Various miscellaneous apocalyptic, historical and mint-related jottings on largely unpaginated scraps of paper or draft/re-used letters (section 7.3p)
I was \did my self the honour /was\/ this morning \at yor lodgings/ to acquaint you that yesterday I procured \there was/ a full meeting of the R|oyal| Socity|et|y & |I| you are elected a member did my self the honour to procure you & the Marquiss de Guiscard to be elected members of the Society. And if you please upon any wednesday to see one of their meetings I will wait upon you thither. I am
Honoratissimo Dno Mr|a|rchesio de Guiscard
Is. Newton salutem.
Hone Dne
Cum didicissem ex seru|m|onibus tuis te in rebus Philosophisis nom minus artibus et scientijs quam disciplinis bellicis pollere, hesterna die occasionem nactus \{illeg} id/ obtinui á Societate Regia ut in numerum Sociorum eligereris S{illeg} {&} societatem|is| eligereris. Spero me nih Et quamvis hac nihil claritati nominis tui ex hac electione nihil e|a|ccedat: volui tamen hoc facto animum \meum/ in te benevolum contestari; Et spero quod in bonam partem accipies. Vale.
The true Church diffused through the Roman Empire is at in the first ages represented by the glorious woman in heaven, untill she \flies from him into the/ spiritually barren wildernes & becomes the to her place upon the beast & becomes the whore of Babylon & leaves only a remnant of her seed in the kingdom of the Dragon.
The true Church is represented in the beginning |first ages or times of the first six seales by the \Tabernacle &/ first Temple & by the seven horns of the Lamb| by the seven Candlesticks or seven Churches of Asia, & by the four Beasts & 24 Elders or twelve Tribes of Israel & by the glorious woman in heaven |[|But at ye opening of the seventh seal the \an/ hour of temptation comes upon all the world to try them that are Gods, the woman in respect of her outward visible form, fl{ys}|y|es from the Dragon into the wildernes spiritually barren wilderness & \by apostasy/ becomes the \idolatrous/ church of the Beast who at the same time \rises/ out of the sea] But when the Beast rises out. \But/ Vpon the division of the Empire the woman as the Dragon retires into the East|er|&|n| leaves his western throne to the Beast Empire & leaves the western to ye |ten-horned| Beast, {illeg} the woman retires \flies/ \retires/ into ye western Empire & leaves the eastern to the horned b|B|east |[|who {illeg}|a|t ye same time rises out of the earth or nations of the eastern Empire to succeed the woman there] & this retiring of the woman {f} into the west is represented by her fleeing into a spiritually {ba} from the Dragon into a spiritually barren wilderness |& there getting upon the back of the Beast & committing fornication with ye ten kings represented by his horns.| & by the Dragons going from her to make war with ye remnant of her seed wch she left in his eastern kingdom keep the commandments of God, & were left behind in his kingdom. And t|w|hen \at the sam {sic}/ the woman fled into ye wilderness its to be conceived that 144000 were sealed with ye numbered out of \all/ the 12 tribes of Israel & sealed wth the name of God in their foreheads & \that/ the rest of the tribes \were at ye same time/ marked wth the mark of the Beast |& became the synagogue of Satan wch say they are Iews & are not. {sic}|; |[|& that five of the seven Churches became faulty & only \two/ remained sincere called afterwards the two Candlesticks & two witnesses. For the Church of Ephesus left her first love, that of Pergamus had them that held the doctrine of ye Nicolaitans, that of Thyatira suffered the w{oman} Iezebel to seduce, that of Sardis was dead had a name that she lived & was dead, & that of Laodicea \was/ lukewarm. And for these failings Christ threatens to \come into the Church of Ephesus &/ remove the|r| Candlestick of Epheseus \& to come into ye Church of Pergam\ꝰ// & \declares that he will/ {illeg} spue Laodicea out of his mouth, & there {illeg} the like is to be understood of the rest But being equally obnoxious were liable to ye same \like/ f punishment{illeg}. But the against the Churches of Smirna & Philadelphia nothing is objected & that of Philade are all intirely commended wthout any objection against them & that of Philadelphia has a promis to be preserved: Because thou hast kept the word of my patience I will keep them from the hour of temptation wch shall come upon all the world to try them that are his dwell upon the earth. Conceive therefore that \when the {illeg}s{illeg}|woma|n flys into the wilderness/ five of the Candlesticks are removed out of their places & only two remain in the times of the great Apostacy wch are the two witnesses. And that a second temple was then built wth two Candlesticks in it to represent the true Church of God in the western Empire while the first Temple & that the Tabernacle & first Temple wth the seven Candlesticks in it, wch in the time of the first six seales signified the whole Church of God throughout the whole Roman Empire is in the time of ye seventh seale restrained to ye signify the remnant {of} the womans seed
He was in the greatest credit amongst the Iews till the reign of Hadria{n} Hadrian the Roman emperor & to reject his prophesies is to reject the Christian religion. For this religion is founded upon his prophesy concerning the Messiah.
Illustrissime Domine!
Veniam dabis, quod Epistolam meam de removendis difficultatibus, praxin Methodi inveniendi longitudinem impedimentibus, et ad te, et per publicam impressionem dederim. Ad te illa videbatur dirigenda, cum ipse, solidâ ratione, difficultates movisses; per impressionem verò, quò et aliis, quibus eædem dubium forsan moverant, remotio illarum innotescere possit. Nolui tibi esse molestus, quamdiu illæ remoram dabant meæ Methodo, potius habens, Londini tam diu degere, licet domi negligendo, hîc consumendo propria, us dum tam illi difficultati calculo remedium invenirem, quam illi de observatione iam tum remedium scirem; Crimen enim censeo, asseverare, aliquid esse solidum, cuius {non vera}|solidita|tem non vera suffulciat ratio. Iam verò, inventô remediô utri, nullus dubito de tuô favore erga meam Methodum; cùm non solùm, dum mihi concedebatur honor te visendi, ipse me doceres, quod Acta Illustrissimi Parliamenti us ad 2000 {££} Sterl. (quæ hic non requiruntur) concesserint, ut iisdem, si aliqua propositio de inveniendâ longitudine reperiatur rationalis, rei succurratur; sed et benevolè promitteres, si habere|i| possit calculus Lunæ præcisior, successum rei tibi habere commendatum. Non male vertas, Illustrissime Domine, quod in te primariam fiduciam huius rei collocem; duo sunt mihi argumentata, quare id? nempè, quod in te mihi sint cognitæ, et facultas dicendi sententiam, et Authoritas. Adiuves ita me en benovolô promissô, ex animô propensô promovere scientiarum incrementum, simul cum reliquis Dominis, quibus ex Actis, Illui|s|trissimi Parliamenti negotium de inveniendâ longitudine est commissum, ut, s{illeg}|icut| propria hactenus inveniendæ longitudinis gratiâSuderim, ita, quod restat eandem verè ducere in actum, abs ulterioribus meis sumptibus fier{i} possit; cum Acta Illustrissimi Parliamenti, ex tuâ relatione, non desiderent profusionem propriorum, sed necessaria succurrendæ rei destinaverint, Tibi cum reliquis Illustrissimis ac Doctissimis Duis, in Actis denominatis, plenariam huius rei potestatem concesserint. Si otium id tib{i} permittet, Illustrissime Domine, humillime sistam et supputationes reliquarum observationum, a Dnô Halley mihi communicatarum, collectas ex iisdem principiis, et procedendo præcisè eôdem modô, quò, quod nulla in iisdem sit differentia nisi in min t{i}|u|tis 2dis, appareat; imò paratus sum, si id placebit, demonstrationem trigonometricam cuiusvis, ex meâ Theoriâ Lunæ, addere. Qui de Cætero sum et ero
Illustrissime Domine
Illustrissimi Tui Nominis
Observantissimus Cultor
I P Biester
The first Beast was like a Lion, & had eagles wings to denote the provinces of Babylonia & Assyria of which the first of the four {f}|E|mpires (the Empire of Nebuchadnezzar & his successors) was composed then in being) from the time of the fall of the Assyrian Empire, was composed \This was the Empire {of} Nebuchadnezzar and & his {race}/. And I beheld, saith Daniel till the wings thereof were pluckt wherewith it was lifted up from the earth & made to stand upon the feet like a man, & a mans heart was given it: that is till it was humbled & subdued & made to know that it was no more then a man.
The prophesy of the son of man coming in {illeg}|the| clouds of heaven relates to the second coming of Iesus Christ, & \that/ of the Prince of of the host & the Prince relates to his first comin{illeg}|g|{illeg}: & therefore this prosphesy {sic} of the weeks Messiah, \in explaining them/ relates to both comings, & assignes the times thereof.
Of the vision of the Image.
composed of four metalls.
The prophesies of Daniel are all of them related to one another as if they were but several parts of one general prophesy given at several times. The first is the easiest to be understood, & every following prophesy adds something new to the former. The first was given in a dream to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, but the king forgetting his dream, it was given again to Daniel & by him revealed to the king. And thereby Daniel acquired \presently/ became famous for \wisdome &/ revealing of secrets insomuch that Ezekiel in the days of Nebuchadnezzar while Daniel was yet in his vigour, thus reproves the king of Tyre: Th{ou} \his contemporary speaks t{h}us {or} to the king of Tyre/ Behold, \saith he,/ thou art wiser then Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee. &c. Ezek. xxviii.3 [And a a little after the Queen \dowager/ of Babylon said to the king: There is a man in thy kingdom in whom is the spirit of the Gods holy Gods.] And in the last year of Belshazzar the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar, the queen dowager said of him to the king: Ther Behold there is a man in thy kingdom in whom is the spirit of the Gods holy Gods. And in the days of thy father light & understanding & wisdom like the wisdome of the Gods was found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father &c And the same Ezekiel in another place, joyns Noah wth Daniel with Noah & Iob as most high in the favour of God. Ezek. XIV.14, 16, 18, 20.
Now in this vision the foundation of all Daniels prophesie|y|s is laid. It represents that there should be four successive Empires, the Baby{lo}nian, the Persian, the Greek & the Roman of four several nations, the PersChald Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks & the Romans, & by a stone cut out. \It represent{ing}|s| the four metals by th{e} four metalls that four several nations should reign successively/ The head of the image was of gold & represent{s} the kingdom{illeg} Empire of Baby{lon.}
Now in this vision the foundation of all Daniels prophesies is laid. It represents by the Image of four metals four \great/ nations wch should reign |over the earth| successively.|,| \vizt/ the people of Babylonia, the Persians, the Greeks & the Romans & by a stone \cut out o{f} the mounta without hands,/ and wch fell upon the fee{illeg}|t| of the image & brake all the the {sic} four metalls to pieces, \& filled the earth it further represents that/ a new kingdom wch in the end of the reign of the fourth \Romans/ should conquer \the nations of/ all all those kingdoms, & grow very great & last to the end of ages. The head of the image was of gold & signifies the nations of Babylonia who reigned first, as Daniel himself interprets. Thou art this head of Gold, saith he to Nebuchadnezzar. These nations reigned till Cyrus conquered Babylon & revolted within a few months \after that conquest/ revolted to the Persians \& set them up above them/. The breast & arms of the image were of silver & represent the Persians who reigned next. The belly & thighs {of the} image were of brass & represent the Greeks who under t{he supervis}ion of Alexander the great conquered the Persians & reigned next after them|m| \Persians/. The leggs were of iron & represent the Romans who reigned nea{r} after the Greeks & began to conquer them in the eighth year of Antiochus Epiphanes. For in that year they conquered Perseus king of Macedon the fundamental kingdom of the {illeg}|g|reeks Greeks, & from thence forward grew very potent, & reigned with great power till the days of Theodosius the great. Then by the incursin|o|n of many northern nations they brake into mann|y| smaller kingdoms & \which/ are represented by the feet of the {I} image & toes of the image composed part of iron & part of clay|.| wch d{iv} For then saith Daniel the kingdom shall become divided & there shall be in it of the strength of iron, but they shall not cleave one to another.
And in the days of these kings \saith Daniel/ shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom wch shall never be destroyed & nor left to other people, but it shall break in pe|i|eces & consume \[the people of]/ all these kingdoms & it shall {illeg}|s|tand for ever. Forasmuch as thou sawest the stone cut out of the mountains without hands & that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the silver, & the gold.
Chap. III.
Of the vision of the four Beasts. Dan. VII.
In this|e| \next/ vision \wch is of the four Beasts,/ the prophesy of the four empires is repeated with several now {sic} additions, such as are the two wings of the Lion, the three ribs in the mouth of the Bear, the four wings & four heads of the Leopard, the {elven}{elven {sic}} horns of the fourth Beast, & the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven to the ancient of days sitting in judgment.
The \first beast was like a/ Lion |&| had eagles wings to denote the {illeg}|tw|o collateral emires {sic} of the Babylonians & Medes, wch grew great \under Nebuchadnezzar & Cyaxeres/ by overthrowing the Assyrian empire \{in} {t}he 2d or 3d year of Iehojakim/ & sharing its dominions between them. And I beheld saith Daniel till the wings thereof were pluckt wherewith it was lifted up from the earth & made to stand upon the feet like \as/ a man.
The second \beast/ was like a Bear & represents the empire of the Persians wch reigned next after the Persians Babylonians, that is, the empire of the Persians Thy kingdom is divided \or broken/ (saith Daniel to the last king of Babylon) & given to the Me{d}es & Persians Dan. v. 28. This beast raised it self up on one side, {&} the Persians being under the Medes at the fall of Babylon, but presently rising up above them. And it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it to signify the kingdoms of Sardes Babylon & Egypt wch were conquered by it but did not belong to its proper body but to that of the {nex} third Beast. And it devoured much flesh, the riches of those three kingdoms.
