
Chap. 1.
The Original of Monarchies.

The whole earth — — two hundred years after Media & Persia was grown into a Monarchy.

The great antiquity of the Kingdom {sic} of Egypt makes it difficult to give an a Acct of the \its/ Original thereof, but some footsteps there are of its \thereof/ {thereof} \original/ in History. For in the seven years of the Kingdome of the Egyptians under wch Israel was in bondage seems to have comprehended but a small part of Egypt, as well because in two days time the children of Israel were scattered throughout all the land of this kingdom to gather straw (Exod 5.12, 14) as because the King of this kingdom said that the children of Israel were more & mightier then his people Exod.1.9. Psal.105.24. Which in the seven years is an argument that Egypt then consisted of many \several/ small kingdoms of wch this was but one.

In the seven years of plenty Ioseph — — — — And then Sesack made a new regulation of the Noimes & built their Temples more sumptuously.

Manetho an Egyptian Priest has given us the names of many Kings reigning in several parts of Egypt — — — — — we shall find hereafter that several Kings reigned after Sesostris who in the Dynasties are named before him.

So then the great antiquity of the kingdoms of Egypt grounded upon the Dynasties of Manetho are \is/ not to be relied on & the great Monarchy of Egypt notwithstanding those Dynasties might rise out of several small kingdoms & those out of Cities combining under Common Councils as was explained above.


Chap. II
Of the Ph ancient Phœnicians & their Colonies in Egypt & Greece.

Sometime after the departure of the Israelites out of Egypt a body of Shepherds from the east invaded & conquered Timaus king \king/ who reigned in \of the eastern part of/ the lower Egypt & burnt &c— — —


Chap. III
Of the Monarchy of Egypt.

Egypt called in scriptur Misor Misraim & the land of Ham, is a long & narrow broad valley — — — — — Tropic of Cancer, that is in the north Latitude of 2312 degrees.

One of the first great kingdoms in the world was yt of Egypt. For Pliny in recconing — — — the riches of Babylon Nineveh & Ecbatane.

Herodotus in giving an account of the ancient state of Egypt — — — —, Apries, Amasis, Psammenitus. To these kings I would præfix \Ammon true father of Sesostris &/ Tethmosis Thamesis or Amosis who drave out the Shepherds & erected the monarchy, & S after Sabacus I would insert Sua & Tirhakah.

We are told in Scripture that Sesak came out of Egypt wth 1200 chenols — — — — answers to that \of Sesak/ in scripture.

[1] The father of Sesostris gathered together out of all Egypt the male children who were born the same day wth Sesostris & placed them with nurses & governours, prescribing \& prescribed/ to them all the same form of education & go discipline, being perswaded that they who were so brought up with his son would be most faithful & usefull to him \in his warrs/. These children he brought, up wth exercises of dayly labours commanding that none of them should eat till he had run 180 gladia. by wch means they became endowed wth strong and active bodies & great aspiring spirits minds. Hence \I gather that/ the father of Sesostris was king of Egypt before Sesostris \or Sesak/ was born & by consequence he was that \Pharaoh/ king of Egypt who married his daughter to Solomon & took Gezer from the Canaanites & gave it to his daughter for a present. |ffor Sesak as we shall show hereafter was of about ye same age wth Solomons wife \spouse/ & her little sister being a child /who had no breasts, {illeg} being then but a child a child.\|

Considering that Amosis beseiged the Shepherds after his father Misphragmuthosis had shut them up in Abaris: its probable that this siege was in the beginning of the reign of Amosis & so that Amosis might reign long after the expulsion of the Shepherds \might reign long/ & so be contemporary to Saul & some part of the reign of David. For I reccon that he expelled the Shepherds after the victory of Samuel over the Philistines |{war} of Samuel when Samuel by one single victory over ye Philistines restored whereby liberty & peace was restored to Israel. 1 Sam 13, 14| & before the second year of the reign of Saul {illeg} when a new \& {vehement}/ & lasting war wth the Philistines brake at out 1 Sam 12 when |ye| Israelites were {sic} again in bondage & the Philistines wth a very numerous army made a new & vehement & lasting war upon Saul & David & could not be subdued till after \they had been beaten in/ many battels 1 Sam 12. |According to Manetho he reigned after ye explusion of the shepherds 25 years \4 months/ & Chrebron 13. Whence \According to wch recconing/ the reign of Amonophis will begin between ye 20th & 30 year of about ye 24th year of David, & that of his son Sethosis will be coincident with the reign of Sesak.|

