
Honoured Sr

The parliament having this day voted the Continuance of all the Country Mints, I should be very unwilling to leave Lewis and Clark to enterprett my resignation to be any other than a voluntary cession, as they will most certainly do, unless I prosecute, as I have already begun, the undue preferences by them made. Abbom Grays affaire I value not, as being what I hope may be justifiable on many accounts, should the Lords belive {sic} me consenting to it, but the Mint at Chester I assure you cannot subsist as is ought, whilst Lewis governs Clark as he does, and Mr Neale supports both. Wherfore I begg that Lewis may appear face to face with me, before the Lords, there to answer to his throwing the standish at Mr Weddell, the giving the undue preference to Pulford, and some other accusations of that nature I am prepared to lay before their Lopps. I came to town purposely to charge that proud insolent fellow, whom I humbly begg you to belive {sic} the principall Author of all the disturbance we have had at our Mint, whom if you please to seen removed, all will be {{illeg}|ea|}sie: and on that condition I am content to submitt to all you shall prescribe me. Nevertheless, as I have often wrote you, I would urge you to nothing, but what your great prudence shall think proper, since it is to your particular favour I owe this post which it is my chiefest abition {sic} to maintain worthily: and next to that to approve my self in all things Your most faithfull & Obedient Servt

Edm. Halley

Decemb 30° 1697.

<2r> [1]

To Isaac Newton Esqr.
Humbly present


[1] N. 5

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