The third Beast was the kingdom wch succeeded the Persian & this was the empire of the Greeks Dan. VIII. 6, 7, 20, 21. It was like a Leopard to signify its fierceness, & had four heads & four wings to signify that it shou{l}d be divided into four kingdoms. For it continued in a monarchich|a|l form during the reign of Alexander the great & his brother & young sons Alexander & Hercules, & they brake into four kingdoms by the governours of provinces putting crowns on their own heads & reigning over their provinces. Cassander reigned over Syr Macedon Greece & Epire, Lysimachus over Thrace, Antigonus & Seleucus over Syria & t{h}e lesser Asia, & Ptolomy over Egypt Libya & Ethiopia. These kingdoms underw{e}nt &c.
the myster{illeg} man of sin was to reign till the second com Xt should destroy him wth ye brightness of his coming, the great AntiXt was to reign in ye last time & by consequence till ye day of judg Xts coming to judgmt: Both prophesi{es} are the same & signify
Acording to Your ajournment i have Given notice to the s|F||ellows| of the Royal Society to return to their meetings in Gresham Colledge on wednesday the 26th of this October 1709
Hen: H{u}nt
And as {ye} father \man/ |K.| & |{his}| Son are {illeg} consubstantial & yet neither c{o}nsubstantiality nor any else besides \not one K. vnles by united {illeg} by a united in marchical {sic} power/ by a monarchical unity or unity of power in one monarchy can make them one king \united in one ma|o|narchical power:/ so n{o}thing but a monarchical unity can make God & his Christ one God. \For/ The heathens & \old/ here{t}icks made all their Gods to{illeg} to be of one \one in/ substance & on that account {sometimes} called them one God: yet because they made them several powers ther \were accounted polytheists by the/ Prophets Apostles & first Christians\./ accused \declared/ them \guilty/ of polytheism/
And as consubstantiality without unity of substance \dominion/ does not make one \a/ King & his son one king so consubstantiality \without unity of dominion/ it cannot make God & Christ one God For the heathens & old hereticks made all their Gods of one \in/ substance & on that account called \them/ one God, & yet were reputed polytheists by the Prophets Apostles & first Christians.
{illeg} And as a king & his son are one consubstantial & yet not one king without unity of Dominion so God & Christ {are one mo} consubstantiality without unity of dominion cannot make God & Christ one God. \For . . . . Christians/ The phrases one names God \Lord & King/ relating to dominion, one God \one Lord & one King/ can s{e}{illeg}|ig|nify nothing else then one in dominion.
And signify that there was an h|A|ntichristian church set up in the Apostles days by many hereticks or Antichrists, & that it should continue & at lenghth rise up wth dominion so soon as that wch letted should be taken out of the way & seizing the churches \should/ sit in the Tem{p}{l}le of God \with authority mighty authority/ & become ye universal religion called the great Antichrist & the Man of Sin, & should reign in the last time {or} time ending with {illeg} that is untill the second coming of Xt.
The|is| faith wa{illeg}|s| {published by} \{recconed}/ /{resolv}ed upon by {sic}\ Athanastius had been agreed upon some months before by Athanasius & Eusebius Vercellensis & about 1{5} other {B}{illeg}{o}th{illeg} {illeg} 12 or 15 \other/ Bishops of Egypt returned|ing| \who returning/ from banishment who |met in Co at Alexand{ria} in Council to consult of their affairs| |&| are therefore called Conf by {sic} /& are by\ Ruffin & Ierom called \a Council of/ Confessors. This faith was resolved upon about some months before in a Council of about 17 {illeg} Council of ab at Alexandria of about 17 B |And by| the|i||s| same Council it was \also/ agreed that the Bishops who had subscribed |in| the |late| Councils of Sirmium {A} \nic{illeg}/ A{rm}inum Seleucia &{illeg} Constinople \Constantinople/ [or were in com{m} in co were of this|at| Communion \of those Councils/ were no hereticks for \for/ that but excepting those who were Arians in the hereticks in the the the] authors & the{re} were no hereticks for doing so nor for being of that communion. And upon this resolution they \the Bps of the Council of Alexandria/ grounded the recovery of their affairs.
Yet the Greek Emperor Valens opposed the homousion & I do not find that during his reigh {sic} they preach \Homousians/ the Deity of the holy G. openly in their Churches. But after his death they in the e{illeg} wthin his Empire \was preached publickly in his in his Empire/. But after his death the preaching of it made a great commotion.
Nam talis orb{is} motio nunquam, reor, fut|i|t
Nunquam, reor, fuit,
Quam sanctus est cum Spiritus
Dictus Deus palam
Ob{illeg} id me liquit favor
Chari mei gregis. Greg. Naz|ianzē| Iamb. 23
At the same time Peter by the s|l|etters of the Bishop of Rome recovered the Bishopric of Alexandria from Lucius who had succeed {sic} Athanasius about five years before. And now Theodosius a spaniard being \was/ made Emperor in the room of Valens
{R} In propagating this faith Athanasius {illeg}|h|ad \the/ assisted|an||ce| by all \of all/ the Monks in this diocess \in his dioces{s}/ wch were ab{illeg}|out|t a third part of the people of Egypt And Paulinus whom Lucifer Caralitanus had newly made Bishop of Antioch sided wth the party of Athenasius, & was aste|si|sted by all the Moncks of Syria & the parts adjacent \within his diocess. . {sic}/. For Athanasius in his youth had po{illeg}|ur{r}ed| water upon the hands of Antony the found{er} of the monastic life & therefore had been a monck & it came now into fashion to chuse Monck presbiters & Bishops from among the Moncks & so that the principl|a|l men of the Ch & for bishops monasteri \{or to turn} Moncks & to erect monasteries in cities for that purpose/ so that the principal Churchmen hanceforward (as Epiphan{ius} Basil, Gregory, Nazianzen, Gregory, Nyssen, \Epiphanius/ Chrysostom, Ierome, Ruffin, Augustin \Theodoret/ &c) were Monks, & monasteries were recconed \became/ sacred.
I have given notise to the membrs of the Council of the Royal Society, to meet in Gresham Col. on wednesday the 23d of this Inst. February, at 12 of the clock acording to {D}|y|our order,
Hen: Hunt
For Gratian presently after the death of Valens put forth an|by| \an/ edict tha re{illeg}ed {illeg} \commanded that/ the bishops whom Valens had banished should be restored to their seats & that the churches should be delivered to those who communicated with Damascus & sent Sapor{us} the Master of the horse into the east to put this law in execution. An|t|d \this|a|t time/ Sapor delivered the bishopric of Antich {sic} to Meletius & the Bishop of Rome sent Peter to Alexandria to succeed Lucius who had succeeded Athanasius about five in that bishopric about six year {sic} before. And this deli\v/ering of the Churches to those of {e}|t|he communion of the Bishop of Rome made the great commotion mentioned by Gregory.
\In the beginning of the year 379/ About five months after the death of Grati Valens Theodosius a Spaniard was made Emperor of the east by Gratian [A. C. 3{illeg}|7|9.] & by new edicts in the years 380 & 381 completed the delivery of the Churches \of the Eastern Empire/ to those of th in communion wth ye Bishops of Rome & Egypt .|A|lexandria.
And not|w| the supremacy of the Bish{illeg}|o|p of Rome over the western Churches was also confirmed by an emperial Edict
\While these things were doing/ The practise of {ere} electing bps & Presbyters out of the Monasteries was in these days propagated from ye eastern Churches into the western. For Sulpicius the Western Bps erected monasteries for this purpi|o|se & Sulpicius s|t|ells us.
Liberius bishop of Rome made a fell of to the party of Athanasius in the beginning of|&| in six mon \thre/ \or/ four years gained the better half of the city of Rome \to his party/. For upon his death A. C. 367|6|, Damasus an homousion {a}{illeg}{i} contending wth Vsinus for the bishopric had the stronger party. \wch happened in {illeg} September A. C. 366/ Vrsi\si/nus (wh{illeg}|o|m Ierom calls an Arian[1]) contendin|ed|g with Damasus ,\ an homousian/ for the Bishopric, \&/ by the election o the election being in the people & their parties came to blows. with great violence \& almost {e}qual force/: of wch Ammianus Marci|e|llinus makes this mention. Damasus & Vrsicinus – – – mensas.
In six years more the party of Damasus the bishop of Rome was so far established \recovered encreased/ in ye west that Damasus called a Council of 93 Bishops o{illeg}|f| Rome against Auxentius Bishop of Millain who had hitherto opposed him, & this Council set|n|t|d|ding a letter to the Oriental Bishops & another to the Bishops of Illyricum, the Oriental bishops of the homousian faith convened at Antioch to ye number of 146 & subscribed the Roman faith, & so did a good number of bishops convened in Illyricum. And the|is| Emperors Valentinian & Gratian sent the Councils s|o|f Illyricum writing to the Churches of Asia & Phrygia the \western/ Emperors Valentinian & Gratiā backt their letter with an Edict in this manner Cum in Illyrico, say they, tot episcoporum synodus congregata esset, post accuratam inquisitionem de salutari verbo declararunt {illeg}beatissimi Pontifices Consubstalem trinitatem Patris ac Filij ac spiritus sancti Nostra verò majestas eandem ubi prædicari præcipit.
This superstion {sic} was spread by the Monks & their Admires|r|s first in Egypt the Diocess of Egypt \wch abounded most wth Monks]/ |&| comprehendin|ed|g Egypt under \Thebais./ Libya Arcadia & Augustanica under the Metropolis of Alexandria & |in| the Diocess of the East wch comprehended Palæstine Phenicia Syria Cilicia Cyprus Osr{o}|h|oena, Mesopotamia, Isauria, & Arabia under the Metropolis of Antioch. And thence it \began to/ spread into the Diocess of Pontus wch comprehended Galatia, Bithynia, Hononorias, Cappadocia prima et secunda, Hellespontus, Pontus Armenia prima et secunda & Paphlagonia under the Metropolis of Cæsaria. All this was before the reign of Theodosius. And {o}|i|n \the beginning of/ his reign when all the Churches of the Greek Empire were delivered into the hands of the Saint-worshippers, it quickly overspread the whole \Greek/ Empire
The Honourable Sr Isaac Newton
St Martin's street
near Leicester fields.
Recd aboard of my good Ship the Richard & Ann, a box marked glass n 3X wch I promiss to deliver to Christopher Montague Es danger of the sea & Custome house excepted. Rotterdam 27 Ian 1721.
Richd Howletson.
938 | 1654 | makes | . | ||
1726 | . | ||||
1690 | . | ||||
18 | |||||
54 |
Sr. Isaac Newton at
his house
In Martin Street.
by Leicester fields
Mr. Cartlitch tells me you will him melt the Gold that was weighed in some time since, but as you ordered me to keep it till I had heard from you I have sent my servant to know your pleasure therein; as likewise to desire you to lett me know wheth{e}r you will be at the Mint this day with the rest of the Officers, and if you will have me provide a dinr|n|er accordingly; I am
your most obedient humb. Servant
Wednesday morning.
{T}{F} It was first a mystery of iniquity working secretly \or/ without dominion & then was \to be/ revealed & beca|o|me the b man (or body politick) of sin \who exalting himself above every thing that is called Go{illeg} {illeg}/ reigning openely as a God \{in lieu of}/ in the temple of God (or Church \catho{lic}/) of God, or rather ἐις ναὸν in templum instead in the place \|& by t|&|he| name/ of the Church catholick of God. \{illeg}/ While the Christian heathen Roman Empire stood, this new dominion could not be revealed, \{illeg}/ & therefore the mystery of iniquity \was to/ worked till the falling of the heathen Roman Empire, that is, till the victory of Constantine the great over {illeg} Licinius, & in some respect till the death of Iulian the apostate. And [then the dominion of the saint-worshippers was set {with} up in all the Church Empire with all] that wch letted being no But when that wch letted should be taken out of the way then {that is wic} the that wicked one (the man of sin) was to be revealed {in} & accord{ance} whose coming S{i} & his coming was to be after the manner of Satan with all power & signes & lying wonders & with all deceivableness unrighteousness. And accordingly after the death of Iulian the last heathen Emperor the religion of the moncks {over} Encratites for so I may call the Moncks & their admi adherents) prevailed by \legendary stories &/ fals miracles pretended to be done by the {to} tombs & reliques & invocations of {illeg}|d|ead men. & all m by all mann by the signe of the cross & holy water By these si{n}|g|nes & lying wonders this this religion overspread the Roman \Empire/ & gained the dominion thereof & has ever{s} since reigned {over} \in/ the nations of this Empire represe{ntd} by the last horn of the Goad|t| & the ten horns of the Beast & is like to continue till Christ destroys it wth the brightness of his coming.
