|Com Westmer Ss.| The Informaion of John Harrisson of Middleton in this County taken before James Grahme Esqr. &c.tt Nov.er 4. 1704.

The said John Harrisson deposeth upon Oath that on fryday the third Instant he goeing into Lancashire to seek a Horse of his Fathers wch he suspected to be stolen or Stray'd, that he met with one John Ham̄and (as he calls himselfe) of preston in Wensedale in the County of york, who being a Stranger and idleing about, seized upon him as a vagrant, & as a suspitious person, being out of the Kings highway, where some Cloaths were hanging on a neigbours Hedge, and did there see the said Ham̄ond handleing and twineing them, he this Depon.t Stopt him but finding nothing that they could lay to his Charge concerning the Cloaths, he this Depon.t and severall others of the neighbourhoud let him goe. but this Depon.t still suspecting that the Sd Ham̄ond did loijter there upon some ill design, stopped him again and upon searching him he and some neighbours finding some Ropes and something like a Slipp, they Suspected might be for catching and leading away horses (there being many Stoln in this Countrey) pursued him again and found him lying on his back in a Wood call'd the Hagg, and then brought him into the Highway where the Sd John Hamond, proffered 1.s a peice to 3. ꝑsons then present to let him goe away, & this is all this Depon.t can say.                                              Jo: Harrisson Capt. jurat &c.t coram me James Grahm.

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