Clerical copy of tenders to supply copper received in response to the advertisement of 30 April 1717 [MINT00630 (Mint 19/2/406)] and forwarded to the Mint with MINT00636 (Mint 19/2/366):
To the Officers of his Majesties Mint.
The Proposalls of Henry Hind foundr. and Cittizen of London & Partner.
Humbly Sheweth
That the said Henry Hind & Partr. is willing to Contract with the Officers of his Majesties Mint to furnish them with such Copper Barrs or Filletts for Coining halfe pence and farthings of a Due Size and fineness as Shall be required and of the Same fine\n/ss and goodness as the Patterns att 18 pence ꝑ pound. and to take back the Wast or Cissell att the same price