In the return year 349 in|A|thanasius in returning from the western Empire through into Egypt & making some stay at Antioch declined the communion of Leontius the bishops & communicated wth the disciples of Eustathius the Sabellian who had been deposed for Sabellianism. And at that time. they began to sing the verses of the psalms alternately & to add to the e|d|oxology to the end of them & some used the said Glory be to the father &the son others o to denote an equality, others Glory be to the father in or by the son to denote a subor or Gory {sic} be to the father by the son in the holy ghost to denote a subordination. But the dispute was hitherto only about the son [2] Basil \being {t}|a|ccused of innovating i|o|n the doxology & in defending himself/ quotes out of the second Epistle of Dionysius Alexandrinus to Din|o|nysius Romanus these words. Agreeably to these things we also, having received a form & rule from the Presbyters who were before us, will conclude our Epistle to you with a thanksgiving like to theirs. To God the father & to the Son our Lord Iesus Christ &|w|ith the holy ghost be glory & dominion for ever amen. But this Epistle is a notorious forgery. And while Athanasius makes so much use of it the doxology shews that it was forged after the return \departure/ of Athanasius from the \west. west/ |by| Antioch into Egypt for setting {t}|o|n foot the worship of the h. g. & that the forgery was older then the doxology Glory be to the father & the son & the holy ghost|.| & give {scant} When Hilary wrote to the Bishops of Gallia & Britain, as was mentioned above, his whole discourse is about in defending the Deity of the Son: After After his return into Gallia [wch was in ye year 360] he procured the meeting & the revolt of Iulian \the Apostate/ wch wa wch was in ye beginning of the next year, \A. C. 361/ he wrote an invective against Constantius |&| {in} wch about the deity of the Son {alone}, & the sollicitin|ed|g the bishos|p|s of Gallia to re{l}|s|{t}ore ye Nicene consubstantiality of the Son, he procured the to meet in Councils agabout the faith & they \the the same year A. C. 361/ e|{i}|n a Council at Paris they published a large profession of their faith: but in all this the controversy was only about the {D} Deity of the Son. Afterwards A{ux} Hilary went into {I} Italy & sollicited the Emperor Valentinian against Auxentius bishop of Millain accusing him of denying the Deity of the Son. This was ten years after the decrees of the Councils of Sirmium & Ariminum about the faith that is A. C. 367. And tho \The cause w{h}|a|s heard &/ Hill|a|ry was banished Italy as a calunimator {sic} yet but all this was about the deity of the Son. \as you may see in Hilarys book against Auxentius & the defince {sic} of Auxentius annexed to it./ Hilary w{a} Auxentius in this defense confessed not the deity of the holy Ghost nor was accused \by Hilary/ of denying it, &c therefore the disputes about the deity of the holy Ghost were not yet begun in the west. It seems the western bishops were willing to let the deity of the holy Ghost alone till that of the son was established./
But {illeg} after the consubstantiality & coequal Deity of the Son was \sufficiently/ established by the Coun {sic} Council of France Spain & Italy, &|t|he D like Deity of of the h. G. began to be asserted openly. And in the year 373 Pope Damasus called a Council of 93 bishops at Rome.
Hilary acknowledged a Trinity but gave the name of God only to ye father & son. I do I do not remember that he disputes for the Deity or worship of the h. g. in all his works.
By what has been produced out of Bazil it appears that the controversy about the Deity & worship of the h. G. was newly begun when Bazil wrote; & the time of its beginning & who began it is thus \distinctly/ set down \|more| distinctly/ by Gregory Nazianzen. I{n}|o|vian, saith he, desired that the truth freedom of speech that Athanasius before \imports, that in/ the reign of Iovian very few were sound in the faith abo{v} when almost all men erred mor in the faith Athanasius {illeg} having obteined by divine inspiration about ye holy Ghost what \had been granted before to/ the Nicene fathers about the Son, published the \truth/ openly either first of any man & that |[|either an|l|one or with but a very few] when Gregory wh|r|ote wch was nine years after,|]| & that this doctrine had been broached & {penne} \ten/ years before by Athanasius, who had obteined it by divine inspiration about ye holy G. what had been granted to|b|efore to ye Nicene fathers about the son, {illeg}|b|ut but was silenced in the east by the Emperor Valens the successor of Iovian.
Yet it seems to me that Athanasius had attempted to broach this doctrine before, \in the reign of Constantius/ but without success – For Basil being accused of innovating in the doxology, {&} in the end of \being acccu{illeg}|s|ed {sic} of innovating in the doxology &/ in the 29th chapter of his book de Spiritu Sancto, being cit{y}|i|ng \producing/ what he could meet with in antiquity for himself, he cites out of the 2d Epistle of Dii|o|nysius of Alexandria to Dionysius of Rome the|se| words. Agreably to these things even we also, having received a rule & form & rule from the Presbyters w{e}|h|o were before us, will conclude our epistle to you wth {the}{illeg} a thanksgiving like to theirs. To God the father& to the son our Lord Iesus Xt wth the holy Ghost be glory & dominion for ever Amen. But this Epistle was a notorious forgery. &|A|nd if Athanasius, who may|d|e gret use of it, was the author we have he{illeg}|r|e the original of this doxology he began to use this doxology about the middle of the fourth century. At wch time also Flavian & some \when he wrote it that is, soon after the Council of Serdic{illeg}a./ other moncks at Antioch began to use it, being perhaps excited by Athanasius {at} \in/ his return through Syria into Egypt{,} But these attempts were \quickly/ stopt by the success of victory of Constantius over the western Empire, & made no further nois{e} before the death of Constantius {illeg} & the new returs|n|s of Athanasius from banishmt. At wch time in returning \For in his return/ from ye west into Egypt \(wch was in the year 349)/ he made some stay at Antioch & there communicated with declining the communion of Leonti{o}|u|s the bishop communicated wth the disciples of Eustathius the Sabellian|.| {A} \And {th}{illeg}/ who then began to \And they began at that {illeg}|ve|ry time to sing the verses of ye Psalms alternately & to|at| ye {illeg}|E|nd of them to/ give Glory to ye father & the son & the holy ghost while the rest of the people gave glory to ye father by or with the son in the holy Ghost. But these attempts \commotions/ were soon supprest & stopt \quieted/ by the departure of Athanasius into Egypt & the ensuing conquest of the western Empire by Constantius, & re{vive}d not till the death I heare nothing more of this new doxology before the death of Constantius {&} the new returns of Athanasus|iu|s from banishmt.[3]
From my House in St Anne's Court near Sohoe-square.
I am sorry I was not rightly understood in my Latin {Leter} Lettr. The Upholder has taken my word for one Month for the defraying of a fla{min}g Bill of Funeral Charges wch if I do not, I shall be put to trouble & utterly ruin'd, just at time, when I am going down Tutor into the Country to the Son of a worthy Ge{illeg}|n|t.
My ingenious well-wisher the Spectator says, faultless poverty is ever Modest; I therefore wrote in Latin, that I might not be expos'd either to y.r Serv.ts or Visitors, but I find I have been layd open both ways.
Dr Bentley, Dr Knipe, Dr Freind, the ArchBp of York Bp of Ely & others have done wonders for me, but as it was purely upon acct of my poor Wife (as I observ'd in my Letter) s|S|o, that reason failing, I will not receive any obligation now but on the Foot of a Loan, so long as I know I shall be in a capacity to do yu Iustice about the middle of next Iune. I once more beg you will be pleas'd to make up th{is}|at| \half Crown/ Ten shill according to my modest request for I will not have it on any other acct. My dear Friend Mr. Mauliverer of Magdalen if he were alive, woud tell you, that if I would have violated my Faith to King Iames, I might have made as great a Figure in the Secrete|a|rys Office as any of my Prevaricating Countrymen have done: I still do, as I have always done, send up my most ardent prayers for you, who am
yr most obliged humble servt & Admirer
Isaac Banastre
The{re} In the middle of the second century, t|T|he opinio{n} that the Word of God was the λόγος ἐνδιάθετος the inherent wisdom & reason of ye father wthout wch the father would be ασοφος & ἀλογος void of wisdom & understanding, began to creep into the Churches in the second century got ground in it all the third & upon the death of Constantine the great began to overspread the western Church, ‡ ‡ in so much that the Council of Sardica in her Epistle as it is recited entire by Theodorit declared her self of this opinion & that there was but one hypostasis of the father & son. This which made the eastern Churches cry out that the western were turned|ing| Sabellian For this doctrine took away the real person or personal substanc of the Son & so amounted to a denyal of the father & the Son for God is not the father of his own attributes, nor are they his children. And in this respect also the earth helped the Woman. For so soon as Constantius came against Magnentius he called a C{l}|o|uncil at Sirmium A. C. 3{5}{9}1 against Photinus Bishop of that City A. C. 351. & this Council in Condemning Photinus for the doctine {sic} of Paul of Samosat & S{illeg}|a|llius anathematized those that held the Son to be the λογος \&/ ενδιάθετος \ἠ προφο{ρ}ικὸς/ of the Father or th{illeg}|a|t the Father son & H. G. were \but one person/ of the father, & thereby |they| rescued the western Churches from this growing heresy. For the decrees of this Council \are/ were universally {recieved} against Photinus were universally received by the churches of both Empires as \right &/ authentick & prevaild at that tim{illeg}|e| against this heresy so as to put the Latines upon the langnage {sic} of three persons for for {sic} clearing themselves from this heresy, & those of their communion in {the} Greek Empire upon that of three hyostases {sic}
By the same {illeg}|v|ictory of Constantius over Magnentius the Beast was wounded to death with a sword & ceased to be for a time both Empires &c
And the survivor of them reigning {illeg}|ov|er all the West, & supporting the Bishop of Rome in his claim of appl{e}|ea|ls from all the world, & causing the Council of Sardica to be calle {illeg} meet wch \A. C. 347/ dee|c|reing this u{n}iversal authority to him wth the con{e} approbation of the western Churches, & by consequence setting up the universal Bishopric over the western Churches for a time. For the western Churches headed by the Pope, are the Woman in the Wilderness & submitting to his authority as of divine right is the Woman in the wilderness. A f Constans was succeeded by Magnentius in the end of whose reign A. C 353|1| A. C. 35 the earth or eastern Empire opened her mouth & swallo helped the woman & opened her mouth & swallowed up the flood by a victory over the western Empire
for about five months & restored the universal bishopric
– rose out of the sea. At that time Gratian restored \rose out of the sea And at the same time/ the universal bishopric of Rome \was restored ‡ ‡ & the invocation of Saints began to prevail. Gratian reigned {at R} with his young/. And by the next d{illeg}|ivisi|on of the Empire w was revived, & the invocation of Saints began to be set up.
And at that time the bishop of Rome began to receive appeals from the Greek Church & thereby to erect an ecclesiastical monarch & mak{illeg}|e| himself the universal Bishop, {t}|&| was supported therein by the western Emperor Constans. And after he had proudly summoned the Bishops of the Greek Church to appear before him in a Council at Rome & was answered that |by| those bishops that he \had no authority over them &/ attempted to dissolve their government of their churches, & had no authority over them, {sic} he prevailed by means of the Western Emperor Constans to have a Council summoned by imperial authority to {mee}t out of both Empires \to meet/ at Sardica. About 80 of ye Greek b Eastern Bps came to Serdica: but finding that matters were predudged {sic} by the western Bps {&} that the designe was to \in favour of the/ judge |C|all that to the bar of the & censure them & set up the authority of the Bp of Rome & the western churches over the eastern \stand by the the pretended authority of the bishop of Rome, they/ went back & then the Council \western Bps at Serdica/ decreed appeals from all the Churches to the Bishop of Rome & (|t|hereby \not only/ laid the foundation of the universal Bishopric & {sic} \but/ actually set it up over the western Churches who \{in Se}/ submitted to that decree, And thus the Woman received two wings of a great Eagle & began to fly into the Wilderness. For the western churches headed by the Pope & submitting to his authority \& de{c}rees/ as of di{illeg}|v|ine right \(as they did soon after)/ is \are/ the Woman in the wilderness.
Magentius slew Constans & succeded him \in the west/ A. C. 350 & was soon after conquere{illeg}|d| by Constantius. And by that victor{s}|y| over the western Empire the earth or eastern Empire helped the woman & opened her mouth & swallowed up the flood.
Here by the Princes of the north I understand those on the north of Iudea & chiefly the Princes of Armenia & Cappadocia who fell in the wars of \with which/ Cyaxeres made in conquering those countries. And Elam or Persia was conquered by the Medes & S\us/iana by the Babylonians after the ninth & before the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar. And therefore we cannot err much if we place these coquests {sic} about the twelft or fourteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar Edom & Zidon were also conquered before the twentith year of Nebuchadnezzar (Ezek ) & Ammon was invaded & conquered about I|t|he same time that Ierusalem was besieged & taken the Temple burnt (Ezek. 21.19, 20. And presently after the siege of Ierusalem & burning of \Edom & the Zidonians were conquered by Nebuchadnezzar in the nineteenth or twentith year of that king. & so were Ammon & Moab. And Tyre was then besieged but not b|t|aken before the 35|{7}|th year of that king Anno Nabonass {175}/ the Temple Nebuchadnezzar invaded & subdued \Edom Zidon/ Ammon Moaab Ed{om} & Tyre Ier 27.3. 6 & Ezek. 21.19, 20 & 25.2, 8, 12 & 26.2. And after these things \the 35th year of Nebuchadnezzar/ he conquered Egypt & Thebais & Libya. (Ezek 29.17, 19 & 30.4, 5.) And then Darius the son & successor of Cyaxeres
Edom & the Zidonians were conquered by Nebuchadnezzar in the about the 20th year of that king, & so were Ammon & Moa{illeg}|b|. Tyre was besied|g|ed by him soon after but not taken before the 3{9}|7|th year of that king. \thirteen years & taken in the 27th year of Iehojakins captivity./ And then he conquered Egypt & Thebais & Libya. (\Ezek/ 29.17, 19 & {3}0.4, 5) & \And/ Darius the son & successor of Cyaxeres soon after, subdued the Empires of Lydia \Sa{r}des/ & Babylon & thereby finished the work of propagating the Medo-Persian Monarchy over all Asia as Æschylus represents. This is that Darius – – – In the ninet{h}|e|enth \& twentith & one & twentith year/ year of his reign he invaded Iudea & a[4] conquered Iudea Moab Ammon Edom \the Phistims {sic} & {sic}/ & Zidon & b[5] the next year he besieged Tyre & after a siege of 13 \years/ took it in the 35th year of his reign & then \c[6] he/ invaded & conquered Ægypt Thebais \Æthiopia/ & Libya. \(Ier 27.3, 6. Ezek. 21.19, 20. & 25.2, 8, 12 & 26.2. & 29.17, 19 & 30.4, 5)/ And about 20 years after the death of this king Cyrus \Darius the Mede/ conquered \the kingdom of/ Sardes & after five or six years more invaded & conquered the Empire of Babylon & therby finished the work of propagating the Medo-Persian Monarchy over all Asia as Æschylus represents. This is that Darius –
Honrd Sr
I beg youll bee Please to pay this halfe year to my Cosin mary Ho{v}|l|den which will
oblige yo:r
Most obedient nece
April 26
From these Gates by \there was a/ descent of \by/ five sepps {sic}. The Gentiles had accesse into ye outward Court to ye rail S{illeg}|o|reg. [The men {&} weomen {went} \entred/ & returned through this passage into the court of Isra{l}|e|l & the {next} court of the people.] The men & weomen into ye court of the people, called the court of |thence called the court of the weomen. The men| the men into ye court of Is{ra th} the weomen & court of Israel, the Priests into the court of the Priests the Princes of the Priests into the holy place & the Princes of the 2{4} curiæ or orders of Priests into the holy place. & the high Priest into the most holy.
