,,7}£sd
Monies by him received by way of Imprest and upon Accompt out of the Receipt of his Majestys Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by the Imprest Role}9903,,8,,-13195,,5,,7


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, Viz.

For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for One Year, viz from Christmas 1718 to Christmas 1719}£sd}
To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60
To him for a Purveyor for the like time20
To him for three Clerks at 40£ Per Annum each1201120
To John Croker Gentleman Chief Graver of the Mint200
To Sam:l Bull Second Graver80
To Reuben Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers40
To John Braint Prevost of the Moneyers Exercising the Office of Engineer and keeping the Iron Tools in Repair}100
Allowances to the Master for his Wast and Charges in the Coining his Majestys Gold and Silver Monies from 1:st January 1718 to the last day of December 1719, Viz,
For the Coining 14745poundweight of Gold Monies at 6:s 6d per PoundWeight 47920206}
For the Coining 1756poundweight of Silver Monies at 1612d per PoundWeight120140649200304.
For the Coining 1756poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per PoundWeight70604.
Gold and Silver Monies put into the Pix from 1:st January 1718 to the last of December 1719 Viz
   Gold Monies 810 Guineas at 21s per Guinea85010}
   Silver Monies within the Said time11308852038
Loss Sustained by the Assays of the Gold and Silver Monies1089
                              Carryed forward£6893159
Brought Over£6893159
Paid for Several Necessary Charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies as Appeareth by Bills Sign'd & Appoved by the Officers of his Majestys Mint, Viz.
To William King Collyer for midling Coals for the Use of the Assay Office being 720 Sacks at 2s per Sack}£sd}
To Thomas Stern for Several Necessarys by him provided for the Use of the Assay Office, as by Particulars in his Bill}141906
To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the Use of the said Office}4718081691109
To Ditto for Fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver from Christmas 1718 to Christmas 1719}341707
Paid for Several other Particulars within the time of this Accompt Viz Paid for Fees and Charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for a new Order for £ 20.000 and for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint from Christmas 1718 to Christmas 1719 as by Bill of
Paid for Fees and Charges of Passing through the Several Offices of the Excheq:r the Accompts of the Warden, and of the Master and Worker for the year ending 31 Dec:r 1718}2201066005
  Paid to the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks the yearly Fee anciently Allowed for Examining and Auditing this Accompt}44}
  More to him for an Additional Allowance for this & the Wardens Accompt: for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17:th day of August 1709 }40....84
    Imprested and Paid by this Accomptant to William Thompson, Esquire Warden of his Majestys Mint for Fees and Sallaries for himself and the rest of the Officers of the
Mint payable by him for one year ending at Christmas 17191435,,}
    Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for Repairs of Houses Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}165079
    Imprested more to him to discharge the Wardens part of the Dyet, and Several Incidents & extraordinary Charges & Allowances belonging to the Said Office}1041561801148
    Imprested more to him for the defraying the Charges of Prosecuting Clippers and Coiners (including the Sallary of Sixty Pounds per Annum payable to the Clerk Imployed in that Service) the Sum of}96115
                    Total Discharge£90090702
                                                  Isaac Newton£131950507

The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1718 to the Last day of December           1719.

Sir Isaac Newtons Accompt         to Decr. 1719

Received into Mr. Auditor Foleys Office 18th July           1720           G:S


The Accompt of William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majestie's Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1719 to the Last day of December 1720.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money    Monys by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint for the payment of the fees and Sallarys of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden for One year ending the
25.th day of December 17201435,,-,,-}
  Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}320,,15,,-£sd
  Received more for the discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett and Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}112,,14,,42014,,17,,1
  Received more for the defraying the charges of prosecuting Clippers and coyners (including the Sallary of Sixty pounds per Annum payable to the Clerk imployed in that Service) the Sum of}146,,7,,9
   Received in all the Sum of


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, viz.
  Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for One year ending the 25.th day of December 1720 as doth appear and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys}1435,,-,,-
  Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the party's Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer104,,-,,-}
To Richard Driver Carpenter98,,-,,-
To Hezekiah Walker Plumber23,,19,,-
To Reuben Fletcher Smith20,,10,,-
To John Ryalles Mason11,,16,,-320,,15,,-
To William Cooper Painter24,,-,,-
To Roger Evanes Plasterer20,,15,,-
To Sarah Loyd Glasier16,,5,,-
To Thomas Burden Pavier1,,10,,-
                    Carryed forward£1755,,15,,-
Brought forward£175515,,s-d
Paid to the Several persons following for Several Incidents, and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office of the Said Mint as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Said Mint with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
  To Mr. Richard Morgan for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for One year ending the 25.th day of December 1720}£sd}
  To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto belonging by four Debentures}20,,-,,-
  To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of the Said Mint from Christmass 1719 to Christmass 1720}10,,-,,-
  To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton and looking after four Lampes or Lucidarys in the Said Mint}16,,-,,-
  To John Nicholas Woollen Draper for cloth for the Watermen Liverys as by his Bill and receipt}4,,18,,4,,112,,14,,4
  To Edw.d Martin for making the Said Liverys, and for Velvet Capps, as by his Bill}4,,6,,6
  To Thomas Taylor Scavenger for carrying rubbish & Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1719 to Christmass 1720}6,,18,,-
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for pens, ink, paper, and Books and other Stationary Wares, as by his Bill}7,,5,,-
  To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning the Gold and Silver Ballances, and mending them from time to time}6,,5,,10
  To Francis Childs for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting, as by particulars in his Bill}15,,14,,2
  To Ditto for Brooms for the Use of the Office, for candles, and other petty charges and disbursements from Christmass 1719 to Christmass 1720, as by Bill of particulars}7,,6,,6
  To Mr. Calverly Pinckney for his Charges and disbursements in the prosecuting Clippers and Coyners from Christmass 1719 to Christmass 1720 as by particulars in his Bill examined and Allowed by the Master and Worker and Comptroller of the Mint, pursuant to the power given them by his Majestie's Sign Manual}146,,7,,9
                                   W:m Thompson£2014,,17,,1

               5.th May 1721 Received then into Mr. Auditor Harley's Office the Accompt of W.m Thompson Esquire as Warden of his Maj.ties Mint for the Year 1720, of which This is a Copy, together with the Vouchers thereto.      Jer. Oakeley


The Accompt of Will.m Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty Mint Within the Tower of London from 1.st January 1719 to the Last day of December           1720.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the Charges and Expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1719 to the Last day of December 1720.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz.
  Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the
Last day of December 17194185,,18,,5}£sd
  Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account out of the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by particulars mentioned in the Imprest Roll}7669,,2,,1012118551312


