Copy of letter discussing responsibility for payments during coinage
To the Rt: Honble: The Earle of Godolphin Lord High Treasr. of Great Britain
May it please yor Lordsp
IN obedience to yor. Lordsps: Order of Reference of ye 3 Iune Last upon ye annex'd pecon of ye Provost of ye Monyrs. wherein he setts forth that by Her Majties. Signe Manual some of ye monyrs. were sent to ye mint at Edinburgh to assist in ye recoinage of the moneys of North Britaine wth. an allowance of 9d ꝑ £wt for Coinage & sixteen pounds to Each man for his journey backwards & forwards, & three shillings ꝑ diem to Each man for \his/ maintainance there whenever there should \not/ be one thousand pounds Weight coined in the week: We have considered ye said pecon & by ye monyrs. book of Accots. signed by ye Genl., the Mastr. & ye other Officers of ye said Mint we finde that there was coined by ye said Monyrs. 103346Lwt. of Silvr. moneys. The Coinage of wch. at 9d. ꝑ Lwt Amots. to 3875li: 09s: 06d:, whereof ye sd. Monyrs. have reced of Mr Allardes the Mastr. of ye said Mint the sum̄ of 1429: 06s: 02 & there remains still due to them from ye sd. Mastr. the sum̄ of 2446£ 3s: 3d as the Pecon setts forth; wch sum̄ is not {apt} paid by reason that the sd. Mastr. hath not {apt} reced. money from ye Governmt. sufficient for defraying ye Charge of ye sd. Coinage, And whereas the Mastr of Her Majts. Mint in ye Tower pays 9d: ꝑ Lwt. to ye Monyr. whereof 3d: is out of his owne allowance of 16d ꝑ Lwt. for Coinage & ye other penny is placed to Her Majts. Mint at Edinburgh should in like man̄er pay 8d: of ye 9d: out of his own allowance for Coinage & be allow'd ye other penny by her Majtie: in his Accots: We finde also further due from Her Majtie to ye sd. Monyrs. for ye Iounreys of five of them to Edinburgh & foure of them back the summ̄ of 72£ & upon theire allowance of 3s: ꝑ diem the sum̄ of 182li: 2sh All which sums Her Majte. has appointed by Her sd. Warrt to be paid in such maner as Yor. Lordsp. shall think fitt
C. P.
Is. N.
I. Ell.
[1] Mint Office the 20th: Iuly 1709