And the sanctuary or inward court being 200 cubits square was compassed with |[|a walk 10 cubits broad \called the intermural space/ into wch they descended from the gates of the sanctuary by five steps & On the eastern side o & from \the middle of/ ye eastern side of the walk they descended into the court of the weomen by fifteen s{t}eps.
& from the intermural space they went up to the gates of the sanctuary by five steps. And from the {illeg}|G|ates of the Sanctuary (wch was 200 cubits square,|)| they went down into the intermural space {illeg}|b|y five steps.|]| the intermural space \te{illeg}|n| cubits broad/ into wch they descended from the gates of the sanctuary by s|f|ive steps. on the northern & southern sides of t
– & between them ran a walk 10 cubits broad wch bounded the square sanctuary on the eastern side|.| \✝/ ✝ & by a passage cross the middle, led \eastw/ into the court of the people \eastward/ by a descent of 15 steps & into the {court} of {illeg} the {illeg}es Israel \sanctury we{stwa}rd westward/ by an ascent of 5 steps. & was called \a part of/ the intermural space. For the intermural space ran between the square sanctuary & the court of the people & compassed them both. The two next . . . . . . Prince. From the nine gates of the square sanctu{u}|a|ry they descended {illeg}|b|y five steps to the intermural space. And from the eastern side of the intermural space wch compassed the square sanctuary they descended by by in the middle by 15 steps into ye court of pe|th|e people, & at{illeg} either end \by other steps/ into the intermural space wch compassed the court of the people on the northern eastern & southern sides.
{I} thank you for yr kind inquiry after me & much rejoyce at ye recovery of yr health indeed Sr I am greatly ashamed & ask pardon for not performing my promis to you in ye feathers they be bought but no shipps happened to goe to yt port soe late I doubt not {o}f giting ym over in time this Summer & hope in God you will use ym many winters & am
your very Humble
Fra: Cressener
Ian: ye last
They sailed also as far as Britain. For Pliny tells us Plu{m}bum ex Cassiteride insula primus apportavit Midacritus & Bochart tells Midacritus is a Geek {sic} name corruptly written for Melcartus. p. 708 Britain being inthose {sic} days unknown to the Greeks. p. 708
S|P|eloponesian warr{.}{,} Suppose it \about/ 600 years earlier then the end of that warr, & it will fall upon the middle of Solomons reign. Hellanicus b tells us — Whence it follows that the Trojan war & Argonaurtic expedition were later than the days of Solomon & Rehoboam, & could not be much earlier then we have represented.
For a[7] some tell us that Telephus the son of Hercules & Auge & h{is} son L{atin}us reigning in Italy changed the name of the Cetij (or post{e}rity of Killim) into that of Latins.
But thou O Daniel shut up the book words & seal th{a}|e| book even to the time of the end. And t|T|his is that book wch in the visions of Iohn the Apostle \was sealed wth seven seales & which/ the Lamb of God took out of the hand of him that sat upon the throne & opened the seales thereof, Many shall run to & fro [the two witnesses at the time of the end] & knowledge shall bee inc{e}ased {sic}.
Then I Daniel looked & behold there stood other two, one on this side of the bank of the river, & the other on that side of the bank of the river. And one said to man cloathen in lin{illeg}en who was upon the water{s} of the river How long Shall it be to the end of these wonders? And I heard the man {&} clothed in linnen was|ho| was upon the bank of the river when he lift up his right hand & his left hand up to heaven & sware by him that liveth for ever & ever, that it shall be for a time times & half a time. [This is the duration & the reign of the reign of the little horn of Daniels fourth bear{illeg}|st|, & therefore the affairs of that horn are included in this prophesy.] And [after this] when he shall have [further] acccomplished {sic} to scatter the power of the holy people [by bringing them back out of all nations into Iudea] then all these things shall be fulfilled.
And I heard but I understood not. Then said I. O my Lord what shall be the end of these things. And he said Go thy way Daniel. For the words are closed up & sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified & made white & tryed: but \And/ none of the wicked shall understand: but |the| wise shall understand. The 144000 sealed out of all nations & {o} two witneses & only those \at the t{ime} of the end when the book shall be opened again./ And I heard {br} And from the time that the daily worship shall be taken away [not only that of the Iews but that of the {C} co{nv}erted gentiles also] shall be taken away, so as \[fully]/ to set up the [great] abomination wch maketh desolate, there [unt{e}|i|l he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people] there shall be a thousand two hundred & nin{illeg}|e|ty days. But Blessed is he that waiteth & cometh to the thousand thrree {sic} {illeg} hundred & five & thirty days. But go thou thy way Daniel /[Daniel]\ ti{illeg}|l|l the end be For thou shalt rest, [in the dust] & stand in thy lot /[amongst those that awake]\ at the end of the days. & stand in thy lot [amongst those that awake out of the dust] at the end of the days.
To the most Honble this Grace the Duke of Shrewsbury Lord H. Treasurer of great Britain
May it please yor Grace
The Mint being at a stop untill \there/ shall be an Order for procee{ding} \for for want of authority to proceed/ |at present| with the old \{last}/ Dyes & Puncheons untill new one|s| can be made, & \hitherto |last| in use, & great \untill new ones can be made & gr{eat}// {great} quantities of gold \Bullion/ being \already/ in my hands \in the Mint/ to be coyned & more bullion being daily brought in & imported \into the Mint/ \expected/: I \(the Master & Worker of the Mint)/ have hereunto annexed a copy of a|t|he Warrant signed by her late Majty upon the like occasion & a d|D|raught of a new Warrant suitable to the present occasion & {p}|m|ost humbly pray yor Lo{r} Grace to lay the matter before \their excelle{ncies}/ the L{ord} Iustices. {illeg} I am
Yor y{a}|Gr|aces most humble
& most obedient Servant
{a}gainst the sanctuary & the Host to bread the{n un}der foot untill the end of {th}{e} second period. Between this And the great Tribulation \may/ ende|s|d with the third period victory \of Michael/ over Gog at {illeg}|t|he third period. And {illeg} And And the kingdom & dominion is t|g|ive {sic} Then is i|t|s doth the king of the king of the north plant tha|e| tabernacle \of his palace/ betw{e}en the seas in {o}|t|he glorious holy mountain & come to his end by the hand of Michael the \great/ Prince who standeth for the children of Israel|.| against him. {sic} Then doth is Go{d} vanquished i|o|n the mountains of Israel{.} by the \Gods/ people newly returned from thei{r} Captivity (Ezek 38.8, 11 & 39.23, 25, 27, 28.) & the one like the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, receives a kingdom that all nations people nations & languages should serve him, & the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven is given to the people of the most high Dan. 7.13, 14, 27. And a stone cut out of a mountain without hands smites the image upon his feet & becomes a breaks in pieces the former kingdoms, & |&| becomes a great mountain fillin (or kingdom) filling the whole earth. Dan. 2.34, 35, 44, 45. And the w|W|ord of God comes with his armies in heaven on white horses to smite the nations & rule them with a rod of iron, & the Beast & fals Prophet are taken & the remnant are slain \Apoc XIX.11, 14, 15, 2{0}, 21/ & great Babylon comes in remembrance before \God. Apoc. XVI.19./ God \& the resurrection \& judgment/ of the righteous \called the first resurrection be{illeg}/ begins|.| in wch the righteous are judged Apoc. XX.4, 5 . 1 Pet IV.17/ {illeg}. And after another thousand years there is such another victory over the nations called Gog & Magog, \Apoc XX. 4, 5, 6, 8 9/ & the rest of the dead live again, & the son of man reigns till he has p & \{for} by this victory/ the kingdom of the saints \on earths {sic}/ growns {sic} more universal by {this} \{than} before/ & {sic} & the rest of the dead \now/ live again & the son o & are judged & Christ reigns over the quick & dead till he hath p{as}|ut|t all things under d|h|is feet enemies under his feet the last of wch is death, & when all the dead are raised & judged he delivers up the kingdom to his father. 1 Cor. XV.24, 25, 26, 28.
And its observable that after {th}e transgressors were come {th} to the full the first act of setting up the abomination was in autumn in upon the 2|1|5th day of ye month Casleu (November) in the 145th year of Seleucus, (two months after the conque{s}t of the kingdom of Macedon by the Romans) at wch time they built idol-altars throught|o|ut the cities of Iudah on every sit|d|e (1 Macc. 1.54.) & that the last act of setting up
And it is observable that the last act of the first period wh|a|s the consulting \plotting/ of the two kings \({illeg}/ together at one Table to do mischief & the \against the holy Cove{nant}/ (Dan 11.27) & the first act of the next period was the returning of ye king of the north into his own land & acting against the holy covenant in his return. This was in autumn in the year of Seleucus 143 & in the middle of the war of the Romans agaisnt Perseus {king} of Macedon. A{d} This was At this time he took away the golden altar & the candlesticks & \the/ tables of Shew bread & all the vail, & all the vials & golden censers of gold & other vessels & golden ornament{e}s & all the vessels & treasures of the Temple & thereby put {illeg} made d{illeg}|th|e daily sacifice {sic} to cease & soon after they set up the polluted the altar & set up idol altars in all the land, & prohibited A This was the first a|A|ct of taking away the daily s|w|orship & placing the abomination: & the last act was in the beginning of the year of Christ 842 & end of the year of Seleucus 1153 when - - - - - - in memory of their restitution. And the difference – – – – – for a Iudaic year.
In the end of the first period it is said. And both these kings hearts shall be to mischief & they shall speake lies at one table [against the holy covenant;] but it shall not prosper: for yet the end [shall be] at the time appointed. And the second period begins with these words: Then shall he return into his land with great riches, & his heart [shall be] against the holy covenant: & he shall act [agt it,] but it shall not prosper for th{illeg}|e| end is not yet. All this was in autumn in the year of Seleucus 143 when Antiochus Epiphanes r in returning out of Egypt into Syria sackt Ierusalem slew many of ye people spoiled the 1 Temple {illeg}|to|ok away the golden Altar & the candelstick & the table of shew bread & the va{il} & all the vials & censers of gold & golden ornaments & all the vessels & treas{u}{res} of gold the Temple & thereby made the daily sacrifice \worship begin/ to cease. And after two years, upon his second retu This was in the middle of the war of the Romans ag{a}{inst} the kingdom of Macedon. And after two years, when that kingdom was newly conquered, Antiochus upon his second return of out of Egypt \(by the suggestion of Ptolomy king of Egypt as above {)}/ caused the altar {to} be polluted, & idol-altars \& groves & g{ro} & chappels of Idols/ to be set up in all Iudea, throughout the cities {&} of Iu{da} {sic} \& that all men should follow the customes of the heathens upon pain of death. 1 Macc. 1 & 2 Macc. 6.{illeg}/ This was the first period Act of settin{g} taking away the daily {sac} worship & setting up the abomination of desolation. And the last act was in the beginning of th{e} year of Christ 842 & end of the year of Seleucus 1153 when – – – –
\It may be observed also that/ From the {illeg}|w|ar of the Romans against the Iews whereby their Temple was destroyed, \& daily worship taken away/ to the actions of Pope Gregory ye 7th whereby the against the western Emper{o} {sic} Henry IV whereby the Papacy came to its greatest height of dominion there is the same interval of dominion 1010 years. But the interpretation of Daniel's numbers must be left to time.
Between the first & the second the Gospel is preached in all nations. Betwee{n} the second & the third the people of God suffer in the great tribulation.
And the thr|i|rd event is at the resurrection of th Daniel with those that sleep in the dust & awake out of the dust to shine as the starrs in the firmament. An{d} these thre events he describes in this manner.
1. And one said &c. 2 And [after th{e}|a|t] when &c. 3 But the blessedness \beatitude/ of him that expecteth it, shall come at {the} [the end of] a thousand three hundred & thirty & five days. [And then all these things shall be finished{]}|]| But go thy way for thou shal{l}|t| rest & stand in thy lot at the end of the days.
