Novemb 17th 1674. Cambridge.
He{illeg}|a|ring yt Mr Kersies book is out of Press, I desire you would send me ye Fourth {illeg}|p|art. I have ordered John Stiles to satisfy you for it. Mr Dary is very sollicitous about Mathematiques. The rules wch I lately sent him for resolving æquations by Logarithms {illeg} to be communicated to you, he applys to {illeg}|q|uadratic equations: whereas they are only to be applied to æquations wch have many intermediate terms wanting, four or five at least. And ye more intermediate terms are wanting, the sooner they approach to truth. He is desirous of ye best way of determining Logarithms by{illeg} ye Hyperbola {illeg} & ye solution of another Probleme of ye same kind, but I have nothing valuable to communicate \therein/ wch you are not already acquainted wth. So wth my thanks to you for all yor kindnesses I rest
Yor obliged &
humble Servant
Is. Newton
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