John Hammond: The Examination of John Hammond 4 November 1704
|Westmld Ss.| The Exam: of John Ham̄ond of Preston near Bolton in the County of York taken before J. Grahm of Levens Esqr. & this 1704.
He being bro.t before me by Robt Thornbeck Constable of Middleton in this County as being found beging and asking of Alms. Hee sayes that he came there to avoyd being arrested, but there being found in his breeches Wast band, and in a bagg to the vallue of 36.£ as he calls it, wch gave great Supion that he was a Coyner or vender of false and Counterfeit money, he owns himself to have been an Inhabitant of Preston aforesaid, & to have follow'd Husbandry, and had a Farm under the Duke of Bolton of 20.£ ꝑ an̄, and that ab.t 3. weeks before Michmas they threatned to seize him for arreares of rent, so he saith yt he sold Good Slotts & Why's and sold also unto Thomas Lambert of Bainbridge Ten Steers for which he ꝑd him in Gold 17:£ 7:s g.d or thereabouts and sold to Francis Lodge of Walburnhall 8. Steers for which he recd 12.£ - and that he recd the Silver money now found upon him of the Sd Francis Lodge, and yt he sold the Steeres not in any Pasture but upon Preston Moore, and recd the money of Lodge at Walburn Hall aforesd and that he recd of Giles Elletson of Cawdstones house in the parish of Dowham in Swaledale 7:£ 10:s 0d for 6. Why's & 2. Cowes ꝑt of it in Guineas & ye rest of his Goods were Seized on by Mr Law the D. of Boltons Steward, being asked what he design'd to do with this money he Sd he designed to pay 15.£ to W.m Lonsdale, Fran:s Lonsdale and Francis Morland all of Bellerby in the County of York and yt he intended to pay to Tho:s Freare of Bolton Castle and Tho.s Ham̄ond of the same town, the rest of ye money & Gold found upon him as aforesd and being asked whether any of the aforemen'd ꝑson{s} who p.d ye money, did direct him to pay it to any ꝑticular ꝑson, he answered that he would hang himselfe before he would hang anybody else, being asked why he brot ys mony hither, wch he says he desig'd to pay at Bellerby aforesd he answered that he had no friend to leave it withall John Ham̄ond Capt. coram me J Grahm.