Clerical copies of affidavits supporting MINT00814 (Mint 19/3/386-9) from the bailiff and beadle of the Tower, the guard involved in the fight, his guests, the Tower guards and others
The Examination of Wittnesses taken upon Oath before Robert Thornhill Esqr: Chiefe Steward of his Maties: Court of Record of the Tower of London and one of the Iustices of the Peace the 16th: day of Iuly in ye Year 1697.
[2]Iohn Taylor of the Liberty of the Tower Bayliffe maketh Oath that this Depont: had been one of the Bayliff's of his Maties: Court of Record of his Royall Pallace of the Tower of London for neare twenty Yeares past, and of his owne knowledge hath knowne, and was allwayes informe'd that time out of mine Arrest's have been made in the said Tower of the Officers of the Mint, and Other by Virtue of his Maties: Writt out of the said Court, without any obstruction or exempted priviledge from the said Court or Arrest's
Iohn Taylor
[3] <391r>[4]Roger Baily Beadle of his Maties: Antient Royall Liberty of the Tower of London, maketh Oath that on Satturday the 3d: day of Iuly Inst, he haveing a Warrt: under ye hand & seale of Robert Bateman Esqr: one of his Maties: Iustices of the Peace of the said Liberty to apprehend Phillip Atherton A Labourer in ye Mint, & Elizabeth his wife, for assaulting and beating of Gideon Saunders A headborough in ye Execution of his Office, and resquing {sic} from him the Body of ye said Elizabeth, who was Comitted to prson by two Iustices of the Peace, This Depont: did repare to Mr: Brent, Provost of the Mint, and acquainted him therewith who sent an Officer with this Depont: to shewe him the said Atherton to the end this Depont: might execute the said Warrt: wch. this Depont: did accordingly doe, and the said Atherton yeilded {sic} Obedience thereunto, without any position whatsoever. All wch: was done without the knowledge or privile|cy|dge of the Rt: Honble: the Lord Luas {sic} who did not back or allowance, or knowe of the said Warrt, or the execution thereof, untill the same was done
[5]Roger Bailey
<392r> [6]Robert Sturton one of the Wardens maketh Oath that on Satturday ye 3d: day of Iuly Inst, This Depont: went wth: Mr. Ballingall and Mr: Candler to shew them the Tower and Mint, as is Vsuall wch: this Depont: haveing done, they paid 6d: in ye press Roome and the Comeing to the Gate to go out; the Porters Wife and Sonn Lock't the Gate and Call'd other People, and told this Depont: and the 2: persons, that they must pay before they gott out, whereupon the said Candler offer'd her 2d: apiece, wch: she refuse'd declareing that she took nothing but Silver in the kings Mint, or to that efect {sic}, whereupon the said Mr: Ballingall declared that he thought it was an Imposition, and so they went round another away out of the Mint, And this Depont. further saith that when the said two Persons were gone, this Depont: ask'd them if they would stopp him and Laying his hand on the Lock to putt it back (it being a Spring Lock) the said Porters sonn strooke and push'd this Depont: away and declared that my Lord Lucas nor this Depont. had nothing to do there, Whereupon this Depont: told him that if that if {sic} this Depont: had him out of the Tower he would kick him for the said abuse; who reply'd that he would go out of the Tower with this Depont: and thereupon this Depnot: just touching him by the Coate to Come along wth: this Depont: he struck this Depont: on the face, and he, his Father, Mother, & sister fell upon this Depont:, and beate him, & gott others about them & about 2 hours afterwards, this Depont: mett the said Porter out of the Mint, and told him {illeg}|t|hat if his sonn had so abused this Depont: as aforesd: out of the Tower, he would have {b}iled his back, wch: was all the threatning words used by this Depont: agt: the said Porter or his sonn Nor did this Depont: take his said son by ye throate nor seize the Gate nor make any Fray otherwise than as aforesd:
Robert Sturton
<393r> [8]Alexander Ballingall Chirurgeon of his Maties Shipp the Canterbury, and the Bartholomew Candler Late Master of the Shipp Romney make Oath, that on Satturday the 3d: day of Iuly Inst: These Deponts: went to the Mint, being attended by Robert Sturton Warder, and after they had so done, and paid Six pence in the Press Roome, they Came to the Gate, the porters Wife and Soon Lockd|t| the Gate, and called other persons to come downe; and Immediatly declared to these Deponts: that they must pay before they went out, Whereupon this Depont: Candler mencon theire giving them 2d: ꝑ piece, wch: she refused, and declared that she took nothing but Silver in the Mint, or to that effect & refused to Lett them out, whereupon this Depont: and Ballingall declared that he Conceived it to be an Imposition, and they both went round another way, and Left the said Robert Sturton at the said Gate talking wth the said Woman and her Sonn, and others
