
Novemb 17th 1674. Cambridge.


He{illeg}|a|ring yt Mr Kersies book is out of Press, I desire you would send me ye Fourth {illeg}|p|art. I have ordered John Stiles to satisfy you for it. Mr Dary is very sollicitous about Mathematiques. The rules wch I lately sent him for resolving æquations by Logarithms {illeg} to be communicated to you, he applys to {illeg}|q|uadratic equations: whereas they are only to be applied to æquations wch have many intermediate terms wanting, four or five at least. And ye more intermediate terms are wanting, the sooner they approach to truth. He is desirous of ye best way of determining Logarithms by{illeg} ye Hyperbola {illeg} & ye solution of another Probleme of ye same kind, but I have nothing valuable to communicate \therein/ wch you are not already acquainted wth. So wth my thanks to you for all yor kindnesses I rest

Yor obliged &
humble Servant

Is. Newton


As 36500 Is to 10 times the Number of Dayes so is any Principall to the Interest

3031308 21283110 90 1365027300310950414600518250621900725500829200932850 19800054|246182500015500021014600022 0009000000073000 0001700000014600 00024000 053,4140000000400 2136,5601825,000.,584. 0311,5600292,000 0019,560
00003500 00003100 00035000 01050000 1085073000.2,975. 035500032850 00265000024500 000020000 1600000 24000000 0048750 0000040 195000182500.53|414. 012500010950 0001550000014600 000009000000007300 00000017000 002300000 0 0054,24600 0054,23300 01627380 1627380 17901181466000.490. 033011032850 000161000 0 053,41400 054,21500 2670700 5341400 801210730000.|247. 1712114600 02521000 00004600 00000430 000013800 0001840000 0001978000018250.5|191. 00000153000000014600 0000007000000000036500 000000335000000000328500 000000006500 21313122105 930312696
0 016,60200 054,29000 14941801460000.,409. 0034180 0 083,79500 054,10500 0418,9758379,500 8798,4757300,000.2,410. 1498,4 1460,0 0038,40 0036,50 00019,00 0 081,01400 054,09600 486,0847291,2600 7777,3447300,000.2|130. 0477,3 0365,0 0011,230 0010,950 0000,2800


054:04:1112125:0:0 09100033 dayes 053:08:0312 000:04:111215 Dayes 108:07:1112 016:12:0012

Jan 10Over0016:12:0012 Carried downe83:15:11Interest to the 10 ofApllbeing 90 dayes0000:08:0212 By Cash thenpd0066:15:0812 ______________________________________________________________________________ 0083:15:1112 Brought downe0083:15:1112 Aug 2205:03:121081:00:0312Interest thereof to 22Aug being 105 dayes00}0000:02:0212 ______________________________________________________________________________ 0086:04:0112 _______________________________________Brought downe0081:00:0312 Cash then paid0064:14:0112 Interest the to 26Novrbeing96 dayes000022:04:1012 Carried downe880:14:0512_______________________________________ 0867:19:0312 _____________________________________By Cashpd26 Nov0012:15:0212 _______________________________________ 0880:14:0512 99:04:083400Interest to 18 May1667 being 173 dayes00}0041:15:0612 Interest from5 feb to 18 Maybeing 102 dayes}May 18 Paid 0350:00:0012 _______________________________________ 1272:09:1112



For Mr John Collins at the
Farthing Office in Fenchurch
Street in


|send by Stiles at the green dragon in bishope gate on thursday|

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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