Noah Neal's Letter to Isaac Newton
Noah Neal Esqr his Letter to Isaac Newton Esqr Warden of the Mint
stamford Augt: the 15th: 97
[1]I have sent you more work as you will see by the enclosed information, the method I have to propose to you to take them is this, Thorpe writes to Cossens for some money he hath sent him a bill for 10£: upon his correspondent one Coreye a gooldsmith {sic} in fleet street near fleet bridge and hath told him the matter that when Thorpe comes for the money that he secures him, & whoever comes with him, describing Bacon to be a {lower} {Coiner} man with a scar in his face: Thorpe writes to Cossens to direct his letter to be Left for him at Mr Serjeants at the Mityr in Pye corner, ( {sic}And to his bror: in Law (who also hath seen the stamps but is unwilling to appear yet) he orders him to direct to be left at Mr {Boswir} at ye Scotch armes in High Holbourne; for that I think you had best see who comes for ye Money, it may be both may come, if only Thorpe; then you must send immediatly, & search for Bacon at these two places, for otherwise we know not where to find him: but I must beg your pardon for prsuming to direct you in this matter who knows soe much better then I can direct. yor Deputy hath been wth: me; I hope the Lds of the Treasy will grant my request about these two Little houses. for I am sure I have earned them ye {most} stayes I am
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