Copy of note concerning the counterfeiting of foreign gold in Ireland
His Grace ye Duke of Ormond Her Mats. Genl. & Genl. Governour of ye Kingdome of Ireland having with ye inclosed Ler to my Lord Trearer transmitted to his Lordp a Copy of a Representaīon wch his Grace has received from ye Lords of Her Mats. most Honble. the Privy Councill of that Kingdome Propos{illeg}|i|ng the making curra|e|nt there by Proclamaīon the several Pieces of Forreigne Gold therein menīoned at ye rates & prices therein named in order to prevent the Counterfeiting thereof & that Offenders therein may be punished My Lord Trearer commands me to send You herewith ye said Ler & Representaīon, and is pleased to direct Your to consider ye same and to Repor {sic} to his Lordp as soon as conveniently You can what You think proper to be done therein
I am Sr &ca. 26th Febry 1711
T Harley