  The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, Viz.
  For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year, viz from Christmass 1710 to Christmass 1720}500,,-,,-}
  To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60,,-,,-
  To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-£
  To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each120,,-,,-1120,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint200-,,-
To Samuel Bull Second Graver80-,,-
To Reuben Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers40-,,-
To John Braint Prevost of the Moneyers Exercising the Office of Engineer, and keeping the Iron Tools in repair}100,,-,,-
  Allowances to the Master for his Waste and charges in the Coyning his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1719 to the Last day
of December 1720, viz.£sd}
For the Coyning 18959.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings6.d per £ib6161,,13,,6
For the Coyning 7832.poundweight of Silver Monies at 16.12d per £ib538,,9,,-6732,,15,,2
For the Coyning 7832.poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per £ib32,,12,,8
  Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1719 to the Last day of December 1720 as by certificate of the Officers of the Mint
   Gold Monies 123512 Guineas at 21Shillings per Guinea1297,,5,,6}
   Silver Monies within the Said time7,,12,,61304,,18,,-
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies as by the Said Certificate}1,,11,6
                    Carryed forward£9159,,48
Brought Over£9159,,4,,8
  Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of Gold and Silver Monies, as appeareth by Bills Signed & approved by the Officers of his Majesty Mint, viz.
 To William King Collyer for midling Coales for the use of the Assay Office being 960 Sacks at 2Shillings per Sack}£sd}
 To Thomas Stern for Several necessarys by him provided for the Use of the Assay Office, as by his Bill}17,,19,,6
 To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the use of the Said Office as by his Bill}32,,10,,5538,,5,,-
 To Ditto for Refining 903.poundweight 6.oz 12.deadweight of Gold at 8.d per oz.£sd}
 And for Refining 434.poundweight 4.oz 10.deadweight of Silver at 12.d per £ib.,,2,,8
To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver from Christmass 1719 to Christmass 1720 as by his Bill}8,,12,,5
  Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, viz.}
  Paid for fees and charges at Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint from Christmass 1719 to Christmass 1720 as by particulars}25,,4,,647,,16,,-
  Paid for fees and charges of declaring and passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden and of the Master & Worker for the year ending the 31.st December 1719}22,,11,,6
  Paid to the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks the yearly fee Antiently Allowed for examining & Auditing this Accompt}44,,-,,-}
 More to him for an Additional Allowance for this and the Wardens Accompt for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17.th day of August 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
 Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for One year ending
at Christmass 17201435,,-,,-}
 Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and Building belonging to the Said Mint}320,,15,,-
 Imprested more to him to discharge the Warden's part of the Dyet and Several incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}112,,14,,42014,,17,,1
Imprested more to him for the defraying the charges of Prosectuing Clippers and Coyners (including the Sallary of Sixty pounds per Annum payable to the Clerk imployed in that Service.) the Sum of}146,,7,,9
               Totall Discharge£11844,,2,,9
                                   Isaac Newton£11855,,1,,312

               5.th May 1721. Receivd then into Mr. Auditor Harley's Office the Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton as Master and Worker of his Ma.ties Mint for the Year 1720, Of which This is a Copy, together with the Vouchers thereto.       Jer: Oakeley.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1719 to the Last day of December 1720. - .


The Accompt of William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1720 to the Last day of December 1721.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money viz.    Moneys by received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty's Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint, for the payment of the fees and Sallarys of the Officers of the Mint
payable by the Warden for One year ending the 25.th of December 1721£sd}
as directed by the Indenture of the Mint1435,,-,,-
   Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}234,,8,,2£sd
   Received more for the discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett and Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}131,,4,,31800,,12,,5
   Received in all the Sum of


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of MOney by him paid and issued out within the time of his Accompt, viz.£
   Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for one year ending the 25.th day of December 1721, as doth appear, and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the Receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys}1435,,-,,-
   Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys Acquittances to the Same doth more
particularly appear, viz.£sd}
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer99,,10,,-
To Richard Driver Carpenter71,,10,,-
To Hezekiah Walker Plumber21,,15,,-
To William Cooper Painter10,,-,,-
To Reuben Fletcher Smith7,,16,,8234,,8,,2
To Roger Evans Plasterer10,,17,,-
To Thomas Burden Pavier6,,-,,-
To John Ryalles Mason4,,-,,-
To Sarah Loyd for Glasier's Work2,,19,,6
                         Carryed forward£1669,,8,,2
Brought forward£1669,,8,,2
Paid to the Several Persons following, for Several necessary Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz.
  To William King for 184 Sacks of fee Coales to the Officers and Clerks of the Said Mint for the months of Decembr. and January 1720}£sd}
  To Mr. Richard Morgan for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for One year ending the 25.th of Decembr. 1721 by four Debentures}14,,-,,-
  To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto belonging}20,,-,,-
  To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of the Said Mint from Christmass 1720 to Christmass 1721}10,,-,,-
  To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton and looking after four Lampes or lucidarys in the Said Mint £16,-. and for two new large convex Lampes, and for mending and repairing the Lampes for Several years past the further Sum of £4.19. in all the Sum of}20,,19,,-
  To John Nicholas Woollen Draper for Cloth for the Watermen liverys as by his Bill}4,,18,,4131,,4,,3
To Edward Martin for making the Said Liverys2,,18,,-
  To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning the Gold and Silver ballances and mending them from time to time}3,,-,,6
  To Thomas Taylor Scavenger for carrying rubbish and Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1720 to Christmass 1721}12,,10,,6
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for pens, ink, paper and books and other Stationary Wares as by his Bill}13,,14,,-
  To Francis Child for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting, as by particulars in his Bill}6,,14,,5
  To Ditto for Brooms for the use of the Office, for Candles and other petty charges and disbursements from Christmass 1720 to Christmass 1721, as by bill of particulars}4,,1,,6

Received the 10.th of Sep.r 1722 by the hands of John Francis Fauquier Esquire the Duplicat of this Account together with the Vouches thereto                           per J Foley


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majestie's Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majestie's Exchequer and elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and Expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1720 to the Last day of December 1721. viz.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz.    Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the Last
day of December 172010,,18,,612}
  Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer within the time of this Accompt as by particulars mentioned in the Imprest Roll}7769,,13,,6£
  Gold and Silver monies taken out of the Pix after the Tryal made the 23.d day of August 1721}2412,,7,,10,,12135,,61012
  Silver Monies proceeding from his Majestie's Tenth part of the Silver Bullion and Spanish Coin taken up from a Wreck in the Sea near the Isle of Mayo by virtue of his Majesty Patent granted to Jacob Rowe Esquire for fishing for Wrecks}1942,,7,,-


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
  For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year, viz from Christmass 1720 to Christmass 1721}500,,-,,-}
 To him for an Under Assay Master for the Like time60,,-,,-
 To him for a Purveyer for the Like time20,,-,,-£
 To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each for the like time120,,-,,-1120,,-,,-
 To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-
 To Samuel Bull Second Graver80,,-,,-
 To Reuben Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Graver40,,-,,-
To John Braint Prevost of the Monyers, exercising the Office of Engineer, and keeping the Iron Tools in repair}100,,-,,-
Allowances to the Master and Worker for his Waste and charges in the Coining his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1720 to the Last day of December 1721. viz.
  For the Coyning 5832.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6d per £ibr.1895,,8,,-}
  For the Coyning 2312.poundweight of Silver Monies at 612 per £ibr.159,,-,,4122064,,1,,112
  For the Coyning 2313. of Silver Monies at One penny per £ibr9,,12,,9
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st January 1720 to the 23.d of August 1721, as by Certificate of the Officers of the Mint viz.
Gold Monies 169 Guineas at 21Shillings per Guinea177,,9,,-}
Silver Monies within the Said time1,,2,,8178,,11,,8
More Gold Monies putt into the Pix from 23.rd August 1721 to the Last day of December following 216 Guineas at 21Shillings per Guinea}226,,16,,-}227,,13,,-
Silver Monies within the Said time-,,17,,-
Loss sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies0,,17,,-
  Paid for Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies as appeareth by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of his Majesty Mint, viz.
  To William King Collyer for middling Coales for the use of the Assay Office being 780 Sackes at 2Shillings per Sack}78,,-,,-}
  To Thomas Stern for Several necessarys by him provided for the Use of the Assay Office as by particulars in his Bill}14,,14,,6122,,5,,10
  To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the Use of the Said Office as by his Bill}15,,7,,10
  To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of the Gold and Silver Monies as by his Bill}14,,3,,6
                              Carryed forward£3713,,8,,712
Brought Over£3713,,8,,712
Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, viz. For fees and charges at the Several Offices of the Exchequer, and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint
from Christmass 1720 to Christmass 1721, as by particulars34,,5,,}
  For fees and charges of declaring and passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden, and of the Master and Worker for the year ending the 31.st day of December 1720}22,,11,,656,,16,,6
  For fees to Several persons, and petty charges attending the Tryall of the Gould and Silver Monies taken out the Pix the 23.d day of August 1721, as by Bill of particulars Signed by the Officers of the Mint
  Paid Mr. William Potter chief Warden of the Goldsmith's Company for defraying the charges of entertaining the Jury Summoned by Order of Council for the Tryal of the Said Pix, by Warrant of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty Treasury dated 25.t Aug.st}36,,-,,-60,,19,,-
  Paid to John Sydenham Esquire by virtue of his Majesty Royal Sign Manual dated the 1.st of Novembr. 1721 the Sum of Ninety Seven pounds two Shillings being five percent upon the Sum of £1942.7.s his Majesty tenth part of the Silver Bullion and Spanish Coyn taken up from a Wreck in the Sea near the Island Mayo}97,,2,,-}
  Paid Mr. John Cartlitch for melting into clean Ingotts the Silver Bullion and Spanish Coyn}2,,10,,-1942,,7,,-
  Paid Casper Frederick Henning Esquire for the use and Service of his Majesty's privy Purse, by virtue and in pursuance of the Sign Manual above mentioned, the residue of the proceed of his Majesty Said tenth part of the Silver Bullion and Spanish Coyn as by his receipt}1842,,15,,-
  Paid to the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently allowed for examining and Auditing this Accompt}44,,-,,-}
  More to him for an Additional Allowance for this and the Warden's Accompt for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17.th Aug.st 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
  Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty's Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself and the rest of the Officers of
the Mint payable by him for One year ending at Christmass 17211435,,-,,-}
   Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}234,,8,,21800,,12,,5
   Imprested more to him to discharge the Warden's part of the Dyet, and Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}131,,4,,3
                                   Totall Discharge£7658,,3,,612

