<69v> [1]

Iohn Bates of Amblecott in the County of Stafford Baker on his oath sayes that he hath for severall yeares past known Thomas Boddily now of latly living at Stourbridge\Stourbridge/ in Worcestershire Watchmaker and did at Stourbridge see the said Boddely abot. a year and half since make the Nicks of an Edging Mill for edging of Counterfeit shillings and also make a sett of Letters for edging of half Crownes and that sometime before St. Iames's Tyde last was 12 months at a Boddelys the house in Stourbridge which he rented of Mr. Blick and over agt. mr Foley's house there he produced this Informt. a White Counterfeit Twenty Shilling broad piece and a white Counterfeit French Pistoll which he in this Informts sight gilded over and on weighing the broad piece he paid away for good and gave this Informt. eight shillings <70r> out of it but what he did with the Pistoll this Informt knows not

Iohn Bate


[1] 137

[2] Iurat apud Civit Bristol viij°. die
Novembris 1698 Coram
    Ino Hickes ꝑ mayor
    Rich Crampe
    Wm. Iackson
    Richard Lane

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