
To the Right Honble. the Lords Commrs. of his Majties. Treasury.

May it please yor. Lopps:

Wee humbly lay before yor. Lopps: the progress wee have made in the providing of instruments and Officers for the five Mints in the Country|.| all the

All the Iron Work & Instruments which cannot be made in the Country are bespoke & in a good forwardness here, & the men that are sent down are to get the rest of the things done there.

And five persons are provided for Deputy Wardens & one of them is already instructing.

And five other persons for Deputy Masters & Workers two of wch. are already instructing.

But the Comptroller refuses to appoint any Deputies.

And the Assay Master will find out Deputies, but will not be answerable for them.

The Surveyor of the Meltings will find Deputies.

And the Weigher will find Deputies.

And the King's Clerk has one Deputy already instructed, & three more instructing, & will have the fifth ready before he shall be wanted.

Melters & Refiners, Monyers, & Clerks to the Officers shall be fitted and sent as soon as ye. Mints are ready. Several of the persons designed for Deputies and Clerks desire to know what Allowance will be made to them, which wee are not able to answer till yor. Lopps. are pleased to Order what their Allowance shall be.

Is. Newton


Tho. Hall


Mint {rntment} 8th. Iune 96

[1] Mint Office
8th. Iune 1696.

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