                                             Isaac Newton

Received into the Office of Mr. Auditor Foley this 6th day of August 1722 from John Fran. Fauquier Esquire a Duplicate thereof together with the Vouchers thereto                               per J Foley


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty's Mint from 1.st January 1720 to the Last day of December            1721.


The Accompt of William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majestys Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1721, to the Last day of December 1722.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, Viz   Moneys by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint, for the payment of the fees and Sallarys of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden as Settled by the Indenture, and his Majesty Sign Manual bearing date
the 8.th day of Aug.st 1722 for One year ending the 25.th of December 1722.//1450,,-,,-}
  Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}357,,8,,3
  Received more for the discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett and Several Incidents, and extraordinary charges, and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}158,,4,,62266,,6,,1
  Received more for the defraying the charges of prosecuting Clippers and Coyners for two years (including the Sallary of Sixty pounds per Annum payable to the Clerk imployed in that Service the Sum of}300,,13,,4
  Received in all the Sum of


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, viz.£sd
  Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for One year ending the 25.th day of December 1722, as doth appear and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the Receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys}1450,,-,,-
    Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided, and Work done about the houses, Offices, and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint as by their respective Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear
  To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer142,,17,,-
To Richard Driver Carpenter85,,6,,6
To Hezekiah Walker Plumber32,,5,,-
To William Cooper Painter17,,16,,-357,,8,,3
To Reuben Fletcher Smith18,,18,,9
To John Ryalles Mason37,,3,,-
To Sarah Loyd for Glasiers Work13,,16,,6
To Robert Green Plasterer9,,5,,6
                              Carryed forward£1807,,8,,3
Brought forward£1807,,8,,3
  Paid to the Several persons following for Several necessary Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint; as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, Viz.
To William King for 184 Sacks of fee Coales to the Officers and Clerks of the Said Mint for the Months of December and January 1721}£sd}
 To Mr. Richard Morgan for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live for one year ending the 25.th of December 1722}14,,-,,-
 To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto beloning}20,,-,,-
 To Elizabeth Ashley for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt of the Said Mint from Christmass 1721 to Christmass 1722}10,,-,,-
 To Mr. Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton and looking after four Lampes or Lucidarys in the Said Mint}16,,-,,-
 To John Nicolas Woollen Draper for Cloth for the two Watermen Liverys as by his Bill}4,,18,,4
To John Baker Taylor for making the Said Liverys2,,17,,6158,,4,,6
 To William Hallford pump borer for 148 yards of Elm pipe 3 inches bore as a main to convey the Water in part of the Mint}19,,5,,-
 To Thomas Burden Pavier for opening and digging a trench to lay down the Wooden pipes, and branches, and paving it again}10,,12,,6
 To John Snart Scalemaker for cleaning the Gold and Silver ballances and mending them from time to time}2,,17,,-
 To Thomas Taylor Scavenger for carrying rubbish and Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1721 to Christmass 1722}14,,2,,-
 To Charles Rawson Stationer for pens, Ink, paper and books, and other Stationary Wares as by his Bill}7,,1,,-
 To Francis Child for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting as by his Bill}13,,12,,8
 To Ditto for Brooms for the Office, for Candles and other petty charges & disbursements from Christmass 1721 to Christmass 1722 as by his Bill}4,,10,,6
 To Mr. Calverly Pinckney for his charges and disbursements in the prosecuting Clippers and counterfeiters of the current Coyn of the Kingdom from Christmass 1720 to Christmas 1722 as by particulars in his Bill examined and allowed by the Master and Worker and Comptroller of the Mint pursuant to the power given them by his Majesty's Sign Manual, and approved by the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty Treasury}300,,13,,4

                                        W:m Thompson

          10.th February 1723. Received then unto the Office of the Honorable Mr. Auditor Harley the foregoing Accompt attested by Mr. Thompson, and the Vouch.rs relating thereto.           Jer. Oakeley.


The Accompt of Will.m Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1721 to the Last day of December            1722.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty's Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer and elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the charges and expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1721 to the Last day of December 1722.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money viz. Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the Last
day of December 1721£sd}
  Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account out of the Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by particulars mentioned and expressed in the Imprest Roll the Sum of}13990,,721218467,,10,,612


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
  For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for One year, viz from Christmass 1721 to Christmass 1722}500,,-,,-}
 To him for an Under Assay Master for the Like time60,,-,,-
  To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-
  To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each120,,-,,-£sd
  and for an Additional Sallary of Ten per Annum to each Clerk, and five pounds per Annum to the Purveyer, commencing from Midsummer in pursuance of his Majesty Warrant bearing date the 8.th of Aug.st 1722}17,,10,,-1137,,10,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Second Graver80,,-,,-
To Reuben Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Graver40,,-,,-
To John Braint Prevost of the Monyers, Exercising the Office of Engeneer, and Keeping the Iron Tools in repair}100,,-,,-
   Allowances to the Master for his Waste and charges in the Coyning his Majestys Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1721 to the Last day
of December 1722. viz.£sd}
For the coyning 12728.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d per £ibr4136,,12,,-4281,,3,,1012
For the coyning 1983poundweight of Silver Monies at 1612d per £ibr136,,6,,712
For the coyning 1983poundweight of Silver Monies at One penny per £ibr8,,5,,3
  Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from first January 1721 to the Last day of December 1722 as by Certificate of the Warden and Comptroller of
the Mint, viz.£sd
  Gold Monies 807.12 Guineas at 21Shillings per Guinea847,,17,,6}
   Silver Monies within the Said time1,,14,,-849,,11,,6
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies as by the Said Certificate}1,,9,,-
                              Carryed forward£626914,,412
Brought Over£6269,,14,,4{12}
Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt viz.   For Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, as appeareth by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of his Majesty Mint viz.
To William King Collyer for middling Coales for the Use of the Assay Office, being 720 Sacks at 2Shillings 2.d per Sack}£sd}
   To Thomas Stern for Several necessarys by him provided for the use of the Assay Office, as by particulars in his Bill}12,,17,,6142,,15,,1
   To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the Use of the Said Office as by his Bill}28,,4,,3
   To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of the Gold and Silver Monies as by his Bill}23,,13,,4
   Paid for fees and charges at the Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint from Christmass 1721 to Christmass 1722, as by particulars}395,,18,,2}418,,9,,8
   Paid for fees and charges of declaring, and passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden, and of the Master and Worker for the year ending the 31.st December 1721}22,,11,,6
  Paid to the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently allowed for examining and Auditing this Accompt}44,,-,,-}
  More to him for an Additional Allowances for this and the the Warden's Accompt for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17.th August 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
  Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Willam Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself and the rest of the Officers of the
Mint payable by him for One year ending at Christmass 17221450,,-,,-}
  Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and buildings beloning to the Said Mint}357,,8,,3
  Imprested more to him to discharge the Warden's part of the Dyet and Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}158,,4,,62266,,6,,1
  Imprested more to him for the defraying the charges of prosecutng the icounterfeiters of the Coyn of the Kingdom &c.}300,,13,,4
                              Totall Discharge£9181,,5,,2

