
To the Right Hon.ble the Lords Commiss.rs of his Ma.ties Treary

The humble Memorial of Willm. Wood & Partners


That the said Wm. Wood was one of the Proposers for furnishing Copper for the Coinage of Half pence & Farthings, & offer'd to serve at near five Pounds per Ton cheaper than others.

Nevertheless another is employ'd for the present to furnish about the quantity of 30 Tons for Commencing the Coinage. After which Service Sr. Isaac Newton has declar'd the matter shall be again laid before your Lopps. for our appointing who shall furnish the rest of the Copper for this Service.

Sr. Isaac has already had a Specimen of fine roll'd Copper from the said Willm. Wood, & approv'd thereof, & told him he was likely to furnish the rest of the Copper after the 30 Tons agreed for.

But whereas the Copper fit for this use is not the Common Sort, but by reason of its fineness must be prepar'd on purpose, which will take up much time & expence.

Your Memorialist therefore most humbly prays your Lopps. will be pleas'd to grant him your Warrt. for furnishing at 17d.12 per pound what Copper shall be wanting over & above the 30 Tons agreed for at 18d. per pound, that he may be at a Certainty, & made such Provision of fine Metall that there may be no Stop in the Coinage.

Whitehall Treasury Chambers 12th Septr: 1717

The Right Honoble: the Lords Commrs: of his Mats: Treasury are pleased to referr this Peticon to Sr. Isaac Newton Knt. Master & Worker of his Mats. Mint who is to consider the same and Report his opinion to their Lordps what is fit to be done therein.


Wm Wood referred to Sr. Isaac Newton

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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