
After Our hearty Commenaions The aforegoing Bill appearing to us by the Examination which you and the Comptroller of the Mint have passed thereupon to be Reasonable. Lett the same be satisfyed & paid out of the Moneys of the Coinage Duty which are Remaining, or shall be and Remain in your hands, Regulating the paymt. thereof in such manner as that the yearly sum of Four hundred pounds appropriated out of the said Dutys to services of this Nature be nott exceeded in any one year from the time of appropriating thereof Taking care that in case of Excess the sum which the Petitioner shall want to be satisfyed on his said Bills by reason of such Excess be paid & placed to Account as part of the Four hundred Pounds for the next succeeding Year. And this shall be as well to your for Payment as to the Auditor for allowing thereof upon your Accompt a sufficient Warrant Whitehall Treasury Chambers 31 Iuly 1718

I. Aislabie

Geo: Bailie

Wm: Clayton.

To Our very Loving Freind Sr Isaac Newton
Knt Master & Worker of His Mats: Mint

Received of Sr: Isaac Newton Knt: Master & Worker of His Majestys Mint the sum of One Hundred Seventy five pounds six shillings & ten pence wch: with the sum of three Hundred & twenty pounds received before at several payments is in full of this Bill I say received by me

Calverley Pinckney

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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