
To the Right Honble the Lords Comrs: of his Maties: Treary

May it please yor Lordspps

The press house in the Mint & part of the provost of the Monyrs house are {ruinous} and need to be rebuilt this sum̄er. And the Charge of rebuilding the same according to or workmens Estemates hereunto Annexed amount to 580£: 00s: 00d

Wee further presume to lay before yor Lordspps that part of the Comptrollrs house is verry old and decayed and not safe to be Inhabited the Walls being shrunk from the Timber and hitherto preserved by {illeg} soe yt or workmen deem it requisite that the decayed part thereof (before it be again Inhabited) be rebuilt the Charge whereof by the annexed Estemate of our Workmen will amount to 335£: 10s 00d And wee most humbly pray yor Lordspps Order for rebuilding the {privy}

I Stanley

Is Newton

Tho Molyenux

Cha: Mason

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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