Iosephus tells[2] out of Manetho that Tethmosis who expe after ye Shepherds went out of Egypt to Ierusalem, Tethmosis who expelled them reigned 25 years & 4 months & then was succeeded by his son Chebron after whom reigned Amenophis. And after another king or two he makes \names/


Mephamuthosis Thmosis & Amenophis said to succeed one another & ascribing 30 years & 10 months to ye reign of Amenophis \as succeeding in {Iosh}/ & \after/ some other kings (as Orus & Armeis \(as Orus & Arm Armais or Danaus)/ wch seem to be placed out of order, he makes \names/ Armesses Miamun reign 60 \to reign 66 years & to be suceeded by/ & his son \& successor/ Amenophis the father & predecessor of \& his son & successor/ Sethosis \the brother of Arman or Danaus/. The same successions of Kings are \are/ recited out of \the 18th Dynasty of/ Manetho by Africanus \& Eusebius/ in his 18 th Dynasty wth a little variation of ye names. ffor Africanus names them kings thus Amos or Amosis, Chebros, Amenophthis, Misphragmuthosis, Thuthmosis Amenophis — Rammeses, Ammenoph, Sethos. \& Eusebius thus Amosis, Chebron, Amenuphiss - Misphragmuthosis, \& Maphaxnothesis, Thomosis/ Amenophis, Ammeso, Themesses Menophis Sethos/ And in the 12th Dynasty Africanus recites these kings \of Thebes/ as reigning in order. \Ammenemes/ Gesongoses ye son of Ammenemes, Ammanemes & Sesostris. All wch \being compared together/ seem but several repetitions of ye same \succession of/ kings, Sethos Sethosis, Gesongoses (or Gesonanosis) & Sesostris being one & the same king & whose predecessor was Amenophis, Amenophoriss or Ammenemes Amor, Amosis Thummosis \succeeding in this order, Tithmosis \Mephragmuthosis or Misphragmuthosis/ Amosis Ranimeses or Amesses; 3 Chebron or Chebros, 4 Amenophis, Amenophthes father of or Ammenemes; 5 Sethosis, Gegongosis, {illeg} Sesoachosis or Sesostris Misphramuthosis, Tethmosis/ Mep Mephramuthosis {sic}, Misphragmuthosis Tethmosis,Thmosis,Thuthmosis,Amos or Aosis,Armesses {sic},Rammeses Chebron Chebros Amenophis,Amemophis,AmenophisAmenophophthisAmenophrus. Sethosis Mephraninthosis,- - - - Misphragninthosis TethmosisThmosis,Armesses |Amosis| ThthmosisRammeses Chebron Chabos. AmenophisAmenophis,Amenophis \Osmanophthis/ AmenophisAmmenoph.Ammenemes.Ammanenes Fer SethosisSethosGesongoses or Sesostris same race of Kings succeeding in this order. 1 Mephramutaosis {sic}, \Mispharmuthosis/ or Misphragmuthosis. 2 Tethmosis, Thmosis, \Thomosis/ Amosis, \Ammeses/ Armesses, {illeg} Rammeses, \Rameses, Ramesses/ {illeg} 3 Cheoron or ✝ Chebros. \{illeg}/ 4 Amenophis, Amenophthis, or \Menophos,/ Ammenemes or Ammon 5 \Sethos/ Sethosis, Gesongosis, Sesoncnosis, or Sesostris. Whether Chebron be {illeg} \rightly/ inserted or ought to be omitted I do not know [For Tethomosis and Amosis are plainly the same the one expelling the Shepherds & ye other succeeding the Misphragmuthosis who shut them up in Abaris. Amenophis the predecessor of Sethosis is the same \wth/ Ammenemes that Predecessor of Gesongosis or Sesonchosis & Sesostris.] Whether Chebron be rightly inserted or should be ought to be omitted I do not know.

The first King who began to extended {sic} the Dominion of Egypt over \into/ foreign countries was Amenophis, Ammenemes {sic} or Amon the father of Isak Sesostris ffor Sesostris \He/ \who/ was \first/ sent by his father with an army into Arabia, [that Arabia wch lies] between Egypt & the Red Sea, & being accompanied wth those who his companions who were brought up with him, they overcame the want of water & food & conquered all that barbarous nation wch till then had been unconquered. Then being sent towards the west he overcame a great part of Afric though but yet a youth. |By| The first of these conquests the Troglodytes & by the latter the Libyans of Marmorica & Cyrene came under the dominion of Egypt. And this seems to have given occasion to the trafick of Solomon wth into Egypt for horses. ffor [Cyrene was the country famous in those days for breeding horses] Egypt was supplied wth horses from Cyrene a country famous

[1] Diodor. l 1

[2] L. 1. cont. Ap.

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