Response to MINT00872 (Mint 19/1/495): Rotherham appears to be 'a trifler more fit to embroyle the coinage then to mend it'
In obedience to an Order of Reference of the late Lords Iustices dated 11th Octob. 1720 upon a Memorial of Mr Iohn Rotherham proposing a new method of coyning the moneys of Gold & Silver so as to prevent the counterfeiting of the current coin thereof & to make it more durable provided he may be assured of a Reward before he discovers his secret & praying that it may be examined: I humbly represent that he offers nothing to be examined & without examination I am in the dark & know not what report to make. I take him to be an idle{r he}{ who} a trifler more fit to embroyle the coinage then to mend it.