                                                Isaac Newton

Received the 26th of November 1723 into the Office of the Honorable Mr. Auditor Harley the Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight as Master & Worker of the Mint for the Year Ended the 31st day of December 1722 (whereof the above is a Copy) As also the Comptrolment Role and all other Vouchers belonging to the said Accompt                          per {Pet. Garet.}


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1721, to the Last day of December           1722.


The Accomptof William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesties Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1722 to the Last day of December 1723.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following {Su}ms of Money Viz.   Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint, for the payment of the fees and Sallarys of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden, as Settled by the Indenture, and his Majesty Sign Manual bearing date the 8.th day of August 1722 for one year ending the 25.th
day of December 1723£sd}
  Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices, and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}297,,-,,51964,,2,,10
  Received more for the discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett, and Several Incidents, and extraordinary charges, and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}£sd
   Received more the Sum of Sixty pounds for the payment of the Sallary due to the Clerk imployed in prosecuting clippers and Coynes}60,,-,,-


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, viz.£sd
   Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for f{ees} and Sallarys for one year ending the 25.th day of December 1723, as doth appear and is more particularly specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the Receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys}1465,,-,,-
   Paid to the Several Artificers following for materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices, and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, and the partys Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear
To Richard Driver Carpenter126,,-,,-
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer35,,13,,-
To Reuben Fletcher Smith51,,-,,-
To William Cooper Painter29,,3,,-
To Hezekiah Walker Plumber0,,16,,4297,,0,,{5}
To John Ryalles Mason18,,15,,4
To Robert Green Plasterer8,,18,,9
To Sarah Loyd for Glasier's Work21,,10,,-
To Thomas Burden Pavier5,,4,,-
                              Carryed forward£1762,,0,,5
Brought Over£1762,,0,,5
   Paid to the Several persons following for Several necessary Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth
more particularly appear, viz.£sd}
  To William King for 184 Sacks of fee coales to the Officers and Clerks of the Said Mint for the months of December and January 1722}18,,8,,-
  To Mr. Richard Morgan for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint doth Live for one year ending the 25.th of December 1723}14,,-,,-
  To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto belonging}20,,-,,-
  To Hannah Lowe for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt of the Said Month from Christmass 1722 to Christmass 1723}10,,-,,-
  To Mr. Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton, and Looking after four Lampes or Lucidarys in the Said Mint}16,,-,,-
  To John Nicolas Woollen Draper for Cloth for the two Watermen's Liverys as by particulars in his Bill}4,,18,,4142,,2,,5
To John Baker Taylor for making the Said Liverys, and Velvet Capps4,,6,,6
  To Henry Owen Scale maker for cleaning the Gold and Silver beams and mending from time to time, and other Work}9,,-,,-
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for pens, Ink, paper and books and other Stationary Wares as by his Bill}10,,11,,7
  To Thomas Taylor Scavenger for carrying rubbish, dung, and Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1722, to Christmass 1723}7,,4,,-
  To Francis Childs for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting as by his bill}24,,1,,6-
  To Ditto for Brooms for the Office, for candles, and other petty charges and disbursements from Christmass 1722 to Christmass 1723 as by his Bill}3,,12,,6
  Paid to Mr. Calverly Pinckney for one year's Sallary due to him at Christmass 1723, as being the Clerk imployed in prosecuting Clippers and Coyners}60,,-,,-
                                        W:m Thompson£1964,,2,,10

The Accompt of Wm Thompson Esquire Warden of His Majesty's Mint from the 1st day of Janry 172/3 to the last day of December        1723.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty;s within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer, and elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the Charges and expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1722, to the Last day of December 1723.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, viz.   Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt Ending the Last
day of December 17229286,,5,,4}£sd
  Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt out of the Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by particulars mentioned and expressed in the Imprest Roll the Sum of}11401,,19,,1120688,,5,,3.


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money
by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.£sd}
  For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year, viz. from Christmass 1722 to Christmass 1725}500,,-,,-
To him for an Under Assay Master for the Like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the Like time20,,-,,-£sd
To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each120,,-,,-1155,,-,,-
and for an Additional Sallary of Ten per Annum to each Clerk and five per Annum to the Purveyer in pursuance of his Majesty Warrant bearing date the 8.th day of August 1722}35,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Second Graver80,,-,,-
To Reuben Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers40,,-,,-
To John Braint Prevost of the Monyers, Exercising the Office of Engeneer, and keeping the Iron Tools in repair}100,,-,,-
  Allowances to the Master for his Waste and charges in the Coyning his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st January 1722 to the Last day of December 1723, viz.}
  For the coyning 8306.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d per £ibr£sd
  For the coyning 48099.poundweight of Silver Monies at 1612d per £ibr3306,,16,,112
  For the coyning 48099.poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per £ibr200,,8,,3.
   Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from first January 1722 to the Last day of December 1723, as by the Certificate of the Warden, and Deputy Comptroller
of the Mint, viz.£sd
  Gold Monies 544.12 Guineas at 21Shillings per Guinea571,,14,,6}
  Silver Monies within the Said time39,,4,,2610,,18,,8
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies as by the Said Certificate}1,,7,,-
                              Carryed forward£7973,,19,,-12
Brought Over£7973,,19,,-12
Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, viz.    For Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, as appeareth by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of his Majesty's Mint, viz.
   To William King Collyer for Middling Coales for the Use of the Assay Office being 840 Sacks at 2Shillings2.d per Sack}£sd}
  To Thomas Stern for Several necessarys by him provided for the Use of the Assay Office, as by particulars in his Bill}16,,15,,-
  To Mr. Samuel Manlove Brasier for a new Assay furnace, and for mending and repairing an Old One}15,,19,,4210,,6,,-
  To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the Use of the Assay Office as by his Bill}38,,8,,11
  To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of the Gold and Silver Monies, as by his Bill}43,,13,,9
  To Ditto for refining three Ingotts of Gold as by particulars in his Bill4,,9,,-
Paid for fees and charges at the Several Offices of the Exchequer, and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint from Christmass 1722 to Christmass 1723 as by particulars}327,,-,,-}349,,11,,6
   Paid for fees and charges of Declaring and passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden, and of the Master and Worker for the year ending the 31.st December 1722}22,,11,,6
   Paid to the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks the yearly fee Antiently allowed for examining and Auditing this Accompt}44,,-,,-}
  More to him for an Additional Allowance for this and the Warden's Accompt for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17.th Aug.st 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
  Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself and the rest of the Officers of
the Mint payable by him for one year ending at Christmass 17231465,,-,,-}
  Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}297,,-,,5
  Imprested more to him to discharge the Warden's part of the Dyett and Several Incidents, and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}142,,2,,51964,,2,,10
  Imprested more to him for the payment of the Sallary of the Clerk employed in prosecuting clippers and Coyners for one year ending at Christmass 1723}60,,-,,-
                              Totall Discharge£10581,,19,,412
                                                  Isaac Newton£20688,,5,,3.

