Copy of Newton's response to order for gold and silver medals for the coronation
To the Rt. Honble. the Lords of the Com̄ittee of Council appointed to consider of his Majties. Coronation.
May it please yr. Lordps.
I have according to your Lordps. Order prepared Drafts of Gold & Silver Medals of the Kings Majie|y| to be distributed on the day of his Majties. Coronation, & herewith present the same to yr. Lordps. The form of his Majties. face is taken from a Medall made in Germany: but Medals made there by different Gravers are not like one another. The designe on the Reverse relates to his Majtys. accession to the Throne on account of Religion, & represents him Defender of the faith conteined in the Scriptures, & that the Bible is still open to the people: & according to the manner of the ancient Medals of the Greeks & Romans which are accounted the best it is grave, proper simple & free from reflections & difficult to be reflected upon
All which is most humbly submitted to your
Lordps. greate Wisdom.
Isaac Newton