T{i} To Times & laws are given into the hands of the little horn \of the fourth beast/ till the end of the first period, & then that horn begins to fall & to lose his power & the God|s|pel begin{s} to be preached in all nations by the witnesses ascending up to heaven in a cloud. \This is the first fall of Babylon/ The litle horn of the He goat {spr} reigning either in his own power or in anothers, practis{es}
Sect III
Of the seven Churches & two witnesses
Of the Temple & its Candlesticks.
The Temple is a type of the Church catholicks &c As the Beast & his horns signify a kingdom {&}|&| the \{ru}ling/ parts of a kingdom, so {illeg}|th|e Temple & its Candlesticks signify |t|a|h|e Church & the \its {illeg}/ {p}a{illeg}|{r}|t{s} of t|a| Church. F catholick & the particular Churches \{illeg}|o|f/ wch preside {in} it. \the Church catholick is composed./ This Temple is {illeg}|i|n the beginning of the Prophesy represented with seven Candlesticks & those Ca seven lamps in them & those Candlesticks are called the seven Churches of Asia s|t|o signify that the Church Catholick from the times of the writing of this prophesy the Church catholick, wch had hitherto \till that time/ bee{illeg}|n| illuminated \from Ierusalem/ with the preaching of the Gospel|,| from Ierusalem should thence forward be illuminated from the seven Churches of Asia. \untill the woman wch is this church Catholick t|s|hould fly from this Temple into ye wildere|{n}|ess./ For that end seven epistles are written to the \Angels {illeg}{of} of the/ seven Churches, & \the Apostle/ Iohn continued to live amongst them long after the {illeg}|&| instruct them in the truth long after the death of the rest of the Apostles & left there a race of disciples by whom the whole Church catholick was illuminated long after his death. |And| So long as this Temple stands wth these seven lamps burning in it, so lomg the seven Churches of Asia & their successors continue to be the light of \illuminate/ the Church catholick.
This Temple was opened in heaven for Iohn
We told you that the scene of the visions in this|e| Temple. It was opened in heaven for Iohn to see the visions in it, & there he saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . went from this Temple to reign in ye wilders|n|ess.
Now this Temple {illeg} in several circumstances is compared sometimes to the Tabernal|c|le of first Temple & sometimes to the second Temple. In the beginning it has|d| the in it the Arc of the Testament & the four Beasts & in that respect it was the Tablernacle or first Temple or, as it is afterwards called, the Temple of the tabernacle. Aft B{e}{illeg} of |[|Afterwards it is measured in allusion to the building of {a}|the| second Temple & the outward court is left out unmeasured or unbuilt & given to the gentiles {illeg}|a|s the outward court of that temple was left unbuilt & became the gentiles court. {&} And in this Temple are two candlesticks called \the/ two Olive trees in allusion to the two Olive tr{illeg}|e|es wch in the second Temple times of the second Temple emptied emitted out of themselves through golden pipes the golden o into the golden bowl for nourishing the seven lamps with their oyle. Zech. 4.|]| Afterwards in allusion to ye building of the second temple Iohn is bid to rise & measure the temple & altar. & For measuring of a building is a type {of} building it. For when Zechary saw an Angel with a mesuring reed go to measure Ierusalem & to see what was ye breadth & what the length thereof, another Angel by way of interpretation tells him that Ierusalem shall be inhabited as t{w}|o|wns wthout walls for ye multitude of men & cattel the|r|in. And when ye Babylonians had destroyed Solomons temple & Ezekiel was commanded to measure the temple in a vision: the measuring signified that a new Temple should be built, as is plain by many passages in that prophesy. And in allusion to this vision & to ye building of Zerubbabels temple Iohn is bid to {mse} measure the temple {t}|&| altar & them that worship therein, that is, the court of the temple & the court of the altar & the court of them that worship therein, called by the Iews the weomen{t}|s| court, & to leave out the court witho{u}t the Temple & not to measure it because it is given to the Gentiles & they were to tread the holy city under foot as in the times of the second Temple. For Zerubbabel built only the courts of the temple & altar & the weomens court, & the outwar{d} court wch in Solomons temple had {been} built for the people of Israel he left unbuilt & open to the Gentiles & it continued unbuilt above 200 {A} years: & tho it was afterwards built by the Maccabees & Herod, yet it continued open to the Gentiles & was called the Gentiles court. And all the times of this temple the Gentiles trod the holy city under foot. And as Haggai & Zechary prophesied at the building of Zerubbabels temple, so in allusion to those two Prophets there are two Prophets or w|W|itnesses wch prophesy in the \times of ye/ new Temple in the Apocalyps; & these two Prophets are represented by two candlesticks standing [in this temple] before the God of the earth (Apoc. 1.4.) & to signify that they are the churches wch prophesy in this Temple & are two Churches, & in allusion to the two olive trees wch in the times of the second Temple{s} emptied themselves through \two/ golden pipes into the golden bowl for nourishing the seven lamps with their oyl{illeg}|e| \ (Zech. 4.3, 12, 14)/, these two Prophets are called the two Olive trees & the two candle-sticks standing before the God of the earth, that is before his throne in the Temple. By being \I In the vision of Zechary/ Conceive that the two olive tr{illeg}|e|es \in the Vision of Zecchary/ are not living trees growing upon a root & flourishing with leaves & branches \& leaves/, but cand shafts of Olive wood formed like Candlesticks to support two vessels of oyle for feeding the seven lamps feeding the lamps. wch empty themselves \through two pipes/ into the golden bowl for feeding the lamps. The seven lamps \in the vision of Zechary/ are called the eyes of the Lord wch run to & fro through the whole earth (Zech 4.10.) & therefore signify the same thing with the seven eyes of the Lamb \|& the se|&|v||en| spirits of God/ (Apoc 5.6) & \the/ seven lamps Apoc 4.5 in the Apocalyps (ch. 4.5) A{illeg}|nd| these lap|p|ps |seven| eyes & seven lamps are the light of the Church catholicks represented by the body of the Lamb & \b{illeg}|y| by/ the candlestick wch supports the seven lamps in the vision of Zechary; {& \the/ two} olive trees {illeg} being called the \wch Church is therefor the Church Catholick. And the two olive trees/ |[|wch supply the lamps wth oyle|]| in being called \two/ candlesticks are two churches & s{ix} by supplying {illeg} all the seven lamps with oyle they {illeg}|j|oyntly represent the whole Church catholick. {illeg} They are therefore the saints wch|who| worship in the Temple, \&/ of w{illeg}|h|om it is said Measure the Temple & Altar & them that worship therin, & by consequence \they are/ the 144000 s{e}aled \{&} numbered/ out of all the twelve Tribes of Israel in the day of the fast \& sealed wth the seal of God in their forehead/ & the 144000 who stand on mount Sion with the Lamb before the throne & before the four Beasts & the Elders have|i|ng the name of God in their forehead.
T|O|f these two witnesses it is said that if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth & devourth t{o}|h|eir enemies, & these have power to shut heaven \that it rain not/ in the days of their prophesy: & thus they are Elijah & Elisha in the days of Iezabel & this temple is the first Temple. |[|It is also said of them that they have power to turn the waters into blood & thus to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will; & thus they are Mos{u}|e|s & Aron]. {T} Conceive therefore that the temple remains the same from the beginning to the end of the visions, allusions being made sometimes to the firs times of the first temple \for the {illeg}/ & sometimes to the times of the second, & the|a|t ye ey seven lamps in the temple also remain the same, they being the seven eyes of the Lamb & the seven Spirits of God wch admit of no alteration. But And in allusion to the passage of Israel over the red sea the victors stand on ye sea of glass & sing the {son}{g o}f Moses (Apoc. 15.2, 3) & the Temple is called the temple is called the temple of the tabernacle (Apoc. 15.2, 3, 5.) Conceive therefore that the temple remains the same from the beginning of the vis{e}|i|ons to the end, allusions being made sometimes to the tabernacle or first temple & sometimes to ye second temple: for the Temple is the Church & God has but one Church. Conceive al{illeg}|s|o that the seven lamps in this Temple remain the same, they being the seven eyes of ye Lamb & seven spirits of God wch admit of no alteration. But at the opening of the seventh seal conceive that the candlestick is changed & that the seven lamps the instead of burning an \standing upon/ the seven golden candlesticks {b}urn in \are joyned to/ the golden bowle supported by o{n}e candlesticks & that {sic} this bowle is supplied wth oyle out of two vessels on either side sp supported by two candlesticks of olive tree as is described in the {p}rophesy of vision of Zecchary. and thus Christ removed \so/ |by seven golden pipes through wch the oyle runs into them from the bowle & that this bowl is joyned to the two vessels of oyle by two golden pipes on either side through wch they oyle runs into it out of the two vessels as is described in the vision of Zecchary, & that the two vessels of oyle with the bowle & lamps between them are supported by two candlesticks of olive tree| For the candlestick of the Church of Ephesus was to be removed out of its place & the Church of Laodicea was to be r|s|pewed out of Christs mouth. And the two olive trees \or candlesticks/ wch succeed the seven churches \candlesticks \or/ churches/ belong to the second Temple & so commence wth ye opening of ye seventh seal.
The seven lamps in the Apocalyps are the seven Angels of the churches & the seven spirits of God, & {the} (Apoc. 1.20 & & {sic} 4.5.{)} And the se{illeg}|v|en eyes of the Lamb are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. Apoc. 5.6. And the seven lamps in Zechary are the seven eyes of the Lord sent wch run to & fro through the whole earth & \those eyes are/ the seven eyes upon one stone (the head stone of the cr{illeg}|o|rner) \are the same/ Zech 3.9 & 4.4, 10. All these have therefore one and ye same signification. The eyes {illeg} And because the Temple & the mystical body of the Lamb represent the Church catholick the seven lamps {illeg}|&| seven eyes wch illuminate {a}|t|hem are the {l}ight of the Church catholick: And the two olive trees wch feed those lamps wth oyle, in being called candlesticks or churches, must joyntly represent{s} the Church catholick. The two witnesses therefore are two Churches wch together compose the Church Catholick from the times of opening the seventh seale. They are tho|e|se who worship|pe|in|rs| the Temple \in the temple/, of whom ye Angel spake saying rise measure the temple & altar & them that worship therein. They are the 144000 numbred out of all the tribes of Israel in the day of the fast & sealed wth the seal of God in their foreheads. They are the 144000 who have the name of God in the {sic} foreheads & stand on mount Sion with the Lamb before the throne & before the {elders} four Beasts & the Elders & by consequence in the Temple. They are the|o||se| {mart} {&} who get the victory over the Beast & over his Image & stand{illeg} on the sea of glass \[in the temple]/ singing the song of Moses & the Lamb. They are the witnesses or martyrs of Iesus who with whose blood the who{illeg}|r|e of Babylon is druk|n|ken. While the Roman empire continued entire the church catholic Church diffused through the empire was represented by seven branches of a candlestick{s} called \called seven candlesticks/ but upon opening the seventh seal {who} the Empire bec{illeg}|a|me divided & from that time{,} the seven Churches diffused through the two Empires were represented by two Olive trees or Candlesticks divided from one another. They are represented also by the two leggs of the son of man burning as in a furnace. The burning represents the persecution of the two witnessse {sic}. In the form of an Angel he sets his right foot on the earth & his left fo{o}t on the sea during the seven thunders to signify that one of his churches is in the kingdom of the earth & the other in the kingdom of the sea. As the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzars image signify the ten kingdoms into wch the fou|r|th Empire was to be divided so the two leggs of that image may signify the {s} two {cand} pincipal {sic} kingdons {sic} into wch that Empire was to be divided & so the two leggs of the Son of man standing upon the earth & sea may signify the churches in those kingdoms
<14v>These witnesses put on sacks|c|loth for the day of the fast when {they} were sealed with the seal of God in their foreheads. \{so}/ And at the s{e}|o|unding of the trumpets & pouring out the Vials of wrath, \sent/ {t}|f|ire {came} out of their mouth & \to/ devoured their enemies, |&| they turned the waters into blood & smote the earth with all plagues as often as they would. When the Woman arrived at her place in the wilderness where she was fed deliciously by the merchants of the earth, & the ten horned beast began his period of acting 42 months, & \& t{illeg}s|he| Gentiles theirs of treading the holy city underfoot/ the two witnesses began to put on sac{l}|c|loth & had power to shut up heaven that it should not rain in a spiritual sense For the woman Iezabel \& the Beast/ now reigned in the wilder spiritually barren wilderness.
Dacia being conquered by Trajan bec{illeg}|a|me a part of the Roman Empire & the church of Dacia belonged to the was subordinate to ye Greek church & sometimes sent her bishop to ye Councils of the Greeks: & from this country came the Goths & Vandals wch|who| invaded the western Empire & seating themselves in Pannonia Gallia Spain Af Italy & Afric, made a mixture of the two witnesses in the western Empire.
T{h}ese t|W|itnesses are to be slain \by the Beast/ in the streets of the great city wch spiritually is called Sodom for its spiritual whoredom ,|&| Egypt for its persecution & \[the city]/ where \also/ their {illeg} Lord was crucified|.| for its bloody antichristianity crucifying our Lord in {its} \in his/ members. {W}{illeg} And is not this the \persecuting/ city the great Antichist {sic} a \full/ description of the great Antichrist In killing the witnesses they crucify the{ir} Lord \Christ/ afress|h| & therefore are the city & kingdom of the great Antichrist.