May the 21.st 1724 Received into Mr. Auditor Foleys Office the   Duplicate of this Account together with the Vouchers which prove the same, except the Voucher for the Wast                               per Duke Parsons.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Mint from 1.st January 1722 to the Last day of December             1723.


The Accompt of William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty's Exchange & COynage of Money within the Tower of London from the first day of January 1723 to the Last day of December 1724.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, Viz.   Moneys by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies in the Said Mint for the payment of the fees and Sallarys of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden as Settled by the Indenture, and his Majesty Sign Manuel bearing date the 8.th day of August 1722 for one year ending the
25.th day of December 17241460,,2,,6}
  Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices, and buildings belonging to the Said Mint}668,,5,,42568,,13,,11
  Received more for the Discharge of the Warden's part of the Dyett and Several Incidents and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}132,,-,,10
  Received more for the defraying the charges of prosecuting Clippers and Coyners for two years ending at Christmass 1724.}308,,5,,3
  Received more for the payment of the fees and Sallarys of the Officers of the Mint payable
by the Warden for one Quarter of a year ending the 25.th day of March 1725...//367,,10,,-}
   Received more for the discharge of Several Incidents and allowances in that Quarter//37,,8,,-404,,18,,


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, viz.   Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for One year ending the 25.th day of December 1724, as doth appear and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party acknowledging the Receipt of their respective Quarters Sallarys}1460,,2,,6
   Paid to the Several Artificers following for materials by them provided and Work done about the houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint as by their respective Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the partys Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear,
To Richard Driver Carpenter255,,12,,8
To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer193,,2,,9,,
To Reuben Fletcher Smith41,,19,,4
To Hezekiah Walker Plumber53,,7,,8
To William Cooper Painter as by two Bills47,,6,,-668,,5,,4
To John Ryalles Mason16,,6,,4
To Robert Green Plasterer25,,9,,3
To Sarah Loyd for Glasier's Work35,,1,,4
    To Mr. Calverly Pinckney for his charges and disbursements in the prosecuting Clippers and counterfeiters of the Current Coyn of the Kingdom from Christmass 1722 to Christmass 1724, as by particulars in his Bill examined and allowed by the Master and Worker and Comptroller of the Mint, pursuant to the power given them by his Majesty Sign Manual, and approved by the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty Treasury}308,,5,,3
                                        Carryed forward£2436,,13,,1
Brought Over£2436,,13,,1
    Paid to the Several persons following for Several necessary Incidents, and extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved by the Officers of the Mint, with the partys their Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly appear, viz
  To William King for 184 Sacks of fee Coales to the Officers and Clerks of the Said Mint for the Months of December and January 1723}£sd}
  To Mr. Rich.d Morgan for the Rent of the house in which the Porter of the Mint doth live, for One year ending the 25.th of December 1724}14,,-,,-
  To John Walford for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint, and houses thereunto belongng for One year}20,,-,,-
  To Hannah Lowe for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt of the Said Mint from Christmass 1723 to Christmass 1724}10,,-,,-
  To Mr. Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton, and for looking after four Lampes or Lucidarys in the Said Mint, and for the charges of two new Lampes, and mending and repairing two old Lampes}19,,14,,6132,,-,,10
  To John Nicholas Woollen draper for Cloth for the two Watermen's Liverys as by particulars in his Bill}4,,18,,4
  To John Baker taylor for making the Said Liverys2,,17,,6
  To Henry Oven Scale maker for cleaning the Gold and Silver beams, and mending them from time to time}7,,8,,9
  To Charles Rawson Stationer for pens, ink, and paper and other Stationary Wares as by his Bill}11,,13,,10
  To Thomas Taylor Scavenger for carrying rubbish, dung, and Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1723, to Christmass 1724}8,,17,,-
  To Francis Childs for the Warden's part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting as by his Bill}10,,1,,9
  To Ditto for Brooms for the Office, for candles and other petty Charges and disbursements from Christmass 1723 to Christmass 1724 as by his Bill}4,,1,,2
  Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallarys for one Quarter of a year ending the 25.th day of March 1725, as doth appear and is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of fees Signed by each party, acknowledghing the Receipt of his
respective Quarter Sallary367,,10,,-}
   Paid to William King for 184 Sacks of fee Coales to the Officers and}
Clerks of the Said Mint for the months of Decembr. & January 1724£sd
  To Mr. Rob.t Lowe for the Rent of the house wherein he Lives3.10.-37,,8,,-404,,18,,-
  To Mr. Thomas Gray for bringing Water into the Mint5.-.-.
  To Hannah Lowe for her Attendance on the Office of Receipt2.10.-.
  To Mr. Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl & Cotton for four Lampes8.-.-

                                        W:m Thompson


The Accompt of Wm Thompson Esquire Warden of His Majesty's Mint from the 1st of Janry 17234 to the 25th day of March 1725.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesty's Mint within the Tower of London, of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer, and elsewhere, as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the Charges and Expenses of the Said Mint from the first day of January 1723 to the Last day of December 1724.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money    Arreares remaining due on the foot of his Last Accompt ending the
Last day of December 1723£}
  Monies by him received by Way of Imprest and upon Account out of the Receipt of his Majesty Exchequer within the time of this Accompt, as by particulars mentioned and expressed in the Imprest Roll the Sum of}9504,,6,,721511,,4,,912
  Gold and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix after the Tryal made the third day of August 1724}1900,,12,,4
  Totall of the Charge


The Accomptant discharges himself by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as followeth, viz.
   For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for One year, viz from Christmass 1723 to Christmass 1724}500,,-,,-}
To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60,,-,,-
To him for a Purveyer for the Like time20,,-,,-
To him for three Clerks at 40.£ per Annum each120,,-,,-£sd
And for an Additional Sallary of Ten pounds per Annum to each Clerk, and five pounds per Annum to the Purveyer in pursuance of his Majesty Warrant bearing date the 8.th day of August 1722}35,,-,,-1155,,-,,-
To John Croker Gentleman Chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-
To Samuel Bull Second Graver80,,-,,-
To Reuben Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers40,,-,,-
To Richard Collard Prevost of the Monyers, exercising the Office of Engeneer, and Keeping the Iron Tools in repair}100,,-,,-
  Allowances to the Master for his Waste and charges in the Coyning his Majesty Gold and Silver Monies from 1.st Jan.ry 1723 to the Last day of Decembr. 1724, viz.
For the Coyning 5860.poundweight of Gold Monies at 6Shillings 6.d per £ibr1904,,10,,-}
For the Coyning 1652.poundweight of Silver Monies at 16.12d per £ibr113,,11,,62024,,19,,2
For the Coyning 1652.poundweight of Silver Monies at one penny per £ibr6,,17,,8
Gold and Silver Monies putt into the Pix from 1.st Janaury 1723 to the 3.d day of August 1724 as by the Certificate of the Warden and Deputy Comptroller of the
Mint, viz.£sd
  Gold Monies 201 Guineas at 21Shillings per Guinea211,,1,,-}
  Silver Monies within the Said time1,,8,,2.212,,9,,2
More Gold Monies putt into the Pix from 3.d August 1724, to the Last day of December following as by the Said Certificate 185 Guineas at 21Shillings}194,,5,,-
Loss Sustained by the Assayes of the Gold and Silver Monies as by the Said Certificate}1,,13,,6
                                   Carryed forward£3588,,6,,10
Brought Over£s{d}
Paid for Several other particulars within the time of this Accompt, viz.   For Several necessary charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies, as appeareth by Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of his Majesty's Mint, viz.
  To William King Collyer for Middling Coales for the Use of the Assay Office being 840 Sacks at 2Shillings and 2.d per Sack}£sd}
  To Thomas Stern for Several necessarys by him provided for the Use of the Assay Office, as by particulars in his Bill}10,,4,,6129,,7,,1
  To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the Use of the Assay Office, as by his Bill}17,,3,,11
  To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of the Gold and Silver Monies as by his Bill}10,,19,,3
 Paid for fees and charges at the Several Offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint from Christmass 1723 to Christmass 1724 as by particulars)267,,15,,10}
  Paid for fees and charges of Declaring ans passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Accompts of the Warden and of the Master and Worker for the year ending the 31.st December 1723)22,,11,,6290,,7,,4
  Paid for fees to Several persons, and petty charges attending the Tryal of the Gold and Silver Monies taken out of the Pix the 3.d August 1724, as by particulars in the Bill
Signed by the Officers of the Mint26,,5,,-}62,,5,,-
  Paid Mr. Jeremiah Marlow Chief Warden of the Goldsmith's Comptrollers for defraying the charges of entertaining the Jury Summoned by Order of Council for the Tryal of the Said Pix, by Warrant of the Right Honorab.le the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty Treasury dated the                }36,,-,,-
 Paid to the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks the yearly fee antiently allowed for examining and Auditing this Accompt}44,,-,,-}
 More to him for an Additional Allowance for this and the Warden's Accompt for the Same time by Warrant dated the 17.th August 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
  Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to William Thompson Esquire Warden of his Majesty Mint for fees and Sallarys for himself and the rest of the Officers of the
Mint payable by him for One year ending at Christmass 17241460,,2,,6}
  Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for repaires of houses, Offices, and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint}668,,5,,42568,,13,,11
  Imprested more to him to discharge the Warden's part of the Dyett & Several Incidents and Extraordinary charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office}132,,-10,,
  Imprested more to him for the payment of the Sallary of the Clerk employed in prosecuting false Coyners, and for the Several expenses he has been at in the Said prosecution from his last Accompt to Christmass 1724}308,,5,,3
                         Totall Discharge£6723,,-,,9