Alexander Ballingall
Barth: Candler
<394r> [10]
Richard Tarrant Labourer in the Mint, maketh Oath, that he was prsent on the said 3d: day of Iuly instant, at the time first mencon, in the deposition of the said Robert Sturton, to be done at the Mint Gate, and heard and saw what he hath before deposed touching the said Gate, and the Assault by the Porter, his Wife, and Children which is true
Rich: Tarrant
Marmaduke Soull Major of the said Tower, maketh oath, that by order of the Deputy Governrs, this Depont: Carried a Corporall, and Sentinell to the Warden of the Mint, to observe his directions, what of this Depont: acquainted the said Corporall, and Sentinell, and declared to them that they must obey the Wardens orders, But this Depont: did not, nor the chiefe Governrs:, to his knowledge of beliefe, Order the said Corporall or Sentinell, to permitt, Entrance to my Lord Lucas, or any other person, and saith that for about one Yeare past, he hath been in Execucon of the Office of Tower Major, And by order of the Chiefe Governr, or Deputy Governr: hath given directions for the Centinell, as was usual, but never did give or believe that there was given, any manner of Orders to fire at any Person belonging to the Mint or any others in particular
[13] <396r> [14]
Thomas Hassall Servt: to ye Right Honble: ye: Lord Lucas, maketh Oath, that about 3: weeks since, his Lopp Commanded this Depont, to go into the Mint, to desire ye Warden, Provost, Monyers, Porter, or other Officers of the Mint, to come to his Lopp:, wch: this Depont: did diligently obey 3 severall times, but could not fine any one of the said Officers, nor see above 2: ordinary men in the Mint, wch: this Depont: understood was to search for the Late K: Iames.
Tho: Hassall
[15] <397r> [16]
Iohn Kenwell one of the Warders of ye Tower maketh Oath, that about 6: Weeks since this Depont. went to shew the Tower & Mint to 2: (as is Vsuall) and the Porter of the Mint without any manner of provocation, told this Depont:, that if this Depont: Came into the Mint again, he would breake this Deponts. head, and that my Lord Lucas nor this Depont: had nothing to doe there, and that he had a Pattent for his Place, and this Depont. had only a Warrt: wch. was fitt to be pist on, or to that very effect.
[17]Iohn Kenwell
<398r> [18]The Information of Wm: Naule a Souldier in Capt: Headlands Company in Coll: Fichcombes Reigmt. {sic} taken on Oath before me Robert Bateman Esqr: one of his Majties: Iustices of ye Peace for ye Liberty of the Tower, of London, ye. 26th day of Iuly Anno Dmni 1697
[19]Who saith that he being Sentinell at ye Deputy Governrs. doore, on Satturday Last being ye 24th: day of Iuly Inst, about 5: of ye Clock, one of the horsekeeprs. belonging to ye Mint, being very drunk, came wth. two horses in this Deponts: Post, on Gallop & had like to have rode over him, and because this Depont: apposed {sic} him, & endeavoured to keep his Post, the sd. Horse keeper call'd this Depont: severall foule names, this Depont: not having given him one work of provocation & severall other persons Came to this horse keepr, who were as drunk as he, And this Depont: believes, had not Maddam Farewell, the Deputy Governrs: Lady call'd so send for a Guard, they had murther'd him at his Post, for they threatn'd to take his piece, and shoot him through the head wth: it and further saith not.
The mark of
Wm: Naule
<399r> [21]The Ioint & sevrll: informacon of Henry Watkinson & Richard Paine: Servts. to Coll Farewell Deputy Governr: of the Tower, taken on Oath ye 26th: day of Iuly Ann Dmni 1697, before me Robert Bateman Esqr: one of his Maties: Iustices of thee {sic} Peace for the Liberty of the Tower of London.
[22]Who severally say that Wm: Naule a Soldier in Capt: Headlands Company, in Coll Fichcombe reigmt: {sic} being place'd a Centinell at theire Mastr: the Deputy Governrs: doore, on Satturday Last the 24th: of this Inst: Iuly one of the horse keepers belonging to ye Mint, being (as they believe) drunk came on Gallopp wth: 2 horses, in the Soldiers Post, and rield {sic} Agt: him, and becaus {sic} the Soldier endeavord to keep his post, the horse keeper rield {sic} up to him several times, and Call'd him foule names, and threatn'ed to pull him from his post, and in the meanetime, on Fowler a Clerk in the Mint, came and {illeg}|en|couraged the said horse keeper, and bidd him dragg the Soldier by the eares fr{illeg}|o|m his post, take him away and shoot him through the head, & then the rest of the horse keepers coming to them they all threatn'd the soldier in such maner that Madam Farewell the Deputy Governrs: Lady, was going to send for a guard, for feare they should kill him, as they had threatn'd, and further say not.
Henry Watkinson
Richard Paine
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