
Cambridg May 20th.


I received yor two last letters wth Heurets Optiques wch (not being so ready in |ye| French tongue my selfe as to reade it wthout the continuall use of a Dictionary) I committed to ye perusal of another w{illeg}|h|o gives me this account of it, That h{illeg}|e| is not so plain & methodicall as M. Boss, That he takes two {sic} much paines in demonstrating many things wch, of themselves are sufficiently obvious especially to one a little versed in Euclide. That his reprehensions of M. Boss are usually groundless & frivolous; as for instance, being sometimes for his omission of some lines in his draughts as if done out of ignorance, wch yet a candid reader would rather think omitted least his shemes {sic} should be cumbered wth two great a multiplicity of lines, especially since the drawing of them might be deduced from his precepts. That his ways of designing wthout reguard to ye point of distance is not preferrable to ye other ways in wch ye point of distance is considered. That And that it is as convenient to make use of a scale as of those other ways wch he would substitute in stead thereof. So that although this Author hath inriched Perspective wth many new considerations yet those in practise will have little or no advantage above those wch are already in use.

This Sr in short is ye account of him wch I received from my friend who esteems him {illeg} a very good Author & one that throughly understands this science, yet of ye two prefers Mr Boss. I committed it also to ye perusall of another friend who out of curiosity desired it, but when he had looked upon two or three of his first propositions he became prejudiced {illeg} by reason of some greater obscurity in them then in those wth wch M. Boss begins with: saying to me yt if he writing more at large yn M. Boss, did yet begin wth more intricate propositions; he did could not expect to find him in ye rest of his book so clear & methodicall as ye other. I intended the last week to have returned your book wth many thanks {illeg}|b|ut was disappointed & so could not return it till now, wch I doe herewith by J. Stiles. I have sent you also 10s for that part of Kersey wch you sent me, & 30s more for 3 other Copies of ye same wch I subscribed for; If you please to direct J. Stiles where he may receive the books & pay the money.

I thank you that you are pleased to remember me about wt yt most excellent Author M. Hugens has lately published. I understand by M. Oldenburg that M. Slusius has some kind of information concerning my generall Method wch I made mention of to you. But though I must acknowledg your good will to me in desiring M. Oldenburg to make it known to him, & see nothing in M. Slusius reply but what is free & generous, yet I think it most proper for me to take {illeg} wave an answer, there being nothing that requires it. Concerning {illeg}|the| expenses of being a Member of ye R.S. I suppose < insertion from the left margin > there hath been done me no unkindness, for I met wth nothing in y{illeg}|t| kind besides my expectations. But I could wish I had met with no rudeness in some other things. And therefore I hope you will not think it strange if to prevent accidents of that nature for ye future I decline that conversation wch hath occasioned what is past. I hope this, whatever it may make me appear to others, yet will not diminish yor Friendship to me

Yor humble Servant

I. Newton

< text from f 35r resumes >


To Mr John Collins at Mr William
Austins house over against the
Adam & Eve in Petty France
in Westminster


With a thin Folio Book.

|send by Stiles at the green dragon in bishops gate on thursday.|

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