                                             Isaac Newton

            2.d July 1725. Receiv'd into Mr. Auditor Harley's Office the Accompt of the Master & Worker of his Majesties Mint for Year 1724. (of which this is a Copy) with the Vouchers thereunto belonging.      per Jer. Oakeley.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Master & Worker of His Majesty's Mint from 1. Janry 17234 to the last day of December         1724


The Accompt of Walter Cary Esquire Warden of his Majesties Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the 25th day of March 1725 to the last day of December 1725


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following Sums of Money, Viz. Monies by him received by way of Imprest and upon accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master & Worker of his Majesties Gold and Silver Monies in the said Mint for the payment of the fees and Sallaries of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden as settled by the Indenture and his Majesty Sign Manual bearing date the 8th day of August 1722
for three quarters of a year ending the 25th day of December 1725.1102,,10,,-}
   Received more for the Payment of several Artificers Bills for repairs of houses, Offices and Buildings belonging to the said Mint}246,,6,,-£sd
   Received more for the Discharge of the Wardens part of the Dyett and several Incidents and extraordinary charges and allowances belonging to the said Office}79,,1481828,,10,,8
   Received more for defraying the charges of prosecuting Clippers and Coyners}400,,-,,-


The said Accomptant Discharges himself by the several sums of Money by him paid and issued out within the time of this Accompt, Viz.
Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for fees and Sallaries for three quarters of a year ending the 25 {th} day of December 1725 as doth appear and is more particularly specified in the Schedule of fees signed by each Party acknowledging the receipt of their respective Quarters Sallaries}1102,,10,,-
  Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided and work done about the houses, Offices and buildings belonging to the said Mint as by their respective bills Signed and approved by the Officers of the Said Mint, and the Parties Acquittances to the same doth more particularly appear Viz.
   To Richard Driver for Joyners and Carpenters work as by his Billv100,,-,,-}
   To Thomas Churchill Bricklayerv26,,16,,-
   To Reuben Fletcher Smithv26,,10,,-
   To William Cooper Painterv26,,5,,-246,,6,,-
   To John Ryalles Masonv13,,10,,-
   To Robert Green Plastererv22,,5,,-
   To Benjamin Loyd Glazierv20,,-,,-
   To Hezekiah Walker Plumberv11,,-,,-
   To Mr. Calverly Pinckney for his charges and disbursements in the prosecuting the counterfeiters of the current coyn of this Kingdom from Christmas 1724 to Christmas 1725 as by a Warrant of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury the Sum of four hundred pounds.}v400,,-,,-
                                   Carryed forward1748,,16,,-
Brought Over£1748,,16
    Paid to the Severall persons following for Severall necessary Incidents, and extraordinary charges, and Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved by the Officers of the Mint with the Parties their Acquittances to the same doth more particularly appear. Viz
   To Robert Lowe Porter to the Mint for the Rent of the house he lives in for three quarters of a Year ending at Christmass 1725}v10,,10,,}
   To Mr. Thomas Gray for bringing Water into the severall offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging for three quarters of a year}v15,,-,,-
   To Hannah Lowe for her attendance on the Office of Receipt of the said Mint from Ladyday 1725 to Christmass 1725}v7,,10,,-
   To Mr. Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton and for looking after four Lamps or Lucidarys in the said Mint for the Quarter ending at Christmas}v8,,-,,-
   To Mr. Thomas Nicholas Woollen Draper for Cloth for the two Watermens Liveries as by particulars in his Bill}v4,,18,,4
   To John Baker Taylor for making the said Liveriesv2,,17,,6
   To Henry Owen Scale maker for cleaning the Gold and Silver Beams and mending them from time to time}v3,,1,,679,,148
   To Charles Rawson Stationer for pens ink and paper and other Stationary wares as by his Bill}v4,,7,,10
   To Thomas Taylor Scavenger for carrying rubbish, dung, and Soyl out of the Mint from Christmass 1724 to Christmass 1725}v12,,-,,-
   To Francis Child for the Wardens part of the Dyett provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of Meeting as by his Bill}v8,,2,,6
   To Ditto for Brooms for the Office, for Candles and other petty charges and disbursements from Christmass 1724 to Christmass 1725 as by his Bill}v3,,7,,-

                                             W Cary.

28.th May 1726 Received into Mr. Auditor Foley's Office a Counterpart of this Accompt & the Vouchers relating thereto.                Duke Parsons.


The Accompt of Walter Cary Esquire Warden of His Majesty's Mint from the 25th of March. 1725. to the last day of December       1725.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master and Worker of his Majesties Mint within the Tower of London of all the Monies by him had and received out of the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer and elsewhere as also of the Monies by him paid and disbursed for the Charges and expenses of the said Mint from the first day of January 1724. to the last day of December 1725.


The Said Accomptant charges himself with the following sums of Money£sd
Arreares remaining due on the foot of his last Accompt ending the last day of December 1724}14788,,4,,012
 Monies by him received by way of Imprest and upon accompt out of the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer within the Time of this accompt as by particulars mentioned and expressed in the Imprest Roll the Sum of}9283,,17,,6
                    Totall of the Charge24072,,1,,612


