John Wood: The Information of John Wood of the High Street of the parish of Stepney in the county of Middlesex Grocer 15 May 1699
The Informacon of Iohn Wood of the high street of the ꝑish of Stepney in the said County of Middx Grocer 15th May 1699
Who saith that he hath known William Cumby and one Iudith Hartley als Cumby who lived with the said William Cumby as his wife and that this Informt. hath severall times seen the said William Cumby and Iudith his pretended wife counterfeit the Current Coyn of this Realm by casting of Counterfeit old money in Duke street near Gravell Lane Southwark abot. 6 yeares ago And that the said Iudith Hartley als Cumby did in or abot. October was 2 years assist this Informt. in making counterfeit Shillings by casting in imitacon of the Current Mill'd Coyn fo this Realm in the `ꝑish of St. Georges Southwark
Iohn Wood