Sect III
I rember very well that about three or four years ago I examined Mr Hussey for an hour together or above, in the several parts of Mathematicks, in order to know his ability for a post for wch teaching a Mathematical school, & found him \very well/ qualified. And I bel{i}|e|ive that in respect of his mathematical abilities he will make an able Profess{e|o|}r if the heads of Colleges should think fit to chuse him. But his qualifications are in other respects I do not know, being a stranger |to {a}|h|im|
I am
Yor most humble servant
Is. Newton.
I have made a resolution not to meddle with this elecc|t|ion of a Mathematick Professor any further then in \answering Letters/ & have given this answer to some who have desired a certificate from me. In answer to your Letter & another I received from Mr {Cotes} I send you the two inclosed & give you both & your friends leave to shew them to any of the Electors. I am If he \Mr Hussey/ be as well qualified in temper & manners as in Mathematical skill he will be a grace to ye university.
To the Rt Honble the Lords Commers of his Mats Treasury.
May it please yor Lordps
In answer to the Memorial of |Mr| Nicholson & Mr Briggs I humbly represent, that I told that|em|, that, wthout a Warrant from the king, I could not receive copper in blanks nor c{illeg}|o|in money with round edges for the people; \that without a Warrant from your Lordps I could not deliver a Cutter to them/ that Mr Appleby & Mr Hines having all things ready for a triall were to coin their five Tons in the first place; & that {t}|w|hen I was ready for the Memorial{ists} I would give them notice, but it would take up some time first to prepare \the Mint/ for a tryall. There is no difficulty in rounding the money edges of the blanks, & I have not delivered another cutter to Mr Appleby & Mr Hines, nor are they contractors wth your Lordps, but, upon triall & good behaviour. And if the Memorialists have built furnaces & prepared a sufficient quantity of copper ready for the cutters & been at sufficient charges in preparing the same, & can blame no body but themselves if they should lose their charges. because they have done it contrary to my advice & without staying for sufficient authority, & can blame no body but themselves if they should lose their charges{.}
This primitive Christian religion was preserved entire in the Church, till about th{e} the end of the second Century the days of Pope Victor. For Hegesippus in travelling from Rome Syria to Rome found all the Churches agree in \one &/ the same faith. And Irenæus
The pri{m}itive Christian religion \(according to Hegesippus)/ was preserved entire in all the Churches till the death of Simeon \Cl{e}opas/ Bishop of Ierusalem who was martyred under Trajan A. C. {illeg} 107 & was commonly called the brother of or Lord being 12{2}|0| years old. Hitherto the Church remained a pure Virg{in} under the influence of the Bish not of the Bishop of Rome but of the Bishop of Ierusalem & the Apostle Iohn in Asia. But after the death of Simeon many new heresies sprang up, grounded on the metaphysical Philosophy {illeg}|o|f the Heathens & Cabbas|l|ists, {w} wch g{illeg}|r|eat trouble to the Christian Church & caused the second Century to be called seculum Gnosticum. However, the true Church stood her grownd till & continued entire till the days of Pope Victor. reign of the Emperor Severus. {H} For Hegesippus in the reign of Antoninus Philosophus travelling from Syria to Rome & co{f}|n|ferring with the Bishops in his way, found them all to agree in the faith. And Irenæus in the middle |of ye| reign of the Emperor Commodus the s{illeg}|uc|cessor of Antoninus & predecessor of Severus, having recited \in the form of a Creed/ all the Articles of the Christian faith propa\ga/ted down in the Churches from the days of the Apostles in the form of a Creed, s|i|mmediately subjoins: The Church having received this faith & doctrine, a{l}though {d}ispersed though {sic} the whole world, diligently preserves it{illeg} as th{o}ugh she inhabited but one house, & accordingly she believes th{e}se things as thô she had but one soul & one heart, & constantly preaches & teaches these things as thô she had but one mo{u}th. For althô there are various languages in the world, yet the doctrine is one & the same; so that the churches in {Li} Germany, France, Asia, Egypt or Libya have not a different faith
& yt this his reading on crying {e}] Eating & drinking – – {s} & so eating the book is becoming inspired wth ye prophesy conteined in it. T|{K}| {E} S It signifies a \imples a new, &/ vigorous & extraordinary inspiration \a being inspired anew/ wth ye prophesy of the whole book & therefore implies signifies a repet lively repetition of the whole prophesy & beginns not til the pr first prophesy, that of the seals & trumpets is ended. It was sweet in Iohns mouth & therefore bega|i|ns better in his belly & therefore beginns not with the bitter prophesy of the gentiles {trea} be{ni}g {sic} in ye outward court & treading down ye holy city nor ends with th & ye prophesying of the witnesses in sackcloth not|r| ends wth ye sweet prophesy of \the witnesses ascending up to heaven in a cloud &/ the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of God \or Lord/ & \his/ Christ, but & the s but begins immediately wth the sw wth the n{illeg} but after but \so/ soon as the prophesy of the Trumpets is ended it begins wth the sweet {f}|p|rophesy of the sealed {in} glorious woman in heaven & the victory of Michael over the Dragon & {ends as} then \after that/ consists {in man}y \almost wholly/ \chiefly/ of the bitter prophesy of the Dragon & two Beasts & whore of Babylon & th{eir} destru destruction in the Lake of fire. Conceive therefore that the Angel, before he g{i}|a|ves Iohn ye book to eat, looked upon \viewed/ the writing on the \first page of the/ eighth leaf, & wh{o}|{e}|n Iohn has|d| eaten ye book & {is} \was/ digesting it in order to a new prophesy, th{u}s prophesies to him Iohn \described the times of ye 7th one|c|e more/ by memory out of the|a|t eighth leaf \eighth/ page, as \in the manner/ follows|i|ng.
And the Angel stood, saying, Rise, \&/ measure the temple of God & \|[the| [court of] this/ the Altar & \ [the Court of]/ them that worship therein [that is \called the weom/ \or/ the court of the people & the \called the/ \called ye {sic}/ weomen's court] but the court wch is without the temple \ [that wherein the four Animal{s} appeared]/ leave out & measure it not for it is given to the gentil{s} & they holy city shall they tread under foot forty & two month{d}|s|. This is a plain allusion to the times of the Babylonian {em} Hitherto the visions had appeared in Solomons Temple in whose outward court were four animals representing the people in \the four sides of/ that Court: now |but now upon prophesying out of a new leaf of the book| the scene is changed & the visions appear in the second Temple whose outward court [during the captivity under the Babylonians Greeks &] was \is/ given to the gentiles \those Gentiles/ who captivated the Iews & trode \& they tread/ down the holy city \This \which being/ is {sic} a plain allusion to the Babylonian captivity, these Gentiles are Babylonians & therefore the woman who{s} rides upon the ten horned Bea{st} is called Babylon the great./: So that here the Babylonian captivity is plainly alluded unto. Measuring is a type of rebuilding \Zech. 2. ✝/ & it signifies the building of the second Temple. It is also a ty & \It is also a type/ of distingiushing {sic} that wch is measured from that wch is left unmeasured or \from that/ wch is measured for another purpose, \②/ & therefore de{no}tes \in this prophe{he}|sy|{re} in|th|e measuring part of ye Temple & leaving ye rest vnmes{ud}/ signifies the same thing with numbring & sealing the servants of God in their foreheads \& leaving the rest of ye Tribes unsealed or marking them {wth} the mark of the Beast./, \①/ as is evident by Davids measuring Moab with two lines to a p a line, even wth two lines to put to death & wth one full line to keep alive. 2 Sam. 6|8|. And I will give power unto my two witnesses \& they shall prophesy 1260 days, that is all the time that the Gentiles tread the holy city under foot. These are the two olive trees & ye 2 Candlest{ic}{ks}/ – – – standing before the God of the earth. {T} In the Temple wch was the scene of the former visions there was a Candl were seve{n} Candlesticks wth seven \seven/ lamps in them representing the seven churches of Asia, in this there are two Candlesticks to represent two Churches here called the two witnesses. And as the seven {T|C|}hurches joyntly & severally are put in general for all the churches, so are the two churches. These are {illeg}|c|alled two Prophets wth respect to Haggai & Zechary who prophesied at the building of the second Temple. {&} {illeg} & two Olive trees wth respect to ye two Olive trees wch Zechary describes in ye 3{illeg}|Se|cond Temple & calls sons of oyle or annointed {o}nes wch stand by the Lord of the whole earth, {illeg}|m|eaning (as I conceive) Zerubbabel & Ieshua. And if any man will hurt them fire (that is war) proceedeth out of their mouth & devoureth their Enemies. These have power to shut heaven in the days of their prophesy. That /is\ they are /hav{e} {ye}\ compared to \power of/ Elijah & Elisha & in that respect the whr|o|re of Babylon is called the woman Iezabel. Th|A|nd the{s} \barren/ state of the church in their days is compared to the state of Israel in the days of Iezabel when \it rained not {t}|&|/ there remained on|ly| seven thousand who had not bowed ye knee to baal & those absconded so t{oo} in secret so yt Elijah thought himself left alone. And they have power to turn the waters into blood & to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will. At the sounding of the first Trumpet they consume their enemies wth fire, at ye sounding of the second they turn the waters into blood & in the following Trumpets they smite the earth wch {sic} all plagues as of{illeg}|t|en as they will. And when And after they are slain & rise again the \For they continue till/ {the} seventh Trumpet sounds whereby and end is put to ye prohesy {sic} of the seals & Trumpets. And the Apostate Church is {E}|c|omprd to Iezabel in a barren dry country, \&/ the woman in ye wilderness. + ye Church represented by the woman in the wilderness i{t}|s| compared to ye woman Iezabel in a ba{rren} di|r|y country {r} / & {1}{ /} & live under the ./ & are persecuted by the woman in ye w. as the{se} prophets were by Iezabel in a dry season \& barren/ country.
For when ye word of God came first to Ezekiel he was bid to eat this roll & then sent to prophesy to the house of Israel.
Iermin street 17 May. 1706
I send you the book I promised & hope you will please to accept of it tho I beleive amidst yor business of consequence you have no time to spend on these matters. Considering yor great learning I presumed last wednesday to propose you to the Council of the Royal Society for their assent that you may be proposed to the Society at a full meeting to be elected one of their members, & the Council gave their assent unanimously. I hope you will pardon me for doing this without your leave it being the effect of of my good will to yor self & the cause you are solliciting. I am
Yr most humble and
most obedient Servant
Is. Newton.
This is an{d} allusion to the Babylonian captivity & building of a second temple after ye first had been destroyed. For measuring is a type of building (Zech. 2.|)| & it was in the time of the 2d tem{p}{le} |only| that the outward court became \& the outward court of the/ Gentiles trode down the holy city Gentiles wer Gentiles were in the outward court & trode down the holy city, & that the outward court was called ye court of the Gentiles.
{u}nt Brianson.
To the Rt Honble the Earl of Godolphin Lord High Treasurer of great Britain.
May it please your Lordp
The Dragon & Woman were \& Dragon/ at their first appearance w{h}|e|re in the first temple, The & in Dioclesians persecution wch lasted ten years with great violence over all the eastern Empire the Woman {cr}ied being with child cried travailing in birth & pained to be delivered. And the Dragon with his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven or saints of the Greek eastern Empire {illeg} & cast them to ye earth For Dioclesian divided the{m} Roman Empire between himself & his colleg{e}|u|e Maximinian p{l} reigning himself in the western
Sect 1 Of the Dragon & ten horned Beast
Sect 2. {Of the Woman} & two honed {sic} Beast
Sect. 3 Of ye first & second Temples & their Candlesticks.
Sect 4|5| Of the seven heads of the Dragon & Beast.
Sect 5|4| A further acct \|Of| The History/ of the division of the Empire into two king Empires wth their Churches true & fa|l|se.
Sect IV The History of ye division of ye Empire into two Empires wth their Churches true & false.
The Woman & Dragon at their first appearance were \{even}/ in ye first Temple. And in Dioclesians Persecution wch \began by an edict for demolishing the Churches & burning the sacred books throughout the Empire A. C. 302 &/ lasted ten years wth great violence over all the Eastern Empire the Woman being wth child cried travailing in birth & pained to be delivred And the Dragon with his tail (or armed power) drew ye 3d part of the starrs of heaven or saints of ye eastern Empire & cast {illeg}|t|hem to ye earth, And at the end of the persecution stood before ye Woman ready to devour her child {as} \so/ soon as it was born. And in the end of the persecution \A. C. 312/ by the victory \conversion/ of Constantine the great to ye Christian religion & his victory over Maxentius whereby he became Empe{ror} of the West a Man she brought forth a Manchild
Sect. V
Sect IV
The History \A further account/ of the division of the {E}|R|oman Empires into two Empires with their Churches false & true.
We shewed above that the f
Iohn tells us that the first six heads of the Beast fell before he ase|c|ended out of the Abyss or Sea:|.| F His words are: five are fallen & one is {illeg}|&| the other is not come & the Beast that was & is not he is the eighth
W|I|ohn tells us that the first six \five king of the kings represented/ |by ye| heads of the Beast fell \& the sixt was in being/ before he ascended out of ye Abyss or Sea. For before he ascended he was latent – – – – has all the Dragons heads.
