Mary Ragg (with Richard Read): The Examination of Mary Ragg of St James Market widow and others 4 March 1698/9
The Examinacon of Mary Ragg of St. Iames markt. widdow and others taken upon Oath this 4 march 169
Mary Ragg saith that on the 3d instant Iohn Purcell + Saml. Steward came to their Shop on pretence on pretence {sic} to buy a pair of stockings and did produce a good half Ginea {sic} but after it was weighed and approved he changed it + put a counterfeit one upon her said and there was two more false Gineas {sic} found dropt in the Shop with a brush propper for his Trade supposed {to be} dropt by the Prisoners
Mary Ragg
Richard Read Chandler of St. Iames saith that Samuel Steward abovesaid on the 2d March 98 did put off a false Ginea {sic} to him