Ann Edes: The Information of Ann Edes of Shoe Lane in St Andrews parish the wife of Samuell Edes a Seaman 16 April 1699
The Information of Ann Edes of Shoe Lane in St Andrews ꝑish the wife of Samuell Edes a Seaman 16 Aprll. 1699
She saith that she did see Iohn Conyers of Swan Court in Mansfield street in Goodmans fields and Iohn Hollyday of the same Court and ꝑish Silversmith on Fryday and Saturday was a sennight make shillings and 6 pences in imitacon of the Current Mill'd Coyn of this Kingdom by casting and that on those 2 dayes they made abot. 40s. namely abot. 25s on Fryday and abot. 15s. on Saturday above menoned and that Alice Partington the Maid Servt. of the said Ino Conyers carryd. up staires to them a pair of Bellowes and some other water and went of Errands for such things as they wanted