The occasion of the division of the Empire – – – – – as are represented by the Manchild.
|{Non} {sic}| When the Temple \of God/ was opened in heaven \& the Ark was seen in it/ & the Wom after \lightnings & voices &/ thundrings & lightnings the Woman & Dragon appeared in Heaven it is to be conceived that they \thi|e| Temple was opened that they might/ appeared in th{is} it Temple The seven Heads of the Dragon & Beast \this Temple wch was opened for/ & that the m|M|anchild was caught up to the throne of God above the ark in this Temple, & that the Woman fled from this Temple into the Wil{n}|d|erness & left a remnant of her seed in this temple And that the Dragon being \was/ cast down \out/ from ye inner Court of this Temple, made war there up there \into the outward Court came down to reign there among the inhabitants of the earth & sea &/ persecuted the Woman \there/ & there made war \there/ upon th{se}e {sic} |these| remnant of her seed. & caused all to receive the mark of the Beast except the 144000 thenceforward was worshipped there. And that the two horned Beast there deified the other Beast & there caused men to set up his Image & caused men to worship him \all (the inhabiters of there to men there to worship {it}|th|at Beast/ \it/ & to set up \& worship {it}/ {be} |ye| Image & {recei} worship it & th{a} \of that Beast &/ receive its mark except ye 144000. And that all this was done before the Dragon gave the Beast his western throne & \that afterwards the 144000 worshipped in ye/ power. And we are to conceive that the Dragon & two horned Beast \or fals Prophet/ thenceforward remain in the outward court of this Temple & that the saints who worship \in this Temple (suppose/ in the inner court thereof) {t}|a|re thenceforward called the 144000, this number being used as the {name} symbol & name of ye saints who worship in that Temple|.| & \who/ are represented also by the seven candlesticks thereof therein.
<17v>And when the Woman fl{ye}|ed|s from this Temple into the Wilderness, we are to conceive that she flee|d|{s} there to her place of honour & power & wealth where \wch is to sit upon & reign over the ten horned Beast: in wch place/ she {illeg}|is| fed & nourished by the Merchants of the earth & fare|s| deliciously wth the \ten/ kings & inebriates the nations wth the wine of her fornication {t}|&| becomes drunken wth the blood of the saints. And that when ye Dragon gi|{a}|\a/ves {sic} the Beast his western throne & power a second new Temple {is} \was/ built for these saints to worship therein, And that the outward Court of this Temple is \was afterwards at length/ given to the Gentiles, wch Gentiles are the Beast & the Woman sitting upon him. [& the saints \who worship in this Temple/ being mixt of Romans & northern people \barbarians/ are represented the two witnesses represented by two Candlesticks & \by/ two Olive trees or Cherubims made of Olive trees ( ) & {that place} in this Temple|.| & by two And \as/ the Woman increases|d| in power & dominion the two Witnesses are \were/ more & more afflicted d|&| oppressed & at length put {on s} when she arrives|d| to her place put on sackcloth & \are to/ prophesy in sackcloth 1260 days while \all the time that/ she is fed by the Merchants of the earth & reigns over the Beast.]
And its further to be observed that for distinguishing these two Temples with their worshippers, the visions {are} of the first Temple & the fir things relating to it are described first & those of the second Temple {t}|&| the things relating to it are described last & the visions of the Trumpets & Vials of wrath at|r|e put between them to make. First the \seven/ seales are opened & ye 144000 are sealed in the first Temple. Then the seven Trumpets sound & the seven thunders utter their voices,|.| &|A|nd then \follows the description of/ the second Temple wth the two witnesses & Gentiles in the outward court & Beast making making {sic} war upon the witnesses.
Sect. V.
Of the seven heads & ten {horns} of the Dragon & Beast
These things being understood it will not be difficult to describe the seven heads of ye Dragon & Beast. |These are called kings & signify seven reigns or dynasties of the Roman Empire| The four first. - - - - - - being a composition of them all
I When the Beast had been \slain \woun{illeg}|d|ed to death/ wth a sword/ & was not & was to \revive &/ ascend, that is, in the reign of \out of ye abyss that is, when/ Constanti{illeg}|u|s Iulian {or}|&| Iovian \reigned/ over the whole Empire, \{Iab}/ five of these heads were fallen & the sixt was & the seventh was not come, & the {illeg}|B|east wch had been & was not was to be ascended \afterwards/ out of the abyss \received the Dragons Throne/ & became the eighth & was of the seven, as has been explained. The Subject of & the ten kings wch \soon after received power as kings {but} &/ were at first of various reg|l|igions \&|bu|t/ at length agreed in religion & gave their kingdom to compose the body politi upon wch the Whore sits, & wch is {called} the Beast thenceforward called ye Beast.
|And| Having thus descibed the {Drag} kingdoms \Empires/ of the Dragon & Beast with their Heads & heads & horns & Churches true & false, which are the subject of the Prophesy, let us now go over the whole prophesy in continual order of time & see how it agrees wth history.
When the Beast had been wounded to death wth a sword & was not & was to revive & ascend out of ye abyss, that is when Constantius, \had conquered the western Empire & he &/ Iulian & Iovian reigned over the whole west Roman Empire, five of these heads \or kings/ were fallen & one was & another was not come & the Beast wa|h|ich had been & was not, ascended afterwards out of ye abyss, received the Dragon's throne & became the eighth \king/ {illeg}|&| was of the seven as has been explained, & the ten horns kings received power as kings \their crowns/ the same hour wth the eighth head of the Beast & were at first of various religions but at length \became of one mind &/ God put in their heard|t|s to agree in religion & give their kingdom to compose the body politi upon wch the Whore sits, & upon wch she is to sit untill the words of God \shall/ be fulfilled. |For under her dominion the \Beast/ is to act{s} & blaspheme th & to open his mouth in blasphemy against God & his name {&} them that dwell {in heaven & to} make war wth ye saints 42 months.|
I have now described the Empies|re|s of \kingdoms represented by/ ye Dragon & Beast wth their heads & horns & Churches false & true wch are the subject of the {illeg}|P|rophesy: it remains that we go over the whole prophesy in con{n}|t|nual order of time {illeg}|&| see how {it}|all| \all things |it|/ agrees|s| wth history, in {every} part with history. all its parts from the beginning to ye end so far as it hath been fulfilled. this present time.
This eighth period by the sounding of the Trumpets is subdivided into six intervals of time but these make no chaanges in the reign of the Dragon & beast common to them both before the sounding of the last |T.| & therefore there are no more common Dynasties then eight. {T} At the sounding of the last Trumpet an end is put to the reign of \them/ both: for the Angel \mighty/ sware that
<18r>And again \in/ the {Interpr} repetition & interpretation of the Prophesy, first there appears the first Temple with the Woman & Dragon & two horned Beast & 144000 & the ten horned Beast between his asce his rising out of the sea & his receiving the Dragons throne. Then follows the prophesy of the seven Vials, & afterwards Iohn is carried from the first Temple on mount Sion into the Wilderness to see the Woman sitting there upon \& the many waters or ten horned Beast upon wch/ the ten|she sits| horned Beast who are \that is to sea/ the wor Gentiles to whom the outward court of the second Temple was given,|.| &{illeg}
Now when the Temple of God was opened in heaven & after lightnings & thundrings Voices & the A{illeg}|r|k was seen int{o} it, & after voices lightnings & voices & thundrings \& hail/ there appeared several visions iin heaven, it is to be conceived that \this was/ the first Temple \& that it/ was opened for Iohn to see the visions in it {illeg}|&| particularly that the woman & Dragon appeared in this Temple, \that ye Manchild was caught up to the throne of God above ye Ark in this Temple/ that Michael cast the Dragon /was cast\ down /by Michael\ from the upper Court of this Temple into ye outward court thereof, that the Woma & there persecuted the Woman, that she fled from this Temple into ye wilderness & {so} left in it a remnant of her seed \with wch the Dragon there made war untill there remained only 144000 on mount Sion in this Temple &/ that the two Beasts rose out of the sea & earth of this Temple & the worship of the \first/ Beast & his Image was set up in thi|e| {T} {o}utward Court of this Temple. All this was done before the Dragon gave the Beast his throne \& by consequence before the building of a second Temple & the{n} from that time/; [but what was done by the Woman & Beast in the Wilderness is not shewed in this] & after \when/ the Beast {illeg}|w|th|a|s in the Dragon's throne] the 144000 sa|i|ng {ye} a new song on mout|n|t Sion in the middst of the 4 Beasts & elders that is in the inner court of this Temple & the Dragon & fals Prophet are remained \are left/ in the outward court thereof |& ye beast being \risen from the dead &/ deified & having received the Dragons throne western throne is afterwards found in the Wilderness with the Woman. For Iohn being carried also going |going| by one of the 7 Angels from this Temple /with one of the seven Angels\ from this Temple to se the Woman who was fled thither & the ten horned Beast who followed her & there {he} sees her \there/ sitting upon the Beast & upon many waters wch waters are peoples & multitudes & nations & tongues, that is the Gentiles who worship \Babylonian/ Gentiles who tread down the holy City & worship in the outward Court of the second Temple. Then he sees her drunken with the blood of {illeg} saints & of the Martyrs of Iesus {illeg}, that is with the blood of the two Witnesses represet|n|ted by the two Candlesticks of this Temple. For she is the for she is ye gt City \represented by old/ Babylon who|i|ch trod down captivated & trod down the holy city & in whose reign a second Temple was built \for the Iews/ by the prophesi|y|ing of Haggai {&} Zechary, {&} but ye outward court of this Temple was left open to ye Babylonian Gentiles.| while the seven Angels pourd out the seven Vials of wrath. And then Iohn {is} \was/ carried into the Wilderness to see [there visions the visions relating to ye second Temple, & wch \visions/ are the Woman in the Wilderness & the Merchants of ye earth who feed & nourish her there & the the kings with whom she commits fornication & the Beast or many waters upon wch she sits: that is the Gentil{l}|e|s who worship in the outward court of th{is}|e| Temple of the second Temple
In the first part of the prophesy \of the Apocalyps/ the seales are o Visions of opening the seales & holding the four wi{n}d & sealing the 144000 appear in the first Temple \wherein wch has were seven Candlesticks/, then the 7 Tumpets {sic} sound & seven thunders utter their voices & afterwards the \courts of ye/ Temple & altar {&} them that worship therein are measured to signify the building of a second Temple \is built/ wth two Candlesticks & s|t|he outward court |there|of {it} is given to the Genti{ons}|les|.
In second part \of the Prophesy wch is a {e}|s|upplemental repetition of the first part/ the Visions of the Woman Dragon \& fals Prophet/ & 144000 appear in the first Temple then the 7 Vials are poured out, |&| then the Gentiles to whom ye outward Court of the second Temple is \was/ given appear in the wilderness in the form of a Woman & \{illeg}Beast {illeg}{s}/ many waters upon which she sits. \Iohn goes into ye wilderness to see the great City Babylon seated on many waters under whose dominion the Iews built a second Temple leaving the outward \Court unbuilt &/ open to the Babylonian{illeg}s./
In both parts, \of th/ the visions relating to the two Temple|es| are distinguished by interposing the V visions of the Trumpets & T seven wars. And this distinction is not without a meaning. The affairs Iohn first describes \first/ the affairs of the Dragons kingdom \& Church/ by visions in the first Temple, \&/ then those of the Beasts kingdom \& Church/ by visions relating to the second Temple, & to distinguish the two kingdoms wth their \Churches/ affairs effectually \& actio{n}s from one another/ he interposes the description of the \plagues of ye/ seven wars{,} wch are \these bing {sic}/ inflicted \performed/ by the saints of both Temples, \For/ the seven Angels \of the seven Churches/ po sounding the Trumpets & pouring out the Vials of wrath & the two Witnesses smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will, that is wth ye seven plagues.
The|i||s| \eighth/ period of |[is| again divide by the sounding of the Trumpets subdivided into six intervals of time, for it|]| ends when the seventh Trumpet begins to sound|.| \For the Angel sware that there should be time no longer/ In|but in| the days of the voice of ye 7th Angel when he shall begin to sound the mystery of God shall be finished And when that That For \And when/ The|a|t \seventh/ Trumpet \Angel/ sounds to the war \battel/ be{e}|t|ween the army on white horses in heaven & the {8th} Beast army of the Beast & kings of the earth, in wch battel the Beast & fals Prophet are {ti}{&} taken & cast alive inth|o| ye lake of fire & ye Dragon into the bottomless pit And there ends the reign of the eighth king|:| & of the {t}|v|isions of the s so that h|H|is reign is \therefore/ by the sounding of the trumpets distinguished \only/ into six intervals of time & these intervalls being thrice repeated, once by the sounding of the seven Trumpets, once by the voices of the seven thunders & once by the pouring out of |ye| seven vials of wrath, answer{s} to the mysterious number of the Beast 666. What follows concerning the thousand years \& \or// the or {sic} day of judgment & |ye| kingdom of heaven is to be conceived not {w} sealed up under any of the seven seales but written on the backside of the Book.
Vpon opening the first Temple
Sr: Isaac Newton His–Bill 1719 May
May | — | — | ||
23 – | 1: Goose | 0 – | 3 – | 6 |
27 – | 2: Turkey 1Ld | 0 – | 6 – | 6 |
28 – | 2: Rabb | 0 – | 2 – | 0 |
29 – | 1 Chi{k}|c|cken | 0 – | 1 – | 6 |
0 = | 13 = | 6 |
This law was ancienter then the {illeg} days of Mos{illeg}e|es|s \being given to Noah & all his posterity/, & therefore wn the Apostles & Elders in the Council at Ierusalem when they declared that the Gentiles were not obliged to be circumcised & observe the law of Moses, t{e}{illeg}|he|y excepted this law as being imposed on all nations {illeg} \\2/ not as the sons of Araham {sic} but as the Sons of Noah,/ not by circumcision but by an earlier law of God ||3| not by conversion to the Christian religion but even before there were christians.| And of the same kind is the law of abstein{c}|i|ng from t|m|eats offered to Idols. & from fornication.
not as Christians but as Gentiles
– as being imposed on all \nations/ not by the law of {illeg}{illeg}e|M|oses but by an e{illeg}|a|rlier law of God, not as sons of Abraham but as sons of Noah, not as Christians but even as Gent|t|iles. And of the {illeg}|s|ame kind is the law of absteining from meats offered to Idols & from fornication.
