<87> [1] [2]

At the Court at Kensington 24th Iune 1713


The Queen's most Excellt Maty.

Her Maty having been pleased to Declare, That she would have Meddals Stampt to perpetuate the Memory of the happy Conclusion of the Peace And there having been this day presented to her Maty a Draft of such Medal{s}, Her Maty was pleased to Approve thereof, And to Order, as it is hereby Ordered, That the Master of Her Maties. Mint do forthwith cause to be made & prpared such Number of Medals of Gold, and of such Value according to the abovesaid Draft as shall be directed under Her Mats Royll Signet & Sign Manuall, And to be distributed in such manner as her Maty shall think fit. And the Rt Honoble the Lord High Trear of Great Britain is to give the necessary Directions herein

I Povey

[1] Orders of Councill abt Medalls for the Peace.

[2] {illeg} July 14

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