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by severall Allowances and sums of Money by him paid and disbursed as follows. Viz.
   For his own Sallary as Master and Worker for one year from Christmas 1724 to Christmas 1725}£}
   To him for an Under Assay Master for the like time60,,-,,-
   To him for a Purveyer for the like time20,,-,,-
   To him for 3 Clerks at 40 Pr.. annum each120,,-,,-£
    And for an Additional Sallary of Ten pounds Pr.. annum to each Clerk and five pounds per annum to the Purveyer in pursuance of his Majesties Warrant bearing date the 8.th of August 1722.}35,,-,,-1155,,-,,-
    To John Croker Gentleman chief Graver of the Mint200,,-,,-
    To Samuel Bull Second Graver80,,-,,-
    To Reuben Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers40,,-,,-
    To Richard Collard Provost of the Monyers, Exercising the Office of Engineer and keeping the Iron Tools in repair}100,,-,,-
    The Said Accomptant doth likewise discharge himself by the Sum of five hundred Pounds which in the year 1717 he received out of the Civil List Money to begin the Copper Coynage and was by mistake charged amongst the Coynage Money in the Imprest Roll of that Year and which the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury have thought fitt to replace to the fund to which it belong'd and have directed this Accomptant to charge in his Copper accompt and the Auditors of the Imprest by Warrant dated          to make allowance accordingly}500
     Allowances to the Master for his Waste and Charges in the Coyning his Majesties Gold and Silver Monies from the 1.st of January 1724 to the last day of December 1725 Viz.
      For the Coyning 1249poundweight of Gold Monies at 6S/6 per lib.405,,18,,6}
      For the Coyning 2495 of Silver Monies at 1612d per lib.171,,10,,712587,,17,,{12}
      For the Coyning 2495 of Silver Monies at 1d per lib.10,,7,,11
      Gold and Silver Monies put into the Pix from the 1.st of January 1724 to the last day of December 1725 as by the Certificate of the Warden and Deputy Comptroller of the Mint. Viz.
       Gold Monies 69 Guineas at 21/per Guinea72,,9,,-}
       Silver Monies2,,2,,674,,11,,6
                              Carryed forward2317,,8,612
Brought over2317,,8,,612
   Loss Sustained by the Assaies of the Gold and Silver Monies and by the Assaies of severall pieces of Gold from Portugal, orderd by the Lords of the Treasury to be assayed in order to ground a Proclamation to make them current money in the Kingdom of Ireland},,9,,4
     Paid for Severall Particulars within the time of this accompt viz      For Severall necessary Charges and Incidents relating to the Coynage of the Gold and Silver Monies as appeareth by bills signed and approved by the Officers of his Majesties Mint viz.
     To William King Collyer for middling Coales for the use of the Assay Office being 780 Sacks at s2/2 per Sack}84,,10,,-}
     To James Whittaker for severall necessaries by him provided for the use of the Assay Office as by particulars in his Bill}18,,10,,-
     To Samuel Manlove Brasier for a new assay Furnace and repairing an olde one by adding severall lipps of Copper to keep up the Luting and severall other particulars as by his Bill}19,,18,,4161,,11,,7
     To John Cartlitch for Water Silver and Aqua fortis for the use of the Assay Office as by his Bill}14,,16,,7
     To Ditto for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver Monies as by his Bill12,,-,,5
     To Ditto for refining four Ingots of Coarse Gold11,,16,,3
     Paid for fees and charges at the severall offices of the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the severall Sums of Money issued out thence for the Use and Service of the Mint from Christmas 1724 to Christmas 1725 as by Particulars}273,,13,,-}
     Paid for fees and charges of Declaring and passing through the severall offices of the Exchequer of the Warden and Master Worker Accompts for the year ending the 31 December 1724}26,,16,,6300,,9,,6
     Paid to the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks for the Yearly fee antiently allowed him for examining and auditing this Accompt}44,,-,,-}
     More to him for an Additional Allowance for this and the Wardens Accompt for the same time by Warrant dated 17 Aug.st 1709}40,,-,,-84,,-,,-
     Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to William Thompson Esquire late Warden of his Majesties Mint for fees and Sallaries for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for one quarter ending at Ladyday 1725 already accounted for}367,,10,,-}
     Imprested more to him for incident charges to Ladyday already accounted for37,,8,,-404,,18,,-
     Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Walter Cary Esquire present Warden of his Majesties Mint for fees and Sallaries for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by him for three quarters of a Year ending at Christmass 1725}1102,,10,,-}
     Imprested more to him to pay severall Artificers Bills for repairs of Offices houses and Buildings belonging to the said Mint}246,,6,,-1828,,10,,8
     Imprested more to him to pay the Wardens part of the Dyet and severall incidents and extraordinary charges and allowances belonging to the said Office}79,,14,,8
     Imprested more to him to pay the Sallary of the Clerk imployed in prosecuting false Coyners, and for the severall expenses he has been at in the said prosecution from his last Accompt to Christmass 1725}400,,-,,-
                                                  Totall Discharge5097,,7,,712

28.th May 1726 Received into Mr. Auditor Foley's Office a Counterpart of this Accompt with the Vouchers relating thereto             Duke Parsons.            Is. Newton.


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master & Worker of His Majesty's Mint from 1st January 17245. to the last day of December         1725.


The Accompt of Walter Cary Esquire of his Majesties Mint Exchange and Coynage of Money within the Tower of London from the 1.st day of January 1725. to the last day of December 1726.


The said Accomptant Charges himself with the following Sums.    Vizt£Sd
Moneys by him received by way of Imprest & upon Account of Sir Isaac Newton Knt: Master & Worker of the Said Mint for the payment of the Fees & Sallaries of the Officers of the Mint payable by the Warden as Setled by the Indenture, & his Majesties Sign Manual bearing date the 8.th day of August 1722 for one Year ending the last day of December 1726}1470,,-,,-}
          Received more for the payment of Several Artificers Bills for Repaires of houses and Offices and buildings belonging to the Said Mint And to Mr. Dubois for Examining and rating the Same}511,,11,,912
          Received more for the Discharge of the Wardens part of the Dyett and Several Incidents & Extraordinary Charges & Allowances belonging to the Said Office}294.07.62674.01.0712
          Received more relating to an Arrest made within the Mint}51,,9,,3
          Received more for the defraying the Charges of prosecuting Clippers & Coyners within the years 1725. and 1726}346,,13,,1


The Said Accomptant discharges himself by the Several Sums of Money by Him paid and Issued out within the time of this Accompt VIZ£Sd
   Paid unto the Officers of the Said Mint for Fees & Sallaries for one Year ending the 25.th day of December 1726. as is more particularly Specified in the Schedule of Fees Signed by each party acknowledging the Receipt of their respective Quarters Sallaries}1470,,~,,~V
                              Carryed forward£1470,,~,,~
                         Brought Over£sd£sd
   Paid to the Several Artificers following for Materials by them provided & work done about the Houses, Offices, & Buildings belonging to the Said Mint, as by their respective Bills Signed and approved by the Officers of the Said Mint and the party's Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly Appear
          To Richard Driver Carpenter172....}V
          To Thomas Churchill Bricklayer56,,-,,1014V
          To Reuben Fletcher Smith78,,....V
          To William Cooper Painter54.....V
          To Hezekiah Walker Plumber29,,1,,534V
          To John Ryals Mason25,,1,,912V
          To Robert Green Plasterer16,,~...V511,,11912
          To Benjamin Lloyd Glasier33,,~...V
          To Thomas Burden Paviour3,,~,,6V
          To . . . . Brown Ditto9,,13,,2V
To Mr. Dubois for Surveying and measuring the Work done by the Said Artificers and Examining and rating their Bills pursuant to the order of the Warden Master and Comptroler}35,,14~~V
          Paid to the Several persons following for several necessary Incidents and Extraordinary Charges & Allowances belonging to the Office and Officers of the said Mint as by their respective Bills and Debentures Signed and approved by the Officers of the Mint with the party's Acquittances to the Same doth more particularly Appear. Vizt
          To William King for 184 Sacks of Fee Coals to the Officers and Clerks of the Said Mint for the Months of December and January 1725}18,,8,,..}V
          To Robert Lowe Porter of the Mint for the Rent of the house he lives in for one Year ending at Christmas 1726}14,,....V62,,8...
          To Hannah Lowe for her Attendance at the Office of Receipt of the Said Mint from Christmas 1725 to Christmas 1726}10,,....V
          To Thomas Gray for bringing Water into the Several Offices of the Mint and houses thereunto belonging for one year ending at Christmass 1726}20,,....V
                                   Carryed forward£2043,,19,,912
                         Brought Over£sd£sd
To Reuben Fletcher Smith for the Rent of the house he lives in for half a Year ending at Christmas 1726}5....}V
    To James Whitaker Clerk to the Kings Assay Master for the rent of the house he lives in for half a year ending at Christmas 1726}5....V
    To Thomas Kemp for providing Oyl and Cotton and for looking after four Lamps}16V
    To Thomas Money Upholder for Cloth for covering the Tables and work done in the Office}32,13,-V
    To Robert Sparks for an Iron Chest with three Locks & Shelves to hold the Ingots}81,1,6V
    To John Nicholas Woollen Draper for Cloth for the two Watermens Liveries}4,18,4V231.19.6V
    To John Baker Taylor for making the Same and for two Velvet Caps}4.1.6V
    To Henry Oven Scalemaker for a new Gold beam and for Cleaning and mending the Same from time to time}19.13.6V
    To Charles Rawson Stationer17.17.6V
To Tho: Taylor Scavinger for Carrying Rubbish Dung and Soyl out of the Mint}12.6...V
    To Francis Child for the Wardens part of the Dyet provided for the Officers of the Mint at their publick days of meeting}28.17.8V
    To Ditto for Brooms Candles & other petty charges4.10.6V
To Mr. Calverly Pinckney Solliciter of the Mint for Incident Charges relating to an Arrest Committed there as appears by particulars in his bills Examin'd and Allowed by the Master and Worker and Comptroller and pursuant to the Warrant of the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury bearing date the 18.th March 17267}51,,09.03V
     To Mr. Calverly Pinckney for his Sallary for the year 1726 and for his Charges and disbursements in prosecuting Clippers and Coyners of Counterfeit Money within the years 1725 and 1726 as Appears by particulars in his bills Examined and Allowed by the Master and Worker and Comptroler & pursuant to the Warrants of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesties Treasury £168:07s:08.d Whereof is already Allowed Accompted for in the Accompt of this Accomptant for the year 1725}346.13.01V
                                        W Cary£2674,,01,,0712