Lot | ||||
44 | a Lansship with figures |& Cattle| | 01: | 09: | 0 |
47 | |a| Lanship wth figures & horses | 03: | 15: | 0 |
61: | Antique Ruins and figures | 01: | 12: | 0 |
19 | a Winter peice | 01: | 10: | 0 |
a Doz of Delf plates | 00: | 10: | 6 | |
08: | 16: | 6 | ||
Chargis | 00: | 02: | 0 | |
£08: | 18: | 6 |
the governours of Israel that sat in judgment Iud.g. V.9, 10. The elders of Gilea{a}t|d| Iudg. 11.5, 7.|,| 8, 9, 10, 11. The elders of Bethlehem before whome Booz purchased the land of Elimelech. Ruth. 1 V. 3|2|, 4, Deut. 25.7, 8. Elders of the city shall chastise that man & amerce h{illeg}|im|. Deut 22.18, 19. stone him \or hang him/ Deut 21.19, 20, 21, 22, deliver him to the executioner Deut 19.12. Elders of the cities of refuge sit in ye gate of the city I{udg}|osh|. 20.4 {C}|N|aboth condemned before the Elders of his city. 1 King. 21.8, 11, 13. / Worship in the Gates Psal. IX.14. Such were the high places of the heathen before the Israel drove them out, {viz} of Amorites Num 2{illeg}3|1|.28
Elders of Midian Num 22.4. \High places/ of all the Canaanites Num 33.52. 2 King. 17.11 of other eastern nations 2 King 17.1|2|9, 30, 31, 32, 33. Moal|b|. Ier. 48.35. Num. 22.41. Amorite Num 21.28.
In the days of the Iudges the people were allowed to sacrifice in th all their cities to the true God. Samuel had an altar at Rama in the high place at Ramah {illeg}|1| Sam 7.17. & 9.19|3|, 19, 22. & sacrificed in the high place at Gilgal & 15.21. & at Bethlehem 1 Sam XVI.2, 5, & XX.6, 29. 2 Sam XXIV.18, 25. & 1 King. III.2. And even after the building of the Temple they sac continued to sacrifice in the high places to ye Lord. 2 Chron XXXIII 17. But Asa, Hezekiah & Iosiah destroyed the High places & ye gro{illeg}|v|es. 2 Chron. XIV.3 \& XXXI.1/ & XXXIV.3, 4. There was also in the Temple a place set apart for worshipping God by prayers & praises & for \reading &/ expounding the Law (Matt. XXI.13. Ier. 7 \VII./.11.) & the like is to be understood of the High places of all the city|s|: the Elders of every city setting apart such places for this worship either in their high places or in or neare the Gates of their cities where they sat in judgment|s| {illeg}|o|r in both. For Moses of old time had in every city them that preach him being read in the synagogues every Sabbath day. Acts XV.21.
An Accompt of ye \barrelled/ Ti{illeg}|n|n \in Barrills/ now remaining
in the Tower.
Long slender Barrs of Tin in Barrils each of wch contein 400 weight.
Tuns | C | |
50 Barrils \imported/ from Cornwall | 10. | 00 |
1637 Barrils left of what was left melted & \last year/ barrelled in Town | 327. | 8. |
Total | 337. | 8 |
Whereof Mr Stratford designes to export 100 Barrils | 20. | 0 |
Remains | 317. | 8 |
There have been alre{ai}|a|dy exported in Barrils about 63|4| Tuns almost all of it by Sr Theodore Iohnson, the Pewterers f who factor for the Merchans|t|s, chusing rather to buy Tin in Blocks + Barril it, so that there is a necessity of bargaing {sic} wth Sr Theodore or some other merchant to export it into ye straights.
An Account of the \tin in/ Blocks |now in Tower & coming from Cornwall.|
Pope Symmachus \A. C. 503/ excommunicated the Greek Emperor Anastasius & upon the Emperors complaining wrote a letter to ye Emperor in wch is this sentence. Conferamus autem honorem Imperatoris cum honore Pontificis: inter quos tantum da|i|stat, quantum ille rerum humanarum cuj|r|am gerit, iste divinarum. This Bishop exercised a jus|r|isdiction over the Bishops of Gallia & when he die & other when he died, & Hormisda was created his successor, \that is A. C. 514/ Clodovæus king of France being lately \whom \wth his nation/ Remigius bp of R{illeg}|he|/mes\ {b} R{em} had {lately}/ converted to the Christian religion, d{i} by the adv{ice} \the advice/ of Remigius bishop of Rhemes sent {him} \to Rem Hormisda/ a Crown of gold adorned with gemms, & Pope Hormisda \mutually/ made Remigius his deputy over all the \Churches in the/ kingdom of France. This crown By the circumstances \of the story/ this Crow{illeg}d|n| was given to the Pope as universal Bishop. And {sho} The supremacy was |[|And the supremacy was afterwards confirmed by the grants of the Greek Emperors Iustinian & Phocas & the Popes authority advanced in Rome by the overthrow of the {temp} temporal government of that City by a Senate & Consuls & by the removal of the kingdom of the Ostrogoths.] Tha|e| Primacy \or first place/ in point of honour was allowed the sea of {T}|R|ome long before this & the second place was allowed to the sea of Alexandria{.} but neither of them were universal Bishops. |[|This act of Remigius \submission of Clodovæus/ whereby he became bisho \Remigius & his successors/ gained the \Arch/bishopric of all France is the first instance that I have met with of the Popes exercising an Episcop {he} \obteining &/ excising {sic} a jus|r|isdiction over the churches of forreign kingdoms as universal Bishop{illeg}] & this jurisdiction was soon after extended into The Francks so far as I can find are the first kingdom which submitted to ye {Eccles{illeg}} \Ecclesiastical/ dominion of the Pope. {&} The next was the Greek Empire by the grant of Iustinian, by vertue of wch grant the Pope \{He}/ deposed the Patriarch of Constantinople & by the arms of the Emperor ruined the kingd Arian kingdom of the Goths & \in its room/ erected a Catholick Exarchate in its room And henceforward all the after this after these exc Then Reccaredus king of the Visigoths {A} in Spain & other western kings as fast as they were converted either from the heathen or from the Arian religion submitted submitted to the \Church of the/ Catholick religion \faith/ submitted, the Pope being now accounted the {Chu} head of this Church it being now the Pope being now accounte{d} the head of ye Church Catholic untill the Pope extended his domini{o} spir ecclesiastical dominio{n} over all the west, & by the overthrow of the Exarchate & kingdom of the Lombards {& added a tem} acquired also a temporal dominion in token of wch he weares two keyes in hand & two \temporal/ crowns {illeg} upon his head.
In the year 535|3| the Emperor Iustinian {d}{illeg} \{illeg}/ having newly conquered \invading/ the {illeg} in Afric |[|& designing \afterward/ to conquer the Ostrogoths in Italy, to draw off the Pope & those of {the} Catholic religion in Italy from their obedience to the Ostrogoths who reigned o{illeg}|v|er them {who} were of another religion,|]| granted to ye Pope H{ormi}sda \Iohn/ the universal Bishopric & u{ntill} the year 535 when had newly conquered the Vandals & designed to conquer \send Bellisarius against/ the Ostrogoths in Italy, he confirmed that grant to Pope Agapetus that he might thereby gain the affections of ye Roman Catholicks {illeg}|&| draw them off from their obedience to ye Ostrogoths who reigned over them {illeg}|&| were of another religion. And the conseque{n}{ce} was that in the year 537 th{e}|a|t Goths leaving Rome being garrisond by {5}|4|000 {illeg}|G|oths opened its gates to Bellisarius & a year or two after Millain & all Liguria fell away to the Greeks, & in ye year 540 Ravenna delivered up herself & the Goths wth their king to Bellisarius.
In The Greek Emperor Iustinian \to gain the affection of the Italians/ in the years 533 & \again in the year/ 535 granted the universal Bishopric to the Pope & then sent Belisarius against the Ostrogoths who at that time reigned over all Italy |& were Arians & therefore hated by the Italian clergy| {illeg}|&| \there/ the people of Rome \A. C. 537/ at the sollicitation of the Pope \revolted from the Ostrogoths &/ delivered up the City of Rome to Bel|l|isarius A. C. 537, & a year or two after Millain \also/ & all Ligu{ri}a \at the instigation of the Bishop of Millain/ revolted to Belis{i}|a|rius. And in co{l}|n|clusion \at length/ the Italians \Clergy/ by the arms of Bellisarius rid the Greek Emperor rid themselves of the {illeg} dominion of the Ostrogoths. This was one kingdom wch stoot|d| in Popes way & fell before him
The grat|n|t of the universal Bishopric by the Emperor Ius{ti}nian {th} met wth opposition, & succeeded {no}t But in the year 607 the gra{nt} was renewed by the Emperor Phocas wth better success. But \However/ the Popedome had neither a temporal dominion nor military power & so was not y{e}t a horn. Rome was still governed by a Duke who was subordinate to the Exarch of Ravenna.
The \Whe{re}upon/ t|T|he Goths \in revenge/ beseiged & took Millain & slewall the men to ye number of 300000 & captivated the weomen. But {A} They beseiged Rome also first under Vitiges wthout success & then und{er} {T}otilas who took it twice & {af} reproached the Italians for their ingratitude in side|i|ng wth the Greeks against them. By this war the Goth kingdom of the Goths was subverte{d} & the government of Rome by a senate {&} Consuls fell. And this was one kingd{om} wch stood in the Popes way & fell before him.
The Primacy of first place \in point of honour/ was allowed to the sea of Rome before the time of the council of N{illeg}i{c}{e} & the second \& third/ places to ye seas of Alexandria \& Antioch before the time of the Council of Nice/but neither \{none}/ of them were Popes acknowledged universal Bishops. But w|W|hen many kingdoms the western Empire became divided was invaded by man barbarous nations & divided was divided into ten kingdoms wch were either heathens or Arians, the Catholicks united under the Pope & those kingdoms {became} as fast as they were \afterward/ converted to ye Catholick religion subjected themselves to ye Popes \spiritual/ authority in spiritual matters. in matters ecclesiastical,. And first {w} & the Pope{s} {& for{illeg}} {&}|An||d| first Clodovæus king of France being converted from the{illeg} heathen to ye Catholic religion s{en}t to s{u} by ye ad{v}i subjected his kingdom to ye Pope & \by the advice of Remigius Bp of Rhemes/ sent to Pope hormisda a crown of gold adorned wth gemms \A. C. 514/ & the Pope \in recompence/ ma{illeg}|d|e Remigius his depup|t|y \Patriarch Archbishop/ over all the Churches of the Francks. {illeg} This \crown/ |[|was in the year 514, & about 21 years after the Greek Emperor Iustinian acknowled {sic} & ratified the Popes authority as universal Bishop & the Pope exercised this au\to/rity in th{is} Greece by dep\o/sing the Patriarch of Constantinopl{e} & then conspired wth ye Gre{e}k emperor to subvert the kingdom of the Ostrogots wh{illeg}|o| were Arians {& tha} that a cath{l}|o|lic government {b}|m|ight be set up in its room] crown was by the circumstances of the story was episcopal, the {F} the Franks thereby acknowledging him their Monarch in ecclesiastical affairs & |[|this |[| Monarchy in {less than d}{illeg} \two or three hundred/ years conquered all the kingdoms of the west & thereby got upon the back of the ten-horned beast. &|]| \soon after/ b|B|y subverting the kingdom of {illeg} the Ostrogoths who were of different \religion/ & setting up the \Catholick/ e|E|xarchate in its room wch Exarchate was \& by the submission of the Greek Emperors/ the|i||s| \spiritual/ Crown |be|was|cam||e| fixed on the Popes head & afterwards by subverting the Exarchate & kingdō of the Lombards {had} \&/ giving their cities & te{rr} where {o}|t|he Pope gained also a temporal dominion, in memory of wch he has ever since worn two keys in his hand & \added/ two temporal crowns & s \to the/ spiritual one upon his head.
In the 4th reign of Constantius fourth century \rei{n}|g|n of Constantius/ the western Bishops {set up} to streng\h/then the{ir} authority of the western Churches against the Eastern laboured that appeales should be made from all the w{illeg}|o|rld to the Pope, but did not subject themselves to the Pope as universal Bishop of \over/ all the western Churches. We{n}|he|n the western empires became divided into ten kingdo{m}s wch \at first/ were either heathen or Arian
[1] Epist ad Damasum Tom 2 p. 48
[2] Sozom. l. 3. c. 20 & \Athanas. apud/ Theod. l. 2. c. 24.
[3] a Compare Sozomen l. 3. c {20}
[4] a Ier. 27.3, 6 Ezek. 21.19, 20 & 25.2, 8, 12
[5] b Ezek. 26.2 & 29.17, 19.
[6] c Ezek. 29.19 & 30.4, 5.
[7] a Vide Bocherti Phaleg lib. 111 cap 5 181.