
To the Right Honorable the Lords Commrs.

of his Majes. Treasury

May it please your Lordshipps

In Obedience to your Lordshipp's Order Signified to us by Mr. Lowndes the 24th. instant, we humbly lay before your Lordshipps the following Account shewing the several Quantitys of Tin unsold, and what remains due to the respective persons in whose hands the said Tin lyes for their security, viz.

Tuns due to him
In Mr. Moses Beranger{'s}
hands in Hollande about
} 1130–. £39 000–.–.
Sr. Theod. Ianssen about 380–. 22 000–.–.
Sr Iohn Lambert et al 900.. 11 000–.–.
In Cornwall & Devon exclusive
of Christmass & Ladyday's Tin
} 170..
In the Tower of London 1500–.

Mint office the 26th. may

Rich. Sandford

Isaac Newton


Accot of Tin

No. 21.

Dat: 26th: May 1716.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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