Incomplete report on his difficulties and expenses while investigating the mine
My Lords.
May it please Your Lordships.
That it was the 4th of August when my Lord Tonshend ordered me to keep myself every day ready to go to Scotland to inspect Sr. Iohn Areskin's Silver Mines, which I did accordingly, and less of my practice of Physick and other Affairs.
It was then allowed me 60 pounds for my yourney {sic} charges and for buying such things and Materials as I should be in want of for trying and examining the Mine and Oar {sic}, as far as I could then judge. But I got not the money out of the Exequer {sic} till the 31th of Augus{t} and my Instruction not till the 5th. of September, and then I could not get a Ship for Scotland to carry over my things and myself till the 10th. of Semptember {sic}, when I sealed {sic} with these things I had bought, from St Catharines, and was 3 Weeks and two days in a dangerous Voyage, and in two Rooms we last two Masts and were price driven upon the Sand {B}ancks. when the Ship was repairing all the Passengergers {sic} went on Shore, which was very chargeable to me,
The things I bought here for the purpose of the Mines came to 45 ℔: 7 shillings, and the 60li: I received here were spent before. I came to Edinburgh, and by that means had not the Allownace what my Workmen or Assistants had, whom was allowed 30 li: each for their hourney without any other charges at all.
The 13th of October I came to Edinburgh and had a Conference with the Right Ho{illeg}|on|urable the Earl of Lauderdale as also with Mr. Haldone of Gleneagles and with Mr. Drummond as Commissioners with him. I found in this Conference, that no Provision was made, neither for myself, nor the two Hamiltons, nor for any incident charges.
My Lord Lauderdale and the other Commissioners as well as myself had that time advice from London that Sr. Iohn Areskin had obtained his Remission upon the fundament, that he should shew me his Mine himself, and it was then agreed amongst us, not to go the Mine before his arrival which was shortly after, and he was then every Minute ready to shew me his mine, but for want of Money neither myself nor the Hamiltons could then go, I wrote to London about it it, but got no answer. This delay was a great mortification to me, therefore. I look'd about to get Money, and was so happy as to borrow 66 ℔ sterl. with which I went presently with the other Commissioners to the Mines, where Sr. Iohn Areskin shewed us his Mine, and Iames Hamilton (as the Informer thereof) confirmed it was the same Mine he brought the Oar of to London and made an Affidavit of it.
But we found this Mine block'd up with Stones, Rubish {sic} and other things, so that not the least Corner was to be found, which was not filled up therewith. I did set as many Workmen to work as possibly I could without hindering one an other, and this clearing of the Mine did cost with the Tools and other Materials for that businesse 28 l: 5 shl. 7d sterl. as by the particulars I can make appear if desired, and for the several Messengers I send to the other Commissioners, and for erecting the furnaces, for Charcoals + Pitcoals and other incidents cha{illeg}|g|es came to 27li: 9 shl. 3d.
I paid to both the Hamiltons 44li: 13shl. 6d.
I went to Edinburgh with my Report to have the same confirmed by the other Commissioners the charges of the several Copies that were send to London and some remaining in the hands of the Commissioners as also for the small Boxes and Leather Bagg's amounts to 8li. 18shl. 0d.
I was willing to deliver all this to the Gouvenment {sic} myself, that if any doubt should arise, that I might clear the same presently, and then by your Lordship's order Sr. Isaac Newton send me 50li: to defray my charges to come hether, and pay some of it to the |one| |of| \the/ Hamiltons whom by ordre {sic} I was to leave there, to have an insight in the Mine till further ordres {sic}.
Thomas Hamilton I took along with me, but was hindered to deliver my businesse to Your Lordships till the 29th. of Aprill, which are 181 days, which makes so many pounds due to me, besides 17li: 1|0|1shl. 8d. I paid to the Treasury and Exequer {sic}, so that the {whole amounts}