          13th May 1727 Receiv'd then into Mr. Auditor Harley's Office, the foregoing Accompt and the Vouchers for the Same      Jer. Oakeley


The Accompt of Walter Cary Esquire Warden of His Majesties Mint     1726


The Accompt of Sir Isaac Newton deceas'd late Master and Worker of His Majestys Mint of all the Monies by him had and receiv'd Since his last Accompt out of the Receipt of his Majestys Exchequer and elswhere: as also of the Moneys by him paid & disburs'd for the Charges & expenses of the Said Mint from the 1 January 172 5 6                          to the last day of December 1726.


The Said Accomptant is Charg'd with the following   Sums of Money Viz.£sd
Arrears remaining due on the foot of his last Accompt  ending the last day of December 1725}18.9741311
Monies by Him receiv'd by way of Imprest & upon Accompt of the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer from the 31.st of December 1725 to the 2d January 17267 as by particulars mention'd and expres'd in the Imprest Roll the Sum of}15.357060712
                         Total Charge£34332~~~0612


The Said Accomptant is discharg'd by Several Allowances and Sums of Money by him paid and disburs'd as follows Viz.£sd
  For his own Salary as Master and Worker from 31:st   December 1725 to 31.st December 1728}5000000}
  For an Under Assay Master for the like time60....
  For a Purveyor20....
  For 3 Clerks at 40£ per Annum each120....£sd
  For an Additional Sallary of 10£ per Annum to each Clerk and £ 5 per Annum to the Purveyor in pursuance of His Majestys Warrant bearing date the 8.th day of August 1722}35....11361000
  To Mr. John Croker chief Graver to the Mint 200....
To Mr. Sam:l Bull Second Graver from the 31 December 1725 to 1st July 1726}4110..
To Mr. John Rollos Second Graver from Michaelmas 1726 to Christmas following20....
To Reuben Fletcher Smith Assistant to the Gravers for one   Year ending at Christmas 1726}40....
To Richard Collard Provost of the Moneyers exercising the Office of Engineer and Keeping the Iron Tools in repair for the Said time}100....
                              Carryed Over£113610...
Brought forward113610~
Allowances to the Master for his Waste & Charges in the Coining his Majestys Gold and Silver Monies from the 1.st January 17256 to the last of December 1726 Viz.
    For the Coining poundweight 18683. of Gold Monies at 6s:6d per pound60711906}
                   poundweight    836 of Silver Monies at 1612d per pound57090661321808
                         Ditto at 1d per pound30908
Gold and Silver Moneys put into the Pix from the 1.st January 17256 to the 31 December 1726 as appears by the Certificate of the Warden and Comptroller of the Mint
    Viz. Gold Monies 1236 Guineas at 21s per Guinea129716..}
        Silver Monies1030612981906
Loss Sustained by the Assays of the Gold and Silver Monies as appears by the Certificate of the Warden and Comptroller}21406.
    Paid for Several particulars within the time of this Accompt Viz. For Several necessary Charges and Incidents relating to the Coinage of the Gold & Silver Monies as appeareth by Bills Signed and Approved by the Officers of His Majestys Mint. Viz.
    To Wm King Collier for midling Coales for the Use of the Assay Office being 1080 Sacks at 2.s 2d per Sack.}117....}
    To James Whitaker for Several Necessarys by him provided for the Use of the Assay Office}220106
    To Mr. John Cartlitch for Water Silver & Aqua fortis for the Use of the Assay Office from the 31. December 1725 to the 15 October 1726}171510
    To Mr. W.m Cartlitch for Ditto from the 15 October 1726 to the 31.st of December following}14140023802
    To Mr. John Cartlitch for fine Copper for Allay of Gold and Silver Monies from the 31. December 1725 to the 15:t October 1726}1301..
    To Mr. W.m Cartlitch for Ditto from 15 October 1726 to the 31.st of December following}1213..
    To Mr. John Cartlitch for refining eight Ingots of coarse Gold}401608
                              Carryed Over£88090408
Brought forward88090408
Paid for Fees and Charges at the Several Offices at the Exchequer and at the Treasury for the Several Sums of Money Issued out thence for the Use & Service of the Mint}450041012}486191012
Paid for Fees and Charges of declaring and passing through the Several Offices of the Exchequer the Warden & Masters Accompts for the year ending the 31. December 1725}3615-
Paid the Auditor of the Mint for himself and Clerks for the yearly Fee antiently allowed him for Examining and Auditing this Accompt}44....}84
Paid Ditto for an Additional Allowance for Ditto by    Warrant dated the 17. August 1709}40....
     Imprested and paid by this Accomptant to Walter Cary Esquire Warden of His Majestys Mint for Fees & Salaries for himself and the rest of the Officers of the Mint payable by Him for one year ending at XmasChristmas 17261470....
   Imprested more to him to pay Several Artificers Bills for Repairs of Houses Offices and Buildings belonging to the Said Mint: and Mr. Dubois for Examining and rating the Said Bills511110912}120401712
   Imprested more to him to discharge the Wardens part of the Diet and Several Incidents and extraordinary Charges and Allowances belonging to the Said Office2940706
   Imprested more to him to pay the Bill of Mr. Pinckney for incident Charges relating to an Arrest Comitted in the Mint510903
   Imprested more to him to pay the Salary of the Clerk employed in prosecuting false Coiners and for the Several Expenses he has been at in the Said prosecutions3461301
                              Total Discharge£120540602

          13:th May 1727 Received then into Mr. Auditor Harley's Office the foregoing Accompt and the Vouchers for the Same.           Jer. Oakeley

Memorandum. The said ballance of £ 22,277. 14. 412 was by order of the Lords of the Treasury paid to his Successor John Conduitt & charged upon him in his first Account                                                                       J.C.

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